Welcome to "Christ-centered, Christ-like; a church that serves the needs of the community." Tabernacle Staff Pastor Rev. Barry Throckmorton [email protected] In emergencies, 868-9345 831 Poquoson Avenue, Poquoson, Virginia 23662 www.tabernacleumc.org www.facebook.com/Tabernacle (757) 868-6842 CCLI #2007926 Candidate for Ordained Ministry/Youth Director Brent Staul [email protected] We are glad you are here! Please let us know you are here by filling in the Friendship Register. If you have prayer requests, joys, or concerns such as births, deaths, hospitalizations, or illnesses, please fill out the prayer request cards located in your pew. Director of Ministries Development Rusty Sackett [email protected] Sunday Worship Services The Nursery is available for all services. 8:45 a.m. Early Service 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service 11:00 a.m. Side Door Service Children's Church during the 11:00 services We offer a special worship time for our children ages 4 years -2nd grade every Sunday. They begin worship with the congregation at 11:00 a.m. and are led from the services to Children's Worship in room 23 where they may be picked up at 12:00 p.m. Nursery Our nursery is just down the hall from the sanctuary. The nursery is available for infants through age 4 during all Worship Services and the Sunday School hour. Sunday School Sunday School classes for all ages are at 9:45 a.m. We invite you and every member of your family to join us for this time of fellowship and teaching. Youth Youth Fellowship activities for 6th grade through 12th grade are announced each week in the bulletin. Interim Choir Director Betsy Forrest [email protected] Side Door Worship Leaders Rich and Susie Mar3n [email protected] [email protected] Secretary/Finance Manager Ann Higginbotham [email protected] Church Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Lunch hour may vary, please call ahead. Tabernacle UMC and Common Ground Caféon the web, Facebook, and Twi;er! We would love to include you in our church family. To become a church member, you may either indicate your interest on the Friendship Register, call the church office, or talk to the pastor. To join, you may unite on profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith, or by transfer of your membership from another church. Membership is open to all. Tabernacle United Methodist Church "Christ-centered, Christ-like; a church that serves the needs of the community." November 30, 2014 - 11:00 a.m. Welcome to Tabernacle United Methodist Church "Christ-centered, Christ-like; a church that serves the needs of the community." November 30, 2014 Advent / Christmas Week Three 8:45 a.m. ( ♦ Please stand in praise to God for these acts of worship if you are able.) The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal No. 895 Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Proclaiming PREPARING Entering Old Testament Lesson ♦ Psalter (Unison) Silent Meditation (Please write on a prayer card any prayer concerns you wish for pastor to include in this morning’s prayer.) Prelude Lighting of the Advent/Christmas Wreath Candle Richard and Nancy Brooks Prepare the Way of the Lord Isaiah 40:9-11a Go up on a high mountain, messenger Zion! Raise your voice and shout, messenger Jerusalem! Raise it; don’t be afraid; say to the cities of Judah, “Here is your God!” Here is the LORD God, coming with strength, with a triumphant arm, bringing his reward with him and his payment before him. Like a shepherd, God will tend the flock; he will gather lambs in his arms. As we light this third candle of the Advent/Christmas season, we rejoice that God sends messengers to bring us Good News of the coming of the Lord. We celebrate the Good News: Christ will come again. In the light we wait for the coming of our Lord. Come Lord Jesus, come! PRAISING Sermon Pastor ♦ Hymn No. 206 “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light” The Presentation (Please be seated.) We Offer Our Gifts, Our Tithes, and Ourselves Pastor Offertory Music ♦ Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. ♦ Benediction ♦ Call to Worship Tell the timid to take heart: The Lord our God will come! Liturgist ♦ Depart to Serve ♦ Pass the Peace Liturgist No. 95 Sending Forth Pastor Joy Choir Praying Pastoral Prayer “What a Difference One Life Makes” Promising ♦ Welcome Moments (Please sign the Friendship Register and then pass it to your neighbor.) Liturgist Anthem Liturgist Pastor ♦ Hymn No. 131 Tabernacle Beyond the Walls Psalm 85 (No. 806) Liturgist Gospel Lesson Mark 1:1-8 (Pew Bible NT pg. 34) This is the Word of God, for the people of God. Thanks be to God. ♦ Songs of Praise (Please stand.) No. 694 “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come” No. 234 “O Come, All Ye Faithful” (Greet one another in the name of the Lord.) (During this time, please place your prayer requests in the basket up front.) Isaiah 40:1-11 (Pew Bible OT pg. 667) Pastor “We Gather Together” Pastor Worship Participants Pianist: Pat Clark Greeters: Susan and Harris Luscomb and Pat and Steve Lang Ushers: Doug Moore, Billy Evans, and Bud Southall Acolyte: Andrew Lang Liturgist: Harris Luscomb Joy Choir Director: Craig Forrest Music Leader: Ben Owen Pastor: Barry Throckmorton Ministers: The Congregation Tabernacle Responding in Faith Welcome to United Methodist Church "Christ-centered, Christ-like; a church that serves the needs of the community." November 30, 2014 Advent / Christmas Week Three Sermon 11:00 a.m. ( ♦ Please stand in praise to God for these acts of worship if you are able.) ♦ Hymn No. 206 (Please write on a prayer card any prayer concerns you wish for pastor to include in this morning’s prayer.) Chancel Choir Welcome Moments (Please sign the Friendship Register and then pass it to your neighbor.) Liturgist Lighting of the Advent/Christmas Wreath Candle The Trant family Prepare the Way of the Lord Isaiah 40:9-11a Go up on a high mountain, messenger Zion! Raise your voice and shout, messenger Jerusalem! Raise it; don’t be afraid; say to the cities of Judah, “Here is your God!” Here is the LORD God, coming with strength, with a triumphant arm, bringing his reward with him and his payment before him. Like a shepherd, God will tend the flock; he will gather lambs in his arms. As we light this third candle of the Advent/Christmas season, we rejoice that God sends messengers to bring us Good News of the coming of the Lord. We celebrate the Good News: Christ will come again. In the light we wait for the coming of our Lord. Come Lord Jesus, come! ♦ Opening Hymn No. 694 “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light” Pastor Pastoral Prayer Pastor (Greet one another in the name of the Lord.) (During this time, please place your prayer requests in the basket up front.) Prelude and Procession (A time to quietly prepare our hearts and minds for worship.) ♦ Call to Worship (Responsive) Tell the timid to take heart: The Lord our God will come! Liturgist The Lord’s Prayer with Choral Amen No. 895 Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Tabernacle Beyond the Walls Pastor Reception of Tithes and Offerings Pastor Offertory Music ♦ Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. ♦ Affirmation of Faith Apostles’ Creed ♦ Hymn No. 131 “Come, Ye Thankful People, Come” No. 881 “We Gather Together” ♦ Benediction Pastor ♦ Choral Response Chancel Choir ♦ Postlude Proclaiming the Word Anthem Chancel Choir Children’s Moment Phoebe Harcum We encourage all children to be active in the full worship service. Children from 4 yrs. to 2nd grade, at the parent's discretion, may go to Children's Church in room 23 after the children’s message. ♦ Psalter (Unison) No. 95 Sending to Serve Unison Prayer Liturgist Loving God, you sent your prophet, John, to prepare your way among us and to call us to repentance. Strengthen us to live lives of steadfast love and faithfulness as we await the Messiah’s return that all may see your reign of peace through your just and gracious rule. Amen. Old Testament Lesson Pastor ♦ Pass the Peace Gathering Chiming of the Hour and Choral Introit (Please remain seated) “What a Difference One Life Makes” Isaiah 40:1-11 (Pew Bible OT pg. 667) Psalm 85 (No. 806, Musical Response) Gospel Lesson Mark 1:1-8 (Pew Bible NT pg. 34) This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Liturgist Liturgist Pastor Worship Participants Organist: Nancy White Pianist: Carroll Edd Emerson Greeters: Kris Kritzler, and Joyce and John Davis Ushers: Carey Freeman, Charlie French, Bill Jones, and Charlie Murray Crucifer: Christopher Torres Liturgist: Tim Trant Director of Chancel Choir: Betsy Forrest Pastor: Barry Throckmorton Ministers: The Congregation There’s still plenty of time for more children and youth to join in rehearsals! November 30, 2014, 11:00 a.m. “Christ-centered, Christ-like; a church that serves the needs of the community.” COUNTDOWN (Band Only) Gotta Walk That Narrow Road OPENER Mighty to Save WELCOME AND OPENING PRAYER LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT WREATH PRAISE AND WORSHIP God You Reign I’m Standing on the Solid Rock Away in a Manger (with children) Children (4yrs - 2nd grade) may go to Children’s Church in room 23 after the songs. ANNOUNCEMENTS PRAYER REQUESTS AND OFFERING Grace Like Rain PRAISE AND WORSHIP Holy Spirit Rain Down SCRIPTURE Mark 1:1-8 MESSAGE “Prepare the Way” CLOSING Carry You BLESSING Announcements † Prayer List † Prayer Requests Shut Ins New additions: Dominion Village Logan Blazvick Mary Ann Lynch Rose & Don Tyndall Maxine Tillotson Joyce & Holmes Topping Sadie Ray Verser Chip Barton Jaime Benites Jim Byrn Billy Buettel Mike Cross Kevin Dean Dave Elliot Andrew Huffman Leslie Hunt Jared Martin Jim Orr Noelle Reeves Stacy Reeves Matthew Spyker Andrew Staton Alex Todd Nicholas Wheeler Chancel flowers are given to the glory of God and in memory of Anna Joyce, Ben, and Thelma Freeman by the family. Continue praying for: Sadie Alexander E. J. Barcus Alma Behler Rosemary Boudreaux Mary & Dick Burnett Fred Durr Karen Fortier Joe Fraga Red Gillikin Brenda Hilliard Dale Jamison Gloria Lang Charlie McDaniels George Miller Bill Mullins Wes Pak Tabitha Perdue Donna Pitts Rose Robertson Doris Sandy Patrick Stapleton (1) Patrick Stapleton (2) 2 different people! Bob Staul Karen Steele Richard Tisdale Jerry Valdez Jean Vaughan Carolyn & Hoyt Wilson Roy Wilson The Chesapeake Duddy & Betty Forrest Coliseum Park Marion Hohfeldt Eden Pines Burnette Ellis Five Star Living Kenny Messick Golden Living Mary Robertson The Newport Mary B. Edwards Our Lady of P. H. Shirley Freeman St. Frances N. H. Margie Evans Warwick Forrest Curt Claud Pat Claud PAST R’S November 30 Sam Huggin December 2 Ronald Blackburn Bob Redman December 3 Bev Barnes December 4 Nellie Freeman Megan Peterson December 5 Katie Luscomb Gary McCardell December 6 Rick Rohrer Cindy Zember Did we miss your birthday? Call the church office! Tuesday, December 2 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM Wednesday, December 3 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM Thursday, December 4 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Finance Committee Monday, Dec. 1 8:00 PM in room 8 Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays at 9:30 AM All women are invited. Christian Yoga Tuesdays at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall Please note: Our class will continue to meet through the Christmas and New Year’s holidays! York Convalescent Bill Anderson Prayer Shawl Group Wednesdays at 3:00 PM All are welcome! Homebound Patsy Green Mary Moore Martha Sutton Dolly Woolard Tabernacle aiding PORT Warwick Memorial December 16 - 17 Sign-up form on insert! Send a card to let these folks know they are remembered: June Lacks Elsie Lawson 175 Smith Road c/o Carlton R. Lawson Poquoson, VA 23662 10702 Cedar Post Lane Spotsylvania, VA 22553 Names will remain on the Prayer List for four weeks. Please call Pastor Barry, 868-6842, for pastoral needs. Bulletin Deadlines Due to early printing dates, please send announcements for the December 21 and 28 and January 4 bulletins to the church office no later than December 15. Thank you. Weekly Calendar Faith in Action Stewardship Sunday, November 23 Attendance 51 Sunday School 8:45 Early Service 61 11:00 Traditional 102 89 11:00 Side Door Children’s Church 15 Giving $ 7,173 General $ 785 Building $ 657 Designated $ 190 Apport'mts. Children’s Church Volunteers Sunday, November 30 K4-2 Leader: Molly Trant K4-2 Adult: Cristin Begor K4-2 Teen Helper Needed Sunday, December 7 K4-2 Leader: Adriane Buettel K4-2 Adult: Angela Staul K4-2 Teen Helper Needed Please help us meet our commitment to the ministries of the United Methodist Church. 65% Sunday, November 30 8:45 AM Early Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Traditional Service 11:00 AM Side Door Service 12:05 PM Children/Youth Music Rehearsal 12:00 PM CSWL 6:00 PM Women’s Chorus Monday, December 1 6:00 PM Scouts 6:30 PM Joy Choir 7:00 PM Admin. Board 7:00 PM Troop 28 8:00 PM Finance Committee 8:00 PM Venture Crew 8:30 PM Troop 28 CM Tuesday, December 2 Bulletin Deadline 7:30 AM Kiwanis 9:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 6:00 PM Christian Yoga Wednesday, December 3 2:00 PM Scouts 3:00 PM Prayer Shawl 5:30 PM Wed. Night Dinner 6:30 PM Adult Program 6:30 PM GriefShare 7:30 PM Chancel Choir 7:30 PM Unshackled 7:30 PM Ruritan Board Thursday, December 4 6:30 PM Scouts 7:00 PM Men’s Chorus 8:00 PM AA Friday, December 5 Office Closed Saturday, December 6 9:00 AM YRD UMW Advent Breakfast Sunday, December 7 8:45 AM Early Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Traditional Service 11:00 AM Side Door Service 12:05 PM Children/Youth Music Announcements Poinsettia deadline is Thursday, December 4! Youth/Children Christmas Eve Rehearsals Today! There’s still time for more children and youth to participate in the Family Christmas Eve Service on December 24 at 5:30 PM. Rehearsals are on Sundays after the 11:00 AM worship services through December 21. For more information, contact Megan Peterson at 868-6344 or [email protected]. UMW Giving Tree Supporting our community Select a stocking or grocery bag "ornament" from the tree in the hall by the sanctuary. Stocking purchases go to our shut-ins and food to the Food Pantry. Please return your gift(s) by December 14. For more information contact Frances Munn, 868-4671. Christmas Cantata Sunday, December 14 The Chancel Choir will present their Christmas Cantata, The Christmas Story, A Classic Carol Celebration, on Sunday, December 14 at the 11:00 Traditional Service. All are invited to attend! "The Silent House" Sunday, December 21 Presented by the Side Door Team, “The Silent House” is a musical drama about a Christmas tree farmer struggling to recapture his faith. Join us at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall for the program - a reception will follow. This event is open to the public and everyone is invited. Announcements Door Decorating Contest! One Week Left for “on-time” Door Decorating Our Christmas Door Decorating Doo Conte r st! Contest is under way. Every group is invited to decorate an interior door for Christmas. The names of 32 assigned groups have been posted by their doors. At least 9 more doors are available if you or your group would like to decorate a door. Please contact Rusty at 868-6842 or [email protected] to sign up for a door. The decorations should be completed by Sunday, December 7. All doors will be judged and “awards” will be presented to the winners in a variety of fun categories. Judging will begin Monday morning, December 8. The awards will be announced at the Christmas Pot Luck Dinner on Wednesday, December 17. Facebook users will again be able to vote for the Facebook People’s Choice Award winners. Enjoy the spirit of a friendly competition and help Tabernacle decorate for Christmas. UMM Clothing Drive UMM are collecting clothing and bedding supplies for LINK thru December 16. The collection box is located in the front hallway. CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP Family Service at 5:30 PM in the Sanctuary Contemporary Christmas Eve Service at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall Candlelight Communion Service at 11:00 PM in the Sanctuary Administrative Board Meeting Monday, December 1 7:00 PM in room 9 This meeting is open to all members. Copies of the approved minutes are available in the church office. Starts at 5:30 PM Please RSVP Programs at 6:30 PM All are welcome on Wednesdays! Please RSVP by Monday noon. See insert for details. Dinner Volunteers Needed A volunteer group is needed to host our Christmas Pot Luck Dinner on December 17. This dinner can NOT be held without a host group. Volunteers should contact Rusty at [email protected] or 868-6842 as soon as possible. “Under Wraps, The Gift We Never Expected” Advent study continues Wednesday, 6:30 PM Lesson 3 deals with our need to remember that God wants to be our first love and have first place in our lives. God is jealous for us and wants us to be completely available for Jesus to work in us - with nothing standing in the way. Everyone is welcome to join us as we prepare for Christmas this year. GriefShare Our regular series resumes this week and will meet every Wednesday through December 17 at 6:30 PM in room 6. For more information, contact facilitator, Dana Dunham, at 871-6965 or [email protected]. Please share the flyers on the welcome tables with your friends and neighbors in need. All are welcome. Children’s Church News Children’s Church for children ages 4 years through 2nd grade will continue to meet during the 11:00 services. Volunteers may sign up online at Children’s Church @ TUMC: Children’s Church Adult/Teen Helper 3rd-5th grade Children’s Church has been suspended indefinitely. If you have questions, please contact Adriane Buettel at 707-7134 or [email protected]. Next Common Ground Café Friday, December 12 All middle and high students are invited. Barefoot Brothers will be playing at the Café. We will also have open mic and karaoke! It’ll be a great time to hang out with your friends and listen to the great music. Best of all - food, drinks, games, music, and door prizes everything is free! Adults, we need your help. Please talk to Rusty about joining the Common Ground Café Team or to volunteer for this Café. To find out more, contact Rusty at [email protected] or 868-6842. A special collection is planned for next Sunday, December 7, to pay for the Common Ground Café. Langley AFB Cookie Drive Sunday, December 7 This holiday event benefits the young airmen at Langley AFB, who are spending Christmas away from their families. To participate, drop off your donations in the church kitchen on Sunday, December 7 by 12:00 PM. Please ensure your donations are enclosed in disposable packaging and labeled "Cookie Drive". Contact Liz Sackett, 329-3424, or Jennifer Engelmann, 478-538-3270, if you have any questions. DEADLINE IS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4! Christmas Poinsettias will be displayed in the sanctuary and fellowship hall mid- December through Christmas Eve. You may contribute to the poinsettia display in honor of or in memory of a loved one or simply to make the church more beautiful during the Christmas Season. If you would like to place an order ($8.00 per plant), please use this form and return it with your payment* no later than December 4. In Memory of ________________________________________ By _________________________________________________ (Use the reverse side of form if needed.) Please fill out completely and legibly. Thank you! In Memory of By In Memory of By In Memory of By In Memory of By AND / OR In Honor of __________________________________________ AND / OR By _________________________________________________ (Use the reverse side of form if needed.) In Honor of By Ordered by: _______________________________________________ (Your Name) Amount Enclosed: No. plants________ X $8 = $___________ Will you be picking your flowers up? Yes _______ Please check one: Sanctuary _________ No ______ Side Door _________ *Please remember to enclose your payment. *Please make check out to Tabernacle United Methodist Church. Please fill out completely and legibly. Thank you! In Honor of By In Honor of By In Honor of By SIGN UP TO HELP! PORT (People Organizing Resources Together) Make Wednesday night with us a regular part of your family’s schedule! Tuesday, December 16 to Wednesday, December 17 December 3 Reservation Name: ___________________________________________ Total # in party: ________ Phone: ___________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________ Dinner is $6.00/person or $15.00/family and $6 for each “to-go” meal. To make reservations or cancellations, fill out form and drop it in the offering plate or call the church office, 868-6842, or RSVP on facebook by noon the Monday before the dinner. Dinner starts at 5:30 PM Provided by: Chef Dale Jamison and Venture Crew 28 Menu: Baked flounder, French fries, cole slaw, apple sauce, hush puppies, and homemade cobbler and other assorted desserts Children’s Menu: hot dogs, French fries, and apple sauce Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches also available. Wednesday Night Activities Tabernacle UMC will assist Warwick Memorial UMC with hosting a PORT homeless shelter on Tuesday, December 16 to Wednesday, December 17. Volunteers are needed for all shifts. For more information or to sign up, please call or text Rob Engelmann at 478-538-3266 or email him at [email protected], or fill out this form and put it in the offering collection, or sign up at: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0e4fa5ad28a3fb6-port Name: Phone: Email: I would like to work (check all that apply): Stay for fellowship! Nursery available! New Advent study begins! “Under Wraps, The Gift We Never Expected” Lesson 3: God is Jealous Under Wraps is an exciting Advent experience that explores four characteristics of God. Lesson 3 deals with our need to remember that God wants to be our first love and have first place in our lives. God is jealous for us and wants us to be completely available for Jesus to work in us - with nothing standing in the way. Each session contains questions for reflection, Scriptures for meditation, and a prayer intended to assist you in reflecting on what God is doing in your heart. The class, led by Pastor Barry, continues each Wednesday through December 10. Everyone is welcome to join us as we prepare for Christmas this year. 7:30 PM Rehearsal Chancel Choir Unshackled Check-in - Tuesday 6:00 - 9:00 PM; 4 adults needed Overnight Watch -Tuesday 9:00 PM - Wednesday, 4:30 AM; 4 adults needed Serve Breakfast - Wednesday, 4:15 - 6:15 AM 6 persons needed (Great opportunity for HS youth!) Check-out - Wednesday, 4:30 - 6:30 AM; 4 adults needed Clean Up - Wednesday, 5:00 - 7:30 AM; 6 – 8 persons needed Positions listed for adults are open to anyone 18 years or older. Positions not listed for adults are open to anyone 12 years or older; however, all youth under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent.
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