Definitive Surgical Trauma Care Course DSTC Australasia in association with IATSIC (International Association for Trauma Surgery and Intensive Care) announce courses for 2015. THE DSTC COURSE IS THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY TO ENGAGE IN: • Surgical decision-making in complex scenarios • Operative technique in critically ill trauma patients • Hands on practical experience with skilled instructors (both national and international) • Insight into difficult trauma situations with learned techniques of haemorrhage control and the ability to handle major thoracic, cardiac and abdominal injuries DSTC is recommended by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons for all consultant surgeons and final year trainees. The Military Module is an optional third day for interested surgeons and Australian Defence Force personnel and is currently available at the time of the Sydney course only. In conjunction with many DSTC courses, the Definitive Perioperative Nurses Trauma Care (DPNTC) course is held. It is aimed at registered nurses with experience in perioperative nursing and allows them to develop these skills in a similar setting. For general course enquiries, please contact Sonia Gagliardi on (61 2) 8738 3928 or email: [email protected] Registration Form 2015 I WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THE DSTC COURSE IN: Only available to qualified surgeons (including overseas) and surgical trainees in their final two years of advanced training. If training, year of advanced training Brisbane 16-17 March 2015 Perth 3-5 June 2015 Sydney 27 July 2015 (Military Module) I understand that my contact details may be given to sponsors who are present at the course only for purposes of contacting me regarding products used at this specific course. I do not wish to be contacted. Sydney 28-30 July 2015 Auckland 3-5 August 2015 Melbourne 15-17 November 2015 NAME POSITION & ORGANISATION POSTAL ADDRESS SUBURB PHONE NO STATE POST CODE FAX COUNTRY MOBILE EMAIL REGISTRATION FEE $3135 (inc GST) TRAINEES FEE $2850 (GST exempt) MILITARY MODULE $395 (inc GST) NEW ZEALAND COURSE NZ $3530 (inc GST) Fee includes program material (DVD & Manual), lunch, morning and afternoon teas, transport to laboratory and dinner with the faculty on the first day of the course. Written cancellation will be accepted up to four (4) weeks prior to the course with 80% of the fee being reimbursed. (Diners or American Express cannot be accepted) Please debit my AMOUNT $ NAME ON CARD Brisbane: Jenni Ward Mastercard EXPIRY DATE Visa CCV SIGNATURE Ph: (61 7) 3176 5301 Fax: (61 7) 3176 2117 Email: [email protected] Perth: Julie Williamson Ph: (61 8) 9346 3699 Fax: (61 8) 9346 1617 Email: [email protected] Website: Sydney: Sonia Gagliardi Ph: (61 2) 8738 3928 Fax: (61 2) 8738 3926 Email: [email protected] Website: Auckland: Lynn Tucker Ph: +64 (0)9 307 4949 Ext 22798 Fax: +64 (0) 307 8931 Email: [email protected] Website: Melbourne: Geoff Rose Ph: (61 3) 9426 8667 Fax: (61 3) 9426 8412 Email: [email protected] Website:
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