Treatment of Pelvis & Lumbar Spine Level 1 and Retraining Lumbo-Pelvic Stability & Functional Recovery by Dr Barbara Hungerford PhD, B.App.Sci. Physiotherapy, APAM, SMA WORKSHOP 1 27-28 March 2015 (2 days) Treatment of Pelvis & Lumbar Spine Level 1: An Introduction to Functional Assessment, Manual Therapy & Muscle Energy Techniques for the Lumbo-Pelvic Region This 2 day practical course reviews current research in lumbo-pelvic anatomy, biomechanics & treatment in order to explain current concepts of joint stability and the mechanisms that assist load transfer through the lumbo-pelvic region. A biomechanical framework is used to introduce comprehensive assessment & treatment techniques for the pubic symphysis, sacroiliac joint, and lumbar spine articulations. Clinical assessment tests that provide information about functional stability and mobility of the pelvic articulations and lumbar spine will be used to assist diagnosis of articular, myofascial and motor control dysfunctions in the lumbo-pelvic region. Application of muscle energy techniques and articular techniques are then practiced in relation to this biomechanical assessment framework, in order to provide a patient specific treatment plan for pelvic & lumbar spine dysfunctions. Course Outline Review anatomy and biomechanics of the pelvis and lumbar spine, with interpretation of current research findings in this area of science Review the definitions of joint stability and functional load transfer through the lumbo-pelvic region Apply a biomechanical model in order to define dysfunction in the lumbo-pelvic region including definition of stiff joints, fixated joints, overactive global muscle activation, compressed joints or insufficient compression (loose joints, insufficient or altered recruitment of the local muscle system). Present a biomechanical framework as a basis for assessment of articular and muscular function in the lumbar spine and pelvic region Provide practical sessions during which muscle energy and articular techniques are applied to specific Musculo-skeletal dysfunctions of the lumbar spine, pubic symphysis, and sacroiliac joints. Discuss common dysfunctional patterns found in the lumbo-pelvic region, and how to use clinical findings to develop an effective treatment plan that incorporates appropriate manual therapy, specific exercise rehabilitation, and effective education. WORKSHOP 2 30 March 2015 (1 day) Retraining Lumbo-Pelvic Stability & Functional Recovery for Back Pain Patients Retraining lumbo-pelvic stability in patients with back pain is often difficult due to the severity and complexity of their symptoms. Postural habits, poor movement control, and altered timing of muscle recruitment can perpetuate pain and difficulty regaining functional stability. Rehabilitation is therefore complex and requires an understanding of the changes that occur in a patient’s body and mind due to pain, and requires the correct tools to retrain them towards optimal movement and stability. This highly practical 1 day course reviews anatomy & biomechanics, and the science of motor control retraining in order to create a framework for assessment of lumbo-pelvic stability and motor control. It then provides a practical framework to address your patient’s dysfunction and determine how to release and turn off overactive muscles in the low back, pelvis, and hips. We then focus on retraining postural awareness, and improve your patients understanding of their movement patterns and pain so that they can be actively involved in their rehabilitation. Retraining core stability and gluteal function is then integrated into a progressive rehabilitation program. Course Outline Introduction A model of lumbo-pelvic function & stability Anatomy of the lumbo-pelvic region Low back pain and altered motor control Practical session 1 Clinical assessment of functional stability for: Lumbo-pelvic region Pelvis on hip Theory of core muscle rehabilitation Practical session 2 Unwinding overactive muscles Core control and retraining Practical session 3 Integrating core activation into movement Practical session 4 Retraining postural control during functional activities Practical Session 5 Integration of core and gluteal muscle function Gluteus Medius muscle retraining Gluteus Maximus activation and functional progressions Progression of exercises in the clinical setting How to set homework for patients and timeframes for improvement About the Trainer Dr Barbara Hungerford PhD, B.App.Sci. Physiotherapy, APAM, SMA Current Positions 2002 -current 2003-current Consultant musculo-skeletal physiotherapist for North Sydney Sports Medicine Specialist Centre, St Leonards, Sydney Director & Principal physiotherapist at Sydney Spine & Pelvis Physiotherapy Centre, Sydney, Australia. Publications 2003 Evidence of altered lumbo-pelvic muscle recruitment in the presence of posterior pelvic pain & failed load transfer through the pelvis. Spine, 28 (14), 1593-1600 2004 Altered Patterns of pelvic bone motion determined in subjects with posterior pelvic pain using skin markers. Clinical Biomechanics, 19, 456-464. 2007 The Pattern of intra-pelvic motion & lumbo-pelvic muscle recruitment alters in the presence of pelvic girdle pain. Book Chapter for Movement Stability & Low Back nd Pain 2 ed. 2007 Evaluation of the ability of Physical Therapists to palpate intra-pelvic motion with the stork test on the support side. Journal Physical Therapy, 87(7), 879-887 2010 The use of prolotherapy in the sacro-iliac joint. British J Sports Medicine, 44, 100104 Presentations have included @ World Congress of low back and pelvic Pain, Australian Physiotherapy th Biannual Conference, WCPT, and 7 National Singapore Conference, Singapore, 2009. Details Venue: Nanyang Polytechnic 180 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8 Singapore 569830 Block J, Rm 204/205 Registration Details Price Early Bird (by 15 Dec 2014) Normal SPA Member (by 15 Feb 2015) Workshop 1 S$ 950 S$ 1,000 S$ 850 Workshop 2 S$ 550 S$ 600 S$ 500 Workshop 1 & 2 S$ 1,400 S$ 1,450 S$ 1,250 Closing date for Registration: 15 February 2015 To register, please email [email protected] with the following: Name: SPA No. / Expiry Date: Mailing Address: Email Address: Contact Number: Organization: Workshop: Registration is on a first-come-first-serve basis subjected to availability. Limited to only 20 participants per workshop. Prior payment is required to secure the seat after registration. Please make payment only after your registration has been acknowledge by us. Payment Method Payment can be made via fund transfer to Enhance Physiotherapy OCBC Corporate Account 626022511001 Cheque payment make payable to Enhance Physiotherapy Mailing address: 35 Rochester Drive, Rochester Mall Unit 02-25 Singapore 138639 Attention: Marc Chionh Cancellation Policy and Disclaimer Clause Enhance Physiotherapy must be informed of any cancellation or replacement in writing via email. A full refund will be made if such notice is received by Enhance Physiotherapy before 31 December 2014. There will be no refund of registration fee for cancellation after 31 December 2014. SPA and Enhance Physiotherapy reserve the right to cancel or postpone the workshops, subjected to take up rate of participants for the workshops. SPA, Enhance Physiotherapy and Instructors will not be held liable for any injuries, disabilities, death or loss of properties during the course of session. Jointly brought to you by Supported by
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