Digital Home In recent years, consumption of digital home related products has become a new high. Various kinds of digital products and services have been popular with ordinary homes. After years of rapid development, digital home industry in China now is strong industry associated and large-scaled. The Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) believes that digital home is more than network technology. It is also a service business. It realizes not only the sharing of all device resources and collaboration of working network within the family, but also communication between devices with the family and network outside through connection. In addition, it provides integrated service of voice, data, multimedia, high-quality audio and video, as well as control and management. Digital home enables users to enjoy the comfort, convenience, safety and new life experience. For the broad market prospects, major companies take action in the field of digital home. As one of the largest chip producers Intel, a member of DLNA, shows its ambition to the field. Microsoft, world’s largest software, the sponsor of DLNA with Intel, ever proposed Venus plan. Now it launches various products in the field like newest Kinect and Windows Phone 7 system. And there will be further action. In 2005, Guangdong Province started “Digital Home Action” plan and put forward new digital home construct mode, which is centered on digital TV, iterative service oriented and realizing 3C convergence within family. At present, several districts are in pilot application within this mode. Accompanied by the acceleration of CATV digitalization, HDTV population and trinetwork convergence process, digital home becomes increasingly important. Digital TV is not merely the most important display center, but the most important center of information storage and intelligent control over many terminal devices within the family. The way of watching TV programs will transform from single-directed and passive communication to dialogs between human and intelligent information media. Contents Welcome Messages 1 Organizing Committees 2 Organizing and Supporting Institutions 3 Speaker Introduction 4 ICDH 2014 Program at a Glance 8 Keynote Speeches 11 November 28, Morning - Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speeches 12 November 29, Morning - Keynote Speeches 13 Paper Sections 14 November 28, Afternoon 15 November 29, Afternoon 17 Visiting Activity 20 Campus Map - Sun Yat-sen University (East Campus) 21 Guangzhou Metro System Map 22 About National Engineering Research Center of Digital Home 23 About Sun Yat-sen University, Shenzhen Institute 24 Welcome Message As the General Chairs and on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 2014 International Conference on Digital Home (ICDH 2014), we would like to express our cordial welcome and gratitude for all participants who attend the conference in Guangzhou, China, 28-30 November 2014. ICDH has become a premier international conference in the areas related to digital-home technologies, aiming at bringing together researchers and practitioners working on these areas to present and to discuss emerging ideas and trends in this highly challenging research field. ICDH 2014, with the theme of “Digital Home, Better Life,” has attracted many high-quality research papers which highlight the foundational work that strives to push beyond limits of existing technologies, including experimental efforts, innovative systems, and investigations that identify the challenges in the existing methods and technologies. ICDH 2014 is co-hosted by Sun Yat-sen University, China and Dalian University of Technology, China, and is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society. The keynote speakers include: ● Professor Shu-Ching Chen fr om Flor ida Inter national Univer sity, USA ● Professor Daniel Cohen-Or fr om Tel Aviv Univer sity, Isr ael ● Professor Xudong Jiang from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore ● Professor Nadia M.-Thalmann fr om MIRALab, Univer sity of Geneva, Switzer land ● Professor Huamin Qu from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong ● Researcher Li Xu from Image & Visual Computing Lab, Lenovo R&T, Hong Kong Many individuals have contributed to the success of ICDH 2014. We thank all of the members of the International Technical Committee and Organizing Committee, as well as all the reviewers for their efforts and support. We sincerely hope that all the participants enjoy the conference in Guangzhou. Prof. Xiaonan Luo, Sun Yat-sen University, China Prof. Zhongxuan Luo, Dalian Univer sity of Technology, China General Chairs of ICDH 2014 1 Organizing Committees Conference Chairman: Prof. Xiao-Nan Luo Prof. Zhong-Xuan Luo International Technical Committee Chairman: Prof. Lionel M. Ni, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Prof. Ren-Hong Wang, Dalian University of Technology Prof. Paul Fisher, Winston Salem State University, USA Honorary: Prof. Zhong-Ci Shi Prof. Yu Sun Prof. Jing-Zhong Zhang Members: Prof. Wei Chen Prof. Xi-Lin Chen Prof. Qing-Ming Huang Prof. Yi Li Prof. Guo-Jun Liao Prof. Xiao-La Lin Prof. Xiu-Ping Liu A. Prof. Yong-Jin Liu Prof. Xi-Quan Shi Prof. Zhi-Xun Su Dr. Song-Hua Xu Dr. Ai-Lin Yang Prof. Li Zhang Prof. Jun Zhang Prof. Qian Zhang Mr. Si-Xuan Zhong Prof. Jie-Qing Tan Organizing Committee Chairman: Prof. Zhi-Kui Chen Co-chair: Prof. Ruo-Mei Wang Prof. Bao-Cai Yin Secretary: Ms. Xiao-Hong Shi Dr. Zhuo Su Members: Dr. Xiang-Ping Chen Ms. Xiao-Yan Chen Prof. Qiang Chen A. Prof. Zheng-Jie Deng A. Prof. Cheng-Ying Gao Prof. Yong-Yi Gong Ms. Guan-Ya Han A. Prof. Bo Li Prof. Chun-Jing Li Dr. Zheng Li A. Prof. Yun Liang Dr. Ge Lin Dr. Mou-Guang Lin A. Prof. Shu-Jin Lin Dr. Hai-Liang Liu A. Prof. Ning Liu Dr. Yu Liu Dr. Lin-Fa Lu Ms. Si-Ming Meng A. Prof. Yan Pan A. Prof. Zhuo Shi A. Prof. Dong Wang Prof. Jian-Min Wang Dr. Xue Wang Dr. Zhong Wang Dr. Kai-Shun Wu A. Prof. Qing-Zhen Xu Prof. Fang You Dr. Kun Zeng Dr. Gui-Feng Zheng A. Prof. Fan Zhou Dr. Si-Fen Zhong 会议主席: 罗笑南 教授 罗钟铉 教授 国际学术委员会 主席: 倪明选 教授 王仁宏 教授 Paul Fisher 教授 荣誉主席: 孙 玉 院士 石钟慈 院士 张景中 院士 成员: 陈 为 教授 陈熙林 教授 黄庆明 教授 李 翼 教授 廖国钧 教授 林小拉 教授 刘秀平 教授 刘永进 副教授 施锡泉 教授 苏志勋 教授 杨艾琳 博士 尹宝才 教授 张 莉 教授 张 军 教授 张 黔 教授 钟似璇 先生 檀结庆 教授 组织委员会 主席: 陈志奎 教授 共同主席: 王若梅 教授 尹宝才 教授 秘书: 石晓红 女士 苏 卓 博士 成员: 陈湘萍 博士 陈小燕 女士 陈 强 教授 邓正杰 副教授 高成英 副教授 龚永义 教授 韩冠亚 女士 李 波 副教授 李春景 教授 李 峥 博士 梁 云 副教授 林 格 博士 林谋广 博士 林淑金 副教授 刘海亮 博士 刘 宁 副教授 刘 宇 博士 卢林发 博士 孟思明 女士 潘 炎 副教授 史 卓 副教授 王 栋 副教授 王建民 教授 王 雪 博士 王 众 博士 伍楷舜 博士 徐清振 副教授 由 芳 教授 曾 坤 博士 郑贵锋 博士 周 凡 副教授 钟似玢 博士 2 Organizing and Supporting Institutions Hosted by Sun Yat-sen University Dalian University of Technology Co-organized by Beijing University of Technology Hefei University of Technology Supported by National Engineering Research Center of Digital Life Research Institute of Sun Yat-sen University in Shenzhen Sponsored by National Natural Science Foundation of China 3 Keynote Speaker ICDH 2014 Conference Speakers Introduction 4 Keynote Speaker Professor Shu-Ching Chen Title of the Speech: Multimedia Big Data Management, Retrieval, and Applications Professor Shu-Ching Chen is a Full Pr ofessor in the School of Computing and Infor mation Sciences (SCIS), Florida International University (FIU), Miami since August 2009. Prior to that, he was an Assistant/Associate Professor in SCIS at FIU from 1999. He received Master's degrees in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Civil Engineering in 1992, 1995, and 1996, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1998, all from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. He is the Director of Distributed Multimedia Information Systems Laboratory at SCIS. His main research interests include content-based image/video retrieval, distributed multimedia database management systems, multimedia data mining, and disaster information management. Dr. Chen has authored and coauthored more than 270 research papers and four books. Professor Daniel Cohen-Or Title of the Speech: Inspiring Modeling Professor Daniel Cohen-Or is a pr ofessor at the School of Computer Science. He r eceived his B.Sc. cum laude in both mathematics and computer science (1985), an M.Sc. cum laude in computer science (1986) from Ben-Gurion University, and his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science (1991) at State University of New York at Stony Brook. He received the 2005 Eurographics Outstanding Technical Contributions Award. His research interests are in computer graphics, in particular, modeling and synthesis. His main interest right now is in: shape analysis and synthesis, shape modeling and surface reconstruction. 5 Keynote Speaker Professor Xudong Jiang Title of the Speech: Identify Discriminative or Misleading Information in Data-Driven Feature Extraction and Dimensionality Reduction Professor Xudong Jiang is a tenur ed Associate Pr ofessor in Nanyang Technological Univer sity. He has published more than hundred research papers in international refereed journals and conferences, where 19 papers were published in IEEE Journals: TPAMI(5), TIP(5), TSP(3), SPL(2), SPM, TIFS, TCS and TCSVT. He is also an inventor of 8 patents (3 US patents), some of which were commercialized. Dr. Jiang is a senior member of IEEE and has been serving as Associate Editor for IEEE Signal Processing Letters and IET Biometrics and Guest Editor of SI on Biometrics for Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Elsevier Science. He has served as Program Committee Chair and Keynote Speaker of multiple international conferences. His research interest includes pattern recognition, computer vision, machine learning, biometrics, Surveillance and signal/image processing. Professor Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann Title of the Speech: Social Robots and Virtual Humans as Assistive Tools for Improving Our Quality of Life Professor Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann has pioneer ed r esear ch into vir tual humans over the last 30 years. She obtained several Bachelor's and Master's degrees in various disciplines (Psychology, Biology and Biochemistry) and a PhD in Quantum Physics from the University of Geneva in 1977. From 1977 to 1989, she was a Professor at the University of Montreal in Canada and then Professor at the University of Geneva. She is Editor-in-Chief of The Visual Computer Journal published by Springer Verlag, Co- Editor-in-Chief of the journal Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds published by Wiley and Associate Editor of many other scientific journals. 6 Keynote Speaker Professor Huamin Qu Title of the Speech: VisMOOC: Visual Analytics Platform for Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) Professor Huamin Qu is an associate pr ofessor in the Depar tment of Computer Science and Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His main research interests are in visualization and computer graphics. He has co-authored more than 70 refereed papers including 23 papers in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). He is on the steering committee of the IEEE Pacific Visualization Conferences and is an associate editor of IEEE TVCG. He has received 4 best paper/honorable mention awards and is a winner of 2009 IBM Faculty Award. He obtained a BS in Mathematics from Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, an MS and a PhD (2004) in Computer Science from the Stony Brook University. Researcher Li Xu Title of the Speech: On Decolorization and Perception-Based Quality Metrics Researcher Li Xu is a r esear cher fr om the Image & Visual Computing (IVC) Lab of Lenovo R&T (Hong Kong), where he currently leads a group focusing on imaging & sensing innovation. He received the BS (2004) and MS (2007) in computer science and engineering from Shanghai JiaoTong University, and the Ph.D. in computer science and engineering (2010) from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr. Li Xu received the Microsoft Research Asia Fellowship Award in 2008 and the best paper award of NPAR 2012. His major research areas include motion estimation, image deblurring, image/video analysis and enhancement. 7 Scientific Program ICDH 2014 Conference Schedule November 28-30 8 ICDH 2014 Program at a Glance ICDH 2014 国际会议日程一览表 Data Time Venue Event / Session Session Chairs ICDH 2014 Main Conference, Nov. 28-30, 2014 Nov. 28, 2014 (Friday) 07:45-08:20 Registration 08:30-08:50 Opening Ceremony: Welcome Speeches 08:50-09:35 Morning 09:35-09:50 Plenary Lecture 1: Prof. Shu-Ching Chen Administration Building Lecture Hall (行政楼报告厅) Prof. Jianmin Wang Tea Break 09:50-10:35 Plenary Lecture 2: Prof. Xudong Jiang 10:35-11:20 Plenary Lecture 3: Researcher Li Xu 11:30-13:30 Administration Building Canteen (行政楼餐厅) Prof. Zhongxuan Luo Lunch Paper Session: Classroom Building A (公共教学楼A座) Room A501 Computer Vision I A. Prof. Yun Liang Room A502 Computer Graphics I Dr. Guifeng Zheng Room A503 Image and Video Processing I Dr. Kun Zeng 13:30-15:15 Afternoon 15:15-15:30 15:30-17:15 Tea Break Room A501 Computer Vision II Dr. Mouguang Lin Room A502 Computer Graphics II A. Prof. Aihua Mao Room A503 Image and Video Processing II Dr. Xiaowei Xu 9 ICDH 2014 Program at a Glance ICDH 2014 国际会议日程一览表(续) Data Time Venue Event / Session Session Chairs Nov. 29, 2014 (Saturday) 09:00-09:45 Plenary Lecture 4: Prof. Daniel Cohen-Or 09:50-10:35 Plenary Lecture 5: Prof. Huamin Qu Prof. Jieqing Tan Morning 10:35-10:50 Administration Building Lecture Hall (行政楼报告厅) Tea Break Plenary Lecture 6: Prof. Nadia M.-Thalmann 10:50-11:35 11:35-11:50 Lunch 12:00-13:30 Prof. Zhixun Su Photography Administration Building Canteen (行政楼餐厅) Paper Session: Classroom Building A (公共教学楼A座) 13:30-15:15 Afternoon Room A501 Big Data Storage and Retrieval I A. Prof. Bo Li Room A502 Software Engineering Dr. Xiangping Chen Room A503 Modeling & Simulation A. Prof. Shujin Lin Room A504 Digital Home Network and System Prof. Yongyi Gong 15:15-15:30 15:30-17:15 Evening 18:00-20:00 Tea Break Room A501 Big Data Storage and Retrieval II Dr. Li Liu Room A502 Multimedia & Virtual Media Dr. Xiangping Chen Room A503 User Interaction A. Prof. Shujin Lin Dong Yuan Hotel (东苑宾馆) Conference Banquet Nov. 30, 2014 (Sunday) Enterprise Lecture 1: Senior T. C. Xinyu Peng 09:00-10:00 Morning 10:00-10:15 SIST Building A101 (信科院A101) Tea Break Enterprise Lecture 2: Architect Ming Zhao 10:15-11:15 Lunch 11:30-13:30 Afternoon 14:30-15:30 Prof. Ruomei Wang Prof. Ruomei Wang Administration Building Canteen (行政楼餐厅) NSCC-GZ (超算中心) Visit National Supercomputing Center in Guangzhou (参观国家超级计算广州中心) 10 Scientific Program ICDH 2014 Conference Keynote Speeches November 28-30 Morning 11 Friday Morning, Nov 28, 2014 Administration Building Lecture Hall(行政楼报告厅) Time Program 07:45-08:20 Registration Opening Ceremony Introduction to ICDH 2014 Conference Prof. Xiaonan Luo, Co-chairman of ICDH2014 08:30-08:50 Introduction to ICDH 2014 Programs and Preparation Prof. Zhongxuan Luo, Co-chairman of ICDH2014 Chairman: Prof. Jianmin Wang Plenary Lecture 1 Multimedia Big Data Management, Retrieval, and Applications 08:50-09:35 Prof. Shu-Ching Chen Florida International University, USA Chairman: Prof. Jianmin Wang 09:35-09:50 Tea Break Plenary Lecture 2 Identify Discriminative or Misleading Information in Data-driven 09:50-10:35 Feature Extraction and Dimensionality Reduction Prof. Xudong Jiang Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore Chairman: Prof. Zhongxuan Luo Plenary Lecture 3 On Decolorization and Perception-Based Quality Metrics 10:35-11:20 Researcher Li Xu Image & Visual Computing Lab, Lenovo R&T (Hong Kong) Chairman: Prof. Zhongxuan Luo 11:30-13:30 Lunch 12 Saturday Morning, Nov 29, 2014 Administration Building Lecture Hall(行政楼报告厅) Time Program Plenary Lecture 4 Inspiring Modeling 09:00-09:45 Prof. Daniel Cohen-Or Tel Aviv University, Israel Chairman: Prof. Jieqing Tan Plenary Lecture 5 VisMOOC: Visual Analytics Platform for Massive Online 09:50-10:35 Open Courses (MOOCs) Prof. Huamin Qu Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Chairman: Prof. Jieqing Tan 10:35-10:50 Tea Break Plenary Lecture 6 Social Robots and Virtual Humans as Assistive Tools 10:50-11:35 for Improving Our Quality of Life Prof. Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann MIRALab, University of Geneva, Switzerland Chairman: Prof. Zhixun Su 11:35-11:50 Photography 12:00-13:30 Lunch 13 Scientific Program ICDH 2014 Conference Paper Sections November 28-29 Afternoon 14 15 Yufeng Liu, Huifang Zhang, Zhuo Su, Xiaonan Luo Jin Zhan, Huifang Zhang, Xiaonan Luo Chenyang Chen, Mingmin Zhang, Kaijia Qiu, Zhigeng Pan Zhao Lu, Yanfeng Sun, Yongli Hu, Baocai Yin Hang Su, Xuansheng Wang Chunjing Li, Jinwu Liu, Anning Wang, Kai Li Fine-Grained Vehicle Recognition via Detection-ClassificationTracking in Surveillance Video Real-Time Robust Hand Tracking Based on Camshift and Motion Velocity Robust Face Recognition Based l21-Norm Sparse Representation Principal Component Analysis in Linear Discriminant Analysis Space for Face Recognition Matrix Reduction Based on Generalized PCA Method in Face Recognition Symmetry Based Chinese Ancient Architecture Reconstruction from Incomplete Point Cloud Feature-Adaptive Frequency Domain Method to Representing 3D Medical Images A Fast 3-D Face Reconstruction Method A New Scheme of Interpolation Subdivision Surface by Using the Bezier Curve Ternary m-Point Approximating Subdivision Schemes A Geometric Interpolation Algorithm by Non-uniform Cubic BSplines Er Li, Xiaopeng Zhang, Yanyun Chen Yihui Guo, Xiaonan Luo Changming Meng, Fan Zhou, Ruomei Wang Mao Aihua, Chen Jun, Wang Ruomei, Luo Jie Jiaze Sun, Jieqing Tan Chunjing Li, Anning Wang, Kai Li, Jinwu Liu Chairman: Dr. Guifeng Zheng (Room A502) Chairman: A. Prof. Yun Liang (Room A501) Visual Tracking with Multi-level Dictionary Learning Session I-2. Computer Graphics I Session I-1. Computer Vision I A Content-Aware Scaling Method for Stereoscopic Images Kehong Li, Yongyi Gong, Qi Li, Lingmin Jiang Pan Qi Lei He, Jieqing Tan, Chengjun Xie, Min Hu A Novel Two-Step Approach for the Super-resolution Reconstruction of Video Sequences Single-Frame Image Super-resolution Based on In-Place Patch Match Model Jianhong Li, Dong Wang, Xiaonan Luo Meihua Gu, Tingting Yang, Xinhui Liu Wenpeng Ding, Wenlong Shen, Yunhui Shi, Baocai Yin Single Image Super-resolution Using Multi-task Gaussian Process Regression Fast CU Size Decision Algorithm Based on Minimum Mean Squared Error Estimators A Fast Intra-mode Decision Scheme for HEVC Chairman: Dr. Kun Zeng (Room A503) Session I-3. Image and Video Processing I 13:30 - 15:15, Room A501 - A503, Classroom Building A(教学楼A座) Friday Afternoon, Nov. 28, 2014 16 Multi-boundary Mesh Parameterization with a Virtual Boundary An Improved Texture Mapping Model Based on Mesh Parameterization in 3D Garments Yuhui Hu, Jianping Wang, Tao Jiang, Shujin Lin Guoming Chen, Qiang Chen, Dong Zhang Guoming Chen, Qiang Chen, Dong Zhang Xuliang Guo, Yuhui Hu, Baoquan Zhao, Shujin Lin Semantic Feature Extraction of 3D Human Model from 2D Orthographic Projection Dictionary Learning in Reduced Dimension Space for Image Steganalysis Mean Shift: A Method for Measurement Matrix of Compressive Sensing Texture Mapping Based on Projection and Viewpoints Li Zhang, Huifang Yu, Jieqing Tan Free-Form Deformation of Parametric Surfaces Based on Extension Function with Platform You Fu, Fan Zhou, Ruomei Wang Wei Hu Jianping Wang, Ruomei Wang, Fan Zhou Yong Zhang, Juan Xue, Dehui Kong, Baocai Yin 3D Virtual Garments Deformation Method Based on Size-Driven The 3D Model Compression Method Based on Sparse Representation Qi Li, Yongyi Gong, Yixuan Lu Concave Region Partitioning with a Greedy Strategy on Imbalanced Points Zhangyu Yao, Yunhui Shi, Wenpeng Ding, Baocai Yin, Junbin Gao Optimizing Mask and Dictionary of Compressive Light Field Photography Qi Li , Yongyi Gong Detection of Bifurcation Pixels in Edge Images Qianjun Wu, Shaofan Wang, Dehui Kong, Baocai Yin Depth Sensing of Complex Scenes Using a Multimodal PseudoRandom Structured Light Lu You, Meng Qingxin, Guo Jiangtao Chairman: A. Prof. Aihua Mao (Room A502) Chairman: Dr. Mouguang Lin (Room A501) A New Edge Detection Method Based on Hausdorff Distance Session I-2. Computer Graphics II Session I-1. Computer Vision II Progressive Secret Image Sharing with Meaningful Shadows MRF and CRF Based Image Denoising and Segmentation Color Transfer into Scenes Non-local Means Image Denoising Algorithm Based on Edge Detection Adaptive Anisotropic Diffusion for Image Denoising Based on Structure Tensor Cuteness Recognition and Localization in the Photos of Animals Image Edit by Boundary Difference Propagation Di Yafeng Wei Zhang, Min Li Zisheng An Kaihua Gan, Jieqing Tan, Lei He Kui Liu, Jieqing Tan, Benyue Su Yu Bao Pan Qi Chairman: Dr. Xiaowei Xu (Room A503) Session I-3. Image and Video Processing II 15:30 - 17:15, Room A501 - A503, Classroom Building A(教学楼A座) Friday Afternoon, Nov. 28, 2014 Saturday Afternoon, Nov. 29, 2014 13:30 - 15:15, Room A501 - A504, Classroom Building A(教学楼A座) Session I-1. Big Data Storage and Retrieval I Session I-2. Software Engineering Chairman: A. Prof. Bo Li (Room A501) Chairman: Dr. Xiangping Chen (Room A502) Incomplete Big Data Clustering Algorithm Using Feature Selection and Partial Distance Fanyu Bu, Zhikui Chen, Qingchen Zhang, Xin Wang A Platform for Searching UI Component of Android Application Kaiyuan Li, Zhensheng Xu, Xiangping Chen Textile Image Retrieval Based on BOF Approach Feng Zhao, Fan Zhou, Ruomei Wang Redesign of Fault Diagnosis Expert System with Manual Intervention and Self-Learning Function Zhenzhen Zhou, Xiangyu Chen Sketch-Based Shape Retrieval Using Orientation Histogram with Gabor Filters Yang Kang, Haopeng Lei, Shujin Lin, Yuhua Li An Example-Driven Approach for Automatic Extension of Monitoring Model Yuqin He, Xiangping Chen 3D Model Retrieval Based on Three-Views Hand Drawn Sketches by Exploiting Contextual Similarity Haopeng Lei, Helian Chen, Yuhua Li, Bin He, Yongsheng Rao, Guifeng Zheng HAS: Hierarchical A-Star Algorithm for Big Map Navigation in Special Areas Haifeng Wang, Jiawei Zhou, Guifeng Zheng, Yun Liang Hierarchical Matching Of 3D Shape Based On Heat Kernel Signature Xu Jing ATM - Awesome Translation Machine Hongfei Wang Agent-Based Fault Tolerance Mechanism for Distributed Key-Value Database Wu Hui-jun, Lu Kai, Jiang Jing-fei, Wang Shuang-xi 17 Saturday Afternoon, Nov. 29, 2014 13:30 - 15:15, Room A501 - A503, Classroom Building A(教学楼A座) Session I-3. Modeling & Simulation Session I-4. Digital Home Network and System Chairman: A. Prof. Shujin Lin (Room A503) Chairman: Prof. Yongyi Gong (Room A504) Simulation of a Multi-wing Chaotic System with Fractional-Order Qiang Chen, Chaoxia Zhang Research on Architecture of Smart Home Networks and Service Platform Xiaowei Xu, Ye Tao, Xiaodong Wang, Xiangqian Ding Directed-Hypergraph Based E-Learning Process Modeling Supporting Dynamic-PersonalizedCombined Resource Optimization Xuedong Sun, Zhonghua Li, Shicheng Hu Service-Based Interactive Proxy for Sensor Networks in Smart Home: An Implementation of Home Service Bus Ye Tao, Xiaowei Xu, Xiaodong Wang Concurrent Editing of Styling and Structure of Auto Body Based on Metamodels Li Baojun, Yang Lei, Hu Ping, Liu Xiuping Modeling and Analysis of ZigBee Based Smart Home System Hong Zheng, Haiteng Zhang, Li Pan An Efficient Fifth Order Method for Systems of Nonlinear Equations Qing Liu, Jieqing Tan, Lei He Health Information Exchange for Home-Based Chronic Disease Self-Management - A Hybrid Cloud Approach Jianping Ma, Cong Peng, Qiang Chen Efficient Scheduling Mechanism for PerformanceHeterogeneous Multi-core Processor Liu Lin-Dong, Qi De-Yu, Chen Qiang, Ruan Jin-Xin A Novel ESD Protection Circuit for Passive RFID Transponder Jianguo Hu, Ge Lin, Zhikui Duan, Deming Wang, Jin Wu A Hybrid Model for Simulation of Crowd Evacuation Xiaotian Wang, Yong Zhang, Dehui Kong, Baocai Yin An Approach for Generating Monitoring Component in Smart Home Kuo Liao, Xiangping Chen 18 19 Xiaoyan Liang, Zhe Fan, Ge Lin, Xiaonan Luo Xue Wang, Xiao'e Liu, Qiwen Zou, Ge Lin Lifeng Huang, Chengying Gao Nan Jia, Fan Zhou, Ruomei Wang Quiet Area Detection in 3D Sound Field Simulation via Delaunay Triangulation Multichannel LMS-Based Large Area Sound Inhibition in Home Environment: Preliminary Simulation and Experiments Nonuniform Parametric Human Body Based on Model Reuse Heat and Moisture Transfer Computation Model Based on Parallel Simulation in Clothed Human Yusong Liu, Zhixun Su, Junjie Cao, Hui Wang Yuan-Dong Lan, Qun Chen Guangyu Zhong, Bo Li, Junjie Cao, Zhixun Su Stretching-Robust Laplace Spectral Descriptor for Nonrigid 3D Shape Retrieval Pair-wise Diversity Measure for Multiple Classifier System Based on Evidence Theory Object Level Saliency by Submodular Optimization Xiao'e Liu, Qiwen Zou, Xue Wang, Ge Lin Acoustic Feedback Effect Reduction Based on Path Compensation in Multichannel FXLMS Sound Inhibition Systems Li Liu, Ruomei Wang, Fan Zhou, Zhuo Su, Xiaodong Fu Hui Liu, Zhuo Su Template-Based Multiple Codebooks Generation for Fine-Grained Shopping Classification and Retrieval Semantic Segmentation and Labeling of 3D Garments Kun Han, Weifeng Lv, Baocai Yin, Yongli Hu Constrained Frequent Subtree Mining Method Sai Ma, Yongqiang Pang, Zhaoxin Huang, Yutian Wang, Hui Wang Chairman: Dr. Xiangping Chen (Room A502) Chairman: Dr. Li Liu (Room A501) Uniform Sound Pressure Level Distribution with Frequency Ranging from 600Hz to 1000Hz Session I-2. Multimedia & Virtual Media Session I-1. Big Data Storage and Retrieval II Feng Yurao Ye Tao, Xiaowei Xu, Xiaodong Wang An On-Screen User Declaration Approach for 3-D Scene Manipulation Efficient Facial Beautifier on Mobile Devices Nhat Quang Do, Hongming Cai, Lihong Jiang Wang Bo, Li Bao-Jun, Hu Ping, Song Ming-Liang Li Jinghua, Yin Baocai, Wang Lichun, Kong Dehui, Wang Wentong Donglu Song, Yujia Wang, Fang You Leap Studio - A Virtual Interactive 3D Modeling Application Based on Web GL Semantic-Oriented Shape Exploration for Car Styling Research on Prosody for Chinese Sign Language Synthesis Study on WeChat User Behaviors of University Graduates Chairman: A. Prof Shujin Lin (Room A503) Session I-3. User Interaction 15:30 - 17:15, Room A501 - A503, Classroom Building A(教学楼A座) Saturday Afternoon, Nov. 29, 2014 Sunday Afternoon, Nov. 30, 2014 Activity Time Program Visit National Supercomputing Center in Guangzhou 14:30-15:30 (参观国家超级计算广州中心) About National Supercomputer Centre in Guangzhou (NSCC-GZ) National Supercomputer Centre in Guangzhou (NSCC-GZ) was awarded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China in November, 2013. It is a Key Project of the National 863 Program jointly sponsored by Guangdong province, Guangzhou city, Sun Yat-sen University and National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), with a total capital investment of US $400 million. NSCC-GZ is the NO.1 Science and Technology Project of Guangzhou city with a view to serving as a classic supercomputer center worldwide, providing the city, the country and even the whole world with powerful computing capacity, high throughput and massive storage capacity, supporting the industrial upgrade of Guangdong province, promoting the technological innovation of Guangzhou city and enhancing the overall national strength and the national competitiveness of science and technology. NSCC-GZ is located on the East Campus of Sun Yatsen University in the Higher Education Mega Centre, Guangzhou with a total area of 42332 square meters, including the computer rooms covering about 8000 square meters. 20 Sun Yat-sen University, East Campus, Guangzhou, China 中山大学,东校区,广州,中国 SIST Building 信科院楼 (会场) Administration Building 行政楼 (会场) NSCC-GZ Canteen Classroom Building A 公共教学楼A座 (分会场) Library 图书馆 Dong Yuan Hotel 东苑宾馆 21 Guangzhou Metro System Map 广州地铁线网图 Guangzhou BAIYUN International Airport (广州白云国际机场) Guangzhou Railway Station (广州火车站) Guangzhou East Railway Station (广州东站) Yuexiu Mountain (越秀山) Chen Clan Academy (陈家祠) Canton Tower (广州塔) Sun Yat-sen University, East Campus (中山大学东校区) Pearl River Night Cruise (珠江夜游) Guangzhou South Railway Station (广州南站) 22 国家数字家庭工程技术研究中心 国家数字家庭工程技术研究中心(以下简称“工程中心”)是在数字家庭教育部工程 研究中心的基础上升级而成,由国家科技部批准建设,筹建期为2011年1月至2013年12 月,建设地点位于广州大学城。工程中心依托中山大学与TCL集团股份有限公司进行建 设。中心主任由中山大学罗笑南教授担任。目前,工程中心已达成筹建期的建设目标,并 完成了验收工作。 工程中心建设目标为:以国家战略性新兴产业发展规划为指导,开展数字家庭关键工 程技术研究,形成支撑数字家庭内部信息的处理、显示、交互与传输的共性工程技术体 系,提高我国数字家庭产业技术创新能力与产业发展能力,打造具有中国特色的数字家庭 模式;组建国内数字家庭领域一流的工程技术研发团队,培养和引进一批高层次工程技术 人才和管理人才;持续不断地将具有重要应用前景的科研成果进行系统化、配套化和工程 化研究开发,形成具有我国自主知识产权的专利池,并制定相关的行业标准与规范,带动 数字家庭产业链的发展;加快成果转化和产业化,通过试点示范推动技术成果向相关行业 辐射,促进我国数字家庭战略性新兴产业的发展。 工程中心主要研究方向为:围绕以数字电视为中心的数字家庭互动服务标准体系、共 性集成技术、家庭网络和多业务平台、互动服务支撑技术、数字家庭基础软件,以及数字 家庭智能终端等六大方向开展工程技术研究与科技攻关,以形成一批先进的、具有自主知 识产权的数字家庭整体集成解决方案。 工程中心建设得到了国家、部门、省市地方的多级联动支持,承担了“国家科技支撑 计划”、“863计划”、“核高基重大专项”等国家、部省级重点课题。理论研究方面, 工程中心建设期内在ACM Siggraph、ACM MobiCom、IEEE INFOCOM、ACM Transactions、IEEE Transactions等重要国际会议、核心期刊上发表高水平学术论文。积极参与国 际学术交流,组织了IEEE ICDH国际会议,参加SIGGRAPH Asia、IEEE CPSCom、IEEE IASP、IEEE INFOCOM等重要国际会议,并就相关成果作会议报告。 23 中山大学深圳研究院 中山大学深圳研究院(以下简称“研究院”)成立于2006年9月, 是中山大学在深圳成 立的事业单位,2007年4月正式入驻深圳虚拟大学园。研究院秉承中山大学“以贡献促共 建、国际水平、国家需求”的办学理念,把中山大学优势的学科、教育与科技资源引入深 圳,将研究院打造成一个中山大学服务深圳地方的一流的产学研结合创新基地,并发展成 为面向港澳台、面向世界的技术创新、成果转化、人才培养和学术交流中心。 2014年中旬深圳市中大产学研孵化大楼完成建设正式入驻,建筑面积2.6万平方米,为 研究院进一步服务地方经济和产学研发展提供了坚实的基础。 在信息技术领域,研究院依托中山大学在数字家庭领域的各项优势,重点开展数字生 活网络与内容服务、数字家庭及三网融合终端产品、集成电路、软件工程等方向的科学研 究与成果转化工作。目前,获批组建两个深圳市级数字生活内容互动重点实验室和数字家庭 关键技术工程实验室。 在生物医药领域,研究院依托中山大学在生命科学的学科优势,成立“有害生物控制 与资源利用国家重点实验室深圳研发中心”, 发挥产学研密切结合的特色,集中精力做好 生物医药、食品安全及生态环境研发及成果产业化工作。 2013年,中山大学股权投资研究中心成立,围绕一个以资金促动发展,以产业咨询研 究带动科技的基本原则,以校友基金和其他募资为主要融资来源,真正为创业创新企业搭 建一个有价值的平台。中心举办多次战略新兴产业投资项目分享沙龙,邀请了知名机构的 著名投资人和上市公司CEO们济济一堂,气氛热烈,点评创业投资项目,为企业家和校友 提供学习与交流的多层次平台。 研究院连续五年被深圳市科技创新委员会授予“优秀研究院”称号,多次获得促进产 学研合作先进奖、科技资源引进奖、人才培养与引进先进奖、入孵企业引进奖、大型学术 会议及论坛组织奖等多种奖项。 联系地址:深圳市南山区科技园南区虚拟大学园A610 联系单位:中山大学深圳研究院 联系电话:0755-26746912 联系人:吴老师 E-mail: [email protected] 贾老师 E-mail: [email protected] 网址 24
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