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III Verience snelyaie for totsl aboveground bloma.ss at Site 3 (Protected for mabf yesrs, anDRelly harvested) r~tio It> Level of significenoe F. o.a& s !·t.s .e. 814·' 3ol} s . s. }258-~ 2985·9 D·.F• 4 32844.6 :_; ou.rce ot var1et1on l.l. 943·0 M.s.s. 44·35 s s \.luadreta Months 41495·3 - 44 IV Error Table s .s. 93451·} l0-67 ratio ~ ~ Variance enal.ysis for aboveground green bicm&Se at Sites 4 (::: ites 1., 2, 3 and 4) 28035}.8 22490·0 - Level of significance 3 247492·4 2107·2 F. ::>itea 11. 69536.} :o •.F. Mont he :n Source of ver1et1on Error Not significant -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·- s - Significant NS ~ ~ L auroe or Tt~r1et1on Appendix I v Oontd. Te bl.e or V:'lribnce analy~:>ie for tote~ a.boveground bi.ome.es at 4 Sites (Sites 1. 2. 3 and 4) F. s M.S .s. 115.06 s s.s. 131855.97 ll8.8l n.?l .. Lev~ 395567·9 ~36J.49-70 D·~'. ll9023·U s .s. 2ll94·24 39674·4 M.S.S. - 2-02 3·19 F. ratio Nf m; Level ot signi.fieP.noe 5~ ~ signifiol'noe 3 l.49'l646-3 1145·90 reti o J.l 38817.:~ Sites ~onths 33 - Error Table VI Varinnoe analyE'is for underground pr.rte at 4 lilites (Sites l, 2, 3 233l;S0...67 10469·90 and 4) Sites ll 3455U9·63 3 Mont he 33 Swroe of variation Error - f."l..t ~or.Q>.C...,. .... .....,..,. Not significant ~ a-.1 ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·---·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·---.-.-.-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· NS APPENDII .AUTHORITIES OJ' - THE II PLJ.N! BAMm (.Loeal 2lnnts) 1 Aqanthosptl'J!IUIII hispidUIII DO. 2 AgeratUIII copno1dt! Linn· ' AlJ.oteropsis q&!d.oina (Linn.) Stapf. 4 Aln1oarpus monil.1:fer DC· 5 A• nd.nalis DC· 6 Aristida aumin.d.f!Jla Tr1n· 7 At:vl.osia soarabaeo1des Benth. 8 Bor;reria hispida (Linn.) SohUIII• 9 j. str1gte (Linn.) Bohum. 10 Bothr1oghl,oa pertuea ('iilld·) A. Cemus. 11 Braohiaria disbch,ya (Linn•) Stapf• 12 Cassia pumila Le.mk. n Q.. 14 Ohrysopogon aoiqulatut Trill• 15 Q.• !UJ.vu.s (Spreng•) Chiov. ~Linn. 16 Oissampelos pareira Linn. 17 aonyoJ. YUlus 18 Crotal.arie medioaginea Lemk· 19 Q• p:rostrata Roxb. 20 Cvnodon daotylon (L.) Pere. 21 Cyperus oompnaeue Linn· s P• .Linn. ( Contd.) 178 (Appendix !I continued) 22 .Q.• leugocephal.ua Retz. 2~ .Q.• !J:!A Linn. 24 .Q.• ungine.tus Poir. 25 Daotylootenium aegrptium Beauv. 26 Desmo4ium tri!lorum DO. 27 Digita.rie longiflora (Retz•) Pere. 28 12.• marginate. Stapf. 29 12.• rwleap.a Prain. ,a Dioswroa m!l.ap.ox:vlon Roxb. 31 Eob1noo.bJ.oa oOlonum. Link· 32 Eleph§ntopua scaber Linn. 33 Eleusine indiga Gsertn. 34 Elllilia sonchitolie. De. 35 Ere.grostis coarctate. Stapf. 36 !• nutans (Retz.) Neee ex Steud. 37 !• unioloides (Retz.) Neee ex Steud• 38 !• visaosa Trin. 39 Euphorbia hirta Linn• 40 !· 41 Evolyul.ue e1&1noidee Linn. 42 Fim brietylla podocarpe Neee. 43 Glortoea superbe. Linn. 44 Gloaeogyne I?innetifide DO. thvmii'olie Linn. ( contd.) 179 (Appendix n continued) 45 Haok!locb1oa. grapulerit (L.) 46 o. Ktz•• Heliotropium ep. Linn. 47 hemidesmus indigus Br• 48 Heteropogon contortug (Linn•) Roem et Schult. 49 kyllinga triceps Rottb. 50 Lindernia giliete. (Oolem.) Pennell• 51 !!• 52 Ha.lnstrwa triguspidatum A. Gray. 53 f.lurdannia xae:inatUIIl (I.. ) Bruck. 54 Oldelllandia qoqabosa Linn. 55 PaniOUIIl austroe.sieticum Ohwi· 56 PanicUJil ep. Linn. 57 !• trzpheron SchUlt. 58 Paspa1idiWII AevidUIIl Ao CelllUSo 59 Paepalum sorobioulatum .Linn. 60 Pb,yllsnthus niruri Linn. 61 ~ungia 62 Setaria &Lauoa Beauv. 63 Shoree robuste Geertn. 64 Side aouta 65 Sporobolus diander Beeuv. 66 2.• elongatus R· Cru,eta.cea (Linn•) F.v. l'iueller• repeJl! llees. ~. Br. 67 Strige denei!l.oro Benth. ( Contd.) lEO (Appendix II oont1nued) 68 Jernon1s oinerea Leea. 69 Xe.nthi'Wll atmru1:ua Linn. 70 Zephyranthes sp. Herb. 71 4ornia diphllla Pers. Plete 1 s Site 1 Showing sporadioall1' groldng Botb£1oqhloe R•rtusa ...... -- ,t • a.~. 2 • Site 2 Showiq tblok gOW'\h J. PHD•• ot Plate ' a Site 3 Shoving luurtant growth ot J• Rertuea llate 4 a Site 4 BhOVi.Dc bare groa4 at1ll be1DC eoreppe4. Plate 5 • 25 X 25 X A 3() a oil oa. aonol1 th Plate 6 1 BhowlDI 1 aetre teet plt. Bor.laoatal liae a-.ru tu est•' et a.•• 1111•· tt o "U?.tricR §Cf~ fq~cmmmtt *T 1009* T 1009 v;v:r CfiT~ snfco l)fiqi'fi f~ ~Ri CflrY<Ii . . .1.. ~~ ~,,~ . ~. 'l. ~~~Tt r} ~ oft ' * l. :"' ~ 0 0'
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