THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Three Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016-5990 99-GT-94 The Society shall not be responsible for statements or opinions advanced in papers or discussion at meetings ot the Society or of its Dittos or Sections, or printed in its publications. Discussion is printed only if the paper is published in an ASME Journal. Authorization to photocopy for internal or personal use is granted to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) provided 53/article is paid to CCC, 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923. Requests for special permission or bulk reproduction should be addressed to the ASME Technical Publishing Department. All Rights Reserved Copyright 0 1999 by ASME Printed in U.SA. Effects of Periodic Wake Passing upon Aerodynamic Loss of a Turbine Cascade Part II: Time-Resolved Flow Field and Wake Decay Process through the Cascade Ken-ichi Funazaki and Nobuaki Tetsulca 111111111 19111 11111 Department of Mechanical Engineering lwate University Morioka, Japan Tadashi Tanuma Keihin Operation Toshiba Co. Yokohama, Japan : axial coordinate ABSTRACT This paper. Part II of the study on wake-passing effect upon the aerodynamic performance of the turbine cascade, demonstrates the detailed measurements of the time-varying flow field downstream of the turbine cascade as well as of the moving bars. The experiment employs a single hot-wire probe to measure pitchwise distributions of the ensemble-averaged velocity at the blade midspan. The resultant data consequently provide clear images of the incident bar wakes that are bowed and directed to the suction side of the blade wake. A custom-made total pressure probe, instrumented with a miniature fast-response pressure transducer, are also adopted to understand time-resolved feature of the wake-affected stagnation pressure fields downstream of the cascade. Furthermore, a decay process of the bar wake through the test cascade is examined in detail, which serves for the discussion related to wake recovery and its impact on the stage loss. NOMENCLATURE wake semi-depth width Cd : drag coefficient C, it : axial chord length [m] : diameter of the wake-generating bar [mm] : output from hot-wire probe [V] : wake passing frequency [Hz] nb Py Po : : : : yaw coefficient of the probe or index number of rotation [rpm] number of wake-generating bar blade pitch [m] : stagnation pressure [Pa] : wake Strouhal number (= jV1dv) : time [s] : wake-passing period [s] TD : drift function [s] 1./m : bar moving speed [m/s) : inlet velocity [m/s1 : relative velocity (m/s] ensemble-averaged velocity, sampled velocity data [m/s) xi ,/ i e y ,y : coordinates along the inlet and exit flow direction : pitchwise coordinate : coordinates normal to the inlet and exit flow direction Greeks a : absolute flow angle [deg] : relative flow angle [deg] : kinematic viscosity [rills] : vorticity [1/s] Superscript : ensemble-averaged value Subscript 1. 2 : inlet and outlet of the cascade x,y.z : axial, tangential and spanwise direction INTRODUCTION Part I of the present study dealt with the measurements of the wake-affected loss of the turbine cascade by use of the pneumatic five-hole probe. Significant effects of the wake passing upon the local loss distributions and the resultant loss increases were observed. It was also shown that the wake passing meaningfully affected the pitchwise distributions of the exit flow angle, mainly due to the upward shift of the tip side undertuming. Although these 'results surely provide aerodynamic designers of turbomachines with useful information on wake-blade interaction phenomena, a clear image of the dynamic behaviors of the wake-affected flow field around the blade row is still lacking, which is very important to understand the mechanism of the wake-related loss generation or change in the exit flow angle. In this study, as a companion paper of Part I, time-varying velocity and stagnation pressure fields disturbed by incident periodic wakes are investigated by use of a single hot-wire probe and a custom-made pressure probe instrumented with a fast-response pressure transducer. Besides, this paper discusses wake decay process at the upstream and inside of the blade-to-blade passage. Rotor-stator spacing is an important and it has been also recognized that the wake decay process is directly linked to the rotor-stator spacing, affecting aerodynamic performances of not only neighboring but also far downstream blade row in nubomachines. Survey of several studies on wake-affected Presented at the International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition Indianaporis, Indiana — June 7-June 10, 1999 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: turbine cascade or turbine stage (Hodson(1984), Venable et al. (1998a)(1998b)) reveals that expanding the axial spacing between rotor and stator tended to reduce aerodynamic loss of the downstream cascade, which occurred in less drastic manner than expected. Yu and Lakshiminarayana (1998) executed comprehensive numerical experiments on a compressor cascade subjected to incoming wakes, demonstrating that the loss of the cascade was the highest for the smallest blade row spacing. They also found the existence of the range of the blade row spacing where the wake-affected cascade loss became smaller that the sum of the steady-state cawade loss and the wake mixing loss. This event seems to have a close relationship with their another finding that the incoming rotor wakes decayed much faster when the cascade existed at the downstream of the rotor. Yu and Lakshiminarayana stated that the faster wake decay was caused by the unsteadiness due to the potential interaction between the downstream cascade and the incoming wakes. Prior to the study of Yu and Lalcshiminarayana, similar findings were already reported by Poensgen and Gallus (1991) , who attributed the faster wake decay to the flow acceleration and deceleration through the stator passage. Recently another view on the wake decay process within the cascade has been given in terms of 'reversible wake recovery effect' by Adamczyk(1996). Deregel and Tan (1996), Valkov and Tan (I 998a). This idea of reversible wake recovery as an explanation for the faster wake decay was originally proposed by Smith (1966) on a basis of the Kelvin's theorem. The point of the reversible wake decay effect is that the non-uniform velocity field resulting from the incoming wakes becomes flattened without any penalty of entropy production in the cascade passage, in other words, no aerodynamic loss is generated in this wake-smoothing process. Denton (1993) also pointed out the possibility of loss reduction due to the wake recovery effect, however he suggested that the amount of such a loss reduction might be small if any. In this study wake decay process was experimentally examined from the viewpoint of not only velocity field but also the vonicity field associated with the incoming wake in order to clarify whether any change in wake decay rate or wake recovery effect could be identified in the present turbine cascade. Sensor Orientation 1 Uy Uy Ux Figure 1 Two sensor orientations for detecting ensembleaveraged velocity components with a single hot-wire probe Figure 2 Schematic of the unsteady total pressure probe A– cos= a(I k 2 , a – x14 cos 2 a(1– k2)+k2 °M = 40 .( 01 , 1S + L- (3) where the value of k was empirically determined. The quantities with mean ensemble-averaged values, which were calculated from 100 records as follows: TEST APPARATUS Instrumentation and Data Processing Since detailed explanations on the test apparatus were already presented in Part I, only some descriptions are hereafter shown on the instrumentation and data processing for the unsteady measurements. A single normal hot-wire probe was used to measure the unsteady velocity downstream of the moving bars as well as of the cascade. The technique developed by Fujita and Kovasznay (1968) was employed in this study. This technique enabled the measurements of two-dimensional velocity vectors with a single normal hot-wire probe by rotating the probe around its axis by 90 degree, where the probe axis was perpendicular to the main stream in the present study. Note that this so-called multiposition technique provides only time- or ensemble-averaged flow quantities in principle because of the nonsynchronicity of the data. Figure 1 shows the relationship between the probe sensor and velocity components at two different sensor orientations, where the s e represents a specified direction, which was normally aligned with the design exit flow angle, and y e represents the direction perpendicular to the x e . In this case the velocity components were calculated by the following equations, – Sensor Orientation 2 m=100, (4) k=1 where each of the records contained 2048 words data sampled at 50 kHz by an A/D converter. From the authors' experience, it had been found that the sample number m = 100 was sufficient to extract the periodic events out of the measured data in the present test cascade. Through this condition, about five bar wakes were captured for no =6 and n =1200 rpm. Uncertainties of the instantaneous velocity measurement were about 2 %. Figure 2 shows unsteady total pressure probe used in this study. This probe was equipped with a fast-response miniature pressure transducer (Entran, EPI-553-15P) whose diameter was 2.36 mm. ESTIMATION OF VORT1CITY Linearized Vorticitv Transport Equation From the Navier-Stokes equation, the vorticity transport equation can be derived. Da) —=(co ,07)v+vV 2 v Dr 2(cos 2 a + k 2 sin 2 a)°s (2) , 0)=-Vxv , (5) where DID% = apt+(v• V) and v is a velocity vector. The first term of the right hand side of Eq. (5) represents vorticity production due to the three-dimensional deformation of vorticity. Because of 2A tan a(cos 2 a+ k 2 sin 2 2 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: •••1 the following expression is obtained for vorticity at an arbitrary location on the steady streamline, ( q(s)= j 4), , (8) ) so where a function tds'irdsl represents a drift function (Lighthill (1956)). In this ex eme case vonicity associated with the incident wake is conserved along the steady streamline, so that the wake location in the flow passage can be spotted by viewing the vonicity. . Through the above-mentioned approach. Nishiyama and Funazaki (1984) developed a method to calculate aerodynamic exciting forces acting on turbine blades subjected to incoming wakes. By taking advantage of their program, vorticity distributions within the blade-to-blade passage of the test cascade were calculated and Figure 3 shows one of those vorticity distributions obtained for S =0.69. It can be easily understood from this figure that incoming wakes suffer bow-like deformation when they pass through the cascade. Figure 3 Calculated vorticity distribution in the flow passage of the test cascade for S= 0.69 Upstream of the Cascade The steady vorticity field associated with the moving bars was analytically evaluated at the upstream of the test cascade by use of the correlations derived in Part I. In the relative frame of reference fixed to the moving bar(xi,y1, wake velocity profile downstream of the bar W(x t 41 ) can be approximated as follows: W(xi•YI)=Wt - Aw(xi,yi) 11 = 11 - 2.007( xi rn exp -On 2) Yi 2 bin (9) jJ Neglecting the strearnwise gradient of the wake velocity, the vorticity associated with the bar wake w i can be calculated by the following equation: (0,(x,y aW(xl,yl) . ) dYi d I Figure 4 Inlet velocity triangle and cooridinate system to evaluate the vorticity field at downstream of the cascade (Mx ,y() 2 (6) = -2.7821V,( ir 2 71 ii-±exp Dividing the velocity components into time-averaged and unsteady parts such as u(x.y.t)=U(s.y)+uls,y,r), and assuming that the magnitude of the unsteady part is much smaller than that of the time-averaged part, one can obtain the following linearized vonicity transport equation, d Dr u +v a + dx dy 1/2 tic d Onto .vv2(0 0: b V2 2 -{1n2)(1L) or in a non-dimensionalized form the votticity vector u= (0,0.w) and the velocity vector v =(u,v,0) in two-dimensional flows, the above equation can be reduced to Dto —=vV2co . ( 1 0) 2 i -0.71 x = -2.782W (— ) bv2 bv2 (II) 2)(2t) bv2 The maximum of the vorticity magnitude ai l is found at ytibv2 = ±1/...ri 2 and using Eq. (8) in Part I it is given by . 4.653 (xi jilt (12) (7) Eq. (12) provides decay characteristics of the maximum vorticity within the wake. Eq. (7) means that the two-dimensional vorticity moves along a steady streamline with time-averaged flow field experiencing the diffusion. Provided that the viscous term in Eq. (7) can be neglected, 3 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: S=0.34/d= 3 20 < 15 r ci) Positive 0. 10 8 Moving Bar Velocity Vectors 0.5 1 t /T 1.5 Negative .... S=0.34/d=5 • • 44 • • 444..4. ..... 444 n • ..... . ••• n4444 0 0.5 1 t /7 1.5 2 n44 ......... Figure 5 Velocity traces and yaw-angle fluctuations from the design flow angle measured at the downstream of the moving bars d5 d = 3 lower : 5 = 0.34 upper : Figure 6 A snapshot of wake-disturbed inlet velocity field and its vorticity field estimated by use of Taylor's frozen model d = 5 Downstream of the Cascade and/or streamwise location of point B. Wake-associated voracity, , was then determined by taking curl of the above-mentioned velocity vector, that is, Rigorously speaking, it was necessary to measure the instantaneous velocity vectors over the considerably wide area downstream of the cascade to determine the voracity field. In the present study, however, the velocity measurement was executed only along the pitchwise slot. To overcome this difficulty, the idea of Taylor's frozen model (or Taylor's hypothesis) (Hinze, 1975) was applied to the data measured at Slot 1 using the following assumptions: (I) the incident wakes were convected through the passage with the time-averaged velocity field around the cascade (2) the velocity data measured at Slot I corresponded to only wake-disturbed flow field downstream of the cascade. Since vorticity is invariant to the rotation transformation of coordinate system and the downstream flow field could be considered almost uniform, the voracity was calculated in (re,ye)system as shown in Figure 4, where xe was aligned with the design exit flow direction. Defining Ucx je,yie;r,) as a velocity vector measured on the point A of Slot at the moment t = application of Taylor's hypothesis in conjunction with the abovementioned assumptions yielded the following expression for a velocity vector of the point B on the streamline that passed the point A, (qr. , yj e •t • = f.J(xl,y1;z i —(x. — xi)/ U•(y.i )) . r , =(d/ax , ,d/dyl . (14) A similar procedure was also employed to the flow field upstream of the cascade to obtain the upstream voracity field, which was compared with the analytical solution Eq. (10) lately in this paper. RESULTS Velocity Measurements and Vorticity Upstream of the cascade Figure 5 shows some examples of velocity traces and yaw-angle fluctuations viewed from the design inlet flow angle that were measured at the downstream of the moving bars, where S = 0.34. It is clear that the moving bar with larger diameter (d =5mm) generated more pronounced velocity deficit and yaw-angle deviation. The maximum yaw-angle deviation was evaluated in a quasi-steady state manner by use of the following formula that was derived from the inlet velocity triangle as shown in Figure 4, (13) Ai ce, —a; = . (1.1 — 13, +sm -I =7, cos/3, , Wake-disturbed flow field downstream of the cascade was finally determined by changing pitchwise location of the reference point A 4 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: (15) -C I Eq. (II) at the location of Slot 0 ( x/C„ =-0.03). It follows from these comparisons that the experimental data matched the theoretical curves fairly well in terms of peal value and streamwise extent of the vorticity. In the case of d=5, however one can spot some discrepancy between the theory and the experiment, probably due to numerical error or the effect of the intense wake turbulence as seen in the yaw-angle measurements. where a superscript • represents a quantity at the wake peak position. Substitution of U; in Figure 5 into Eq. (13) finally yielded ai= 18.8° for d=3mm and 28.8° for d=5mm, which were meaningfully larger than the corresponding measured peak values of yaw-angle deviation. This discrepancy seemed to originate from the inappropriateness of the quasi-steady state approach in evaluating 4i as well as from possible deterioration of accuracy in the hot-wire probe measurements inside of the near-bar wake with intense turbulence. Using those velocity data in Eq. (13) then Eq. (14) one can obtain a snapshot of the wake-disturbed velocity field and its vorticity field as shown in Figure 6, where the steady velocity vectors were subtracted from the calculated velocity field to emphasize the incoming wake. Note that the bar pitch in this figure adopted here was only for the direct comparison between the velocity and the vorticity, and were not to scale. Although wake decay process could not be reproduced with the frozen model, this snapshot provided a clear image on the wake spatial extent (at Slot 0 exactly speaking) as well as on how the incoming wake impacted the cascade. One can also identify the existence of positive and negative vorticity regions behind the wake. Vortex-like structure seemed to appear in the vonicity distribution, however it was a fake caused by a numerical error in calculating the vonicity. In fact the ensemble-averaging technique smeared out bar-induced vortical structures that were not synchronized with the rotation of the wake generator. Figure? shows streamwise (xi) distributions of the wake vorticity determined from the estimated velocity vectors for d=3 and d=5, which were compared with the corresponding theoretical curves calculated by Downstream of the cascade Figure 8 shows a snapshot of the wake-disturbed velocity field and its vorticity field at the downstream of the cascade for d =5. Significant deformation of the incident bar wake occurred to be bowed when passing through the cascade. The measured vonicity distribution in this figure looks like the calculated vorticity distribution shown in Figure 3. It is also clear that the velocity vectors inside the wake were directed to the suction side of the blade wake as was expected from the wake transport model (Kerrebrock and Mikolajczak (1970)). In addition, one can recognize vortex-like flow structure occurring at the both sides of the wake as marked by broken circles. The wake velocity vectors near the suction side of the blade wake were aligned almost against the exit mean flow U2 . implying the appearance of large velocity decrease orticityi. r d=3 :2000 1500 1 1000 500 0 I I , I 41•41P • • 1 • 0 -500 — -1000 -1500 -2000 , • Eq. (11) Exp. Wake I I Nelocit9 : Vectors 1 1 I iL 0.05 01 xi 02 0.15 d=5 2000 1500 1000 500 z 0 -500 Os -1000 vac.. . • %SS . -1500 • 13.4.4. • •16.C••• -2000 o 0.05 0.1 xi 0.15 02 _. Figure 8 A snapshot of wake-disturbed outlet velocity field and its vorticity field, showing the appearance of vortex-like flow structure beside the wake d =3 Figure 7 Comparisons of the theoretical and experimental vorticity distributions for d = 3 (upper) and d= 5 (lower) 5 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: •••••••••• ■ TT v. v a 'Et Met t t • •`t •N Its T 1 k , "."7=3•• ■• • a ', 1St". • T • vt • t• et •• ••••••••■••••.... ',vv. 0.04 - t , t 11 vv. • II' f f 41.11 AP flits f • of -,4 0.02 • - • en, PPPPP ere? 4,74 1;;;;;;;;;;:=1 ,fv• ;;;;;;; /....4afffftl11 fere. • a ' bfr • des S 4 .j.k .. aa •aa, .. aaa A ay al Saab 0.01 0.00 - ..TD(3 ) - ;;1 .,,fftf/ftflittto 0.02- where TD or Tad is time needed for a fluid particle to drift over the, distance xi or d with the velocity W . In more general cases where a fluid particle drift on a steady streamline, one may replace the time TD with the drift function TA') defined by .'.' 0.2 0.3 xc 1=1 ds' C, u so w( t ) 1J11 • so te/C, u,(xTui, (16) = ib(s)TD.c • eve4 :-XI 4 14 e e where tp (s) is a drift function non-dimensionalized by time r ye,. .. 0. 4 Tac (= CL IC'x i ) and the integral lower limit s o is placed on the locus of • • II -e...Y1t4Iiigualmommece 01 j the moving bars. Using the drift function. Eq. (6) of Part I and Eq. (12) can be written as follows: 05 -0.71 'at 0.0.100 0.0300 Am, 2.007 w T ----- • • - • ...Mt/ /AlIAA AA .000Eff•ttOf Vt• l'OfffPliff,POik •I 4 _ 4.653( TD.ef 1 ft infliff fa; 0.0200 <7•-•- g ke: a saa•al•ai 0.100 0.200 2.00 0.00 0.30C xe im) 4.00 velocity 0.400 6.00 0.5 0 0 vectors at the downstream of the cascade upper : 4=3 lower : d=5 due to the wake passing. This is rather in contrast to the wake velocity vectors near the pressure side of the blade wake whose directions alternate before and past the passage of the incident bar wake. Figure 9 reveals the difference in the wake-affected velocity deficit distributions measured at the downstream of the cascade for d=3 and 4=5. It is evident from this figure that large velocity deficit region due to the wake tended to pile on the suction side of the blade wake and such a wake effect was relatively small on the pressure side of the blade wake. The flow structures of both cases were similar and pitchwisely biased re-distribution of the incident bar wake was clearly observed in those cases, however the spatial extent of the bar wake for 4=5 was much larger than that of 4 =3. Discussions on wake decay process Before examining the above-mentioned experimental data, it seemed necessary to rearrange the expressions for the bar wake decay given by Eq. (6) of Part I or Eq. (12). In fact, they were not applicable to the wakes that passed through the non-uniform flow field around, the turbine cascade unless the governing variable in those expressions was switched from a relative distance (e.g. xi /d ) to another variable. Looking at Eq. (8) the authors came across the idea using a drift function instead of the distance. First, xild is rewritten as follows: d d/W (18) D Wake decay Velocity deficit aw in Eq. (17) is not a conservative quantity, so that it seems questionable to apply Eq. (17) to the flow field around the turbine cascade concerned. Nevertheless, for the sake of simplicity, the bar wake decay process was first examined by use of Eq. (17). Since W=76 [m/s], Tot =3.68 x 10-3 [s]. Tad= 3.95x10 -5 [s] for 4=3 and 6.58 x 10 -5 (s] for 4=5. the velocity deficits at Y2 /13 , 0.5 and 1.0 were expected to be 3.7 [m/s], 4.6 [m/s) and 4.8 [tn/s] for 4=3, and 5.4 [m/s), 6.6 [m/s) and 6.9 [m/s) for 4r-5, respectively. On the other hand, from the experimental data as shown in Figure 9 it was found that the velocity deficits around Y2 /P, = 0.5 and 1.0 were about 4.5 (m/s] and 6 (m/s) for d =3, while about 6 [m/s3 and 7.5 [m/s] for d=5. Taking account of the errors involved in the experimental and numerical data, it can be concluded that the estimations using Eq. (17) yielded similar with or sightly smaller velocity deficit than the measurements except for the data obtained very near the blade wakes. Liu and Rodi (1992) reported nearly the same finding as that in the present study. Next, wake decay process was examined from the viewpoint of vorticity. Figure 11 exhibits the wake-induced vorticity profiles for 4=3 and 4=5. Comparisons of these data with the corresponding inlet vorticity profiles shown in Figure 7 reveal that the wake-induced vorticity regions expanded and peak values of the vorticity reduced to about a third of those measured at Slot 0. Figure 12 shows the pitchwise distributions of the maximum of the vorticity calculated by using Eq. (18) with the data of the drift function in Figure 10, which were compared with the experiments. The calculations and the experiments tended to increase to the suction side of the blade wake ( Y2 /P =1) in a somewhat similar manner, however the measured values were much higher than the calculated ones, in particular near the suction side. The above investigations gave the authors an impression that the incident bar wake decayed more slowly when the cascade existed downstream of the bar than when there was no cascade. This seems to be in contrast to the numerical or experimental findings in compressors as mentioned in the introduction of this paper. Although 8.00 Figure 9 Velocity deficit distributions and wake-induced velocity Xi X i Tad 1.21 Figure 10 demonstrates the pitchwise variation of the drift function calculated at the location of Slot I by use of the code developed by Nishiyama and Funazaki (1984). This figure reveals that a fluid particle drifting near the blade suction side takes more time to reach Slot 1 from the cascade inlet than that moving near the blade suction side, implying that much faster decay of the bar wake could be identified beside the blade wake pressure side at the downstream of the cascade. 0.0100 0.0000 (17) D an .AAX.70,0010/0 AAAA AO }fit ft TD d Ta 6 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: 1000 Drift Function at Slot 1 co 800 o • d-3 d5 Exp. (d = 3) Exp. (d = 5) • 600 0 400 200 0.2 0.4 0.6 Y Y 2 P 2 /P 0.8 y Figure 12 Calculated Vorticity peak values in comparison with the experimental data y recovery effect due to the wake stretching could not be found clearly in this study. The velocity deficit observed near the pressure side surely reduced and such a wake reduction seemed to be related to the wake stretching, however it could not be denied that the wake reduction was due to the negative jet effect associated with the wake movement through the passage. Therefore, further investigations are still needed on this point. Figure 10 Pitchwise profile of the drift function calculated at Slot 1 d = 3 mm Unsteady Measurements of Stagnation Pressure Loss In the following some discussions are made on experimental results of wake-affected stagnation pressure loss measured by the unsteady pressure probe. It should be mentioned here that the authors have encountered some difficulties related to the sensor, such as drift of the sensor characteristics, and unfortunately they could not be fully eliminated in this study. Some practical schemes were adopted to compensate the measured data for example by subtracting a linear trend from the original data, which inevitably sacrificed the data accuracy to some extent through. Figure 13 demonstrates original and compensated pitchwise distributions of the time-averaged stagnation pressure loss coefficient that were measured by the unsteady probe in the no wake condition. Since the original data exhibited considerable increasing trend from the left to the right of this figure, such a linear trend was first subtracted from the data, followed by a slight baseline adjustment of the data to make a direct comparison with the pneumatic probe data possible as shown in Figure 13. It followed from this figure that the unsteady pressure probe yielded similar results to those obtained by use of the pneumatic probe. Figure 14 is a typical example-of the unsteady stagnation pressure loss contours on the time-distance diagram, where the abscissa was time normalized by wake passing period. In this figure dashed lines represent the areas over which the loss coefficients became negative (loss reduction) due to the wake passage. The wake passage obviously brought about loss increase adjacent to the blade wake suction side, while wake-induced loss increase was cancelled by the subsequent decrease in loss near the pressure side of the blade wake. Similar events were also observed in other test conditions of this study. By checking the relationship between the unsteady loss and the wake-associated velocity fluctuations as shown in Figure 9, it was found that the loss increase occurred when the streamwise velocity decreased and vice versa for the loss decrease. 1500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 0.1 0.2 03 0.4 0.5 Figure 11 Wake-induced vorticity profiles at three pitchwise locations upper : d =3 lower : d=5 CONCLUSIONS the coverage of the present measurements was very limited and it was difficult to draw conclusive statements only from those measurements, any beneficial phenomena such as reversible wake Wake-disturbed velocity vectors and stagnation pressure downstream of the turbine cascade were measured in detail. The 7 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: No Wake probe that the bar-wake passage caused loss increase adjacent to the blade wake suction side, while wake-induced loss near the pressure side of the blade wake alternated between increase and decrease as the wake passed and on average the wakeaffected loss coefficient remained almost the same as the loss in steady flow . (3) Checking the relationship between the unsteady loss and the wake-associated velocity fluctuations revealed that the loss increase occurred when the streamwise velocity decreased and vice versa for the loss decrease. These observations led the authors to the conclusion that the above-mentioned differences in the unsteady flow behaviors between the suction and pressure sides of the blade wake nicely explained the biased stagnation pressure loss distributions downstream of the wake-affected cascade reported in Part I. — Original 1.4 —it— Trend eliminated —c-- Pneumatic Probe 2 0.8 OM 0.4 0.2 0 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 y / Py 0.5 1 15 REFERENCES Figure 13 Pitchwise distributions of the time-avegared stagnation pressure loss coefficient in no wake condition measured by the unsteady pressure probe I 1.0 00 I 2.0 I 10 4.0 VT -1.0 -0.5 0.0 Loss Coefficient 0.5 1.0 Figure 14 Contours of stagnation pressure loss coefficient measured at Slot 1 S = 0.34 d = 3 wake-associated voracity field was also obtained by use of the Taylor's frozen model, which was used in conjunction with the velocity data to examine the decay process of the incident bar wakes through the cascade. In that case correlations for the wake characteristics were modified using drift function to estimate the wake decay in the non-uniform flow field around the cascade. The findings in this study can be itemized as follows: (1) The measured wake velocity deficit as well as the peak value of the voracity measured at the downstream of the cascade was larger than those estimated using the modified correlations. In other words the wake decayed more slowly than expected and no clues showing the effect of reversible wake recovery were identified in the present study using the turbine cascade. This was in contrast to the findings in compressor test cases where upstream rotor wakes decayed much faster when the stator existed at the downstream. (2) It followed from the measurements using the unsteady pressure Adamczyk, J. J., 1996, "Wake Mixing in Axial Flow Compressors," ASME Paper 96-GT-29. Denton, J. D., 1993, "Loss Mechanisms in Turbomachines," Trans. 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