Affordable Quality * SECURITY DOORS * * INSECT SCREENS SHOWER DOORS * BLINDS * AWNINGS * WARDROBE SYSTEMS Regular Bream Bay Service 1967 Phone/Fax (09)432 0209. email [email protected] Mobile 027432 0070 Postal address - RD 2, Waipu 0582 “How crazy can you be?” Long-term residents of Ruakaka Village are voicing strong opposition to the proposal by the Department of Conservation, The Whangarei District Council and the Northland Regional Council to create a new vehicle entrance to the beach at the end to Te Kamo St. Tony Tanner, who was an engineer at the Marsden A station and who lives with his wife in Karawai St. near the proposed entrance has written to the Whangarei District Council asking “How crazy can you get?” He said, “Whatever is done to stabilize any vehicle access, nature will undo it. We don’t need to predict, as we have lived in this house for 40 years and know what will happen.” Mr. Tanner said after some big storms in 1976 and 1977 the power station’s manDJHPHQWZDVVRZRUULHGDERXWÁRRGLQJRIQRWRQO\WKHSRZHUVWDWLRQEXWDOVRWKH village, that it made arrangements for large quantities of sand and rock to be available should that occur. He observed that, “The vehicle opening at the racecourse has been a disaster and now presents a storm backed sea access to behind the dunes.” “Good that you are to close this and re-instate the dunes. Good that you will prevent vehicle access to the South end of the beach. Very bad that you are even considering to open another access way at Te Kamo Street.” “Not only will the dunes de-generate into a sandy mess, but the local area will be all the more subject to local sand storms at every Easterly quarter blow. He also pointed out the Te Kamo St. entrance down to the beach is widely used by pedestrians, particularly children, and having vehicles also using this access would be dangerous. He urges the authorities to take another look at putting the access north of the old power station site. An original proposal to install the new access north of the power station land was DEDQGRQHGDVLWZRXOGKDYHQHHGHGWRFURVVODQGKHOGE\WKH2IÀFHRI7UHDW\6HWtlements. Further north the steepness of the dunes makes the creation of a vehicle DFFHVVGLIÀFXOW Sheryl Mai, Mayor of Whangarei District, will chair a public meeting to present the Te Kamo Rd access proposal on Wednesday evening 16 December at 5pm in the Ruakaka Recreation Centre. PH: 438 9452 34 Albert St Whangarei Div. Shadelite Industry 18 December 2014 A pair of Christmas elves More carol night pictures on page 21. %UDHGRQ.HQQ\DJHGQLQH\HDUVDQG-DNH$OH[DQGHU%ORP¿HOGDJHGIRXUDQG DKDOIGUHVVHGXSDV&KULVWPDVHOYHVIRUWKH2QH7UHH3RLQW&KULVWPDVEDUEHTXHDQGFDUROVLQJLQJQLJKWRQ)ULGD\'HFHPEHU QUIETLY LOCATED, WITH SMALL BEACH VIEW AND BIG VIEW OF BUSH RANGES Langs Beach 9 Margaret Way With a small view of the beach and a big view of the bush clad hills this house will surprise 1 4 MegaPixels 2272x1704 2 4 MegaPixels 2272x1704 those who bother to find it. Designed for easy living, the large open plan living area opens to 2 decks. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and large double garage downstairs. Fenced plus some mature fruit trees. A delightful offering For Sale $ 775,000 Christine Birss M 027 235 4323 B 09 431 5415 [email protected] MACKYS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008. %UHDP%D\1HZV3DJH 'HFHPEHU EDITORIAL This Issue 3DJHV3ROLFHUHSRUW 3DJH%UHDP%D\&RPPXQLW\3DWUROV 3DJH5XDNDND&LWL]HQRIWKH<HDU 3DJH%HDFKUXOHVIRUGRJVDQGKRUVHV 3DJH'RJSRRELQVWDNHQDZD\ 3DJH%UHDP%D\&ROOHJHSDJH 3DJH6HYHQIDLU\WHUQFKLFNVVRIDUWKLV season 3aJe:aLSX&oYeEeaFKaPEassaGoUs aSSoLnWeG 3aJe:KaW¶s2n-$OonJOLsW 3aJe3LFWXUesIUoPWKe:L]aUGoI2] %aOOeW 3aJe273&aUoOnLJKW 3aJe&OassL¿eGaGYeUWs 3aJes7UaGesanG6eUYLFe$GYeUWs 3aJes-5eaO(sWaWe Open 7 Days 5 PRINCES ROAD, RUAKAKA PH: 09 433 0003 Bright futures Last week I heard a radio interview with Malala Yousafzai, the 17 year old school girl who was shot by a Taliban gunman in 2012. Malala, as most people know, was targeted by the Taliban because of her advocacy for the rights of girls to education. She is the youngest ever recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Malala now lives in Birmingham and last week she urged young people everywhere to take their education seriously. “Education can give you a bright future and your education can help your country have a bright future”, she said. A painting by Tessa Paton, this year’s Bream Bay College Dux graces the front cover of this school’s 2014 magazine which was handed out last week. It is a rather unusual picture in the surrealist style which mixes photographic like realism with dream imagery.. Anyone who knows Tessa’s father Bruce will recognize him as the subject with fortress walls surrounding mountains and a lake at the crown of his head. The beautiful slender hand of a girl catches droplets falling from a waterfall where they turn into jewels. $WÀUVW,WKRXJKWWKLVSLFWXUHZDVDVWUDQJHFKRLFHIRU the magazine cover but the words of Malala made me think about its imagery. Tessa, and most of the other young people from the Bream Bay College Year 13 class, have taken their education seriously and have bright futures. Their brightness will shine on us all. Malala in her interview hinted at how she had found in her new home young people who did not value 7 Kepa Road Barbara Gailey Ph 971 7782 Mob/text 022 308 0044 Email: [email protected] SELF STORAGE AT RUAKAKA ,99 Marsden Point Rd. Free phone 0508 273262 0508 BREAMB [email protected] education. We have similar young people here. I was shocked to learn how four young men went to a private home in the middle of the night waking the owners and breaking windows of the house with planks of wood. It is hard to imagine the mindset of these young men, that they would feel so much anger and resentment. What do they think they are entitled to and have missed out on? Sadly many parents and consequently their children just don’t see or understand the wonderful opportunities that are offered to them through a free, state funded education. Somehow these young men have missed out on the vision of a bright future fought for by the brave Malala and illustrated by Tessa in her beautiful painting. Hopefully as they go through our youth justice system, which I read in a recent Listener article is leading the ZRUOGWKH\ZLOOÀQGWKHLUZD\EDFNLQWRFLYLOVRFLHW\ and a way of making contributions so that they too can ÀQGDZD\WRDEULJKWIXWXUH yn Maril THE BREAM BAY NEWS is published by Bream Bay News Ltd. Address : RD 2, Waipu Phone :(09) 432 0209 Mobile : 027 432 0070 Editor: Marilyn Cox Accounts: Susan McRae Production: Geoff Spencer Advertising design Megan Lea Printed by Horton Media Your local tyre shop Wishing all our customers A happy and safe Christmas and New Year Tyres, wheels & your battery needs SH1 next to G.A.S. Phone 432 7421 Thinking concrete but don't know where to start? Think Atlas Concrete Sunday 28 December We quarry the aggregate . We manufacture the concrete Merry Christmas from Atlas Quarries and Atlas Concrete We site visit to advise the best options Ruakaka. Brynderwyn We give you the choice of mix and colours We will be closing for the Christmas break at 23rdplacers December We give aTuesday choice of local for you to choose 1.30pm and reopening at 7am Monday 5th January 2015 We manufacture concrete to your requirements INSIDE/OUTSIDE storage at 50 Cove Rd., Waipu Sonshine Print - Waipu 2010 Free phone. 0800 432 135 [email protected] Merry Christmas to youyou all stand and drive stand by our product, on it We safely $WODV&RQFUHWH Atlas Concrete <RXU)LUVW&DOOIRU&RQFUHWH Your First Call for Concrete 3K%U\QGHUZ\Q Ph: 0800 888303 - Brynderwyn RU5XDNDND or 432 5030 - Ruakaka No need to travel far for your holiday supplies We have a full range supermarket right here at the Ruakaka Towncentre. We wish all our customers and their families a happy and safe Christmas and New Year Ruakaka Supervalue Marsden Point Rd., Ruakaka Ph. 432 7400 'eFePEeU %UeaP %a\ 1eZs 3aJe Roller Disco for the Ruakaka Skate Park ON HOLIDAY AND FEEL LIKE A TREAT? Let us pamper you All beauty therapy services available Plus deep tissue massage Call 09 432 8625 or book online visit Pure Essence Face and Body 63 Ruakaka Beach Rd. 7Ke :KanJaUeL 5oOOeU 6NaWLnJ &OXE Uan a 5oOOeU 'LsFo aW WKe 2ne 7Uee 3oLnW 3ULPaU\ WennLs FoXUWs on 6aWXUGa\ 'eFePEeU Wo UaLse IXnGs IoU WKe 5XaNaNa 6NaWe 3aUN 3LFWXUeG IUoP WKe OeIW aUe Ln PaWFKLnJ Wee sKLUWs %UooNO\n :aWson aJeG anG KeU EesW IULenG 'anLLeOOe %XWWeU¿eOG aOso -essLFa :aWson aJeG (OOa :aWson 0aWWLson .LZLNLZL aJeG 7aLPanLa .LZLNLZL aJeG 3a\WLn 0F.en]Le ZKo Zas FeOeEUaWLnJ KeU WK ELUWKGa\ 7\OeU +aOes aJeG anG KLs ELJ sLsWeU (Gen aJeG &oPELnLnJ IXnGs UaLseG aW an eaUOLeU GLsFo WKe UoOOeU sNaWeUs KaYe UaLseG IoU WKe 5XaNaNa 6NaWe 3aUN oI WKe %UeaP %a\ 1eZs ZLOO Ee 7KXUsGa\ -anXaU\ 7Ke GeaGOLne IoU aOO FoS\ Ls SP on :eGnesGa\ -anXaU\ Midnight attack on Ruakaka couple’s home A Ruakaka couple suffered a midnight attack on their home by four drunken young men in October this year. The couple was woken just before midnight. The youths used planks of wood to break six windows of the house. The Police were called and the youths were arrested after a search of nearby properties. The couple were known to the youths. The offenders are currently making their way through the youth justice system. Family group conferences have been arranged for the three eldest youths while a 14-year-old is being dealt with in the Bream Bay College Restorative Justice programme. An 18 - year - old man has appeared in the Whangarei District Court on a charge of supplying alcohol to the four young men. THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE WEED CONTROL CROP GUN / GORSE PASTURE SPRAYING BEN M 021 762 727 P 09 438 3904 LAWN WEED CONTROL Wishing you a Merry Christmas From all the team at Bayleys Bream Bay Thank you to all our valued clients for their support in 2014. Melva Hartnell & Christine Ridley will be available throughout the Christmas/New Year period (excl statutory holidays) to assist with all your real estate needs, so please pop in and see us at 3/30 Rauiri Drive, Marsden Cove. Mackys Real Estate Limited, Bayleys, Licensed under the REA Act 2008 Melva can be contacted on 027 499 8463 or [email protected] Christine can be contacted on 021 495 598 or [email protected] %UeaP %a\ 1eZs 3aJe 'eFePEeU Love being active? Come and join us at the Ruakaka Recreation Centre Opening Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 8am - 1pm Tuesday from 8am - 1pm, 4.30pm - 6pm Thursday from 8am - 6pm Public holidays closed (Gym key available Please contact us for terms and conditions) Police warn against drinking alcohol in the street at Waipu Christmas Parade Gym gift vouchers available 9 Takutai Place Ruakaka Phone 432 7962 You can follow us on Facebook The following activities are also available at our Recreation Centre: Yoga Meditation - Tai Chi - ChiKung .DUDWH%R[ÀWFODVVHV Please contact us for more inforPDWLRQ Police Report Prices: Casual Gym session $2 Weekly Gym membership $10 Casual Squash players $5 Squash racket hire $5 :e aUe SOannLnJ Wo e[WenG oXU UeFUeaWLon IaFLOLWLes aW WKe 5XaNaNa 5eFUeaWLon &enWUe anG Ze neeG Wo UaLse IXnGs IoU WKaW SUoMeFW .LnGO\ KeOS Xs UeaFK oXU ¿nanFLaO PaUN esWLPaWeG aW PLOOLon ZLWK \oXU JeneUoXs GonaWLon :e KaYe seW XS an aFFoXnW ZLWK :esWSaF IoU IXnGUaLsLnJ 7Ke aFFoXnW nXPEeU Ls anG UeI FoGe *$EeUneWK\ 'ePoOLWLon 5eF\FOLnJ /WG Ln 5XaNaNa Kas NLnGO\ seW XS an aFFoXnW IoU WKe 5XaNaNa 5eFUeaWLon &enWUe anG \oX Fan GonaWe \oXU sFUaS PeWaO FasK IoU oXU SUoMeFW THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE oI WKe %UeaP %a\ 1eZs ZLOO Ee 7KXUsGa\ -anXaU\ 7Ke GeaGOLne IoU aOO FoS\ Ls SP on :eGnesGa\ -anXaU\ Holiday Hours Wed 24th Dec 7.30 - 2pm Thurs 25th - Fri 26th Dec Closed Sat 27th Dec 7.30 - 12 noon Sun 28th Dec Closed Mon 29th Dec - Wed 31st Dec 8am - 2pm Thurs 1st - Fri 2nd Jan Closed Sat 3rd Jan 7.30 - 12 noon Sun 4th Jan Closed Mon 5th Jan 7.30 - 5.30pm Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ph: 433 0077 - Fax: 433 0069 Dub Dub and The Team at goodGround Wish You…….. Police want to remind members of the public that a liquor ban is in place in the main street of Waipu and people should not be drinking as they watch the Waipu Christmas Parade from 7pm on New Year’s Eve. Acting Sergeant Mark Stuart said people drinking in public places can create disorder and in the past revellers have found themselves heading to Whangarei in a Police wagon. He said it is OK to drink at licensed premises, such as the Pizza Barn, but not to take glasses of wine or bottles and cans of beer out on to the street. “Really a Christmas Parade is a kids’ event and it is not appropriate to have alcohol there.” He also wants to remind people about the more stringent drink driving laws. “After just a couple of drinks you can be over the limit. It is probably better just to abstain from drinking altogether if you are going to be driving.” Extra patrols will be sent to Bream Bay over Christmas and New Year to help enforce drink-driving regulations. Stolen van used to knock over letterboxes A white Toyota Hilux van with registration plates YM1243 was stolen from an address on Cove Rd on Friday night 5 December (sometime after 8pm and before 1am on Saturday morning) and then used to drive over letterboxes at private homes on Cove Rd., Langs Road, St. Anne’s Rd. and Highland Lass Place. Two roof rack rails were lost from the van in the process, which the Police have recovered but the van itself is still missing. Sergeant Mark Stuart said he expects the van to have extensive damage in the front after driving into all those letterboxes. Ruakaka station one man down The Ruakaka Police station has been understaffed for the past nine months. 6HUJHDQW 'DYLG +DPLOWRQ ZKR ZDV RIÀFHU LQ FKDUJH for Bream Bay and Maungaturoto, was appointed to the position of Detective Sergeant in Whangarei in April. 6HUJHDQW0DUN6WXDUWKDVEHHQÀOOLQJLQWKHFKDUJHUROH for the past six months, while at the same time carrying out his Ruakaka policing job. He is hopeful of a new appointment to the OIC role in the New Year. The station has also been one constable short for nine months. Constable Darron Goodwin who lives locally ZDVDSSRLQWHGWRÀOOWKLVSRVLWLRQRQDWHPSRUDU\EDVLV on 10 November. :KHQ IXOO\ VWDIIHG IRXU 3ROLFH RIÀFHUV LQFOXGLQJ DQ RIÀFHULQFKDUJHDUHEDVHGDW5XDNDNDWZRDW:DLSX and two at Maungaturoto. Seek help before things get out of control A high proportion of the work of the Bream Bay Police over the past few weeks has been dealing with domestic disputes or suicide threats and attempts. If things are getting out of control people can seek help through a number of agencies. A list of useful phone numbers and websites is provided on page 22. Sergeant Stuart said he doesn’t mind if people come in WRVWDWLRQRUSKRQHLQWRWDONWR3ROLFHRIÀFHUVHLWKHU Opportunistic crime rises in summer There is usually a rise in opportunistic crime over the summer holiday day period and people are advised to secure their belongings. Those staying in camping grounds are should lock valuable items away out of sight in their cars. Boat owners need to be aware that WKHIWVRIÀVKLQJDQGGLYLQJJHDUDQGHTXLSPHQWIURP boats are common at this time of the year. Merry Christmas /LIHȇVEHWWHUȐ :LWK7KH3DVVLRQDWH 1RUWKODQG/LIHVW\OH ([SHUWV Happy New Year 09 432 1077 Licensed REAA 2008 | MREINZ 'eFePEeU %UeaP %a\ 1eZs 3aJe Attack victim discharged from hospital and returns home to Germany The German cycle tourist who suffered a serious attack while camping in a pine forest around 150-metres off Cove Rd. between Mangawhai Heads and Langs Beach has returned home after being discharged on Sunday 7 December from Auckland hospital where he was undergoing rehabilitation for his injuries. The 48 –year-old man suffered serious facial and head injuries in the attack. He was delivered to the Waipu Medical Centre at around 6pm on Thursday 13 November by a passing motorist. He had cycled from Wellsford that day and had set up camp in the pine forest. His tent and bicycle were later recovered from the campsite by police. However, his personal belongings including his passport, travel documents and clothes were not at the scene. No arrests have been made yet in relation to this attack and Police are seeking help from the public. If anyone saw the cyclist on the day of the attack the police would like to hear from you. The man was wearing a black Lycra suit and a dark helmet and riding a green bicycle. Motorists travelling along The attack victim¶s bike that stretch of Cove Rd. on the afternoon of the attack may have noticed something untoward or someone may have found the missing personal belongings. People with information can call the Waipu Police - 432 4030, the Ruakaka Police - 432 7719 and leave a message on the answer phone, contact Detective Constable Natasha Waterhouse at the Whangarei Police – 430 4500 or, if you want to remain anonymous, you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Call 111 if a situation needs dealing with right away Acting Sergeant Stuart said he often gets complaints that the Police station in Peter Snell Rd, Ruakaka is unattended. He said, “We have four volunteers who provide front counter assistance from 9am to 3pm from Monday to Friday. But he wants people to understand that he often has to spread his attention over three stations (Waipu and Maungaturoto as well as Ruakaka) as well as attending to callouts. He wants to get the message across that if you see someone in the act of committing a crime, no matter how minor the best resort is to dial 111. He said it can be frustrating for everyone concerned WRJHWEDFNWRKLVRIÀFHWROLVWHQWKURXJKKLVSKRQH messages and hear about something that was happening two hours ago. If it needs dealing with right away call 111. “Police are geared up to deal with 111 calls now and the people at the call centre can prioritise. We could already be in the area and the call centre will phone in and say we know you are on a callout but you might want to take a look at this when you get a chance.” Those who want to make contact about something that non-urgent should leave a message on the Ruakaka or Waipu station phone lines. The Ruakaka number is 432 7719 and the Waipu station number is 432 4030. Phone the BREAM BAY NEWS - 432 0209 or email:[email protected] if you know of something interesting going on in Bream Bay. GOLF COURSE VIEWS WITHOUT THE PRICE TAG BREAM BAY CLUB Princes Rd., Ruakaka Phone 432 7807 Hours: Monday 1.00pm – 8.00pm Tuesday Closed Wednesday 1.00pm – 8.00pm Thurs, Fri, Sat 1.00pm 10.00pm ( Later if we have functions) Sunday 2.00pm – 8.00pm Courtesy Van available Thurs, Fri & Sat. From 4pm until closing. Pick up and drop off. (Donation) T$% .ids playing area Pool, snooker, darts bowls & table tennis We will be open Tuesday the th -anuary 201 (Ruakaka races) Thursdays we have a whiteboard draw for members & non members. Thursdays - Large meatpack raffles and ham raffles Thursdays & Fridays - Meals from (stuary Takeaways, menus available at the club. .,DS C2L28R,1* ,1 C2MP(T,T,21, See club for entries closes 19th December, drawn 20th December at 3.00pm followed by a lollie scramble and a sausage sizzle for the children. You do not have to be there for the draw to win. P$R(1TS if you feel like a rela[ing drink we have a childrens play area, where you can leave them there to colour in or watch a DVD or play - play station. CHR,STM$S (V( - Club sounds 1(W Y($RS (V( - Club sounds We wish everyone out there a M(RRY CHR,STM$S $1D $ H$PPY 1(W Y($R. 100 Barbados Way, One Tree Point One of the best sections available on Barbados Way, you have a wide vista of the golf course that will not be built out! Along with views looking up the road to Whangarei Heads and Mt Manaia this location is perfect. This exclusive Estate is cleverly designed around a 9 hole golf course solely for the use of the residents only. This 500m² level site is well located and can be accessed from both entrances to the Estate easily and ready now for you to build. Find your architect, find your builder and get started. For Sale $135,000 View phone for viewing times Christine Ridley M 021 495 598 [email protected] MACKYS REAL ESTATE LIMITED, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008. %ream %ay 1ews Page 18 December 2014 Community patrols, out and about at night checking everyone is safe Bream Bay has two community patrols. The Bream Bay Community Patrol, based in Waipu, is made up of community-minded people who each volunteer a few hours a month to patrol from Langs Beach to Marsden Point looking for anything suspicious. They check for security lapses like doors and gates left open when they would usually be closed, safety hazards such as stock on roads, inebriated pedestrians who may need a little help, assist at road accidents until further help arrives and assist police in various duties which may include random breath test stop points. The patrol group works varied hours and days, often very late at night through until the early hours of the morning Members are all First Aid trained and carry First Aid kits. The patrols have a link to Police communications and can respond if assistance is required. The Bream Bay Community Patrol has a signwritten patrol vehicle, a Suzuki Baleno sedan, which has sponsors names written on it. Patroller Jeff D’Ath advises, “If you are aware of a car moving around slowly at night with a spotlight blazing, the signwritten vehicle will be your clue that the patrollers are there looking out for you and your neighbours.” Bream Bay Community Patrol is, at present, fund-raisLQJIRUDGHÀEULOODWRUZKLFKZLOOEHNHSWRQERDUGWKLV vehicle. Jeff suggests that, “If you have been experiencing bur- NOW OPEN glaries, domestic disturbances, vandalism, tagging, dangerous drivers, stalkers, or any illegal happenings, report the occurrences and times to the police, and suggest they advise the Community Patrol. “The result will be that your area will be targeted by patrollers as part of their rounds. If you would like to volunteer as a member of BBCP, get more information or to make a donation towards fuels and running costs of the vehicle contact Senior Constable Martin Geddes at the Waipu Police Station.” All the patrol’s funds are vetted and Patroller Richard Morgan and The %ream %ay Community Patrol overseen by the Waipu Police. The One Tree Point Community Patrol dedicated vehicle has been operating for three years and has 30 members etc., has decreased. who each get called on about once every two months “When I write up our monthly reports I go through the to pair up with another member and go out on patrol. notes from each patrol and often it is something like One Tree Point patrollers use their own cars but have –‘two rabbits, a cat and a hare.” a magnetic label, which they attach to their vehicles “I think this is great. This is what it is all about people while they are being uses for a patrol. They patrol evhelping to keep their communities safe.” ery Friday and Saturday night and cover the area of Anyone wanting to join the One Tree Point Patrol can One Tree Point, Marsden Point and Ruakaka. contact Peter on 432 8182 or 021 536 222. The group’s chairman Peter Hope said since the patrols EHJDQWKHLQFLGHQFHRIJUDIÀWLEXUQRXWVLQWKHVWUHHWV Ladies singing group gives its ¿UVWSHUIRUPDQFHV 9am -5pm Tuesday - Friday, 9am -12 noon Saturday or by appointment Giant Bicycles for children to adults Road, mountain, commuting & folding bikes. Packs, Racks, Helmets & Gloves & and all the other tassles & bells. Fully qualified bike mechanic. Book those bikes in to be repaired. Santa Shed available for pre Xmas pick up Expert sales staff to make sure you find the bike & equipment that serves your needs. 110 Moir Point Rd, Mangawhai [email protected] 09 431 4546 Come in and see us: Des/Sadie and Brent for a chat about your requirments while having a Grind Coffee Walk to the Beach Ruakaka $255,000 The new Waipu ladies Love to SingJURXSKDGLWVÀUVWSHUformances last week at a carol service at the Ranburn Resthome and Hospital. The ladies have been singing together for just seven weeks. On 17th December at 2pm, the group will sing at the Waipu Ladies’ Bowling Club Christmas luncheon. Women who have a passion for singing in harmony, are welcome join the singing sessions at St. Peters’ Anglican Church on Wednesdays 1pm until 2.30pm. For further information please contact Carole Hebbard on 021 1577 547, Jan Pirihi [tutor] 432 7350, or Wendy Boyd 432 1447. x /ĚĞĂůďĞĂĐŚďĂĐŚĨŽƌƚŚĂƚǁĞĞŬĞŶĚĂǁĂLJ x ĂƐLJǁĂůŬƚŽďĞĂĐŚĂŶĚƐŚŽƉƐ x ϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵŚŽŵĞǁŝƚŚŽƉĞŶƉůĂŶŬŝƚĐŚĞŶ x ĞĐŬĂůůŽǁƐƐŚĞůƚĞƌĞĚYĂƌĞĂ x ,ŽƵƐĞǁŝƚŚŚƵŐĞďĂƐĞŵĞŶƚƐƉĂĐĞ Dianne Erceg 021 757 466 or 09 432 1077 View Online at Property ID: GGW1185 Licenced (REAA 2008) 18 December 2014 %ream %ay 1ews Page Ruakaka’s citizen of the Year devoted his life to charity work after the death of his wife 7KHUH ZHUH ÀYH nominations for this year’s Ruakaka Citizen of the Year Award, the second year the award, initiated by the Ruakaka Library Committee has been granted. The nominees were: Des Olney, Yvonne Judge, Eric Bettridge, Raneeta Curtis and Glenys Rickey. A special afternoon tea ceremony to announce the award was held in the new patio at the Two Birds Café on Wednesday 3 December. Library committee president Essie Leech VDLG DOO ÀYH QRPLQHHV were “very wonderful and worthy of this award, (ric %ettridge receives his Ruakaka Citizen of the Year DOO JLYLQJ XQVHOÀVKO\ award from Ruakaka¶s head librarian (ssie Leech. to their community but unfortunately there can only be one winner” and announced that this year’s recipient is Eric Bettridge. Eric has lived at One Tree Point for 20 years. When his wife Bev died in he decided to dedicate his life to charity and community work. He has been a member of the Marsden Lions for over 30 years helping to organize the Ruakaka Spring Fair and the Santa Parade. He built sleigh and reindeer for the parade at his own expense. For many years he ran the Lions chip van taking it home to clean after outings. He has put in countless volunteer handyman hours at the Scavengers recycling shop. He built the bench in the play area off Peter Snell Rd, the steps and handrail at the Marama Place beach access and helped set the big anchor in front of Bream Bay College. He has undertaken free of charge furniture removals, including moving pianos for elderly people in the area. He organizes and still participates in collections for child cancer and Daffodil Day DQGKROGVD\HDUO\JDUDJHVDOHWREHQHÀWWKH&KLOG&DQFHUFKDULW\DQGYROXQWHHUHG to work with children at Camp Quality for children with cancer. Essie said, “Even though Eric has suffered some serious illness of late, he still keeps plodding on and helping out where he is able. It is a privilege to know him and to have him in our community.” 25!+!+!,)15/2#%.42% #ORNER-ARSDEN0OINT2DAND3IME2D /PENDAYS0HONE CORONA 18 btls $ 39.99 STEINLAGER CLASSIC 24 btls $ 39.99 CORUBA & COLA 5% 12pk cans $ 21.99 TEACHERS WHISKEY 1L $ 34.99 BOMBAY SAPPHIRE gin 1L $ 44.99 BAILEYS 700ml $ 29.99 CHATELLE BRANDY 1L $ 35.99 EXPORT CITRUS 12 btls $ 19.99 SPEIGHTS CIDER 12 btls $ 23.99 SMIRNOFF VODKA 1L $ 35.99 JIM BEAM & COLA 10pk cans $ 19.99 CORUBA RUM 1L $ 39.99 JIM BEAM 1.75L $ 59.99 CANADIAN CLUB & cola 10pk cans $ 19.99 SMIRNOFF ICE 12 pk cans $ 21.99 FAT BIRD white wines $ 8.99 WOLF BLASS EAGLEHAWK red wines $ 8.99 2QO\ZKLOHVWRFNVODVW Aaron Toddun & Associates Ltd C H A R T E R E D A C C O U N TA N T S &!! & #&& &&! &%" &$ & ! " For a professional and confidential service and a free initial consultation call your local Mangawhai Accountant or drop in at our new office,1 Awatea Street Mangawhai Heads. Aaron Toddun B/Com Dip/ComLaw 1 Awatea Street, Mangawhai Heads, 0505 Phone/Fax : (09) 431 4881 Mobile: 027 611 0616 Email: [email protected] We’llWe’ll havehave whatwhat you you needneed to know to know! Quality family Home Specialists Preston 225sqm +L,¶P:D\QH3LFNHULOO 0DQDJLQJ'LUHFWRUDQG3URMHFW 0DQDJHUIRU\RXUQHZ)RZOHU +RPH(QMR\TXDOLW\DQGDOOWKH EHQH¿WVRIGHDOLQJZLWKDQ HI¿FLHQWORZRYHUKHDG QDWLRQZLGHFRPSDQ\ZKHUH ,ZLOOWDNHDSHUVRQDOLQWHUHVWDQG be involved through to completion. $338,369incl gst Includes: plans, building consent, electrical $14,000 tinted double glazing, 300L hwc, kitchen $15,000, 6PHJDSSOLDQFHVFDUSHWWLOHVFXUWDLQVDQGEOLQGV&RQWDFWXVIRUIXOOFRPSUHKHQVLYHVSHFLÀFDWLRQ 0RUHGHVLJQVDWZZZIRZOHUKRPHVFRQ]RUYLVLWRXURI¿FHDW:DOWRQ6W:KDQJDUHL3KRQH:D\QH3LFNHULOO TM %ream %ay 1ews Page 8 18 December 2014 After 14 months Ruakaka Town Centre XSJUDGHLV¿QLVKHG Baring a few details, which will be actioned over the next few weeks, The Ruakaka Town Centre upgrade is complete. The upgrade took 14 months as the builders attempted to minimise disruption to the various businesses operating in the complex Ken Orr, a director of Town Centre Properties Ltd., the company which owns the complex said, “ To have built much more quickly would have required each business to close when the builders got to their frontage. “We were delighted with the patience and cooperation each tenant gave as the work was done. The focus was to look after and improve the presentation of the existing businesses prior to building new shops and a car park on the grass beside the Supervalue. Mr. Orr said the refurbishment seems to be attracting more customers to the towncentre. “We are noticing the existing car park is far more full each day with the car parks facing Bream Bay College and adjacent to the Police and Kindergarten now in full use.” Asked about how soon a planned new block of shops for the space between SuperValue and the Ruakaka Library would be built he said, “We currently have a QXPEHU RI ERWK HQTXLULHV DQG ÀUP FRPPLWPHQWV WR new businesses at the Ruakaka Town Centre. We will Waipu rugby coach appointed head coach for Cook Island Under 20s team The new look Ruakaka Town Centre. FRQÀUPLQWKH1HZ<HDUKRZPDQ\DGGLWLRQDOVKRSV will be built. We anticipate more enquiry over the summer period.” Mr. Orr said, “As Ruakaka grows having an updated and expanded Town Centre supports the businesses that provide the products and services the community requires while growing pride in our district.” Dogs and horses on beaches rules are complicated The rules about where you can ride horses on Bream Bay beaches are complicated. There are two sections of beach where horses can be ridden at any time of the day or year. These are between Karawai St, Ruakaka. to Mair Rd at Marsden Point and from Tip Rd. near Waipu to the southern edge of the Uretiti camping ground. There are three conservation areas where horses are banned at all times. These are at Marsden Bay, around the Ruakaka Estuary and from Tip Rd to Waipu Cove and a fourth area, the safe zone in front of the Ruakaka Surf Lifesaving Club from just south of the Paradise Shores beach entrance to the Ruakaka river mouth. There is a section of beach from the racecourse to Ruakaka village where racehorse trainers have a special dispensation to exercise horses on a daily basis. Two stormwater outlets mark the boundaries. Before 9am racehorse trainers can use the beach from the racecourse up to the second stormwater outlet which is located There is no time limit on when the trainers can XVHWKHVHFWLRQRIEHDFKIURPWKHUDFHFRXUVHWRWKHÀUVW stormwater outlet pipe. For the remainder of the beach horses may generally be ridden at any time of the day for most of the year but from 20 December to 31 January there is a ban of both Mark Wells horses (and dogs) on the beach between 9am and 5pm. Under the Public Places Bylaw a number of special rules for horses apply. They are not allowed in sand dunes ridden in “an inconsiderate, careless or dangerous manner”, they can not be swum within 100 metres of a human swimmer and horses cannot be unloaded RQWRWKHEHDFKGLUHFWO\IURPDKRUVHÁRDW Police staff riding horses on the beach for enforcement purposes are exempt from all these rules. As with horses dogs are not permitted on beaches between the hours of 9am and 5pm during the busy summer holiday period from 20 December until the end of January. They are banned at all times from the three wildlife refuges at Marsden Bay, Waipu Cove and the Ruakaka Estuary. Two sections of beach from Taotahi Walk to Mair Rd. and from Tip Rd. to the southern end of the Uretiti camping ground have been allocated as all round dog exercise areas. Dogs can be exercised here at any time of the day. 7KHUHDUHDOVRWKUHHVSHFLÀFGRJH[HUFLVHDUHDVDZD\ from the beach) at the Shearwater Recreation Ground in One Tree Point, the Tiki Place Reserve in the Marsden Village and Riverside Reserve, opposite the Ruakaka camping ground. 4 Bedroom home One Tree Point $519k neg. 6 Ngatiti Place, La Pointe x x x 23 (1 +2 0( WK S 'H P F WLOO U G SP -DQ Waipu seniors rugby coach Mark Wells has been DSSRLQWHGWRKLVÀUVW,QWHUQDWLRQDOFRDFKLQJSRVLWLRQ He has been given the job of head coach for the Cook Islands Under 20’s team for 2015. This team will be playing in the Oceania Under 20 Tournament with the winner qualifying for the 2016 World Cup Finals. At the Oceania Tournament the Cook Island team will play against teams from Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Australia and New Zealand. The location and dates IRUWKLVHYHQWDUHVWLOOWREHFRQÀUPHG In addition to coaching the Waipu Premier team, in 2014 Mark was backs coach for the Northern Wairoa/Rodney team which competed for the Harding Shield, and head coach and backs coach for the Northland Under 19s team in preparation for the Jock Hobbs National Tournament. Mark has appointed a management team of Lance Haywood as Video Analyst, Christophe Pallies from Whangarei Treatment Providers, Joe Veitayaki as scrum coach, Vinni Peters as manager and Ale De Soto from of Waipu. Mark said the appointment will allow him to continue with his role as Waipu seniors coach Walk to beach, close to boat ramp 4 Bedrooms Double Garage x 2 Bathrooms x Land Area: 739m² x Room for caravan & boat ŐƌĞĂƚ ĨĂŵŝůLJ ŚŽŵĞ ŽŶ ŐŽŽĚ ƐŝnjĞ ƐĞĐƟŽŶ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ƐŽƵŐŚƚ ĂŌĞƌ >Ă WŽŝŶƚĞ ƐƵďĚŝǀŝƐŝŽŶ ŽĨ KŶĞ dƌĞĞ WŽŝŶƚ͘ KƉĞŶ ƉůĂŶ ůŝǀŝŶŐ ǁŝƚŚ Ă ŐƌĞĂƚ ŽƵƚĚŽŽƌ ůŝǀŝŶŐ ĂƌĞĂ ǁŝƚŚ ďLJ ĨŽůĚ ĚŽŽƌƐ ĂĐĐĞƐƐ ĨƌŽŵ ĚŝŶŝŶŐ ƌŽŽŵ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ůĂƌŐĞ ĚŽƵďůĞ ŐĂƌĂŐĞ ǁŝƚŚ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂů ĂĐĐĞƐƐ͘ Lynda O’Riley 021 142 7024 or 09 432 1077 View Online at Property ID: GGW11294 Licenced (REAA 2008) 18 December 2014 %ream %ay 1ews Page 9 Dog poo bins acted as dumping depots for general rubbish Two dog poo bins placed at Mair Rd. and Ruakaka Beach in October have become dumping depots for general rubbish and were removed last week. Grant Alsop, the Whangarei District Council’s ÀHOG RIÀFHU IRU LWV waste and drainage division said he placed the dog poo bins at these two locations as a trial following requests by dog owners after the regular bins were removed more Rubbish dumped around the dog poo bin at Mair Rd. than a year ago and replaced by signs asking people to take their rubbish home. Dog owners were not too keen on taking home bags of dog poo in their cars and felt the absence of bins might discourage dog owners from picking up their dogs droppings from the beach. “We were trying to be responsive to public demand but the experiment doesn’t seem to be working. Unfortunately it’s just a minority of people causing the problem.” The bins were padlocked so large bags of rubbish couldn’t be placed in them and were emptied weekly by Northland Waste Ltd. on the same day as the Bream Bay Rubbish and Recycling collection. Cullen to Cove Rd. track to re-open this week. The walking track from Cove Rd. to Cullen Rd. through the Langsview Estate subdivision will be re-opened with new markers this week just in time for the Christmas break. John Donaldson of the Department of Conservation said once the new markers are in place the DOC website will be updated to show the new route. Several months ago a local tramping group found its passage blocked by razor wire and private property signs when the trampers tried to use a track they had understood to be open to the public. 0U'RQDOGVRQVDLGVRPHRQHKDGSXWVRPHYHU\RIÀFLDOORRNLQJWUDFNPDUNLQJLQ place but this directed walkers off the trail onto private property. Gary Oborn, the Langsview Estate developer, said, in fact, the track has always been passable. He said the property with the razor wire is private land and the owner has the right to protect his land from trespass. Mr. Oborn said uninvited guests had been camping on this private land. However he said there is “no obstruction whatsoever” to people walking through from Cove Rd. to Cullen Rd. and trampers can walk along the eastern edge of the razor wire fence. Water Views - Land - Big House - Takahiwai $485,000 Neg. The Big Tomato Fruit & Veg & Convenience store We stock Waipu Butchery Meat, Fresha Valley milk, milkshakes, icecreams, drinks, bread and your everyday grocery needs For the fishermen & women we have Salty Dog fish bait & Ice & Black Magic fishing gear COME IN FOR A LOOK 163 Port Marsden Highway Phone 09 432 7303 or 02108101162. u there e See yo tt & Lyne Warren RUAKAKA RACECOURSE Tue 6 Jan Adults $10, under 18’s free. Gates open 9.30am With live music and free kids entertainment, this is the perfect start to your New Year. Book a space; Lindauer Lawn $100 pp Enjoy the track side experience from your premium reserved marquee on the front lawn of the home straight. Your package includes: Your own Mini Marquee Table and chairs for 10 guests Nibbles and refreshments on arrival Gourmet Surf n Turf BBQ lunch and dessert TAB, TV and Cash Bar facilities Racebook for each guest Course admission Free return buses will be operating from Kamo, Kensington, Whangarei City, Marsden Cove Marina and Ruakaka Beach Motor Camp. For enquiries and bookings please contact Rebecca on 09 432 7249 or email [email protected]. x &ĂŶƚĂƐƟĐtĂƚĞƌsŝĞǁƐ x ϰ ĞĚƌŽŽŵ ,ŽŵĞ x &ůŽŽƌ ƌĞĂ ϮϬϬŵ² x ƌŝĐŬ ĂŶĚ ůŽĐŬ ĂƐĞ x >ĂŶĚ ^ŝnjĞ ϵϵϬϬŵ² ĂƉƉƌŽdž͘ Ϯ Ъ ĂĐƌĞƐ͘ x ŽƵďůĞ 'ĂƌĂŐĞ Dianne Erceg 021 757 466 or 09 432 1077 View Online at Property ID: GGW11268 Licenced (REAA 2008) %ream %ay 1ews Page 10 18 December 2014 %5($0%$<&2//(*( 3HWHU6QHOO5RDG32%R[5XDNDND1= 3KRQH)D[ 3ULQFLSDO:D\QH%XFNODQG %RDUG&KDLUSHUVRQ*UDKDP+DUJUHDYHV ('8&$7,1*3(23/(7268&&((':+$.$$.21*$7$1*$7$.,$7878.,7,.$ )URPWKH3ULQFLSDO +HPLKLQXLNLDNRXWRXNDWRD -XQLRU3UL]H*LYLQJ 6SLULWV%D\(OHFWLYH 0HUU\ &KULVWPDV IURP DOO RI WKH VWDII RI %UHDP %D\ &ROOHJH:HDUHVDWLV¿HGWKDWZDVDJRRG\HDU 2XU-XQLRUVFKRROLVSHUIRUPLQJZHOO :H FHOHEUDWHG WKHLU VXFFHVVHV DW RXU -XQLRU 3UL]HJLYLQJ RQ )ULGD\ WK RI 'HFHPEHU:H KDG VWXGHQWV LQ WKH -XQLRU&OXE2XWVWDQGLQJ$FKLHYHPHQWVLQWKH 6SRUWLQJ ¿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¿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¿WVRIZKDWZH DUHGRLQJDQGZHZLOOEHHYHQEHWWHUSUHSDUHGIRUWKHVH PHHWLQJVLQ:HDUHDVNLQJDOOSDUHQWVWRFRPPLWWR FRPLQJWRVFKRROWRPHHWZLWKWKHWHDFKHUVWKHVHWLPHV 7XHVGD\WK)HEUXDU\:HGQHVGD\WK0D\DQG7KXUV GD\WK$XJXVW:HZLOOEHXVLQJGDWDWRVHW JRDOV LQ )HEUXDU\ :H ZLOO JLYH VSHFL¿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¿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« 6WUDZEHUU\)DUH &HLOL/HD7RP1RUWRQDQG-DUHG:LOVRQ <HDU&LWL]HQ$ZDUGZLQQHUV%UDGOH\+DU JUHDYHV.DWLH:RUWKLQJWRQ%UHQQD)RUV\WKH 6FRWW&UDZOH\ ,PSRUWDQW'DWHVIRU7HUP 3HQL7URSK\-XQLRU -XQLRU%HVW$OO5RXQG 6SRUWV3HUVRQRIWKH 6SRUWVSHUVRQ-RUGDQ \HDU'X[/XGRUXP &DUVZHOO 3DXO/LQWRQ 7LPH7DEOHDQG2SWLRQFKDQJHVFDQEHPDGHRQ:HG WK7KXUVWK-DQXDU\ 0RQQG)HE <HDUV6WDUW6FKRRO 7XHVUG)HE <HDUV6WDUW6FKRRO :KROH6FKRRODWWHQGV )ULWK)HE :DLWDQJL'D\ 6LU-DPHV+HQDUH 7XHVWK)HE 6FKRRO6ZLPPLQJ6SRUWV $ZDUGIRU([FHOOHQFH )ULWK)HE 6FKRRO$WKOHWLFV'D\ 1LQD0DWHQJDDQG (G6KHOIRUG 6DWWK)HE <HDU/HDGHUVKLS&DPS 7XHVWK)HE 3DUHQW7HDFKHU6WXGHQW,QWHUYLHZV 18 December 2014 %ream %ay 1ews Page 11 Seven fairy tern chicks banded so far Photo by Fairy Tern Ranger Vivienne Lepper Department of Conservation ranger David Wilson with a fairy tern chick he has Must banded at Mangawhai Five fairy tern chicks were banded at the Mangawhai sandspit last week and two more were due to be banded at Waipu. The chicks are given a unique set of coloured EDQGVRQHDFKOHJMXVWSULRUWRÁHGJLQJVRWKDWLQGLYLGXDOVLQWKHWLQ\UHPQDQWSRSXODWLRQRIMXVWFDQEHLGHQWLÀHG There are another two eggs remaining to hatch at Mangawhai. However, two eggs in a second nest at Waipu were found to be infertile when they were checked for embryos by a method known as candling: holding a light behind the egg inside a black bag. There are, in addition, two nests on the west coast at South Kaipara Head each with two eggs, although the eggs in one of these nests were also found to be infertile. There is another nest at Pakiri. The resident pair there laid two eggs a fortnight ago. The fairy tern protection team sometimes transfers eggs between nests so birds sitting on infertile eggs can still do their bit to help their species survival by fostering chicks. The NZ fairy tern is the most threatened of New Zealand’s endemic birds. Once ZLGHVSUHDGDURXQGWKH1RUWK,VODQGFRDVWIDLU\WHUQEUHHGLQJVLWHVDUHQRZFRQÀQHG to just the four places mentioned above. Teams of volunteers monitor nests and maintain lines of predator traps at Waipu and Mangawhai to help the survival of the nests, which are simple scraps in the sand on bare stretches of dune. Nesting areas are fenced to prevent people disturbing LQFXEDWLQJ ELUGV RU VWHSSLQJ RQ HJJV ZKLFK DUH FDPRXÁDJHG WR EOHQG LQWR WKHLU surroundings. Last summer was the most successful for the species since protection began in 1983 ZLWKWZHOYHFKLFNVÁHGJHGQLQHRIWKHVHDW0DQJDZKDL$OOJRLQJZHOODW3DNLULDQG 3DSDNDQXLWKLV\HDU·VEURRGPD\FRPHFORVHWRWKDWÀJXUH Orrs Unichem Pharmacy Have a SunSmart Summer Summer is a great time of year when we can all really enjoy the warmth of the sun and make the most of the great outdoors. However our southern hemisphere sunshine is very intense and we need to remember that as well as enjoying the sunshine we also need to protect our skin. If we get too much sun without protecting our skin it can lead to sunburn and also puts us at risk of developing skin cancers in later life. The good news is you can be safe and SunSmart this summer. “The best SunSmart advice”, say Self Care pharmacists, LV WR IROORZ WKH ÀYH 6XQ6PDUW VWHSV ´6OLS Slop, Slap, Wrap and Stay.” Slip – into a shirt with collar and sleeves Slop – on some sunscreen Slap ²RQDKDWZLWKDZLGHEULPRUDFDSZLWKÁDSV Wrap²RQDSDLURIVXQJODVVHVFORVHÀWWLQJZUDSDURXQGRQHV89 radiation is just as dangerous to eyesight as it is for the skin Stay in the shade for protection Sunburn can happen very quickly and the skin can turn red and be tender or hurt to touch. It can be very uncomfortable getting sun burnt and in more severe cases swelling and blisters can develop. Extreme sunburn can have symptoms of fever, chills, nausea and vomiting and hospital care may be needed. We should do all that we can to avoid these situations. The sun burns our skin and over time causes permanent damage through skin ageing. Natural skin pigments give some protection, but not from long-term sun exposure. “We all know getting sun burnt is bad, but most people still think a tan is okay. The reality is that tanned skin is damaged skin. Did you know that it isn’t necessary to have a very sunny or hot day to become sun burnt? Sunburn can still happen on cooler, cloudy and overcast days The Sun Protection Alert can help you here as it tells you the exact time each day when you should use sun protection no matter where you are in New Zealand. This can be found in your daily paper with the weather, on the MetService and Sunsmart websites. NIWA also measures the intensity of UV radiation and this is known as the UV index or UVI. At nighttime the UVI is zero. During the day when UVI goes above 3 then sun protection is needed. How much sunscreen do I need to use? Self Care Pharmacists will recommend at least one teaspoon for each arm and leg and half a teaspoon for your face, nose, ears and neck. More people get sunburned on their face and neck than any other part of the body, so apply well in these areas and don’t forget the ears! Apply sunscreen 15 minutes before going outdoors and re-apply often (every 2 to 3 hours). This needs to be done even if it isn’t sunny, as the sunscreen gets worn off, or rubbed off and comes off after swimming. Sunscreen is recommended for everyone to use, for all skin types. Self Care pharmacists are able to advise on the sunscreen product that is the most suitable for you and your family. Look after your sunscreens. Just like our skin, sunscreens ‘age’ in the sun and heat, and their UV-protecting properties can be destroyed. So don’t leave them in the sun or in the car’s glove box for too long. Also, don’t keep them past their ‘use by’ dates as they do lose their effectiveness. Your Self Care pharmacist can provide you with a lot more SunSmart information and the right type of sunscreen for everyone. Call in and ask, especially about the UVI, and recommendations for your family and while you’re there check out the Skin Cancer Self Care fact card. From the teams at Orrs Unichem Pharmacy Ruakaka and Maungaturoto Pharmacy have a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year. WAIPU LOTT0 & POST Lotto Postshop Photocopying The Centre, Waipu Phone 432 0900 Emailing Newsagents All stationery needs Open Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri: 8.30am - 5pm Wed: 8.30am - 6.30pm Sat: 8.30am - 7pm Orrs Unichem Pharmacy Ruakaka, Town Centre, Ruakaka. Phone 09 4327756 Maungaturoto Pharmacy, 144 Hurndall St, Maungaturoto. Phone 09 4318045 %ream %ay 1ews Page 12 18 December 2014 Licenced Real Estate Company (REAA 2008) The team at goodGround would like to wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! 18 December 2014 %ream %ay 1ews Page 13 %ream %ay 1ews Page 14 18 December 2014 Coastal South UPDATE December 2014 WELCOME! KIA ORA! T KLVLVWKH°UVWLQDVHULHVRIUHJXODU QHZVSDSHUFROXPQVWROHWUHDGHUVDQG UDWHSD\HUVNQRZDELWPRUHDERXWWKH ZRUN1RUWKODQG5HJLRQDO&RXQFLODQGLWV FRXQFLOORUVDUHGRLQJRQ\RXUEHKDOI 7KLVFROXPQLVLQWHQGHGWRFRPSOHPHQW¤ UDWKHUWKDQUHSODFH¤RWKHUIRUPVRIFRXQFLO FRPPXQLFDWLRQ,W©VWKHODWHVWLQDVHULHV RILQLWLDWLYHVWRKHOSXVEHWWHUHQJDJHZLWK RXUORFDOFRPPXQLWLHVLQFOXGLQJH[SDQGLQJ WKHQXPEHURIFRQVWLWXHQFLHVIURPWKUHHWR VHYHQODVW\HDU &RDVWDO6RXWKFRQVWLWXHQF\©VQRUWKHUQ ERXQGDU\LVDOLQHVWUHWFKLQJURXJKO\ IURP.RNRSXDFURVVWRWKHZHVWHUQ ERXQGDULHVRIXUEDQ:KāQJāUHL,WLQFOXGHV 0DXQJDWDSHUH0DXQJDNDUDPHD2WDLND 9DOOH\DQG3RUWODQGDVZHOODVWKHSRSXODU FRDVWDOVHWWOHPHQWVRI5XDNDND:DLSX :DLSX&RYH/DQJV%HDFKDQG0DQJDZKDL +HDGVHQGLQJDIHZNLORPHWUHVVRXWKRI .DLZDND ,WVORFDOFRXQFLOORULV5XDNDNDEDVHG&UDLJ %URZQZKRLVPDUULHGWR+HOHQDQXUVH WKH\KDYHWZRDGXOWFKLOGUHQDQGVHYHQ JUDQGFKLOGUHQ $YDULHGFDUHHUSDWKKDVVHHQ&UDLJ VHUYHDVDSROLFHPDQIDUPHUUHDOHVWDWH DJHQW:KāQJāUHL©VPD\RUDQGDPHPEHU RI1RUWK7HFDVZHOODVVHYHUDOWHUPVZLWK 1RUWKODQG5HJLRQDO&RXQFLOLQFOXGLQJDV FKDLUDQG1RUWKODQG'LVWULFW+HDOWK%RDUG $NHHQERDWLH&UDLJFKDLUVFRXQFLO©V 50$+HDULQJV&RPPLWWHHDQGLV'HSXW\ &KDLURILWV(QYLURQPHQWDO0DQDJHPHQW DQG5HJLRQDO3ROLF\&RPPLWWHHV Solution in sight for beach access? /RQJUXQQLQJLVVXHVRYHUYHKLFOH DFFHVVWR5XDNDNDEHDFKZLOOKRSHIXOO\ EHFORVHUWRUHVROXWLRQDIWHUDORFDO DXWKRULW\PHHWLQJDWWKHORFDOUHFUHDWLRQ FHQWUHODVWQLJKWWKHDUHD©VUHJLRQDO FRXQFLOUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVD\V &UDLJ%URZQVD\V:KāQJāUHL'LVWULFW &RXQFLO:'&LVSURSRVLQJSUHVHQW EHDFKDFFHVVQHDUWKHUDFHFRXUVHEH FORVHGZLWKDQHZ¨VRIW©DFFHVVZD\ GHYHORSHGDW7H.DPR5G ¦1RUWKODQG5HJLRQDO&RXQFLODQG '2&KDYHEHHQZRUNLQJFORVHO\ZLWKRXU GLVWULFWFRXQFLOFROOHDJXHVIRUWKHRSWLRQ WKDWZLOOEHVWSURYLGHVDIHYHKLFOHDQG SHGHVWULDQDFFHVVDQGGXQHUHVWRUDWLRQ§ &UDLJVD\VWKH:'&RUJDQLVHG ODVWQLJKW©VPHHWLQJWRJLYHWKHSXEOLF WKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRGLVFXVVWKLVEXW XQIRUWXQDWHO\WKHSXEOLFDWLRQGHDGOLQH IRUWKLVFROXPQPHDQWWKHRXWFRPH FRXOGQRWEHUHSRUWHGKHUH ¦%XWKRSHIXOO\WKHPHHWLQJZDV ZHOODWWHQGHGDQGZLOOSURYLGHVRPH Craig Brown on Ruakaka beach DFFHSWDEOHVROXWLRQVIRUWKHORFDO FRPPXQLW\ZKLFKKDVKDGRQJRLQJ VDIHW\FRQFHUQVDERXWYHKLFOHVRQWKH EHDFKLQIURQWRIWKHYLOODJHDVWKH\WUDYHO WRDQGIURPWKHUDFHFRXUVHHQWUDQFH§ &UDLJVD\VXQGHUWKHSURSRVDO WKHH[LVWLQJYHKLFOHHQWUDQFHDWWKH UDFHFRXUVHZLOOEHFORVHGDQGGXQHV WKHUHUHVWRUHG%HWWHUSHGHVWULDQDFFHVV DQGFDUSDUNLQJLVDOVRSODQQHG 7KHGLVWULFWFRXQFLOVD\VLWZLOOQHHG WRHQVXUHDQ\FKDQJHVDOLJQZLWKLWV 9HKLFOHVRQ%HDFKHVE\ODZZKLFKLV SURSRVLQJWRDPHQGWRLQFOXGHDYHKLFOH IUHH¨VDIH]RQH©IURPWKHQHZDFFHVV VRXWKWRWKH5XDNDNDULYHULQOHW 7KHGLVWULFWFRXQFLOVD\VE\ODZ FKDQJHVZLOOEHVXEMHFWWRDIXOO FRQVXOWDWLRQSURFHVVDQG&UDLJVD\VKH HQFRXUDJHVDVPDQ\SHRSOHDVSRVVLEOH WRWDNHDGYDQWDJHRIWKDW Craig Brown: “Enjoy the fantastic spots Northland has to offer this summer and do your part to help keep them special.” Look after our coast this summer /RRNDIWHU1RUWKODQG©VVSHFLDO FRDVWDODUHDV¤DQGWKRVHXVLQJWKHP¤ WKLVVXPPHU 7KDW©VWKHPHVVDJHWRORFDOVDQG YLVLWRUVDOLNHIURPUHJLRQDOFRXQFLOORU &UDLJ%URZQZKRVH&RDVWDO6RXWK FRQVWLWXHQF\WDNHVLQVRPHRIWKH UHJLRQ©VPRVWLFRQLFHDVWFRDVWEHDFKHV LQFOXGLQJ5XDNDND:DLSX&RYH/DQJV %HDFKDQG0DQJDZKDL+HDGV &UDLJVD\V1RUWKODQGLVHQMR\LQJLWV VHDVRQDOLQ±X[RIWKRXVDQGVRIYLVLWRUV VZHOOLQJWKHUDQNVRIKROLGD\LQJORFDOV ¦,W©VJUHDWWRVHHSHRSOHKDYLQJIXQ DQGRXUUHJLRQHQMR\LQJWKHHFRQRPLF DQGRWKHUEHQH°WVWKLVEULQJV:H©UH SULYLOHJHGWRKDYHVRPXFKWRRIIHU§ +RZHYHU&UDLJVD\VLW©VDOVR LPSRUWDQWWKDWHYHU\RQHSOD\VWKHLUSDUW WRHQVXUHWKHWKLQJVWKH\OLNHDERXWWKH UHJLRQDUHHQMR\HGVXVWDLQDEO\ ¦$VDNHHQERDWLH,©GOLNHWR HQFRXUDJHSHRSOHWRHQVXUHWKHLUYHVVHOV DUHIUHHRIXQZDQWHGPDULQHSHVWV DQGWKDWERDWLQJE\ODZVLQFOXGLQJWKH NQRWVSHHGOLPLWVHZDJHGLVFKDUJH DQGRWKHUUXOHVDUHUHVSHFWHG7KHVH DUHLQSODFHIRUHYHU\RQH©VEHQH°WDQG 3uttiQJ NorthOaQG °rst 0800 002 004 VDIHW\DQGIRUWKHSURWHFWLRQRIRXU HQYLURQPHQWDQGZLOGOLIH§ ¦7KHVDPHDSSOLHVIRUWKRVHXVLQJ RWKHUYHVVHOVLQFOXGLQJMHWVNLVDQGIRU SHRSOHGULYLQJYHKLFOHVRQRXUEHDFKHV§ &UDLJVD\VWKHUHJLRQDOFRXQFLO©V ZHEVLWHwww.nrc.govt.nzKDVD ZHDOWKRIXVHIXOLQIRUPDWLRQRYHU WKHVXPPHULQFOXGLQJZHHNO\ZDWHU TXDOLW\UHVXOWVIURPFRDVWDODQG IUHVKZDWHUVLWHV1RUWKODQGZLGH 5HVXOWVDUHSRVWHGRQOLQHRQ)ULGD\VDW &UDLJVD\VPRVWVSRWVDUHXVXDOO\ VXLWDEOHIRUVZLPPLQJEXWZDUQVWKDW DIWHUKHDY\UDLQWKH\FDQEHWHPSRUDULO\ FRQWDPLQDWHGE\UXQRIIIURPWKHODQG IRUVHYHUDOGD\V YOUR COUNCILLOR – COASTAL SOUTH Craig Brown Coastal South Ph: (027) 551 1056 E: [email protected] %ream %ay 1ews Page 1 18 December 2014 Waipu Cove ambassadors appointed The Waipu Cove Reserve Board has appointed two people to job share the position of Waipu Cove beach and reserve ambassador over the summer holiday period from 20 December until the end of January. They are university student Ella Stolwerk who is also a chief instructor for the Waipu Cove Surf Lifesaving Club and Kelly Cosgrove, who is a former Department of Conservation fairy tern ranger. Their role will be to give people information such as where and when you can take dogs onto the beach, how to protect the dunes, where to park vehicles and where and when to launch boats. Between them the women will work six-hour days, seven days a week. The position is funded out of earnings from the campground, which along with the re- Left, (lla Stolwerk, middle, Paulla--ean Pridham (D2C Fairy Tern serve, is administered by a board of local Warden), right, .elly Cosgrave people appointed by the Department of Conservation. Book signing at the Marsden Cove Market A book signing by Simon Bliss author of Sea Legs, a Boat’s Story will be held at the Marsden Cove Marina Market on 18 January. The book signing has been arranged by the Ruakaka Librarians. Mr. Bliss grew up in Whangarei and ran a panel beating business there from the age of 20. While on OE in Britain in the 1970s he searched the country for a yacht that he could sail back to New Zealand He found Rivalé, a twenty- eight - foot sloop in need of restoration. “The relationship was the catalyst to many adventures hence the need to write my book.”, said Mr. Bliss. Free Courtesy Coach available Thurs, Fri & Sat BISTRO MEALS available 7 days from 5pm in the main bar. NMENT I ENTERTA . 58$.$.$7$9(51.$5$2.( &203(7,7,21 1000 ¿rst prize, ¿nal Friday19th December /,9(%$1'628/%5((=( 1ew Year¶s (ve. Wednesday 31 December. 1o cover charge. Courtesy van available from 4pm. Bar opening times: Mon 2pm Tues - Sun 11am Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka. Phone 432 7358 %ream %ay 1ews Page 16 . 18 December 2014 WHAT’S ON IN BREAM BAY . We’re all taking a break this Christmas The yard will be closed from: Lunchtime on the 24th of December Opening again on Monday the 5th of January. We wish to thank the community for all their support again this year. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy holiday. Remember that we will be looking for fantastic pictures of Bream Bay for next year’s calendar so if you are involved in an event that shows how great it is to live and work in this fantastic northland area take a picture (on a camera) and save it ready to send in to us next year to be included in our calendar. THE WAIPU CYCLE & WALKWAY GROUP invites you to Get on Your Bike! and join them at a fundraiser for the Cycleway - Gold Coin Donation ,1 & , 1 3,& 6( 3$5$', %#M$MMMM"M M 41>-M#!M M():)M4):3MNM:=+-M:-6+0MM M1>-M=;1+MMMM77,M!<)44MMMM-)+0M1/MMMM M!)6,+);<4-M758-<1<176MMMM)+-M)16<16/M)6,M MMM M%M M MMM ?#M$MM?1<0MM ;=:8:1;-;M)476/M<0-M?)A 3/($6(67$<6$)(7+,6)(67,9(6($621 :$,38+27(/$1'%$&.3$&.(56 provide a free non-alcoholic drink to all our sober drivers. Please ring the Hotel ph:4320306 if you need to book our courtesy vans or a bed for the night. $ reminder to all our patrons, the 12.00 Sunday Pork Spit Roast Dinners continue through summer and are available from .30pm, although it is advisable to book, as you may miss out on this delicious Sunday meal. 2ur burgers and ¿sh are also highly recommended and takeaways are available. 58$.$.$7$9(51.$5$2.(&203(7,7,21 Friday nights at the WDYHUQÀUVWSUL]H)RXUKHDWV)LQLVKLQJ'HFHPEHU 0$56'(1&29(&+5,670$60$5.(7 at the marina. Sunday 21 December from 9am to 1pm. . :$,38%287,48(681'$<0$5.(7Next on Sunday 28 December from 9am -1pm in the Waipu Coronation Hall 58$.$.$&+5,670$63$5$'( Saturday 20 December at 10.30am. 2UJDQLVHGE\WKH0DUVGHQ/LRQV3UL]HVIRUWKHEHVWÁRDWV3KRQH5RJHU RU+RSHWRERRN\RXUÁRDW$ORQJ0DUVGHQ3W5G alongside the Ruakaka Towncentre. Finishing in Takutai Place. :$,38&$52/6(59,&(Sunday December 21 at 8pm in the Waipu Presbyterian Church. :$,38&+5,670$63$5$'( Christmas Eve 24 December, starting DWSP'RZQWKHPDLQVWUHHWRI:DLSXDQGÀQLVKLQJLQWKH&DOHGRQLDQ3DUN DWSPZLWKWKH:DLSX3LSH%DQGSOD\LQJ3UL]HVIRUEHVWÁRDWDQGEHVW GUHVVHGVSHFWDWRU%RRNÁRDWVZLWK-XG\*X\ &+5,670$6(9(3$57< at the Waipu Hotel with DJ Mo. 7pm to midnight. 3$57<6,1*$/21* with Karaoke DJ Tina at the Waipu Hotel. Friday 26th December-8pm to late. /,9(%$1'628/%5((=( at the Ruakaka Tavern, New Year’s Eve. Wednesday 31 December. No cover charge. Courtesy van available from 4pm. /,9(%$1': Night Rock at the Waipu Hotel. Wednesday 31 December. 7+(+(/(10&*5(*250(025,$/3,3(0('/(< &203(7,721 in the Waipu Coronation Hall from 7pm on New Years Eve - Wednesday 31 December. Page 18 for more details. 7+(:$,38+,*+/$1'*$0(6 January 1. March of the clans through the main street of Waipu at 9am. Competitions begin at 9.30am. Page 19 for more details. &(,/,'+ with Celtic Band Twisty Willow. In the Waipu Coronation Hall from 7pm on Thursday 1 January. After the Highland Games. 7:,/,*+7)81)(67 Saturday 3 January from 3.30pm to 8pm on the %UHDP%D\&ROOHJHÀHOGV/LYHSHUIRUPDQFHVE\VFKRROEDQGVPDUNHWVWDOOV paintball range, giant slingshot, walking water balls, bouncy castle. Displays by Bream Bay Karate, Pulse Dance. %($&+ &$51,9$/ '$< at the Waipu Surf Lifesaving Club.Saturday 3 January. Fun Run from the Pub to the Club and beach swim both start at 7.30am, For the run meet outside the Waipu Hotel in South Rd,, Waipu. For the swim meet at the swings at Langs Beach reserve. Price for each event $20 - includes breakfast and spot prizes. From 9am beach activites including: sand castle competition, Big dig, Tug o War, From 1pm Mr. Muscle and Miss Waipu Cove competitions. :$,386$785'$<0$5.(7 at the Presbyterian Church HalSat 3 jan from 9am - 1pm. l 58$.$.$%($&+*$/$ Sunday 4 January. Starting at 10am. Sandcastle competition, Big Dig - Treasure Hunt, Fanily Fun Games and a chance to do a 5km Fun Run or make it a Duathlon with a swim attached. Plus Sausage/Sizzle BBQ and refreshments. /,9(%$1': Kurfew at the Waipu Hotel Saturday 3 January. . 58$.$.$ 5$&(6 6800(5 )(67,9$L Tuesday 6 January. Gates open 9.30am. Adults $10. Kids under 18 free. Harness and thoroughbred racing. Live music and free kids entertainment. At the Ruakaka race course, Peter Snell Rd., Ruakaka. .$5$2.(with DJ Tina at the Waipu Hotel. Friday 9 January from 7pm. 6800(5086,&)(67,9$/$70$56'(1&29(. Saturday 10 January. Headlined by 80s rock band The Narcs. Gates open at 10.30am. Event ÀQLVKHVSP7LFNHWVFRVWIRUDGXOWV&KLOGUHQXQGHU 3,&1,& ,1 3$5$',6( Friday evening 16 January. A fun walk / bike ride up and down the beach. Meet at Waipu Cove Reserve at 5pm. Music by Zara Clarke and Bruce French plus local musicians, glow sticks for sale, kids games, entertainement by local musicians, glow sticks etc for sale. Raising funds and awareness for the Waipu cycle/walkway. -81,25685)&$51,9$/ Waipu Cove Saturday 17 January. 61$.(%$1.&+$//(1*( Saturday 31 January. From 12pm. First race 2pm. Open sail race. Windsurfs, kiteboards, keelers and centreboards. Proceeds to: Coastguard, St. Johns Ambulance, Ruakaka Skate Park and Marsden Point Yacht Club. To register visit: 18 December 2014 %ream %ay 1ews Page 17 Bream Bay Ballet’s Wizard of Oz *ood Witch Danielle Robinson spreads dispenses her magic over Lioness Leiland Hunter (left) and Scarecrow $bby Wright at %ream %ay %allet¶s Wizard of 2z productiont held in the %ream %ay College auditorium on Saturday 13 December Senara Wickramasinghe (right) and 2livia Watson (right) dance dressed as poppies. Ph. 432 7358 Open 7 days from 5pm We will be open for Xmas lunch and dinner Bookings essential Marsden Point Rd., Ruakaka Mila Widdup was a Lullaby Munchkin welcoming Dorothy and Toto to Munchkin land. Quality Home like New One Tree Point $445k 80 Barbados Way x x x 23 (1 +2 0( W SP K'HF WLO UG O -D S Q P x 2 Bathrooms 3 Bedrooms x Land Area: 553m² Double Garage x Room for caravan or boat Walk to beach >ŝŬĞďƌĂŶĚŶĞǁ͕ƚŚƌĞĞLJĞĂƌŽůĚƌŝĐŬĂŶĚdŝůĞŚŽŵĞŝƐƐŝƚƵĂƚĞĚŝŶƚŚĞ ƉƌĞƐƟŐŝŽƵƐKŶĞdƌĞĞWŽŝŶƚƐƵďĚŝǀŝƐŝŽŶŽĨ>ĂWŽŝŶƚĞ͘dŚŝƐůŽǀĞůLJŚŽŵĞŝƐ ĮŶŝƐŚĞĚǁŝƚŚĂƋƵĂůŝƚLJŬŝƚĐŚĞŶŽƉĞŶƉůĂŶůŝǀŝŶŐ͕ŇŽǁŝŶŐŽŶƚŽĂŶŽƵƚĚŽŽƌ ĞŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶŵĞŶƚĂƌĞĂ͘&ƵůůLJĨĞŶĐĞĚŽƵƚƚŚĞďĂĐŬƚŽŬĞĞƉƐŵĂůůĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶŽƌ ƐŵĂůůƉĞƚƐ͘ Lynda O’Riley 021 142 7024 or 09 432 1077 View Online at Property ID: GGW11263 Licenced (REAA 2008) %ream %ay 1ews Page 18 18 December 2014 Helen McGregor open medley a chance for pipers to VKRZFDVHÀDLUDQGLQQRYDWLRQ The piping competition established as a memorial to the late Helen McGregor will be held in the Waipu Coronation Hall starting at 7pm on Wednesday 31 December – New Year’s Eve. While dying of cancer in 2003 Helen came up with the idea that a special piping FRPSHWLWLRQ EH HVWDEOLVKHG WR HQDEOH WRS FODVV SLSHUV WR VKRZFDVH WKHLU ÁDLU DQG innovation. Entrants are invited to play a medley of music of their own choosing for eight minutes. Around 20 pipers are expected to compete for this year’s prize money - $300 for ÀUVWSODFHIRUVHFRQGDQGIRUWKLUG Bain McGregor will be judge. He met his wife Helen at Blair Atholl Castle in Scotland. Bain was the piper in residence for the 10th Duke of Atholl, Ian Murray and +HOHQZDVDWRXUJXLGHDWWKHFDVWOHDVVKHVSRNHÁXHQW)UHQFKDQG*HUPDQ Helen was not a piper but played a French horn and tenor horn in the Whangarei Brass Band and tenor drum in both the Vale of Atholl Pipe Band and the Whangarei Pipe Band. Even though she didn’t play the instrument,“she loved the pipes”, said Bain. He explained that, whereas in traditional piping competitions, pipers are required to stay within a format playing a set of three jigs and hornpipes, marches, or strathspey, in the open medley competition they can put together a combination of whatever music they like. They also don’t need to stay with traditional piping styles and can slip and slur notes. ´,W·VOLNHÀQJHUJ\PQDVWLFV,W·VWHFKQLFDOO\YHU\KDUGWRGR2QO\WKHWRSSLSHUVFDQ play like this.” Typically a medley will start at an easy pace and get faster and faster as the audience erupts into applause. Bain said the competition is unique in New Zealand. They have competitions like this in Brittany in France and a few have started up in 6FRWODQGEXWWKLVLVDÀUVWLQ1HZ=HDODQG Tickets will be available at the door. Fun festival fundraiser for . Bream Bay College Japan trip Phone the BREAM BAY NEWS - 432 0209 or email:[email protected] if you know of something interesting going on in Bream Bay. Parent Andrew Munford is organizing an evening festival at Bream Bay College on Saturday 3 January to raise money for a group of Bream Bay College students to travel to Japan next year as part of a regular exchange with Higashi High school in Osaka. From 3.30pm until 8pm there will be live performances by the school’s musicians, market stalls, a giant slingshot, a paintball range, walking water balls, a bouncy castle, a hole - in - one challenge, food and the chance to take part in the smashing of a car. Entry is by gold coin donation. Rowsells TYRES Ph 433 0313 Stockists of Maxxis Tyres Call Bert for your Xmas deal New & Secondhand tyres available Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year HF201 & HF805 brand of tyres All prices include gst On Call 24 hrs 094330313 or Bert on 021983724 Car puncture repairs for pensioners - $5 470 Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka Courtesy car available by arrangement %ream %ay 1ews Page 19 18 December 2014 Get into Waipu early for The March of the Clans If you get into Waipu as early as 9am on New Years Day you can watch the March of the Clans through the main street and into the Caledonian Park to mark the beginning of the 144th Waipu Highland Games. This year’s host is the Keith clan so its blue, green and black tartan will be prominent and its stag’s head EDQQHUZLOOÁ\DWWKHKHDGRIWKHSDUDGH The piping and drumming competitions begin soon after the clansmen and women enter the park. The New Zealand Highland Heavyweight competition at the 2015 Waipu games should be exciting with Jono McFarlane, the Baptist minister from Howick, Auckland returning to defend his title. One to watch will be Australian Morgan Westmoreland and there is also a competitor from Scotland – John McLeod (reputed to be related to the Reverend Norman McLeod, Waipu’s spiritual founder) who is on a working holiday in New Zealand with his wife. . The Heavyweight competition will begin at 9.30am in WKHDUHQDLQWKHFHQWUHRIWKHÀHOGZLWKWKH+LJKODQG Stone Throw, followed by the Highland Hammer, pitching a Wheat Sheaf over a high bar and the caber toss. From 10am in Arena 2 you can have a go at some of WKLV \RXUVHOI )RU WKH ÀUVW WLPH DW WKH :DLSX JDPHV there will also be a Hairy Haggis tossing competition. $OVR IURP DP WKH ÀGGOLQJ FRPSHWLWLRQ EHJLQV LQ the newly-constructed Great Barn and the Highland dancing competitions begin. For keen runners the athletics programme begins at 10.30am. Entries will be taken at the athletics tent. Cash prizes are on offer for race winners. The massed pipe band at the last Highland *ames During the lunch break from 12noon, the Ballistic Blondes will skydive into the main arena. At 12.30pm a massed pipe band marches around the park , stopping in front of the main stage alongside lines of Highland Dancers, providing the accompaniment IRUDPDVVHG+LJKODQGÁLQJDQGVLQJLQJRI7KH)ORZHU of Scotland. The honour of announcing the 144th Highland Games RIÀFLDOO\ RSHQ JRHV WKLV WLPH WR %UHDP %D\ :DUG Councillor on the Whangarei District Council, Shelley Deeming. After the ceremonials the competitions continue. The Tartan in the Park fashion competition with prizes IRU WKH EHVW WDUWDQ RXWÀWV EHJLQV DW SP LQ WKH *UHDW Available from 1st to 31st December, 2014 Specials available only while stocks last Thirsty $ .99 Blackboard 19Deals s Coopers C Creek Range Lindauer Sp Special Reservee Range 13.99 $ 13 $ Barn. At 2.45pm there is a Tug-O-War competition. Teams RIÀYHFDQSUHUHJLVWHURQWKHGD\DWWKHDWKOHWLFVWHQW At 3.30pm the heavyweight competitors will attempt a 160lb Farmers walk . The prize goes to the competitor who can walk a distance of 100 metres at the fastest pace carrying the weights in each hand. 7RÀQLVKWKHGD\IURPSPWKHUHZLOOEHD&HLOLGKRU social) in the Waipu Coronation Hall with the Celtic band Twisty Willow. The entry fee to the games is $15 for adults, $5 for children aged 5-15 years while children under 5 can enter for free. There is a family concession at $35 for two adults and two children. .99 Shots 6pk 18 2 $ for Stoneleigh Range 17.99 $ Baileys 700ml Old North Road & Wolf Blass Red Label Riccadonna Asti Range 30 2 $ for 18 2 $ for Jim Beam 1.75Ltr 50 2 $ for Jack Daniel’s’s’ 700ml 60.99 39.99 $ $ Woodstock 7% 6pk Cans 12.99 $ CHRISTMAS Canadian Club 10pk Cans …a brand new tradition! $ KGB 5% 12pk Bottles .99 32 (Excluding Crate) Tui/DB Draught/Export Gold MIX ’N’ MATCH Any 3 for $ 100 Stolichnaya Woodstock Black Heartt Grant‘s 42 Below Jose Cuervo 1Ltr 1Ltr 1Ltr 1 Ltr Range 700ml 700ml Woodstock 12pk Bottles Cody’s 12pk Cans Haagen 15pk Bottles Calm a n ep d Ke Jack Daniel’s 6pk Bottles m Kn ow it Drink Responsibly. i Yo u r L Lion Red LLio Red, Speights Speights, SSummit, mit Steinlager Stei lager Waikato 15pk Pure 15pk 21.99 $ 28.99 $ Stella ll Artois 12pk 23.99 $ Heineken H k 12 12pkk 25 $ .99 EExportt Cit Citrus 17 $ .99 AAsahi hi 12 12pkk 23.99 $ Thirsty hii Liquor Waipu & Maungaturoto 25 Water Street, Whangarei. Phone 09 430 6990. Visit us at 100% OWNED & OPERATED IN NZ | 0800 THIRSTY Wild Sid Side Cid Cider 4 for $ 20 %ream %ay 1ews Page 20 18 December 2014 Sailing on the Breeze Merry Christmas Thank you to all the ballet families and community for the valuable contributions you make to the success of %ream %ay %allet 6XQGD\WK-DQXDU\ DPSP #SJOHUIFGBNJMZUP3VBLBLB#FBDI GPSBGVOEBZPGBDUJWJUJFTÌ 6DQGFDVWOH%XLOGLQJ&RPSHWLWLRQ .LGV7UHDVXUH+XQW%LJ'LJ /LIHVDYLQJ'HPRQVWUDWLRQV NP)XQ5XQRU'XDWKORQRSWLRQ The Auckland Viaduct’s Maritine Museums wooden tall ship Breeze will be taking sailing trips from the Marsden Cove Marina this summer. Breeze is a replica model of the traditional wooden sailing ships used for New Zealand coastal and inter-Dominion trade in the 19th and early 20th centuries. She was built in 1981 out of traditional materials such as kauri and totara, but with some modern additions such as an enJLQHDQGFDELQVRWKHFUHZFDQVDIHO\WDNHKHUIXUWKHUDÀHOG From Thursday 17 January to Wednesday 21 January she will be making two sailings daily from 9.30am to 12pm ad from 1pm to 3.30pm taking paying passengers for a ride around the harbour. The ship will be crewed by Maritime Museum volunteers. The price for a half- day trip is $40pp. Bookings essential. Call (09) 373 0800 or email [email protected] to reserve a place. )DPLO\)XQ*DPHV %%4'ULQNV-XLFLHV HOURS - 8am daily Open for dinner Wednesday - Sunday nights Marsden Cove Marina, Marsden Cove p 09 432 7097 The weather wasn¶t kind for the ¿rst Ruakaka %each Market held on the reserve in front of the %ream %ay Motel on Saturday afternoon 13 December. However, this blow up caterpillar helped to brighten up the scene. -azmin Hancock, aged 7, is pictured climbing out its mouth. %ream %ay 1ews Page 21 18 December 2014 Free BBQ and Carol singing at Lifepoint Church, One Tree Point Serving up dinner from left: 1orma Pyle, Pastor Simon Currie, Paul Cates and Margo Henry. A meal of sausages, salads and lamb cooked on a spit was served to around 200 people who attended the One Tree Point Christmas BBQ and Carol Singing held by the Lifepoint Church on Friday 12 December. The rain, which set in for the weekend, held off for the Sandra Currie, left, and $nna Pascoe up on the stage leading the carol BBQ which was held in the church singing grounds prior to everyone going inside the Church hall for the carols. Marsden Point High Tides AM Madi Dackers, aged 9, Piper West 9, and -ordyn Dackers 10 wore Christmas decorations in their hair for the 2ne Tree Point carol singing service held on Friday 12 December at the Lifepoint Church. NEW TYRES * 14” 13” from from $85 PM Thu 18 Dec 5.00 2.2 5.09 2.3 Fri 19 Dec 5.56 2.3 6.03 2.3 Sat 20 Dec 6.19 2.4 6.56 2.4 Sun 21 Dec 7.40 2.5 7.49 2.5 Mon 22 Dec 8.29 2.6 8.40 2.6 Tue 23 Dec 9.17 2.7 9.31 2.6 Wed 24 Dec 10.06 2.8 10.22 2.7 Thu 25 Dec 10.54 2.9 11.13 2.7 Fri 26 Dec 11.44 2.9 ~ ~ Sat 27 Dec 12.05 2.7 12.35 2.8 Sun 28 Dec 12.58 2.6 1.28 2.8 Mon 29 Dec 1.53 2.6 2.22 2.7 Tue 30 Dec 2.52 2.5 3.18 2.6 Wed 31 Dec 3.53 2.5 4.17 2.5 Thu 1 Jan 4.57 2.4 5.16 2.5 Fri 2 Jan 5.58 2.5 6.15 2.5 Sat 3 Jan 6.55 2.5 7.10 2.5 Sun 4 Jan 7.47 2.6 8.02 2.5 Mon 5 Jan 8.35 2.6 8.51 2.5 Tue 6 Jan 9.20 2.6 9.35 2.5 Wed 7 Jan 10.01 2.6 10.17 2.5 Thu 8 Jan 10.40 2.6 10.57 2.4 2.4 Fri 9 Jan 11.18 2.6 11.35 Sat 10 Jan 11.55 2.5 ~ ~ Sun 11 Jan 12.14 2.4 12.33 2.5 Mon 12 Jan 12.55 2.3 1.13 2.4 Tue 13 Jan 1.38 2.3 1.56 2.4 Wed 14 Jan 2.25 2.3 2.42 2.4 Thu 15 Jan 3.18 2.3 3.32 2.5 Fri 16 Jan 4.15 2.3 4.26 2.3 Fitted, balanced and inclu. GST 15” * 16” & 17” $89 from $110 from $99 * * Open 9am -1pm over the holiday period except for Christmas Day and New Years Day * While stocks last Large selection of quality used tyres M A G I C T Y R E S & M A G S 4 Reyburn St. 438 3534 %ream %ay 1ews Page 22 18 December 2014 FOR SALE CARPET 29(5/2&.,1* At Lifestyle Laundromat Corner of Commerce St. and Okara Drive Phone 436 1250 B$77(5< 7,5('" Geoff Spencer Auto Electrical. Century battery Agent. Free test, best prices, can deliver. Ph. 432 0373 or Mob. 0274 942 635. $48$:$7(57$1.6 Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 )(1&( :,5( +7 2.5mm 25kg WireMark @ $83.35 + GST Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 78, 25*$1,& &20POST 40L $8.90, Potting Mix 40L $11.65 Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 '(&.,1*1$,/6 5KG AG Galvanised 75mm x 3.15mm $28.25 Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 &+(&. 287 285 63(&,$/6 Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 :$ 7 ( 5 % / $ 6 7 ( 5 PS3000HD 3000PSI HONDA GX200 CAT PUMP $1495.00 + GST Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 3/80%,1* 6833/,(6 Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 7,0%(5 +$5'WARE Bream Bay Merchants BuildLink Cnr Sime & Kepa Rd Ruakaka PH: 09 433 0077 FOR HIRE MACROCARPA 6/((3(56 /21*/(1*7+6 ),5(:22' Delivery available Ph Russell 4320344 027 475 5555 &$53(7 9,1</ Huge selection of carpets & vinyl at competitive prices. Cpt short ends from $89+ GST per LM, Vinyl 2 mtr wide from $39 per LM. Mobile service, free measure& quote. Ph Christine (09) 946 9886 or 021 515 415. Ruakaka (A Brief History) Compiled by Judy Richards Copies $20 Available from Bream Bay Realty, Ruakaka Town Centre Or from Bruce Cann Ph. 432 7399 5(&<&/,1* &$*(6& Skip Bins for Hire. 3m3, 5m3, 6m3. MPL Recycling. Mangawhai Heads Rd. Ph 431 5445. GARDEN $/7(51$7,9(6 1ursery & Landscaping now at 101 .ioreroa Rd, behind -ohn Deere tractors, entrance by the dog pound. 09 974 8733 WORMS )256$/( )RUZRUPIDUPV Phone 432 0209 Or a/h 432 0373 SERVICES OFFERED /$:16, section clearing, tree removal, gorse clearing. Free quotes. Ph. 021 263 8285 or 433 0393. /21*7(505(17$/5(48,5('%<2/'(5 :25.,1*&283/( Two or three bedrooms, One Tree Point/Ruakaka area. Excellent references. Required mid February. Phone Maureen 0275 320 891. 7,'< <($5 2/' Positive young man looking for local bedsit, unit or house to rent close to workshop rural Waipu. $152 and I can top up to full rent via construction, maintenance or repairs. Bowgentle McKenzie. Engineer/boatbuilder. Responsible, mature. Likes bush BBQs and the sea. 022 355 2205. I have a small, spirited, clean dog. WANTED TO BUY :$17(' &$5$9$1.Cash buyer. Any condition considered. Ph. 021 496 908. Excellent care and accommodation Ph Sue 432 0394 3$,17(5:$//3$3(5 specialist, 35 years exp, work guaranteed, imm. start, Phone Paul, Marsden Cove Painters (027) 2460260 +256( &29(5 $1' gear repairs and industrial sewing requirments; canvas, leather, pvc, straps, small tarps, tents and zips etc. Ph 432 0732 0$56'(10$7(5,$/*,5/648,/75$))/( Rex and Gail Roberts of One Tree Point are the hapS\ZLQQHUVRIWKH0DUVGHQ0DWHULDO*LUOVUDIÁHGTXLOW ‘Clowning Around’. The MMG’s are a group of local ladies with a love of quilting. They are a planning the Festival of Fibre exhibition being held next Easter Saturday 4 April 2015 in the Waipu Coronation Hall. With the funds raised and the support of sponsorship from the Whangarei District Council Creative Funding Scheme and Supervalue the event is an opportunity for local people to showcase their talent. 5()/(;2/2*< AND/OR &5$1,26$&5$/ THERAPY Stimulate the body to treat itself! Contact Alice Grant 09 432 1710 LIBRARY HOURS :$,38 &20081,7< /,%5$5< HOURS Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 10am to 1pm. Tuesday: 10am to 4pm. The Waipu Coronation Hall and Library Phone 432 0372 7+(7($0$7:$,38 &20081,7</,%5$5< GLENMOHR water care WATER TANK CLEANING No need to empty your tank • Vacuum or full scrub Phone Mark Draper 09 432 0655 or 0274 707 607 &$53(7 /$<,1*, Restretching and Repairs, 20 yrs exp, reliable service. PH Dean Ireson 436 2633 or 027 667 0183. TURN YOUR UNWANTED TREES INTO FIREWOOD AND/OR WOODCHIP. Phone Heath 027 306 9119 RAFFLE RESULTS :$,38,1'225%2:/6;0$65$))/( Winner: Mac Mclean Waipu L,1.,1* H$1DS 5$:/(,*+·6352'Health Shuttle UCTS Phone Independent dealer, 09 phone 4318 969Susan McRae 4321029. Wa i p u Boarding Cattery Also available from 7DNH1RWH Stationery and Lotto Shop ACCOMMODATION REQUIRED BEAUTY, HEALTH & FITNESS .22/.$7= Boarding Cattery O. T. P . Rd Ph 4330122 or 021 1803713 would like to wish our members a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year’s Day and 2nd January. Apart from those days, it will be business as usual. We look forward to seeing you while you choose your summer reading. The Team at Waipu Community Library THE RUAKAKA LIBRARY will close on Wednesday 24th December #1pm and open again on Monday 29th December. ,t will close again on Wednesday 31 December at 1pm. and reopen on Monday th January. 620(86()8/ PHONE NUMBERS Youthline 0800 376 633 /LIHOLQH 0800 543 354 Depression helpline 0800 111 756 Alcohol and Drug helpline 0800 787 797 Urgent Mental Health line - 0800 223 371 Warmline (Peer support for people with mental health issues - 0800 200 207 Healthline ( A nurse on the end of the phone to answer health queries) 0800 611 116 Outline (For gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender people - 0800 688 5463 Samaritans - 0800 787 797 offering support for people who are lonely or suffering emotional distress. $OO RI WKH DERYH DUH FRQÀGHQWLDO VHUYLFHV ZLWK WKH exception of the Healthline where you will be UHTXLUHGWRJLYH\RXUQDPH Bream Bay 1ews Page 23 18 December 2014 SITUATIONS VACANT 5,7&+,(675$163257+2/',1*6/7'. %869$1$1'&$5 '5,9(56:$17(' We are currently seeking drivers to work in various duties at our busy depot in Whangarei. $pplicants must have a Class 2 Heavy Traf¿c Licence and also a Passenger Endorsement Licence either small or large. PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES :$,3838%/,& &2521$7,21 +$// Books and goods required for BricaBrac shop Open Mon - Sat Mornings from 10.30am Bream Bay Medical Centre Ltd 1HZ3DWLHQWV:HOFRPH Monday - Friday: 8.30am - 5pm Saturdays: 9am - 12pm Please advise at time of booking if you reTuire an e[tended consultation :HZLOOEHFORVHGRQWKHIROORZLQJGD\V7KXUVGD\WK)ULGD\WKDQG Saturday 27th December, January 1st and January 2nd. Dr John Chapman, Dr Sue Hancock, Dr Karin Hiemstra, Dr Saj Din Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka Town Centre, Ruakaka. Ph:432 8060 Fa[:432 8230 .indly apply in the ¿rst instance by mailing your application along with your CV to: [email protected] or phone Bruce or ian 09 438 7142 PUBLIC NOTICES A very big thank you to all of our customers and donors. Thank you for all of your support through the year. Have a very safe Christmas and New Year. Waipu Shop will be closed Christmas Day and Boxing Day Opening hours for the holiday period are: Monday to Friday 9am-3.30pm, Saturday 9am-1.30pm, Sunday 10am-1.30pm Ph.432 1342 The58$.$.$5(&5($7,21&(175( would like to thank the58$.$.$/,4825&(175( for donating sweets for the children towards our Roller Disco fundraising event for the Skate Park Also BREAM BAY BUTCHERY, ORRS 81,&+(0 3+$50$&<, and +($'),567 +$,5'5(66,1* for their generous donation toZDUGVRXUUDIÁHIRUWKHSURMHFW 7KHGUDZZLOOEHRQWKH'HFHPEHU5DIÁH tickets are $2 and can be purchased at the Ruakaka Recreation Centre Monday to Friday 8am - 1pm. &ODVVLÀHG Advertising Costs $5 for up to 20 words and 20c for each additional word. Boxed, approx 4cm adverts cost $10 plus GST Phone or fax your advert through to 432 - 0209 email to: [email protected] Post to: Bream Bay News, RD 2 Waipu 0582 or leave it with payment at The Thistle in Waipu or at %UHDP%D\2IÀFH6HUYLFHVin the Ruakaka Town Centre. Waipu Christmas Carols 2014 We welcome anybody who would like to take part in this. This year’s service will be held in the Waipu Presbyterian Church on December 21st of December at 8.00pm. Practices will be held on Thursday 11th, Tuesday 16th,and Thursday 18th December in the Waipu Presbyterian Church at 7.30. Choir are asked to FRPHWRDVPDQ\DVWKHVHDVSRVVLEOH$ÀQDOFRPpulsory practise will be at 6.00 on December 21st prior to the service. Enquiries to: Lachie McLean phone 09 4320530 58$.$.$&+5,670$6 PARADE Saturday 20 December 10.30am Enter a Float, Win a prize, Lolly Scramble and fun for the kids, Bream Bay Community Support Trust Will close at 4pm on 19 December Opening again at 9am on 19 January Phone 432 7197 Takutai Place, Ruakaka 0$56'(1&29(0$5.(7 1RUWKODQGVÀQHVWDUWVFUDIWVORFDOO\JURZQ fruit and vegetables entertainment for the children preserves jams pickles oils coffee and food. AT THE MARINA 3rd Sunday of each month 9am to 1pm a fun family day contact Don 09 4314118 new stallholders welcome free stalls for community groups Supporting Your Community. 1(;70$5.(7681'$<'(&(0%(5 Bream Bay ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH 223 Marsden Point Road, Ruakaka Miracles happen today Experience His Healing Presence. Guest of Honour, SANTA CLAUS SUNDAY SERVICE & KIDZ CHURCH Contacts, Roger 027 226 0742 or Hope 022 408 7941 THE HAPPENING :$,38&28175<0$5.(7 #35(6%<7(5,$1&+85&++$// Saturday January 3rd 2015 9-1pm ´&RXQWU\JRRGLHVJDORUHµ New & preloved goods welcome Bookings 0274586144 0$1*$:+$,%($&+ &28175<0$5.(7#'20$,1 Sunday Dec 21st 9-1pm..last Xmas shop! lots of stalls music fun and food Bookings 0274586144 (next market 11 Jan 2015) THE NEXT PUBLICATION DATE of the %ream %ay 1ews will be Thursday 1 -anuary The deadline for all copy is 4pm on Wednesday7 -anuary at 10am Every Friday 7pm - 9pm All ages welcome YOU ARE WELCOME! Pastors: Ken & Christine Hubbard Tel: 432 7855 BREAM BAY SUNDAY CHURCH SERVICES Presbyterian Waipu Camellia $ve, Ruakaka: 8.4am The Centre, Waipu: 10.1am. Prayer Service: 7pm Assembly of God 223 Marsden Pt. Rd, Ruakaka, 10am. Anglican 1st and 3rd Sundays - St Paul¶s Ruakaka 2nd and 4th Sundays - St Peter¶s Waipu, th Sunday - St 1icholas Mission to Seafarers¶. Marsden Point $ll services start at 9.30am. Catholic Holy Family Church, Ruakaka,10.30am. Mass Lifepoint. 300 2ne Tree Point Rd, 10.30am. Bream Bay 1ews Page 24 18 December 2014 TRADES & SERVICE DIRECTORY Phone/Fax: (09) 432 0209 NORTHERN TREEPRO LTD Tree removal/Pruning Land clearing Revegetation Heavy duty chipping Excavator/Log skidding Fully Insured 3rd generation experts Phone 027 362 6083 or 432 1816 COVE Plumbing & Gas Certifying Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers. WELDING ALUMINIUM, STAINLESS & MILD STEEL STAINLESS POLISHING - ALUMINIUM BOAT REPAIRS Carl Pereira Ph: 09 432 0068 Mob: 0275 308 316 [email protected] ABSOLUTE CONCRETE Stock Troughs Pipe and fittings Crane truck delivery New Houses, alterations and maintenance. Phone 09 432 0155 or 021 479 244 Marine & General Engineering MILLING - LATHE WORK - DRILLING Drainage Merchant - Hardware Store Email: [email protected] Phone (09) 431 2211 KAIWAKA Qualified Experienced Tradesman Deliver & Erect 'State of the Art' Scaffolding Ensuring you job is erected quickly and safely *** CALL NOW FOR FREE QUOTE *** A/H 0274 726772 PH 432 7643 Yard: Kepa Rd Industrial Estate, Ruakaka Bream Bay Office Services McLeod When Quality Counts PTyping PFaxing PPhotocopying PLaminating PBusiness Cards PXmas Cards ELECTRICAL Ph. 021 7758 48 mbl Hm. 432 1602 Email:[email protected] Tailwaggers Small Dog Grooming Service t'VMMHSPPNJNHTFSWJDF t.JOJHSPPN t1JDLVQBOEESPQPòTFSWJDF t"MPZBMUZDBSEFWFSZTJYUIHSPPNGSFF tEJTDPVOUGPSTVQFSHPMEDBSEIPMEFST t8FFLFOEWJTJUPSTXJUIUIFJSEPHTXFMDPNF %JBOOF"SUIVS1I.PCJMF &NBJMBSUIVSE!JIVHDPO[ t4DBOT"#4"JSCBHT t"MUFSOBUPST4UBSUFST t$PNNFSDJBM t5SBDUPST t.PUPSDZDMFT t8JSJOH U TO C t.PCJMF4FSWJDF E L E C T RI 1I Over 40 Years Experience 547 Mountfield Rd,Waipu .PC AL A All aspects of stock sales including: dairy beef, bobby calves, store cattle, live export heifers, sheep, pigs, supplying stock for slaughter Also caters for small block holders FF SPENCE EO R Grant McLean Stock agent for Bream Bay PAccounts Service PPamphlets PPhotos repaired PPhotos copied PBinding Shop 3, Ruakaka Town Centre, Ruakaka. Phone 432 8730, Fax: 432 8732 E.Mail [email protected] G 132 Mountfield Rd, Waipu Phone 09 432 0406 Mobile 0275 875 024 Email [email protected] PCalendars PT Shirt Transfers PFridge Magnets PDesktop publishing PCertificates WINDSCREEN REPAIR OR REPLACE GLAZING SERVICES .*33034t41-"4)#"$,4t4)08&34 0800 70 40 10 LQIR#QRUWKJODVVFRQ]ZZZQRUWKJODVVFRQ] Ruakaka Motors Mechanical and Auto Electrical Repairs and Servicing Monday - Friday 7.30am - 5pm Open Saturday morning 8am - 1pm. Tyres and Batteries Warrant of Fitness testing Phone 432 7233 PARADISE QUARRY STONEMASONS Specialists in stunning stone for landscape Suppliers & installers of northland’s own schist for all your stonemasonry & landscaping Requirements (09) 432 2722 or GEOFF (021) 972 139 Ross Attwood Plans Ltd Ross Attwood LBP Design 2 ADNZ Professional Member New homes, additions and alterations. 1 Waimanu Place, Riverglade, Ruakaka 0116 Phone: 09 432 8115 Mobile: 021 361 894 Email: [email protected] Deadline for next issue - Wed 7 January 18 December 2014 Bream Bay 1ews Page 25 TRADES & SERVICE DIRECTORY Poyner Housemoving 0800 769 637 New and Used Houses For Sale For Removal No job too small, No travelling time charges Free advice ! ($(( )( ( !((( Based in Maungaturoto but covering the whole of Northland Phone 0274 882371 0r 09 431 4882 Email: [email protected] LOW COST DRIVEWAYS & SURFACING NEEDS ! Concrete or asphalt beyond your budget … We have the next best solution for a fraction of the price. Call for a quote, you’ll be pleased you did! Paradise Quarry Contractors ( !( (& ) %%( ( (!"$ ("(( "&,)('#*+**"&'*#)('#*+** "$"" Brian the Painter Decorator, Restorer, Handyman Property Maintenance $$ Phone/Fax: (09) 432 0209 Geoff (021) 972 139 or (09) 432 2722 For contractors who ʻthinkʼ … M.V.B. Electrical Ltd. WRIGHT DESIGN ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER 5HSDLUV,QVWDOODWLRQV$GYLFH BRIAN M WRIGHT N.Z.C.A.D. L.B.P.117345 Mike van Blommestein 360 Oneriri Rd. Kaiwaka RD2 Kaiwaka, North Auckland 09 431 2544 Mob. 021 276 7389 Contact / Heath P / 027 306 9119 E / [email protected] WŚŽŶĞ͗ϬϵϰϯϮϭϬϭϱͻDŽďŝůĞ͗ϬϮϳϰϳϴϯϳϰϵ Email: mikevĂŶďΛdžƚ [email protected] Trees Trimmed / Removed Stump Grinding Hedges Trimmed Light Landscaping Fences Decks OUR SERVICES WATERBLASTING - Homes, Driveways, Decking, Vehicles & Boats 09 432-1599 or 027-292-2833 [email protected] Waipu Wrought Iron Carrs Quarry One Tree Point Road Ruakaka 4 The Braigh, Waipu Crushed Aggregates Available ex Quarry Contact us: Angus 027 244 6100 Walter 021 519 605 Phone 09 4320 212 or 027 267 9157 Obelisks - Garden Arches Growing Frames - Gates Fencing - Furniture PAINTING - Interior/Exterior - HOUSE & CARPET CLEANING HOUSE REMOVALS AND CLEARANCES - GARDEN MAINTENANCE Reasonable rates, reliable service, based in Bream Bay Tony Wilcock P: 0210 347 690 or 09 432 8503 E:[email protected] C A RTA G E FOR ALL YOUR EARTHWORKS & CARTAGE NEEDS Suppliers of: topsoil, compost, woodchip, bark, sand, pebble, rocks and firewood. Ph/Fax 09 432 8418 or 021 768 940 458 Marsden Point Rd. PO Box 142, Ruakaka 0151 email: [email protected] Bream Bay Concrete Ltd. ""! $ $& $ !# $& $ !# $ $" ! $! $ $ % $&" ! Electrical Contracting & Repairs Electrical Inspector, Caravan EWOF, Coolrooms, Air con. , Heat pumps. Phone: 432 7968 Mbl: 0274 780014 BREAM BAY NEWS PH/FAX 09 432 0209 (PDLOEUHDPED\QHZV#[WUDFRQ] Post copy to : Bream Bay News, RD 2, Waipu Email: [email protected] or leave it at: The Waipu, Post Shop or Bream Bay Office Services in the RuakakaTowncentre Bream Bay 1ews Page 26 18 December 2014 Wishing you, your family and your friends, a safe and happy festive season. All the best for 2015. WAIPU | 8 RIVER VIEW PLACE | Great Coastal Starter Opportunity This is a seriously cute and affordable two bedroom bach. With a peak of the water and a very short walk to the estuary frontage - the potential is huge! Spacious sized deck perfect for summer days and family BBQs. Lovely flat section room for tents, cars and boats (or extensions). This location is a rare find indeed. No restrictive building covenants, other than Council zoning rules. From you local Bream Bay LJ Hooker team, Bob & Lynda Peni VIEW | BY APPOINTMENT PRICE | OFFERS OVER $337,000 PREMIUM.CO.NZ | 27290 ANDI DAWSON 021 265 478 | SANDY MCKENZIE 021 431 541 | NORTHLAND 432 0200 COAST & COUNTRY SALE LTD LICENSED REAA 2008 WAIPU COVE | 633 COVE ROAD | When Only The Best W ill Do In this gorgeous waterfront location you have the perfect coastal oasis all set up for you to build your dream home, close to the water’s edge whilst still having two bedroom accommodation to use straight away. Launch your dinghy, swim or fish from the adjoining estuary or walk the sand dunes (DOC wild life santuary) that takes you on a romantic journey to an almost deserted part of the beautiful surf beach of Waipu Cove. ls r Speciatails e m m u Hot S l for de VIEW | BY APPOINTMENT PRICE | $1.3M PREMIUM.CO.NZ | 27283 SHARON SMITH 027 777 2639 | SANDY MCKENZIE 021 431 541 | NORTHLAND 432 0200 Cal COAST & COUNTRY SALE LTD LICENSED REAA 2008 MerryChristmas + Premium Northland based at Waipu Cove would like to thank all our clients for their support throughout 2014. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for 2015. We hope you enjoy the holiday season! PREMIUM.CO.NZ | FINE HOMES Lynda Peni Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 08 Mobile A/h Work Email 021 432 714 09 432 7153 09 438 1332 Lot 7 Pyle Road East, Waipu [email protected] Asset Realty Ltd 09 438 1332 Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 08 Waiotira Road, Tauraroa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¿UHSODFH7KHERQXVRIDVZLPPLQJSRROIRU WKRVHORQJKRWVXPPHUGD\VDKHDG(DV\ZDONWRFDIHVVXSHUPDUNHWGRFWRUVHWFPLQGULYHWR VXUIEHDFKDQGJUHDW¿VKLQJ3OHQW\RIURRPIRUERDWVWHQWVRUEXLOGLQJDVKHG(VWDEOLVKHGJDUGHQV ZLWKWKHHDV\FDUHVLWHPDNHWKLVKRPHDWUXHNLZLFODVVLFDQGDJUHDWSODFHWROLYHRUKRLOGD\ 5HDOLVWLFYHQGRUVHHNVRIIHUVRYHU$JHQF\UHIHUHQFH5.. *UHDWWLPHVIRUDOOWKHIDPLO\ 7DRWDKL58$.$.$ 6WUROOGRZQWRWKHZKLWHVDQGEHDFKMXVWPHWUHVIURPKRPHRUUHOD[LQWKHSDUNOLNHUHVHUYHDW\RXU JDWH$EHGURRPORFNZRRGKRPHRQDFKLOGDQGSHWIULHQGO\ÀDWVLWH<RXUIDPLO\ZLOOUHPHPEHU WKHJRRGWLPHVVSHQWKHUHIRU\HDUVWRFRPH,W¶VDIIRUGDEOHPRGHUQDQGZLOOJLYH\RXSOHDVXUH IRU\HDUVWRFRPH7KLVLVSHUIHFWIRUKRLOGD\KRPHUHWLUHPHQWLQYHVWPHQWIRUWKHIXWXUHRUMXVWD JUHDWSODFHWROLYH6HOGRPGRZHJHWWKHVHSODFHVRQRIIHUVRDFWVPDUWDQGFDOOPHQRZWRLQVSHFW $JHQF\UHIHUHQFH5.. %UHQW&DVH\ 30 (EUHQWFDVH\#KDUFRXUWVFRQ] &$6(<5($/7</7'/,&(16('$*(175($$ 18 December 2014 Bream Bay 1ews Page 27 %HDFKDWWKHHQGRI ZDONZD\ ̈́ͶͷǡͲͲͲǦ ͳʹǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡǡ Ǥ ͻͲǤ ͵RYHUWKHLPPDFXODWHJROIFRXUVHWKLVLV ZKHUHOLIHUHDOO\EHJLQV̈́ͶͷͻǡͲͲͲǦǤǤ ǤȀͷʹ͵ʹͷ͵ Ǧ(2QH7UHH3RLQW5G273 ǡ Ǩǡ Ǥ͵ ǡȀͶǡϐ ǡ Ǥ ̈́ͶͲǡͲͲͲǦǤǤ ǤȀͷ͵ʹͶͶ͵ Ǩ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ϐǤ ̈́͵ͻͷǡͲͲͲǤͲͲǦǤǤ ǤȀͷʹͻͷʹ ǯǦ ǡ ǯǨǡǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡƬ Ǥ͵ǡ Ǥϐ ǡ ǤǡǤ Ǥ̈́͵ͶǡͲͲͲǦǤǤ ǤȀͷ͵Ͳͷ͵͵ ǦͳͲͻǡ ǡ ǡϐǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǩ ̈́ͻͻǡͲͲͲǦǤǤ ǤȀͷʹͺͻͲ ǦǨ Ǥ ϐ Ǥ ǡ Ǥǡ Ǥ ̈́Ͷ͵ͻǡͲͲͲͲǤͲͲǦǤǤ ǤȀͷ͵ʹ͵ Ǧ ͲʹͳͲͶͳͳʹͻͲͻͶ͵ʹͺͳͳ :ĂŶŝŶĞZŽƵŐŚƚŽŶͲƌĞĂŵĂLJŽĂƐƚĂů^ĂůĞƐ :ĂŶŝĐĞŚŝƐŚŽůŵͲƌĞĂŵĂLJŽĂƐƚĂů^ĂůĞƐ DϬϮϳϯϴϳϮϳϮϵ,ϬϵϰϯϯϬϬϳϬ DϬϮϭϱϰϭϱϰϯ,ϬϵϵϰϱϰϮϬϰ tŚĂŶŐĂƌĞŝϬϵϰϯϴϯϬϳϵ&Ϭϵϰϯϴϴϯϳϵ͕ϲϲĂŵĞƌŽŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ͕tŚĂŶŐĂƌĞŝ Sold under the hammer! It’s certainly been a busy time for property sales during the last month with 73 Ruakaka Beach Road and 259 One Tree Point Road being my latest Bream Bay properties to sell under the Ray White auction hammer. If you’re thinking of selling, you can’t beat the value of experience. Call Tina today for a complimentary appraisal and marketing advice to help ensure you enjoy a stress free experience while achieving your real estate goals. Call me when you’re ready to go to the market or call into our new office at 5/30 Rauriri Drive, Marsden Cove Marina. Now open Monday - Saturday. To my valued clients, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a merry Christmas and safe and happy New Year. Tina Subritzky 021 059 7285 office 09 433 0334 [email protected] Un de rC on tra ct Licensee Salesperson. Goode Leith Realty Ltd. Licensed (REAA 2008) Ruakaka Beach Road - Sold at Auction One Tree Point Road - Sold at Auction Ruakaka - Sold in 1 week Ruakaka Ruakaka Ruakaka Bream Bay 1ews Page 28 ͲϯďĚƌŵƐ͕ŵĂŶLJĞdžƚƌĂƐ ͲĚŽƵďůĞŐĂƌĂŐĞ ͲĞŶƐƵŝƚĞ͕ƋƵŝĞƚĐƵůĚĞƐĂĐ Ψϰϲϵ͕ϬϬϬ 18 December 2014 dŚĞƚĞĂŵĂƚtĂŝƉƵZĞĂůƐƚĂƚĞǁŽƵůĚůŝŬĞƚŽǁŝƐŚLJŽƵĂůůĂƐĂĨĞĂŶĚŚĂƉƉLJŚƌŝƐƚŵĂƐĂŶĚĂŚĂƉƉLJEĞǁzĞĂƌ͘ ͲϯďĚƌŵƐ͕ŐƌĞĂƚǀŝĞǁƐ ͲKŶϭϯ͕ϱϭϬŵϮůĂŶĚƐĐĂƉĞĚŐƌŽƵŶĚƐ tWhϭϬϰϰϲ tWhϭϬϰϱϯ Ψϱϵϵ͕ϬϬϬ ͲϯďĚƌŵƐ ͲŽƵďůĞŐĂƌĂŐĞ ͲϮďƚŚƐ͕ĂƉƉƌŽdž͘ϰŚĂ͕ƐƚƌĞĂŵ͕ĞdžĐĞůůĞŶƚŐƌĂnjŝŶŐ Ψϰϳϵ͕ϬϬϬ tWhϭϬϰϲϬ ͲϯďĚƌŵƐ͕ƚŽƚĂůƉƌŝǀĂĐLJ ͲϰϭϮϳŵϮƐĞĐƟŽŶ ͲĚďůĞŐĂƌĂŐĞͬǁŽƌŬƐŚŽƉ Ψϰϳϴ͕ϬϬϬ ͲŽŵŵĞƌĐŝĂůƉƌŽƉĞƌƚLJ ͲZĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚĐƵƌƌĞŶƚůLJůĞĂƐĞĚ ͲŵŽƌĞƐƉĂĐĞƚŽůĞĂƐĞ KīĞƌƐtĂŶƚĞĚ tWhϭϬϰϰϰ ͲϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵŽůĚĞƌŚŽŵĞŝŶZƵĂŬĂŬĂ ͲϭϬϰϬŵϮƐŝƚĞ͕ϲŵdžϭϱŵŐĂƌĂŐĞ ͲďŝŐǀŝĞǁƐ Ψϰϭϱ͕ϬϬϬ tWhϭϬϰϱϮ tWhϭϬϯϰϴ ͲϯďĚƌŵƐ ͲĚŽƵďůĞŐĂƌĂŐĞ ͲĞŶƐƵŝƚĞ͕ĨƵůůLJĨĞŶĐĞĚ Ψϯϳϵ͕ϬϬϬ tWhϭϬϰϱϭ ͲϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ŽŶƌŝǀĞƌ Ͳϭϰ͘ϲϬŚĂ ͲƐĞĐƵƌĞĞŶǀŝƌŽŶŵĞŶƚ͕ůĂƌŐĞƐŚĞĚ Ψϴϵϱ͕ϬϬϬ tWhϭϬϰϱϲ ͲϰďĚƌŵƐ͕ϭϯϴŵϮĚĞƐŝŐŶĞƌďĞĂĐŚŚŽƵƐĞ ͲĐůŽƐĞƚŽhƌĞƟƟĞĂĐŚ Ψϱϵϵ͕ϬϬϬ tWhϭϬϰϲϭ ͲϯďĞĚƌŵƐ ͲŽƵďůĞŐĂƌĂŐĞŽŶϮϬϲϭŵϮ ͲϮďƚŚƌŵƐ͕ǁĂůŬƚŽƚŽǁŶ ΨϲϮϵ͕ϬϬϬ tWhϭϬϰϲϮ ͲϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ĚŽǁŶƐƚĂŝƌƐǁŝƚŚƐŚŽǁĞƌͬƚŽŝůĞƚ ͲϯůĂƌŐĞďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ďŽƵŶĚƐĞƐƚƵĂƌLJ ͲŽŶƐĞƌǀĂƚŽƌLJ͕ŽŶϴϵϱŵϮ ͲƐƚƵĂƌLJĂŶĚƐĞĂǀŝĞǁƐ ͲďŝŐƐĞĂǀŝĞǁƐŝŶZƵĂŬĂŬĂ Ψϰϲϴ͕ϬϬϬ tWhϭϬϰϰϬ Ψϰϴϵ͕ϬϬϬ tWhϭϬϰϮϱ :HZLOOEHZRUNLQJWKURXJKRXWWKHKROLGD\SHULRGVRIHHOIUHHWRFRQWDFWWKHWHDPDQ\WLPHRQ 7KH&HQWUH:DLSX /,&(1&('5($/(67$7(&203$1<5($$ Wishing our clients and customers a very Merry Christmas E d/E t>/^ ' >ŝƩůĞŝƚKĨZĞƚƌŽ͙͘͘͘͘ĂŶĚ d,>Kd/KE͊͊ KƌŝŐŝŶĂůďƌŝĐŬϭϵϳϬ͛ƐͲϯďĞĚƌŽŽŵŚŽŵĞŝƐ ǁŝƚŚŝŶ ƐƚƌŽůůŝŶŐ ĚŝƐƚĂŶĐĞ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ ǁŽŶĚĞƌĨƵů ŐŽůĚĞŶƐĂŶĚƐŽĨZƵĂŬĂŬĂƐƵƌĨďĞĂĐŚ͘/ƚŵĂLJ ŶĞĞĚĂŵĂŬĞŽǀĞƌďƵƚŝƚŚĂƐŐŽŽĚďŽŶĞƐ͊ /ĨLJŽƵ͛ƌĞůŽŽŬŝŶŐĨŽƌƌĞƚƌŽ͕ŚĞƌĞŝƚŝƐ͊&ĞŶĐĞĚ͕ ĞƐƚĂďůŝƐŚĞĚ ŐƌŽƵŶĚƐ ĂŶĚ ŐĂƌĂŐĞ ĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞ ƚŚĞƉŝĐƚƵƌĞ͊ ΨϮϳϳ͕ϱϬϬǁǁǁ͘ďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnjϯϱϰϵ :ŽĂŶŶĞĞǁƐŽŶͲϬϮϭϳϴϬϲϮϮ E d/E t>/^ ' >ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚZĞĂůƐƚĂƚĞŐĞŶƚZϮϬϬϴ KƵƌŚĞĂƉĞƐƚ^ĞĐƟŽŶ dŽǁŶĞŶƚƌĞ͕ZƵĂŬĂŬĂ WŚ͗ϬϵϰϯϯϬϯϬϬ ŵĂŝů͗ŝŶĨŽΛďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnj ǁǁǁ͘ďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnj ZĞůĂdžĞĚŝŶZƵĂŬĂŬĂ^ŽƵƚŚ ƵƚĞĂƐĂďƵƩŽŶƚǁŽďĞĚƌŽŽŵ ĐŽƩĂŐĞƉůƵƐϱϱŵϸĐŽůŽƵƌƐƚĞĞůŐĂƌĂŐĞǁŝƚŚ ƐůĞĞƉŽƵƚŽŶĂŶƵŶĐŽǀĞŶĂŶƚĞĚƐĞĐƟŽŶũƵƐƚ ĂƐŚŽƌƚƐƚƌŽůůĨƌŽŵZƵĂŬĂŬĂƐƵƌĨďĞĂĐŚ͘ DĂŬĞŝƚLJŽƵƌƐƚŚŝƐƐƵŵŵĞƌ͊ Ψϯϱϵ͕ϬϬϬͶǁǁǁ͘ďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘ŶnjϯϱϱϬ ŶĚƌĞĂƌĂĚůĞLJϵϰϱϰϴϮϬͬϬϮϭϭϮϬϯϲϯϯ >ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚZĞĂůƐƚĂƚĞŐĞŶƚZϮϬϬϴ dĂƉ/ŶƚŽZĞŶƚĂů/ŶĐŽŵĞ ^ƵƌƌŽƵŶĚĞĚďLJƋƵĂůŝƚLJŚŽŵĞƐĂŶĚĐůŽƐĞ ƚŽĂůůƚŚĞĂŵĞŶŝƟĞƐLJŽƵǁŝůůŶĞĞĚ͕ƚŚŝƐ ŇĂƚƐĞĐƟŽŶŝƐĂŐƌĞĂƚďƵLJĂŶĚŝŶĂƉƌŝŵĞ ůŽĐĂƟŽŶ͘,ĂŶĚLJƚŽZƵĂŬĂŬĂ^ƵƌĨĞĂĐŚ͕ ƉĞĂĐĞĨƵůZƵĂŬĂŬĂZŝǀĞƌĂŶĚDĂƌƐĚĞŶŽǀĞ DĂƌŝŶĂĂƐŚŽƌƚĚƌŝǀĞĂǁĂLJ͘dŚŝƐŚĂƐŐŽƚƚŽ ďĞŐƌĞĂƚďƵLJŝŶŐ͊ Ψϭϭϱ͕ϬϬϬͲǁǁǁ͘ďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnjϯϰϱϯ :ŽĂŶŶĞĞǁƐŽŶͲϬϮϭϳϴϬϲϮϮ &ƵůůLJƌĞĨƵƌďŝƐŚĞĚ͕ƚŚŝƐƉĞƌĨĞĐƚƌĞŶƚĂů ŝŶǀĞƐƚŵĞŶƚŝƐƌĞĂĚLJĨŽƌƚĞŶĂŶƚƐŶŽǁ͊ ǀĂŝůĂďůĞƌĞŶƚĂůƉƌŽƉĞƌƟĞƐĂƌĞĐƵƌƌĞŶƚůLJŝŶ ƐŚŽƌƚƐƵƉƉůLJͶŵĞĂŶŝŶŐLJŽƵĐŽƵůĚďĞ ĞŶũŽLJŝŶŐĂƌĞŶƚĂůŝŶĐŽŵĞŝŶŶŽƟŵĞ͘ ƐŬŝŶŐΨϮϭϵ͕ϬϬϬͲǁǁ͘ďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnjϯϱϯϰ ŶĚƌĞĂƌĂĚůĞLJϵϰϱϰϴϮϬͬϬϮϭϭϮϬϯϲϯϯ >ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚZĞĂůƐƚĂƚĞŐĞŶƚZϮϬϬϴ >ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚZĞĂůƐƚĂƚĞŐĞŶƚZϮϬϬϴ ^ƵŶĂƚĐŚĞƌ͊͊ ĂƐLJƐƚƌŽůůƚŽƚŚĞƐŚŽƉƐŽƌƐƵƌĨĨƌŽŵƚŚŝƐ,ŽŵĞǁŽƌůĚ,ŽŵĞ͘ dŚƌĞĞďĞĚƌŽŽŵƐ͕ĂƐĞŵŝĞŶƐƵŝƚĞĂŶĚĚĞĐŬĞĚŽƵƚĨŽƌƚŚĞĞǀĞŶŝŶŐƐƵŶ͘ ŐƌĞĂƚƐƚĂƌƚĞƌƉĂĐŬĂŐĞ͘ ^ŽŵƵĐŚŵŽƌĞƚŽŝƚƚŚĂŶĂƐƚƌĞĞƚǀŝĞǁ͊ >ŝƩůĞůĞŌŝŶƚŚŝƐƉƌŝĐĞƌĂŶŐĞ͘ ƐŬŝŶŐΨϯϭϱ͕ϬϬϬͶǁǁǁ͘ďďƌĞĂůƚLJ͘ĐŽ͘Ŷnjϯϰϴϱ :ĂŶŝŶĞ'ŽůĚƐŵŝƚŚƉŚϵϰϱϰϮϬϱͬϬϮϭϰϯϮϳϵϯ >ŝĐĞŶƐĞĚZĞĂůƐƚĂƚĞŐĞŶƚZϮϬϬϴ
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