From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. Dexamethasone Recruitment of Self-Renewing Osteoprogenitor Cells in Chick Bone Marrow Stromal Cell Cultures By N. Kamalia, C.A.G. McCulloch, H.C. Tenebaum, and H. Limeback Bone marrow stromal cells are a mixed population that contribute to the formation of the hematopoietic microenvironment. The osteogenic lineage includes populations of cells that, in culture, form discrete nodules of mineralized tissue when grown in the presence of ascorbic acid and sodium p-glycerophosphate. We have used nodule formation to assay for the self-renewal capacity of osteoprogenitor cells in chick bone marrow cultures. To examine the regulatory influence of dexamethasone (Dx), first subcultures were grown continuously or split 1 : l at repeated subculture. Cells in continuous culture exhibited less than two population doublings, while cellular proliferation and alkaline phosphatase area were inhibited by lo-’ mol/L Dx. Cells in split (redistributed) cultures exhibited up t o 14 population dou- blings and cellular proliferation was also inhibited by Dx. In contrast with continuous cultures, redistributed cultures treated with Dx had increased alkaline phosphatase area and 15-fold larger amounts of mineralized tissue formation than controls. Osteogenesis was sustained for up to four subcultures and the ratio of mineralized tissue area to alkaline phosphotase positive cell area was at most 0.55. These data indicate that the osteogenic lineage of bone marrow stromal cells contains self-renewing progenitors that are recruited by Dx in culture and that at a maximum, only 55% of the alkaline phosphatase-positivecell population contributes to osteogenesis. 0 1992 by TheAmerican Society of Hematology. H may enhance osteogenic metabolism, but the direct influence that these factors exert on BMSC-hematopoietic interactions is not known. Supplementation of culture medium with hydrocortisone is known to accelerate osteogenesis’’ and also hematopoiesis, perhaps in part by augmenting the development of the hematopoietic microenvir~nment.~~.~ Thus, hydrocortisone may influence hematopoiesis by regulating the size and function of BMSC populations, including the osteogenic lineage. To examine the regulatory influence of dexamethasone (Dx) on the self-renewal capacity of osteoprogenitor cells, we have measured the formation of mineralized bone nodules in BMSC cultures that were replated repeatedly to induce proliferation of the osteoprogenitor cells. These methods sort out the progeny of osteoprogenitor cells at each subculture, thereby permitting study of self-ren e ~ a l , ”an ~ ’essential ~ characteristic of putative osteogenic stem cells in BM. We have also studied the expression of alkaline phosphatase as a phenotypic marker for cells of the osteogenic lineage25’27 and its regulation by Dx. The results show specifically the existence of osteogenic lineages in mixed adherent marrow cell cultures that include progenitor cell populations reliant on Dx for growth and differentiation. EMATOPOIESJS is dependent on the support and cellular interactions provided by bone marrow stromal cells (BMSC)’.’ that contribute to the production of soluble factors and extracellular matrix formation.6-8Although poorly understood in vivo, the production of regulatory factors and matrix components by BMSC is essential for maintenance of hematopoiesis in long-term BM cultures.’ The study of BMSC has been complicated by the heterogeneity of the cell populations and the lack of specific markers for the different cell lines.’ Consequently, the number and hierarchy of cell lineages in BMSC is not well understood nor are the factors that regulate the proliferation and differentiation of cells within these lineages. Several stromal cell lines have been introduced’~Lo-12 that facilitate the study of BMSC-derived hematopoietic regulatory factorsI3 and the contribution of stromal cells to the hematopoietic microenvironment. In addition, the recent development of colony assays that measure the numberL4 and self-renewal capacityL5of osteogenic progenitor cells in mixed adherent cell cultures has permitted specific study of the osteogenic lineage in BMSC16 and the proliferation of progenitors in vitro.” The microenvironment created by BMSC in vitro is believed to be essential for hematopoietic stem cell proliferation and differentiati~n‘~.’~~~; however, little is known about the intimate relationship between BM and its supporting tissue-bone. Previous reports have shown that several factors including estradiol,” bone morphogenetic protein,15 transforming growth factor+ (TGF-P),’” and activin-AZ1 From the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto; and the Samuel Lunenfield Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Submitted June 6,1991; accepted September 9, 1991. Supported by MRC Operating Grant No. M-9870. Address reprint requests to C.A.G. McCulloch, DDS, PhD, Room 430, 124 Edward St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G IG6. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1992 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/92/7902-0003$3.00/0 320 MATERIALS AND METHODS Cell isolation and culture. BM was obtained aseptically from femora and tibias of 17-day-old chick embryos by pressureinjection of cell culture medium (see below) containing 5x antibiotics into the medullary cavity. The expelled marrow was dispersed into single cell suspensions by repeatedly aspirating the cells through the needle. For each experiment, the BMs from 10 embryos were pooled, and seeded into three 75 cm2 tissue culture flasks (Falcon; Becton Dickinson, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) containing a-minimal essential medium with ribosides and deoxyribosides (a-MEM + DNA + RNA), 30% fetal bovine serum (FBS; Flow Laboratories, McLean, VA), ascorbic acid 50 pg/mL, 10 mmol/L sodium P-glycerophosphate (Sigma Chemical Co, St Louis, MO), and antibiotics (penicillin G at 100 pg/mL, Sigma; gentamycin at 500 pg/mL, GIBCO, Burlington, Ontario, Canada; and amphotericin B at 0.3 kg/mL, Sigma). Stromal cells were enriched by allowing 1 day for cell attachment in primary culture and then unattached cells, dead cells, and debris were washed off. This procedure effectively reduces the concentration of monocytes/ t?lood, Vol79, No 2 (January 15). 1992: pp 320-326 From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. DEXAMETHASONE RECRUITMENT OF OSTEOGENIC CELLS macrophages (nonspecific esterate positive) to less than 5% and depletes lymphoid cells. Attached cells were subcultured by trypsinization (0.01% trypsin in citrate saline), pooled, subdivided 1:1, and cultured in medium with 15% FBS, or in the same medium supplemented with Dx (Sigma) to a final concentration of lo-’ mol1L Dx. This concentration of Dx is not toxic for chick cells and previous workz2 has shown that it is the optimal dosage for stimulating osteogenesis in chick bone culture. Pilot experiments also indicated that cultures treated with mol1L Dx provided the maximum contrast with controls in the study of regulation of the BMSC osteogenic lineage. Cell cultures were maintained at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere consisting of 95% air plus 5% CO,. The medium was changed every 2 to 3 days and the morphologic appearance of cultured cells was monitored every 2 to 3 days by phase contrast microscopy. To assess the dependence of mineralized tissue formation on time, experiments were conducted on continuous first subcultures of chick BMSC. One half of the cells from each flask were electronically counted (model ZM, Coulter Counter; Coulter Electronics, Hialeah, FL) and were seeded at a density of 2.4 x lo4 cellsicm’ into five 24-well multi-well plates (Flow), coated with 1% gelatin (British Drug House [BDH], Toronto, Ontario, Canada). Pilot experiments showed that cell attachment of chick BMSC to a plastic substrate was poor, consistent with the findings of Greenberg et al.= Gelatin was used to promote cell attachment and we have found previously that the coating did not favor selective adherence of macrophages or monocytes staining positively for nonspecific esterase.*’ The cell densities used in these experiments were found in pilot experiments to be sufficient for production of mineralized tissue and that could be accurately assessed by automated image analysis (see Results). Cells in first subculture were grown continuously in multi-well plates for a period of 3,4,5, 6, and 7 weeks (hereafter termed continuous cultures) and terminated by fixation. To detect the ability of the progeny of osteoprogenitor cells to produce bone, the remaining one half of the cells from primary cultures were seeded into a new T-75 flask at a density of 2.4 x lo4 cellsicm’, and subcultured 1 week later. At each subculture, one half of the cell population was seeded into a new T-75 flask at 2.4 x lo4cellslcmZand the remaining one half was seeded into wells of a 24-well multi-well plate also at 2.4 X lo4cells/cm2.This procedure was repeated with identical plating densities at each subculture to produce a split ratio of 1:l at each subculture. Cultures redistributed in this manner for 4 consecutive weeks (redistributed cultures; hereafter subcultures 2, 3, 4, and 5) were used to dilute osteoprogenitor cells at each subculture and thereby assess the self-renewal capacity of these cells. Cells from each subculture were seeded into multi-well plates and grown for 3 weeks, so that the initial plating density and total culture age of redistributed cultures was identical to that of continuous cultures. Alkaline phosphatase (AP). All cultures were terminated by fixation in ice-cold 3% paraformaldehyde (pH 7.4) for 30 minutes and were analyzed for AP activity. Cultures were stained with 0.1% wt/vol Fast Blue BB salt (Sigma) and 0.03% wt/vol Naphthol AS Phosphate (Sigma) in 0.2 mol/L Tris buffer (pH 9.0) for 40 minutes and washed in running tap water for 30 minutes.” The area of cells stained for AP activity was assessed by image analysis using a light microscope (Orthoplan, Leitz, Germany) equipped with a MTI-65 video camera containing a Newvicon camera tube (Dage-MTI; Michigan City, IN), a drawing tube, and a computerized morphometric system (Bioquant, Nashville, TN). Three microscopic fields (400 mmz each) per culture and eight cultures for each time period were analyzed. The threshold used for imaging AP cell area was adjusted to measure cells with a wide spectrum of AP activity and was kept constant for all measurements (threshold, 50 units). AP 321 activity per cell was estimated using video densitometry methods.” Briefly, using microdensitometry, the activity of AP is directly proportional to the density of staining.w Staining of 15 individual cells was measured in each culture with an automated image analyzer. Only cells with density values above threshold (50 units) were measured. Ten measurements per culture were made from each of eight cultures per time period. Mineralization. To estimate the amount of mineralized tissue formed in each culture, fixed cultures were stained with the calcium stain Alizarin Red S (Eastman Kodak Co, Rochester, NY) pH 4.2 for 5 minutes and then washed with distilled water. Alizarin Red (AR) area was measured in the same cultures as the AP activity, but with a 620130 nm interference filter in the optical path to eliminate signal due to the Fast Blue salt. In this manner, measurements of mineralized tissue area could be directly compared with earlier estimates of A P activity in each culture. Eight cultures per time period were analyzed. Cell number. Estimation of cell number was evaluated by first destaining cultures with weak acid (70% ethanol, 1% HC1) to eliminate the AR stain. Cell nuclei were then stained with 10 pg1mL propidium iodide (Sigma) containing 0.01% nonidet in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and 100 pg/mL RNAse for 1 minute and washed in PBS. Cells were measured with a microscope fluorimeter (Leitz MVP-SP) at 530120 nm excitation and an emission monochromator setting of 640/6 nm. For each culture, three fluorimeter measurements were made in randomly chosen 2 mm2microscope fields and direct cell counts were also made at the same time. The cell number was estimated from photometer counts. Data analysis. AP area, AR area, and photometer count data from each well were entered into a computer and maintained in register. Data were normalized for cell number by estimates derived from photometer counts made on each culture. AP density per cell was not normalized. Statistical analyses were performed with SAS (version 6.03; SAS institute, Cary, NC). Three-way factorial analysis of variance was performed using time of culture, drug treatment (Dx, no Dx), and culture type (continuous, redistributed) as factors. To assess the relation between photometer counts of propidium iodide-stained nuclei and actual counts of cell number, Pearson’s correlation was computed. To determine the relation between the number of AP-positive cells and mineralization, the ratio of AR area to A P area was computed. RESULTS Cultures. BMSC in first to fourth subculture initially formed clusters containing cells with a predominantly cuboidal-polygonal cell morphology (Fig 1A) that subsequently expanded into clusters of cells that formed mineralized tissue. Cells with the spindle-shaped morphology of fibroblasts were found peripheral to cell clusters and in some instances were apparently contiguous with the cell clusters. However, in continuous cultures, fibroblastic cells predominated. Small aggregates of phase contrast dense bone-like nodules were observed as early as day 8 and were associated with cell clusters. These cell aggregates were found to increase in size and opacity with time. Mineralized nodules stained for calcium with ARS were easily observed with the naked eye after 3 weeks of culture (Fig 1B). Nodules were observed at a different focal plane than that of the adjacent cell monolayer, thus indicating their threedimensional morphology. The formation of nodules was in part dependent on initial plating density because little or no bone formation occurred in low-density cultures ( < lo4 From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 322 KAMALIA ET AL Fig 1. (A) Phase contrast micrograph (original magnification x 104) of chick BMSC at first subculture showing clusters of cuboidal cells after 3 days of culture. Note fibroblastic cells located peripheral t o cell cluster. (B)ARstained bone nodule that was mineralized after 3 weeks of culture (original magnification x76). Nodules were readily observed by naked eye alone and in this low power photomicrograph the nodule is at a higher plane of focus than the cells that surround the cell cluster and contribute t o its formation. Second subculture of chick BMSC grown in the presence of 10 e mol/L Dx, ascorbic acid, and sodium pglycerophosphate. (C) Cell clusters in chick BM stained positive for AP appear as dark masses after 21 days in second subculture (original magnification x 104). Many of the cell clusters were not associated with mineralized nodules. cells/cm2), while at higher cell densities ( > 10s cells/cm2) there was complete coverage of the culture dish with mineralized tissue. Cultures that were seeded at 2.4 x lo4 cells/cm' formed discrete nodules that were readily measured by image analysis. Nodules increased in size for l to 2 weeks and then stopped growing. Cell clusters surrounding the nodules were always positivcly stained for AP but many AP-positive cells were not associated with nodules (Fig 1C). Cell proliferation. Estimates of cell numbers in individual wells by fluorimetry showed a linear relation between photometer counts and actual visual counts of cell nuclei (I? = .79) and, because much larger proportions of each well were sampled by fluorimetry, photometer counts were used to estimate overall cell number in each well. In both continuous and redistributed cultures, cells were innoculated at 2.4 x lo4cells/cm' and grown in multi-well plates to confluence. Computation of cumulative population dou- bling levels (CPDL) from Coulter counts of cultures in T-75 flasks and from photometer counts of cells in multi-well plates indicated that, after growth for up to 7 weeks in 24-well plates, the whole BMSC population had undergone only 2.6 CPDL without Dx and approximately 2.0 CPDL with Dx in continuous cultures (Table 1). There was a 30% increase of CPDL from 3 to 7 weeks in both Dx-treated and control cultures. In redistributed cultures, thc CPDL were twofold to fivefold higher than continuous cultures at termination. Dx significantly reduced the CPDL of the whole BMSC population at all sample times (Table 1; P < .001) for both continuous and redistributed cultures. Mineralized tissue formation. The area of mineralized tissue stained with AR and normalized to photometer counts was used to estimate osteogenic activity per cell (Fig 2). Cells in continuous culture had not proliferated before seeding in multi-well plates (Table 1) and during the course of the culture underwent a maximum of only 2.6 CPDL. These cultures showed increased mineralized tissue area per cell between 3 and 4 weeks but exhibited no significant change thereafter. The increased mineralized tissue area was the result of increased numbers of nodules and not an increase of individual nodule areas. During the increase of mineralized tissue area, cell numbers increased only 10%. At 4 weeks, osteogenesis was significantly less in Dx-treated continuous cultures (Fig 2; P < .05),while thereafter there was no significant difference (P > .05) between Dx-treated and control cultures. Redistributed cultures split 1:l at subculture were used to dilute osteoprogenitor cells. This technique evenly sorts the progcny of osteoprogenitor cell divisions between flasks as the whole BMSC population expands.'' Between subcultures 1 and 2, cells in Dx-treated cultures had undergone 2.4 population doublings and exhibited 15-fold increases of mineralized tissue compared with subculture 1. At subcultures 3 and 4 when the whole BMSC had undergone 4.4 and 6.8 population doublings, respectively, mineralized tissue Table 1. Cumulative Population Doubling Levels of BMSC Cultures + Dx At Plating No Dx At Termination Continuous cultures (subculture 1) Culture age (wk) 3 0 0 4 5 0 6 0 7 0 Redistributed cultures Subculture no. 2 0.2 3 1.6 4 4.2 5 7.4 At Plating At Termination 1.4 1.1 1.o 2.1 1.9 0 0 0 0 0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.4 4.4 6.8 9.6 0.8 2.8 7.6 10.8 4.2 5.9 10.5 13.7 The coefficients of variation of estimated CPDL were 10% to 15%. Dx (lO-'mol/L) significantly reduced CPDL in continuous and redistributed cultures (P < ,001) at all times. CPDLs at plating were estimated from Coulter counts. CPDLs at termination were estimated from sums of Coulter counts and photometer count estimates of cell numbers. From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 323 DEXAMETHASONE RECRUITMENT OF OSTEOGENIC CELLS n 0 I = o e- e= 6 - a= E E - 50- 0 40- Q - a- T 40- T 20- lo4 Culture 5 6 3 7 nge (weeks) - o 4 2 formation decreased to 50% and 25% of that formed at subculture 2 (Fig 2). After 9.6 doublings at subculture 5, there was no detectable osteogenesis. Redistributed cultures grown without Dx exhibited very low osteogenic activity at all subcultures despite extensive cell growth (up to 13.7 CPDL for whole BMSC population). AP. The area of AP activity normalized to cell counts was used as an estimate of the relative proportion of AP-positive cells in each culture (Fig 3). The area of AP-positive cells in continuous cultures was generally reduced by Dx and decreased sharply after 4 weeks. In contrast, Dx strongly increased the area of AP-positive cells in redistributed cultures, particularly at subcultures 2 and 3 (P < .02). Thereafter, Dx-treated cultures exhibited large reductions of AP activity with subsequent subcultures. In addition to the proportion of AP-positive cells, AP density was measured to provide estimates of the amount of enzyme activity per cell in the most heavily stained cells in each culture (Fig 4). Cells with optical densities greater than 50 U were measured. Dx treatment significantly (P < .001) decreased AP activity in both continuous and redistributed cultures. In continuous cultures, AP activity increased with time, while in redistributed cultures there was a progressive decrease of activity from subcultures 2 to 5. To assess the phenotype of the cells capable of mineralized tissue formation, the ratio of AR-stained tissue area to (weeks) 50 4 3 5 Subculture Number Subculture Number Fig 2. Histograms of mean (tSEM) area of AR-stained nodules normalized t o cell number. Continuous first subcultures grown for up t o 8 weeks (top panel) or redistributed cultures (lower panel) replated and split 1:l every week from subcultures 2 through 5. Cultures grown in presence or absence of lo-*mol/L Dx. Continuous cultures grown in absence of Dx exhibited significantly (P < .05) more mineralized tissue area only at 4 weeks; there was no significant difference at other times (P> .05; N = 6 cultures; 1 culture exhibited nonspecific AR staining due t o large-scale cell death). Redistributed cultures exhibited significantly more (P <~.001) mineralized tissue formation at 2 t o 4 weeks in the presence of Dx. 7 6 5 Culture Age Fig 3. Histograms of mean area of cells (tSEM) stained for AP activity and measured by image analysis. AP activity normalized t o cell counts in each culture. Continuous first subculture (top panel) and redistributed cultures (lower panel) of chick BMSC. AP area was computed (Fig 5 ) . In redistritked cultures, the ratio was always less than 0.55 and was largest at subculture 2 in Dx-treated cultures. Therefore, less than 55% of the AP-positive cell clusters in the whole BMSC population contributed to osteogenesis in these cultures, 3 -- 4 5 Culture Age 7 6 (weeks) 300- - 0 2 3 4 5 Subculture Number Fig 4. Histograms of mean (+.SEM) AP activity (in density units) per cell in most densely staining cells of continuous first subcultures (top panel) or redistributed cultures (lower panel). Note that the staining density of cells with the most AP activity was estimated from microdensitometric measurement of histochemically stained cells. From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. KAMALIA ET AL 324 continuously for up to 7 weeks during the active synthesis phase of their lifetime.35Alternatively discrete and separate populations of osteoblasts with a shorter synthetic lifetime 0.8 L E than 4 weeks could become recruited sequentially into a 2 0.6 mineralized tissue formation phase. We observed during al the course of continuous cultures that the area of individual & 0.4 nodules increased rapidly over a period of 1 to 2 weeks and a E 0.2 then slowed considerably, consistent with previously obtained morphometric data in osteogenic tissue culture.36 0.0 2 3 4 5 Nodule numbers increased while the areas of individual Subculture Number nodules remained the same. Therefore, the increased mineralized tissue formation up to 4 weeks is best explained Fig 5. Mean ratios (&EM) of area of AR-stained mineralized tissue to AP-positive cell area in redistributed cultures. Note that at a by the existence of discrete and separate populations of maximum, less than 70% of AP cells are associated with mineralized functional osteoblasts with an active lifetime of approxitissue formation (at subculture 2). mately 1 to 2 weeks. These cells, or their immediate precursors, may be recruited sequentially during the formation of nodules. although all cell clusters surrounding mineralized nodules In contrast with continuous cultures in which mineralized were AP positive. Cultures permitted to grow for up to 7 tissue formation is not dependent on extensive proliferaweeks also contained clusters of AP-positive cells that did tion, measurement of nodule formation in redistributed not form nodules. This finding indicated that the nonminercultures detects the ability of proliferating osteoprogenitor alizing AP cells were indeed nonosteogenic and not simply cells and their progeny to produce bone-like tis~ue.’~~’’ given inadequate time to form nodules. Subculturing at split ratios of 1:l evenly distributes both DISCUSSION osteoprogenitor cells and their progeny at each subculture and creates conditions for proliferation of the whole BMSC Osteoprogenitor cells in chick BMSC give rise to colonies population including osteoprogenitor cells. At first subculof AP-positive cells, some of which appear to form mineralture and at 0 population doublings, BMSC exhibited low ized nodules very similar to that of rat BMSC.I6The area of mineralized tissue formation either in the presence or these nodules is proportional overall to their number and absence of Dx. After 2.4 doublings of the whole BMSC provides a direct estimate of the relative proportion of population, mineralized tissue formation in redistributed functional osteoprogenitor cells in each culture.” Thus, the cultures increased up to 15-fold in the presence of Dx, formation of mineralized tissue in chick BMSC provides a thereby indicating the existence of a separate population of specific assay to study the regulation of the osteogenic Dx-dependent progenitor cells. In contrast with continuous lineage of BMSC by Dx and directly demonstrates the cultures, the progeny of Dx-dependent cells in redistribexistence of osteoblastic lineages in adherent marrow cell uted cultures produce up to 15-fold more mineralized tissue cultures. area than control cultures, an observation consistent with From experiments using cells at first subculture and previous data from chick periosteal tissue and rat grown continuously for up to 7 weeks, mineralized nodules calvarial cell culture.” were produced by cell populations in chick BMSC at high The Dx-dependent osteoprogenitor cells appear to cycle plating densities and at very low CPDL, independent of the at the same time as the whole BMSC population because presence of Dx. Dx-treated cultures exhibited sequential the initial increase of mineralized tissue formation was increases of mineralized tissue area up to 7 weeks, indicatsynchronous with the increases of whole population douing that osteoprogenitor cells or functional osteoblasts blings at subculture 2. However, unlike the whole BMSC maintain their capacity to produce bone even after propopulation, which exhibited up to 10 population doublings, longed cell culture. Proliferation in first subculture was the osteoprogenitor cells exhibited limited self-renewal. density limited and the cells proliferated minimally before After more than seven population doublings, osteogenesis forming mineralized tissue. Even lower proliferation was was no longer detectable. While it is quite possible that the observed in cells cultured under identical conditions but in osteoprogenitor cells in chick BMSC cycle more rapidly the continuous presence of mol/L Dx, and these cells than the whole population, previous reports of rat calvarial showed about 50% less osteogenic activity at 4 weeks, a finding consistent with several in and in ~ i t r o ~ ~cells15 , ~ ~do not support this view, and data from rat BMSC” also indicate that osteoprogenitor cells have a limited studies. Our data indicate that Dx inhibits mineralized capacity for self-renewal. tissue formation by cell populations specifically requiring The phenotype of the osteogenic lineage in chick BMSC limited proliferation before forming mineralized tissue up appears to be restricted to expression of AP, because all to 4 weeks. The mechanism of action of Dx in the regulation cells surrounding nodules were AP positive. Indeed, the of osteogenesis is not well understood, but in both Dx and methods used in this report permit accurate quantitation of control continuous cultures there was an increase of minerAP activity in cells that are committed to osteogenesis by alized tissue area between 3 and 4 weeks. Two possible virtue of the colocalization of AP and AR staining. Howexplanations could account for this observation. First, ever, while this enzyme has been shown previously to be a functional osteoblasts could produce mineralized tissue t a 1.0 From by guest on December 22, 2014. For personal use only. 325 DEXAMETHASONE RECRUITMENT OF OSTEOGENIC CELLS good marker for the osteogenic lineage,z5-27.37,38 our results also indicate a marked functional heterogeneity of APpositive cells. We observed that less than 55% of the AP cell clusters were associated with nodules and that the nonosteogenic AP cell clusters would not form mineralized tissue, even if grown for 7 weeks. These data are consistent with previous work3' indicating that, in BM, cells contributing to granulopoiesis as well as reticular cells may also express this enzyme. While AP is not restricted to cells of the osteogenic lineage, AP activity and osteogenesis appear to be coregulated by Dx. For example, in redistributed cultures treated with Dx, AP area and mineralized tissue area both peaked at subculture 2 and AP activity was greatest also at subculture 2. Redistributed cultures without Dx treatment exhibited much lower mineralized tissue area and AP area. Further, in continuous cultures, Dx inhibited AP activity, AP area, and mineralized tissue formation at all culture times. These data clearly show a tight coupling of AP expression and mineralized tissue formation in BMSC osteogenic cell populations and also show that Dx inhibits AP enzyme activity irrespective of plating density and population doubling level. Taken together, these findings indicate that Dx recruits a population of Dx-dependent proliferating osteoprogenitor cells that are capable of a limited number of self-renewing mitoses and whose progeny can produce bone-like tissue after 3 weeks in culture. Thus, Dx appears to directly influence the proliferation and differentiation of cells with some of the characteristics of osteogenic stem cells. Owen et aI3' have found that formation of AP-positive colonies was stimulated by hydrocortisone. However, our use of a colony assay that separates the functional activity of osteoblasts from cells with the phenotypic marker of AP activity permits the specific measurement of osteogenic lineages and the regulation of self-renewal capacity by Dx. Dx also appears to actually inhibit mineralized tissue formation and AP activity per cell in populations of osteogenic cells that do not divide. Thus, Dx appears to exert differential regulatory effects on the hematopoietic microenvironment at least in part by enhancing the proliferation of Dxdependent osteoprogenitor cells and by inhibiting the osteogenic activity of nonproliferating osteoblastic cells. Dx may also exert a regulatory effect on other cell lineages in the BMSC populations that contribute to the hematopoietic microenvironment by stimulating the proliferation of fat and cartilage precursor cells.4oHowever, the use of a colony assay that specifically detects the proliferative and functional activity of only the osteogenic lineage of cells has permitted selective study of Dx regulation on a single lineage of BMSC that contributes to the hematopoietic microenvironment. These methods could be applied directly to study the spatial association of hematopoietic colonies with mineralizing cell clusters and to determine whether cytokine augmentation of nodule formation is coregulated with hematopoiesis. 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For personal use only. 1992 79: 320-326 Dexamethasone recruitment of self-renewing osteoprogenitor cells in chick bone marrow stromal cell cultures N Kamalia, CA McCulloch, HC Tenebaum and H Limeback Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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