© 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services EQP Name: ICP-MS Standard EQP Company Name: ______________________ Customer Name/Title: ______________________ EQP Filename: AgilentRecommendedA.01.12.eqp Print Date: December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM ICP-MS Standard EQP Page 1 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services Table of Contents Section Page Scope and Purpose 3 What is EE 5 ICPOQ 9 Customer Approval 14 Legal Notice 15 Protocol Details 16 ICP-MS Standard EQP Page 2 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services Scope and Purpose Overview The Equipment Qualification Plan (EQP) documents the activity program that is performed during the qualification services for the applicable systems. A complete description of the test specifications is provided for the supported services, including setpoints and acceptance criteria (or limits) for each test. The test specification section of this document is created directly from the EQP file name listed on the cover. This document is an abstraction of the EQP file used to perform the service and is generated directly from the electronic Agilent Equipment Qualification Plan (eEQP) Editor. The purpose of this document is to allow the user to review and record approval of the EQP that guides the delivery of compliance services provided by the Agilent Automated Compliance Engine. Statement of Intent Unless otherwise requested, the qualification is delivered according to the standard test program described in the Agilent_Recommended EQP. Agilent defines variances as changes to the default recommended values (as stated in the Agilent Recommended EQP) that fall within a well-defined range. These changes are considered to be within the intended use range of the system under test. Customizations are values that (a) subject the system to limits that exceed the typical operational range or (b) additional tests that are not considered part of the core program required for completion of the selected service. Because custom setpoints and limits may exceed the operational envelope of the equipment, Agilent reserves the right to warrant conformance only to the closest variance value. The user is notified of this stipulation at EQP setup time and the qualification report (EQR) will reflect this situation. A set of ink signature fields, as determined by the creator of this document, can be included at the end of this document. All fields should be completed or a single set of fields, initialed by an appropriate approver, run through any signature fields that are not to be used. This is an optional process that allows a paper record of signoff by the appropriate reviewers where a hybrid (electronic/ink) signature SOP is followed. If this document will be saved electronically and digitally signed in a document management system, it should be generated without ink signature fields. Signing this document is for the customer's internal documentation purposes, to assist with the applicable regulatory requirements. It is available for customer review, but it is not a pre-requisite for the delivery. The delivery of the services is done according to the terms and conditions stated in the corresponding service exhibit. It is recommended that after approval, this EQP be archived with the electronic EQP file. Understanding the Test Specification Section in Tabular Review Documents For Agilent-recommended setpoints and limits, the range of allowable values (L for low, H for high) are included.As applicable, variances, customizations, and additional setpoints are listed beneath the Agilent recommended values and marked W (within range) or O (outside of range) in the left margin; values for added setpoint are also marked W or O and displayed after all configurations values. Dual limits are marked DW or DO. Optional tests that are enabled are included and marked as such; required tests that are disabled by the customer are included and marked as such. ICP-MS Standard EQP Page 3 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services Customer Responsibilities o Safely store and archive this EQP o Maintain change control and revision history o Review and optionally sign the EQP, making sure the service delivery is what was approved o Review and approve any of the following variances from the Agilent recommended: -Within Variance Range: changes to the Agilent recommended that are identified by Agilent as within the operation ranges determined in our test development -Outside of Variance Range: changes to the Agilent recommended that Agilent identifies as outside of the operational ranges determined in our test development. Agilent is not under any obligation to make the instrument pass the more stringent limits that fall in this range and this detail is called out in the EQP Test Specification -Optional Tests: additional tests that are available but not part of the core testing suite and cost extra -Disabled Tests: test for which all possible configurations have been disabled (tests are flagged in the test specification) Agilent Responsibilities o Deliver the services following the test programs described in the customer EQP o Provide a locked and e-signed Qualification Report (EQR) upon completion of the service o If requested, provide an optional ink-signed EQR CD to the customer General Statements on the Testing Program The recommended set of hardware OQ tests described in this EQP derives from Agilent's interpretation of authoritative expert literature issued by the FDA, USP, GAMP5, ASTM 2500, and others. The OQ test design incorporates both modular and holistic testing, which is a proven approach, acceptable to regulators. As prescribed by the 4Q qualification methodology for Analytical Instrumentation Qualification (AIQ), the OQ step is separated from the PQ as recommended by the regulatory guidelines. Enterprise Edition uses a balanced selection of metrology and chemical tests to directly determine the performance of the systems without unnecessary reliance on inferred or derived results. For example, direct metrology is used to test pump flow rates and thermal-controlled column compartment and autosampler modules. Holistic chemical testing is used for the evaluation of the following critical instrument characteristics: linearity, precision, signal to noise, and carry over. ICP-MS Standard EQP Page 4 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services HOW AGILENT ENTERPRISE EDITION COMPLIANCE SERVICES WORK Agilent Enterprise Edition Compliance Services Enterprise Edition is designed to fit the traditional quality systems used by firms and recognized by regulatory agencies worldwide. How Enterprise Edition aligns with a traditional, paper-based methodology is described below: [i] Policy documents dictate the need for validation & qualification of GMP/GLP systems and usually mention the DQ/IQ/OQ/ PQ model. The precise procedures for IQ & OQ for each type of equipment are prescribed in an approved SOP, perhaps called SOP #123: Qualification of HPLC Systems. In Enterprise Edition, the EQP has the same role as the traditional Qualification SOP. [ii] The traditional SOP provides lists of tests & limits for the range of system configurations found in the labor department. The EQP follows this concept. The inventory of systems covered by an SOP or EQP changes over time – so this is kept as a separate record. [iii] The traditional Qualification SOP typically has blank results forms as attachments to be photocopied for each IQ or OQ event – the results recorded in ink with manual calculations. In Enterprise Edition this execution process is streamlined and automated by use of Adobe forms and the Agilent Compliance Engine (ACE) delivery tool. It provides reports with no handwriting errors; validated calculations; automated pass/fail report; traceability to raw data and a count of number of times a test was run. This automation provides efficiency and enforces compliance to procedure. [iv] The traditional Qualification SOP is approved and released only once – replacing need to author individual protocols for each chromatography system. This is the same concept for the EQP. The appropriate tests for each individual configuration are automatically selected by ACE from the list in the approved EQP – at time of delivery. The final reports are unique for each system and each qualification event – but the single approved EQP can cover a lab, department or as wide a scope as desired. [v] In the traditional qualification methodology there is no convenient provision to record the actual workflow of the tests execution and results. In the event that a test is repeated during the Enterprise Edition delivery, ACE maintains a counter per test which is automatically incremented for GxP compliant work, and the engineer should generate a deviation note within the ACE report. ICP-MS Standard EQP Page 5 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services Design Qualification (DQ) Design Qualification (DQ) for commercial lab instruments is recommended by some, but not all, guidances and procedures. Defintions of DQ found in guidances and firm-specific validation procedures vary widely around the world. Some firms require nothing more than a record (such as certificate) from the instrument manufacturer demonstrating that the lab system has been designed for purpose and manufactured to a quality standard. Others treat DQ as the development of a user requirement specification document (URS) which can be matched to the IQ and OQ specifications for a manufacturer. Other firms consider DQ as including the vendor selection activities. USP Chapter <1058> pre-published in USP 31/Supplement defines DQ: Design qualification (DQ) is the documented collection of activities that define the functional and operational specifications of the instrument and criteria for selection of the vendor, based on the intended purpose of the instrument. Design qualification (DQ) may be performed not only by the instrument developer or manufacturer but also may be performed by the user. The manufacturer is generally responsible for robust design and maintaining information describing how the analytical instrument is manufactured (design specifications, functional requirements, etc.) and tested before shipment to users. Nonetheless, the user should ensure that commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) instruments are suitable for their intended application and that the manufacturer has adopted a quality system that provides for reliable equipment. Users should also determine capability of the manufacturer for support installation, services, and training. For your reference, Agilent provides the following statements for DQ purposes: 1. All Agilent hardware and software laboratory products including the ACE software used to deliver qualification services, are designed, manufactured, and tested according to Agilent internal Quality Life-Cycle Development Procedures. 2. Certificates of Agilent testing, validation, and conformance to standards are provided with new Agilent instruments and similar certification is provided for ACE software. These documents are checked and recorded in Enterprise Edition Compliance Services IQ. 3. Agilent maintains information describing how products are manufactured and maintains a problem and bug reporting program as required by international software quality guidelines. 4. The OQ specifications in this EQP can be used, as appropriate, by the user to prepare URS. The OQ specifications in this EQP represent the levels of performance acceptable to regulatory agencies for the technique; conform to typical specifications found in Validation literature; are equally suitable for OQ at installation and on-going OQ throughout operational lifetime; are equivalent to the OQ specifications published in the legacy Agilent Classic OQPV protocols; and are suitable for most user requirements. 5. Agilent Technologies is capable of installation, support, preventive maintenance, on-going qualification and re-qualification after repair and user training worldwide. ICP-MS Standard EQP Page 6 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services Installation Qualification (IQ) Hardware Hardware IQ checks and tests for Agilent software products include the following: 1. Purchase Order Documents: Allows the customer to verify that the instrument being qualified matches their design requirements (if available) and purchase order. 2. Preparation and Installation Documents: Gathers and records information about preparation and installation documents. 3. System and Installation Documentation: Gathers and records information about reference and user manuals for initial installations. 4. Product Quality Assurance Documents: Collects and records certificates and other forms that verify that the vendor has developed and built the product according to internal standards. 5. Start Up Test: Verifies that all modules start up properly. 6. Instrument Check: Demonstrates that all modules of the instrument are correctly installed and connected. It does not test instrument performance as fully as OQ. This test is not necessary and therefore skipped if an OQ is to be performed by Agilent operator at installation after IQ. Operational Qualification Refer to the appropriate Test Definitions document for a detailed description of the testing program, set-points and acceptance limits for each system technique, category, and instrument configuration. Dual-Acceptance Limits Within the Equipment Qualification Plan (EQP) of the Agilent Enterprise Edition, each of the tests final result can be compared against two different limits if required. This allows customer-configured OQ to report against a User Limit (limit1) and the Agilent Recommended Limit (limit2) simultaneously. The Standard_EQP documents have both Limit1 & Limit2 values set the same – effectively de-activating this feature. Custom_ EQP’s can also be prepared on request, making effective use of the Two-Limit feature of the Agilent Compliance Engine (ACE). In those cases, “Limit2” will always be the Agilent Recommended limit, and “Limit1” will be the limit requested by the user. Agilent will not be under any obligation regarding the OQ testing results against User-requested limits that are more stringent than the Agilent Recommended ones. ICP-MS Standard EQP Page 7 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services Re-Qualification after Repair (RQ) Hardware In the event of a hardware breakdown followed by an engineering repair of a qualified instrument, it is necessary to re-qualify the system to an appropriate level before release back into operational use. For some of the instrument techniques, Agilent offers a service contract to repair and re-qualify an instrument during the period between scheduled annual OQs. The level of re-testing is prescribed in the RQ section of ACE: a form is displayed for the operator showing all types of repair possible and the re-testing required. Part of an example form is shown below. Re-Qualification After Repair Pump Strategies Repair/Replace Strategy Modules OQ/PV Testing Internal pump head parts, active inlet valve (or AIV cartridge), (parts of) check valves, reference valves, inlet manifold or pump drive, or taking pump head apart to clean (versus repair) Any pump Flow Accuracy & Precision Pulse damper, pressure transducer Any pump Flow Accuracy & Precision Multi-channel gradient valve Quaternary Flow Accuracy & Precision Gradient Composition The full list of repair and re-test guidance is available for review by customers of the RQ service. The RQ form in ACE prescribes which tests the operator must perform for each repair circumstance. The test procedure, setpoints, and limits will be an exact repeat of the previous OQ test (a so called regression testing strategy). www.agilent.com/chem/enterprise Information, descriptions and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2014 Published in USA, April 29, 2014 ICP-MS Standard EQP Page 8 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services ICP-MS HARDWARE OPERATIONAL QUALIFICATION Agilent Enterprise Edition Compliance Services Standard OQ Test Specifications for Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometers (ICP-MS) This document describes the test program used in the qualification of ICP-MS systems. The table below shows a top-level content of the schedule, refer to test descriptions section following in the document for further details on the specific set points and limits for a given model or operating condition. # Test Name Setpoints Limits 1 Autosampler Check Configuration check Qualitative 2 ISIS Check Configuration check Qualitative 3 Autotune Model-specific See tables below 4 Background test (No Gas) Model specific See tables below 5 Background test (Gas modes) Model specific Ion abundance 6 Stability test Acquisition parameters specific for 7700 and 8800 Average spectrum/mass ≤ 3.45 %RSD 7 Injection Precision* Functional connection between ICP-MS and HPLC precision ≤ 10.0 %RSD * Test not included in the standard program, but can be ordered as EXTRA COST test. ICP-MS Standard EQP Page 9 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services OQ Test Design and rationale for ICP-MS Systems The recommended set of hardware OQ tests described in this EQP derives from Agilent’s interpretation of FDA, USP, and GAMP4 guidelines and other authoritative expert literature. OQ test design incorporates both modular and holistic testing, which is a proven and regulatory acceptable approach. The OQ procedure is intended to ensure that the ICP-MS equipment performs in accordance with recently published standards. The procedure is a standardized test protocol designed to ensure the ICP-MS system functions as intended by the manufacturer and as required by the end user. Only certified reference standards are used. Tests for Inductively Coupled Plasma - Mass Spectrometers (ICP-MS) 1. Autosampler Check This test is only scheduled when an autosampler is part of the configuration, and is designed to demonstrate that the module is correctly installed and connected. It does not test instrument performance. The instrument is power cycled, and the selftest results are observed and recorded according to the table below. Test Parameter Self-Test Probe moves to home position. Probe Positioning Positioned at vial 2 2. ISIS Check This test is only scheduled when an Integrated Sample Introduction System (ISIS) is part of the configuration, and is designed to demonstrate that the module is correctly installed and connected. It does not test instrument performance. The peristaltic pump speed is set to 0.1 rps for the installed pumps, and the results observed and recorded according to the table below. Test Parameter Pump rotation Rotate on request. Valve function (if present) Open and close on request ICP-MS Standard EQP Page 10 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services OQ Test Design and rationale for ICP-MS Systems (continued) 3. Autotune This test uses traceable checkout standards to run a software executed autotune in all modes which generates a tune report. The tune report provides values for the peak width, mass axis, sensitivity, oxide species, and doubly-charged species sub-tests. The following table identifies the model specific limits for each setpoint within the autotune test. Setpoint Unit Peak Width (No Gas Mode) Amu Range @ 10% height mass 7 Li 89 Y 205 7 Limit(s) 7700e 7700s 7700x 0.65 to 0.80 0.65 to 0.80 0.65 to 0.80 Tl Li Mass Axis (No Gas Mode) Amu Range Doubly-Charged Species (No Gas Mode) % 70 Oxide Species (No Gas Mode) % 156 89 Y 205 7 Ion ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1 Tl 8800 #100 8800 #200 7900 #100 7900 #200 NA NA 0.65 to 0.80 0.65 to 0.80 NA NA NA NA NA NA ± 0.1 ± 0.1 NA NA NA NA Ce2+/140Ce+ ≤ 3.45 ≤ 6.9 ≤ 2.3 ≤ 2.3 ≤ 6.9 ≤ 2.3 ≤ 6.9 CeO+/140Ce+ ≤ 2.3 ≤ 3.45 ≤ 1.38 ≤ 1.38 ≤ 3.45 ≤ 1.38 ≤ 3.45 Li ≥ 17 ≥ 42.5 ≥ 25.5 ≥ 28.9 ≥ 85 ≥ 25.5 ≥ 42.5 Y ≥ 68 ≥ 204 ≥ 85 ≥ 110.5 ≥ 595 ≥ 127.5 ≥ 297.5 ≥ 34 ≥ 102 ≥ 51 ≥ 40.8 ≥ 212.5 ≥ 76.5 ≥ 110.5 Sensitivity (No Gas Mode) Mcps/ppm Sensitivity (He Mode) Mcps/ppm 59 Co ≥ 20.4 ≥ 34 ≥ 20.4 ≥ 12.75 ≥ 46.75 ≥ 23.8 ≥ 34 Sensitivity (H2 Mode) Mcps/ppm 89 Y NA ≥ 85 NA ≥ 76.5 ≥ 127.5 ≥ 68* ≥ 85 Setpoint Unit mass Q1 - Peak Width (No Gas Mode) Amu Range @ 10% height 89 205 7 Q2 - Peak Width (No Gas Mode) Amu Range @ 10% height Amu Range Q2 - Mass Axis (No Gas Mode) 7700x Li NA NA NA Y NA NA NA NA NA NA Li NA NA NA Y NA NA NA NA NA NA 89 205 ICP-MS Standard EQP Tl NA NA NA Y NA NA NA NA NA NA 205 Amu Range Tl Li 89 7 Limit(s) 7700s 205 7 Q1 - Mass Axis (No Gas Mode) Ion 7700e 89 7 Tl Tl Li NA NA NA Y NA NA NA NA NA NA 89 205 Tl Page 11 / 16 8800 #100 8800 #200 0.60 to 0.80 0.60 to 0.80 0.60 to 0.80 0.60 to 0.80 ± 0.15 ± 0.15 ± 0.16 ± 0.16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services OQ Test Design and rationale for ICP-MS Systems (continued) 4. Background (No Gas Mode) This test examines the background of the ICP-MS in no gas mode by monitoring ions during a blank run. For the 7700 series Single Quadrupole (SQ) instruments, the no gas mode background signals ( 7Li, 89Y, and 205 Tl) are pulled directly from the tune report produced during the autotune test and recorded. For the 8800 series Triple Quadrupole (QQQ) instruments, the no gas mode background signals (9Be and 238U) are collected using a unique run. Briefly, DI water is infused into the instrument while both quadrupoles are set to the signal masses. Data is then collected for 20 cycles and the average counts are manually recorded into the data manager within ACE. For the 7900 series SQ instruments, the no gas mode background signals are pulled directly from the Random Background report produced using the Auto Checkout tool and manually recorded into the data manager within ACE. The background ions must be below the thresholds detailed in the table below. The data is directly compared to the limit to determine pass/fail. Setpoint Unit mass 7 cps 7700s 7700x 8800 #100 8800 #200 7900 #100 7900 #200 Li ≤ 10 ≤ 10 ≤ 10 NA NA ≤ 6.9 ≤ 5.2 Y ≤ 10 ≤ 10 ≤ 10 NA NA ≤ 4.6 ≤ 3.5 ≤ 30 ≤ 30 ≤ 30 NA NA ≤ 11.5 ≤ 11.5 Be NA NA NA ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.0 NA NA U NA NA NA ≤ 1.0 ≤ 1.0 NA NA 205 9 Limit(s) 7700e 89 Background (No Gas Mode) Ion 238 Tl 5. Background (Gas Modes) This test examines the background of the ICP-MS in the relevant gas modes by monitoring ions during a blank run. For both the He gas mode and the H2 gas mode, the background signal (78 Se) is collected using a unique run. DI water is infused into the instrument and data is collected for 20 cycles and the average counts recorded. The ions must be below the threshold(s) detailed in the table below. The data is directly compared to the limit to determine pass/fail. Setpoint Unit mass Background (He Mode) cps 78 Background (H2 Mode) cps 78 ICP-MS Standard EQP Ion Limit(s) 7700e 7700s 7700x 8800 #100 8800 #200 7900 #100 7900 #200 Se ≤ 115 ≤ 230 ≤ 460 ≤ 13.8 ≤ 345 ≤ 115 ≤ 230 Se NA ≤ 11.5 ≤ 4.6 NA NA ≤ 4.6* ≤ 11.5 Page 12 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services OQ Test Design and rationale for ICP-MS Systems (continued) 6. 20 min Stability This test monitors the abundance of ions present in the checkout standard over a 20 minute period using the acquisition parameters specified below. 7700 and 7900 series • Mode: Spectrum • Masses: 7Li, 9Be, 59Co, 89Y, 140Ce and 205 Tl • Integration Time: 9.99 seconds • Peak Pattern: 3 points/peak • Replicates: 20 • Sweeps/Replicate: 100 8800 series • Mode: Spectrum • Masses: 7Li, 56ArO, 59Co, 89Y, 140Ce and 205 Tl • Integration Time: 9.99 seconds • Peak Pattern: 3 points/peak • Replicates: 20 • Sweeps/Replicate: 100 The Average Spectrum / mass is calculated by the instrument and recorded. The table below details the %RSD limit(s) for the test. The recorded values are compared directly to the limit. Limits Setpoint Unit mass 7 20-Minute Stability (No Gas Mode) %RSD Ion 7900 #100 7900 #200 All others ≤ 2.3 ≤ 3.45 ≤ 3.45 Li 89 Y 205 Tl 7. Injection Precision This test uses a series of constant volume injections of an Agilent ICP-MS calibration solution to prove a functional connection between the HPLC and the ICP-MS. The test is unique to the hyphenated LC/ICP-MS configuration and is not equivalent to the LC injection precision test, nor does it constitute a full OQ of the LC modules. It is to be scheduled as the last test present of all the hardware OQ protocols, but it is an optional test. Data is acquired with the systems using MassHunter software for ICP-MS. The injection precision test uses direct data importing of data files into the Data Manager within ACE. ACE will then integrate the traces and report the peak areas only. Manual data entry of pre-integrated peak areas will also be possible. The mean peak area for the six runs will be calculated, as well as the standard deviation and %RSD of the peak areas for the sequence. Limits for the %RSD have been determined to be ≤ 10.0% for all Agilent ICP-MS series. Protocol ProtocolRevision: revision:IcpMs.01.04 ICP.01.03 DocumentReleased: Released: October2014 2014 Document November www.agilent.com/chem/enterprise Information, descriptions and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice. © © Agilent Agilent Technologies, Technologies, Inc. 2014 Published USA, October 17, Published in in USA, November 14, 2014 ICP-MS Standard EQP Page 13 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services Customer Approval Name: Title: Date: Signature: Name: Title: Date: Signature: Name: Title: Date: Signature: Name: Title: Date: Signature: ICP-MS Standard EQP Page 14 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services Legal Notice Enterprise Edition and its primary components (ACE software tool, procedures, test design, metrology tools, chemical reference standards, and operator training materials) have been designed, tested, validated, and released for commercial use following Agilent's Life-Cycle Development Quality Assurance methodology. Date: November 2014 Services R&D Manager: Michael Pope, Santa Clara, California, USA Services Quality Manager: Julio Hector, Santa Clara, California, USA Enterprise Edition is endorsed by Dr. Ludwig Huber on behalf of labcompliance.com. ACE software is patented. Copyright is claimed by this statement for all original work comprising Enterprise Edition. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or translation will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible by law. All customer copies of EQP approval, final qualification reports, and raw data provided to customer at delivery of the service become the property of the customer. ICP-MS Standard EQP Page 15 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM © 2014 by Agilent Technologies Enterprise Edition Compliance Services Protocol Details Current Revision Current Revision Release Date Previous Revision Previous Revision Release Date IcpMs.01.04 November 2014 IcpMs.01.03 September 2014 ICP-MS Standard EQP Page 16 / 16 December 17, 2014 2:29:36 PM
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