Swiss Avenue Historic District Association S A H D OCCASIONAL P.O. Box 140998, Dallas, TX 75214 Volume 39, No. 3 November, 2014 SAHD Elects New Officers and M Approves 2014-2015 Budget Message From The SAHDA Officers President: Joanna Hampton [email protected] Vice President: Bob Ruckman Secretary: Michelle Manners Treasurer: Peter Loh Website: Bob Cox Occasional: Larry Waisanen [email protected] ENP Officers' Phone: 214-502-3200 What's Inside 2014/15 Officers/Budget 1 2014 Home Tour Sponsors 3 Children's Holiday Party 5 Neighborhood News 6 Virginia McAlester Honors 5 At the annual meeting of residents in September, new officers were elected for the 2014-2015 fiscal year. Newly elected officers are: President: Joanna Hampton Vice President: Bob Ruckman Secretary: Michelle Manners Treasurer: Peter Loh Parliamentarian: Cameron Kinvig Directors at Large: Bob Bracken, Jeff Bryan, Roger Carroll, Linda Solomon Committee chairs for the coming year are: Planning and Zoning: Tom Bonifield, Beautification: Marilyn Waisanen, Children's Committee: Kim McCrea, Social Committee: Natalie Bodak, Community Outreach: Lanc Parker and Pauline Mayfield, Website Committee: Bob Cox, Occasional: Larry Waisanen. The District is still seeking committee chairs for Alliance Against Crime and the 2015 Home Tour and a co-chair for the Children's Committee. The Nominating Committee for next year was also elected by the membership at the September meeting. Members of next year's nominating committee are: Jeff Bryan, Linda Solomon, Bob Ruckman, Debby Rogers, Jody Bowers, Allan Moore, and Anja Woodson. Newly elected President Joanna Hampton presented a draft of the 2014-2015 Budget to the membership. The District is in a very strong financial position as a result of the financial success of the Mother's Day Home Tour for the past several years and the proposed budget for 2014-2015 reflected significant increases in spending in a number of areas. The Beautification Committee proposed that the Budget include $80,500 for median maintenance, Savage Park renovations, completion of the landscaping at the Fitzhugh Gates and tree trimming. Final plans for Savage Park and the Fitzhugh Gates landscaping, as well as contractual arrangements with the City of Dallas, will be presented to the Board for approval prior to proceeding with the projects. The draft Budget also included a provision of $12,000 which is the estimated cost of retaining a contract bookkeeper to work under the supervision of the Treasurer. Community Outreach (donations) was budgeted at $22,500 including a $6,000 donation to Long Middle School that was carried over from the previous year. Other significant items in the Budget were $4,600 for the SAHD Website and $10,000 for Alliance Against Crime (to be supplemented by contributions from SAHD Homeowners carried forward from the previous year of $46,000). Total budgeted expenditures for the 2014-2015 fiscal year are $153,200. Following discussion of the proposed Budget, the membership voted unanimously to approve the 2014-2015 (See SAHD Elects New Officers on page 4) 2014-2015 SAHD President Joanna Hampton OCCASIONAL 2 OS C C AA S I H O N A DL 2014 Mother's Day Home Tour Sponsors - Thank Them With Your Business PRESENTED BY ELEGANCE ENDURE 92)':%61(%;13%<1-'-'=%(#%-'%>/*/?3)$-1'%1;%$2/% !" %&''()*%+,-##%&./'(/%01$2/34#%5)6%7 #$ LUMBER & ARCHITECTURAL MILLWORKS marketing properties of quality and character Henda Salmeron «ÀiÃÌViÌiÀU } >`«>ÀUÌÜU>iÜ`U«>ÀVÌià Pantone Black !"#$%#$&'()*+ ('*&, *+, %&'() )-./ $ # " ! '%#%, -($ '' &'( $% !"# !"#$%&'()*+",)-)./" )'0"1$&)"234" 5*&)'%'4 !"2&6)%$72&8(/$)(%/' !"9&/0/$%:)(%/' !"234";)08 !"5)8<"="5)$$>"/$"" ;%?@A36"="9&*%-&$> !"#$%&'!#('#"&#)&'*+''&,-./& 0#12."!'&%,3&2#0.&1#$" "#$%&'()*#+,* -)%(&$&,*-". 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The Members were asked to consider continue straight on Munger to Columbia before heading to whether the District should move forward with an event the finish line downtown. The marathon runners will proceed planner for the 2015 Home Tour. The consensus of the up Swiss Avenue to Lakewood and continue on to the west Members was that, given the growth of the tour, the side of White Rock Lake. After returning from White Rock complexity of the event, and last year's experience with using Lake, full marathon runners will run down Swiss Avenue from an event planner, the District should engage an event planner La Vista to Munger and will turn left on Munger to follow the for the 2015 Home Tour. Authority was delegated to the Board same finish as the Half Marathon runners. Historic District, to select and engage an event planner for the upcoming tour. residents will need to take street closures Subsequently, the Board met and approved a proposal to within and around the District into engage Gaye Jackson as the event planner for the 2015 account when planning their activities Home Tour. In accordance with the SAHDA Bylaws, a Home for Sunday, December 14. Tour Chair (or Co-Chairs) who is a resident of the District will be named to work with and to oversee the work of the event planner. !"#$"% ! ! 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Kelly-Moore Paint Company sponsored the event and donated $10,000 to Preservation Dallas to further the organization's work in Dallas. At the Dallas City Council meeting on November 12, Mayor Mike Rawlings presented Virginia with a key to the city in recognition of her long service to the City, the impact that she has had with regard to historic preservation both locally and nationally and the Friends and fellow preservation advocates at the Key to the Ciry presentation. national acclaim for her recently updated "A Field Guide to L-R: Tarek Omar, Craig Melde, Daron Tapscott, Katherine Seale, Virginia McAlester, American Houses". See the presentation at: Willis Winters, Neil Emmons, Joanna Hampton, Nicky DeFreece Emery, Nancy McCoy, and Robert Thomas. Photo courtesy of Steve Clicque L-R: Mark Lamster, Willis Winters, and Virginia Savage McAlester at the Preservation Dallas Tribute Luncheon. Photo courtesy of Preservation Dallas !"#$%&''()* +,-$#%./%+)012334 SAHD Holiday Parties Children's Party Sunday, December 14 4-6 PM 5417 Swiss Avenue Friday, December 5th from 6:00pm - 9:00pm Join us for pictures with Santa Claus, face painting, a petting zoo and other family entertainment! Special performances by Lipscomb Choir, Woodrow Variations Choir and Restoration Blues! Presenting Sponsors: Coming Soon: Watch Your Email For An Invitation to the Adults' Holiday Party Marionette Sponsor Stage Sponsor be local Additional Sponsors: Bake & Play Cafe • Blow Salon • Dental Center of Lakewood • Frost Bank Hensley Photography • Lakewood Homeowner’s Association Lakewood Orthodontics • Patton’s Christmas Trees • Talulah & HESS Teter’s Faucet Parts • Times Ten Cellars • Unleashed by Petco • Veritex Bank Share the joy of the season by bringing a new or used children’s book or new children’s pajamas to donate to Family Outreach, sponsored by Lakewood Service League. To learn more, visit 5 OCCASIONAL Neighborhood News Buckner Park Restoration Moving Forward In 2006 a group of East Dallas residents came together to form The Friends of Buckner Park (a 501c3 non-profit) with the objective of revitalizing Buckner Park, located at Carroll and Worth Streets, across from the old Davy Crockett School. The idea was to once again make the park a clean, safe, urban greenspace for the community. Buckner Park dates back to 1914 when the first land acquisition for the park was completed. The park opened with a playground in 1915 and by 1923 it included free outdoor movies, luxuriant shrubbery and flowerbeds, playground apparatus and a wading pool. As the surrounding neighborhoods declined after World War II, the park suffered the same fate and reached a point where it did not serve the surrounding neighborhoods and had become an attraction for vagrants, prostitutes and drug dealers. In 2009 SAHD and the three other neighboring historic districts sponsored A Taste of Swiss, an evening of international tastings and entertainment in four Swiss Avenue homes. The event raised $10,000 that has been used to support the development of the project. Working with the City of Dallas Parks and Recreation Department, The Friends of Buckner Park developed a plan for the park. That plan and the funds required to move forward have been approved by both the Parks Department and City Council. Final construction drawings are in the works and the project, which will include a loop trail, tree plantings, lighting, benches, irrigation and a playground is targeted for completion in 2016, just in time for the celebration of the park's centennial. SAHD friend and neighbor Jim Anderson has been shepherding the project through the aprroval process and deserves a huge "Thank You" for his tireless efforts to make this project happen! Original Buckner Park restoration plan that was submitted to the Parks Department for approval. Minor modifications, including a shrinking of the walking trail oval at the top of the park and the elimination of the sand volleyball courts, will be included in the final construction drawings. SAHD kids had the opportunity to go Trick or Treating on a beautiful Sunday afternoon at the District sponsored Halloween party. Top photo, L-R: Miers McCrea, LouLou McCrea and London Ezell. Left photo: Josie Wohlfeld Photos coursey of Sherry Ezell SAHD residents and former residents enjoyed a night at Theatre Three's production of Sheer Madness, with a Swiss Avenue twist. Attending the production and meeting the cast were Joanna and John Hampton, Jean Bainbridge and Mike French, Cassandra and Arch McColl, Michelle and Jerry Baus, Helen and Craig Rekerdres, Lawrence Sweeney and Ivy Patrick and Gaye Jackson. Photo courtesy of Gaye Jackson 6 OCCASIONAL MortgageAd_10_2014.pdf 1 10/23/14 6:00 PM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Advertise in the Occasional Rates Business Card: $75/issue 1/4 Page: $125/issue 1/2 Page: $175/issue Full Page: $300/issue or $900 for 4 issues The SAHDA Occasional is published "occasionally" . To place an ad, contact Larry Waisanen at: [email protected] Help To Conserve Water By Complying With City of Dallas Watering Restrictions Sprinkler Systems may be run before 10am or after 6pm only on the following days: Even numbered homes: Thursday and Sunday Odd numbered homes: Wednesday and Saturday Support SAHD's Alliance Against Crime Editor's Note: If there is news happening on your street, or in your block - significant anniversaries and birthdays, newcomers, departures, births, or just a great story - please let me know. I'd love to publish it! [email protected] Donations Can Be Mailed To: SAHD - AAC P.O. Box 140998 Dallas, TX 75214 7
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