AGENDA WOONSOCKET SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMEBER 17, 2014 7:00 PM OPEN SESSION WOONSOCKET MIDDLE SCHOOL HAMLET BUILDING - 60 FLORENCE DRIVE WOONSOCKET, RI 02895 The School Committee may vote on all items listed on this agenda. Call to Order Moment of Silence Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call GOOD AND WELFARE — Public — Governor Pothier Students RECOGNITIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS — Interim Superintendent Patrick McGee TEACHER OF THE YEAR — Paulette Metivier TEACHER ASSISTANT OF THE YEAR— Michelle Boivin SECRETARY OF THE YEAR — Kimberly Blais MAINTENANCE/CUSTODIAN OF THE YEAR — Richard Plante APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 12, 2014 Open/Closed Minutes, November 19, 2014 Open Minutes, and November 25, 2014 Open Minutes CONSENT AGENDA 1. Personnel Actions - Certified Appointments/Non-Certified Appointments 2. Purchases/Transfers 3. Field Trip/Conference Requests - None 4. Home Schooling Requests END OF CONSENT AGENDA COMMUNICATIONS SCHOOL COMMITTEE REPORTS UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. None. NEW BUSINESS 1. New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) — Approval of WHS Core Values and Shared Beliefs — P. McGee, C. Henderson, L. Stanley 2, Discussion/Approval on the revised job descriptions for the Title II Technology Specialists — P. McGee, L. Filomeno 3. Discussion/Approval on the temporary part-time position of Curriculum Director — P. McGee 4. Discussion/Approval to rescind the Chief Information Officer's Appointment S. Seale CONFERENCES — Special Education Class Size Overages — P. McGee, C. Lerner, B. Peryea SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT SCHOOL COMMITTEE GOOD AND WELFARE J. Rivera G. Lacouture S. Seale For additional information or to request interpreter services, or other special services for the hearing impaired (ie, readers/captioners, etc), please contact Office of Superintendent three days prior to the meeting at (401) 767-4608; or by the Tuesday prior to the meeting, or call 1-800-745-5555 (TTY), 1-800 . 745-6575 (Voice). This agenda will be posted 48 hours prior to the meeting. Any changes to this agenda will be posted on the Woonsocket Education Department website at www.woonsocketschools coin, McFee Administration Building, Woonsocket Middle School, WACTC, City Hall, and Harris Library and will be electronically filed with the Secretary of State at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The Woonsocket Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, or disability. Posted on December 12, 2014. City of Woonsocket RELAY RHODE ISLAND 1-800.745-5555 (ITV) 1 .800-745-6575 (Voice) EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 High Shoot Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895-4348 Telephone (401) 767-4619 Fax (401) 767-4647 Email: jwolfgang© AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de AT&T) 1-800 .855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) James J. Wolfgang Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION FROM: James J. Wolfgang, Director of Human Resources and Labor Relations TO: Woonsocket Education Department Staff RE: Employee Recognition Awards Program DATE: December 9, 2014 I am very pleased to announce the Employee Recognition Award recipients for the 2013-2014 school year. The Award winners are: Paulette Metivier TEACHER OF THE YEAR Michelle Boivin TEACHER ASSISTANT OF THE YEAR Kimberly Blais CLERICAL EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR Richard Plante CUSTODIAN OF THE YEAR CONGRATULATIONS to the winners above! Each will receive recognition and an award at the Woonsocket School Committee meeting on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 at the Hamlet Middle School Cafeteria beginning at 7:00pm. Please plan to join with us in honoring our colleagues listed above. "Empowering all learners to shape and enrich their changing world" The Woonsocket Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, color or disability in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. MINUTES WOONSOCKET SCHOOL COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2014 OPEN SESSION Woonsocket Middle School @ Hamlet 60 Florence Drive, Woonsocket, RI 02895 Meeting called to order by Chairman George Lacouture at 6:30 p.m. in Open Session. George Lacouture, Chairman Present Roll Call: Present Soren Seale, Vice-Chairman Present Susan Pawlina Present Daniel Chattman Present Jose Rivera Motion to convene into closed session to discuss Litigation (Special Education) and Potential Litigation (Special Education) in 2": D. Chattman (Unanimously Approved by the Committee) accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-46-5(a)(2): S. Seale APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 5 Yes 2"d : D. Chattman Motion to reconvene in Open Session at 7:00 p.m.: S. Seale G. Lacouture stated that no votes were taken in closed session and the minutes of the closed session meeting will be sealed. Moment of Silence Pledge of Allegiance George Lacouture, Chairman Present Roll Call: Present Soren Seale, Vice-Chairman Present Susan Pawlina Present Daniel Chattman Jose Rivera Present PUBLIC GOOD & WELFARE: Harris Elementary Students — Principal Karen MacBeth welcomes the School Committee (SC) to come and visit the school any time to see the wonderful things that are happening there. She stated they have an amazing RTI Team and are seeing results with the students. Harris has a before school ramp up program where classroom teachers come in daily to tutor students in areas of math and reading; they also have a partnership with Resilient Kids which is a non-profit and they absorb 85% of the cost of the program; they come in and teach the students relaxation and yoga techniques; they have a partnership with the local YMCA. Teacher Stephanie Roberts brings her 1 st grade students to the YMCA during physical education class to swim; they are hoping to receive funding to ensure that all students in Woonsocket learn how to swim. The school has an organic garden which is in collaboration with the local church; over the last year they have their own television station. To date, the school has received over $20,000 from different organizations and private donors to improve the educational programs at the school. At this time, Harris students presented to the SC poster boards from a recent field trip they went on in the city and shared what they have grown in the school's garden. Jeffrey Partington, WTG President — Last spring he came before the School Committee to ask for consideration of raising the substitute pay and is still asking for consideration. He has J. Spagna's estimates for actual activities of FY14; he projected it would cost approximately $50,000 more. He has spoken to the Chairman who has stated that they need to figure out where the money is going to come from in order to justify this with the Budget Commission (BC). In FY I4 the substitute teacher cost was $375,000; in the past, it has been between $700,000 to $800,000 when we were paying a higher rate of pay. He doesn't think they added the itinerants when they added kindergarten so as a result there is no capacity in the elementary schools; if a teacher is absent and there are no subs they take the itinerants to cover that class. He appreciates the fact that the SC doesn't have all the information to make an informed decision this evening but he will do what he can to get that information to the SC; however, he still would like to move forward and go to the BC. They are also having a tough time with technology; most of the kindergarten teachers we hired this year do not have computers so they don't have access to input grades for report cards, etc. RECOGNITIONS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: Interim Superintendent Patrick McGee would like to extend congratulations to the following teams and coaches for their outstanding performances: The unified volleyball team and their coaches on winning the Division II State Championship; team was coached by Ms. Giordano and Ms. Darling. The boys soccer team for winning the Division III League Championship. Congratulations to Coach Andy Rao on earning his 100 th career victory. The girls tennis team for qualifying for the Division III Playoffs; they posted an 11-2 league record and it was their first playoff appearance since 2007; what a grand season for the girls and Coach Dale Seward. The girls' soccer team on making the Division III Playoffs; they posted a 7-5 league record; what a fantastic season for the girls and first year Head Coach Tiffany Godbout. The girls' field hockey team on making the Division H Playoffs; they posted a 6-8 league record; what a great season for the girls and Head Coach Hilary Switzer. The boys and girls cross) country teams for their participation in the Woonsocket Shelter Walk; this year over $33,000 was raised to keep open the shelter on -) Sayles Street, which accommodates over 200 homeless residents yearly; in addition, they won $2000 worth of uniforms in a drawing at the Bobbie Doyle 7 Mile Road Race held in Narragansett this past August; great job to both the boys and girls cross- country teams and WSC Minutes Open Session November 12, 2014 Coach Briggs and Datuz. Congratulations to Keith Jillette for being named the October "Burger King Student-Athlete of the Month" North Regional winner. The Woonsocket High School placed 35th nationally in Sodexo's Healthy High School Challenge and the WHS Student Council will be receiving a check in the amount of $500.00; Sodexo's Healthy High School Challenge was a month long national competition encouraging students to make healthy food choices which in turn earns points for their school. Thank you to Kevin Fisette from the Good Will Industries who was able to get Amica to sponsor Woonsocket for a winter coat drive; a warm appreciation goes to the Good Will Industries and Arnica for their generous donations. The Woonsocket Middle School and High School Music Department were each awarded a $2,000 grant secured by State Representative Stephen Casey; on October 29 th , Rep. Casey presented this check while he was entertained by the middle school chorus who sang "Give Us !lope"; thank you Rep. Casey for supporting our musically talented students and teachers. (Unanimously Approved by the Committee) 2": S. Pawlina Motion to receive and place on file: S. Seale APPROVAL OF MINUTES: • October 22, 2014 Open Minutes - Motion to approve: D. Chattman APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 5 Yes Motion to seal the minutes of 11-12-14 Closed Session: G. Lacouture APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 5 Yes 2'1 : S. Pawlina 2": S. Seale $000:0.4poto..4 : to take tke . 06bal CitizeWS-•field trip 'Olt of Ord0r. O. LuCOOtur.e requested to take the persouoel actions out -: . . •. . , - . - ,• . : ' ..•:. . • ' • : , '• : : . _ . .. .•:! . ' !. '.::' .. ''• : :- -.. .' - ' . • - . .. . ..,::4O00(': . . •:'.1tiUCtitititrelitOtedthatthe iiK T6 -00 . 00 300itoi:o .nitUh-TA at Pothiorare:fiOn-bndgeted positions, Under the •FYfille would . ... . ida:;. .0:1:f 41,iskii .§.,:f4e11001..f40tintll :coach since: los•:'p.04.01i.ha...s:slAmittod:..a:totter, pi,t6igiiatiOli-i.. iik • ..:10:'remoy.o.)101i-ithe i. .: I •,! ..,. •. • . • . . . .;....... . . . . .... . yypro . were presentMS.: Silva.. and: Ms Hughes, to: giyo B,synotOis on the Peru field , trip. G. LacOuttire -• eale 01(0:0 -110 . 0:14#(,.10! :st.ca01,.01.*:•wilis.011.1.0.e.i:g-0040.0 :;. 461„, ; mony . 0ayo. wilt.. they:need. need snbstitute S. Ms. Hughes started one :day and , they. state . Substitute pays:: the . 440motieyto support tAise -•..• " :,•• teAchce$ m G. Lacouture Motion to:rettiOve the leave of absence request from C. enerson from the personnel recotnendatiOns: APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 5 Yes • 2*ii S. Scale '' rd: U. tr Chattman, S. Pawlina the consent agenda: S. Seale CONSENT AGENDA : Motion to approve _ APPROVED AS .SUBMITTED ENT AGENDA : 5 Yes CALL yotEpN ErIpttk CONS COMMUNICATIONS: None. SCHOOL COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. A UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. None NEW BUSINESS: 1. DiscussionNote to appoint the Chief Information Officer to the Woonsocket Education Department - 1'. McGee 2"d; D. Chattman Motion to appoint: S. Pawlina P. McGee stated that it is a great pleasure to recommend the appointment of Mr. Michael O'Connell as the Chief Information Officer for Woonsocket Education Department; he read the letter of recommendation. S. Seale stated the proposed salary is significantly more than proposed in the past for this position; he thinks this would make him the highest paid employee currently in the school department; why did the salary originally under $100,000 go up to $112,000. G. Lacouture stated the salary listed is a 90/10 split; WED's cost would be approximately $101,000 and the city's cost would be $11,000 which it will not make this position the highest paid salary position; this position was budgeted at $102,000 and we passed the job description with a 90/10 split. APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 5 Yes 2. Discussion/Vote on the Woonsocket Education Department's Emergency Management Plan - P. McGee, P. Fontaine 2fid: G. Lacouture, S. Pawlina Motion to approve: S. Seale S. Seale asked what exactly are they voting on. P. Fontaine stated the Committee is voting on that WED has this plan and it is required once a year that the SC approves this plan as submitted; this is a state-wide document that every school system has and by approving this we are telling the state that we agree and have a district emergency plan in place that follows the state's guidelines. In addition to this plan, each individual school has their own emergency plan specific to that school. ) Roll Call Vote: 5 Yes APPROVED 2 WSC Minutes Open Session November 12, 2014 3. Discussion/Vote on the Building (Capital) Committee's Letter of Intent — P. McGee, P. Fontaine 2": S. Seale Motion to approve: D. Chattman G. Lacouture stated the information before the Committee is not the letter of intent but rather the steps we need to take to get the letter of intent; we are voting/approving to move forward to get the letter of intent and the City Council and the Budget Commission has to do the same; when this process is completed, they will come to SC with said letter. The Building Committee has been meeting approximately once a week; the Chairman of the Committee is Joel Matthews, Once RIDE received this letter of intent and if something major was to happen, then we would be covered up to 81%; we are doing a master agreement and some projects will be finished by June; the Committee will be looking into hiring an engineering firm. APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 5 Yes 4. Discussion/Vote on WHS Principal Salary Adjustment P. McGee 2": D. Chattman Motion made: G. Lacouture P. McGee stated at the SC meeting on August 13 th , the former Interim Superintendent James DiPrete had listed C. Henderson's salary incorrectly; therefore, he is asking the SC to amend the salary to reflect what is budgeted. S. Seale asked if the proposed change is based upon the schedule or a discretionary amount. P. McGee stated it is budgeted and agreed upon between J. DiPrete and C. Henderson; the salary in this memo is the actual salary that is budgeted for that position. APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 5 Yes 5. Discussion on Increase of Substitute Pay — P. McGee, M. Baker P. McGee said there are more specific numbers that they need to retrieve; therefore, he would like to place this item on the next SC agenda in order to have a better discussion. APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 5 Yes 2": S. Pawlina Motion to table: D. Chattman CONFERENCES: None SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Interim Superintendent Patrick McGee announced that tomorrow he has a meeting with Dr. George Ladd from Boston College to discuss the district's strategic plan; last year V. Donoyan began the process by meeting with Dr. Ladd to discuss the process of creating a strategic plan; therefore, he will be meeting with him so they can begin the process. He would like to notify the community and the district that in January that we will be switching over from our current student information system which is Starbase to Skyward; last spring they presented to the SC the package the Skyward will be offering. We have started the process of working with the consultants from Skyward. Tom Connors, from the district, has done a tremendous job in being the liaison with the company and in scheduling various meetings with the district's personnel. He recognized Maggie Baker, today was her last day, who was our interim finance director; even though we only were able to work with her for two to three months, she was a tremendous asset to WED; from day one she was extremely professional, hardworking, and knowledgeable; we were very fortunate to have her. She will be dearly missed; wished her luck in her new endeavor. SCHOOL BOARD GOOD & WELFARE: D. CHATTMAN and J. RIVERA: Passed. S. PAWLINA: She was part of the hiring committee for the Chief Information Officer; she is highly confident that, Mr. Chairman, you will be quite pleased with their pick in 6 months; he is definitely head and shoulders above the rest so there is no learning curve; he is ready to go. G. LACOUTURE: Vacancies has been an issue since the SC took office last December; WED still has 16 vacancies, predominantly in special education. We cannot tolerate the existence of these vacancies; we will never get to zero but we better get close. The second issue is class size overages; the special education class size overages for the months of September and October are up 164% over last year; we have spent 25% of our money thus far. He is asking P. McGee, directors and principals to develop a Ph.D. program to see what is happening in special education and what is causing this amount of money to be spent; what are the reasons, why, and what can be done to bring this down. He wished M. Baker the best in her new job; she has been a tremendous help to us. S. SEALE: He said on the SC agenda we list conferences as one of the categories and asked what is talked about during conferences. G. Lacouture said an example is class size overages; if we were to get something by the December meeting we could have a conference on it; it's a little different than a workshop. The next SELAC meeting is scheduled for December 4 th at 6:30 p.m. at the WMS-Hamlet Building, Room 122. He does fear what is going to happen to the budget in relation to positions that are vacant. He thanked Councilman Mancieri for his continued attendance and interests in the SC meetings. S. Seale said to D. Chattman and S. Pawlina that if this is their last SC meeting he would like to thank them for everything they have done for the WED and the city. 2": D, Chattman (Unanimously Approved by the Committee) Motion to adjourn at 8:08 p.m.: G. Lacouture ) Respectfully submitted, Kimberly A. Blais, WSC Recording Secretary 3 MINUTES WOONSOCKET SCHOOL COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2014 OPEN SESSION — — Woonsocket Middle School @ Hamlet 60 Florence Drive, Woonsocket, RI 02895 Meeting called to order by Chairman George Lacouture at 6:30 p.m. in Open Session. Roll Call: Present Present Absent Present Present George Lacouture, Chairman Soren Seale, Vice-Chairman Susan Pawlina Daniel Chattman Jose Rivera NEW BUSINESS: 1. Discussion/Vote on Personnel Recommendations — P. McGee 2": D. Chattman Motion to approve: S. Seale Roll Call Vote: 4 Yes APPROVED 2. Discussion/Vote on Purchases over $2,000.00 — P. McGee 2": D. Chattman Motion to approve: S. Seale Roll Call Vote: 4 Yes APPROVED Discussion/Vote on the appointment of the Assistant Superintendent and elimination of the Director of Curriculum position for the Woonsocket Education Department — S. Seale Motion to appoint Dr. Patrick McGee as the Assistant Superintendent and to eliminate the Director of Curriculum position: S. Seale 2": D. Chattman G. Lacouture stated he is displeased with the way this matter was handled previously; he was afraid then that they may lose this position and still don't have the guarantee that we won't because we don't have all the signatures on the contract nor has it been approved by the Budget Commission. 3. Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes (SS, DC, JR) 1 Abstain (GL) APPROVED G. Lacouture announced that there will be a special SC meeting on Tuesday, November 25' h at 6:30 p.m. Motion to adjourn at 6:35 p.m.: S. Seale Respectfully submitted, 2": D. Chattman (Unanimously Approved by the Committee) MINUTES WOONSOCKET SCHOOL COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2014 OPEN SESSION Woonsocket Middle School @ Hamlet 60 Florence Drive, Woonsocket, RI 02895 Meeting called to order by Chairman George Lacouture at 6:30 p.m. in Open Session. Roll Call: Present Absent Present Present Absent George Lacouture, Chairman Soren Seale, Vice-Chairman Susan Pawlina Daniel Chattman Jose Rivera NEW BUSINESS: 1. DiscussionNote on Personnel Recommendations — P. McGee 2": D. Chattman Motion to approve: S. Pawlina G. Lacouture said on Page 2 and 3, these appointments are only for the rest of the school year whereas Page 1 they are not; he asked if there is a reason for this. J. Wolfgang stated on Page 2, the 2 appointments are teacher assistant jobs which will go to the job fair in August and they will be notified of same. G. Lacouture said the coaches are one-year only positions; would they have to re-apply next school year. J. Wolfgang stated he believes they are permanent positions; therefore, they shouldn't have to re-apply. G. Lacouture stated the only coaches that need to re-apply every year are the retired coaches per the retirement board. Motion to amend the appointments on Page 3 from Y to N (under section SY only): G. Lacouture APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes ) Motion to approve all personnel recommendations as amended: S. Pawlina APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 3 Yes Motion to adjourn at 6:34 p.m.: Respectfully submitted, Ki' berly A. Blai WSC Recording 'reretary 2": 2": D. Chattman (Unanimously Approved by the Committee) 2": S. Pawlina WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS 12/17/2014 CERTIFIED POSITIONS Brierley, Shanna Pawtucket, RI 02861 1.0 Speech Language Pathologist-District 1/5/2015 subject to SC/BC approval pending certification Resign New Masters' Step 10 Local 12/17/2014 Cohen, Sara Cumberland, RI 02864 1.0 Special Education Resource-WHS subject to SC/BC approval Resign New Masters' Step 2 Local 12/17/2014 Faella, Natalie North Providence, RI 02911 1.0 Special Education Resource-WHS 1/5/2015 subject to SCIBC approval Resign New Bachelors' Step 3 Local 12/17/2014 Jamieson, Brenda North Providence, RI 02911 1.0 TA SC GR. 61w Daly WMS-Villa Step 1 Local 12/17/2014 subbing since 1219/14 Transfer New subject to SCIBC approval HOURLY, STIPEND and EXTRA-CURRICULAR POSITIONS Pennington, Lorraine Harrisville, RI 02830 Page 1 ESL Preschool Family/ Child Outreach Program Teacher subject to SC/BC approval $25.00/hour up to 480 hours Grant Title III 12/17/2014 12/10/2014 FYI PERSONNEL CHANGES 12/17/14 RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS Limoges, Amy Providence,RI 02906 1.0 1:1 PCA for EW ISC/Spec/Globe Park 12/7/2014 Resignation Rhodes,Androw Providence,RI 02906 English Homework Help WHS 11/1/2014 Resignation TRANSFERS Page 1 X10000080.xls To: From: Re: Date: School Board Brad Peryea, Director of Finance and Administration Past Due Invoices December 17, 2014 Inv. Date COMPANY R • DEPARTMENT . AMOUNT ReaSon DESCRIPTION The following is a list of invoices overdue more than 60 days 9/25/20144 Norfolk Power Equipment Facilities Total Over 60 Days $1,010.67 Equipment Repairs I Misplaced Purchase 'order $1,010.67 The following is a list of invoices overdue more than 90 days 6/5/2014 Devereux Foundation Corp. 5/9/2014 Devereux Foundation Corp. 2/19/2014 Devereux Foundation Corp. 2/29/2014 Devereux Foundation Corp. 3/10/2014 Devereux Foundation Corp. Special Education Special Education Special Education Special Education Special Education I $2,512.55 Tuition $2,431.50 Tuition $2,512.55 Tuition $2,512.55 Tuition $2,269.40 Tuition Disputed Disputed Disputed Disputed Disputed I Total Over 90 Days $12,238.55 To: From: Re: Date: School Committee Brad Peryea, Director of Finance@ Purchases over $2,000.00 December 17, 2014 The following is a list of purchases over $2,000.00 COMPANY Alum-A-Pole Corporation Apple B&H Photo Connecting for Children & Families Dell Computers Educational STEM Solutions, LLC Edvotek, Inc. FotoDyne Guardian Fall Protection Mentor, Inc. Mount St. Charles Academy Phonak Snap-On Industrial US' Laminate Ward's Science DEPARTMENT WACTC WACTC WACTC Grants and Curriculum Even Start WACTC WACTC WACTC WACTC Even Start Athletics Special Education WACTC Citizens WACTC AMOUNT $5,912,30 $16,788.00 $3,199.00 $39,103.00 $4,193.94 $17,475.92 $2,944.01 $2,986.10 $3,546.00 $2,992.00 $12,000.00 $2,391.39 $12,096.93 $2,186.75 $2,771.27 FUNDING SOURCE Categorical Funds Categorical Funds Categorical Funds DOT Grant Even Start Grant Perkins Grant Categorical Funds Categorical Funds Categorical Funds Even Start Grant Local Local Categorical Funds Feinstein Grant Categorical Funds DESCRIPTION/ I Educational Equipment Computer Equipment Educational Equipment & Supplies Program Expensles Computer Equipment Educational Supplies Educational Supplies Educational Supplies Educational Supplies Professional Development Ice Rink Rental I Equipment Educational Equipment Laminator & Supplies Educational Supplies I I TOTAL $130,586.61 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Requisition 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 P.O. No: TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 Date: 12/1/2014 Amount *Acct No(s) FY 15 Categorical Funds Company: Alum -A- Pole Corporation Construction Subfund #23581001 Address: 1011 Capouse Ave. City, State, Zip: Scranton, PA 18509 FAX Phone 570-969-2299 $ 5,912.30 Bill to: Ship To: Woonsocket Area Career and Tech. Center Accounts Payable 400 Aylsworth Ave. 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 Woonsocket, RI 02895 Attention: Charles Myers 401-767-4675 CATALOG DESCRIPTION Skew Woonsocket Education Dept UNIT COST 12 Alum-A-Pole 149.15 1,193.20 58.35 233.40 118.90 475.60 62.75 251.00 Alum-A-Joint Pro-Jack TOTAL COST Pro-Bench 46.75 187.00 Simms Saf-T-Net 258.75 517.50 20" End Rail System 135.10 540.40 A1424 Alum-A-Scaff 521.40 1,042.80 A2024 Alum-A-Scaff 660.70 1,321.40 as oc, I • .6 5'..x.a 9vaa..,36 g 4466—. We are purchasing directly from the manufacturer with an educational discount. Lowest possible pricing. please send the tax exempt by email, or fax Please see the attached quote $6,762.30 $150.00 $5,912.30 Check One: Dues & Subscriptions Furniture & Equipment Educational Supplies _X School Furniture & Equipment Textbooks — Office Supplies — Authorization: (Central Office) SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS Strategic Area 1,4 Category Code _9,14 Standards Addressed Originator r(5171/1Pro e _M,A,E,Const. Fi 1 / 1 Busin ss Revised May 16, 2001 erector ger WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 Requisition P.O. No: Date: *Acct No(s) Company: Apple Attention: Address: 12/8/2014 Amount FY1 5 CATEGORICAL SUBFUND #23681001 City, State, Zip: FAX# TELE # 800-MY-APPLE CAT15-DM2 $16,788.00 Bill to: Ship To: Woonsocket Area Career & Technical Ctr. 400 Aylsworth Avenue Woonsocket, RI 02895 Attention: Jason Marzini, Digital Media Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, R1 02895 CATALOG DESCRIPTION Part #ZOPE iMac 21.5 inch See Quote #2201771023 attached. 16,788.00 Educational Supplies School Furniture & Equipment Check One: Dues & Subscriptions Furniture & Equipment Authorization: (Central Office) SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS /1'1 /21 Revised Oct, 19, 2006 . Textbooks Office Supplies I tegic Area Category Code tandards Addressed Originator WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 Requisition P.O. No: 10/1/2014 Date: *Acct No(s) Company: B&H Photo Attention: Allan G Address: 420 NINTH AVENUE State, Zip: NEW YORK, NY 10001 FAX# (800) 858-5517 TELE # (800) 947-8003 _3 /,`/ 5" 1 v o oi-oscae . . CATALOG DESCRIPTION ARRI SOFTBANK IV PLUS 5-LT WHLS KIT (120v)/REG ARSB4P5K Furniture & Equipment_ Educational Supplies School Furniture & Equipment rategic Area Category Code Standards Addressed UNIT COST $ TOTAL COST 3,199.00 Textbooks Office Supplies Originator Pr al/ r jec D ector Business Ma a er Revised Oct, 19, 2006 a Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 Authorization: (Central Office) SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS a 3,199.00 See attached Quote #513759580 Check One: Dues & Subscriptions ►_ CATEGORICAL FUNDS Subfund #23581001 CAT15 - DM1 Ship To: Woonsocket Career & Tech Cent 400 Aylsworth Ave WOONSOCKET RI 02895 Attention: Jason Marzini, Digital Media QTY Amount 3,199.00 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 Requisition Company: Connecting for Children & Families Attention: Ms. Therese Curtin Address: 46 Hope Street City, State, Zip: Woonsocket, RI 02895 FAX# TELE # 401-766-3384 Ship To: Woonsocket Education Dept. 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 Attention: Linda Filomeno CATALOG DESCRIPTION Highway Safety Program Grant Expenses QTY 1 P.O. No: Date: 11/21/2014 *Acct No(s) 21212102-08542-431-500000-53220-0000 Amount $39,103.00 deF—NSP.3 Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 UNIT COST $39,103.00 TOTAL COST $39,103.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Check One: Dues & Subscriptions Furniture & Equipment Educational Supplies School Furniture & Equipment Textbooks Office Supplies SPECIAL NOV 2 1 2014 Strategic Area Category Code Standards Addressed Originator • Josette Burgess Principal/Project Director Business Manager Revised Oct. 19, 2006 cs 9-1/(-7‘ WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 Requisition Company: Dell Computers Attention: '0 Address: City, State, Zip: FAX# 888-820-7454 Attn: Order Processing TELE # 1-888-977-3355 P.O. No: ES5-Technology-1 Date: 11/17/2014 Amount *Acct No(s) ) a8Cee /-60112: Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 Ship To: Woonsocket Even Start 69 Memorial Drive Woonsocket, RI 02895 Attention: Nancy Giambusso UNIT COST CATALOG DESCRIPTION QTY 6 Optiplex 3020 Minitower BTX Base (210-ABDW) 6 Dell 20 Monitor - E2014H (320-9775) 599.99 $99.00 $3,599.94 $594.00 Quote # 695109672 ) TOTAL $4,193.94 SIH 1 Check One: Dues & Subscriptions Furniture & Equipment Educational upp ies School Furniture & Equipment 4• Office Supplies / 2//7//1 Strategic Area Category Code Standards Addressed Revised Oct. 19, 2006 . • —i extpooks ..juisition • WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 P.O. No: Date: *Acct No(s) Company: Attention: Address: City, State, Zip: FAX# TELE # Educational STEM Solutions, LLC Michael Ogilvy 373 South Willow Street jalegrAAPV-ta Manchester, NH 03103 866-871-8219 603-232-2620 wzriffAVEMMNI- Amount , Apt. a Poe- 9-612,, Bill to: l -2 Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 Ship To: Woonsocket High School 777 Cass Ave Woonsocket, RI 02895 Attention: Ed Benjamine, Beth Starring IMIREENWNSUBMEMS"L"OKOZ.Z QTY 1/—/ ViL g 57iiiSIMAY1:2M.ANGUYEF22M"5. ' • CATALOG DESCRIPTION UNIT COST TOTAL COST IIIIIII=IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII.MIIIIIIIIIII ..„1„,-:.;; v . , _ ry ,..$, - ..,, -,rn ti rerffl ..4.' ` ,..t: ., '-114- ( , 0 0 p„ tzr..: ,'..% ' ' "--- dit e0 . .... ,E., ,. ,.- i }act . d :. '1" 7- ' -, A t ' 6-# . 1) ,ipt t -! .,' 1 1, r i---, 'I-- at.,..& .. 't 2 '‘, 1 ) 1 iV t ii; ,„. 1 ' - ..,, -. . ViTAA.,-4-AE,0i ' , ,'4 41 / %.- ,$i ... oro , t . Att.k, witti- ,4.-it. , 1.111111111.11 11111111111111 I E V4IW!.. MI • IIII Lvfei 1111111111111 _i .ai . , i,. :t -4 li• Ic-, kik IF bp i'S - -4 -. k, , I.. - c T 4. 1 11 ,i.V., 5 k 00 A4, .,,.t;.-- .kxi, ' $ 1 ®B -,1 xf qrem. , qt , ' a , , ,, a. _ MM. ELM ....GEBEF"tgaztatmramimwm gamwmags...wiNM.Watv2TAWEW.M..40 Check One: Dues & Subscriptions Educational Supplies School Furniture & Equipment l- . i . 4: 411111111=M11111111111111111111111 12,800.00 Rirrik7 " $ 11 - i...k'''n" 11.1111111.1111 -4.— A 3,,P R47 '4' 12,800,00 , ' .4 45v§WW. • $ n . -'_ca . -IE" Textbooks Off'ce Supplies 7,...„GEOVE ,......-....-3 ) r___, 'NI Author4 ion . Strategic Area 4 Category Code 10 Standards Addressed Al , A2, A3, A4 , Revise Ocub.,...2.006_____ r VP, -nt 1: l ,''‘ ie Ai rigi ator illW/Lif PCo71/frojiDirector Business 'a ager NOV 2 0 2014 -• e.,}` . )N7,.=2, „.N.4,:iMilZafp. iiiViaGINSAMI'LZ ..MTM:ivY.MitReFlatti.e0VAIMMONWAIitra gfratFf '.,•-.M.IWN WU :4- , 1 . giglef-ntS.5 SPEC1 L HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS 1 —C" Ate*. /ZA 7710,1 1--P :Ly, e, - ,„ _A .. 5,185.00 ,ix .;''t A , t i-E t ' o'll 'YON_ 70 " 4 K. a- ,. , 11 a kh, -:.At .., '( ,*.; A „,, II ..,,, ,ty ,oi . -f A' A 21 ' .74 -.' 1111111111111111.1Milll Ill. lata I VIV"e .ML A ...-.- . - -Ii A (L a" i 4; 11..1.4 IIIIIIIII Furniture & Equipment . 4. cf, ,, Ami,. . .ts ., ., F . ,,- , ex - - , 0 gy, ti ,I.- A '"' r-.../ q 6 p 4. k , t - A. ^ i iTi 4,-,,v 6 0 .,, ,;, CiAS ' '9 001020 - Liner Slide base 1M linear slide base for the Scorbot ER 4u 148 I 0 ', ..4,., -. , 3'"C . . ill' 4 - d . a ,"4 , IN :13Z A 4 '1 ' ' ef, cz* 0 'C. 1 .- ' i. V 4- W_ 61 1. il t El 9 $ jral, 1 - =.- ,. . "/"-.4 ' ' 7 % V0 r i . V: till - , 4$ :- 4- ?,e 11111 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 Re Jisition /7- 1,1-09 Company: Educational STEM Solutions, LLC Attention: Michael Ogilvy Address: 373 South Willow Street City, State, Zip: Manchester, NH 03103 FAX# 866-871-8219 TELE # 603-232-2620 Ship To: Woonsocket High School 777 Cass Ave Woonsocket, RI 02895 Attention: Ed Benjamine, Beth Starring , A r.,--,1:a :;!,,,,, 2.4,,,,t /. Y 6V,-;%.'',3i, .,,,,, , i..w,I.J., r QTY CATALOG DESCRIPTION , .„..1.,,..- 1 . . , ii -TT, , -33 reg.. 411-*/ Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 MA'Aca.1,4WV-WW.IMFe`4,WUR—AIV Yo, , Vr0.4 , ny 1 tt.., t ii - + Yf P- . , ..,•--1 r N 2, •i " ' , 1'; .' •., . A % fa ,.,• . .,,. l'... ' ' -, , i'- ''. T.I. r, ' ,', ,. 4- • 4g-,4 , ,g,I,Z,: .tiVr • .P. ,11=- 1 \,`,t e a. le 4. -,, 5 470.1' TOTAL COST lal '! ;' 1 1 J 14, of ,c, I ,. 1% A.; .-4j . _.,, :, 't ' Z,ti- .' V . ' ',.m -.41., — 9 - ' -.74$ . io: '31' , A , ..r._...,.....1"-'" tt- I LI 1 : ' , .. , ' 1,295,00 $ $ 1,295.00 1 16-8105-1200 RFC I/Semester II Curriculum Only i Robotics Engineering Curriculum (REC) 1, Units 4-6 Cortex: eLearning curriculum only; Teachers Guide. easyC li s t included. 4, 4 "r. '. gr. - °II:9'qt 1'1 1 • ' ''' -4 :4,1 .3 g..A: 4f w , 3:. qf , 4, „..,i,,,,,-C, , ,' 57 ' : 0 1 ' .::' '''41 , ,e . 1 .., Ift .14La Ali j ,., V.9.W.. F ‘5,•.1^ $ 399.99 $ 799.98 276-1604 VEX VEXnet System Bundle -1( , ,„1, ., a lywafi 190 ' 1r ' ; w, -.-- , ,..i. t T ' :.'' , - s.0„../a-,: 0 .. , !'' :; .4h-, - 2- .4; . :,-„ f .- r -.:Mt ,' i -4..;• • ", ,.- -, • A' .) ,o- -4 , ' A% 0, -,:,-, i , 1 -t '&1, _.,• .,. IV ' - , ..-4.' ° 4i. . 2'% ?' A t ,,,,,,:k. 4 ,,, fix g_ (90.00) N-STEM Educational Grant $ .a , 4111 la : 1 -Zr ' !., ,t i , . , _,x . • ,.?,-1 ,. . ,-,,,,,:- ,. to -7 WIrkt_K _'3_ .•%,M-:.,.?•F,mm?„la,w,K.••.2:1 UNIT COST ftitM 61 - `'.' , 4: •. 4 8t A . 0.,•" ‘ A' '' 'ivir e •: ,4t.el g' Lt 4.,seak ,., 44,,. L, 4-- -ay - 'a 6.- (.. . ,.A '42 0 — )1p, 111 ..-4;01111.■ 1•11111111111111M11111•111 1111.1111111MIIMIliM■ * - Ell },, . 113 ,,.„ G' af Mil witomrmayamotasompsomark , tk': .- i . "1,%.7..AT $ 4,675.92 — ASIR ...., .4R4 wErdatimigniemimmismatrAtismi Textbooks Check One: Dues & Subscriptions Educational Supplies _ I School Furniture & Equipment Of ice Supplies Furniture & Equipment ?op; 6-: ••trkl:,-;•:.,p_rs,,,•z:t.*AR,5,uaii; ai2'0g::ng;`,1W,1•14-?,•,:26, :it:iaig-WAWY:::-IitOMMAM-Z,1040:e WM.' , ,„„: 4• 1 1 en al — Author l ion . SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUC ION i " 94, ' . Strategic Area 4 Origin-tor ----Category Code 10 . c ...„. E.,.4 [iv E Standards Addressed intip0I/Rroje t Di ctor F • A1, A2, A3, A4 /(/4 ) Business M riag r NOV 2 0 2014 \l I i .s.e.iwav o / /7 Revised 1;77E7. kw[r_ :=, 7.i 4 T' - Ikt','1 ' 7", t.: . -- 1417 i Ign.' f, 'X , • 4 . ,„' " -,- , Orein4:4 I a ki WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 Requisition P.O. No: Date:-Dec22014 *Acct No(s) Amount Company: Edvotek, inc. Attention: Address: 1121 5th Street NW City, State, Zip: Washington, DC 20001 FAX# 202.370.1501 TELE # 1.800.338.6835 6 411101Mr . MEWS= - I -i Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 Ship To: Woonsocket High School 777 Cass Avenue Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895 Attention: Claire Laquerre: Science Department 714.-&N- -4.-.CYMMUW-:12 .312Tagilltuz.4., ..:-,.Tc.,,,..4-2.,:haY/32-,..F.11),I=504mk..,. .2ffilei,aa!•21,1WEal.:... CATALOG DESCRIPTION QTY 8 #763 4 channel digital timers 4 #581 MV10 Vertical Protein Electrophoresis Chamber 4 #589-1 2-20 micron micropipet 4 #590 5-50 micron micropipet 4 #592-1 100-1000 micron micropipet .35—P /40O/' 4 5- .)-a-9 , ;F=41r :-.,.:_csi&.,., ...Attikrallai UNIT COST $ $ $ $ $ ZA: 4 !. e t,..V.A.,MA ia.'/" 4a TOTAL COST - $ 199.00 $ 179.00. $ 179.00 $ 179.00 $ $ $ $ 796.00 716,00 716.00 716.00 - /A. Q... $o ii4- a. 9. (s--$6, / 43 / $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,944.00 $ 0.01 $ 4M.S-V/fAe 1- , '.41 '".4. 2:40.7,WV Check One: Dues & Subscriptions Educational Supplies School Furniture & Equipment Furniture & Equip ment fkMtftlf,,,Wikrifa9MK.4' 4WASMNRVAIMrnirME. qv.k-,- = 1CA. ' ' ..-. -- V'Z' AA. , SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS 2,944.01 . , zr i.ii..Wiirl-afWa-177z,752::,iwi,' .i. v , iiSMIMPIEGNEireift'• Textbooks — Office Supplies v .tA. ' OA VV €.,,4 ,t,,'X • rltrafiaMMIMURAVAMM Authorization: (Central Office) --1 -- c-1A--o-ts—e— roil Vie—g--- Al Strategic Area Category Code Standards Addressed rigi 4., ,-.. Pri for ee,-..e.1__-,r, ipa /P oje t Busine s Manager Revised Oct. 19, 2006 irecto , Requisition WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 P.O. No Date:--12/3/201-4 *Acct No(s) Company: FotoDyne Attention: Address: 950 Walnut Ridge Drive City, State, Zip: Hartland, WI 53029 FAX# 800-362-3642 TELE # 262-369-7000 44 F Amount 72. plc' 14? At, pr are3ori Forid5 ()APT-U_ Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable Ship To: Woonsocket High School 777 Cass Avenue Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895 Attention: Claire Laquerre: Science Department 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 F 'rMatiMlii..AVAMEMNFIREMMEMDMITWAREIMA5M-MagNSWED LittUgi-V&IMB:AnalftEMEMBITAILial-Matlaraiit:IMSTIMFAIAN UL QTY 4 O MEM 6 UNIT COST CATALOG DESCRIPTION $ #E1-1408 Gel Electrophoresis Chamber -single #E1-1426 Gel Tray with well combs $ #E8-1400 Mini Centrifuge - Spectrafuge TOTAL COST 236.00 944.00 61.20 183.60 289.75 1,738.50 See Quote #14945 Eil 1111111111111 NINON MIIIIMIIMI1=11=111■1111111■ =111•11•1 gEINE2 =MIN 111■111=11111=10111111111111 ■1=1111=1 # 1-1480 platinum wire repair gel box with shipping fee 85.00 85.00 See Quote # 14946 111.1111. $ V/04. . ,:.1e2- • 1..2.2.•34 • 44 $ $ wommilim■mw,k' immummimzny r7, $ $ 0,e 2,951.10 35.00 2,986.10 vEmagawismatffluttscpamiLwammigzummumgrzgamoaminzmaggafflam Educational Supplies Textbooks Check One: Dues & Subscriptions School Furniture & Equipment Office Supplies Furniture & Equipment NiEWNWIMMERMIARVATAMEE1,141012MalittMINAMWMPARIMatitiangi, —VIE Authorization: (Central Office) SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS sch_o_efre (nen /-)--// '7-7/ Revised Oct. 19, 2006 d( Strategic Area Category Code Standards Addressed iiiiii1111111111 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 Requisition Company: Guardian Fall Protection P.O. No: Date: 12/1/2014 *Acct No(s) Categorical Funds Construction Amount Address: 687 Lakeview Plaza Blvd Ste F City, State, Zip: Worthington, Ohio 43085 FAX Phone 614-846-2525 ext 309 attn Darrah Courter es) f Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept email [email protected] Woonsocket Area Career and Tech. Center 400 Aylsworth Ave. Woonsocket, RI 02895 Attention: Charles Myers 401-767-4675 • QTY CATALOG DESCRIPTION 16 Guardian Fall Protection Brackets for sloped roofs (OSHA Required Fall Protection) Ship To: Skew 12 Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 ■■•■••••■■■•■••■••••■■■••••■....., UNIT COST Guardian Roof Jack and Back Rail Brackets for sloped roofs (OSHA Required Fall Protection) ..•■•••■•■■••■■•.01 TOTAL COST $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Please see the attahed quote _ .. 1) $0.00 $0.00 ,,st 4I 0.— _ Ar - - $0.00 $0.00 MM. IME111021MIONEMNSWANIIIIIIIN „ IIIMNIMMINEEMIWA0A4111ffilIIIIIIIIIII 111111=111 111111.111.1 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Mt* ninilMillimomi dol lli 4=5$3,546.00 IIII • Check One: Dues & Subscriptions Furniture & Equipment Educational Supplies _X School Furniture & Equipment SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS a rnm r Sae-12.-J y4mix ,c- / Revised May 16, 2001 III Textbooks Office Supplies Authorization: (Central Office) Strategic Area 1,4 Category Code _9,14 Standards Addressed M,A,E,Const. $3,546.00 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 Requisition ) Company: Mentor, Inc. dba RIRAL Attention: Address: 191 Social St. 3rd Floor City, State, Zip: Woonsocket, RI 02895 FAX# TELE # iz,zzafaci-ik-190 Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 Ship To: Woonsocket Even Start 69 Memorial Drive Woonsocket, RI 02895 Attention: Nancy Giambusso CATALOG DESCRIPTION QTY P,O, No: ES3-Technology Date: 11/17/2014 *Acct No(s) Amount UNIT COST For provision of Technology/Professional Development $2,992.00 to WES staff at $28.50 per hour TOTAL S/H Check One: Dues & Subscriptions Furniture & Equipment Educational Supplies School Furniture & Equipment Strategic Area Category Code Standards Addressed Textbooks Office Su pplies P mcipal ' oj; t iairector Business Manager $2,992.00 Requisition Company: Attention: Address: City, State, Zip: FAX WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 P.O. No: Date: 11/21/2014 *Acct No(s) 10000000-05211-213-902200-54605-0000 000901 Mount St. Charles Ice Arena Bill Belisle 800 Logee Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 $12,000.00 Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 Ship To: Woonsocket High School 777 Cass Avenue Woonsocket, RI 02895 Attention: Brian Bouley, Athletic Director ,., CATALOG DESCRIPTION QTY Amount UNIT COST TOTAL COST Rental Fees for Ice Hockey - 2014-2015-Season $12,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 See attached contract $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 $0.00 $12,000.00 &.- SUB TOTAL SHIPPING & HANDLING '-- 4 - TOTAL Check One: Dues & Subscriptions Furniture & Equipment --,----. . 1---J. ' 3 .? _ Educational Supplies School Furniture & Equipment Textbooks Office Supplies Authorization: (Central Office) SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHOOL COMMITTEE APPROVAL 1211712014 Strategic Area Category Code Standards Addressed ) 1:t 4 , Originator Alice Fromich Principal/Projert PABusiness Manager Revised May 16, 2001 irector g-j2 7 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Requisition 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 P.O. No: TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 Dote: 11/12/20/4 *Acct No(s) / Company: Phonak Amount $2,391,39 1....2.-4) .2.1/c) .s- 47,366". ciezaioc) Address: 4520 Weaver Parkway ty, State, Zip: Warrenville, IL 60555 Phone 888-777-7316 Bill to: fox 630-393-9816 Woonsocket Education Dept Ship To: Woonsocket Special Education Department Accounts Payable 108 High Street 108 High Street Woonsocket RI 02895 Woonsocket, RI 02895 Attention: Carole Lerner, Director MIMMERagaig . . syg-. ,. ;k *Vg,, 4,, , ,,-&, 4,t1--p-.A W ` z k)W...vg4f4g , - A .t., q-X- ,-it,--- , , eZ-vs j,' ,, 7 , TOTAL COST UNIT COST $789.00 $789.00 $1,486.00 $743.00 $98.00 $49.00 A% QTY CATALOG DESCRIPTION EMI Phonok Roger Inspiro Transmitter 0523169 2 Phonok Roger X receivers 0523113d02P6 2 Oticon FM9 Audio-shoes 0521425 MIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII=MIMIIII MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.MIIII 1111111111111=11111 11111=M11111 III 111= Mateo Candelario (5/30/11) (32213) 111 1111111111=11111 1111.111.111111. 111111111111 MIIIIIIIII III= 11111111111 IIIIIIIIIMEM11111111111 MIIIIIIIIMII 1=1111.111111. 111111 MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIM IIIII 1111111 111 IIIIIEIMI =111 111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIIMIMIIII. II IIIIII MEM IVEMegaNK21 ,0tr-T?ff Check One: Dues & Subscriptions Furniture & Equipment MITROM- . ' W. -:.rz,7 :74 .1. SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS ■g'LI 1) N$il 'kkk,a t*,-, MV'eP--, Educational Supplies School Furniture & Equipment 4i , „amintawmaia r__ R2)5o `2.. dr7dgi!-MV -"r• V ..g-- ..4.— ' -' k'' I)akA--ie---•,tf a ,, ,,,,. :-,wrg, ii _ $18.39 $2,391.39 '-.W A--"Ila 23 MWWWV . .iA VE=ik ,tla : r111FAMIRWM ' Aut . ation:, Cent r)17Off ice) / .".-_-..d _A.,,hiddiaLL,Apik , Principal/Project Director Business M nager ..._., $2,373.00 Textbooks Office. Supplies Originator tZ-11-4-.1,-7 Revised May 16, 2001 IIIMMIIIIIIIIIIII '17T7474i* SUB TOTAL 14 , A . -''. SHIPPING & HANDLING z,, Atk.Kiu*a.2., TOTAL -.4r _,..7,, (4-41 -, -.Az i-4413_ IIIIIIIIIII WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 Requisition P.O. No: Date: Account Company: Address: City, State, Zip: FAX: PHONE: Ship To: Snap-On Industrial A Division of IDSC Holdings, LLC P.O. Box 9004 Crystal Lake, IL 60039-9004 (518) 335-9525 Craig Stay, (877) 740-1900 x8846 12/8/2014 Amount FY16 CATEGORICAL Subfund #23581001 CAT15-AT1 $12,096.93 Woonsocket Area Career & Technical Ctr. 400 Aylsworth Avenue Woonsocket, RI 02895 Attention: Phil Jacques - Auto Tech Phone: (401) 767-4662 Fax: 401) 767-4665 .• • :•.,: :•-••••• D SCRIPTIO „. See attached Quote #209769 4,001.86 5,185.79 224.75 283.07 81.54 122.14 1,940.06 64.43 BRA10312H Air Compressor EEAC325B KoolKare Plus Database Lhoze ACTUVDYEKIT UV Leak Detection Kit 4 ACT795UVA AC Leak Detector w UV EEAC325ACV Cover, EEAC325A A/C Sercie Center, Red EEPV511 Vacuum and Fuel Purn• Tester SYMHBA5 Electronic Aimer PHSVAS110010 Strip Dip 100ct. $-"S. /04 . 0 tr.A. . a • t•AP 111111=11111.111.111111=111.111=1111MIEMIMIll MOM 11111=1=11111111•11111= 111■11M11111111111=1111MM A1111•11111 Check One: Authorization: (Central Office) SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIGNS CO rrt m 9C42--V(74 8trategic Area Category Code Standards Addressed 4,001.86 5,185.79 224.75 283.07 81.54 122.14 1,940.06 Originator Principal/Project Director Cculet.elblie,vtdorso-vt, Business Manager Requ'sition WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE {401) 767-4600 P.O. No: Date: "Acct -No(s) Company: Attention: Address: City, State, Zip: FAX# TELE # 4 98 Fort Path Road Suite A Madison CT 06115.0429 1 _ 1-203-245-8619 1-800-282.9290 0,11 aa OJIINWINSIzalrall IMMO irvaiar4i7 74.,r1:1C-.11. 6/111 Ship To: Citizens' Memorial Elementary School 250 Winthrop Street Woonsocket RI 02895 Attention: Christopher Lopardo ,...> ;., Os ".■,,,t , , ,:Ss.4.,..' 'r,YJZ. ''''' .. ' ''''' A.. R k',' j'' '''' CATALOG DESCRIPTION QTY ARL Pro 2700 27" Heated Roll Laminator 1 1 7 Amount USI Laminate A Laminator Vinyl Dust Cover 27" USI Opti Clear tm Roll Film-5Mil 200' 27"Wide Roll Laminator Cleaning Kit ' Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 e A. 621 • kriT . 'AIT,-....t,A,S.V....,,,te UNIT COST TOTAL COST • e .. $ 1,584.00 $ $ 24.20 $ 24.20 $ 80.40 $ 562.80 15.75 $ 15.75 1,584.00 $ - $ $ $ $ $ . $ - $ $ $ $ Ta 2,186.75 2,186.75 ..,, 41 cTIMR/19wFaMTPa,41Vir•rigt,klWVWfiEa,ET-MZ:93ZttdfaFMM.-r:''aoav-ailt,aMB,Mtsin_.‘fZarAaciEgctmta3kmgki FSZW1431..40.Zat. Check One Dues & Subscriptions Educational Supplies Textbooks Furniture & Equipment School Furniture & Equipment Office Supplies -",,,4,7:, 1..,, q1 -..-, ' : , tr-MMAI:1-MtiMetaILIMMV.-414%W.STOr."-tuAMMUMATAMMOM.SlitiMMEATAW._ MZ u tral 0 4,4 it? SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS )r- ,...s-c-4.0.4--e Co rrs a1 i la.././ . Itsea--g--' .-//,Z Strategic Area ____ Category Code ____ Standards Addressed Ali / incipal/Project '■ Business Manager fR\ Revised Oct. 19, 2006 ii SWAIM Ti r rigin-r rector .... WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 Requisition Company: Ward's Science Attention: Address: 5100 West Henrietta Road City, State, Zip: PO Box 92912 Rochester, NY 14692-9012 FAX# 1-800-635-8439 TELE # 800-962-2660 it g_ P.O. No: Date: 12/3/2014 *Acct No(s) Amount F,11 6- a Fu ,egorir c A.12 -1,,5 Virii'd g,735,70/ r3 041 -/I-, 0 .,,77/ .,2'; Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 Ship To: Woonsocket High School 777 Cass Avenue Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895 Attention: Claire La uerre: Science Department d e'fit`r:? 1-2:71itlall:=4.7,10=larTatirMIY-WleirlaltE,SETWORRIMEIMifraWnig=g2i7EFIAMMI;311i'AMTIMEILTOMMEUTVELIVIAUY11211nTSTWIrd. UNIT COST 396.06 $ 22.19 $ 39.91 $ 34.81 $ 16.13 $ 12.20 $ 22.91 $ 25.03 $ CATALOG DESCRIPTION QTY #159995 Digital Hotplate & Stirrer 6 #182269 Disp Bottles 30 ml pk 12 4 # 6136005 Boros, Glass Graduated Cylinders 25m1 3 1111.1111.# 6136002 Boros. Glass graduated Cylinders 10m1 1111115111111# 173035 Pyrex Florence Flask 1000m1 41.11.1# 173030 Pyrex Florence flask 500m1 # 150542 Handypette Pipet Pump 1-10m1 1 # 150543 Handypette Pipet Pump 10-25m1 1 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL COST 2,376.36 88.76 119.73 69.62 32.26 36.60 22.91 25.03 rjIIIIIIIIIIIII IMIIMIIIIIMIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMI III See_ (3)uoi-e. 4. S' 00 p - 1 /50 $ $. fitiii-che 61 IIIMIII l0 1111111.1111 NM= 1111=1111=1111111=■11111111111111111111111=11 $ $ MIMI --f ... _ —; Ana / • ,e) s-.A.. ..9.4.1.a.• 36 . / 4, _ vsm._K_.t. MIIIIIIIMM IMMO $ 11111=1111121■1111111 2,771.27 $ ^ 2,771.27 , i 11111■1111111 OMNI III— MM. 6.. - f. ' ',1, A x IZIEWTINEZMI?:IREI.WEI,M 65',=M1011=a11;11,.6.1)=JEZIM1/21ZW ,, Check One: Dues & Subscriptions Furniture & Equipment =I ' . vr.4' ,' 11M ''-,,- . . , -,t1' " l' Educational Supplies School Furniture & Equipment M 2 E OMINE&W' ';*Ai 'wle 0. .,,o, t? •I k M' r tA A( SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS Strategic Area Category Code Standards Addressed t Textbooks Office Supplies c„ .' ,.11-4.', ,,,4 #1- 4`. ' ,•,-Aitv.i. i- i' A l k. ;i'if ti ;,,- -= V, , -.' s ;? , , N,' Autheri .tion: (Central Office) Ori i at• P• pal/Pr je 4L Business Ma ager Revised Oct. 19, 2006 $ .1,..,.1:4.mmal..;aqA7Z2LICY511M04 mor,77.-emo „omit --,4--4W 0'17 Ittio41111111 rector ir City of Woonsocket EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895-4348 Telephone 401-767-4641 Fax 401-767-4640 Email: [email protected] RELAY RHODE ISLAND 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de AT&T) 1-800 . 855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) Office of Grants and Assessment Linda Filomeno, Director TO: . FROM: Woonsocket Scitio• Linda Filomen mmittee rector of Grants and Assessment RE: Home Schooling Request DATE: December 3, 2014 I am in receipt of the signed Curriculum Form as required by the Woonsocket Education Department's Home Instruction Policy from along with their letter of intent to home school their daughter ainilbo— Grade 8 for academic year 2014-2016. I have reviewed the Curriculum Form and have determined that it is in compliance with the General Laws of Rhode Island. Therefore, I am recommending that the Committee approve this request. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter. LF/cm "Empowering all learners to shape and enrich their changing world" The Woonsocket Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, color or disability in accordance with applicable laws and. regulations. City of Woonsocket RELAY RHODE ISLAND 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895-4348 Telephone 401-767-4641 Fax 401-767-4640 E mall: Itliomeno@woonsocketschools,com AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de AT&T) 1-800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) Office of Grants and Assessment Linda Filomeno, Director TO: Woonsocket S t 1 9:‘nmittee FROM: Linda Filome !rector of Grants and Assessment RE: Home Schooling Request DATE: December 3, 2014 I am in receipt of the signed Curriculum Forms as required by the Woonsocket Education Department's Home Instruction Policy from 101111111111111111111. along with their letter of intent to home school their children: aliamisik - Grade 8 and alliMala — Grade 10 for academic year 2014-2015. I have reviewed the Curriculum Forms and have determined that they are in compliance with the General Laws of Rhode Island. Therefore, I am recommending that the Committee approve this request. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter. LF/cm "Empolvering all learners to shape and enrich their changing world" The Woonsocket Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, color or disability in accordance with applicable laws and reaulations. ii 5 0.-.1ei*et WHS School Motto: "EVERY GREAT JOURNEY BEGINS WITH A STEP- MAKE TODAY YOUR FIRST!!!" Core values and shared beliefs: We are dedicated to do what is in the best interests of this community's students so they are provided opportunities to develop 21st century skills and competencies in order to meet life's challenges with confidence. As we pursue these beliefs, we hold the following to be true: Collaboration across network and leading by influence • Through collaboration, learners become accountable leaders in school, home and community by making informed choices that benefit themselves and society. • May be evidenced through the following WHS / WACTC School Wide Learning Expectations: Reflective Thinker, Researcher, and Critical Thinker. Critical thinking and problem solving • Learners will build confidence, self-esteem, critical thinking and problem solving, in and beyond the school setting • May be evidenced through the following WHS / WACTC School Wide Learning Expectations: Critical Thinker, Problem Solver. Curiosity and imagination • Learners cultivate creativity and imagination to generate innovative ideas and products • May be evidenced through the following WHS / WACTC School Wide Learning Expectations: Information / Digital Media, Visual Arts, Effective Communicator. Effective oral and written communication • Learners communicate appropriately and effectively in a variety of settings • May be evidenced through the following WHS / WACTC School Wide Learning Expectations: Effective Communicator. Initiative and entrepreneurs • Learners engage in challenging experiences that will motivate them to create their own successful pathway • May be evidenced through the following WHS / WACTC School Wide Learning Expectations: Problem Solver, Effective Communicator. Accessing and analyzing information • Learners interpret, evaluate, communicate and apply information effectively and responsibly in the 21st century • May be evidenced through the following WHS / WACTC School Wide Learning Expectations: Effective Communicator, Researcher. Agility and adaptability • Learners continually self-reflect and become increasingly resilient when faced with challenges and successes • May be evidenced through the following WHS / WACTC School Wide Learning Expectations: Problem Solver, Reflective Thinker, and Critical Thinker. Current posting Title: Technology Specialist, Instructional (TSI) (2) (Interview required. Contingent upon availability of funds) Salary: per contract Function: Technology Specialist, Instructional (TSI) will assist teachers and administrators at the elementary, or middle and high schools levels enhance learning through integration of technology in the curriculum and classroom. The TSI will conduct professional development and technology integration demonstrations both within the classroom and to staff after the school day. The Technology Specialist (TSI) collaborates with appropriate instructional and technical staff to support, manage, and optimize the use of instructional software to support quality teaching and learning. Dates: per contract, full-time teaching schedule Hours: per contract Duties and Responsibilities • Working closely with classroom teachers in the development of lesson plans that encompass the use of technology. • Provide direct support to teachers through classroom visitation, observation, and demonstration in technology use. • Develop guides and other support materials as necessary. • Participate in cooperative long-range planning to make the most effective use of resources. • Create learning resources for teachers, staff and students. These may include Web sites, tutorials, and interactive programs that support teachers in integrating technology. • Recommend purchase of hardware, software and related resources. • Identify trends in software, curriculum, and teaching strategies in all content areas. • Collaborates with teachers in composing effective technology-infused, content-based lessons, and supports the teachers as they implement the lessons in their classrooms. • Works to develop and implement technology enhanced curriculum integration projects. • Participates in ongoing professional development related to job responsibilities and maintaining expertise in the field. • Conduct technology training during and after school time. • Assist in the evaluation and recommendation of Software. • Work with teachers to improve technology use in the classroom. • Participate in Department of Education workshops and conferences to update skills and knowledge to enhance the WED technology • Performs other duties as assigned by the Director of Technology in accordance with Title II guidance Educational Preparation: 1. Holds a Bachelor's degree in education and holds a current Rhode Island teaching certificate. 2. Advanced education and/or experience instructional and/or Assistive Technology required Experience: 1. At least five years of successful full-time experience as a classroom teacher. 2. Demonstrates the skills of instructional technology competencies evidenced by effective classroom implementation. 3. Evidence of at least two years professional development experience educating teachers or other adults in the integration of technology for instruction and productivity preferred. 4. Evidence of success with technology instruction. 5. Ability to design and deliver technology-enhanced instruction Current posting Extensive knowledge of teaching techniques, curriculum and staff development. An understanding of key learning theories and methods of technology instruction and integration and familiarity with integrating technology into the curriculum such as, online resources, digital portfolios and other forms of assessment. 8. Experience with effective technology teaching strategies in teaching software and hardware skills. 9. Strong technology skills in educational computer software, including office productivity suites, educational express software, web page development, presentation, digital video and audio editing, image processing, and graphics applications. 10. Experience using Electronic white boards and enhancing devices, Document Cameras and projectors, digital cameras, and other educational electronic devices. 11. Use of new instructional technologies and their use in the classroom and the aptitude to learn additional instructional technologies. 12. Excellent human relations and interpersonal skills. 13. Demonstrated teaching and leadership skills, written and oral communication skills. 6. 7. Proposed revisions to meet Title II and RIDE evaluation requirements 12/17/14 Instructional Coach for Technology Literacy, Curriculum and Instruction Reports to: Assistant Superintendent Department: Curriculum and Instruction Position Summary: The Instructional Coach for Technology Literacy, Curriculum and Instruction will provide high Quality professional development as defined in the Title II, Part A Non-Regulatory Guidance of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to teachers and administrators at the elementary, middle and high schools levels to enhance learning through integration of technology in the curriculum, lesson plans and classroom instruction. The Instructional Coach for Technology Literacy, Curriculum and Instruction will conduct professional development and technology integration demonstrations both within the classroom and to staff after the school day. The Instructional Coach for Technology Literacy, Curriculum and Instruction collaborates with the Assistant Superintendent, the Chief Information Officer, Building Principals, and the Director of Grants and Assessment together with appropriate instructional and technical staff to support, manage, and optimize the use of technology to support quality teaching and learning. In accordance with RIDE requirements, the Instructional Coach for Technology Literacy, Curriculum and Instruction will be evaluated by a certified educational administrator. Qualifications/Education/Experience: • • • • • • • • • • Holds a Bachelor's degree in education and holds a current Rhode Island teaching certificate. At least five years of successful full-time experience as a classroom teacher preferred. Demonstrates the skills of instructional technology competencies evidenced by effective classroom implementation. Advanced education or experience instructional and/or Assistive Technology a plus. Two years professional development experience educating teachers or other adults in the integration of technology for instruction and productivity. Evidence of success with technology instruction. Demonstrated teaching and leadership skills, written and oral communication skills. Extensive knowledge of teaching techniques, curriculum and staff development. An understanding of key learning theories and methods of technology instruction and integration and familiarity with integrating technology into the curriculum such as, online resources, digital portfolios and other forms of assessment. Experience with effective technology teaching strategies in teaching software and hardware skills. Specific Training/Abilities/Skills: • • • • • • Strong technology skills in educational computer software, including office productivity suites, educational express software, web page development, presentation, digital video and audio editing, image processing, and graphics applications. Experience using Electronic white boards and enhancing devices, Document Cameras and projectors, digital cameras, and other educational electronic devices. Use of new instructional technologies and their use in the classroom and the aptitude to learn additional instructional technologies. Excellent human relations and interpersonal skills. Ability to design and deliver technology-enhanced instruction. Conduct technology training during and after school time. Proposed revisions to meet Title II and RIDE evaluation requirements 12/17/14 • • • Assist in the evaluation and recommendation of Software. Work with teachers to improve technology use in the classroom. Participate in Department of Education workshops and conferences to update skills and knowledge to enhance the WED technology projects. Duties and Responsibilities: • • • • • • • • • • Work closely with classroom teachers in the development of lesson plans that encompass the use of technology. Provide direct support to teachers through classroom visitation, observation, and demonstration in technology use. Collaborates with teachers in composing effective technology-infused, content-based lessons, and supports the teachers as they implement the lessons in their classrooms. Create learning resources for teachers, staff and students. These may include Web sites, tutorials, and interactive programs that support teachers in integrating technology. Develop guides and other support materials as necessary. Work to develop and implement technology enhanced curriculum integration projects. Participate in cooperative long-range planning with the Chief Information Officer and Assistant Superintendent to make the most effective use of technology related resources. Identify trends in software, curriculum, and teaching strategies in all content areas. Recommend purchase of hardware, software and related resources. Participate in ongoing professional development related to job responsibilities and maintaining expertise in the field. Performs other duties as assigned in accordance with Title II guidance CITY OF WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RI 02895-4348 )1ephone (401) 767-4600 Fax (401) 767-4647 Relay Rhode Island 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de AT&T) 1-800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) Patrick J. McGee, Ed.D. Interim Superintendent Website: WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Woonsocket School Committee FROM: Patrick J. McGee, Ed.D., Interim Superinten SUBJECT: Temporary Part-Time Curriculum Director DATE: December 17, 2014 --cn an effort to ensure that all of the Woonsocket Education Department's (WED) curriculum work and jiitiatives continue without interruption, I am requesting that Mrs. Donna Coderre, principal of Savoie Elementary School, be approved as temporary part-time Curriculum Director for the remainder of the 20142015 school year. Attached you will find a fiscal impact statement for the temporary part-time position as well as the elementary principal substitute. Mrs. Coderre's duties will include the following: 1. Kindergarten Registration - Coordinate district wide registration for the school year 2014-2015. Work with Head Start, Community Partners and Housing Authority to register as many eligible kindergarten students as possible, preparing fiscal responsibilities for upcoming school year. 2. Elementary Protocols — Prepare and establish appropriate and consistent elementary protocols that all schools follow. 3. Technology — Establish and maintain technology information and ensure that the WED Website is accurate along with each individual school's page. 4. Report Cards — Continue to fine-tune report cards and keep up to date with changes in elementary curriculum. 5. Assist in implementation of the Student Information System, Skyward, at the Elementary Level, including scheduling trainings for secretaries/clerks and principals. 6. Work as the elementary representative for the WED Strategic Plan- Focusing on needs-based assessments at the 7 elementary Schools working with principals on School Improvement Plans. 7. Any other work related to elementary schools at the discretion of the Interim Superintendant. Mrs. Coderre will serve in this position 2-3 days per week and no more than 6 hours per day. n her absence as principal, Mr. Michael . Capasso, retired principal from the Woonsocket Department, will substitute at Savoie Elementary School. He will receive substitute principal pay. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Relay Rhode -Island 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de AT&T) 1-800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) CITY OF WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RI 02895-4348 Telephone (401) 767-4617 ) (401) 767-4647 Brad Peryea • Director of Finance and Administration Website: WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Woonsocket Budget Commission FROM: Brad Peryea, Director of Finance and Administration SUBJECT: Woonsocket Temporary Part-Time Curriculum Director DATE: December 12, 2014 The purpose of this memo is to demonstrate the impact on the local budget for the hiring of Donna Coderre to the Woonsocket Education Department as a Temporary Part-Time Curriculum Director. The salary is based on 6 hours / day, 3 days / week, from January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015, at $30.00 / hour. This is an unbudgeted position. The savings from the unfilled Superintendent position will fund this position. Details of this appointment are below: Budgeted FY15 Description Coderre Salary Balance Salary 0 14,040 14,040 FICA 0 870 870 Medicare 0 204 204 Health Ins 0 0 0 Dental Ins 0 0 0 Life 0 0 0 Retirement 0 0 0 Total 0 15,114 15,114 Expenditures Restricted Fund Capital Reserve FY 2015 General Fund Other Funds 14,040 Revenues Restricted Fund Capital Reserve Restricted Fund General Fund Other Funds FY 2015 0 FY 2016 0 FY 2016 0 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 0 0 0 FY 2017 0 FY 2018 0 FY 2019 0 Relay Rhode :island 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de AT&T) 1-800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) CITY OF WOONSOC:KET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RI 02895-4348 Telephone (401) 767-4617 7) (401) 767-4647 Brad Peryea Director of Finance and Administration Website: www.woonsoeketschools.corn WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Woonsocket Budget Commission FROM: Brad Peiyea, Director of Finance and Administration° SUBJECT: Woonsocket Temporary Part-Time Principal Savoie DATE: December 12, 2014 The purpose of this memo is to demonstrate the impact on the local budget for the hiring of a candidate to be determined to the Woonsocket Education Department as a Temporary Part-Time Principal at Savoie. The salary is based on 3 days / week, from January 1, 2015 through June 30, 2015, at $350.00 / day. This is an unbudgeted position. The savings from the unfilled Superintendent position will fund this position. Details of this appointment are below: Budgeted FY15 Description 27,300 27,300 FICA 0 1,693 1,693 Medicare 0 396 396 Health Ins 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Retirement 0 0 0 0 Total 0 29,388 29,388 Dental Ins Life General Fund Other Funds Revenues Restricted Fund Capital Reserve Restricted Fund General Fund Other Funds Balance 0 Salary Expenditures Restricted Fund Capital Reserve Salary FY 2015 29,388 FY 2016 0 FY 2015 FY 2016 0 0 FY 2017 0 FY 2017 0 FY 2018 FY 2019 0 0 FY 2018 FY 2019 0 0 2014-15 Analysis of Overages by School/Program/Teacher Max Allow. reiVi\Ti=f41. d41-0,44 '1/4 ‘ IDDLE SCHOOL (N) „ IDDLE SCHOOL (N ACTUAL OVERAGE # OF # OF STUDENTS OVERAGES COST 2014-15 Analysis of Overages by School/Program/Teacher r 2014-15 Analysis of Overages by School/Program/Teacher
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