Analyfica Chimicu Arta, 252 (1991) 97-105 Elscvicr Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam 97 -Determination of gold in ores by fl.ame and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry using a vanadium chemical modifier C. Garcia-Olalla Depcrtntent and A.J. Aller * of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. University of L.&n. 24071 ikin (Received 19th February 1991; revised manuscript received (Spain) 16th May 1991) Abstract The determination of gold in ores by both flame and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry a.t different analytical wavelengths are compared. Vanadyl chloride was shown to be effective as a chemical modifier for determining gold in the presence of heavy metals. A sensitivity of 1 pg I-’ and a detection limit of 1 pg 1-l (or 0.1 pg 6 -1 in the original sample) were obtained. The best linear range was between 1 and 120 pg 1-l and a characteristic mass of 1 pg u:as obtained. Keywords: Atomic absorption spectrometry; Electrothermal As very low contents of gold in ores can be economically significant, sensitive analytical methods must be available. Owing to the complexity of the composition of ores, a combination of several techniques [l] is required for analysis of these samples, including classical volurtietric and. gravimetric methods, :c-ray diffraction, x-ray fluorescence, differential therma.I analysis, infrared spectrometry, flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. The fire-assay [2] and the optical spectrographic techniques [l] are considered to be insufficiently sensitive, with a detection limit of 5 pg g-’ for direct current plasma optical emission spectrometry [3]. Similarly, most FAAS methods are very useful only in the mg 1-l range 14-71, alt.hough using a preconcen?ration step by liquid-liquid extraction or fire-assay detection limits in the range 12-60 fig g-’ are generally obtained [8-lo]. The best results are shown by x-ray fluorescence analysis with excitation by total COO3-2670/91/%03.50 0 1991 - Elsevier Science Publishers atomization; Geological materials: Gold; Ores; Vanadium reflectance [ll] and spark-source mass spectrometry [12,13]. Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrtitietry (GFAAS) has been widely adopted as 6 versatile technique because of its high sensitivity,[14191. Detection limits of 0.3-5 ng g-’ [2!-221 for GFUS are similar to those reported For atomic fluorescence spectrometry [23] and instrumental neutron activation analysis [24], ahhough not as good as those obtained by radiochemical neutron activation analysis [25]. The determination of gold in geolc&al m&ials has received considerable attention [4,5,‘7,9+ 11,14-18,2O-22,24,25], but most of the methods reported describe its detertination a.fter a separation/ preconcentration step into isobutyl methyl ketone (IBMK) or a fire-assay technique. Therefore, a procedure that eliminates the necessity for liquid-liquid extraction or fire-assay preconcentration has significant advantages. Direct determinations of gold resulting from samples after B.V. AH rights reserved C. GARCIA-GLALLA decompositions are usually not applicable as a result of the complex matrix, particularly constituted by the platinum group metals and other heavy metals. In this respect it is worth mentioning ihat vanadium in perchlo& acid medium has been proposed as an effective releasing agent in the removal of interferences in FAAS [S]. This work was aimed at the use of this modifier for the determination of gold in a natural matrix using both FAAS and GFAAS. AND A.J. ALLER 50.01 mg). Tests to compare nitrous oxideacetylene and air-acetylene flames were done using the 50-mm grooved b-umer in all measurements. EXPERIMENTAL Reugen ts Working solutions were prepared by conventional dilution of stock so1utior.s containing 1000 pg ml-’ of gold. inorganic acids and other chemicals were of analytical-reagent grade. Distilled, deionized water from a Mini-Q water purification system was used for the preparation of samples and standards. Instrumentation All AAS measurements were made on a Therm0 Jarrel Ash SH-11 spectrophotometer equiped with an CTF-188 controlled-temperature graphite furtiace atomiser, using pyrolytic graphite-coated cylindrical graphite tubes. The spectrometer was provided with a Smith-Hieftje background-correction system. A Visimax II gold hollow-cathode lamp and an Epson 118 recorder were used. Samples were injected by means of an automatic nebulizer (FASTAC) system and argon served as the purge gas. Operational parameters are given in Table 1. Samples were weighed using a Mettler AE 240 semimicro analytical balance (sensitivity Procedure Ore concentrate samples were ground to an average particle size of 70 pm and drih;d in air at 105” C for 2 h. About 1.0 g of finely powdered sample was accurately weighed, decomposed with hydrofluoric acid-aqu,a regia (1 + 1) and the resulting solution was evaporated to dryness at lOO110 OC. After cooling and the addition of 15 ml of 0.1 M perchloric acid the samp!c solution was again reduced to almost dryness and redissolved in 10 ml of 0.1 M perchloric acid. After warming and stirring to dissolve residue, the soluiion was washed into a 25-ml calibrated flask. Vanadyl chloride was added to this solution at a final TABLE 1 Instrumental parameters _. Wavelength (nm) Spectral band width (nm) Lamp tiurrcnt (mA) Background correction 242.8, 367.6, 274.8 0.1 5 Smith-Hieftje FAAS parameters Aceiylene flow-rate (1 min - ’ ) Nitrous oxide flow-rate (I miti-‘) Air flow-rate (I min-‘) GFAAS parameters FASTAC delay (s) Injection volume (c(l) 3.0 9.0 9.0 6.0 10 Furnace programme WY Temperature ( o C) Ramp time (s) Hold time (s) Purge (position) 150 2 0 1 Ash 1 450 20 0 2 Ash 2 600-900 20 0 1 Atomize 12 2200 0 4 0 Integration Clean 2400 0 3 - DETERMINATION Ol= GOLD IN ORES concentration of 0.1% and the mixture was diluted to volume with distilled, deionized water. Gold was subsequently determined by FAAS or GFAAS. The effect of any drift in sensitivity was avoided by randomizing measurements and using the mean of three values. X-ray fluorescence analysis was done as follows. A 50-ml sample volume was placed over t,he quartz glass target and dried in a desiccator to form a thin film Gold was determined at measuring times of 200 s through the La! line, using the Ka line of Co as an internal standard. good possibilities for use as an agent counteracting interferences in the determination of gold by FAAS. From Table 2, it can be seen that the sensitivity change factor between wavelengths of 242.8 and 267.6 nm is similar for both flame types, which agrees with the value reported [26] for gold standard solutions. However; for the wavelength of 274.8 nm this factor is dependent on the flame used. As FAAS methods are only useful in the mg 1-l range, graphite furnace atomization will be a suitable alternative for determining very low levels of gold. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Del’ermination of gold by GFAAS Matrix composition effects were studied iu the determination of gold by GFAAS. Thus, the effect of metals such as Al, Ca, Cr, Fe, Mgj Si and Te, usually present in these matrix kypes, was investigated by comparing the responses of the goldmetal solution with those of standard gold solutio;ts. Metals were added either as chlorides or nitrates. For analytical applications it may be concluded that a chemical modifier must be used in order to overcome these interferences and/or increase the analytical signal of gold. Chemical, modification and furnace conditions were initially investigated by using aqueous standards and spiked ore concentrate samples. ~~etermination of gold by FAAS Table 2 summarizes the analytical results at three analytical wavelengths for the determination of gold in ores by FAAS using vanadium as releasing agent. Gold can be determined with the optimum. sensitivity using the 242%nm resonance wavelength with either the air-acetylene or the nitrous oxide-acetylene flame. Although the sensitivity for gold is better with the air-acetylene flame, the nitrous oxide-acetylene flame can be advantageous in complex matrices. The sensitivity obtained for the determination of gold in ore samples in the presence of vanadium is similar to that obtained for the gold standard solutions without vanadium [l.O, 2.2 and 120.0 (mg l-I)-’ for wavelengths of 242.8, 267.6 and 274.8 nm, respectively] using the air-acetylene flame. Similar results were obtained with the nitrous oxideacetylene flame. In conclusion, vanadium shows Effect of vanadium concentrtition The suitability of vanadium as a chemical modifier has recently been examined [27] for several analytes. Vanadium was chosen as a potential chemical modifier because an isomorphous sub- TABLE 2 Figures of merit for the FAAS method Pammeter Sensitivity (mg I-‘)-’ Detection limit (mg 1-l) Linear range (mg I- ‘) ’ A-A = air-acetylene 2423 nm 267.6 nm 274.8 nm A-A 8 N-A ’ A-A ’ N-A ’ A-A a N-A a 1.15 2.0 2-6fi 2.7 8.0 S-120 2.5 6.0 6-120 5.0 75.0 IS-240 118.2 120 120-4ooo 57.6 80 80-2000 flame; N-A = nitrous oxide-acetylene flame. 100 C. GARCiA-OLALLA AND dr.J. ALLER I. 1.6- b a E 2 1.2 z :: o 01 0.8 .g a L 0.G a 1 I I 0.’ I , I 1 ‘Jonodyi concentration chloride I 2 concenlrolionl on the atomization 700 Ashing % of (a) gold standard stitution in the crystal lattice of the vanadium species by numerous other elements ce..noccur. The effect of vanadyl chloride concentration on the absorbance signal of 1 ng of gold is shown in Fig. 1. If vanadium is added to the gold standard solution the enhancement is dependent on the V/Au ratio, but if it is added to the ore concentrate solution the enhancement becomes constki when the concentration of vanadium exceeds 0.1%. However, the vanadium concentration in gold ore concentrate solution must not exceed this 600 I 1 0.5 Fig. 1. Effect of vanadium I I 800 and (b) gold ore solutions (100 pg 1-l). value, because above 0.1% (v/v) the absorptiontime peak profile of the gold signal deteriorates as consequence of the appearance of several peaks with absorption time. Effect of ashing temperature Ashing plots for aqueous standards and ore samples are shown in Fig. 2, using wanadyl chloride as chemical modifier. The effect of vanadium on the thermal stabiliiation of gold in ore concentrate solutions is good, because the addition of WO ternperoture,*C Fig. 2. Peak area in absorbance units of gold solutions (100 pg 1-l) as a function of ashing temperature. (A) Au standard solutions Gthout modifier; (B) Au standard solutions with 0.1% vanadium as modifier; (C) Au ore concentrate solutions without modifier; (D) Au arc concentrate solutions with 0.1% vanadium as modifier. DETERMINATION OF GOLD IN ORES 1oi TABLE 3 Characteristic mass and PH/PA ratio for (A) gold standard solutions and (B) ore samples, (a) without and (b) with vanadium chemical modifier, with an ashing temperature of 800°C Parameter A-a A-b B-a B-b Characteristic mass (pg) PI-I/PA ratio 5.0 0.982 4.0 0.912 1.1 0.908 0.4 0.573 vanadium improves the maximum ashing temperature obtained for gold standard solutions. The ashing temperature can be raised to about 800900” C without loss of gold if vanadium is present. Ore concentrate solutions could tolerate higher ashing temperatures than aqueous gold solutions; higher temperatures lead to a shorter delay time (Fig. 3). The sensitivity of .the gold atomic absorption signal is better in the! presence of vanadium and, therefore, this chemical modifier was chosen for determining this element in ores. In addition to ashing temperature, the peak height/peak area (PH/PA) ratio and the characteristic mass are parameters used to evaluate the effectiveness of a chemical modifier. A good chemical modifier must show low values for both of these parameters, as vanadium does (Table 3). 1 2 Enhancement of absorbance Absorbances increased 3.0- and 2.3-fold were obtained for vanadium using ashing temperatures of 600 and 800 o C, respectively, when the relative absorbance reading for gold in the modifier-free ore solution was set at 1.0. These enhancement factors increase to LO- and 8.0-foid when compared with the gold absorbance of the modifierfree gold standard solution. The sensitivity for gold in ore concentrate solutions is much better than for standard solutions if vanadium is present. These results suggest that vanadium is a much more efficient modifier in the. presence of another element such as Te or Pt. However, this was not explored further. Peak profile characteristics The absorbance-time profiles for gold standard solutions without vanadium modifier show a peak time at 0.9 s (ashing temperature 600 o C) and 0.6 s (ashing temperature 800” C) (Fig. 3). H.owever, the absorbance-time profiles for the gold ore sample alone and spiked with gold standards in the absence of vanadium result in a double peak at 6.9 and I.4 s (Fig. 4). The presence of vanadium in the gold ore samples shifts the time of the second peak to 1.7 s, whereas the intensity of the first peak which now appears at 1.1 s is strongly increased (Fig. 5). The peak area and height of both 3 lime, c S 5 Fig. 3. Peak profile of gold standard solution (120 pg l-‘) (b) 8OO*C. without vanadium as modifier at an ashing temperature of (a) 600°C and C. GARCiA-OLALLA ?02 1 2 4 3 Time, AND A.J. ALLER 5 3 Fig. 4. Peak profiie of gold (25 pg I-‘) ore samples (a) alone and (b) spiked with gold standards (50 pg I-‘) without vanadium as chemical modifier. Lines (c) and (d) are the gold “signals pIus background” corresponding to profiles (a) and (b), respectively. Ashing temperature, 600 o C. vanadium reacts preferentially with the analyte but not with matrix elements accompaying gold. The profiles presented in Figs. 4 and 5 cannot be explained by the roll-over effect. When the phenomenon of roll-over is present, the absorbance vs. time curve should show a dip at the position of the maximum of the conventional AAS signal [28-301, which is not the case. However, at very high concentrations the roll-over effect may appear (Fig; 6). For very high concentrations of gold (2 mg I-‘), the roll-over is observed for both peaks appearing for the conventional AAS signal (Fig. 6A), whereas for lower concentrations of geld (1.2 mg I-‘), this eifect is seen for only one signals are dependent on the gold and vanadium concentration. The intensity of the peaks at 1.1 and 1.7 s for the gold ore concentrates without vanadium and spiked with gold standards show a similar increase (Fig. 4), whereas in the presence of vanadium the intensity of the first peak (at 1.1 s) increases strongly and that of the second peak (at: 1.7 s) remains nearly constant or even disappears (Figs. 4 and 5). When gold ore concentrate solutions without vanadium were analysed the background absorbance was very important (Fig. 4), whereas a lower background signal was obtained using vanadium as chemical modifier (Fig. 5). Probably 1 2 3 4 S Time, S Fig. 5. (a) Peak profile of gold (40 pg 1-l) ore sample with 0.1% vanadium temperature profile of graphite tube. Ashing temperature, 600DC. as chemical modifier; (b) gold signal plus background; (c) DETERMllriATiON OF GOLD IN ORES 103 TABL.E 4 Figures of merii for the proposed GFAAS method Wavelength (nm) Sensitivity(1*gl-‘) -’ Detection limit {pg I-‘) Linear range (pg 1-r) 242.8 1 1 I-120 267.6 3 4 4-200 274.8 36.7 (mg I-‘)-’ 50 mgl-’ 50-8&I mg I-’ of these peaks (Fig. 6B). Roll-over is also observed at a different wavelength (Fig. 6C), but not at higher ashirtg temperatures (Fig. 6D), The sensitivity loss due to the pulsed hollowcathode system depends on the amount of gold, the wavelength and the ashing temperature, but is usually in the range 15-40% As a result, this sensitivity loss has few implications for the anaiytical working range. Figures of merit Table 4 gives the sensitivities, detection limits and linear range of the proposed GFAAS method 1.s* (based on peak-area ~easurements~ obtained at three analytical wavelengths. The detection Iimit is taken as the amount equivalent to. Wee times the standard detiaticn obtained for ore concentrate solution oontaining gold at low leiels, expressed on the basis of the mass of ore used. Twenty determinations were made and the detection limit was calculated as 0.1 pg g-’ when 1 g of sample was used. The sensitivity for 1% absorption (0.0044 absorbance unit) was found to be very good for the wavelength of 242.8 nm. Note that the sensitivity change factors cbtained for GFAAS differ considerably from those obtained by FAAS. Recovery studies and appticatiorrs Recoveries were investigated both by calibration using gold acid standards and by the method of standard additions on the gold ore concentrate samples, using vanadium as chemical modifier in both instances. Ore concentrate solutions were A 1.0. u7 0.5 d cv‘ ii Dm 9 :: 1.5 1.0 0.5 Time,s Pig. 6. Peak profile of gold ore sample without (dashed lines} and with (solid lines) background correction according to Smith-Mieftje and with 0.1% vanadium as chemical modifier. The hollow-cathode lamp current setting is S mA for the low-current and 2 mA for the high-current pulse. Wavelength: (A, B, D) 224.8 nm; (C) 267.6 nm. Concentration: (A) 2 mg I-.‘; (B. C, D) 1.2 mg I-‘. Ashing temperature: (A, B, C) 600*&Z; (D) 900°C. C. GARCiA-OLALLA 104 AND s&J. ALLER presence of vanadium was poor for some samples. However, a good recovery was obtained when all samples were determined using the standard addition method. As no standard reference materiais containing gold at th.e pg 1-l Ievel were available foi ore concentrates, the accuricy of thi: det&r&ration of gold in these ore concentrates was checked by comparing the GFAAS results with those obtained by x-ray fluorescence (XRi;) (Ta.ble 5). A comparison of the precision of the methods shows that GFAAS was superior to XRF. spiked with increasing amounts of goid by adding .volumes of the standard solutiofi (Ii000 pg Au jr’) td untreated. sampies. These samples were then treated following the recommended procedure and compared with the results obtained for gold acid standards. The slope of the. calibration line (absorbance vs. doncentrtition) of the spiked ore concentrate sample thus obtained, using peak-area and -height measurements, was essentially similar to that obtained for the gold aqueous standard. There are, however, some small differences among the slopes from other ore concentrate samples of different origin, showing that the matnx effects are not completely eliminated by the use of 0.1% vanadyl chloride solution. As a result, the gold concentration in ores is determined preferably by reference to matrix-matched standards or standard additions calibration graphs if we take into account that the analysis is verified on real ore concentrate samples which cover a range of diverse matrices ranging from silicate to sulphiderich~ and iron+ich materials _(Table 5). Table 5 shows the precrsron of the measurements (based on peak absorbances) obtained for seven replicate analyses of three ore concentrate samples treated as described. The mean precision &tamed ranged from 3.5 to 6.2% (R.S.D.). The accuracy of the method was determined by measuring the recovery using standard additions of gold to the ore concentrate samples. The recovery obtained using a calibration line prepared in the Conclusion It has been demonstrated that gold can be determined satisfactorily in ore concentrate extracts without a preconcentration step prior to measurements, using vanadium as a chemical modifier. A comparison of the GFAAS method with XRF confirms its vahdity. The method described has been Shown to be simple and efficient and it offers several advantages over other altematives, notably the lack of sample pretreatment and the consequently increased sample handling capacity. The elimination of fusion and liquidliquid extraction avoids the use of hazardous reagents and reduces the possibilities for sample contamination. By proper selection of the analytical wavelength and the atomization method (FAAS or GFAAS), a wide range of gold concentrations can TABLE5 Recovery, analytical precision and accuracy study a -.Sample type Sample Au (mg kg-‘) CLb SAC 17.2 16.7(15.5) Sulphide-rich 21.5 25.3(26.1) Iron-rich 10.9 9.7(10.5) Silicate . Amounr added (mgkg-‘) Amount CLb 10.0 20.0 40.0 10.0 20.0 40.0 10.0 20.0 40.0 28.1 37.8 57.0 29.2 38.7 51.9 20.1 29.5 48.8 a Wavelength 242.8 nm. The values obtained by XRF-are ’ Rest& obtained using the standard addition method. found (mg kg-‘) Average recovery (X) R.S.D. SAC CLb SA’ (W) 26.2(25.1) 37.1(35.7) 56.0(54.8) 35.1(34.2j 46.1(45.0) 64.3(63.2) 19.3(19.2) 30.3(29.1) 48.9(47.8) 100.9 99.3(99.2) 3.5(6.9) 90.1 99.9(96.0) 4.7(11.5) 95.8 99.5(94.6) 6.2(8.95) given in parentheses. b Results obtained from the caIibration line. tiETERMiNATION OF GOLD IN ORES be detknined, which could also be of great interest in the analysis of precious metal sweeps and related materials. REFERENCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 S. Kallmann, Anal. Chem., 56 (1984) 1020A. S. Kallmann and C. Maul, Talanta, 30 (1983) 21. J.C. van Loon, Trends Anal. Chem., 4 (1985) 24. F.M. Tindall, At. Absorpt. NY+& 4 (1965) 392. M.A. Hildon and G.R. Sully, Anal. Chim. Acta, 54 (1971) 245. R.C. Mallet, D.C.G. Pearton, E.J. Ring and T.W: Steele. Talanta, 19 (1972) 181. I. Tsukahara and M. Tanaka, Talanta, 27 (1980) 655. E. Adriaenssens and F. Verbeek, At. 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