IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH CHURCH 4TH SUNDAY IN ADVENT SATURDAY & SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 & 21, 2014 THANK YOU … ☺ Men’s Choir, for beautifying the 10:00 a.m. Divine Service last Sun., Dec. 14, with your anthem. ☺ To everyone who made contributions to the Food Pantry this last month. There were enough monies that were collected that the pantry will be receiving a check for $5000 from Thrivent Financial for Lutheran’s Foundation Matthew 25. CONGRATULATIONS TO MRS. AMY ROWLAND, who was named the Missouri School Counselor Association Multi-Level Counselor of the year! Amy is a counselor at Ste. Genevieve High and Middle Schools. DEVELOPING INFORMATION REGARDING MR. STEELE’S SERVICE HERE AS COORDINATOR OF PARISH MUSIC/WORSHIP ORGANIST Due to necessary procedures relating to the call of a new graduate, Mr. Nathan Steele’s commissioning and installation are delayed until all the proper steps have been accomplished (approximately 4-6 weeks). In the meantime, he will serve God and us as a contracted worker beginning Jan. 1, 2015 and until such time that we receive the authorization to commission and install him as a Called Worker. The welcome reception (including a pantry shower) that is being prepared for him and his wife, Alicia, will still follow each Divine Service the weekend of Jan. 4. You are asked to bring non-perishable food items, household items, gift cards/certificates to local establishments, cash, etc. and place them in the laundry baskets located in the narthex every Sun. through Jan. 4 to help us welcome them to our congregation and community. More will follow as things continue to develop. HELP NEEDED to move Mr. Steele & Alicia’s household items (including an upright piano) from their U-Haul truck into their duplex on Tue. morning, Dec. 30. If you will help with this task please call the church office and tell either Bonnie or Mary so they can put your name on the list of at least six volunteers. Thanks much! LIFETOUCH PHOTOGRAPHY If you elected to have your complimentary 8 x 10 sent back to our church for pick up, they are located in the narthex on the Visitor’s Center. If your portrait is not in the current shipment it will be coming soon. WINTER WEATHER AND CHURCH ACTIVITIES Please know that it’s for YOUR physical safety and welfare that we adopted and abide by the following policy: Anytime Perry County School District #32 dismisses early or cancels classes due to weather conditions all church activities and meetings (except worship services!) will also be automatically cancelled for that day or the remainder of it. If in doubt, check our Facebook page (, call your district Elder, another Elder, the church office, tune in to 980 AM (KBDZ) radio station, and/or check the listing on KFVS TV Channel 12 where it will be announced on one or more of them. MEDICAL/FLU ALERT!!! A mutated form of the previously-identified flu AND the alreadyidentified flu itself seem to now be running rampant. The best defense is simple—frequent hand washing, covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing, avoiding people already diagnosed with the flu, getting medical treatment if you have flu symptoms (achiness, fever, vomiting, etc.), heavier than normal intake of fluids, extra bed rest, etc. This is real and it’s nothing to trifle with. Take it seriously, take proper precautions, and when symptoms occur deal with them appropriately. God be with all of you, keep you in His providential care, and bless you with physical and spiritual health and vitality. IMPORTANT/SIGNIFICANT UPCOMING ITEMS/EVENTS/ACTIVITIES … Wed., Dec. 24 = Church Office closed; Children’s Christmas Programs @ 3:00 & 5:00 p.m.; Christmas Eve Worship with Candlelight @ 11:00 p.m. Thu., Dec. 25 = Church Office closed; Christmas Day Divine Service with Holy Communion @ 9:00 a.m. Wed., Dec. 31 = Church Office closes @ 12:00 noon; New Year’s Eve Divine Service with Holy Communion @ 5:30 pm. Thu., Jan. 1 = Church Office closed; New Year’s Day Divine Service with Holy Communion (The Circumcision & Name of Jesus) @ 9:00 a.m. Sat. & Sun., Jan. 3 & 4 = Welcome reception & pantry shower in the narthex for Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Steele following all three Divine Services. Tue., Jan. 6 = Divine Service with Holy Communion (The Epiphany of Our Lord) @ 7:00 p.m. Wed., Feb. 18 = Ash Wed. Divine Service with Holy Communion & Imposition of Ashes @ 4:00 & 7:00 p.m. “3:16” FELLOWSHIP GROUP The next meeting of the “3:16” Fellowship Group will be on Monday, January 5, at 7:00 p.m., in the nursery room at church. This month’s topic will be a study of the scripture Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Come join us for a short prayer time, spiritual growth, fun and fellowship! For further information, please contact Carol Taylor at 547-8534 or Trish Lukefahr at 547-8649. Page 2 LUTHERAN WOMEN’S MISSIONARY LEAGUE NEWS … Save your used postage stamps for Stamps for Missions. Place them in the bins in the hallway. Quarterlies are ready to pick up. STEWARDSHIP MESSAGE: 2 Samuel 7:4 “But that same night the word of the LORD came to Nathan. . .” Nathan thought David’s idea was great, so he blessed it with the Lord’s name. But later that night, the Word of the Lord set him straight. The Word of the Lord must be the basis for what we think, say, and do in God’s Kingdom: not our own desires or whims. ISSUES, ETC. Talk Radio for the Christmas Season December 24-January 2 THE BIRTH OF CHRIST IN REVELATION Dr. Charles Gieschen, Concordia Theological Seminary THE CHURCH’S OBSERVANCE OF CHRISTMAS EVE & CHRISTMAS DAY Pr. Will Weedon, LCMS Director of Worship THE SLAUGHTER OF THE BETHLEHEM INNOCENTS Dr. Jeff Gibbs, Concordia Seminary THE CIRCUMCISION & NAME OF JESUS Dr. Arthur Just, Concordia Theological Seminary THE CHRISTMAS HYMN “FROM HEAVEN ABOVE TO EARTH I COME” Pr. Paul McCain, Concordia Publishing House A STRESS-FREE CHRISTMAS Dr. Andrew Steinmann, Concordia University Chicago “HANDEL’S MESSIAH” ON THE INCARNATION Dr. Joseph Herl, Concordia University Nebraska Listen at Christmas music returns Christmas Eve at WWW.LUTHERANPUBLICRADIO.ORG THE PINK 2015 CHURCH OFFERING ENVELOPES are available to pick up now in the narthex. If you do not have a box assigned to you, please call the church office or sign up on the list located on the table. Please do not use the envelopes until Jan. 1, 2015. DID YOU KNOW THAT YOUR CHURCH AND SCHOOL CONTRIBUTIONS are tax deductible? When you use the offering envelopes your contributions are recorded. At the beginning of the year financial statements are printed and given to those who keep record for tax purposes. Page 3 LUTHERANS FOR LIFE ITEMS LIFE QUOTE: “God is a person, and in the Church, He offers Himself to you. Jesus has promised that where two or more are gathered He is here Himself. Though we can’t detect this with our eye, it is nevertheless real. Jesus was born to Virgin Mary [and] … This very Jesus gives Himself to you in His holy Word and Sacrament. He will not abandon you …” Dr. Harold Senkbeil, executive director for Spiritual Care for DOXOLOGY – A “Life Quote” from Lutherans For Life • LIFE THOUGHT: “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus” (Luke 1:31). Although read at Christmas time, we often forget that Luke speaks also of Jesus’ conception. Here we see God’s majestic humility in emptying Himself to become a speck in a womb. Here we see the incalculable value He gives to all specks in all wombs. Prayer: Jesus, because You were once a speck in a womb, help us value and speak up for all specks in wombs. Amen. BOARD OF EVANGELISM (“OUTREACH”) NEWS Robert & Mical Hilbert’s Dec. 2014 newsletter gives answers to some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Bible translation work. They are still missionaries with Lutheran Bible Translators and plan to return to Sierra Leone when it is safe from Ebola. On this newsletter they give a link that explains the origin of the Ebola outbreak. You can read the newsletter on Immanuel’s website when you click on bulletin or from the print-out on the blue table by the library door. “What is Christmas,” written by Rev. Wayne Palmer, is available on both of our Project Connect stands. It tells the story of the expectations and failures of a perfect Christmas celebration. Spanish language Portals of Prayer for Jan.-Mar. 2015 are available on the evangelism table by the library door. Hispanic people welcome these prayer booklets in their native language. Christmas Eve Guest Parking – Twelve parking spaces will be marked by the Evangelism Board for the 3:00 & 5:00 p.m. children’s programs. Please save these spots for guests and late comers. Each vehicle is these spaces will receive a welcome card on their windshield. 4TH SUN. IN ADVENT (2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16; Romans 16:25-27; St. Luke 1:26-38) The Lord Builds a House for David: Jesus Christ Who Comes in the Flesh When King David “lived in his house and the Lord had given him rest from all his surrounding enemies,” he piously supposed that he would build a house for God (2 Sam. 7:1–2). But the Lord would turn it around: He would establish a house for David, and an everlasting throne. This He has done, not only for David, but also for all His people, in the Son of David, Jesus Christ, “conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary” (Apostles’ Creed). That holy Child, the incarnate “Son of the Most High,” receives “the throne of His father David” and begins to reign “over the house of Jacob forever” (Luke 1:32–33). Having given Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the world, His Body is the true and eternal Temple of God in which His people have their own place of peace and rest. That is “the Mystery that was kept secret for long ages” but is now “made known to all nations, according to the command of the eternal God” in order that we may have faith and life in Christ (Rom. 16:25–26). Page 4 CHRISTMAS MIDNIGHT (Isaiah 9:2-7; Titus 2:11-14; St. Luke 2:1-14 [15-20]) The Light of Christ Shines Forth in the Darkness Heaven and earth rejoice this night because the glory of the Holy Triune God is manifested in the human birth of “our great God and Savior Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13). In Him, the Father’s grace, mercy and peace rest upon the world. The silence of death is broken by this “good news of great joy that will be for all the people” (Luke 2:10). And all we who have gone astray like lost and wandering sheep, who have “walked in the darkness” of doubt and fear and sinful unbelief, behold “a great light” in the nativity of Christ (Is. 9:2). In Him “the grace of God has appeared” (Titus 2:11). For this Child of Mary who is born for us, this dear Son of God who is given to us, bears the burden of our sin and death in His own body to the Cross. He thereby establishes a government of peace, “with justice and with righteousness,” which shall have no end; not by any work of man, but “the zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this” (Is. 9:7). CHRISTMAS DAY (Isaiah 52:7-10; Hebrews 1:1-6 [7-12]; St. John 1:1-14 [15-18]) The Living and Life-Giving Word of God Dwells among Us in the Flesh The Lord sends out His ministers of the Gospel to make disciples “of all the nations,” so that “all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.” For the Lord has “bared His holy arm” in the incarnate Christ (Is. 52:7, 10). The Child in the manger, born of the Virgin Mary, is the very Word of God, the only-begotten Son of the Father, “whom He appointed the heir of all things, through whom He also created the world” (Heb. 1:2). As “all things were made through Him” (John 1:3), so are all things redeemed and made new in Him. In His body of flesh and blood, we behold “the radiance of the glory of God” (Heb. 1:3), “glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). He dwells among us in peace, that we might have life and light and salvation in Him. For by His Word of the Gospel, we are born again as the children of God, bearing His name and sharing His eternal Life. 90 YEARS IN 90 DAYS on your Lutheran Radio Station KFUO Radio 850AM. KFUO Radio is celebrating its 90th Anniversary of broadcasting the Good News of Jesus Christ. This week, we celebrate our 90th Birthday with a special Chapel Service on Mon., Dec. 15, preached by President Matthew Harrison and followed by a Open House event. The chapel will be broadcast at 10:00 a.m., and if you are in the St. Louis area, you are welcome to come and enjoy some Anniversary cake after chapel, visit our studios, and see our KFUO exhibit. Find us at and follow us at IMMANUEL LUTHERAN SCHOOL NEWS The Children’s Christmas Eve Programs will be this Wed. at 3:00 & 5:00 p.m. at church. Girls Basketball: Mon., Dec. 22, Home Game vs. East Perry County @ 5:45 p.m. CBA In January there will be five girl’s games (2 at home), three boys games (two at home) and three boys tournaments! Stay tuned for the details. Tuition Assistant Funds continues to be collected throughout the school year. You can always make your contribution at the church or school office. HAVE A BLESSED MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Page 5 WORSHIP SERVICE ASSISTANTS, ETC. FOR THIS WED., DEC. 24 (EVE OF THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD [CHRISTMAS EVE]) 3:00 P.M. ELDER: Roger Hoff USHERS: Ken Weber, James Enke, Jerry Bert, Brandon Bert, Palmer Lohmann 5:00 P.M. ELDER: Roger Hoff USHERS: Dennis House, Clifford Hoehn, Ron Bohnert 11:00 P.M. ELDER: William Jones USHERS: Tom Frasher, Mark Martyn, Kurt Schoenherr, David Call, Carlos Camarillo, David Camarillo BIBLE READINGS: Isaiah 9:2-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-28; St. Luke 2:1-14 [15-20] HYMNS: 379, 359, 387, 386, 368, 363, 388 SERMON: 1 Thessalonians 5:16, “Rejoice Evermore” WORSHIP SERVICE ASSISTANTS, ETC. FOR THIS THU., DEC. 25 @ 9:00 A.M. (THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD [CHRISTMAS DAY]) ELDER: William Jones USHERS: Ken Weber, James Enke, Jerry Bert, Brandon Bert, Palmer Lohmann BIBLE READINGS: Isaiah 52:7-10; Hebrews 1:1-6 [7-12]; St. John 1:1-14 [15-18] HYMNS: 382, 384, 387, 389, 373, 393, 388, 367, 380 SERMON: Isaiah 52:10, “Our Covenant God Has Visibly Visited Us in the Person of Jesus Christ” DIVINE SERVICE ASSISTANTS, ETC. FOR NEXT WEEKEND OF SUN., DEC. 28 (1ST SUN. AFTER CHRISTMAS) ELDERS: @ 5:30 p.m.: Unknown @ 7:30 a.m.: Randy Leible @ 10:00 a.m.: William Jones & Brian Krauss USHERS @ 5:30 p.m.: Ken Weber, James Enke, Jerry Bert, Brandon Bert, Palmer Lohmann; @ 7:30 a.m.: Dennis House, Clifford Hoehn, Ron Bohnert; @ 10:00 a.m.: Tom Frasher, Mark Martyn, Kurt Schoenherr, David Call, Carlos Camarillo, David Camarillo. GREETERS @ 5:30 p.m.: Rhonda Enke & Amy Weinkein; @ 7:30 a.m.: Betty Bohnert & Mary Lee Hoehn; @ 10:00 a.m.: Janice Martyn, Phil & Kristi Norman, Mike & Alice O’Leary. ACOLYTES @ 5:30 p.m.: Brianna Jokerst & Thomas Hayden @ 7:30 a.m.: Andy Hadler & Ethan Hadler @ 10:00 a.m.: Jonah Cook & Olivia Cook CHANCEL GUILD: Lynne Kreutz, Betty Bohnert, Debbie Chappius. BIBLE READINGS: Isaiah 61:10-62:3; Galatians 4:4-7; St. Luke 2:22-40 HYMNS: 389, 390, 387, 352, 563, 636, 386, 897 SERMON: Isaiah 61:10, “Let’s Keep the Joyful Christmas Celebration Going!” Page 6 CONFESSIONAL LUTHERANS, WE’VE GOT YOUR BACK … ISSUES, ETC. is a radio talk show hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL. This week’s topics include: The Church, The Five Points of Calvinism, Adam & Eve, Katie Luther, How Did Moses Part the Red Sea?, and more. You can tune in LIVE weekdays from 3-5 p.m. on KFUO, 850 AM in St. Louis. You can also listen on-demand at UPCOMING EVENTS IN THE AREA SLHS Booster Chili Dinner/Homecoming, Feb. 6 @ 4:00-7:00 p.m. Boys BB Game @ 6:00 p.m. THE BOARD OF EVANGELISM HAS POSTCARDS with church service times listed. Send them to family or friends, insert in Christmas cards or hand out. They are placed on the visitor table. Help yourself! Thank you to everyone who donated poinsettias this year! You may pick them up after worship service on Christmas Day or anytime during the week. Merry Christmas! IN LOVING MEMORY OF… Milda Lorenz and Clarence & Bea Zahner, from Bob & Grace Zahner Mr. & Mrs. Palmer Vinson, from Tom & Debbie Piva Oliver Katt (husband), Kaye Katt (daughter) and Elmer Heise (brother), from Orreal and Faye Katt Heather Hornberger and Royce Alms, from Sandy & Dale Koenig Our deceased family members, from Elbert & Janet Hadler Edwin & Irma Stortz and Delbert & Agnes (parents), from Ken and Jayne Bohnert and family Harlo Rubach (husband), Kaleb Rubach (grandson), Henry & Ada Ochs and William & Bertha Rubach (parents), from Barbara Rubach Deceased members of the Hacker and Hemmann families, from Charles & Alice Hacker Elmer Hoehn, from his wife, Leona, and family Elton & Earline Drury and Eugene & Edith Bohnert, from the Unverferth and Barber Families Harold & Elaine Hadler (parents & grandparents), from Sandy and Brent Roth Herbert & Doris Bock (parents), from Patricia Lukefahr Frederick G. Pick, from his wife, Jeri, and family John Galeski and Shawn Galeski, from Stanley & Susan Galeski and family Page 7 Melvin Prevallet (husband), from Neola Prevallet and family Sylvester (Jim) Lawrence, husband and father, from Verna Lawrence and family Howard & Loretta Krauss and Walter & Ester Verseman (parents), from Howard & Charlotte Krauss Leonard Ehlers (husband & father), from Mary Jane, Calvin Ehlers, Keith Ehlers, Connie French and families Our deceased family members, from the Courtois Family Eli & Rosella Hoffman and Delmar & Lillian Pohlman, from Doug & Cheryl Hale Robin Dawn Amschler Carroll, from her family Our grandparents and great-grandparents celebrating Christmas in heaven, from the Preston, Janet and Gremaud families Our grandparents, Elton & Earline Drury and Benton Barber, from Jesse, Jenna and Aidan Unverferth Our mothers, Zida Martin and Kora Keller, from Doug & Lisa Martin, Kora, Elli, Ava & Lillian Clinton and Jonathan Haertling, from Martha Haertling and family Charlotte Telle and Lavern Telle, from Clinton (Scotty) Telle Elmer & Gertrude Hacker, from Norman & Cathy Hacker Pearl Petzoldt, from his wife, Dolores, and family Kevin Weinkein, from Gib & Rhoda Cornehlsen Grandma Lillian and Grandpa John Brune, from Dale, Lisa, Joshua & Jadyn Buerck Shawn Galeski, from Stanley & Susan Galeski and family Edgar & Ruby Hecht and Albert & Clara Koenig, from Gene & Beverly Koenig and family Loral Brune, from Chris & Kristy Layton Albert & Olga Detjen and Myrl & Alfred Dreyer, from Lowell & Irma Dreyer Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Holst, Derrell Womack and Marge & Elvis Reiss, from Ken & Judy Womack Harvey Krauss, from his wife & friend, Frances A. Krauss John H. and Lillian M. Brune (parents), from Joan Layton Ronald Lorenz, from the Camarillo & Amberger Families Lynn Ponivas, from Kurt Schoenherr Robert (husband) & Michael (son) Sandler, from Vera Sandler Larry Lexow, from his wife, Anna William Boxdorfer and Dorothy & Donald Hunt, from Kenny & Linda Boxdorfer Dorothy Besand, from her sister, Velda Hennemann, and family Weldon Hennemann, from his wife, Velda, and family Page 8 Frank & Lanna Brown, from Jim & Carole Brown and family Our loved ones, from Phil & Kristi Norman Hubert & Ruth Milfelt, from their daughter, Linda Moonier Pearl Petzoldt, Smitty & Evelyn Smith, David & Jean Gibson, from Keith & Bonnie Smith and family In loving memory of our mother & grandmother, Arleen Schlichting, from the Alan Schlichting Family IN HONOR OF… Grandpa & Grandma Nolen, from Mason & Mollie Cochran Our parents and grandparents, Marvin & Ruby Mueller and Bernadine & Roman Roth, from Joan, Randy, Amy, Adam, Andrew & Amira Roth Leon & Nancy Pohlman’s 47th wedding anniversary and my children Zach, CJ, & Faith and grand-daughter Ally, from Doug & Cheryl Hale Richard & Velma Davis, from Dr. Jodie Amschler Our parents and grandparents, Lynn & Janet Conrad, from The Brian Dreyer Family, The Terry Conrad Family and The Alan Schlichting Family IN CELEBRATION OF… The 100 years of blessings that God has bestowed upon Irma Hoffstetter, from Dean & Gail Kimmich The continued blessings on our family, Bob & Pat Wichern Our wedding anniversary, from Phil & Kristi Norman OTHER… From Randy & Teresa Leible In honor of Connie Essman and in loving memory of Helen Chappius and Leonora Bergman, from Debbie Chappius For the blessings God has given us with our grandchildren, Jonathan, Dominic, Jaxon, Ellie & Brynlee and for our mother, Dolores Petzoldt, from Keith & Bonnie Smith In loving memory of Levon Baker and in celebration of Kathryn Baker’s birthday on December 11, 2014, from Dennis & Renea Bohnert, Brooke, Mitchell, & Leah Picou In honor of our children and their families, Roger, Dean & Dana, and in loving memory of Leroy & Beulah Sandler and Lloyd & Ethel Hoff, from Gary & Sharon Hoff Page 9 In loving memory of Lynne’s grandparents: Wm. & Olga Bock, Wilpert & Wilma Bohnert, her Aunt Miriam Bock, her cousin Penny Hlvaty, Rick’s dad, Emil Kreutz, his son Ricky Kreutz, his brother Kenneth Kreutz and his niece Christy Paffrath and in honor of Ron & Betty Bohnert and Florence Kreutz (parents), Erin & Brian Statler, Zach & Brittany Hecht and Nicole Kreutz (children), Sabrina & Jaden Statler, Maddyson & Klayton Hecht (grandchildren), from Rick & Lynne Kreutz CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES FOR DEC. 2121-28 SUN., DEC. 21 (4TH SUN. IN ADVENT) Worship (DS III with Holy Communion) .................................................................7:30 a.m. (Sanctuary) Sunday School for Children through 8th Grade ......................................................... 8:50-9:40 a.m. (ILS) Adult Bible Study (Christmas-related Topic [Matthew Mueller]) ............ 8:50 a.m. (Fellowship Room) Adult Lutheran Information Class (Pastor Marks) ............................................ 8:50-9:40 a.m. (Room 1) Adult Bible Class @ ILS .................................................................. 8:50-9:40 a.m. (ILS 8th Grade Room) Worship (DS III without Holy Communion) ........................................................ 10:00 a.m. (Sanctuary) MON., DEC. 22 Tellers ................................................................................................................ 8:30 a.m. (Fellowship Room) Church Staff Meeting ................................................................................................9:30 a.m. (ILC Library) Pastors Meeting ................................................................................ 10:30 a.m. (Pastor Handrick’s Office) TUE., DEC. 23 English as a Second Language ............................................ 1-2:00 p.m. (Fellowship Room) Cancelled Weekly News & Information Bulletin Deadline ............................. 9:00 a.m. (Church Office) Ladies Bible Study ...................................................................................... 1:00 p.m. (Room 1) Cancelled Lutheranism 101 Bible Class (Pastor Handrick) ................................... 7:00 p.m. (Room 1) Cancelled Lutheran Laymen’s League Dartball ........................................................................ No Games this Week WED., DEC. 24 (THE EVE OF THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD [CHRISTMAS EVE]) Church Office Closed......................................................................................................................................... School Chapel Devotion (???) .................................................... 8:00 a.m. (ILS Gymnasium) Cancelled Quilting ........................................................................................ 8:30 a.m. (Ladies Aid Room) Cancelled Children’s Christmas Programs ................................................. 3:00 & 5:00 p.m. (Sanctuary) Level 3 Confirmation Class ...................................................................... 5:30 p.m. (Room 1) Cancelled Level 2 Confirmation Class ........................................ 5:30 p.m. (ILS 8th Grade Classroom) Cancelled Level 1 Confirmation Class ........................................ 5:30 p.m. (ILS 7th Grade Classroom) Cancelled Christmas Eve Worship with Candlelight .............................................11:00 p.m. (Sanctuary) THU., DEC. 25 (THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD [CHRISTMAS DAY]) Church Office Closed......................................................................................................................................... Adult Breakfast Bible Study (Pastor Marks) ..........................6:30 a.m. (Fellowship Room) Cancelled Christmas Day Worship (DS III with Holy Communion ...................... 9:00 a.m. (Sanctuary) English as a Second Language .............................................4-5:00 p.m. (Fellowship Room) Cancelled FRI., DEC. 26 Food Pantry ............................................................................10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon (Room 2) Page 10 Berean Bible Class (St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans) ........................... 1:00 p.m. (Room 1) Cancelled SAT., DEC. 27 (1ST SUN. AFTER CHRISTMAS) Worship (DS IV without Holy Communion) .......................................................... 5:30 p.m. (Sanctuary) SUN., DEC. 28 (1ST SUN. AFTER CHRISTMAS) Worship (DS IV without Holy Communion) ...........................................................7:30 a.m. (Sanctuary) Sunday School for Children through 8th Grade ......................................................... 8:50-9:40 a.m. (ILS) Adult Bible Study (Christmas-related Topic [Matthew Mueller]) ............ 8:50 a.m. (Fellowship Room) Adult Lutheran Information Class (Pastor Marks) ................................................................... Cancelled Adult Bible Class @ ILS .................................................................. 8:50-9:40 a.m. (ILS 8th Grade Room) Worship (DS IV with Holy Communion) .............................................................. 10:00 a.m. (Sanctuary) Page 11
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