Prayer Requests Marilyn Aber Chuck Allen Sue Atkinson Sharon Bologna Joshua Boudreaux Mindy Broussard Kacee Bercegeay Daniel Carlton Clay Casey James T. Cinnamond Tracy Cobia Michelle Clancy Mae Conatser Baby Sophia Cooper Fr. Cooper Margie Crow Noel Daigle Darya & Danika Darley Josh Doherty Jan Ebbecke Andrea Eller Anne Ferguson Ann Floreck Nick Gallo Maria Gouin Hayden Green Rosemary Greenkorn Richard Hackle Lori Herring Jeff Hill Thomas Jahanian Mike Klein MaryAnn Krebs John LeBleu Joseph LeBleu Concetta Loduca Tony Logue Monica Lopez Jim Mahan Betty Miller Patrick Malambrie Patrick Miller Brian Murray Pat Neal Berenice Newell Carolyn Opar Boone Pendergrast Steve Peterson Christopher Pierce Samantha Reed Deborah Roberts Melissa Savoie Susie Segar Joyce Schilly Charles Schromer Chris Simerly Liz Skalicky Nick Sorel Jennifer Trousdale Keith Tullos John Vambro Larry Victor Important Dates in December 15th Advent Penance Service Saint Rita 7:00pm 16th Advent Penance Service Christ The King 7:00pm 24th Christmas Eve Vigil Mass 5:00pm 25th Third Sunday of Advent Sat. Dec. 13, 5:30 PM…….………………..….+Jean Thompson By Bernadette & Dave Leach Sun. Dec. 14, 8:00 AM...........................................+Al Hiersche By Alice Ann Sanchez 10:00 AM………….......…+ Bud and Vivian Manion By Joe & Chris Manion 12:00 PM..………...CTK…………………………..… 5:00 PM…...…...………...…..........Holly & Carolyn Joe & Lyn Colello Mon. Dec. 15, 8:30 AM ………………......................……H. Carter By Cathy Huettel 7:00 PM.........Penance Service....................... Tue. Dec. 16, 8:30 AM……………………….......+Inge Livingston By Phil & Gail Saccon Christmas Wed. Dec. 17, 8:30 AM………………..……….......+Brad Sullivan By Mary Stanton Midnight Mass 12:00am Thur. Dec. 18, 8:30 AM……..…………………………..…..…..…. Christmas Mass 8:00am Christ the King Fri. .. Morning Mass 10:00am 31st My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?- Bob Hope Dec. 19, 8:30 AM……...…………..…..……………………. Fourth Sunday in Advent Solemnity of Mary (Holy Day of Obligation) Vigil 5:00pm st Jan 1 Morning Mass 10:00am / Christ the King 8:00am Sat. Dec. 20, 5:30 PM………………..….……….+Linda Lascola Richard Lascola Sun. Dec. 21, 8:00 AM ………………………..……+Al Hiersche By Alice Ann Sanchez Dec. 17th Sewing Group Pot Luck Lunch at 12:00 PM Dec. 18th St. Vincent DePaul Meeting 9:30 AM 10:00 AM……………...+ Edward & Jeane Colello Joe & Lyn Colello 12:00 PM ...CTK…………………………….……….. CARING & SHARING website: CaringsharingofWaltoncounty Please take donations to the MSSR. Thank you! December 14, 2014 CALL SAINT VINCENT dePAUL Do you need help? Know anyone in need? Call: 888-229-6582 i necesita ayuda o conoce a alguien necesite, llamem usted a la Sociedad de la San Vincente de Paul, y pregunte por Felita al 850-278-166 despues de las 5 de la tarde. ST. RITA STEWARDSHIP Offertory $ 11. 738.22 Building Fund $ 7.157.00 Upon This Rock $ 1878.00 Burse Club $ 25.00 Thank You!!! Gracias!!! Third Week of Advent Rediscovering Catholicism: ADVENT PREPARATION: WEEK THREE Daily Prayer “The truth is that daily prayer is perhaps the most difficult thing we will ever have to do. (170) 2. For most prayer is hard work. Work worth doing, but hard work never the less. (170) 3. Prayer requires daily discipline. Prayer is central to the Christian experience; without prayer Christian life is not attainable. (170) 4. You can’t grow an oak with a apple seed. (170) 5. You can’t grow a good life with bad thoughts. (176) 6. With each passing day God invites you to grow and become a better version of yourself. (176) 7. Be convinced that in this modern time it is not that God has stopped talking to us, but rather that we have stopped listening to Him. (177) 8. Our lives change when our habits change; your life will change...when you start by praying ten minutes a day! Write these four words on a piece of paper; stick it on your bathroom mirror! TEN S UTE MIN AY A D We need to withdraw from the noise of our life; it’s time to enter the classroom of SILENCE! 10. The biggest challenge to the room of silence is NOISE! We wake up to a clock radio; we listen to a radio when we shower; we watch television when we eat breakfast; we listen to the radio on the way to work or school; we listen to music all day long over the intercom; we have cell phones; we have iPhones, iPods; most of us have multiple televisions on and leave them on even when no one is watching…. 11. WE DEVELOP NOISE HANGOVERS! WHEN PRAYER IS THE SPIRITUAL HIGH! 12. Is the way you talk to God with your prayers: “LISTEN UP GOD, YOUR SERVANT IS SPEAKING!” or SPEAK LORD, SERVANT IS LISTENING!” Mathew Kelly, 14 Lu Mahan 21 Irene Kinsley 1. 9. Altar Linen for December Chapter 13: Daily Prayer 28 Marlene Berres St. Rita Advent Penance Monday December 15th 7:00PM NEED A YEAR END STATEMENT? Please e-mail your request to our bookkeeper, Laurie Elliot, at: [email protected] Please send your name, address & phone number. Then, your end of the year statement will be mailed to you. A Volunteer is needed to help with the St. Rita Gift Shoppe after the 5:00 PM Sunday Mass. The Shoppe would need to be open for about 15 minutes. Please call Chick or Cathy if interested at 231-7837. HELP OUR SCOUTS FULFILL THEIR PROMISES! AND……..EAT WELL AT THE SAME TIME!! Our Scouts are taking orders for Hickory Smoked Hams in the MSSR after all Masses this weekend. Hams about 24lbs each, from JIM & NICK’S BBQ . Help fund the work of Troop 562 ! On my honor I will do my best, to do my duty, to God and my country to obey the scout law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physical strong, mentally awake and morally straight.” Please e-mail info for the bulletin to [email protected] by Sunday. Thank you! December 14, 2014 Third Week of Advent Christmas Eve Children’s Mass 5:00PM December 24th Saint Ann Sewing Ministry It is a tradition, that on this very holy night, the children of St. Rita tell the Gospel story. All children 4-7 years of age are welcome and encouraged to participate. Says, Rehearsal is 10:00AM in the Church the Wednesday, Morn of Christmas Eve , and shall carry on for about one hour. Join us for the Children's Mass! Bring your kids & your camera. OH COME, OH COME EMMANUEL!!! Thank you! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! NO RELIGIOUS ED DEC. 24th,, 28th, & 31st MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Wendy’s High School Heisman Award will air Sunday, Dec. 14 at 4:00 PM CST on ESPN 2. While hopeful that Trey can win, we feel blessed he got this far. THANKS FOR YOUR INTEREST AND SUPPORT. PROUD DAD SEEKING NOMINATIONS FOR THE PASTORAL COUNCIL (by Phil Holloran 314-267-7937) On the weekend of January 17/17 elections will be held for the open positions on the Saint Rita Pastoral Council. Membership requirements are that you are: CATHOLIC, ATTEND MASS REGULARLY, REGISTERED IN THE PARISH, CONTRIBUTE TO THE LIFE OF THE PARISH The council meets on the first Monday evening of most months. We do not meet in January, June, July or August. The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to assist the Pastor in the administration of the parish through planning, prayers, support co-operation and counsel. The position is easy and adds much to the life of the parish. Please consider offering your own time and talent. Let us know of your interest or questions by calling current Pastoral council member Phil Holloran at 314-267-7937. Come! Help decorate St. Rita for Christmas! Inside and Out! Join us! December 23rd after the 8:00 am Mass:) December 14, 2014 Third Week of Advent Christmas with the Ecumenical Choir of Walton County “Three GifTs “ South Walton Performances December 14 (Sunday Matinee) 3:00-4:30 PM December 14 (Sunday Evening) 7:00-8:30 PM December 15 (Monday Evening) 7:00-8:30 PM Christ the King Episcopal Church, 480 North Highway 393, Santa Rosa Beach, Fl (located 1/2 mile North of Highway 98) Please bring a canned goods; proceeds benefit local community outreach. Thank you! SaintAll Rita 3rd Annual Come One ~ Come Christmas Breakfast Thursday, December Saint Rita 3rd Annual Christmas Breakfast Thursday, December 25, 2014 following Midnight Mass RSVP for your FREE Ticket at the Office or after Masses In the Mary Star of the Sea Room from Mike Klein or Alice Ann December 14, 2014 Third Week of Advent December 14, 2014 Third Week of Advent Prayer requests For God’s Divine Healing For the United States of America, Lily Mc Coy-(11-year-old child in crisis,) Gloria Caggiano, Phillip and Mary Maple, Dan Dowd Sr., Yvonne Payne, George Dunnigan, Joe Guss, Jim Sandoski, Dottie Drury, Michael Fries, Patrick Smith, Nancy Stock, Dave Baron, Gary Kinnen, Lynne Stephenson, Ralph Sorrell, Skippy Hoffman and CJ Alford. … Thanksgiving to Almighty God Ralph Sorrell’s brain tumor was just recently diagnosed to be benign. CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC CHURCH 1552 Scenic Highway 331, Freeport, Florida 32439 850-267-2558 FAX 850-267-3711 Fr. Kevin Johnson, Pastor “IN CHRIST’S CORNER” Ministry for TODAY, December 14th- Eucharistic MinistersEllie Kratt, Joe Guss, Sally Orlosky; Lector-LaRae Sorrell; Ushers-Laureen Riggi, Reese Orlosky Ministry for NEXT Sunday, December 21, 2014 Eucharistic Ministers- Maryann Guss, Luann Schley and Reese Orlosky; Lector-Sally Orlosky: Ushers-Laureen Riggi and Don Norse. Walton County Ecumenical Choir Program… TODAY and TOMORROW…CTK Episcopal... Don’t forget this awesome Presentation under the direction of our own Adele Armitage!!! Ladies Altar Guild Meeting Notes: Since the deadline was imminent, individual members voted to donate cash to the Freeport Fireman’s group could purchase items for families in need. Rosary before Mass every Sunday. The Rosary will begin at 11:25. If you have extra Rosaries, please bring them to church to give to those who might not have a Rosary or might have forgotten to bring them. Members voted to have individuals donate any red or white fresh potted flowers for Christmas decorating bring them to church on December 21st. Ruth Wilson motioned that because the Altar linens are extremely worn out, that they should be replaced. Sally Orlosky seconded the motion and volunteered to follow through. Yvonne Payne has donated two Designer Teddy Bears to be raffled off…tickets will be sold on Dec. 14th and 21st. The next L.A.G. meeting is March 18, 2015. Backpack Buddies BB food or monetary donations needed by Today. Please money in the ‘Poor Box’ receptacle in the vestibule Volunteers will be packing the Backpacks this Tuesday and Wednesday (Dec.16-17) We will use donations to purchase any needed food items…THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! CTK 26-Year CD DEADLINE IS DECEMBER 31. Thank you, Helen! December 14, 2014 GOD IS GOOD! Every day this year remember a the Hail Mary! December 14- Pot Luck Dinner and Parish Council Meeting after Mass December 14 TODAY is the last day to bring Backpack Buddies items or cash to purchase food items for Backpack Buddies for their Christmas packs. December 14 Walton County Ecumenical Choir Christmas Program at CTK Episcopal Church on Highway 393 North in Santa Rosa Beach at 34:30 PM and 7-8:30 PM December 15 (Monday) Walton Ecumenical Choir Program at CTK Episcopal Church 7-8:30 pm December 21- Bring your donations of Christmas flowers to Church; Church Decorating after Mass December 25-CTK Christmas Mass 8:00 AM December 31 Deadline to have CTK Pictures, CTK Social Hall...Members who wish to utilize the Hall are to make plans through Dave Doring at [email protected] 835-5470 Please send information for “ In Christ’s Corner” to Sally by Sunday Evening at: [email protected] THANK YOU! CHRIST THE KING Offertory $ 918.00 Building Fund $ 373.50 Burse $ Thank you!!!! 25.00 Gracias!!!! Third Week of Advent
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