SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Curriculum Map DRAFT Last Updated December 18, 2014 Grade 3 Mathematics Mathematics Grade 3 Sacramento City Unified School District 1 SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Grade 3 Mathematics Table of Contents Third Grade Year-at-a-Glance .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Unit #1: Represent and Understand Multiplication and Division ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Unit #2: Place Value and Problem with Units of Measure................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Unit #3: Problem Solving Using Multiplication and Division ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Unit #4: Multiplication and Area.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Unit #5: Developing Understanding of Fractions ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36 Unit #6: Representing and Interpreting Data ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Unit #7: Geometric Figures and Problem Solving Involving Perimeters and Areas ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 55 Bar modeling in enVision = tape diagrams in CCSS-M 2 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Grade 3 Year-at-a-Glance Month District Benchmark 1 Unit September Unit #1 Represent and Understand Multiplication and Division October Unit #2 Place Value and Problem Solving with Units of Measure November/ December Unit #3 Problem Solving Using Multiplication and Division January/February Unit #4 Exploring Multiplication with Area March/April Unit #5 Developing Understanding of Fractions *Alignment TBD District Benchmark 2 *Alignment TBD District Benchmark 3 *Alignment TBD CAASPP (Smarter Balanced Summative Test) May May/June Unit #6 Representing and Interpreting Data Unit #7 Geometric Figures and Problem Solving Involving Perimeter and Area Content Standards 3.OA.1 3.OA.2 3.OA.3 3.OA.4 3.NBT.1 3.NBT.2 3.MD.1 3.MD.2 3.OA.8 3.OA.5 3.OA.6 3.OA.7 3.OA.8 3.OA.9 3.NBT.3 3.MD.5 3.MD.6 3.MD.7 3.NF.1 3.NF.2 3.NF.3 3.G.2 3.MD.4 3.MD.3 3.MD.4 3.G.1 3.MD.8 3 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #1: Represent and Understand Multiplication and Division (Approx. # Days- ) Content Standards: 3.OA.1-4 In this unit, students will develop understanding of, interpreting, representing, and solving problems involving multiplication and division. Common Core State Standards-Mathematics: Operations and Algebraic Thinking 3.OA Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division 1. Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 x 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 x 7. 2. Interpret whole-number quotients of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 56 ÷ 8 as the number of objects in each share when 56 objects are partitioned equally into 8 shares, or as a number of shares when 56 objects are partitioned into equal shares of 8 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a number of shares or a number of groups can be expressed as 56 ÷ 8. 3. Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g., by using drawing and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem. 4. Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers. For example, determine the unknown number that makes the equation true in each of the equations 8 x ? = 48, 5 = □ ÷ 3, 6 x 6 = ?. Standards for Mathematical Practice: SMP. 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them SMP. 2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively SMP. 3 Construct viable argument and critique the reasoning of others SMP. 6 Attend to precision SMP. 7 Look for and make use of structure SEL Competencies: Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship skills Responsible decision making 4 SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Grade 3 Mathematics ELD Standards to Support Unit: Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways A. Collaborative 1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative conversations on a range of social and academic topics 2. Interacting with others in written English in various communicative forms (print, communicative technology, and multimedia 3. Offering and supporting opinions and negotiating with others in communicative exchanges 4. Adapting language choices to various contexts (based on task, purpose, audience, and text type) B. Interpretive 5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts 6. Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed explicitly and implicitly through language 7. Evaluating how well writers and speakers use language to support ideas and opinions with details or reasons depending on modality, text type, purpose, audience, topic, and content area 8. Analyzing how writers and speakers use vocabulary and other language resources for specific purposes (to explain, persuade, entertain, etc.) depending on modality, text type, purpose, audience, topic, and content area C. Productive 9. Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics 11. Supporting own opinions and evaluating others’ opinions in speaking and writing 12. Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language structures to effectively convey ideas Part II. Learning About How English Works A. Structuring Cohesive Texts 1. Understanding text structure B. Expanding and Enriching Ideas 5. Modifying to add details C. Connecting and Condensing Ideas 6. Connecting ideas 7. Condensing ideas 5 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #1: Represent and Understand Multiplication and Division Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Essential Questions are thought- provoking, open-ended questions to be used within daily lessons that and are therefore connected to the Sequence of Learning Outcomes. Assessments for Learning address Diagnostic, Formative, and Summative assessments used throughout the unit to inform instruction connected to the Sequence of Learning Outcomes. Note: These assessments are suggested, not required. Unit 1 Post Assessment modified from GA DOE “Ice Cream Scoops,” PartII “Multiplication and Division” only, pp. 156-162 Sequence of Learning Outcomes (3.OA.1-4) Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources Sequence of Learning Outcomes General Strategy Support for Unit: Differentiation From the CA Mathematics Framework Support for Unit: is intentionally organized for Use of math journals “Instructional Strategies” chapter student success. Each outcome for differentiation provides research-based strategies for is not necessarily intended to be and formative teaching math, K-12 taught within one class session. assessment (use link “Supporting High Quality Common below) Core Instruction” chapter addresses Each Outcome begins with https://www.teachin the development, implementation, Students will be able to… and maintenance of high-quality, math-journals standards-based mathematics instructional programs Flexible grouping: Content “Universal Design for Learning” from CAST, the Center for Applied Special Interest Technology Project/product Level (Heterogeneous/ Homogeneous) CCSS Support for the Unit: CA Mathematics Framework “3rd Grade” p. 1-5 “What students Learn in Grade Three” p. 6-15 Operations and Algebraic Thinking Domain p. 34-37 “Essential Learning for Next Grade” KS Assoc. of Teachers of Mathematics FLIPBOOKS Provide illustrated examples, instructional strategies, additional resources/tools and misconceptions by standard. p. 1-11 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain NC Unpacking Documents Provide illustrated examples, instructional strategies, additional resources/tools and misconceptions by standard. p. 4-7 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain Progressions for CCSS-M Narrative documents describing the progression of a topic across a number of grade levels, informed both by research on children's cognitive development and Tiered: by the logical structure of mathematics. Independent p. 2-3, and 22-28 Operations and Algebraic Thinking Management Plan domain (Must Do/May Do) Videos from The Teaching Channel Grouping Think Time and Collaborative Learning o Content Third Grade Math: A Complete Lesson o Rigor w/in the Catch and Release: Encourage Independence concept Adjusting Lessons: Have a Plan B o Project-based 6 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #1: Represent and Understand Multiplication and Division Essential Questions Assessments for Learning How can I relate what I NC Wikispace, 3rd know about skip Grade Tasks counting to multiply? Sequence of Learning Outcomes (3.OA.1-4) Strategies for Teaching and Learning 1. Recognize multiplication as The standard defines multiplication of finding the total number of whole numbers a x b as finding the total objects in a certain number number of objects in a groups of b of equal-sized groups. objects. What patterns can be Provide students context Use the terms “number of objects in each used to find certain (story problems) as they group”(3 x __ = 18 and 18 ÷ 3 = __) or multiplication facts? learn equal groupings. “number of groups” (__ x 6 = 18 and 18 3.OA.1 ÷ 6 = __) with students. How are addition and Number bond can be used as a visual multiplication related? representation of this skip counting strategy. What is the Draw pictures to represent equal groups May use a variety of models (tile squares, relationship between counters, linking cubes, beans, etc.) for factors and product? students to manipulate equal groups rd NC Wikispace, 3 2. Interpret factors as the size Use context to help students determine Grade Tasks of the group or the number the factors. of groups. Show with Use number lines to show equal groups From Illustrative models “a number of groups Mathematics: of a certain number of object (or size)” when the “Fish Tanks” language of “groups of” is “Markers in Boxes” presented with various terms (for example, “piles of,” “stacks of,” “rows of,” “cups of,” “teams of,” etc.). 3.OA.1 How can multiplication NC Wikispace, 3rd 3. Represent multiplication Build rectangular arrays using “rows of.” be represented? Grade Tasks with the array to show the Describe arrays in terms of equal groups relationship among all the (by rows or by columns). For example, 4 What is the numbers involved (factor x x 5: “There are 4 rows of 5 chairs.” which Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE o o o learning Homework Grouping Formative Assessment Anchor Activities: Content-related Tasks for early finishers o Game o Investigation o Partner Activity o Stations Depth and Complexity Prompts/Icons: Depth o Language of the Discipline o Patterns o Unanswered Questions o Rules o Trends o Big Ideas o Complexity From GA DOE, Differentiation via Math Centers (Tubs) Resources CA Mathematics Framework “3rd Grade” pg. 9 chart Flipbook from KS Assoc. of Tchr of Mathematics, pg. 4-5 NC Unpacking, pg. 4 Video from engageny Number bond From engageny Downloadable Resources PDF, Module 1, Topic A “Mulitplcation and the Meaning of the Factors”, pg. 1.A.1-1.A.40 enVision, Topic 4: Math Background, pp. 95A-95B Interactive Learning, pp. 96-97 Lesson 4-1 “Multiplication as Repeated Addition” CA Mathematics Framework “3rd Grade” pg. 9 chart Flipbook from KS Assoc. of Teacher of Mathematics, pg. 4-5 NC Unpacking, pg. 4 From engageny Downloadable Resources PDF, Module 1, Topic A “Mulitplcation and the Meaning of the Factors”, pg. 1.A.1-1.A.40 enVision, Topic 4: Lesson 4-1 “Multiplication as Repeated Addition” CA Mathematics Framework “3rd Grade” pg. 9 chart Flipbook from KS Assoc. of Teacher of Mathematics, pg. 4-5 NC Unpacking, pg. 4 7 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #1: Represent and Understand Multiplication and Division Essential Questions Assessments for Learning relarionship beween factors and product? How can division be represented? NC Wikispace, 3rd Grade Tasks How can I use what I know about subtraction, equal sharing, and forming equal groups to solve division problems? From Illustrative Mathematics: “Two Interpretations of Division” “Gifts from Grandma” Variation1 “Finding the unknown in a division equation” How can the same array model represent multiplication and division? How can I use the array model to explain Strategies for Teaching and Learning factor = product). Use is different from 5 rows of 4 chairs context so students will be where the meaning and representation able to visualize are different. The product is the same. “rows/columns of” a Partition arrays into smaller arrays particular group. (concept of decomposition) 3.OA.1 Use tape diagrams What strategies can be used to find the factors or prodcuts? How are subtraction and division related? Sequence of Learning Outcomes (3.OA.1-4) NC Wikispace, 3rd Grade Tasks 4. Recognize division in two Use the terms “number of objects in a different situations – equal group”(3 x __ = 18 and 18 ÷ 3 = __) or sharing (e.g., how many are “number of groups” (__ x 6 = 18 and 18 in each group?), and ÷ 6 = __) with students rather than determining how many “partitive division” or “quotitive groups (e.g., how many division.” groups can you make?) Use the array model to determine the 3.OA.2 unknown in division. 5. Model the relationship Model division as the unknown factor in between multiplication and multiplication in multiple ways (for division by using a variety of example, bar modeling, number line, methods, such as bar arrays, etc.). modeling, number line, arrays, etc. 3.OA.3 Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources From engageny Downloadable Resources PDF, Module 1, Topic A “Mulitplcation and the Meaning of the Factors”, pg. 1.A.1-1.A.40 Video on Word Problems with tape Diagrams enVision, Topic 4: Math Background, pp. 95A-95B Interactive Learning, pp. 96-97 Lesson 4-2 “Arrays and Multiplication” CA Mathematics Framework “3rd Grade” pg. 9 chart Flipbook from KS Assoc. of Teacher of Mathematics, pg. 6 NC Unpacking, pg. 4 From engageny Downloadable Resources PDF, Module 1, Topic B “Division as an Unknown Factor Problem”, pg. 1.B.1-1.B.35 enVision, Topic 7: Math Background, pp. 167A-167B Interactive Learning, pp. 168-169 Lesson 7-1 “Division as Sharing” Lesson 7-2 “Division as Repeated Subtraction” CA Mathematics Framework “3rd Grade” pg. 9 chart Flipbook from KS Assoc. of Teacher of Mathematics, pg. 7-9 NC Unpacking, pg. 5-6 From engageny Downloadable Resources PDF, Module 1, Topic A “Mulitplcation and the Meaning of the Factors”, pg. 1.A.1-1.A.40 8 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #1: Represent and Understand Multiplication and Division Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes (3.OA.1-4) Strategies for Teaching and Learning multiplication and division? How can I model division? How are multiplication and division alike and different? How can I use the array NC Wikispace, 3rd 6. Use multiplication and Model problems using pictural model to explain Grade Tasks division within 100 to solve representations and manipulatives. multiplication and word problems in situations division? From Illustrative involving equal groups, Mathematics: arrays, and measurement How can I use known quantities. “Analyzing Word facts to find unknown 3.OA.3 Problems Involving facts? Multiplication” Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources Topic B “Division as an Unknown Factor Problem”, pg. 1.B.1-1.B.35 Lesson from LearnZillion: “Solve Multiplication and Division Problems: Using a Diagram” enVision, Topic 4: Math Background, pp. 95A-95B Interactive Learning, pp. 96-97 Lesson 4-4 “Writing Multiplication Stories” enVision, Topic 7: Math Background, pp. 167A-167B Interactive Learning, pp. 168-169 Lesson 7-5 “Writing Division Stories” enVision, Topic 8: Math Background, pp. 187A-187B Interactive Learning, pp. 188-189 Lesson 8-6 “Making Sense of Multiplication and Division Equations” Lesson 8-9 “Problem Solving: Draw a Picture and Write a Number Sentence” CA Mathematics Framework “3rd Grade” pg. 9 chart Flipbook from KS Assoc. of Teacher of Mathematics, pg. 7-9 NC Unpacking, pg. 5-6 From engageny Downloadable Resources PDF, Module 1, Topic A “Mulitplcation and the Meaning of the Factors”, pg. 1.A.1-1.A.40 Topic B “Division as an Unknown Factor Problem”, pg. 1.B.1-1.B.35 9 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #1: Represent and Understand Multiplication and Division Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes (3.OA.1-4) Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources enVision, Topic 4: Math Background, pp. 95A-95B Interactive Learning, pp. 96-97 Lesson 4-5 “Problem Solving” enVision, Topic 5: Math Background, pp. 113A-113B Interactive Learning, pp. 114-115 enVision, Topic 5: Lesson 5-1 “2 and 5 as Factors” enVision, Topic 6: Math Background, pp. 137A-137B Interactive Learning, pp. 138-139 Lesson 6-2 “3 as a Factor” Lesson 6-3 “4 as a Factor” Lesson 6-4 “6 and 7 as Factors” Lesson 6-5 “8 as a Factor” Lesson 6-7 “Multiplication Facts” Lesson 6-8 “Multiplying to Find Combinations” enVision, Topic 7: Math Background, pp. 167A-167B Interactive Learning, pp. 168-169 Lesson 7-6 “Problem Solving:Use Objects and Draw a Picture” How are multiplication NC Wikispace, 3rd and division related? Grade Tasks How can different strategies be helpful when solving 7. Determine the unknown Use manipulatives, pictures, words, whole number in a and/or equations to represent the multiplication or division problem and explain thinking process. equation relating three whole numbers to make the equation true. CA Mathematics Framework “3rd Grade” pg. 9 chart Flipbook from KS Assoc. of Teacher of Mathematics, pg. 10-11, and 24 NC Unpacking, pg. 7 engageny Downloadable Resources PDF, Module 1, Topic 10 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #1: Represent and Understand Multiplication and Division Essential Questions problems? Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes (3.OA.1-4) 3.OA.4 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources B “Division as an Unknown Factor Problem”, pg. 1.B.1-1.B.35 enVision, Topic 7: Math Background, pp. 167A-167B Interactive Learning, pp. 168-169 Lesson 7-4 “Problem Solving: Choose an Appropriate Equation” 11 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #2: Place Value and Problems with Units of Measure (Approx. # Days- ) Content Standards: 3.NBT.1, 3.NBT.2, 3.MD.1, 3.MD.2, 3.OA.8 In this unit, students will use place value understanding, properties of addition and subtraction, and estimation strategies to solve problems involving measurement. Common Core State Standards-Mathematics: Number and Operations in Base Ten 3.NBT Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. 1. Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100. 2. Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. Operations and Algebraic Thinking 3.OA Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. 8. Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding. Measurement and Data 3.MD Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. 1. Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes, e.g., by representing the problem on a number line diagram. 2. Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l). Add, subtract, multiply or divide to solve one-step problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units, e.g., by using drawings (such as beaker with a measurement scale) to represent the problem. Standards for Mathematical Practice: SMP. 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them SMP. 2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively SMP. 3 Construct viable argument and critique the reasoning of others SMP. 4 Model with mathematics SMP. 6 Attend to precision SMP. 7 Look for and make use of structure SMP. 8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning SEL Competencies: Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship skills, Responsible decision making 12 SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Grade 3 Mathematics ELD Standards to Support Unit: Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways A. Collaborative 1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative conversations on a range of social and academic topics 2. Interacting with others in written English in various communicative forms (print, communicative technology, and multimedia 3. Offering and supporting opinions and negotiating with others in communicative exchanges 4. Adapting language choices to various contexts (based on task, purpose, audience, and text type) B. Interpretive 5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts 6. Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed explicitly and implicitly through language 7. Evaluating how well writers and speakers use language to support ideas and opinions with details or reasons depending on modality, text type, purpose, audience, topic, and content area 8. Analyzing how writers and speakers use vocabulary and other language resources for specific purposes (to explain, persuade, entertain, etc.) depending on modality, text type, purpose, audience, topic, and content area C. Productive 9. Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics 11. Supporting own opinions and evaluating others’ opinions in speaking and writing 12. Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language structures to effectively convey ideas Part II. Learning About How English Works A. Structuring Cohesive Texts 1. Understanding text structure 2. Understanding cohesion B. Expanding and Enriching Ideas 5. Modifying to add details C. Connecting and Condensing Ideas 6. Connecting ideas 7. Condensing ideas 13 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #2: Place Value and Problems with Units of Measure Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.NBT.1-2, 3.MD.1-2, 3.OA.8 Essential Questions are thought- provoking, open-ended questions to be used within daily lessons that and are therefore connected to the Sequence of Learning Outcomes. Assessments for Learning address Diagnostic, Formative, and Summative assessments used throughout the unit to inform instruction connected to the Sequence of Learning Outcomes. Sequence of Learning Outcomes is intentionally organized for student success. Each outcome is not necessarily intended to be taught within one class session. Note: These assessments are suggested, not required. Mid-point Check and Post Assessments – from engageNY, Module 2 Tasks 1-5 Gr 3_Unit 2_Mid-Post Assessments.pdf Each Outcome begins with Students will be able to… Strategies for Teaching and Learning General Strategy Support for Unit: From the CA Mathematics Framework “Instructional Strategies” chapter provides research-based strategies for teaching math, K-12 “Supporting High Quality Common Core Instruction” chapter addresses the development, implementation, and maintenance of high-quality, standards-based mathematics instructional programs “Universal Design for Learning” from CAST, the Center for Applied Special Technology Differentiation e.g. EL,SpEd, GATE Resources Differentiation Support for Unit: Use of math journals for differentiation and formative assessment (use link below) https://www.teachin math-journals CCSS Support for the Unit: CA Mathematics Framework “3rd Grade” p. 1-5 “What students Learn in Grade Three” p. 15-16 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain p. 24-25 Measurement and Data domain p. 10-14 Operations and Algebraic Thinking p. 34-37 “Essential Learning for Next Grade” KS Assoc. of Teachers of Mathematics FLIPBOOKS Provide illustrated examples, instructional strategies, additional resources/tools and misconceptions by standard. Flexible grouping: p. 13-14 Operations and Algebraic domain Content p. 15-16 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain Interest p. 24 Measurement and Data domain Project/product NC Unpacking Documents Level Provide illustrated examples, instructional strategies, (Heterogeneous/ additional resources/tools and misconceptions by Homogeneous) standard. p. 13-14 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain Tiered: p. 18-19 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain Independent p. 26-28 Measurement and Data domain Management Plan Progressions for CCSS-M (Must Do/May Do) Narrative documents describing the progression of a Grouping topic across a number of grade levels, informed both o Content by research on children's cognitive development and o Rigor w/in the by the logical structure of mathematics. concept p. 2-4, 11 Number and Operations in Base Ten o Project-based domain learning p. 2-4, 15-19 Measurement and Data domain 14 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #2: Place Value and Problems with Units of Measure Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.NBT.1-2, 3.MD.1-2, 3.OA.8 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL,SpEd, GATE o o o What does “base ten” mean? From NC Wikispace: 1. Use place value to round Describe the distance of the two decade numbers to the nearest 10 on a numbers (see KATM, p. 26-27). “Cafeteria Lunch number line. Using a number line, plot decade Orders” 3.NBT.1 What does “rounding” 3.NBT.1 numbers to identify the halfway point Task 1 mean? between two possible answers on a “Comparing number line Heights” 3.NBT.1 When might you round Use a number line or a hundreds chart as Task 2 to the nearest 10? tools to support students’ When might you round From Illustrative understanding of place value to the nearest 100? Mathematics: “Rounding to 50 What is an interval? or 500” “Rounding to the How do you select an Nearest Ten and appropriate interval for Hundreds” a number line? How can a number line From Illustrative 2. Use place value to round Students can use a number line or a help me round? Mathematics: numbers to the nearest 100 on hundreds chart as tools to support “Rounding to the a number line. their 245 work with rounding. How do you select an Nearest Ten and 3.NBT. 1 appropriate interval for Hundreds” a number line? From NC Wikispace: “All About Rounding” Homework Grouping Formative Assessment Anchor Activities: Content-related Tasks for early finishers o Game o Investigation o Partner Activity o Stations Resources p. 2-3, 27-28 Counting and Cardinality and Operations and Algebraic Thinking domains CA Framework p. 15 Flipbook p.26-27 NC Unpacking, p. 19 enVision, Topic 1: Math Background, pp. 2G-2H Interactive Learning, pp. 4-5 Lesson 1-1 “Representing Numbers” Lesson 1-2 “Understanding Number Lines” Lesson 1-3 “Counting on the Number Line” Lesson 1-4 “Finding the Halfway Number” Depth and Complexity Lesson 1-5 “Rounding” Prompts/Icons: Depth o Language of the Discipline o Patterns CA Framework p. 15 o Unanswered Flipbook p.26-27 Questions NC Unpacking, p. 19 o Rules o Trends enVision, Topic 1: o Big Ideas o Complexity Math Background, pp. 2G-2H Interactive Learning, pp. 4-5 Lesson 1-5 “Rounding” Lesson 1-6 “More Rounding” 15 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #2: Place Value and Problems with Units of Measure Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.NBT.1-2, 3.MD.1-2, 3.OA.8 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL,SpEd, GATE Resources 3.NBT.1 Task 3 In what kinds of situations is it appropriate to estimate? Why? In what kinds of situations is it appropriate to estimate? Why? From NC Wikispace: 3. Estimate to solve one-step Prior to implementing rules for rounding “Toys for Us, Task addition and subtraction students need to have opportunities to #2” 3.NBT.2 Task 2 problems using rounding investigate place value. A strong strategies. understanding of place value is 3.NBT. 1 essential for the developed number sense and the subsequent work that involves rounding numbers. Building on previous understandings of the place value of digits in multi-digit numbers, place value is used to round whole numbers. Dependence on learning rules can be eliminated with strategies such as the use of a number line to determine which multiple of 10 or of100, a number is nearest (5 or more rounds up, less than 5 rounds down). As students’ understanding of place value increases, the strategies for rounding are valuable for estimating, justifying and predicting the reasonableness of solutions in problem-solving. From Illustrative 4. Solve word problems involving Have students make estimations before Mathematics: three digit numbers using solving the word problems. After “Classroom estimation to check for students have solved the problems with Supplies” reasonableness in the solution. the exact answer, have students CA Framework p. 15 Flipbook p.26-27 NC Unpacking, p. 19 enVision, Topic 1: Math Background, pp. 2G-2H Interactive Learning, pp. 4-5 Lesson 1-7 “Ordering Numbers” Lesson 1-8 “Problem Solving: Make an Organized List” (Missing in printed materials?) CA Framework p.13-15 Flipbook p. 19-21, 26-29 NC Unpacking, p. 14-15, 19-20 16 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #2: Place Value and Problems with Units of Measure Essential Questions Why does place value play a significant role when using the properties of operations to solve problems? Assessments for Learning From NC Wikispace: “From 100 to 0” 3.NBT.2 Task 3 “Mrs. Snyder’s Game Board” 3.NBT.2 Task 1 Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.NBT.1-2, 3.MD.1-2, 3.OA.8 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Use strategies and algorithms explain how close their estimation was based on place value, to the actual solution. properties of operations, Have students solve problems with the and/or the relationship unknown in all positions. between addition and subtraction. 3.NBT.2 3.OA.8 Students need the opportunity to practice adding and subtracting within 1,000 throughout the school year. Differentiation e.g. EL,SpEd, GATE Resources enVision, Topic 2: Math Background, pp. 27A-27B Interactive Learning, pp. 28-29 Lesson 2-1 “Addition Meaning and Properties” Lesson 2-2 “Subtration Meanings” Lesson 2-3 “Using Mental Math to Add” Lesson 2-4 “Using Mental Math to Subtract” Lesson 2-5 “Estimating Sums” Lesson 2-6 “Estimating Differences” Lesson 2-7 “Problem Solving: Reasonableness” enVision, Topic 3: Math Background, pp. 55A-55B Interactive Learning, pp. 56-57 Lesson 3-1 “Adding with an Expanded Algorithm” Lesson 3-2 “Model for Adding 3-Digit Numbers” Lesson 3-3 “Adding 3-Digit Numbers” Lesson 3-4 “Adding 3 or More Numbers” Lesson 3-5 “Problem Solving: Draw a Picture” Lesson 3-6 “Subtracting with an Expanded Algorithm” Lesson 3-7 “Models for Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers” Lesson 3-8 “Subtracting 3-Digit Numbers” Lesson 3-9 “Subtracting Across Zero” Lesson 3-10 “Making Sense of Addition Equations” Lesson 3-11 “Making Sense of Subtraction Equations” Lesson 3-12 “Adding and Subtracting” Lesson 3-13 “problem Solving: Draw a Picture and Write a Number Sentence” 17 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #2: Place Value and Problems with Units of Measure Essential Questions Why is it useful to tell and write time to the nearest minute? What is an interval? When might you measure and estimate masses of objects in your everyday life? What is an interval in this situation? When might you measure and estimate liquid volumes in your everyday life? What is an interval in this situation? Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.NBT.1-2, 3.MD.1-2, 3.OA.8 Strategies for Teaching and Learning From NC Wikispace: 5. Tell, write, and measure Relate clock to a number line when “Morning lengths of time using analog solving for elapsed time. Schedule” 3.MD.1 and digital clocks. Solve real Make a schedule (for example, 15 Task 1 world problems involving minutes for breakfast, 10 minutes in “Edna’s Busy elapsed time by representing the bathroom, 5 minutes to get Day,” 3.MD.1 Task the problems on a number line dressed, etc.) to determine time 2 diagram. elapsed by using a number line, clock, 3.MD.1 or numbers. “Norman’s Number Line” 3.MD.1 Task 3 From NC Wikispace: 6. Estimate, then measure weight Connect the metric system to the “Weighing Fruits” in metric units (grams and base-ten place value system 3.MD.2 Task 1 kilograms). Give students opportunity to weigh 3.MD.2 objects. Students need opportunities to estimate before measuring (see KATM, p.40). Be aware of this misconception: students often determine mass based on the size of the object. From NC Wikispace: 7. Estimate, then measure liquid Give students opportunity to fill “Measuring Water” volume in metric units (liters). containers. 3.MD.2 Task 2 3.MD.2 Students need opportunities to estimate before measuring (see KATM, p.40). Differentiation e.g. EL,SpEd, GATE Resources CA Framework p. 24 Flipbook p. 39-40 NC Unpacking, p. 27 enVision, Topic 12: Math Background, pp. 289A-289B Interactive Learning, pp. 290-291 Lesson 12-1 “Time to the Half Hour and Quarter Hour” Lesson 12-2 “Time to the Minute” Lesson 12-3 “Elapsed Time” Lesson 12-4 “Problem Solving: Work Backward” CA Framework p. 24 Flipbook p. 41 NC Unpacking, p. 28-29 enVision, Topic 15: Math Background, pp. 361A-361B Interactive Learning, pp. 362-363 Lesson 15-3 “Units of Mass” Lesson 15-4 “Measuring Mass” CA Framework p. 24 Flipbook p. 41 NC Unpacking, p. 28-29 enVision, Topic 15: Math Background, pp. 361A-361B Interactive Learning, pp. 362-363 Lesson 15-1 “Metric Units of Capacity” 18 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #2: Place Value and Problems with Units of Measure Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.NBT.1-2, 3.MD.1-2, 3.OA.8 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL,SpEd, GATE Resources Lesson 15-2 “Measuring Capacity” How do you select an From NC Wikispace: 8. Add and subtract to solve Students should solve measurement appropriate interval for 3.MD one-step word problems problems with the unknown in all a number line? involving masses that are given positions, while conserving units. in the same units by using drawings to represent the problem. 3.MD.2 CA Framework p. 24 Flipbook p. 41 NC Unpacking, p. 28-29 How do you select an From NC Wikispace: 9. Add and subtract to solve Students should solve measurement appropriate interval for 3.MD one-step word problems problems with the unknown in all a number line? involving volumes that are positions, while conserving units. given in the same units by using drawings to represent the problem. 3.MD.2 CA Framework p. 24 Flipbook p. 41 NC Unpacking, p. 28-29 enVision, Topic 15: Math Background, pp. 361A-361B Interactive Learning, pp. 362-363 Lesson 15-5 “problem Solving: Draw a Picture” enVision, Topic 15: Math Background, pp. 361A-361B Interactive Learning, pp. 362-363 Lesson 15-5 “problem Solving: Draw a Picture” 19 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #3: Problem Solving Using Multiplication and Division (Approx. # Days- ) Content Standards: 3.OA.5, 3.OA.6, 3.OA.7, 3.OA.8, 3.OA.9, 3.NBT.3 In this unit, students will use place value understanding, properties of operations, and relationship between multiplication and division to solve word problems within 100. Common Core State Standards-Mathematics: Operations and Algebraic Thinking 3.OA Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. 5. Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide (students need not use formal terms for these properties). Examples: If 6 x 4 is known, then 4 x 6 = 24 is also known (Commutative property of multiplication.). 3 x 5 x 2 can be found by 3 x 5 = 15, then 15 x 2 = 30, or by 5 x 2 = 10, then 3 x 10 = 30 (Associative property of multiplication). Knowing that 8 x 5 = 40 and 8 x 2 = 16, one can find 8 x 7 as 8 x (5 + 2) = (8 x 2) = 40 + 16 = 56 (Distributive property). 6. Understand division as an unknown-factor problem. For example, find 32 ÷ 8 by finding the number that makes 32 when multiplied by 8. Multiply and divide within 100. 7. Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 x 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic. 8. Solve two-step word problems using the four operations. Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding (this standard is limited to problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers; students should know how to perform operations in the conventional order when there are no parentheses to specify a particular order {Order of Operations}). 9. Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table), and explain them using properties of operations. For example, observe that 4 times a number is always even, and explain why 4 times a number can be decomposed into two equal addends. Number and Operations in Base Ten 3.NBT Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic (a range of algorithms may be used). 3. Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10 in the range 10–90 (e.g., 9 x 80, 5 x 60) using strategies based on place value and properties of operations. Standards for Mathematical Practice: SMP. 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them SMP. 2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively SMP. 3 Construct viable argument and critique the reasoning of others SMP. 4 Model with mathematics SMP. 5 Use appropriate tools strategically SMP. 6 Attend to precision SMP. 7 Look for and make use of structure SMP. 8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning SEL Competencies: Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship skills Responsible decision making 20 SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Grade 3 Mathematics ELD Standards to Support Unit: Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways A. Collaborative 1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative conversations on a range of social and academic topics 2. Interacting with others in written English in various communicative forms (print, communicative technology, and multimedia 3. Offering and supporting opinions and negotiating with others in communicative exchanges 4. Adapting language choices to various contexts (based on task, purpose, audience, and text type) B. Interpretive 5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts 6. Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed explicitly and implicitly through language 7. Evaluating how well writers and speakers use language to support ideas and opinions with details or reasons depending on modality, text type, purpose, audience, topic, and content area C. Productive 9. Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics 11. Supporting own opinions and evaluating others’ opinions in speaking and writing 12. Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language structures to effectively convey ideas Part II. Learning About How English Works A. Structuring Cohesive Texts 1. Understanding text structure 2. Understanding cohesion B. Expanding and Enriching Ideas 5. Modifying to add details C. Connecting and Condensing Ideas 6. Connecting ideas 7. Condensing ideas 21 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #3: Problem Solving Using Multiplication and Division Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Essential Questions are thoughtprovoking, open-ended questions to be used within daily lessons that and are therefore connected to the Sequence of Learning Outcomes. Assessments for Learning address Diagnostic, Formative, and Summative assessments used throughout the unit to inform instruction connected to the Sequence of Learning Outcomes. Note: These assessments are suggested, not required. Mid-point Check and Post Assessmentsfrom engageNY, Module 3, All Tasks Gr 3_Unit 3_Mid & Post Assessments.pdf Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Sequence of Learning Outcomes is intentionally organized for student success. Each outcome is not necessarily intended to be taught within one class session. Each Outcome begins with Students will be able to… Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources General Strategy Support for Unit: From the CA Mathematics Framework “Instructional Strategies” chapter provides research-based strategies for teaching math, K-12 “Supporting High Quality Common Core Instruction” chapter addresses the development, implementation, and maintenance of high-quality, standards-based mathematics instructional programs Differentiation Support for Unit: Use of math journals for differentiation and formative assessment (use link below) https://www.teaching ath-journals CCSS Support for the Unit: CA Mathematics Framework “3rd Grade” p. 1 “What students Learn in Grade Three” p. 10-16 Operations and Algebraic Thinking and Number and Operations in Base Ten domains p. 34-37 “Essential Learning for Next Grade” KS Assoc. of Teachers of Mathematics FLIPBOOKS Provide illustrated examples, instructional strategies, additional resources/tools and misconceptions by standard. p. 10-15, 24-25 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain p. 26-31 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain NC Unpacking Documents Provide illustrated examples, instructional strategies, additional resources/tools and misconceptions by standard. p. 7-17 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain p. 18-20 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain Progressions for CCSS-M Narrative documents describing the progression of a topic across a number of grade levels, informed both by research on children's cognitive development and by the logical structure of mathematics. p. 2-3, 22-31 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain p. 11 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain Flexible grouping: Content Interest Project/product Level (Heterogeneous/ Homogeneous) “Universal Design for Learning” from CAST, the Center for Applied Tiered: Special Technology Independent Management Plan (Must Do/May Do) Grouping o Content o Rigor w/in the concept o Project-based learning 22 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #3: Problem Solving Using Multiplication and Division Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 From NC Wikispace: 1. Understand and apply the Why does the 3.OA.3 Task 3: commutative commutative property of Raking Leaves property applies to multiplication as a strategy to some operations, but multiply when solving word not to others? problems. Students use the array, drawings, manipulatives, How can I model etc. to justify why the multiplication? commutative property only applies to addition and When can you use multiplication, but not to multiplication and subtraction or division. division in real life? 3.OA.5 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Students are learning and o Homework understanding the concept of o Grouping commutative property; they do o Formative not need to use the formal terms. Assessment Use the array model to represent the commutative property of Anchor Activities: multiplication. Content-related Skip counting on the array model Tasks for early can be used to practice finishers multiplication facts. o Game Spend time interpreting rows and o Investigation columns by rotating array by 90˚. o Partner Activity o Stations How is the commutative proprety of multiplication evident in an array model? What is an associative property in multiplication? From NC Wikispace: 3.OA.5 Task 1: Patterns on the Multiplication Chart How is the associative property of multiplication used in solving a problem? 3.OA.5 Task 2: Prove It! 2. Understand and apply the associative property of multiplication as a strategy to multiply when solving word problems. Students use drawings, arrays, etc. to justify why multiplying “three or more whole numbers without using any parentheses will yield the same result regardless of how we group the factors.” (NCTM, Multiplication and Division, Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Students are learning and understanding the concept of associative property; they do not need to use the formal terms (refer to North Carolina’s Unpack Content, p. 9-10. Have students draw or create rectangular prisms with 3 different side lengths and compute or reason “the number of cubic units is the same no matter how we compute the Depth and Complexity Prompts/Icons: Depth o Language of the Discipline o Patterns o Unanswered Questions o Rules o Trends o Big Ideas o Complexity http://scusd-math.wikis Resources CA Framework p. 10-11 Flipbook p. 12-15 NC Unpacking, p. 9-10 Mathematics International, Unit1 “Multiplication” Section 1, “Properties of Mutliplication” o Lesson 1, p.A5-7 Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Grades 3-5 “The Order Property in Multiplication,” p.66 engageNY, Module 3 “Multiplication and Division with Units of 0, 1, 6-9, and 10” Topic 1, Lesson 1 enVision, Topic 4: Math Background, pp. 95A-95B Interactive Learning, pp. 96-97 Lesson 4-3 “The Commutative property” CA Framework p. 10-11 Flipbook p. 12-15 NC Unpacking, p. 9-10 enVision, Topic 6: Math Background, pp. 137A-137B Interactive Learning, pp. 138-139 Lesson 6-6 “Multipying with 3 Factors” 23 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #3: Problem Solving Using Multiplication and Division Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Grade 3-5, p.30). 3.OA.5 How does decomposing numbers help you solve multiplication problems? From Illustrative Mathematics: Valid Equalities? (Part 2) How are multiplication and division related? From NC Dept. of Public Instruction "Prove it!" Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources volume.” (NCTM Multiplication and Division, Grades 3-5, p.31) 3. Decompose and re-compose Students use other methods (area numbers to apply the model, partial products, associative property to solve calculator, etc.) to justify their multiplication word problems. reasoning from applying Students solve 7 × 6 by decomposition and the decomposing the 6 as two 3s (2 associative property. × 3) to get 7 × 2 × 3. They apply the associative property to solve (7 × 2) and then × 3 (7 × 2) × 3 (refer to the Progression Document K, Counting and Cardinality, K-5, Operations and Algebraic Thinking, p.26). 3.OA.5 4. Use an area model to Students need opportunities to understand and apply the continue to decompose numbers distributive property of in order to apply the distributive multiplication(as a strategy) to property {for example, 32 x 7 = multiply and divide. Students (30 + 2) x 7 = (30 x 7) + (2 x 7)} begin using the conventional (refer to North Carolina’s Unpack order of operations Content, p. 9-10). (multiplication and division are Students are learning and done before addition and understanding the concept of subtraction). distributive property; they do not 3.OA.5 need to use the formal terms. Use the area model to guide students to understand the CA Framework p. 10-11 Flipbook p. 12-15 NC Unpacking, p. 9-10 Mathematics International, Unit 1 “Multiplication” Section 1, “Properties of Multiplication” o Lesson 2, p.A8 CA Framework p. 10-11 Flipbook p. 12-15 NC Unpacking, p. 9-10 Mathematics International, Unit 2 “Multiplication” Section 1 “Properties of Multiplication” o Lesson 5, p.A11-13 enVision, Topic 6: Math Background, pp. 137A-137B Interactive Learning, pp. 138-139 Lesson 6-1 “The Distributive Property” 24 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #3: Problem Solving Using Multiplication and Division Essential Questions Assessments for Learning How does From NC Dept. of understanding the Public Instruction: "Sharing Pencils" distributive property help us multiply large numbers? How does drawing an array help us think about the different ways to decompose a number (factors or product)? Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning relationship between the distributive property and decomposition of numbers. 5. Use an area model to apply the Students may decompose other distributive property of factor pairs and use the area multiplication over addition as a model/diagram to support their strategy to solve products they reasoning. Ask students if they see do not know (for example, 3 × 5 a pattern (refer to the Progression is 15, so 3 × 6 is 15 + 3 more is document K-5, Operations and 18) to solve word problems. Algebraic Thinking p.26). 3.OA.5 Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources CA Framework p. 10-11 Flipbook p. 12-15 NC Unpacking, p. 9-10 Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics: Grades 3-5 “The Distributive Property,” p.66 o “Slice It Up” activity 2.27 “Strategies for Multiplication Facts” o “If You Didn’t Know” activity 3.9, p.92 & 98-99 How does decomposing numbers help you solve multiplication and division problems? What strategies can be used to solve multiplication problems? What strategies can be used to solve From Illustrative Mathematics: “Two Interpretations of Division” 6. Use the relationship between Interpret the unknown in division multiplication and division to using the array model. solve division word problems as Students solve word problems that an unknown factor problem (48 involve unknown product, group ÷ 8 = ? 8 × ? = 48). size unknown, and number of 3.OA.6 groups unknown. CA Framework p. 10-12 Flipbook p. 16 NC Unpacking, p. 11 Mathematics International, Unit 3 “Division” Section 1 “Calculations for Finding How Many for 1 Person” 25 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #3: Problem Solving Using Multiplication and Division Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources real-world dividion problems? o Lesson 1, p.A25-27 o Lesson 2, p.A28 Section 2, “Calculations for fidning the Number of People We Can Divide Something Into” o Lesson 1, p.A29=31 o Lesson 2, p.A31-32 o Lesson 3, p.A33 enVision, Topic 7: Math Background, pp. 167A-167B Interactive Learning, pp. 168-169 Lesson7-3 “Find Missing Numbers in a Multiplication Table” enVision, Topic 8: Math Background, pp. 187A-187B Interactive Learning, pp. 188-189 Lesson 8-1 “Relating Multiplication and Division” Intervention/“Teamwork” Center Activity Lesson 8-8 “Multiplication and Division Facts” What patterns canbe From Illustrative used to find certain Mathematics multiplication facts? “Finding the Unknown in a Why is the Division Equation” multiplication table symmetric about its diagonal? What strategies can be used to learn 7. Develop multiplication and Strategies for learning multiplication division facts by studying facts include: patterns and relationships in Patterns multiplication facts and relating General strategies multiplication and division. Other strategies Students record the patterns Strategies for learning division facts after using arrays, drawings, include: hundreds chart, manipulatives, Unknown factors etc. and justify their reasoning. Related facts 3.OA.7 (For further details, refer to CA Mathematics Framework, p.12) CA Framework p. 13 Flipbook p. 17-18 NC Unpacking, p. 12-13 Mathematics International, Unit 3 “Division” “Power Builder,” p.A36 “Mastery Problems, p.A37 enVision, Topic 8: Math Background, pp. 187A-187B Interactive Learning, pp. 188-189 26 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #3: Problem Solving Using Multiplication and Division Essential Questions Assessments for Learning multiplication facts? How do the properties of operations enable you to solve problems? From Illustrative Mathematics “The Stamp Collection” “The Class Trip” What strategies can be used to solve multiplication problems? From NC Dept. of Public Instruction "Mario's Designs" Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Students need the opportunity to practice multiplying and dividing within 100 and know all products of 2 one-digit numbers from memory throughout the school year. 8. Solve two-step word problems Students should have opportunities using the four operations. to assess the reasonableness of Represent these problems using their answers using mental equations with a letter standing computation and estimation for the unknown quantity by strategies including rounding. using tape diagrams. Students should have opportunities 3.OA.8 to use visual representations, such as, part-part-whole, bar models, tape diagrams to solve problems (refer to CA Mathematics Framework, p.14) Why does place value From Illustrative 9. Identify arithmetic patterns and For example, that 4 times a number play a significant role Mathematics: explain the patterns using is always even, and explain why 4 when using the properties of operations. times a number can be Addition Patterns properties of 3.OA.9 decomposed into two equal Patterns in a operations to solve addends (4 x 7 can be thought of Mulitiplication problems? as double 2 x 7). Table Symmetry of the Addition Table Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources Lesson 8-2 “Fact Families with 2, 3, 4, and 5” Lesson 8-3 “Fact Families with 6 and 7” Lesson 8-4 “Fact Families with 8 and 9” Lesson 8-7 “Dividing with 0 and 1” CA Framework p. 13-14 Flipbook p. 19-21 NC Unpacking, p. 14-15 enVision, Topic 5: Math Background, pp. 113A-113B Interactive Learning, pp. 114-115 Lesson 5-7 “Problem Solving: Two-Question Problems” enVision, Topic 6: Math Background, pp. 137A-137B Interactive Learning, pp. 138-139 Lesson 6-9 “Problem Solving: Multiple-Step Problems” enVision, Topic 8: Math Background, pp. 187A-187B Interactive Learning, pp. 188-189 Lesson 8-5 “Problem Solving: Multiple-Step Problems” CA Framework p. 14-15 Flipbook p. 22-23 NC Unpacking, p. 16-18 “Discover Number Patterns with Skip Counting” Video from the Teaching Channel Mathematics International, Unit 3 “Division” Section 3 “Calculations for Finding Times as Much” 27 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #3: Problem Solving Using Multiplication and Division Essential Questions Assessments for Learning How is place value related to multiples of ten? Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Making a Ten From Illustrative 10. Use decomposition of factors of Give students the opportunity to Mathematics: ten and properties of operations develop the conceptual How Many Colored to multiply one-digit whole understanding before teaching the Pencils? numbers by multiples of ten (10 standard algorithm. This skill will How is multiplying by – 90). Recognize and explain support students’ later learning of ten related to palce patterns when multiplying by standard algorithm for value? multiples of ten. multiplication of multi-digit 3.NBT.3 numbers. What happens to a For example, 40 × 3 can be number when it is interpreted as 3 groups of 4 tens multiplied by ten? or 12 tens. Twelve tens equals 120 (refer to Mathematics Framework, p.16). Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources o Lesson 1, p.A35-36 enVision, Topic 5: Math Background, pp. 113A-113B Interactive Learning, pp. 114-115 Lesson 5-2 “9 as a Factor” Lesson 5-3 “Multiplying with 0 and 1” Lesson 5-4 “Patterns for Facts” Lesson 5-5 “10 as a Factor” CA Framework p. 15-16 Flipbook p. 30 NC Unpacking, p. 21 Mathematics International, Unit 9 “Multiplication Algorithm,” Part 1 Section 1 “Multiplication by 10 and 100” o Lesson 1, p.A91-92 o Lesson 2, p.A92 Section 2, “Mulitplication of 2-Digit by 1-Digit Numbers” o Lesson 1, p.A93-95 o Lesson 2, p.A96 o Lesson 3, p.A97 o Lesson 4, p.A98 enVision, Topic 5: Math Background, pp. 113A-113B Interactive Learning, pp. 114-115 Lesson 5-6 “Multipying by Multiples of 10” 28 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #4: Multiplication and Area (Approx. # Days- ) Content Standards: 3.MD.5, 3.MD.6, 3.MD.7 In this unit students will develop understanding of concepts of area and its relationship to multiplication and addition. Common Core State Standards-Mathematics: Measurement and Data 3.MD Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition 5. Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area and measurement. a. A square with side length 1 unit, called “a unit square,” is said to have “one square unit” of area, and can be used to measure area. b. A plane figure which can be covered without gaps or overlaps by n unit squares is said to have an area of n square units. 6. Measure areas by counting unit squares (square cm, square m, square n, square ft, and improvised units). 7. Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition. a. Find the area of a rectangle with whole-number side lengths by tiling it, and show that the area is the same as would be found by multiplying the side lengths. b. Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole-number side lengths in the context of solving real world and mathematical problems, and represent whole-number products as rectangular areas in mathematical reasoning. c. Use tiling to show in a concrete case that the area of a rectangle with whole-number side lengths a and b + c is the sum of a x b and a x c. Use area models to represent the distributive property in mathematical reasoning. d. Recognize area as additive. Find areas of rectilinear figures by decomposing them into non-overlapping rectangles and adding the areas of non-overlapping parts, applying this technique to solve real world problems. Standards for Mathematical Practice: SMP. 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them SMP. 2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively SMP. 3 Construct viable argument and critique the reasoning of others SMP. 4 Model with mathematics SMP. 5 Use appropriate tools strategically SMP. 6 Attend to precision SMP. 7 Look for and make use of structure SMP. 8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning SEL Competencies: Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship skills Responsible decision making 29 SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Grade 3 Mathematics ELD Standards to Support Unit: Part I: interacting in Meaningful Ways A. Collaborative 1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative conversations on a range of social and academic topics 2. Interacting with others in written English in various communicative forms (print, communicative technology, and multimedia 3. Offering and supporting opinions and negotiating with others in communicative exchanges 4. Adapting language choices to various contexts (based on task, purpose, audience, and text type) B. Interpretive 5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts 6. Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed explicitly and implicitly through language 8. Analyzing how writers and speakers use vocabulary and other language resources for specific purposes (to explain, persuade, entertain, etc.) depending on modality, text type, purpose, audience, topic, and content area C. Productive 9. Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics 11. Supporting own opinions and evaluating others’ opinions in speaking and writing 12. Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language structures to effectively convey ideas Part II. Learning About How English Works A. Structuring Cohesive Texts 1. Understanding text structure 2. Understanding cohesion B. Expanding and Enriching Ideas 5. Modifying to add details C. Connecting and Condensing Ideas 6. Connecting ideas 7. Condensing ideas 30 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #4: Multiplication and Area Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.MD.5, 3.MD.6, 3.MD.7 Essential Questions are thoughtprovoking, open-ended questions to be used within daily lessons that and are therefore connected to the Sequence of Learning Outcomes. Assessments for Learning address Diagnostic, Formative, and Summative assessments used throughout the unit to inform instruction connected to the Sequence of Learning Outcomes. Sequence of Learning Outcomes is intentionally organized for student success. Each outcome is not necessarily intended to be taught within one class session. Each Outcome begins with Students will be able to… Note: These assessments are suggested, not required. Mid-point Check and Post Assessments- from engageNY, Module 3, All Tasks Gr 3_Unit 3_Mid & Post Assessments.pdf What is an area? How does knowing the area of a square or rectangle relate to knowing 1. Describe an area as the amount of surface space. 3.MD.5 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE General Strategy Support for Unit: Differentiation From the CA Mathematics Framework Support for Unit: Use of math journals “Instructional Strategies” chapter for differentiation provides research-based strategies for and formative teaching math, K-12 “Supporting High Quality Common Core assessment (use link below) Instruction” chapter addresses the https://www.teachi development, implementation, and maintenance of high-quality, os/math-journals standards-based mathematics instructional programs Flexible grouping: Content “Universal Design for Learning” from CAST, Interest the Center for Applied Special Technology Project/product Level (Heterogeneous/ Homogeneous) Tiered: Independent Management Plan (Must Do/May Do) Grouping o Content o Rigor w/in the concept o Project-base d learning o Homework Resources CCSS Support for the Unit: CA Mathematics Framework “3rd Grade” p. 1 “What students Learn in Grade Three” p. 26-30 Measurement and Data domain p. 32-34 “Essential Learning for Next Grade” KS Assoc. of Teachers of Mathematics FLIPBOOKS Provide illustrated examples, instructional strategies, additional resources/tools and misconceptions by standard. p. 45-49 Measurement and Data domain NC Unpacking Documents Provide illustrated examples, instructional strategies, additional resources/tools and misconceptions by standard. p. 34-39 Measurement and Data domain Progressions for CCSS-M Narrative documents describing the progression of a topic across a number of grade levels, informed both by research on children's cognitive development and by the logical structure of mathematics. p. 2-5, 16-19 K-5, Geometric Measurement domain CA Framework p. 26-27 Flipbook p. 45-46 NC Unpacking, p. 34-35 𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒈𝒆𝑵𝒀, Module 4 “Multiplication and Area” engageNY Module 4 Overview Topic A: “Foundation for Understanding Area” 31 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #4: Multiplication and Area Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.MD.5, 3.MD.6, 3.MD.7 Strategies for Teaching and Learning o o multiplication facts? 2. Color in a square from a grid Continue to have students color in squares (for example, centimeter grid) and explain the number of colored and reason about the side squares is that number “square unit.” lengths as “a unit” and the space colored is “one square unit.” 3.MD.5a Why are square units commonly associated with finding area? From NC Dept. of Public Why is it important to not Instruction: "Maggie’s Jelewry Box" have gaps or overlaps when determining the area ofa figure? What symbols can be used to represent an Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE From NC Dept. of Public Instruction: "Playgrounds" Grouping Formative Assessment Anchor Activities: Content-related Tasks for early finishers o Game o Investigation o Partner Activity o Stations Depth and Complexity Prompts/Icons: Depth o Language of 3. Describe and reason that an Continue to give students an opportunity to the Discipline “area” or space to be colored shade in/color grids and explain the o Patterns or covered does not overlap or number of squares shaded in is n unit o Unanswered have no gaps is n unit squares. squares. Questions 3.MD.5b o Rules o Trends o Big Ideas o Complexity 4. Measure areas from grids by counting (or adding) the unit squares and describe that SCUSD Wikispace o Resources Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics, Grades 3-5, Ch. 9 “Developing Measurement Concepts” “Measuring Length,” p.257-265 enVision, Topic 14: Math Background, pp. 289A-289B Interactive Learning, pp. 290-291 CA Framework p. 26-27 Flipbook p. 45-46 NC Unpacking, p. 34-35 𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒈𝒆𝑵𝒀, Module 4 “Multiplication and Area” Topic A: “Foundation for Understanding Area” enVision, Topic 14: Lesson 14-1 “Covering Regions” CA Framework p. 26-27 Flipbook p. 45-46 NC Unpacking, p. 34-35 𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒈𝒆𝑵𝒀, Module 4 “Multiplication and Area” Topic A: “Foundation for Understanding Area” enVision, Topic 14: Lesson 14-2 “Area and Units” CA Framework p. 26-27 Flipbook p. 47 NC Unpacking, p. 35 32 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #4: Multiplication and Area Essential Questions Assessments for Learning unknown amount? Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.MD.5, 3.MD.6, 3.MD.7 Strategies for Teaching and Learning space as n unit squares. 3.MD.6 Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources 𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒈𝒆𝑵𝒀, Module 4 “Multiplication and Area” Topic A: “Foundation for Understanding Area” enVision, Topic 14: Lesson 14-3 “Standard Units” Lesson 14-6 “Solve a Simpler Problem” 5. Describe and reason “unit” squares can be labeled centimeters squared, meters squared, etc. 3.MD.6 CA Framework p. 26-27 Flipbook p. 47 NC Unpacking, p. 35 𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒈𝒆𝑵𝒀, Module 4 “Multiplication and Area” Topic A: “Foundation for Understanding Area” enVision, Topic 14: Lesson 14-11 “Selecting Appropriate Measurement Units and Tools” What is tiling? How does knowing the dimensions for a rectangle relate to area? From Illustrative Mathematics: "The Square Counting Shortcut" 6. Find the area of any rectangles This an opportunity to remind students to when given side lengths (cm, connect back to Unit 1 and 3 when they m, in, ft, etc.) by tiling it and created arrays to represent equal groups counting all the tiles. of rows and columns. However, the new 3.MD.7a learning is using units of measurement and understand the relationship among those different units. CA Framework p. 27-30 Flipbook p. 48-49 NC Unpacking, p. 35-39 𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒈𝒆𝑵𝒀, Module 4 “Multiplication and Area” Topic B: “Concepts of Area Measurement” enVision, Topic 14: Lesson 14-4 “Area of Squares and Rectangles” 33 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #4: Multiplication and Area Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Why is an area From NC Dept. of Public Instruction: model a "Gino’s New Room" representation for multiplication? What is the relationship between dimensions and factors? How can area be determined without counting each square? What strategies From NC Dept. of Public Instruction: can be used to "All Areas" solve word problems? Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.MD.5, 3.MD.6, 3.MD.7 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources 7. Find the area of any rectangle Students should see the progression from with given side lengths by tiling and counting, to adding an equal adding every row or column, or number in every row or column (additive by multiplying the side lengths. thinking), to multiplying equal groups Reason that the total number (multiplicative thinking). of tiles stays the same (yields the same measurement area) whether counting all, adding every row or column, or multiplying the side lengths. 3.MD.7a CA Framework p. 27-30 Flipbook p. 48-49 NC Unpacking, p. 35-39 8. Solve problems to find the areas of rectangles with different dimensions as they design a room or a playground. 3.MD.7b CA Framework p. 27-30 Flipbook p. 48-49 NC Unpacking, p. 35-39 𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒈𝒆𝑵𝒀, Module 4 “Multiplication and Area” Topic B: “Concepts of Area Measurement” enVision, Topic 14: Lesson 14-4 “Area of Squares and rectangles” 𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒈𝒆𝑵𝒀, Module 4 “Multiplication and Area” Topic C: “Arithmetic Properties Using Area Models” enVision, Topic 14: Lesson 14-8 “Different Area, Same Perimeter” Lesson 14-9 “Same Area, Different Perimeter” From NC Dept. of Public Why is it Instruction: important to "Antonio's Garden" understand that more than one 9. Solve problems to find the Students decompose the “L-shaped” rooms areas of complex figures to apply the distributive property to solve (figures that an be decomposed these problems (for example, 13 cm by 5 into smaller rectangles, such as cm can be solved by finding 13 × 5 or CA Framework p. 27-30 Flipbook p. 48-49 NC Unpacking, p. 35-39 34 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #4: Multiplication and Area Essential Questions Assessments for Learning math operation may be needed From Illustrative to solve a Mathematics: problem? "Three Hidden Rectangles" How can knowledge of area be used to solve real-world problems? From NC Dept. of Public How is the Instruction: decomposition "Micah & Nina of a factor in an Rectangle" equation related to the From Illustrative distributive Mathematics: property of "Finding th Area of multiplication? Polygon" Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.MD.5, 3.MD.6, 3.MD.7 Strategies for Teaching and Learning an “L-shaped” room). Students practice rotating the shapes and reason that the area is conserved. 3.MD.7d decomposing 13 to get (6 + 7) × 5 = 6 × 5 + 7 × 5. 10. Use area models to represent the distributive property. 3.MD.7c Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources enVision, Topic 14: Lesson 14-7 “Area of Irregular Shapes” CA Framework p. 27-30 Flipbook p. 48-49 NC Unpacking, p. 35-39 enVision, Topic 14: Lesson 14-5 “Area and the Distributive Property” Mid-Point Check and Post Assessments-engageNY, Module 4, All Tasks Gr 3_Unit 4_Mid & Post Assessments.pdf 35 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #5: Developing Understanding of Fractions (Approx. # Days- ) Content Standards: 3.G.2, 3.NF.1, 3.NF.2, 3.NF.3, 3.MD.4 In this unit students will develop understanding of fractions as numbers and apply those concepts to partition shapes and lengths. Common Core State Standards-Mathematics: Number and Operations -- Fractions 3.NF Develop understanding of fractions as numbers 1. Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b. 2. Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number line diagram. a. Represent a fraction 1/b on a number line diagram by defining the interval from 0 to 1 as the whole and partitioning it into b equal parts. Recognize that each part has size 1/b and that the endpoint of the part based at 0 locates the number 1/b on the number line. b. Represent a fraction a/b on a number line diagram by marking off a lengths 1/b from 0. Recognize that the resulting interval has size a/b and that its endpoint locates the number a/b on the number line. 3. Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and compare fractions by reasoning about their size. a. Understand two fractions as equivalent (equal) if they are the same size, or the same endpoint on a number line. b. Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions, e.g., 1/2 = 2/4, 4/6 = 2/3). Explain why the fractions are equivalent, e.g., by using a visual fraction model. c. Express whole numbers as fractions, and recognize fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers. Examples: Express 3 in the form 3 = 3/2; recognize that 6/1 = 6; locate 4/4 and 1 at the same point on a number line diagram. d. Compare two fractions with the same numerator or the same denominator by reasoning about their size. Recognize that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a fraction model. Geometry 3.G Reason with shapes and their attributes 2. Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. For example, partition a shape into 4 parts with equal area, and describe the area of each aprt as 1/4 of the area of the shape. Measurement and Data 3.MD Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects. 4. Generate measurement data by measruring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. Show the data by marking a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in appropriate units—whole numbers, halves, or quarters. 36 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Standards for Mathematical Practice: SMP. 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them SMP. 2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively SMP. 3 Construct viable argument and critique the reasoning of others SMP. 4 Model with mathematics SMP. 5 Use appropriate tools strategically SMP. 6 Attend to precision SMP. 7 Look for and make use of structure SMP. 8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning SEL Competencies: Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship skills Responsible decision making ELD Standards to Support Unit: Part I: interacting in Meaningful Ways A. Collaborative 1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative conversations on a range of social and academic topics 2. Interacting with others in written English in various communicative forms (print, communicative technology, and multimedia 3. Offering and supporting opinions and negotiating with others in communicative exchanges 4. Adapting language choices to various contexts (based on task, purpose, audience, and text type) B. Interpretive 5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts 6. Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed explicitly and implicitly through language 7. Evaluating how well writers and speakers use language to support ideas and opinions with details or reasons depending on modality, text type, purpose, audience, topic, and content area 8. Analyzing how writers and speakers use vocabulary and other language resources for specific purposes (to explain, persuade, entertain, etc.) depending on modality, text type, purpose, audience, topic, and content area C. Productive 9. Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics 11. Supporting own opinions and evaluating others’ opinions in speaking and writing 12. Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language structures to effectively convey ideas Part II. Learning About How English Works A. Structuring Cohesive Texts 1. Understanding text structure 2. Understanding cohesion 37 SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Grade 3 Mathematics B. Expanding and Enriching Ideas 5. Modifying to add details C. Connecting and Condensing Ideas 6. Connecting ideas 7. Condensing ideas 38 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #5: Developing Understanding of Fractions Essential Questions Essential Questions are thoughtprovoking, open-ended questions to be used within daily lessons that and are therefore connected to the Sequence of Learning Outcomes. Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Assessments for Learning address Diagnostic, Formative, and Summative assessments used throughout the unit to inform instruction connected to the Sequence of Learning Outcomes. Sequence of Learning Outcomes is intentionally organized for student success. Each outcome is not necessarily intended to be taught within one class session. Note: These assessments are suggested, not required. Mid-point Check and Post Assessments- from engageNY, Module 3, All Tasks Gr 3_Unit 3_Mid & Post Assessments.pdf Each Outcome begins with Students will be able to… Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE General Strategy Support for Unit: Differentiation From the CA Mathematics Framework Support for Unit: Use of math journals “Instructional Strategies” chapter for differentiation provides research-based strategies for and formative teaching math, K-12 “Supporting High Quality Common Core assessment (use link below) Instruction” chapter addresses the https://www.teachi development, implementation, and maintenance of high-quality, os/math-journals standards-based mathematics instructional programs Flexible grouping: Content “Universal Design for Learning” from CAST, Interest the Center for Applied Special Technology Project/product Level (Heterogeneous/ Homogeneous) Tiered: Independent Management Plan (Must Do/May Do) Grouping o Content o Rigor w/in the concept o Project-base d learning o Homework Resources CCSS Support for the Unit: CA Mathematics Framework “3rd Grade” p. 1 “What students Learn in Grade Three” p. 10-16 Operations and Algebraic Thinking and Number and Operations in Base Ten domains p. 34-37 “Essential Learning for Next Grade” KS Assoc. of Teachers of Mathematics FLIPBOOKS Provide illustrated examples, instructional strategies, additional resources/tools and misconceptions by standard. p. 10-15, 24-25 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain p. 26-31 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain NC Unpacking Documents Provide illustrated examples, instructional strategies, additional resources/tools and misconceptions by standard. p. 7-17 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain p. 18-20 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain Progressions for CCSS-M Narrative documents describing the progression of a topic across a number of grade levels, informed both by research on children's cognitive development and by the logical structure of mathematics. p. 2-3, 22-31 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain p. 11 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain 39 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #5: Developing Understanding of Fractions Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE o o 1. Partition, or divide, a whole Students should continue to build upon “Naming the Whole for a (line segments, rectangles, their 1st & 2nd grade prior knowledge Fraction” circles, etc.) into equal-sized /experience related to partitioning circles parts. Orally describe each part and rectangles into two, three, or four What does "Selling Bubble Gum" as “halves, thirds, fourths, equal shares and use the words: halves, “equal parts” sixths, or eighths” (depending half of, thirds, a third of, fourth, fourth of, mean? "Rudy's Rectangle" on the number of partitions. quarter of. They can further explore What is a Count the number of concepts of fractions using other fraction? "Geometric Pictures of One equal-sized parts that make up concrete models such as pattern blocks. Half" the whole (“1 third, 2 thirds, 3 Have students practice counting with How can I thirds and 3 thirds make a fractions just as they counted with whole represent "Representing Half of a whole” – repeat with other numbers. fractions of Circle" fractional parts). Counting equalized parts will help them different sizes? 3.NF.1 determine the number of parts it takes to make a whole and recognize fractions How are sixths Note: (Understanding that a that are equivalent to whole numbers. related to the fraction is a quantity formed by “Example of Instruction”: 3.NF.1 & 3.G.2 whole? part of a whole is essential to number sense with fractions. Common Misconception: How can I use Fractional parts are the Students may think that all shapes can fractions to building blocks for all fraction be divided the same way. Studets may name parts of a concepts, in the same sense not understand that when partitioning whole? that the number 1 is the basic a whole shape, number line, or a set building block of the whole into unit fractions, the interval must be What is a numbers.) equal. real-life example of using fractions? What is a whole? Resources Grouping Formative Assessment Anchor Activities: Possible Resources: Content-related 𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒈𝒆𝑵𝒀, Module 3 “Addition and Subtraction of Tasks for early Fractions” finishers Topic B: “Making Like Units Pictorially” o Game o Lesson 3: “Add fractions with unlike units o Investigation using the strategy of creating equivalent o Partner fractions. Activity o Lesson 4: “Add fractions with sums between o Stations 1 and 2” o Lesson 5: “Subtract fractions with unlike Depth and units using the strategy of creating Complexity equivalent fractions” Prompts/Icons: o Lesson 6: “Subtract fractions from numbers Depth between 1 and 2” o Language of Mathematics International, Unit 10: “Addition and the Discipline Subtraction of Fractions o Patterns Section 2: “Addition and Subtraction of o Unanswered Fractions” Questions o Lesson 5, p.B24 o Rules o Lesson 6, p.B24 o Trends Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics, Grades o Big Ideas 3-5, Ch. 6 “Fraction Computation” o Complexity “Addition and Subtraction,” p.162-167 http://scusd-math.wi 40 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #5: Developing Understanding of Fractions Essential Questions Assessments for Learning How can I use pattern blocks to name fractions? How can I use pattern blocks to represent fractions? "Equal Shares" What are the important "Making a Scarf" features of a unit of fraction? Why is the denominator important to the unit fractions? Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources 2. Use fraction bars and geometric shapes to partition the whole into 1 where b Students will need many opportunites to analyze and discuss fractional parts using concrete models to develop familiarity b and understanding of fractions. represents the number of Students need to recognize and represent equal-sized parts. Understand that the numerator is the top number and describe each fractional (term) of a fraction and that it represents part of a whole is called a unit the number of equal-sized parts of a fraction. Read, count, and label whole. unit fractions using words and Students can reason about fractional parts using decomposition strategy and/or numbers 1 . b number bond representation (e.g., 4 is 3.NF.1 6 the same as 1 and 3 , 2 and 2 , or 6 6 6 6 3 and 1 ). 6 6 Students need to recognize and represent that the denominator is the bottom number (term) of a fraction and that it represents the total number of 41 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #5: Developing Understanding of Fractions Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 3. Understand that the size of a fractional part is relative to the size of a whole. Why is the size of the whole important? 3.NF.1 How can I compare fractions? How can I compare fractions when they have the same numerators? How can I compare fractions when "Sharing Pie" Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources equal-sized parts. Common Misconception: Students see the numbers in fractions as two unrelated whole numbers separated by a line. Students need to recognize that 1 of the 2 liquid in a small bottle could be less liquid than 1 of the liquid in a larger bottle, but 3 1 of a ribbon is longer than 1 8 3 What is the relationship between a unit fraction and a unit of 1? Strategies for Teaching and Learning of the same ribbon because when the ribbon is divided into 3 equal parts, the parts are longer than when the ribbon is divided into 8 equal parts. 4. Represent and compare Students can use fraction bars that show common fractions with like the same sized whole as models to numerators or denominators compare fractions. and tell why one fraction is They can also use Venn diagrams to greater than, less than, or organize and compare fractions to equal to the other by using determine the relative size of the concrete and pictorial models. fractions, such as more than 1 , exactly 2 3.NF.3d 1 or less than 1 . 2 2 Encourage students to write the results of the comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions with a model. Common Misconception: 42 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #5: Developing Understanding of Fractions Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 they have the same denominators? When we compare two fractions, how do we know which has the greater value? When we compare two fractions, how do we know which has the greater value? Why is the denominator important to the unit fractions? 6. Use number lines to How are tenths “Locating Fractions Less than One on the Number understand that the whole is related to the Line” the unit interval, measured by whole? length from one number to “Locating Fractions Greater another number. Using the How can I than One on the Number understanding of consecutive represent Line” whole numbers, create unit fractions of fractions on number lines, different “Find 1” focusing on halves, thirds, lengths? Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources Students may not understand fractions can be greater than 1. Strategies for Teaching and Learning "Comparing Fractions" 5. Understand and explain the Students should understand that concept that the larger the decomposing into more equal shares denominator, the smaller the equals smaller shares, and that equal size of the piece. shares of identical wholes need not have 3.NF.1 the same shape. Students need to relate dividing a shape into equal parts and representing this relationship on a number line, where the equal parts are between two whole numbers, starting with partitioning equal lengths between 0 and 1. They then work with number lines that have endpoints other than o and 1, or that include multiple whole number intervals. 43 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #5: Developing Understanding of Fractions Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 fourths, sixths, and eighths. How is the odd and even pattern with unit of fractions on a number line similar to units of 1 on a number line? Whole numbers on a number line: Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources Students need to know how to plot fractions on a number line, by using the meaning of the fraction (e.g., to plot 4 6 on a number line, there are 6 equal parts with 4 copies of one of the 6 equal parts). Common Misconception: Students do not count correctly on the number line. For example, students may Unit fractions on a number line: count the hash mark at zero as the first unit fraction. 3.NF.2 "Placing Fractions on a Number Line" 7. Understand and show that two Having students count equalized parts fractions as equivalent (equal) will help them determine the number of if they are the same size, parts it takes to make a whole and (though not necessarily the recognize fractions that are equivalent to same shape) or the same point whole numbers. on a number line. 44 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #5: Developing Understanding of Fractions Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources 3.NF.3a "Halves, Thirds, and Sixths" 8. Create simple equivalent Stduents need to understand that two What equivalent equivalent fractions are two ways of groups of fractions, (e.g., 1 = 2 , 4 = 2 4 6 describing the same amount by using fractions can I 2 different-sized fractional parts. For discover using ) and explain why the 3 Fraction Strips? example, in the fraction 6 , if the eighths fractions are equivalent by 8 using a visual fraction model. are taken in twos, then each pair of eighths is a fourth. Sixth-eighthts then can be seen as equivalent to three-fourths. (Resource: Van de Walle) "All the Jumps" What is the difference between 2/1 and 2/2, 3/1 and 3/3? 3.NF.3b 9. Read and understand whole Students need to understand how to numbers as fractions, and express whole number fractions on the recognize fractions that are number line when the unit interval is 1. equivalent to the whole Use a number line to help students notice numbers. Examples:Express 3 in that the difference bewtween 2 and 2 1 2 45 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #5: Developing Understanding of Fractions Essential Questions How can I compare fractions? Assessments for Learning “Closest to 1/2” “Comparing Fractions” "A Piece of Yarn" How can I determine length to the nearest 1/4? How can I organize data measured to the half inch? To the quarter inch? Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning the form of 3 ; recognize that , or 3 and 3 , and that these fractions 1 6 = 6; locate 4 and 1 at the 1 4 is even greater and conctinue to grow as the numbers go higher. 1 Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources 3 same point on a number line diagram. 3.NF.3c 10. Represent and compare Students can use fraction bars that show common fractions with like the same sized whole as models to numerators or denominators compare fractions. and tell why one fraction is They can also use number line to organize greater than, less than, or and compare fractions to determine the equal to the other by using relative size of the fractions, such as concrete, pictorial models, and more than 1 , exactly 1 or less than 1 2 2 2 number lines. 3.NF.3d . This type of reasoning can be repeated with benchmark numbers such as 0 and 1. Encourage students to write the results of the comparisons with the symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions with a model. 11. Use a standard ruler to Students will need many opportunitites measure items including details measuring the length of various objects in about halves and quarter marks their environment so that they can on the inch ruler; create a line connect their understanding of fractions plot to display their findings. to measuring to one-half and one-quarter 3.MD.4 inch. For example, measure objects in your desk to the nearest 1 or 1 of an 2 4 inch, display data collected on a line plot. 46 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #5: Developing Understanding of Fractions Essential Questions Assessments for Learning How can I display fractional parts of data in a graph? What estimation strategies are used in measurement? How can I collect and organize data? “Jon and Charlie’s Run” How are fractions used in problem-solving “Snow Day” situations? "Distances Swam" Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources 12. Solve real-world problems that Students must experience fractions across involve comparing fractions by many constructs, such as the following using visual fraction models three categories of models: area (e.g., 1 3 and strategies based on 3 noticing equal numerators or of a garden), length (e.g., of an inch), 4 denominators. 3.NF.3d and set or quantity (e.g., 1 of the class). 2 Partitioning and iterating are ways for students to understand the meaning of fractions, especially numerator and denominator. As they compare, students should reason about the size of fractions and contextualize their learning within real-world applications. Mid-point Check and Post Assessment - engageNY, Module 5 Tasks 1-4 47 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #5: Developing Understanding of Fractions Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources Gr 3_Unit 5_Mid & Post Assessments.pdf 48 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #6: Representing and Interpreting Data (Approx. # Days- ) Content Standards: 3.MD.3, 3.MD.4 In this unit students will represent and interpreting data to solve one-and two- step word problems. Math Common Core State Standards- Mathematics: Measurement and Data 3.MD Represent and interpret data. 3. Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar graph in which each square in the bar graph might represent 5 pets. 4. Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. Show the data by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in appropriate units— whole numbers, halves, or quarters. Standards for Mathematical Practice: SMP 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them SMP 2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively SMP 3 Construct viable argument and critique the reasoning of others SMP 4 Model with mathematics SMP 5 Use appropriate tools strategically SMP 6 Attend to precision SMP 7 Look for and make use of structure SEL Competencies: Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship skills Responsible decision making ELD Standards to Support Unit: Part I: interacting in Meaningful Ways A. Collaborative 1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative conversations on a range of social and academic topics 2. Interacting with others in written English in various communicative forms (print, communicative technology, and multimedia 3. Offering and supporting opinions and negotiating with others in communicative exchanges 4. Adapting language choices to various contexts (based on task, purpose, audience, and text type) B. Interpretive 5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts 49 SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Grade 3 Mathematics 6. Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed explicitly and implicitly through language 8. Analyzing how writers and speakers use vocabulary and other language resources for specific purposes (to explain, persuade, entertain, etc.) depending on modality, text type, purpose, audience, topic, and content area C. Productive 9. Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics 11. Supporting own opinions and evaluating others’ opinions in speaking and writing 12. Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language structures to effectively convey ideas Part II. Learning About How English Works A. Structuring Cohesive Texts 1. Understanding text structure 2. Understanding cohesion B. Expanding and Enriching Ideas 5. Modifying to add details C. Connecting and Condensing Ideas 6. Connecting ideas 7. Condensing ideas 50 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #6: Representing and Interpreting Data Essential Questions Essential Questions are thoughtprovoking, open-ended questions to be used within daily lessons that and are therefore connected to the Sequence of Learning Outcomes. Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Assessments for Learning address Diagnostic, Formative, and Summative assessments used throughout the unit to inform instruction connected to the Sequence of Learning Outcomes. Sequence of Learning Outcomes is intentionally organized for student success. Each outcome is not necessarily intended to be taught within one class session. Note: These assessments are suggested, not required. Mid-point Check and Post Assessments- from engageNY, Module 3, All Tasks Gr 3_Unit 3_Mid & Post Assessments.pdf Each Outcome begins with Students will be able to… Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE General Strategy Support for Unit: Differentiation From the CA Mathematics Framework Support for Unit: Use of math journals “Instructional Strategies” chapter for differentiation provides research-based strategies for and formative teaching math, K-12 “Supporting High Quality Common Core assessment (use link below) Instruction” chapter addresses the https://www.teachi development, implementation, and maintenance of high-quality, os/math-journals standards-based mathematics instructional programs Flexible grouping: Content “Universal Design for Learning” from CAST, Interest the Center for Applied Special Technology Project/product Level (Heterogeneous/ Homogeneous) Tiered: Independent Management Plan (Must Do/May Do) Grouping o Content o Rigor w/in the concept o Project-base d learning o Homework Resources CCSS Support for the Unit: CA Mathematics Framework “3rd Grade” p. 1 “What students Learn in Grade Three” p. 10-16 Operations and Algebraic Thinking and Number and Operations in Base Ten domains p. 34-37 “Essential Learning for Next Grade” KS Assoc. of Teachers of Mathematics FLIPBOOKS Provide illustrated examples, instructional strategies, additional resources/tools and misconceptions by standard. p. 10-15, 24-25 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain p. 26-31 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain NC Unpacking Documents Provide illustrated examples, instructional strategies, additional resources/tools and misconceptions by standard. p. 7-17 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain p. 18-20 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain Progressions for CCSS-M Narrative documents describing the progression of a topic across a number of grade levels, informed both by research on children's cognitive development and by the logical structure of mathematics. p. 2-3, 22-31 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain p. 11 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain 51 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #6: Representing and Interpreting Data Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE o o How to decide which type of graph is appropriate to use for which type of data? How can data displayed be used to inform? To describe events? To describe observations? How to decide what increment scale to use for a bar graph? How to interpret data in a graph? How can graphs be used to organize data? How can graphs be used to compare related data? How can we use 1. Draw a scaled picture and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories (refer to Progressions document Measurement and Data, p.4). 3.MD.3 Measurement and Data 2. Use data from scaled bar For example, draw a bar graph in which 3.MD.3 graphs to solve one- and each square in the bar graph might MAT.03.TE.1.000MD.H.23 two-step “how many more” represent 5 pets (refer to Progressions 9 C1 T1 and “how many less” problems. document Measurement and Data, p.4). 3.MD.3 Resources Grouping Formative Assessment Anchor Activities: Content-related Tasks for early finishers o Game o Investigation o Partner Activity o Stations Depth and Complexity Prompts/Icons: Depth o Language of the Discipline o Patterns o Unanswered Questions o Rules o Trends o Big Ideas o Complexity http://scusd-math.wi 52 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #6: Representing and Interpreting Data Essential Questions graphs to solve real-world problems? When and why do we use rulers to measure things? How might Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 "Estimating Measurements" 3. Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. 3.MD.4 "Reading Survey" Why are there different types of graphs? How can data displayed in graphs 4. Make a line plot from the generated measurement data (see above), where the horizontal scale is marked off in appropriate units-whole numbers, halves, or quarters. 3.MD.4 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources 53 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #6: Representing and Interpreting Data Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources Post Assessment engageNY, Module 6, All Tasks GR3_Unit 6_Post Assessment.pdf 54 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #7: Geometric Figures and Problem Solving Involving Perimeters and Areas (Approx. # Days- ) Content Standards: 3.G.1, 3.MD.8 In this unit students will categorize shapes based on their attributes and recognize that measurements of perimeter and area as attributes of plane figures. Math Common State Content Standards- Mathematics: Geometry 3.G Reason with shapes and their attributes 1. Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories. Measurement ad Data 3.MD Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures. 8. Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas or with the same area and different perimeters. Standards for Mathematical Practice: SMP 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them SMP 2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively SMP 3 Construct viable argument and critique the reasoning of others SMP 4 Model with mathematics SMP 5 Use appropriate tools strategically SMP 6 Attend to precision SMP 7 Look for and make use of structure SMP 8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning SEL Competencies: Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship skills Responsible decision making ELD Standards to Support Unit: Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways A. Collaborative 55 SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Grade 3 Mathematics 1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative conversations on a range of social and academic topics 2. Interacting with others in written English in various communicative forms (print, communicative technology, and multimedia 3. Offering and supporting opinions and negotiating with others in communicative exchanges 4. Adapting language choices to various contexts (based on task, purpose, audience, and text type) B. Interpretive 5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts 6. Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed explicitly and implicitly through language 8. Analyzing how writers and speakers use vocabulary and other language resources for specific purposes (to explain, persuade, entertain, etc.) depending on modality, text type, purpose, audience, topic, and content area C. Productive 9. Expressing information and ideas in formal oral presentations on academic topics 11. Supporting own opinions and evaluating others’ opinions in speaking and writing 12. Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language structures to effectively convey ideas Part II. Learning About How English Works A. Structuring Cohesive Texts 1. Understanding text structure 2. Understanding cohesion B. Expanding and Enriching Ideas 5. Modifying to add details C. Connecting and Condensing Ideas 6. Connecting ideas 7. Condensing ideas 56 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #7: Problem Solving Involving Perimeters and Areas Essential Questions Essential Questions are thought- provoking, open-ended questions to be used within daily lessons that and are therefore connected to the Sequence of Learning Outcomes. Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Assessments for Learning address Diagnostic, Formative, and Summative assessments used throughout the unit to inform instruction connected to the Sequence of Learning Outcomes. Sequence of Learning Outcomes is intentionally organized for student success. Each outcome is not necessarily intended to be taught within one class session. Note: These assessments are suggested, not required. Mid-point Check and Post Assessmentsfrom engageNY, Module 3, All Tasks Gr 3_Unit 3_Mid & Post Assessments.pdf Each Outcome begins with Students will be able to… Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE General Strategy Support for Unit: Differentiation From the CA Mathematics Framework Support for Unit: Use of math journals “Instructional Strategies” chapter for differentiation provides research-based strategies for and formative teaching math, K-12 “Supporting High Quality Common Core assessment (use link below) Instruction” chapter addresses the https://www.teachi development, implementation, and maintenance of high-quality, os/math-journals standards-based mathematics instructional programs Flexible grouping: Content “Universal Design for Learning” from CAST, Interest the Center for Applied Special Technology Project/product Level (Heterogeneous/ Homogeneous) Tiered: Independent Management Plan (Must Do/May Do) Grouping o Content o Rigor w/in the concept o Project-base d learning o Homework Resources CCSS Support for the Unit: CA Mathematics Framework “3rd Grade” p. 1 “What students Learn in Grade Three” p. 10-16 Operations and Algebraic Thinking and Number and Operations in Base Ten domains p. 34-37 “Essential Learning for Next Grade” KS Assoc. of Teachers of Mathematics FLIPBOOKS Provide illustrated examples, instructional strategies, additional resources/tools and misconceptions by standard. p. 10-15, 24-25 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain p. 26-31 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain NC Unpacking Documents Provide illustrated examples, instructional strategies, additional resources/tools and misconceptions by standard. p. 7-17 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain p. 18-20 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain Progressions for CCSS-M Narrative documents describing the progression of a topic across a number of grade levels, informed both by research on children's cognitive development and by the logical structure of mathematics. p. 2-3, 22-31 Operations and Algebraic Thinking domain p. 11 Number and Operations in Base Ten domain 57 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #7: Problem Solving Involving Perimeters and Areas Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE o o "Barons Shapes" Do quadrilateals have to look like rectangles? How do "Sallys Shape Sort" you know? Do rectangles and squares always look the samw? How do you know? Do you think shapes could be grouped together in the same family or classification? Explain. Does the direction that a shape is facing change the way it looks? Does it change the shape’s name? Is it possible to find more than one way "Guess the Rule" for shapes to fit together o make another shape? Explain. What does it mean to parttion a shape Resources Grouping Formative Assessment 1. Categorize and compare Students in grade 2 have reasoned with quadrilaterals versus other shapes and their attribute. This standard Anchor Activities: polygons by examining the serves as a Content-related properties of geometric figures. Students explain that: Tasks for early 3.G.1 1) a quadrilateral must be a close figure finishers with four straight sides, o Game 2) notice the characteristics of the o Investigation angles, o Partner 3) notice the relationship between Activity opposite sides o Stations 2. Reason about decomposing For example, two triangles can form a and composing polygons to quadrilateral; make other polygons. 3.G.1 Depth and Complexity Prompts/Icons: Depth o Language of the Discipline o Patterns o Unanswered Questions o Rules o Trends o Big Ideas o Complexity http://scusd-math.wi 58 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #7: Problem Solving Involving Perimeters and Areas Essential Questions Assessments for Learning Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning 3. Explore the concept of perimeter by measuring perimeter of different size or shape polygons and record the perimeter using units, cm, m, in, etc. Reason about different size/shape polygons with the same perimeter, but with different side lengths. 3.MD.8 4. Solve word problems involving perimeter of polygons(where all side lengths are listed). Students label the perimeter with the correct unit. 3.MD.8 Students can walk around the perimeter of the classroom, trace the perimeter of the desks, or use rubber bands on a geo board to represent the perimeter of the geometric shape. Students describe opposite sides of rectangles and parallelograms have the same lengths. Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources into parts? How does combining and breaking apart shapes affect the perimeter and area? How might finding shapes within other shapes help me in life? How do the measure of lengths change when the unit of measure changes? "The Table" Students discuss and justify faster ways to find the perimeter without actually counting or adding up all the lengths. Give students the polygons with sides already marked with unit lengths and have students count the units lengths in order to reason about how different shapes can have the same perimeter. Students reason about counting the length-units and not the end-points to get an accurate perimeter measurement. 59 Grade 3 Mathematics SCUSD Curriculum Map-Last Updated 12/02/14 Unit #7: Problem Solving Involving Perimeters and Areas Essential Questions Assessments for Learning "Make a Garden" Sequence of Learning Outcomes 3.OA.5-9, 3.NBT.3 Strategies for Teaching and Learning Differentiation e.g. EL, SpEd, GATE Resources 5. Solve word problems involving Common error: students only add the unit perimeter, where one or two of lengths that are visible. Give students the side lengths are missing. opportunity to label all side lengths as a 3.MD.8 reminder. 3.MD.8 How are the perimeter and area of a shape related? "Carpets" 6. Solve a variety of word problems involving perimeter and area where the polygons have the same perimeter, but different areas or polygons that have the same area, but different perimeters. 3.MD.8 60
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