THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Three Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016-5990 99-GT-280 The Society shall not be responsible for statements or opinions advanced in papers or discussion at meetings of the Society or of its Divisions or Sections, or printed in its publications. Dicalcsion is printed only if the paper is published in an ASME Journal. Authorization to photocopy for internal or personal use is granted to libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) provided $3/article is paid to CCC, 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923. Requests for special permission or bulk reproduction should be addressed to the ASME Technical Publishing Department. Copyright Ca 1999 by ASME NI Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. 111 1 11 1 111011 0)1 11 1 1111 AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON THE AERODYNAMIC PERFORMANCE AND FLOWFIELD STRUCTURE OF A FILM-COOLED TURBINE CASCADE Chen Fu Yang Hong P. O. Box 458, Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin 150001, China Abstract H, Experiments have been performed to study the aerodynamic cascade passage height static pressure coefficient or the suction side leg of the horseshoe vortex; static pressure coefficient I ) r_ )( performance and internal flows in a linear turbine cascade with air pc-p c, injection from various locations of the blade surface. Data were obtained by using pneumatic probe, static pressure taps and surface AH, difference of H, with/without injection the pressure side leg of the horseshoe vortex flow visualization techniques. The experimental results showed that Hv the suction side injection would affect the development of the passage vortex significantly. The passage vortex was strengthened incidence LE,TE leading edge, trailing edge Mach number velocity ratios based on the local freestream values PS,SS pressure side, suction side S/D relative spacing of injected holes pitch flow velocity and pushed away from the injection surface, a triangular-shaped region uncovered by the injected air always existed on the suction surface due to the existence of the passage vortex. The passage vortex was weakened with air injection from pressure surface, which would cause a smaller amount of low momentum fluids to migrate into the corner region between suction surface and end wall. Although the scale and intensity of kidney-shaped vortices were different when air was injected from various positions, these vortices might always exist near the blade surface, mixing with mainflow in the flow passage and with wakes at the cascade exit while they moved downstream. The energy loss increased near the blade surface from which air was injected due mainly to the mixing process between mainflow and injected air, and to the formation of kidney-shaped vortices. In AV, difference of secondary flow vectors with/without injection dimensionless distance from the hub normalized by the Y/H cascade passage height H dimensionless distance normalized by the axial blade VC, chord C,„, a flow angle mass flow ratio. of injection air against mainflow 13 inlet geometrical angle contrast to the pressure side injection, the changes of blade surface pressure distribution were more sensitive to the amount of injected air and the locations of injection holes for the suction side injection. In Pip Pb outlet geometrical angle stagger angle the great majority of cases, the surface pressure decreases owing to 8 boundary layer thickness on cascade inlet end wall the existence of low-pressure zone downstream of the injection holes 8 displacement thickness of cascade inlet end wall boundary layer momentum thickness of cascade inlet end wall boundary layer injecting angle were more significant than the pressure increases caused by mainflow stagnation upstream of the holes. Nomenclature axial chord length C,„ chord length injected hole diameter energy loss coefficient; 4 C.Pif,. -lP/P; F ]/[1-(p/p; Presented at the International Gas Turbine & Aeroengine Congress & Exhibition Indianapolis, Indiana — June 7-June 10, 1999 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: ans difference of with/without injection turing angle cooling effectiveness on a cooled end wall and found interaction between the injected coolant and the secondary flow. The results showed that it was necessary to take the three-dimensional nature of the end wall flow into account in the design of end wall film-cooling configurations. Subscripts 0 cascade inlet 1-9 number of measuring planes The air injection can alter the flow field structure and lead to a very complex three-dimensional flow structure due to the presence of secondary flow in the cascade. A general overview of secondary flow in turbine blade passage was given by Sieverding (1985). Wang et al. (1995) and Friedrichs et al. (1996) also described the secondary flow structures in the turbine cascade. Superscripts pitchwise mass-averaged value at each local span • overall mass-averaged value calculated at each measuring plane • stagnation or total value Introduction Many studies have focused on the characteristics of flow field structure on two-dimensional flat and curved plates with air injection. Moussa et al. (1977) found from three-dimensional velocity measurements in the near field of the jet exit that a pair of bound vortices was formed in the downstream region due to the reorientation of ring vortices emerging from the jet exit Crabb et al. (1981) confirmed double vortex characteristic from turbulent component data and showed that this was associated with the fluid that escaped from the jet exit. Andreopouls and Rodi (1984) found that the jet structure was strongly dependent on the velocity ratio. Lee (1994) experimentally studied the inclined jets in the presence of turbulent crossflow on a flat wall, and showed that the crossflow fluids filled in the region between the wall and the jet trajectory. Attempts to improve the performance of modem gas turbine engines lead to higher and higher temperature at the turbine inlet of the turbine section. The temperatures have reached such high levels that the turbine blades need to be protected by efficient cooling. One of the most effective cooling methods is film cooling by injection of cooling fluids through rows of holes, and this method is now widely used in practice. But even for one row of holes, a very complex flow develops with a wide variety of influence parameters, such as the blowing angles with respect to the surface and mainflow, the relative spacing, the momentum ratio, the wall curvature and the state of the incoming boundary layer. The injected air also leads to changes in the aerodynamic performance and the flow field structure of the cascade, there are flow losses associated with the mixing process. Under unfavorable conditions, the gain achieved by the film cooling can be used up by the flow losses, and hence the designer's goal is to use the minimum amount of coolant necessary to insure adequate turbine life. To this end, there has been considerable research to increase our understanding of coolant film behavior and its interaction with the mainflow flow. Relatively less work has been done in the flow structure of a turbine cascade. Dring et al. (1980) observed a large radial displacement of coolant jet on the pressure surface in a low-speed rotating facility. Abhari and Epstein (1994) investigated the influence of three-dimensional and unsteady effects on the rotor film cooling process in a transonic rotating turbine stage. Goldstein and Chen (1985) showed that the film cooling jets were swept away from the surface by the paqc.age vortex. Wilfen and Fotter (1994) studied the mixing process in the near hole region with a row of holes on the suction surface of a turbine cascade by using pneumatic probes and flow visualization techniques. They concluded that the position of the horseshoe vortex of each single jet was strongly dependent on the blowing rate and influenced the aerodynamic mixing mechanisms. In the last years, studies of the effects of film cooling upon the aerodynamic performance were carried out by Ito et al. (1980), Kollen and Koschel (1985), Goldstein et al. (1987), Manickam and Murugesan (1989), Sieverding et al. (1994). Ligrani et al. (1991a, 1991b) described the influences of embedded longitudinal vortices on film cooling from a single hole or a row of injection holes with simple angle orientations in a turbulent boundary layer. One of the most important conclusions from this studies was that magnitudes of perturbations to injectant distribution were dependent upon the ratio of vortex circulation to injection velocity times hole diameter, and the ratio of vortex circulation to injection velocity times vortex core diameter. According to Ligrani and Mitchell (1994), when air was injected from film holes with compound angle configuration, the injectant distribution were strongly affected by the longitudinal embedded vortices, including their directions of rotation and their spanwise positions with respect to film injection holes. Yamamoto (1991) investigated the effects of air injection on the performance of a linear turbine cascade with large turning angle and showed that injection from the blade pressure or suction side generally decreased the loss. Friedrichs (1996,1997) measured the distribution of film- However, the investigations mentioned above have not been made clear how the injected air behaves in the cascade passages and how it causes the changes of aerodynamic parameters, as well as flow field structure. The main intent of the present paper is that the internal flows in the cascade passage are studied experimentally. Attention is focused on the changes of three-dimensional flow field structure and aerodynamic parameters caused by different locations of injection holes and different mass flow rates. In the present paper, there are nine rows of injection holes on the leading edge, suction surface and pressure surface to simulate film cooling flows. Detailed cascade tests consist of passage flow parameter traverses, blade and end wall surface pressure distribution and flow visualization for the cases of 2 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: TE I Mid span r1/17.1r ass& i id s s 1 _T I .1.• ••• I ..... S S " " ; ; ...... , • • ,.11aarri ... ... •-..; midspan ''' I. ; I 1 1) I h- - - )°14' 14 Ns. — End wall A2 midspan • Fig. 7 Flow visualization results and the schematic drawing of flow field structure in the cascade passage 2,7-9 on the pressure surface, the distributions of the streamlines on wall without air injection, N52 is located at about 10, 7.5 and 6.25 percent span with air injection. This shows that air injection on the suction side of the blade may affect the development of the passage the suction surface are not affected significantly, and it is the same for the distributions of the streamlines on the pressure surface with air injection from hole 3-6 on the suction surface. So only the flow vortex, and at the same time, a triangular-shaped region uncovered by the injected air always exists on the suction surface due to the visualization results on the pressure surface with air injection from hole 1,2,7-9 and the results on the suction surface for the cases of hole 3-6 injection are presented in Fig.8. existence of the passage vortex. For air injection from hole 1, 7-9 on the pressure side, it is interesting to note that the distributions of the ink drops on the blade surface are disordered downstream of the holes As shown in Fig.8, the distributions of streamlines near the blade up to the trailing edge, especially injecting from hole 1. The surface are different compared to those without air injection. The separation lines of the kidney-shaped vortices can not be seen clearly. One explanation about these results may be that the air injected from separation lines of the kidney-shaped vortices resulted from the reoriented outgoing vortex rings issuing from the injection holes can the holes on the pressure side attaches to the blade surface rapidly, then the injected air/mainflow mixing process basically occurs in the be seen downstream of the hole exit with air injection from hole 2, 46, existing on the blade surface up to the trailing edge. This means boundary layer. To a certain extent, the occurrence of the mixing that the original two-dimensional flow field near the blade surface process means the existence of the kidney-shaped vortices, therefore becomes three-dimensional due to air injection, the kidney-shaped the kidney-shaped vortices may always exist downstream of the vortices may always exist downstream of the injection holes and mix out with the wake at the cascade exit under the present experimental conditions. For the air injection from hole 4-6 on the suction side, the injection holes with air injection from the pressure side. Compared the visualization results of pressure side injection to that of suction side injection, one may conclude that under the present experimental separation line of the passage vortex, indicated by A l -Ns, on the suction surface, is skewed toward the end wall. Compared to the location of N s, lied at about 12.5 percent span apart from the end conditions, the mixing process between the injected air and mainflow occurs farther above boundary layer with suction side injection. 5 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 Y/H 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 (a) Pressure-side view (b) Suction-side view 0.00 0.06 ml Fig 3 Schematic diagram of tested turbine blade 0.0 0.12 85.0 • 90.0 95.0 (1)) Le= -0 .8° , 5/H=0.094, S . /H=0.0098, C11=0.0065, 5. /er =1.5 Fig.6 Inlet Mach number and flow angle distribution Flow near the blade surfaces and the cascade end wall is studied using ink spread on contact paper attached the end wall and the blade surfaces. During exposure to the tunnel flow, the streamlines are traced on the paper. The flow visualizations are taken for the cases of with/without air injection. Because the flow around a straight blade is essentially symmetric, only the results on the one-half of the blade surfaces and the lower end wall are presented. Results and Discussion Plane 2 3 4 20.0 Z, mm -38.0 -12.0 5.0 Z./C -0.516 -0.163 0.068 0171 Flow Visualization Fig.7 shows the flow visualization results and the schematic drawing of flow field structure in the present cascade passage without air injection. A separation line, indicated by A 1 -A2, is presented in the boundary layer, the attachment line, a 1 -a2, extends from the incoming flow to the stagnation point and intersects the separation line at the saddle point, S,. In the end wall region, two legs of the horseshoe vortex, Flp and 11„ are formed around the blade. The pressure side leg (H) is moved over towards the suction side of the adjacent blade by the paccage vortex, which feeds into the flow causing it to develop into a large vortex. The suction side leg (H s) tends to diminish as it flows around the blade because of its opposite sense to that of the passage vortex. The passage vortex sweeps across to the suction surface some distance from the stagnation region. The affected zone on the blade appears to have an almost triangular shape, the trailing edge point of the region, N sb is at about 12.5 percent of the passage height above the end wall. Outside the triangular region, the streamlines near the suction surface are skewed toward the middle span of the blade, and the streamlines near the pressure surface are slightly inclined toward the end wall. 6 7 8 9 5 30.0 40.0 81.0 97.0 113.0 0.047 0.543 1.099 1316 1333 Fig 4 Thwerse measuring planes 1.11 t=71.45mm U1 From flow visualization results with air injection from hole 1-9, it can be seen that air injection has few effects upon the streamline distribution on the end wall. In addition for air injection from hole 1, Fig. 5 Plan view of cascade test section 4 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: TE I Mid span r1/17.1r ass& i id s s 1 _T I .1.• ••• I ..... S S " " ; ; ...... , • • ,.11aarri ... ... •-..; midspan ''' I. ; I 1 1) I h- - - )°14' 14 Ns. — End wall A2 midspan • Fig. 7 Flow visualization results and the schematic drawing of flow field structure in the cascade passage 2,7-9 on the pressure surface, the distributions of the streamlines on wall without air injection, N52 is located at about 10, 7.5 and 6.25 percent span with air injection. This shows that air injection on the suction side of the blade may affect the development of the passage the suction surface are not affected significantly, and it is the same for the distributions of the streamlines on the pressure surface with air injection from hole 3-6 on the suction surface. So only the flow vortex, and at the same time, a triangular-shaped region uncovered by the injected air always exists on the suction surface due to the visualization results on the pressure surface with air injection from hole 1,2,7-9 and the results on the suction surface for the cases of hole 3-6 injection are presented in Fig.8. existence of the passage vortex. For air injection from hole 1, 7-9 on the pressure side, it is interesting to note that the distributions of the ink drops on the blade surface are disordered downstream of the holes As shown in Fig.8, the distributions of streamlines near the blade up to the trailing edge, especially injecting from hole 1. The surface are different compared to those without air injection. The separation lines of the kidney-shaped vortices can not be seen clearly. One explanation about these results may be that the air injected from separation lines of the kidney-shaped vortices resulted from the reoriented outgoing vortex rings issuing from the injection holes can the holes on the pressure side attaches to the blade surface rapidly, then the injected air/mainflow mixing process basically occurs in the be seen downstream of the hole exit with air injection from hole 2, 46, existing on the blade surface up to the trailing edge. This means boundary layer. To a certain extent, the occurrence of the mixing that the original two-dimensional flow field near the blade surface process means the existence of the kidney-shaped vortices, therefore becomes three-dimensional due to air injection, the kidney-shaped the kidney-shaped vortices may always exist downstream of the vortices may always exist downstream of the injection holes and mix out with the wake at the cascade exit under the present experimental conditions. For the air injection from hole 4-6 on the suction side, the injection holes with air injection from the pressure side. Compared the visualization results of pressure side injection to that of suction side injection, one may conclude that under the present experimental separation line of the passage vortex, indicated by A l -Ns, on the suction surface, is skewed toward the end wall. Compared to the location of N s, lied at about 12.5 percent span apart from the end conditions, the mixing process between the injected air and mainflow occurs farther above boundary layer with suction side injection. 5 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: Midspan —"Mole 2 IT LE Hole 1 Midspan Midspan TE LE Hole 7, s.m A. TE LE T 10.1 • r_=. :66.4.•;•4a • • • Nsy e'Z TE End wall Hole 3 PS Mids TE -1 _44.) si TE .. E vr 1..;.„14. . Sao aS m..,..e........_____ _--- Th -- ,..lea-- ■-n-- N 5L. ____ _. - 0 74." . -.1•6—. - - --'. . abblft.. 6 End wall 5101;.: -- — r illinIMM -=31A4....t"-- A I SS . ' . . . I 1 • ' . I " _.„.. .I . SS End wall 6 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: . I • . ”jr 1: 1 ...rr Fig. 8 Flow visualizalion results on the blade surface with air injection . . •I . I ■ I. .. 1 'T Fig 9 Schematic drawing of the flow field structure in the turbine cascade passage with air injection "preliminary impact" process between the injected air and the mainflow, therefore the changes of pressure distribution are similar to that of hole 7-9 injection. The situations are different with air injection from hole 1, the low-pressure region exists obviously downstream of the holes. This is associated with the existence of decelerating flow zone on the pressure surface near the leading edge. For the air injection along the mainflow from hole 4-6 on the suction side, the significant pressure decreases downstream of injection holes indicate that the kidney-shaped vortices resulted from the reoriented outgoing vortex rings issuing from the injection holes tend to move downstream at farther distance from the blade surface. Therefore the low-pressure zone under the bending-over injected air is significant. During the experiments, it is found that if the ink drops are spread very close to the injection hole exit, they flow against the mainflow direction. It means that the recirculating mainflow infiltrates the region under the injected air due to the formation of low pressure zone downstream of the holes. Unfortunately, the flow visualization experiments can not pick these phenomena up accurately. From the results and the discussion described above, the schematic drawing of the three-dimensional flow field structure in a turbine cascade with air injection is shown in Fig.9. The Effects of Air Injection on Pressure Distribution pressure distributions along the midspan profile are shown in Fig.10 with/without air injection. The results show that in contrast to the pressure side injection, the changes of pressure distribution are dependent mainly on the amount of injected air and the locations of injection holes with air injection from hole 3-6 on the suction side. The results also show that the surface pressure decreases owing to the existence of low-pressure zone downstream of the injection holes are more significant than the pressure increases caused by mainflow stagnation upstream of the holes. So the traverse pressure gradient in the passage decreases slightly upstream of holes and increases clearly downstream of them with suction side injection. For the pressure side injection, the traverse pressure gradient increases upstream of holes and decreases downstream of them, but the changes are not clear except hole 1 injection. For the air injection along the mainflow direction from hole 7-9 on the pressure side, the injected air may attach to the blade surface rapidly, and then the low-pressure zone can not be seen clearly downstream of the holes. Although the mixing process may basically occur in the boundary layer as shown in flow visualization, the effects of air injection are not obvious owing to the weaker mixing process and to the diffusion flow pattern on the blade pressure surface. When the air is injected against the mainflow from hole 2, the intensity of the injected air is weakened by the strong Fig.11(a) shows the pressure contours on the end wall without air injection. In order to demonstrate the effects of air injection on the • end wall pressure distributions clearly, the contour plots are presented in their difference forms (All,) between 0 and 1.2 percent injection. 7 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 Ha Hs 0.0 0.0 No injection Bole 1 - 0.5 1.0 . . . . 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Z/Cax 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Z/Cax Hole 1 0.5 0.5 Hs Hs 0.0 0.0 - 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Z/Cax 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 Hs Ha 0.0 0.0 -0.5 0.5 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Z/Cax Hole 2 Hole 3 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Z/Cox 0.5 0.5 Hs Hs 0.0 0.0 - 0.5 1.0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 Z/Cax 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Z/Cax 1.0 0.5 (d) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Z/Cax Symbol: 0.5 13.0% Hs 13=1.2% 0.0 - 0.5 133.6% Mg. 11 Changes in pressure distribution on the end wall for hole 134,9 injection 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2/Cox Fig.10 Pressure distribution on surface for hole 1-9 injection 8 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: esitettIS saminceskammi Plane I Plane 2 Plane 3 4711, , %innt ' Iii; , S. a. a d-M „:„ \ '' 412 INNV,W0. I Ira/. 1ff I. 111 12-1t . Plane 4 Plane 5 :, ; .-- \ NO::: 4Wtriii#1 WV00‘1 1111. WW0Ilitee ..... • ....... lilt f1l1/1/111,, w II 11111“, 1 ,•. n . .....?:,.. liL\ ', 141-7 Plane 6 ` Ic .. hi - , va ... i; Plane 8 Plane 7 Plane 9 Fig. 12 Loss contours and secondary flows without injection at plane 1-9 (Left-SS, Right-PS) gIMMIMSItttgM ...., i 1 Plane 3 iim=apaawasA Fig. 1.3 Loss contours and secondary flows for hole 2 injection at plane 2 (13=11%, Left-SS, Right-PS) Plane -4-111 Plane 5 Plane 6 — Fig. 14 Energy bra dianges for hole 2 injection at plane 3-6 03,,,,„,) the same time, thus the injected air may affect the boundary layer in the end wall. rates with air injection from hole 1-3,4,9, as shown in Fig.12(b)-(f). In the contour plots of a.H„ solid lines indicate pressure increase with air injection, and dashed lines indicate pressure decrease. The measured data show that the influences of air injection against the mainflow direction from the holes located at the leading edge on the pressure distribution are visible in contrast to the other tested conditions. This means that although the intensity of the kidneyshaped vortices is weakened due to the "preliminary impact" process between the injected air and the mainflow, their scales are enlarged at Overall View of the Internal Flow and the Associated Energy Loss Inside the Cascade Passage Fig.I2 shows the development of secondary flow vectors and the energy loss in the cascade passage without air injection by using the experimental data at different measuring planes. Only the passage vortex is seen clearly, and other vortices can hardly be seen. As the passage vortex develops, low energy fluids of the end wall boundary layer roll up onto the blade 9 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: II I . ...... , • ••••• ••••- 1 • ........ •ener //”.••• Illen I I LW/ I Plane 3 Plane 5 Plane 4 Plane 6 Plane 3 Hole 2 1 :-,‘' ' - A Plane 5 Plane 4 Hole 1 •••• A ..'•5; , ...... • •• ......' • •• ...... V' • • • • ...... __. • • ...... .-1 -••••• ' • .... .... I ?;"".. i Plane 3 0.i;; ;: f N41 Plane 6 Plane 5 Plane 5 Plane 6 Plane 5 Plane 6 Hole 9 Hole 4 Hole 3 Fig. 15 Changes in secondary flows for hole 1-3 injection at plane 3-6 and for hole 4,9 injection at plane 5,603,,,, m) Plane 4 ,852 ) i c''..;1 Wirfed vt, '011 „„ .. • -v.v.., 11 111 I AS 5 I ,AS11, .t • • ..... • 4 •••, ,, • • • •„ N i ••,, ..,• I • , N.•I I ' / • •• •1%, \ V • • Ir. ,•••• I .NNV . ■ 0.• ..... ‘••• •• 1% PI. PI" l i II II .. ••4. • •1 • 1541 /{v Hole 1 Hole 5 Hole 2 Hole 3 Hole 7 Hole 6 Fig. 16 Changes in secondary flows for hole 1-8 injection at plane 7(80 10 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: I I ... , 11W:!11i :11; '•' I'I Hole 4 Hole 8 , \.7 Hole 2 Hole 7 Hole 8 Fig. 17 Changes in energy loss for hole 1-8 injection at plane 7 ( 1 .0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.6 Y/11 0.4 0.6 Y/H 0.4 1.0 t 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 Y/H 0.4 0.6 Y/H 0.6 Y/H 0.4 ? 4) Symbol: Hole 2 Hole I 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.00 0.07 • 0.14 • 0.0 0.00 0.07 0.14 0.4 Hole 3 Hole 4 11), 1 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.00 0.02 0.14 0.0 0.00 0.07 0.14 1, 6 * 1:13.0% o 11=1.2% [3.6% 0.2 0.0 0.00 0.07 0.14 t7 17 Fig. 18 Energy loss distribution in spanwise at the outlet plane 7 with injection from hole 1-3,4 and 9 1 .0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1 .0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 Y/H 0.4 0.6 Y/H 0.6 Y/H 0.6 1/H 0.4 0.4 0.4 • 0.2 Hole 9 Symbol: 0.6 Y/H • 0.4 0.2 'Hole I 0.2 Hole 2 0.0 0.0 200 24.0 28.0 320 200 24.0 28.0 320 0.2 Hole 3 0.0 200 24428.0 32 0 0.2 • Hole 4 0.0 1"-20 0 24028.0 320 117 * o p=1.2% [3=0.6% 0.0 200 24.0 28.0 32 0 417 Fig. 19 Flow angle distribution in spanwise at plane 7 with injection from hole 1-3,4 and 9 suction side, as seen from the energy loss contours. Downstream of the cascade exit (planes 7-9), the low energy fluids over the suction The energy loss contours and secondary flows at plane 2 with air injection from hole 2 are shown in Fig.13. Comparing with those in side separate from the blade trailing edge to form cascade wakes. Fig.12, it is found that although air is injected against the mainflow, 11 Downloaded From: on 12/22/2014 Terms of Use: the influences of injected air on energy loss and secondary flows at farther upstream planes of the injection holes can be ignored. Therefore only the results of the secondary flow vectors and energy loss at plane 3-9 are given in their difference forms (AV, and A) between 0 and 1.2 percent injection rates. remarkable increase of the energy loss, especially near the midspan. From another viewpoint, for hole 1, 2 and 9 injection, the air is injected into the zones of low mainfiow velocity, thus generates low mixing losses. For hole 3 and 4 injection, the air is injected into high velocity regions, thus causes high aerodynamic mixing losses. The changes in energy loss with air injection from hole 2 at plane 3-6, A are shown in Fig.I4. A loss increase area (solid lines) is seen clearly near the pressure surface at plane 3 owing to the interaction between the injected air and the mainflow. This zone becomes invisible at downstream planes. Fig.19 shows the changes in the mass-averaged cascade outlet flow angle obtained at plane 7. The injection from the suction side tends to increase the exit flow angle, while the injection from pressure side tends to decrease the angle. But the mass-averaged changes are relatively small and the effect of coolant on the flow angle need not to be considered if the injection rate is not very big. , The subtracted secondary flow vectors AV, at plane 3-6 with air injection from hole 1-3 and at plane 5, 6 with air injection from hole 4, 9 are shown in Fig. 15. For the air injection from hole 1 and 2 lied on the pressure surface, the changes of the secondary flow vectors at plane 3-6 are always visible near the pressure side along the whole blade height This may show that the mixing process always occurs in the passage. It is interesting to note that the rotational direction of A V, in the corners between end walls and pressure side is opposite to that of passage vortex, which means that the passage vortex is weakened by the interaction between the injected air and the mainflow. For injection from hole 3 located at the suction surface of the leading edge, the rotational direction of V, in the corners between end walls and suction side is the same as that of passage vortex, and this means that the passage vortex is strengthened. The changes of the secondary flow at plane 3-6 can also be seen near the suction side along the whole blade height. When the air is injected along the mainflow from hole 4 and 9, the situations are similar to those of the air injection against the mainflow. Conclusions An experimental investigation into the effects of air injection on the aerodynamic performance and three dimensional flow field structure in a linear cascade with typical guide vane profile is made. The main results are as follows: I. For the suction side injection, the variations of the surface pressure distribution are dependent chiefly on the amount of injected air and on the locations of injection holes, and the low-pressure zone downstream of injection holes can be seen clearly. The injection from the blade pressure side alters the surface pressure distribution slightly. In the great majority cases, the surface pressure decrease owing to the kidney-shaped vortex is significant compared to the increase due to the mainflow stagnation owing to the air injection. 2. For the air injection against the mainflow from the holes on the leading edge, although the intensity of the kidney-shaped vortices is weakened due to the "preliminary impact" process, their scales are enlarged at the same time. Therefore the influences of air injection on the end wall pressure distribution are visible in contrast to the other tested conditions. Fig.16,17 show that the effects of air injection from hole 1-8 on the secondary flows and the energy loss at plane 7 are significant. The present results indicate that the injection increases the loss at plane 7 located after the cascade exit and leads to a disordered distribution of the subtracted secondary flow vectors. One may draw a conclusion that the kidney-shaped vortex may always exist near the blade surface in the passage and mix out with the wakes at the cascade exit, which leads to the changes of the aerodynamic parameters at the cascade outlet. 3. The air injection on the suction side may affect the development of the passage vortex, a triangular-shaped region uncovered by injected air always exists on the suction surface due to the existence of the passage vortex, the mixing process occurs farther above boundary layer. For pressure side injection, the injected air attaches to the blade surface rapidly, the mixing process basically occurs in the boundary layer. Fig.18 shows spanwise distribution of pitchwise mass-averaged energy loss at the cascade downstream plane 7 for five selected injection holes: hole 1-4, and 9. For hole 1 injection, the loss increases first near the end walls where corresponds to the height of passage vortex and then along the whole span at 0.6 and 1.2 percent injection rates. For hole 2, owing to the "preliminary mixing" as described before, the loss changes are not significant. For hole 4, the loss increases along the whole height, while hole 9, the effects of the air injection is neglectable. For hole 3, the loss increases more rapidly and clearly, it means that the intensity of the kidney-shaped vortices is stronger than the other cases, and the violent mixing process among the injected air, wakes and passage vortex causes the 4. For the pressure side injection, the passage vortex is weakened by the interaction between the injected air and the mainflow, this causes a smaller amount of low momentum fluids to migrate into the corner region between suction surface and end wall. For the suction side injection, the passage vortex is strengthened and pushed away from the injection surface. 5. 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