PARISH NEWSLETTER St Teresa's Catholic Church The Presbytery, Brook Rd, Newbury Park, Ilford IG2 7JA Tel No & Fax 020 8590 2414 Reg Charity No 234092 Email: [email protected] Website: Parish Priest: Fr Eamonn J Power MA Christmas & New Year Edition - 2014 Dear friends in Christ, Mary and the Will of God: This weekend we come to the fourth and final Sunday of the holy season of Advent and in the Gospel passage we hear about the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Archangel Gabriel’s appearance before her. It is a scene of the utmost drama and Our Lady is obviously somewhat taken aback by it all. The Angel announces God’s plan of Salvation and the vital role that she is to play, by conceiving and giving birth to the eternal Son of God. With Christmas now being just a few days away it is very appropriate that the Church starts to bring Advent to a close by reminding us of the drama of the Annunciation. Mary’s response to the Angel is in stark contrast to that of Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist. Zechariah had the temerity to question the truth of the Angel’s message, whereas Mary merely seeks clarification before giving her wholehearted consent. And thus began the whole incredible revelation of the love of God made visible in the conception, birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. It also reveals the immense humility of God, in that he willingly placed himself in the position of needing the free will consent of a creature that he had made if it was all to come to fruition. The Lord God awaits her consent and she responds by surrendering completely to him, with the words “I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done as you have said”. Let us ask Our Lady to pray that we also may respond to the will of God in our lives with open and generous hearts. Christmas, the Greatest Story of Them All: So the celebration of the Lord’s Birth is almost upon us and we give thanks to God for all that he revealed to us in his beloved Son Jesus. The whole panorama of Salvation, beginning with his birth at Bethlehem and ending with his glorious Ascension into heaven, is the greatest story ever told and we show our gratitude first of all by thanking God for the birth of his Son. Please note all the Mass times in the Newsletter. Christmas Crib: As you will see when you come into church this weekend, the Crib has been erected and is ready, for the celebration. In accordance with the tradition of the Church of Rome, the Crib will once again stay in place until after the Feast of the Presentation (Candle Mass) on 2nd February. The Bambina will be carried in and the crib blessed at both of the Masses on Christmas Eve. After Midnight Mass the Bambina stays in place for the duration. Also as stated elsewhere, all proceeds from the crib go to the Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society. Last Minute Christmas Confessions! I will be available after Mass on both Monday and Wednesday this week for anyone who wishes to make a confession in preparation for the celebration of the Lord’s Birth. Tuesday Charismatic Prayer Group: Both regulars and non-regulars please note that the next meeting will be on Tuesday, 30 December at the usual time of 7.30 pm. Congratulation Fr James! On Friday evening just gone, 19 December, I was privileged to attend the celebratory Mass for the Golden Jubilee of 50 years in the priesthood of Fr James Hawes. Congratulations Fr James and Ad Multos Annos! Farewell and Happy Retirement Mrs Brown! On Thursday just gone, 18 December, I attended the Mass to mark the retirement of Mrs Helen Brown as head of Saint Aidan’s school. I was on the interview panel that gave her the job 14 years ago and during her time she transformed the school beyond all recognition. We wish her a long and happy retirement St Stephen’s (Boxing) Day: This coming Friday, 26 December, is traditionally St Stephen’s day and is also the day when Altar Servers renew their commitment to their ministry. So we hope a good number of them will attend Mass and renew their commitment to Christ and his Church Healing Masses at Abbotswick: There will be a full programme of the Masses at the Diocesan House of Prayer next year, beginning on Wednesday, 21 January and all are welcome. Monsignor John Armitage: On behalf of the parish we extend our warmest congratulations to Mgr Armitage who, having spent many years in the East End, has been given the position of Director of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. He takes up his appointment on Ash Wednesday next year for a period of five years. Watch out Chelsea and Arsenal! A busy programme awaits the Happy Hammers and indeed all the other teams. But for the Hammers it’s Leicester City this weekend, followed quickly by Chelsea next Friday and the Arsenal on Sunday! We await with interest! God Bless you all, Fr Eamonn. Services up to 5th January Sat 20 Dec 6.00 pm Sun 21 Dec 08.00 am 10.30 am 5.00 pm Mon 22 Dec 09.10 am 09.30 am Tues 23 Dec 09.10 am 09.30 am Wed 24 Dec 09.10 am 09.30 am Wed 24 Dec 7.00 pm 11.30 pm Thurs 25 Dec Midnight 08.00 am 10.30 am Fri 26 Dec 09.40 am 10.00 am Vigil Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Advent Mass Rita Maher. RIP Anniversary The Fourth Sunday of Advent Mass Our Parish Community Mass Bernadette McMahon. RIP Anniversary Holy Hour Weekday of Advent Morning Prayer Mass Catherine O’Rourke. RIP Weekday of Advent Morning Prayer Mass Peggy Mitchell. Intentions Weekday of Advent Morning Prayer Mass Ann Sherlock. RIP Vigil for the Birth of Jesus Christ the Lord First Mass of Christmas. Kevin Nirmalanayagam. Thanksgiving Carol Service The Birth of Jesus Christ the Lord Mass Dyllis & Angit Barrie-Dangerfield. Intentions Mass Our Parish Community. Mass Barbara & Laurence Saverimuthu. RIP & Kurusumuthu Family. RIP St Stephen, the First Martyr Morning Prayer Mass Kieran Delaney. RIP Sacrament of Reconciliation The Priest is available in the Reconciliation Room each Saturday from 11.30 am to 12 noon and from 5.30 pm to 5.45 pm. Sat 27 Dec 6.00 pm Sun 28 Dec 08.00 am 10.30 am 5.00 pm Vigil Mass for the The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Mass Our Parish Community. The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Mass Deceased Family & Friends of the D’Cunha Family. Mass Fr Liam Hayes. RIP Holy Hour (Each weekday Mass will be preceded by Morning Prayer at 09.40 am.) Mon 29 Dec 10.00 am Tues 30 Dec 10.00 am 7.30 pm Wed 31 Dec 10. 00 am Thur 01 Jan 10.00 am Frid 02 Jan 10.00 am 3.00 pm Sat 03 Jan 10.00 am 10.30 am Sat 03 Jan 6.00 pm Sun 04 Jan 08.00 am 10.30 am 5.00 pm St Thomas à Becket, Bishop, Martyr Mass Emiliano Rocafort. RIP Anniversary Sixth Day within the Octave of Christmas Mass Emiterio Maggino. RIP Anniversary Prayer Group St Sylvester I, Pope Mass Irene Celejewski. RIP Anniversary Mary , the Holy Mother of God Mass Deceased Members of the Heffernan & Curtis Families. Ss Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops. Mass Intentions of the Sick. Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. Most Holy Name of Jesus Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Mass Our Lady’s Intentions. Vigil Mass for the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord Mass Chris McGowan. Intentions The Epiphany of the Lord Mass Maeve McBennett. Intentions Mass Our Parish Community. Holy Hour Parish - Regular Notices BAPTISM PREPARATION: If you are expecting a baby or have a baby for baptism in the next couple of months, please contact Helen Mac Mahon on 020 8590 9981 who will help you make the appropriate arrangements. SICK AT HOME OR IN HOSPITAL: If you know of any sick people in the Parish needing a priestly visit or to be kept in our prayers, please contact our Care of the Sick Coordinator, Wilma Lewandowski, on 020 8220 9135. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Please pray for Dyllis Barrie-Dangerfield, Billy Brennan, Diane Foster, Tyrone Foster, Greg Gallagher, Freda Godfrey, Sheila Guise, Dan Keely, Monica Keely, Lorna Lawrence, Ann Matthews, Chris McNamara, Mary O’Driscoll, Giuseppe Palumbo, Lawrence Pereira, Kathleen & Pat Reynolds, Tony Sheridan, Soosaipillai Thruchelvam and Evalina Underwood. Also the sick Priests of the Diocese - Mgr Michael Corley, Frs Paul Dynan and Stewart Foster. ANNIVERSARIES IN DECEMBER: Kathleen Buckley, Irene Celejewski , William Cheney, Krystyna Dabrowska, Des D’Arcy, Eileen Denihan, Thomas Dwyer, Michael Egan, James Flavin, John Flavin, Daisy Geater, Patricia Hicks, Ronald King, Rita Maher, Ellen Maplesden, Gladys McCarthy, Frank Musiel, Aurther Pohl, Rosalina Viegas and Connie Walsh. ANNIVERSARIES FOR JANUARY: Don Baker, Leonard Beeby, Mary Blue, Bill Bush, Winifred Chainey, Samuel Chingyonga, David Clarke, Nora Cunningham, Harry Everett, Eileen Ferrier, Ellen Hiscock, Dennis Jackson, Ellen Kelleher, Harold Kemp, Tommy McCabe, Jim McDonnell, John Page, John Pearson, Ellen Ronan, Dunkstan Sebastiampillai, David Smith, Paddy Walsh and Kathleen Ward. MASS REQUESTS: Special envelopes can be found at the back of the Church. If you are asking for a number of Masses then you must use a separate envelope for each request and place your offering in each envelope. Also, if you want a Mass offered on a particular day, then you should aim to give the Parish Secretary about 8 weeks’ notice. Although every effort will be made to meet your preferred date please note that it will not always be possible. CHURCH HALL: The Church Hall is available for bookings by Parishioners and non Parishioners alike. Please contact 07887983310 for bookings and conditions. REFRESHMENTS AFTER 10.30 AM MASS ON SUNDAY: Refreshments will once again be served in the Hall after the 10.30 am Mass. Do come along for a chat and a “Cuppa” •••••••••••••••• Parish - Meetings Monday 22nd & 29th Legion of Mary in the Presbytery Room at 7.30 pm. Parish - In & Around GREENERY WANTED: The Flower CHURCH CLEANING: Teams D & E. Group would appreciate any OFFERTORY COLLECTION: Last weekend’s collection (incl Standing “greenery” that you can spare to Orders) raised £ 915.41 of which 71% help decorate the church at was gift aided. Thank you very much Christmas. Please leave what you can at the rear of the church by no for your continued generosity. later than midday on this coming RETIRING COLLECTION LAST Tuesday, (23 December). WEEKEND: The retiring collection last weekend for flowers to decorate our CHRISTMAS OFFERTORY COLLECTION: Please remember Church over the Christmas season that your Offertory donation at raised the magnificent total of Christmas is your personal gift to Fr £411.84 of which 22% was “Gift Aided”. Thank you so much for your Eamonn. Together with your gift at Easter, it forms the major source of generosity. his income for the year. If you use CHILD FIRST UK: Congratulations to all the young people who organised the envelope system then please place your offering in the envelope and helped in the “Bake Sale” last weekend to raise funds for the work marked Christmas Gift. of Child First UK. The event raised a CRIB OFFERINGS: All the money total of £351.60 for this worthy cause placed in the basket in the Crib will and grateful thanks go to everyone be sent to the Brentwood Catholic who came along in support. For more Children's Society. The Society information about Child First UK, provides an early intervention which is a UK based charity funding service to children, young people projects dedicated to educating and their families which enables children affected by the Sri Lankan them to address difficulties that Civil War, please go to the Home page may be impeding their educational, of the Parish website and follow the social and emotional development. link under “Quick Links”. Their Mission Statement enshrines the principle that assistance is provided to any child in need. A great deal of the work of the Society is done in our schools in Essex and East London. The finance comes from a mixture of sources but without the support of the Catholic community the vital work done by the Society for children in need could not continue. Please be as generous as you can. VISITORS: If you are a visitor to St Teresa’s then you are most welcome and we very much hope you enjoy the service you are attending. If you are a tax payer and would like to “Gift Aid “ your Offertory donation, then please use one of the special “Gift Aid” envelopes which you will find at the back of the Church. PARISH ROTAS: Individual copies of the new Rota for Eucharistic Ministers effective from 28 December are now available for collection from the back of the Church. The Rota can also be found on the Notice Board in the Porch and can be viewed on the parish website. Just follow the link under “Parish Rotas”. TWIN PARISH IN POMEROY: In the past, it has been the practice for us to have a special collection around this time of the year for our twin parish in Pomeroy, South Africa, to help finance a particular cause or project. Following the departure of Fr Bongani, the Parish Priest, we have, despite all our efforts, failed to establish contact with his successor, until that is this last week when we had an email from Fr Sunday, the new Parish Priest. He has promised to let us have details in the New Year of a particular project where our financial support would be most welcome and once this information is to hand we will let you know. Meantime, please remember Fr Sunday and his parishioners in your prayers over the Christmas season. CWL NEWS: There are some extra copies of the CWL News in the porch. So, if you want to find out more about what the Catholic Women’s League gets up to then please help yourself to a copy. They are free! ST TERESA’S ON – LINE: Now into its fifth year, the Parish Web Site can be found at So, whether or not you regularly worship at St Teresa’s, it’s really easy to keep up to date with everything that is going on in the Parish during the year. In addition to the on - line Newsletter, you can view Fr Eamonn’s weekly Homily as well as the Mass Readings of the Day and an extensive Photo Gallery. There are also some interesting links on the site which you might find useful, especially when you are going on holiday and want to know where to find the nearest Church and the Mass times. HELP REQUIRED: Would you like to get involved in the running of our Parish, as either a Welcomer, Cleaner, Flower Arranger, Reader, Offertory Collector, Gardener, or a member of the Social and Fundraising group? If you would like to know more or would like to volunteer your services for any of the Parish groups please speak to Gerry Gillan after the 10.30 Mass or email him at [email protected] and he will pass your name to the person in charge of the particular group that is of interest to you. DIOCESAN DIRECTORY 2015: The Directory for next year is now available from the Repository at the back of the Church priced at £2.75. NEW PARISHIONERS: Please make yourselves known to Fr Eamonn and complete a Parish Registration Form (copies in the rack in the Porch) so that we may welcome and inform you about our parish life. NEWSLETTER: The next Newsletter will be published over the weekend 03/04 January. •••••••••••••••• ILFORD DROP IN CENTRE: Male volunteers are especially needed at this time to help with the homeless every Sunday lunchtime at the Ss Peter & Paul Parish Centre. Also needed, as winter approaches, are blankets, shoes, jumpers etc. So if you can you spare just two hours on a Sunday afternoon from 1 pm to 3 pm once every 4/6 weeks, or have any of the items needed, please contact Wendy Taylor on 020 8554 7707 or email [email protected] or Sonia Chopra on 07796 882 687 or email [email protected] NINE LESSONS & CAROLS: If you would like to prepare for Christmas in a really special way this year, then please come along to Brentwood Cathedral this Sunday 21 December at 4.00 pm led by Bishop Alan. This is a beautiful service of music, readings and prayer to which everyone in the Diocese is welcome. YOUTH NEW YEAR RETREAT – TAKE HEART: If you’re 16-35 & would like a fun & meaningful CHAPEL END SAVOY PLAYERS will be way start to 2015, then TAKE performing Christmas Carols and HEART is for you. This 4 day LonMusic at Ilford Hospital Chapel on don event will take place from 29 Saturday, 27 December at 7.00 pm. December to 01 January at Maria The address of the venue, which has disabled facilities, is 48 Ilford Hill, Ilford, Fidelis Lower School, North Gower Street, NW1 2HR. It will be jam Essex, IG1 2AT. Tickets are £8 each, packed with engaging talks, workand this includes refreshments which shops, prayer, live music & social will be served in the interval. To purchase tickets, call 020 8590 2098 or times ... There will be laughter, email [email protected] or you prayer & most importantly an Encounter with our Great & Loving can purchase them on the night. God! Check it out on: MASS FOR VOCATIONS: You are www.vouth2000 or our Facebook warmly invited to join seminarians Page follow @youth2000uk or on from the Diocese, along with those Twitter. Alternatively contact the considering Priesthood and the National Office on 0207 221 2124 Religious Life, for a special “Mass for or [email protected] for more Vocations” at which Bishop Alan will information. preach, on Monday, 29 December, at SHRINES OF FRANCE PILGRIMAGE 11.30 am at Holy Trinity Church, 71 2015: Visiting the sanctuaries of St Wickhay, and Basildon. SS15 5AD. Jean Vianney, St Margaret Mary Everyone is welcome – feel free to Alacoque and St Claude La turn up! If you are discerning a vocation to Priesthood or Religious Life Colombiere between 6 -12 April next year. The tour includes and would like more information, overnight at Nevers to visit St please contact Fr Dominic, Vocations Bernadette Soubirous and St. Director, 01268 281732 or [email protected]. Amadour; overnight at Rocamadour then Holy Trinity is close to the A13, A127 onto Lourdes for four nights. and Basildon station (c2c main line Superb accommodation. from Southend or London). Scheduled Flights, luxury coach transfers. Full spiritual programme with Fr Joseph Whisstock. This is at a very relaxed pace, and will suit all. Please ring Sue Baillie on for 079 79746 707 for further information of this amazing not to be missed opportunity. Cost is £750 per person based on 2 sharing and a deposit will secure your place. PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES SUMMER 2015: Bishop Alan will lead the Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes, from Sunday, 26 to Friday 31 July 2015. The cost will be from £649 by air with full board for six days, five nights, or from £429 by coach. This pilgrimage includes an experienced medical team and plenty of help for those with mobility needs. It is also ideal for couples, individuals, and groups of friends. There is a full programme to opt in and out of, and everyone is welcome. Please visit for more information and to order a brochure. FLAT TO LET TO TEACHER(s): 1 bed first floor flat with own entrance to rent £750pcm in quiet residential street very close to Chadwell Heath train station. Parking in street (with residents parking permit). Contact: Veronica Lonergan Holy Family 01376 513418 message via Mrs Buet. NEWSLETTER ITEMS: If you have any items that you would like to appear in the weekly Newsletter then please email them to [email protected] and copy to [email protected] The copy deadline for including items in the Newsletter is Thursday 12 noon. . Job Opportunities. THE URSULINE ACADEMY ILFORD: Due to the retirement of the present incumbent, the Governing Body is seeking to appoint from September 2015 an outstanding, inspirational leader to the post of Principal. For further information and to download an application form please access the Academy website: or email [email protected] Closing Date for completed applications is 12 noon on Wednesday, 28 January with interviews in the week commencing Monday, 2 February. Please note we are unable to accept CVs. The Parish Register for 2014 During the past year we welcomed into our Parish community Hamilton Abura. Jae-Li Chinyanga, Nathan Cooper, Lenola Enobun, Phillip Kamicheril, Aiden McGilloway, Maise Mac Mahon, Alexander Martinez and Kyle Sanghera who were all baptised in St Teresa’s. Please remember them and their families in your prayers. The following made their First Holy Communion in May Hannah Abura; Temitayo Akinbolu; Rocsan Robert-Chajee; Andre Griffith; Augustine Hilman; Neil James; Nikhil James; Luca McDonlad; Ron Siby; Nathan Elorm Nyavi and Malisha Warakapitiya Gamage. Again, please remember them all in your prayers. The following were confirmed in November Edmund Abura, Talisha Ariarasa, Charlotte Arulseelan, Sian Chinwuba, Zhane Edgar, Dominique Fernandes, Reanna Griffith, Dennis Hilman, Amanda Monrose, Jenny Monrose, Martin Monrose, Stefan RobertChajee, Robin Romans and Amila Sathiendra. Again, please remember them all in your prayers.. We congratulate Doru Nicolae Balla and Brigitta Zay who were married in St Teresa’s during the year. We wish them every happiness for the future. And finally, our deepest sympathy goes to the families and friends of Anthony Kelleher, James McDonnell and Patrick Walsh who died during the year. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
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