St. Joseph Cathedral %QTPGT(QWTVJCPF/CKP5VTGGVU$CVQP4QWIG.QWKUKCPCŖYYYECVJGFTCNDTQTI 8QN0Q (QWTVJ5WPFC[QH#FXGPVVJG0CVKXKV[QHVJG.QTF %QPVCEV7U 9QTUJKRYKVJ7U Office ............................................................. 412 North Street Baton Rouge, LA 70802-5496 Masses Email ............................................... [email protected] Saturday Anticipated Mass of Sunday ....... 4 pm Sunday..... 8 am & 10 am (with choir) and 12 noon Weekdays (Monday-Friday) .................... 12:05 pm Holy Days ......................................... As announced (Monday-Thursday 7:30 am to 12 noon & 1 to4:30 pm; Friday 8 am to 12 noon) Telephone .......................................................... 225-387-5928 Fax ..................................................................... 225-387-5929 &GEGODGT Confessions Saturday ......................................... 3 to 3:45 pm Weekdays ............................................. 11:30 am Always on request 5V,QUGRJ%CVJGFTCN $CVQP4QWIG.QWKUKCPC (TQOVJG2CUVQTŏU&GUM Dear Parishioners and Friends, can be. I’d like to think that beautiful music appeals to us in part because we’ve also heard cries of pain and loneliness and poverty. Christmas is almost upon us! The Solemnity of the Lord’s Nativity is universally acclaimed as the “favorite” feast on the Christian calendar, and it’s a well-deserved accolade. Please join us here at your Cathedral for one of our four Masses: the Christmas Eve “Vigil” Mass at 4 pm; the “Mass during the Night” at 10 pm (with a musical program preceding, beginning at 9:25 pm); the 8 am “Mass at Dawn” on Christmas morning; or the 10 am Mass of Christmas “Day” itself. Remember, it is in the midst of the darkness of our life’s limitations that light shines! If we get introspective, we should see something of the Christmas story in each one of us, in our personal history! My prayer for you at this special time of year is that you notice and savor the grace of Christmas, in your own favorite way – and that in so doing you notice how your very own life can reflect Christmas so much! But as I sit here typing this into my wordprocessor Advent is still happening! We’re still awaiting delivery of our sanctuary’s trees and decorations, the choir and musicians are still putting together their program and practicing, and the bishop and I only have vague ideas about what we’ll preach about. And I have barely started my own personal Christmas shopping, too! Still, one of the graces of Christmas is that everything always manages to come together. The décor will get done, our worship will be celebrations of reverence and wonder, and even my gifts will be gotten and wrapped – but I promise you that all of this will happen in that order! Finally, I also want to urge you to do something else: plan to attend our New Year’s Vigil Mass on Wednesday, December 31. This holy day Mass concelebrated by the bishop and me will be followed by a favorite Parish gathering: our traditional “Champagne and Gumbo” meal for everyone in the Cathedral Parish Hall. This popular event is the perfect way to bid farewell to 2014 and all of the headaches that we had to endure during our expansion and renovation of the Hall. And if you’re like me, it’s a way to anticipate 2015 and still be in bed long before midnight! And do try to see significance in and enjoy every minute of your Christmas preparations and celebrations. Even the frustrations of shopping and the burdens of cooking and traveling should add to the joy of our holidays, even if only by finally coming to an end! As I’ve shared before, the Christmas story in the Bible itself is complex. It incorporates not just pleasant aspects like the great faith of Mary in accepting God’s will, the glory of the angelic host inspiring shepherds in song, or precious gifts shared by mysterious magi from the East. The Christmas story is also a tale of struggle: of St. Joseph complying with persecution by the government, of a hard journey for a pregnant woman all the way from Nazareth to Bethlehem, of a real poverty that led to Jesus’ birth in a stable, of the murder of the Holy Innocents, and so forth. Yours in the Coming Lord, 0GZV!"##$%&'(+UUWG Please note that our next Parish Bulletin will cover the two weekends of December 27/28, 2014, and January 3/4, 2015. It also will include the January calendar. To include announcements or list other events, please contact the Parish Office as soon as possible, at 225-387-5928 or [email protected] Isn’t that what happens also in our own lives? We also live complicated lives, often struggling to find love in the midst of loneliness, and beauty despite no little dirt. I suspect that it is because we know what hunger feels like that we can appreciate feasting. I hope that generosity comes forth from us because we also know how selfish we %QHHGG&QWIJPWVU5EJGFWNG Please note that there will be no coffee and doughnuts on the weekend following Christmas, December 27/28. Don’t worry – they’ll be back in the New Year, on the following weekend!! 2GTUQPPGNCPF5VCHH $KUJQR &KTGEVQTQH#FOKPKUVTCVKQP 2CUVQTCN#UUKUVCPV Most Rev. Robert W. Muench, D.D. [email protected] Mrs. Sheila G. Juneau [email protected] Mr. Christopher Redden [email protected] 2CUVQT 4GEGRVKQPKUV &KTGEVQTQH/WUKE Very Rev. Paul D. Counce, J.C.L. [email protected] Miss Donna Ferriell [email protected] Mr. Robbie A. Giroir [email protected] 2 !"!#"$ ! Please note when our Parish Office will be closed during the Christmas holidays: Wednesday through Friday, December 24-26, and again from Wednesday through Friday, December 31 to January 2, 2015. We hope to enjoy these days off as much as we can! Sunday, December 21 Choir Rehearsal – 9 am Nursery (6 mos. to 6 yrs.) during the 10 am Mass Parish School of Religion – 11 am Scripture Study – 11 am Christmas Eve, December 24 Masses – 4 & 10 pm " Christmas, December 25 Masses – 8 & 10 am only No Nursery during the 10 am Mass Parents of children in our PSR are reminded that this Sunday, December 21, is a day on which the children and their parents meet here at the Cathedral. Please mark your calendar and be sure to attend at 11 am in the Parish Office. Wednesday through Friday, December 24-26 Parish Office Closed # Our monthly administration of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be next Sunday, December 28, immediately after the 12 noon Mass. It is available to all Catholics over 7 years old who are seriously ill or facing serious surgery, and to those who are significantly enfeebled by old age. Share this opportunity with family and friends! Each Christmas, a special envelope is included in your packet to help our Parish pay for unique Services provided by the Diocese of Baton Rouge. Everything from the Vocations and Missions Offices, to administrative coordination provided by the Chancery and Finance Department and the Christian Formation and School Offices, to assistance offered by Catholic Charities, and so forth, help us bring the Lord to you! Please be generous: this money actually stays in our Parish and assists us in meeting our obligations to the all of the diocesan offices. Here at the Cathedral, along with the Sacrament, a special blessing is given with a relic of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, a Redemptorist priest who ministered in an especially effective way to the sick and suffering in New Orleans in the mid-1800s. !"#$%&'()*$+,"*(-.,/$0&/1-,2$!3*(-4/($ Christmas Wednesday, December 24 (Christmas Eve) 4 pm Christmas “Vigil Mass” 9:25 pm Musical Prelude 10 pm Christmas “Mass in the Night” Thursday, December 25 (Christmas Day) 8 am Christmas “Mass at Dawn” 10 am Christmas “Mass During the Day” New Year’s Wednesday, December 31 (New Year’s Eve) 4 pm Vigil Mass 5 pm “Champagne & Gumbo” in the Parish Hall 3 View this Bulletin online at 5V,QUGRJ%CVJGFTCN $CVQP4QWIG.QWKUKCPC # & %' ( Not only our own parishioners but Catholics from throughout the Diocese of Baton Rouge are welcome to choose their Cathedral for the celebration of the Sacraments. These important spiritual events are scheduled through our Parish Office ([email protected] or 225-387-5928). On New Year’s Eve plan to join Bishop Muench and Father Paul at our 4 pm vigil Mass, and then stay for our annual “Gumbo and Champagne” dinner for everyone! In addition to the food – and the “bubbly!” – there will be music and fun for everyone in our enlarged and comfortable Cathedral Parish Hall! It’s a great way to celebrate without staying up ’til midnight! +",' Parents must attend a required pre-baptismal parents’ seminar as well as schedule the baptism. #,' Preparation for adult Sacramental Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) takes place as part of the Parish’s RCIA process throughout the year. $ $% The archangel Gabriel helped Mary discern God’s plan for her life, and she said, “Yes!” Thus the Savior came into the world. Pray to know God’s will for your own life, so as to help bring Jesus to others too. If you think God is calling you to a Church vocation, contact our diocesan vocations director, Father Matt Dupré, either by calling 225-336-8778 or by emailing [email protected] to talk about it! -. Second grade children, no matter where they attend elementary school, are prepared for these Sacraments each school-year within a special program. "' Special, brief preparation programs are held each Spring, one for our parish’s teenagers who are in the eleventh grade, and another for other adults who wish to be confirmed. !$ Church regulations require at least six months of preparation for any wedding. Our advice is to call well in advance of that time if you wish to reserve a wedding date and receive information: one’s own parish clergy are expected to supervise your Catholic prenuptial preparation and to God of Love, You call us to live in your love through the grace of our baptism. Bless us with the courage to carry out the mission of Jesus. Grant us open and generous hearts to see the needs of others and to respond with compassion. % # The collection for the Immaculate Conception Holy Day of Obligation totaled $2,043.59 ($1,425.00 coming from 18 Identified Givers and $618.59 from others). The regular collection over the 3rd Advent weekend of December 13/14 totaled $7,696.50 (118 Identified Givers gave $6,484.50 of this, while our visitors and other unidentified givers gave another $1,212.00 in the “loose” collection). The special Retirement Fund for Religious Collection brought in a very generous $4,203.00, from 93 Identified Givers. May the Church be blest with women and men who are dedicated to you through marriage, the single life, the diaconate, priesthood, and the consecrated life. It is in Christ and through Christ that we offer ourselves to you now and forever. More information about any financial matter (including our strongly-recommended “best practice” of making regular contributions by “automatic draft” (often called “bill pay”) from your own bank account, giving stock, bonds, and other items, and purchasing special gifts (such as figures in our Christmas nativity scene, perhaps as a “memorial” gift), is always available from the Cathedral Parish Office. Because of various tax laws, this time of year is often a very important time to make charitable donations: simply contact our Director of Administration at [email protected] or 225-3875928. Amen. ,/ 01#$" 2034 BRG PHONES PLUS NEC Business Telephone Systems Sales and Service Data & Telephone Cabling 225-925-1043 4 !"!#"$ ) * NATIVITY OF THE LORD (CHRISTMAS) Wednesday/Thursday, December 24-25, 2014 4 pm Fr. Paul Counce 10 pm Bishop Robert Muench 8 am Fr. Paul Counce 10 am Bishop Robert Muench Ministers of Holy Communion Ann Felice Fourrier Ellen Smith Bill Koren Melva Dye Deacon Matt Graham Charlotte Anthony Mary Ellen Davros Michael Jumonville Rory Anderson Gene Tullier Mary Acosta John Nowak Billy Rimes Mary Furlow Readers Mary Bennett Vinetta Frie Jessica Oliver Joan Jones Stephanie Garland Barbara Roos Tom Acosta Jerry Mayer Servers Elise Saloom James Saloom Boyd Newman Sean Molony Brennan Kluka Dickie Howze Sacristans Denis Frie Boyd Newman Erick Swenson Erick Swenson FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH Saturday/Sunday, December 27-28, 2014 4 pm Fr. Joel LaBauve 8 am Fr. Joel LaBauve 10 am Bishop Robert Muench 12 noon Fr. Joel LaBauve Ministers of Holy Communion Mary Bennett Ann Felice Fourrier Ellen Smith Rory Anderson Jane Skerkoske Gene Tullier Mary Ellen Davros Mary Furlow Michael Jumonville Sylvia Winder Boyd Newman Mary Clark Bill Koren Buddy Morris Readers Jan Smith Goldie Domingue Karen Boyd Nicoletta Giannico Carla Lewis Bryan Vincent Carolyn Morris Todd Gaudin Servers Denis Frie Samantha Frie Boyd Newman Brennan Kluka Dickie Howze Sean Molony Tico Plater Ellie Plater Bridget Gaudin Ethan Gaudin Paige Gaudin Sacristans Denis Frie Erick Swenson Harry Theriot Harry Theriot SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE MOTHER OF GOD Wednesday, December 31, 2014 Father Paul and the staff here at St. Joseph Cathedral wish you and your families a blessed and safe holiday season! 4 pm Bishop Robert Muench Ministers of Holy Communion Charlotte Anthony Mary Bennett Tino Dalmau Sylvia Winder Readers Kelly Wilkinson Barbara Carey Servers Denis Frie Boyd Newman Sacristans $+ Our beautiful Cathedral church gets visitors all the time, and especially during the holidays: thanks for stopping by! Please take a descriptive brochure from the pamphlet rack in the back of church and use it to appreciate our sacred space more deeply. If you are able to offer a monetary gift to assist us in its upkeep, we would be immensely grateful! Denis Frie & 5 View this Bulletin online at 5V,QUGRJ%CVJGFTCN $CVQP4QWIG.QWKUKCPC ,* (“A Little Something”) We’ve looked at the Church’s teaching office in the last few morceaux. Usually referred to by the Latin word magisterium, it is one of the three broad areas of the leadership exercised by bishops in the Church. The power of governance (this also called the power of jurisdiction) is what’s used by them, mostly, in so doing. Now we should move on to the next area in which bishops take the lead over the community of the Church. This is the area of sanctifying. In this bishops (and priests, it turns out!) make use not only of the power of governance which the Lord has entrusted to them, but also the power of the priesthood itself which has been conferred on them by the Sacrament of Holy Orders. This basic role of Church leadership is set forth most eloquently in paragraph 893 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which quotes the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church (no. 26) in saying: “The bishop is ‘the steward of the grace of the supreme priesthood,’ especially in the Eucharist which he offers personally or whose offering he assures through the priests, his co-workers … the bishop and priests sanctify the Church by their prayer and work, by their ministry of the word and of the sacraments. They sanctify her by their example, ‘not as domineering over those in your charge but being examples to the flock’ (1 Pet 5:3).” Naturally, this sanctifying role of bishops and priests is the most visible and familiar function which they undertake. Especially in the celebration of the holy Mass and the other Sacraments, in their specific daily prayer for the Church known as the Liturgy of the Hours, and when they inspire and challenge us all to greater holiness, they carry out this work. There are many, many obligations and responsibilities incumbent upon bishops and priests in this area (just think of all of the liturgical directives contained in the Missal and other liturgical books, and the large section of the Code of Canon Law devoted to this – all of Book IV, in fact, comprising canons 834 to 1253 – and that’s just a portion of it!). In the next morceau, I’ll try to unpack some of the more important aspects of this sanctifying ministry. - Fr. Paul Counce % '( As always each year, Memorial Donations are welcomed to help defray the costs of our Advent and Christmas decorations. The beauty of the Cathedral’s décor is made possible by your generosity! Masses and special prayers are offered during the Christmas season for your special intentions in appreciation of this kindness. Many thanks to all who participated in our Giving Tree effort. If you are a repeat giver, or if it was your first time, please know that you have helped to make the Christmas season brighter and happier for underprivileged children in our community. Helping to put smiles on their faces puts smiles in our hearts! Your December packet of contribution envelopes contains a special one marked for this purpose. If you don’t use the envelopes, you can still mark a check with the notation “Christmas Flowers,” drop it in any collection, and we will make sure it is counted. Our deep sympathy goes out to the family and friends of Father Clarence Waguespack, a retired priest of the Diocese of Baton Rouge, who died suddenly this past week. In fact, Father Waguespack spent a brief time as parochial vicar here in St. Joseph Cathedral Parish shortly after his priestly ordination in 1962. Most of his 50+ years of priestly ministry was spent in parishes on the west side of the Mississippi River. -#."( Save the date of Thursday, January 29, because that’s when our “Women in Spirit” luncheon series returns after its hiatus during our Parish Hall construction. Our first guest speaker will be Sylvia Weatherspoon. More details will be forthcoming after the holidays, so stay tuned! May the love and comfort of God bring him peace, and console the hearts of all those who mourn him. “Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him!” 6 Meditations for Advent HORIZON OF HOPE Son of the Most High Luke 1:26-38 POINTS TO PONDER “The liturgy of Advent … helps us to understand the fullness of the value and meaning of the mystery of Christmas. It is not just about commemorating the historical event, which occurred some 2,000 years ago in a little village of Judea. Instead, we must understand that our whole life should be an ‘advent,’ in vigilant expectation of the Christ’s final coming.” — Pope Saint John Paul II • Is there something in my life I am resisting? How can Mary’s example help me become more accepting of God’s plan? • What can I do this last week of Advent to prepare myself for the mystery of Christmas? • What habits or attitudes have I developed this Advent that I would like to take with me for the rest of the year? CNS Photo We think of the coming of Jesus as the greatest and most joyful event of history, but in this week’s Gospel, we are told that Mary was “greatly troubled” when she saw the angel. Despite her misgivings, however, Mary accepted her destiny, saying, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” When we hear God’s call in our lives, we may feel a bit uneasy or unprepared. Mary’s story reminds us that when we say our “yes” to God’s plan, we too will be given the strength and the courage to follow through. In these final days before Christmas, let us renew our commitment to accepting God’s plan for our lives. Let us remember Saint Paul’s admonition, “in all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thes 5:18), and rest in the words of the angel Gabriel, “nothing will be impossible for God.” W.P. Wittman Ltd., Top left: Mary said “yes” when Gabriel announced she had been chosen to be the mother of the Savior, even though she had no real idea of what lay ahead. She was willing to accept God’s plan for her life. The Fourth Sunday FA M I LY F O CU S Christmas Tree Renata Sedmakova / SIGNS Decorating the Christmas tree used to be a Christmas Eve activity. While that isn’t always practical, putting up a tree can still be a major celebration. As you bring out the ornaments, tell the stories behind some of the family favorites. Let each member of the family choose a favorite and hang it in a special place. When the tree is completely decorated, bless it with holy water and give thanks for family and friends, and especially for the great gift of Jesus. OF THE SEASON The Angel Gabriel The word “angel” means “messenger.” Angels figure prominently in the Christmas story, but only one of them is named: Gabriel. In fact, Gabriel, whose name means “God is my strength,” is one of only three angels named in the Bible (Michael and Raphael are the other two). Gabriel is present in both the Old and New Testaments. In the Old Testament he appears to the prophet Daniel, and in the New Testament he appears both to the Blessed Virgin and to Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist. Catechism CONNECTION “’But when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons’ (Gal 4:4-5). This is ‘the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God’ (Mk 1:1): God has visited his people. He has fulfilled the promise he made to Abraham and his descendants. He acted far beyond all expectation — he has sent his own ‘beloved Son’ (Mk 1:1; cf. Lk 1:55,68).” — Catechism of the Catholic Church, 422 HEROES OF HOPE SAINT PETER CANISIUS ADVENT PRAYER Come, O Lord! The Crosiers “I delight to do your will, my God; your Law is in my inner being.” — Psalm 40:9 Mary, help us to accept God’s will for our lives, as you accepted the call to become the mother of the Savior. Bless us this holy season to live and love by following your son, Jesus. Advent is an ideal time of year to talk about the Faith and invite those who do not believe to consider the mystery of God-made-man in Jesus Christ. It is fitting that we celebrate the feast of Saint Peter Canisius this week, because he was a great evangelist. A Jesuit preacher during the time of the Feast Day: Protestant reformation, he became a major December 21 factor in the restoration of the Catholic Church in Germany. Like Pope Francis, he believed in treating those who disagree with the teaching of the Church with kindness and patience. His devotion to Mary was a hallmark of his ministry, and he is credited with adding the words “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners” to the Hail Mary. Saint Peter Canisius, pray for us! For print use only. Copyright © by Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. Nihil Obstat: Msgr. Michael Heintz, Ph.D., Censor Librorum, Imprimatur ✠ Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, August 13, 2014 magnolia strings !"#$%&'()*+'),-.((%,.-)/0(%,) 1#")'$'"2)#,,.(%#+3 For more info, call 225-892-2686 NEC Business Telephone Systems or visit us at or on Facebook/MagnoliaStrings Data & Telephone Cabling 225-925-1043 ~ Sales and Service ~ Thomas W. Acosta, Jr. Attorney At Law 911 Seventh Street LANCE HAYES FLOWERS Port Allen, LA 70767 Phone: 225-383-2302 7615 Old Hammond Hwy. 923-3182 w w 225-753-7171 11934 Cloverland Ct. • Baton Rouge AMY E. COUNCE ATTORNEY AT LAW 4607 BLUEBONNET BLVD. SUITE A BATON ROUGE, LOUSIANA 70809 TELEPHONE: (225) 927-0546 Call LPi at 1.800.477.4574 for more information. THIS SPACE IS Ladies of the Cathedral Invites all Ladies to join in our parish and community service activities MEETINGS: 9 AM on 1ST SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH a !!"#$%&'()*%&'+,+""-./)#"+,0 CONTRACTORS Martin Mapp 225-389-9612 BR • 504-738-9831 NO Proudly providing services for St. Joseph Cathedral, Baton Rouge & New Orleans Call for a Tour Today 225-296-0803 4101 Plaza Tower Dr. Baton Rouge Consider remembering your Cathedral in your will. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE AT 225-387-5928 Serving Baton Rouge since 1925 2731 North Street For more information please call 800-477-4574 or 343-3022 • 383-0451 Retirement Community & Assisted Living Center 4604 Perkins Rd. 922-9923 2-B-4-1 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0833/i TOMMY DARENSBOURG, REALTOR® Cell: (225) 205-7185 ! ! "#$%&'!())*+!,-./0.11 23456'!78339:4;&<=>8?;@ABCD%83 ! ! .-.-!E6?&>8<<&7!E8?6&F4;: E478<!G8?@&H!IJ!,1.01 ! ! 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Family owned & operated Cane Sugar Pure & Natural (225) 236-0193 OQR 4800 North Street, Baton Rouge, LA • Hours: M-F 8 am - 4:30 pm s Sell AdOne! is Like th Advertising Sales Opportunities • Prior Outside Sales Experience Preferred • Base Pay - Plus Commissions & Bonuses • Medical & Dental Insurance • Generous 401K Employer Matching Contributions • Paid Vacation • Paid Holidays Email Resume: [email protected] or call Chris at 1-800-477-4574 ext. 6224 W ILBERT F UNERAL H OME Record your personal wishes and instructions in a pre-arrangement copiers, printers, wide format, fax CATHERINE WILBERT CHUSTZ Baton Rouge - 225-768-7676 Zachary - 225-658-7751 JIM WAX Pre-need Counselor 755-8232 Electronic Business Systems, Inc., 687-9542 687-1850 or 383-1850 12113 Industriplex Blvd., B.R. LA 7080 Cosmetic Dentistry of Baton Rouge General Dentistry Dr. Mark A. Ventress, DDS 632 Shadows Ln • Baton Rouge, LA 225.926.8954 Stuart & Company is proud to be the General Contractor for the Parish Hall Additions and Renovations at the St. Joseph Cathedral 4320 S. Jeffrey Drive • Baton Rouge, La. 70816 • 225-293-8650 M. A. C. Wrecking 881 Sinclair Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70815 Demolition Specialist Michael J. David Matt Kauffman Painting Contractor, LLC 225-439-4148 E. Allen Graves, Jr. David W. Carley Proud to be a part of the Stuart and Co. team at the Cathedral Cocreham Brick & Stone, Inc. Office/Fax (225) 273-1207 Cell (225) 921-2793 Proud to be a part of the Stuart & Company Team on the Parish Hall project ))0S!E&4?38<7!T;DH E478<!G8?@&H!IJ!,1.1225-927-1100 Proud to be a part of the Parish Hall Project with Stuart & Co. O: 767-7777 F: 757-1771 St. Joseph Cathedral Council 13632 For Advertising Information, call ROBIN ELLIOTT at LPi today! Dr. Ronald P. Gioe, Jr. 1.800.477.4574 ext 6325 • 504.453.0831 [email protected] 2-B-4-1 For Ad Information Call LPi Direct at 1-800-477-4574 Family Dentistry Near Bocage Shopping Center and Towne Center 7707 Old Hammond Hwy., Ste. 5 927-7967 Accepting New Patients - Call Today! ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0833/o
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