RAMAH NAVAJO CHAPTER VACANT President HCR 61, Box 13 Ramah, New Mexico 87321-9601 (505) 775-7130/7132 FAX (505) 775-7137 George Apachito Council Delegate Navajo Nation Council Tribal Office Cecil F. Eriacho Vice-President Leo L. Pino Member Eastern Navajo Land Board Nancy R. Martine-Alonzo Secretary/Treasurer REGULAR CHAPTER MEETING RAMAH NAVAJO CHAPTER December 17, 2014 AGENDA I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. Meeting Call to Order Invocation: Pledge of Allegiance Sergeant at Arms: Condolence Resolution: 1. Jennie Daniels RNC-2014-M17 2. Harry B. Yazzie, Sr. RNC-2014-M18 3. Carol Maria RNC-2014-M19 Reviewing and Approving of Meeting Agenda: Reviewing and Approving the Minutes of : (Planning Meeting on December 4, 2014) Reviewing and Approval of Monthly Financial Statement: (Navajo Nation Funding Ending November 30, 2014) Introduction: (5 Minute Limit) 1. Darren Soland, Chief of Police 2. Gilbert Maria, Community Planning & Development Department Director Reports: 1. Chapter Officials 2. Council Delegate – George Apachito/Legislative District Assistant – Jimmy Secatero 3. Community Service Coordinator-Vivianita Coho, Accounts Maintenance Specialist/Acting CSC 4. Office of Grants & Contracts 5. Ramah Navajo School Board, Inc. 6. Ramah Navajo Agency-Eileen Garcia, Acting Superintendent Discussion: 1. Old Business: 1. Resolution Motioned by:_______________ Seconded by:_____________Vote: In Favor-____ Opposed-____ Abstain-_____ New Business: 1. Resolution: Approving and authorizing the disposal of excess double-wide mobile home trailer (1975 United 24’X52’ Serial No. 92166912UH1SA231) by demolition due to the age, condition and unsafe/unsanitary condition and according to the Property Management Policy of Ramah Navajo Chapter. (Sponsor: Roy Chap Martinez, President-Ramah Navajo Utility Authority Commissioner) Motioned by:_______________ Seconded by:_____________Vote: In Favor-____ Opposed-____ Abstain-_____ 2. Resolution: The RNUA Commissioners is requesting to Community Members and Ramah Navajo Chapter Officials of Navajo Nation to hereby acknowledge and approve that, RNUA staff and with all of its equipments is proposing to make transition into a temporary office, and that RNUA will also access its original office facilities and conduct all necessary needs for re-establishments at Pine Hill, New Mexico to benefit the water users in all communities. (Sponsor: Roy Chap Martinez, President-Ramah Navajo Utility Authority Commissioner) Motioned by:_______________ Seconded by:_____________Vote: In Favor-____ Opposed-____ Abstain-_____ 3. Resolution: Resolution To Support And Approve The Ramah Navajo Center for Health Promotion Request To Submit A Grant Application To The Albuquerque Area Southwest Tribal Epidemiology Center In The Amount Of $150,000 over 5 Years To Operate a Traditional Foods Program. (Sponsor: Randy Chatto, Pine Hill Health Center) Motioned by:_______________ Seconded by:_____________Vote: In Favor-____ Opposed-____ Abstain-_____ 4. Resolution: Approving the Purchase of 48 Tons of Cow Hay (or Two Truck Loads @ $220/Ton and Freight Charge @ $550/Load) from Navajo Agricultural Products Industry (NAPI) Utilizing Ramah Navajo Chapter General Fund Accounts to Defray the Cost of Hay and Freight Charges to Total Amount of $11,660. (Sponsor: David Jose, Ramah Navajo Chapter Community Member) Motioned by:_______________ Seconded by:_____________Vote: In Favor-____ Opposed-____ Abstain-_____ 5. Resolution: Recalling Resolution 101206 of October 17, 2012 That Ceased All Encumbrances or Expenditures in Reference to Funds Under General Operating (03) Account Shall Now Be Lifted for Encumbrances or Expenditures Subject to Approval by the Chapter Membership; And Directing the Executive Director and Controller of P.L. 93-638 Administration in Amount of $9,564.54 and Nicoll Ranch/Leasing Account in Amount of $8,285.27 Determined as Unallowable Costs Not Limited to Resolution 101206. (Sponsor: David Jose, Ramah Navajo Chapter Community Member) Motioned by:_______________ Seconded by:_____________Vote: In Favor-____ Opposed-____ Abstain-_____ 6. Resolution: Approving and Authorizing the Ramah Navajo Chapter, the Department of Trust Services to accept Conditions and Requirements of the solar conversion funding, from the Bureau of Indian Affairs in the amount of $60,000. This one time funding is for the conversion of up to 10 windmills, on the Ramah Navajo Reservation. (Sponsor: Michael Henio, Trust Services Director) Motioned by:_______________ Seconded by:_____________Vote: In Favor-____ Opposed-____ Abstain-_____ XIV Community Concerns: XV Announcement(s): December 23, 2014 Ramah Navajo Chapter Community & Veterans Appreciation Christmas Dinner December 25, 2014 Ramah Navajo Chapter Holiday-Christmas Day!! December 26, 2014 Christmas Day Holiday extension declared by President Obama XVI Next Regular Planning Meeting: January 8, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. XVII Adjournment: Time:___________
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