Dec. 19, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS If any family would like to get their service hours turned in for this semester you can email them to [email protected]. 15 service hours per family is needed for the school year. Any boys or girls interested in attending a Track and Field camp at Illinois College this winter should see Coach Wilson for more details. The camps are January 11 and January 18. Congratulations to the swim team on their win last night! Iron Man for the day was Miguel Alvarez. Most Improved was Jayden Ware. MVP for the day was Keegan Hoots. The next meet is Monday at 3:00 at the Illinois College pool. Students, please stop by the office today as you leave the building for a Christmas treat from Rose. Happy Birthday! Dec. 22 Ms. Denny Dec. 26 Mrs. Dunseth Happy Half-year Birthday! Dec. 19 Mallory Martin Dec. 21 Kalleigh Burke Dec. 26 Austin Stewart Mrs. Nickel Dec. 18, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS If any family would like to get their service hours turned in for this semester you can email them to [email protected]. 15 service hours per family is needed for the school year. The front door is locked every day at 8:12. If you come to school after that time, you must enter Routt using the back door by the dome. Mr. Maruna needs to meet VERY briefly with all Student Council officers after the 6th hour final today. We will have baked potato bar today. Will students who have picked up a March for Life application please return them to Mr. Rood today. Any boys or girls interested in attending a Track and Field camp at Illinois College this winter should see Coach Wilson for more details. The camps are January 11 and January 18. Girls, if you are missing a blue cardigan we have one in the main office. Please come claim it if it could be yours. Tomorrow is a “Routt day”. You may wear your Routt day apparel or your school uniform. Happy Birthday today! Ethan Flinn Dec. 17, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS If any family would like to get their service hours turned in for this semester you can email them to [email protected]. 15 service hours per family is needed for the school year. The front door is locked every day at 8:12. If you come to school after that time, you must enter Routt using the back door by the dome. Baked Potato Bar Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Will students who have picked up a March for Life application please return them to Mr. Rood by Thursday Dec 18. Any boys or girls interested in attending a Track and Field camp at Illinois College this winter should see Coach Wilson for more details. The camps are January 11 and January 18. Girls, if you are missing a blue cardigan we have one in the main office. Please come claim it if it could be yours. Happy Half Birthday today! Allie Dolen Dec. 16, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS If any family would like to get their service hours turned in for this semester you can email them to [email protected]. 15 service hours per family are needed for the school year. Congratulations to the Scholastic Bowl Team! The varsity won their match against a much improved Pittsfield team, raising their record to 13-6. The JV came back on the last question to send their match into quadruple overtime, however losing; leaving their record at 2-1-1 on the year. Baked Potato Bar Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Will students who have picked up a March for Life application please return them to Mr. Rood by Thursday Dec 18. If students decide to take advantage of the Study Hall policy for semester exams, by arriving late or leaving early on appropriate days, they must bring a parent note to the office by today in order to be excused. All teachers have a copy of the semester exam schedule and the guidelines for the study halls. A copy is also posted on the office window, and accessible on the Routt Website. If you have any doubts or questions, please ask about them. Any boys or girls interested in attending a Track and Field camp at Illinois College this winter should see Coach Wilson for more details. The camps are January 11 and January 18. Girls, if you are missing a blue cardigan we have one in the main office. Please come claim it if it could be yours. Happy Birthday today! Mrs. Cowgur Dec. 15, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS If any family would like to get their service hours turned in for this semester you can email them to [email protected]. 15 service hours per family is needed for the school year. If students decide to take advantage of the Study Hall policy for semester exams, by arriving late or leaving early on appropriate days, they must bring a parent note to the office by tomorrow in order to be excused. All teachers have a copy of the semester exam schedule and the guidelines for the study halls. A copy is also posted on the office window, and accessible on the Routt Website. If you have any doubts or questions, please ask about them. Any boys or girls interested in attending a Track and Field camp at Illinois College this winter should see Coach Wilson for more details. The camps are January 11 and January 18. Girls, if you are missing a blue cardigan we have one in the main office. Also a black UnderArmour pullover was left from the dance. Please come claim it if it could be yours. Tue., Dec. 16 will be a Christmas Theme non-uniform day. Students may wear jeans and tennis shoes IF they wear an appropriate Christmas theme shirt or sweater, or a red or green shirt. No other colors are allowed. All items of clothing must be school appropriate. A $2 donation, which will be donated to Mrs. Bradish’s hat/gloves drive, will be required for participation. Students not participating are required to wear the school uniform. Dec. 12, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS If any family would like to get their service hours turned in for this semester you can email them to [email protected]. 15 service hours per family is needed for the school year. Congratulations to the varsity and JV scholastic bowl teams on wins last night! The varsity convincingly beat last year’s WIVC North champ Triopia and beat Virginia. Their record improves to 12-6. The JV tied Triopia by coming from behind on the last two questions and beat a good Virginia team. Their record stands at 2-0-1. If students decide to take advantage of the Study Hall policy for semester exams, by arriving late or leaving early on appropriate days, they must bring a parent note to the office prior to Dec. 17 in order to be excused. All teachers have a copy of the semester exam schedule and the guidelines for the study halls. A copy is also posted on the office window, and accessible on the Routt Website. If you have any doubts or questions, please ask about them. Students who want to change their schedules for 2nd semester have until before final exams (Dec. 17th) to do so. Please come join the CAC group in a food drive at 4:00 on December 14. We will meet at 4 pm at Duncan Park to start going door to door. We will then go to Mass at IC at 6 pm followed by going to dinner. Girls, if you are missing a blue cardigan we have one in the main office. Please come claim it if it could be yours. Tue., Dec. 16 will be a Christmas Theme non-uniform day. Students may wear jeans and tennis shoes IF they wear an appropriate Christmas theme shirt or sweater, or a red or green shirt. No other colors are allowed. All items of clothing must be school appropriate. A $2 donation, which will be donated to Mrs. Bradish’s hat/gloves drive, will be required for participation. Students not participating are required to wear the school uniform. Dec. 11, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS With the onset of the cold and flu season, we encourage all students to take precautions against getting sick-Wash hands frequently, especially before eating; don’t share drinks with other students; and dress appropriately for the weather. The faculty and staff of RCHS want you to be in top metal and physical condition for your semester exams in a couple of weeks. If students decide to take advantage of the Study Hall policy for semester exams, by arriving late or leaving early on appropriate days, they must bring a parent note to the office prior to Dec. 17 in order to be excused. All teachers have a copy of the semester exam schedule and the guidelines for the study halls. A copy is also posted on the office window, and accessible on the Routt Website. If you have any doubts or questions, please ask about them. Students who want to change their schedules for 2nd semester have until before final exams (Dec. 17th) to do so. Please come join the CAC group in a food drive at 4:00 on December 14. We will meet at 4 pm at Duncan Park to start going door to door. We will then go to Mass at IC at 6 pm followed by going to dinner. Attention Girls Bowling team members, please stop by the office and pick up your team t-shirt, today! JV Boys Basketball practice will be at 3 PM in the weight room. Varsity will practice at 7 PM tonight. Girls, if you are missing a blue cardigan we have one in the main office. Please come claim it if it could be yours. Happy Birthday! Erika Bone Mrs. Bradish Dec. 10, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS With the onset of the cold and flu season, we encourage all students to take precautions against getting sick-Wash hands frequently, especially before eating; don’t share drinks with other students; and dress appropriately for the weather. The faculty and staff of RCHS want you to be in top metal and physical condition for your semester exams in a couple of weeks. Today all students should arrange to leave the building by 3:00. Teachers and staff will be out of the building after that time. The only students allowed to stay are those who have basketball practice beginning at 3:00. If students decide to take advantage of the Study Hall policy for semester exams, by arriving late or leaving early on appropriate days, they must bring a parent note to the office prior to Dec. 17 in order to be excused. All teachers have a copy of the semester exam schedule and the guidelines for the study halls. A copy is also posted on the office window, and accessible on the Routt Website. If you have any doubts or questions, please ask about them. Students who want to change their schedules for 2nd semester have until before final exams (Dec. 17th) to do so. Please come join the CAC group in a food drive at 4:00 on December 14. We will meet at 4 pm at Duncan Park to start going door to door. We will then go to Mass at IC at 6 pm followed by going to dinner. Routt Freshman Theology class will be having Hats for the Homeless Drive during the months of Dec. & Jan. Any new or gently used hats, scarves or gloves can be dropped off in the box outside the gym. Thank you for your generosity. Girls, if you are missing a blue cardigan we have one in the main office. Please come claim it if it could be yours. The Routt Recycles Committee would like to remind you that paper towels and facial tissues are generally not recyclable-however, feel free to put all paper, cardboard and water bottles in classroom recycle boxes. Students are reminded that plagiarism is defined as taking any writing or idea that belongs to someone else or some other source, and attempting to pass it off as your own work. When using someone else’s words, work or ideas you need to appropriately cite your source. Consequences for plagiarism, or academic dishonesty, are described on page 6 of the student handbook. Dec. 9, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS With the onset of the cold and flu season, we encourage all students to take precautions against getting sick-Wash hands frequently, especially before eating; don’t share drinks with other students; and dress appropriately for the weather. The faculty and staff of RCHS want you to be in top metal and physical condition for your semester exams in a couple of weeks. On Wed. Dec. 10 all students should arrange to leave the building by 3:00. Teachers and staff will be out of the building after that time. The only students allowed to stay are those who have basketball practice beginning at 3:00. If students decide to take advantage of the Study Hall policy for semester exams, by arriving late or leaving early on appropriate days, they must bring a parent note to the office prior to Dec. 17 in order to be excused. All teachers have a copy of the semester exam schedule and the guidelines for the study halls. A copy is also posted on the office window, and accessible on the Routt Website. If you have any doubts or questions, please ask about them. Students who want to change their schedules for 2nd semester have until before final exams (Dec. 17th) to do so. If you are bringing a guest to the Christmas Dance this Saturday, Dec. 13, you must turn in a completed permission slip to the office by Tuesday, Dec. 9th. You can pick up a permission slip on the office counter. Please come join the CAC group in a food drive at 4:00 on December 14. We will meet at 4 pm at Duncan Park to start going door to door. We will then go to Mass at IC at 6 pm followed by going to dinner. Dec. 8, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS With the onset of the cold and flu season, we encourage all students to take precautions against getting sick-Wash hands frequently, especially before eating; don’t share drinks with other students; and dress appropriately for the weather. The faculty and staff of RCHS want you to be in top metal and physical condition for your semester exams in a couple of weeks. On Wed. Dec. 10 all students should arrange to leave the building by 3:00. Teachers and staff will be out of the building after that time. The only students allowed to stay are those who have basketball practice beginning at 3:00. If students decide to take advantage of the Study Hall policy for semester exams, by arriving late or leaving early on appropriate days, they must bring a parent note to the office prior to Dec. 17 in order to be excused. All teachers have a copy of the semester exam schedule and the guidelines for the study halls. A copy is also posted on the office window, and accessible on the Routt Website. If you have any doubts or questions, please ask about them. Students who want to change their schedules for 2nd semester have until before final exams (Dec. 17th) to do so. Christmas Dance tickets are now on sale. See Mrs. Arendt to make your purchase. If you are bringing a guest to the Christmas Dance next Saturday, Dec. 13, you must turn in a completed permission slip to the office by Tuesday, Dec. 9th. You can pick up a permission slip on the office counter. Please come join the CAC group in a food drive at 4:00 on December 14. They will be meeting in Duncan Park. The food drive will be followed by 6:00 mass at IC and dinner with the group at Steak ‘n Shake. Dec. 5, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS All students wishing to add Theatre in the spring semester must see Mr. Maruna today. No add permissions will be granted to anyone not heard from today. Students who want to change their schedules for 2nd semester have until before final exams (Dec. 17th) to do so. Congratulations to the J V and Varsity Scholastic Bowl Team on the wins over A/C Central! JV starts the season 1-0 and the Varsity upped its record to 10-6. Christmas Dance tickets are now on sale. See Mrs. Arendt to make your purchase. If you are bringing a guest to the Christmas Dance next Saturday, Dec. 13, you must turn in a completed permission slip to the office by Tuesday, Dec. 9th. You can pick up a permission slip on the office counter. The Jostens rep will be here today to deliver sophomore class rings. He will be in the Student Lounge beginning at 2:45. Students must pay the balance owed in order to receive their rings. This is a reminder that the Fall Sports Banquet is Sunday December 7th at 5 PM at the KC Hall. Football/Volleyball/Football Cheerleaders bring a side dish. Swimming/Golf brings a dessert. If you have any questions please see Coach Wilson. Boys are expected to wear khaki pants and polo or dress shirt. Girls are expected to wear a dress or khaki pants and sweater or dress top. We are not allowing jeans, shorts or sweatpants because we may take pictures for the paper. Please come join the CAC group in a food drive at 4:00 on December 14. They will be meeting in Duncan Park. The food drive will be followed by 6:00 mass at IC and dinner with the group at Steak ‘n Shake. The Our Saviour Youth Council would like to invite all high school students of Our Saviour Parish (and any friends they would like to invite) to a movie night this Sunday evening, Dec. 7th, from 7-9 PM in the Upper Convent Meeting Room, 453 E. State Street (The Parish Office building west of OSS). Bring blankets and pillows if you want to camp out on the floor and enjoy a movie with popcorn in front of the fireplace. Come and choose as a group which movie we will watch, and just have a good time hanging out! Happy Half-year Birthday! Amanda Harmon Madison Robinson Jayse Weikert Happy Birthday! Dec. 6th Austin Black Dec. 4, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Any student considering adding Theatre to their spring semester schedule must see Mr. Maruna by Friday. No adds will be approved after then. Christmas Dance tickets are now on sale. See Mrs. Arendt to make your purchase. Come ring bells for the Salvation Army with Mrs. Bradish today at Shopko from 3-4. The Jostens rep will be here on Friday, Dec. 5th to deliver sophomore class rings. He will be in the Student Lounge beginning at 2:45. Students must pay the balance owed in order to receive their rings. This is a reminder that the Fall Sports Banquet is Sunday December 7th at 5 PM at the KC Hall. Football/Volleyball/Football Cheerleaders bring a side dish. Swimming/Golf brings a dessert. If you have any questions please see Coach Wilson. Boys are expected to wear khaki pants and polo or dress shirt. Girls are expected to wear a dress or khaki pants and sweater or dress top. We are not allowing jeans, shorts or sweatpants because we may take pictures for the paper. The Our Saviour Youth Council would like to invite all high school students of Our Saviour Parish (and any friends they would like to invite) to a movie night this Sunday evening, Dec. 7th, from 7-9 PM in the Upper Convent Meeting Room, 453 E. State Street( The Parish Office building west of OSS). Bring blankets and pillows if you want to camp out on the floor and enjoy a movie with popcorn in front of the fireplace. Come and choose as a group which movie we will watch, and just have a good time hanging out! Due to the low volume of orders over the past few weeks we will not be having the salad bar during the month of December. Please come join the CAC group in a food drive at 4:00 on December 14. They will be meeting in Duncan Park. The food drive will be followed by 6:00 mass at IC and dinner with the group at Steak ‘n Shake. Happy Half-year Birthday! Evan Shade Dec. 3, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Student Council will meet after school today for our monthly meeting. Due to the Thanksgiving break, the Routt Recycles Committee will not be collecting today. Come ring bells for the Salvation Army with Mrs. Bradish on Thursday at Shopko from 3-4. The Jostens rep will be here on Friday, Dec. 5th to deliver sophomore class rings. He will be in the Student Lounge beginning at 2:45. Students must pay the balance owed in order to receive their rings. This is a reminder that the Fall Sports Banquet is Sunday, December 7th at 5 PM at the KC Hall. Football/Volleyball/Football Cheerleaders bring a side dish. Swimming/Golf brings a dessert. If you have any questions please see Coach Wilson. Boys are expected to wear khaki pants and polo or dress shirt. Girls are expected to wear a dress or khaki pants and sweater or dress top. We are not allowing jeans, shorts or sweatpants because we may take pictures for the paper. The Our Saviour Youth Council would like to invite all high school students of Our Saviour Parish (and any friends they would like to invite) to a movie night this Sunday evening, Dec. 7th, from 7-9 PM in the Upper Convent Meeting Room, 453 E. State Street( The Parish Office building west of OSS). Bring blankets and pillows if you want to camp out on the floor and enjoy a movie with popcorn in front of the fireplace. Come and choose as a group which movie we will watch, and just have a good time hanging out! Please come join the CAC group in a food drive at 4:00 on December 14. They will be meeting in Duncan Park. The food drive will be followed by 6:00 mass at IC and dinner with the group at Steak ‘n Shake. Due to the low volume of orders over the past few weeks we will not be having the salad bar during the month of December. Students who wish to be excused for 2nd deer hunting weekend must have completed all paperwork by 3:30 today. You must have a note from your parent, your deer tags, which will be copied, and a completed prearranged absence slip. If you used your excused day for 1st season, you are not eligible for 2nd season. If you have any questions, please check in the office. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13th. If any family has 2 standing deer yard ornaments we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X1107. Dec. 2, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Those students who ride the District 117 bus after school should take their belongings with them to today’s church presentation. You will be dismissed immediately after the presentation. Happy Festivus! No soup for you! If you know what these mean…or especially if you do not…plan on attending the Routt Winter Fine Arts Extravaganza where the Theatre Department will present the play “Festivus with the Soup Nazi”, along with the band and art department. The night of short entertainment will be tonight at 7 pm in the Martha Routt Room. Admission is free. Come ring bells for the Salvation Army with Mrs. Bradish on Thursday at Shopko from 3-4. The Jostens rep will be here on Friday, Dec. 5th to deliver sophomore class rings. He will be in the Student Lounge beginning at 2:45. Students must pay the balance owed in order to receive their rings. This is a reminder that the Fall Sports Banquet is Sunday December 7th at 5 PM at the KC Hall. Football/Volleyball/Football Cheerleaders bring a side dish. Swimming/Golf brings a dessert. If you have any questions please see Coach Wilson. Boys are expected to wear khaki pants and polo or dress shirt. Girls are expected to wear a dress or khaki pants and sweater or dress top. We are not allowing jeans, shorts or sweatpants because we may take pictures for the paper. The Our Saviour Youth Council would like to invite all high school students of Our Saviour Parish (and any friends they would like to invite) to a movie night this Sunday evening, Dec. 7th, from 7-9 PM in the Upper Convent Meeting Room, 453 E. State Street( The Parish Office building west of OSS). Bring blankets and pillows if you want to camp out on the floor and enjoy a movie with popcorn in front of the fireplace. Come and choose as a group which movie we will watch, and just have a good time hanging out! Please come join the CAC group in a food drive at 4:00 on December 14. They will be meeting in Duncan Park. The food drive will be followed by 6:00 mass at IC and dinner with the group at Steak ‘n Shake. Due to the low volume of orders over the past few weeks we will not be having the salad bar during the month of December. Students who wish to be excused for 2nd deer hunting weekend must have completed all paperwork by 3:30 Wednesday afternoon. You must have a note from your parent, your deer tags, which will be copied, and a completed prearranged absence slip. If you used your excused day for 1st season, you are not eligible for 2nd season. If you have any questions, please check in the office. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13th. If any family has 2 standing deer yard ornaments we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X1107. Dec. 1, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS This is a reminder that the Fall Sports Banquet is Sunday, December 7th at 5 PM at the KC Hall. Football/Volleyball/Football Cheerleaders bring a side dish. Swimming/Golf bring a dessert. If you have any questions please see Coach Wilson. Boys are expected to wear khaki pants and polo or dress shirt. Girls are expected to wear a dress or khaki pants and sweater or dress top. We are not allowing jeans, shorts or sweatpants because we may take pictures for the paper. Date Correction! Please come join the CAC group in a food drive at 4:00 on December 14. They will be meeting in Duncan Park. The food drive will be followed by 6:00 mass at IC and dinner with the group at Steak ‘n Shake. Due to the low volume of orders over the past few weeks we will not be having the salad bar during the month of December. Routt Freshman Theology class will be having a Hat for the Homeless Drive during the months of Dec. & Jan. Any new or gently used hats, scarves, or gloves can be dropped off in the box outside the gym. Thank you for your generosity. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13th. If any family has 2 standing deer yard ornaments we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X1107. Hunting day absence policy – Students may have one day that they may be excused from school for shotgun deer hunting season. If they did not get excused for Fri., Nov. 21, they may be excused for Fri., Dec. 5. The student MUST present to the office a valid deer permit AND a completed pre-arranged absence form with teacher signatures by Wed., Dec. 3. Students must present a parent note to the office to pick up one of these forms. Students who are absent for both days, will be counted unexcused for the day(s) they do not follow the procedure. Happy Half-year Birthday! Tristen Stephenson May 30th John Garde May 31st Nov. 26, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Attention: Students who ride the Dist. 117 bus in the afternoon. The bus will be available today. It will pick up in front of OSS at 1:45. You will be dismissed at approximately 1:40. Any interested juniors who forgot to attend the short meeting for being on the Prom Planning Committee are asked to see Mr. Maruna after school today. This is a reminder that the Fall Sports Banquet is Sunday December 7th at 5 PM at the KC Hall. Football/Volleyball/FootballCheerleaders bring a side dish. Swimming/Golf brings a dessert. If you have any questions please see Coach Wilson. Boys are expected to wear khaki pants and polo or dress shirt. Girls are expected to wear a dress or khaki pants and sweater or dress top. We are not allowing jeans, shorts or sweatpants because we may take pictures for the paper. As the semester draws to a close now would be a good time to think about your service hours. Don’t wait until the end of the year. Try to get at least half of them done before Christmas break. Date Correction! Please come join the CAC group in a food drive at 4:00 on December 14. They will be meeting in Duncan Park. The food drive will be followed by 6:00 mass at IC and dinner with the group at Steak ‘n Shake. Want to be a lifeguard? Lifeguard pre-test for those wishing to take the Christmas break course is Friday at 10:30 at the YMCA. If you have questions see Mrs. Arendt. Did you know that Americans throw 25 million water bottles in the trash every hour? The Routt Recycles Committee encourages you to do your part to prevent this. Use any of the recycling boxes in most of the classrooms. Happy Festivus! No soup for you! If you know what these mean…or especially if you do not…plan on attending the Routt Winter Fine Arts Extravaganza where the Theatre Department will present the play “Festivus with the Soup Nazi”, along with the band and art department. The night of short entertainment will be on Tuesday, December 2nd at 7 PM in the Martha Routt Room. Admission is free. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13th. If any family has 2 standing deer yard ornaments we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X1107. Happy Birthday today! Joe Nix Happy Birthday! Friday, November 28 Cheyenne Pressey Dalton Pressey Mr. Shaffer Nov. 25, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS According to page 35 of the RCHS Student Handbook, “no food or drinks are allowed in the gym or locker rooms”. This rule will be strictly enforced as of today. As the semester draws to a close now would be a good time to think about your service hours. Don’t wait until the end of the year. Try to get at least half of them done before Christmas break. Please come join the CAC group in a food drive at 4:00 on December 7. They will be meeting in Duncan Park. The food drive will be followed by 6:00 mass at IC and dinner with the group at Steak ‘n Shake. Want to be a lifeguard? Lifeguard pre-test for those wishing to take the Christmas break course is Friday at 10:30 at the YMCA. If you have questions see Mrs. Arendt. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13th. If any family has 2 standing deer yard ornaments we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X1107. Happy Birthday! Marissa Ruiz Nov. 24, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS According to page 35 of the RCHS Student Handbook, “no food or drinks are allowed in the gym or locker rooms”. This rule will be strictly enforced as of today. Please come join the CAC group in a food drive at 4:00 on December 7. They will be meeting in Duncan Park. The food drive will be followed by 6:00 mass at IC and dinner with the group at Steak ‘n Shake. Boys’ Basketball practice time today is 3-5. Any questions, check with Coach Shearburn. There will be a softball meeting today after school in the library for anyone planning on going out this year. Happy Festivus! No soup for you! If you know what these mean…or especially if you do not…plan on attending the Routt Winter Fine Arts Extravaganza where the theatre department will present the play “Festivus with the Soup Nazi”, along with the band and art department. The night of short entertainment will be on Tuesday December 2 at 7 PM in the Martha Routt Room. Admission is free. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13th. If any family has 2 standing deer yard ornaments we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X1107. Happy half-year birthday! Jayden Ware Nov. 21, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Algebra 2 students will need graph paper today. Students interested in March for Life application please sign up with Mr. Rood. The March for Life in Washington, D.C. is at the end of January. Be sure to get your application. The weight room will be closed after school. Boys’ Basketball: Earn your 5 school service hours being a manager for the team, limit 2 students. If interested contact Coach Shearburn, (217) 370-2494. Boys’ basketball practice today will be from 12-2 and Saturday 10-12. Also Monday practice time has been changed to 3-5. Any questions, check with Coach Shearburn. There will be a softball meeting Monday after school in the library for anyone planning on going out this year. Any junior student who would like to be part of the 2015 Prom Planning Committee is asked to meet very briefly at noon today in Mr. Maruna’s room. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13th. If any family has 2 standing deer yard ornaments we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X1107. Happy Birthday! Today Kaitlyn Bickhaus Megan Bickhaus Sunday Morgan Spaulding Happy half-year birthday! Sunday Evan Mahan Nov. 20, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS No salad bar today! Baked Potato Bar is back! It will be available on Monday and Tuesday. Students interested in March for Life application please sign up with Mr. Rood. The March for Life in Washington DC is at the end of January. Be sure to get your application. The weight room will be closed after school for the rest of the week. Happy Festivus! No soup for you! If you know what these mean…or especially if you do not…plan on attending the Routt Winter Fine Arts Extravaganza where the Theatre Department will present the play “Festivus with the Soup Nazi”, along with the band and art department. The night of short entertainment will be on Tuesday, December 2nd at 7 pm in the Martha Routt Room. Admission is Free. Boy Basketball: Earn your 5 school service hours being a manager for the team, limit 2 students. If interested contact Coach Shearburn, (217) 370-2494. Boy’s basketball practice Friday will be from 12-2 and Saturday 10-12. Also Monday practice time has been changed to 3-5. Any questions, check with Coach Shearburn. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13th. If any family has 2 standing deer yard ornaments we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X1107. Nov. 19, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Come ring bells with Mrs. Bradish for the Salvation Army at County Market today from 3:00-4:00 pm for service hours. Rides available see Mrs. Bradish. Students interested in March for Life application please sign up with Mr. Rood. The March for Life in Washington DC is at the end of January. Be sure to get your application. The weight room will be closed after school for the rest of the week. Boy Basketball: Earn your 5 school service hours being a manager for the team, limit 2 students. If interested contact Coach Shearburn, (217) 370-2494. Boy’s basketball practice Friday will be from 12-2 and Saturday 10-12. Also Monday practice time has been changed to 3-5. Any questions, check with Coach Shearburn. Happy Festivus! No soup for you! If you know what these mean…or especially if you do not…plan on attending the Routt Winter Fine Arts Extravaganza where the Theater Dept. will present the play “Festivus with the Soup Nazi”, along with the band and art department. The night of short entertainment will be on Tuesday, December 2nd at 7 PM in the Martha Routt Room. Admission is free. Attention all members of the Routt Recycling Committee: Due to the abbreviated week we will skip collection today and resume our collection next Wednesday immediately prior to leaving for Thanksgiving break. Any junior student who would like to be part of the 2015 Prom Planning Committee is asked to meet very briefly at noon on Friday in Mr. Maruna’s room. Students are reminded that plagiarism is defined as taking any writing or idea that belongs to someone else or some other source, and attempting to pass it off as your own work. When using someone else’s words, work or ideas you need to appropriately cite your source. Consequences for plagiarism, or academic dishonesty, are described on page 6 of the student handbook. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13. If any family has 2 Grapevine Standing Deer that we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X 1107. Happy Birthday! Abigail Personett Nov. 18, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Congratulations to Erika Haley for her March for Life hoodie design that was selected to represent the Diocese of Springfield! Erika will be honored with a free trip to the event in Washington D.C. Come ring bells with Mrs. Bradish for the Salvation Army at County Market Wednesday, November 19 from 3:00-4:00 pm for service hours. Rides available see Mrs. Bradish. Students interested in donating blood on November 24 should see Mrs. Hall for a form and appointment. Boy Basketball: Earn your 5 school service hours being a manager for the team, limit 2 students. If interested contact Coach Shearburn, (217) 370-2494. Happy Festivus! No soup for you! If you know what these mean…or especially if you do not…plan on attending the Routt Winter Fine Arts Extavaganza, where the Theater Dept. will present the play “Festivus with the Soup Nazi”, along with the band and art department. The night of short entertainment will be on Tuesday, December 2nd at 7 PM in the Martha Routt Room. Admission is free. Hunting day absence policy – Students will have one day that they may be excused from school for shotgun deer hunting season – either Friday, November 21 or Friday, December 5. The student MUST present to the office a valid deer permit AND a completed pre-arranged absence form with teacher signatures by the Wednesday before the absence. Students must present a parent note to the office to pick up one of these forms. Students who are absent for both days, will be counted unexcused for the day(s) they do not follow the procedure. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13. If any family has 2 Grapevine Standing Deer that we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X 1107. Nov. 14, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Question: He began his career as a member of the B.Y.U. Quiz Bowl Team and went on to win 2,522,700 dollars on Jeopardy! Answer: Who is Ken Jennings? If winning lots of money on a game show sounds good to you, it all starts by participating on the Scholastic Bowl Team. If you are interested, please see Mr. Beddingfield this week. Come ring bells with Mrs. Bradish for the Salvation Army at County Market Wednesday, November 19 from 3:00-4:00 pm for service hours. Rides available see Mrs. Bradish. Juniors and seniors are allowed two college visit days per year at the discretion of the counselor or principal. Completed college day request forms must be submitted to the main office one week in advance of the scheduled college day. Written verification from the college admissions office is required. Hunting day absence policy – Students will have one day that they may be excused from school for shotgun deer hunting season – either Friday, November 21 or Friday, December 5. The student MUST present to the office a valid deer permit AND a completed pre-arranged absence form with teacher signatures by the Wednesday before the absence. Students must present a parent note to the office to pick up one of these forms. Students who are absent for both days, will be counted unexcused for the day(s) they do not follow the procedure. Congratulations to Erika Haley for her March for Life hoodie design that was selected to represent the Diocese of Springfield! Erika will be honored with a free trip to the event in Washington, D.C. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13. If any family has 2 Grapevine Standing Deer that we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X 1107. Nov. 13, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Question: He began his career as a member of the B.Y.U. Quiz Bowl Team and went on to win 2,522,700 dollars on Jeopardy! Answer: Who is Ken Jennings? If winning lots of money on a game show sounds good to you, it all starts by participating on the Scholastic Bowl Team. If you are interested, please see Mr. Beddingfield this week. Congratulations to the swim team on their victory over Taylorville last night! Iron man was Madison Robinson, Most Improved was Erika Haley and MVP’s for the day were Martha Maruna and Ellie Abell. The team ended the regular season with 8 wins and 5 losses. 1 calculator is in the office. Come claim it if it’s yours. Juniors and seniors are allowed two college visit days per year at the discretion of the counselor or principal. College day request forms must be submitted to the main office one week in advance of the scheduled college day. Written verification from the college admissions office is required. Students are not to be upstairs for any reason during the lunch period. Hunting day absence policy – Students will have one day that they may be excused from school for shotgun deer hunting season – either Friday, November 21 or Friday, December 5. The student MUST present to the office a valid deer permit AND a completed pre-arranged absence form with teacher signatures by the Wednesday before the absence. Students must present a parent note to the office to pick up one of these forms. Students who are absent for both days, will be counted unexcused for the day(s) they do not follow the procedure. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13. If any family has two Grapevine Standing Deer that we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X 1107. Nov. 12, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Question: He began his career as a member of the B.Y.U. Quiz Bowl Team and went on to win 2,522,700 dollars on Jeopardy! Answer: Who is Ken Jennings? If winning lots of money on a game show sounds good to you, it all starts by participating on the Scholastic Bowl Team. If you are interested, please see Mr. Beddingfield this week. Girls on the Run is collecting new or gently used backpacks, duffle bags and suitcases as a service project to help area foster children as they move locations. If you would like to donate, please drop them off with Mrs. Hoots or Mrs. Ptacek. Thank you. 1 calculator is in the office. Come claim it if it’s yours. Juniors and seniors are allowed two college visit days per year at the discretion of the counselor or principal. Completed college day request forms must be submitted to the main office one week in advance of the scheduled college day. Written verification from the college admissions office is required. Students interested in donating blood on November 24 should see Mrs. Hall for a form and appointment. Hunting day absence policy – Students will have one day that they may be excused from school for shotgun deer hunting season – either Friday, November 21 or Friday, December 5. The student MUST present to the office a valid deer permit AND a completed pre-arranged absence form with teacher signatures by the Wednesday before the absence. Students must present a parent note to the office to pick up one of these forms. Students who are absent for both days, will be counted unexcused for the day(s) they do not follow the procedure. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13. If any family has two Grapevine Standing Deer that we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X 1107. Nov. 11, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Question: He began his career as a member of the B.Y.U. Quiz Bowl Team and went on to win 2,522,700 dollars on Jeopardy! Answer: Who is Ken Jennings? If winning lots of money on a game show sounds good to you, it all starts by participating on the Scholastic Bowl Team. If you are interested, please see Mr. Beddingfield this week. Girls on the Run is collecting new or gently used backpacks, duffle bags and suitcases as a service project to help area foster children as they move locations. If you would like to donate, please drop them off before November 12 with Mrs. Hoots or Mrs. Ptacek. Thank you. 2 calculators were found above lockers last week. Please come claim them in the office. Juniors and seniors are allowed two college visit days per year at the discretion of the counselor or principal. College day request forms must be submitted to the main office one week in advance of the scheduled college day. Written verification from the college admissions office is required. The following students need to see Mr. Roscetti during lunch today, Joe Nix, Tommy Schierl and Bailey Logue. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13. If any family has two Grapevine Standing Deer that we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X 1107. Nov. 10, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS In honor of Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11 will be a “Red, White or Blue” shirt day. Students may wear a collared red, white or blue shirt instead of their uniform shirt. All other uniform rules apply. There will be no donation necessary to participate in this dress-down day. Routt art students, Kalyssa Birdsell, Martin Asama, Amanda Harmon, Erika Haley, Tommy Schierl, Jasper Sleeman and Martha Maruna have been awarded special recognition as the winners of the “High School Class Award” for the Regional Office of Education’s Annual Art Contest. Winners in individual categories went to Martin Asama, given the Regional Office of Education Award, Erika Haley receiving the Chamber of Commerce Award and Kalyssa Birdsell the Mayor Ezard Award. Students were honored Friday evening during Gallery Hop and opening, for the month long show at Lincoln Land Community College. Congratulations Routt art students! Congratulations to the swim team on their win on Saturday. Iron man was Ellie Abell, Most Improved was Riley Dunnagan and Emily Haley and MVP’s for the day were Martha Maruna, Maddie Scott and Marie Langdon. Next practice is Tuesday at 5:45. Next meet is Wednesday at 6:45. Attention all volleyball players, there will be a short meeting after school today, in the gym to vote for team awards and to turn in your purple game jersey. The meeting will last approximately 15 minutes. Girls on the Run is collecting new or gently used backpacks, duffle bags and suitcases as a service project to help area foster children as they move locations. If you would like to donate, please drop them off before November 12 with Mrs. Hoots or Mrs. Ptacek. Thank you. 2 calculators were found above lockers last week. Please come claim them in the office. Juniors and seniors are allowed two college visit days per year at the discretion of the counselor or principal. College day request forms must be submitted to the main office one week in advance of the scheduled college day. Written verification from the college admissions office is required. The swim team is having their Christmas Dance, Saturday, December 13. If any family has two Grapevine Standing Deer that we could borrow for that weekend please call the school office, 243-8563 X 1107. Nov. 7, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS A representative from Truman State will be meeting with students in the lounge on Monday, Nov. 10 during 4th hour. Interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Friday, Nov. 7 in order to attend. In honor of Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11 will be a “Red, White or Blue” shirt day. Students may wear a collared red, white or blue shirt instead of their uniform shirt. All other uniform rules apply. There will be no donation necessary to participate in this dress-down day. Attentions NHS students, if you are interested in being a Student Ambassador, please return completed application to Mrs. Kuvinka by Friday. Routt Book Club meeting scheduled for today is canceled. Students interested in earning service hours on Nov. 7- 9 with the Shriner Circus please stop by Mr. Rood’s room for more info. There are various days and times available. Thank you. Girls on the Run is collecting new or gently used backpacks, duffle bags and suitcases as a service project to help area foster children as they move locations. If you would like to donate, please drop them off before November 12 with Mrs. Hoots or Mrs. Ptacek. Thank you. 2 calculators were found above lockers yesterday. Please come claim them in the office. Students interested in donating blood on November 24 should see Mrs. Hall for a form and appointment. Attention all volleyball players, there will be a short meeting after school on Monday, November 10th in the gym to vote for team awards and to turn in your purple game jersey. The meeting will last approximately 15 minutes. Nov. 6, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS A representative from Truman State will be meeting with students in the lounge on Monday, Nov. 10 during 4th hour. Interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Friday, Nov. 7 in order to attend. In honor of Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11 will be a “Red, White or Blue” shirt day. Students may wear a collared red, white or blue shirt instead of their uniform shirt. All other uniform rules apply. There will be no donation necessary to participate in this dress-down day. Attentions NHS students, if you are interested in being a Student Ambassador, please return completed application to Mrs. Kuvinka by Friday. Congratulations to the swim team on their victory over Olympia last night. Iron men for the day were Erika Bone and Madison Robinson. Most Improved were Erika Haley and Allie Dolen. MVP’s for the day were Martha Maruna and Maddie Scott. Next practice is Friday at 5:45. Next meet is Saturday at ISU. Routt Book Club will meet Friday from 3:00-3:45 in Room 1. Members, please attend. See Mrs. TerHark if unable to attend. Students interested in earning service hours on Nov. 7- 9 with the Shriner Circus please stop by Mr. Rood’s room for more info. There are various days and times available. Thank you. Girls on the Run is collecting new or gently used backpacks, duffle bags and suitcases as a service project to help area foster children as they move locations. If you would like to donate, please drop them off before November 12 with Mrs. Hoots or Mrs. Ptacek. Thank you. Boys Basketball-Open Gym 3-5 pm Thursday, Nov. 6. Also money for shoes and warm-ups is due before Friday, Nov. 7. Congratulations to Keegan Hoots on his commitment to the Army National Guard. He was officially sworn in yesterday! Nov. 5, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS A representative from Truman State will be meeting with students in the lounge on Monday, Nov. 10 during 4th hour. Interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Friday, Nov. 7 in order to attend. The Student Council will meet briefly after school today. The Routt Recycles Committee would like to encourage all students to deposit empty water or soda bottles in the recycling boxes found in most classrooms. We do ask though that you remove the cap and dispose of it in the trash, as most caps are non-recyclable. Thanks for your help. Routt Book Club will meet Friday from 3:00-3:45 in Room 1. Members, please attend. See Mrs. TerHark if unable to attend. Students interested in earning service hours on Nov. 7- 9 with the Shriner Circus please stop by Mr. Rood’s room for more info. There are various days and times available. Thank you. Girls on the Run is collecting new or gently used backpacks, duffle bags and suitcases as a service project to help area foster children as they move locations. If you would like to donate, please drop them off before November 12 with Mrs. Hoots or Mrs. Ptacek. Thank you. Boys Basketball-Open Gym 3-5 pm Thursday, Nov. 6. Also money for shoes and warm-ups is due before Friday, Nov. 7. Happy Birthday! Martin Asama Nov. 4, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS A representative from Truman State will be meeting with students in the lounge on Monday, Nov. 10 during 4th hour. Interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Friday, Nov. 7 in order to attend. Students interested in earning service hours on Nov. 7-9 with the Shriner Circus please stop by Mr. Rood’s room for more info. There are various days and times available. Thank you. Girls on the Run is collecting new or gently used backpacks, duffle bags and suitcases as a service project to help area foster children as they move locations. If you would like to donate, please drop them off before November 12 with Mrs. Hoots or Mrs. Ptacek. Thank you. Boys and girl golfers there is a quick meeting after school today from 2:50 to 3:05 to vote on team awards. Boys Basketball-Open Gym 3-5 pm Thursday, Nov. 6. Also money for shoes and warm-ups is due before Friday, Nov. 7. Happy Birthday! Mrs. Herget Nov. 3, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS A representative from Truman State will be meeting with students in the lounge on Monday, Nov. 10 during 4th hour. Interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Friday, Nov. 7 in order to attend. Attention students: Electrical appliances such as blow dryers, electric razors, and curling irons are not to be used here at school due to the potential fire hazard. Boys Basketball-Open Gym 3-5 pm Thursday, Nov. 6. Also money for shoes and warm-ups is due before Friday, Nov. 7. Happy Birthday! Morgan Lindsey Oct. 31, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Attention students: Electrical appliances such as blow dryers, electric razors, and curling irons are not to be used here at school due to the potential fire hazard. The Church of Our Saviour would like to invite all high school students to come to the Martha Routt Room to enjoy Walking Tacos and play Bags or Spoons. We will begin at 6:00 PM this Sunday, November 2nd, and will officially end around 7, but feel free to stay until 8 or so to keep playing games. Hope to see you all there! -Fr. Hyland There will be a mandatory meeting for anyone playing a winter sport. The athlete must bring one parent to the meeting. The meeting is this Sunday November 2 at 5:00 pm in the Routt gym. Any questions see Coach Wilson. I just want to thank the Routt fans and students for their awesome support this year. The atmosphere in The Dome and in the post-season has been unbelievable! Coach Gibson Reminder: You must have your lunch ID cards when going through the line. If you do not you are to wait until all cardholders have gone though the line. There will be no exceptions and no one is to use anyone else’s card. You can only use your own card, siblings included. If you have lost your card you need to report it to Mrs. Fernandes. Reminder to students: Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night. Happy Birthday! Sunday Hunter Chumley Oct. 30, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Sacred Heart-Griffin High School and Illinois State University are sponsoring a seminar about NCAA initial-eligibility rules on Thursday, November 6 at 7:00 pm. If you are interested in attending this seminar, see Coach Wilson for more information. This is for all potential college athletes. Attention all National Honor Society members… there will be a brief meeting today, October 30, immediately after school. Please meet in Mr. Beddingfield’s classroom. The Church of Our Saviour would like to invite all high school students to come to the Martha Routt Room to enjoy Walking Tacos and play Bags or Spoons. We will begin at 6:00 PM this Sunday, November 2nd, and will officially end around 7, but feel free to stay until 8 or so to keep playing games. Hope to see you all there! -Fr. Hyland There will be a mandatory meeting for anyone playing a winter sport. The athlete must bring one parent to the meeting. The meeting is this Sunday November 2 at 5:00 pm in the Routt gym. Any questions see Coach Wilson. Boys Basketball: Open gym tonight 7-9 pm. Shoes and warm up money due by November 1st. Reminder: You must have your lunch ID cards when going through the line. If you do not you are to wait until all cardholders have gone though the line. There will be no exceptions and no one is to use anyone else’s card. You can only use your own card, siblings included. If you have lost your card you need to report it to Mrs. Fernandes. Students! Friday is a Routt Day only for those students attending the sophomore retreat. It is a uniform day for all seniors, juniors and freshmen not attending the retreat. Oct. 29, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Sacred Heart-Griffin High School and Illinois State University are sponsoring a seminar about NCAA initial-eligibility rules on Thursday, November 6 at 7:00 pm. If you are interested in attending this seminar, see Coach Wilson for more information. This is for all potential college athletes. Attention all National Honor Society members… there will be a brief meeting on Thursday, October 30, immediately after school. Please meet in Mr. Beddingfield’s classroom. The Church of Our Saviour would like to invite all high school students to come to the Martha Routt Room to enjoy Walking Tacos and play Bags or Spoons. We will begin at 6:00 PM this Sunday, November 2nd, and will officially end around 7, but feel free to stay until 8 or so to keep playing games. Hope to see you all there! -Fr. Hyland Boys Basketball: Open gym Thursday 7-9 pm. Shoes and warm up money due by November 1st. Reminder: You must have your lunch ID cards when going through the line. If you do not you are to wait until all cardholders have gone through the line. There will be no exceptions and no one is to use anyone else’s card. You can only use your own card, siblings included. If you have lost your card you need to report it to Mrs. Fernandes. Pizza sign up is today only. Please make sure you sign up at lunch or before the start of tomorrow. Please sign up under your grade on the signup sheet. Attn: Students, Friday is a Routt Day only for those students attending the sophomore retreat. It is a uniform day for all seniors, juniors and freshmen not attending the retreat. Oct. 28, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from Illinois State University today during 5th hour. Sacred Heart-Griffin High School and Illinois State University are sponsoring a seminar about NCAA initial-eligibility rules on Thursday, November 6 at 7:00 pm. If you are interested in attending this seminar, see Coach Wilson for more information. This is for all potential college athletes. There will be a 15 minute meeting after school today for football players. Only this year’s freshmen through juniors need to attend. The meeting will start at 3 pm in Room 5. Attention all National Honor Society members… there will be a brief meeting on Thursday, October 30, immediately after school. Please meet in Mr. Beddingfield’s classroom. Congratulations go to the engineering team of Martin Asama, Adam Birdsell and Caitlyn Smith on their 1st place finish in the 13th annual Trebuchet Engineering Challenge! The Church of Our Saviour would like to invite all high school students to come to the Martha Routt Room to enjoy Walking Tacos and play Bags or Spoons. We will begin at 6:00 PM this Sunday, November 2nd, and will officially end around 7, but feel free to stay until 8 or so to keep playing games. Hope to see you all there! -Fr. Hyland Students! Friday is a Routt Day only for those students attending the sophomore retreat. It is a uniform day for all seniors, juniors and freshmen not attending the retreat. Oct. 27, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from Illinois State University tomorrow during 5th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by today. Sacred Heart-Griffin High School and Illinois State University are sponsoring a seminar about NCAA initial-eligibility rules on Thursday, November 6 at 7:00 pm. If you are interested in attending this seminar, see Coach Wilson for more information. This is for all potential college athletes. There will be a 15 minute meeting after school on Tuesday for football players. Only this year’s freshmen through juniors need to attend. The meeting will start at 3 pm in Room 5. JV basketball players, there will be a quick meeting after school today in Room 5. Students! Friday is a Routt Day only for those students attending the sophomore retreat. It is a uniform day for all seniors, juniors and freshmen not attending the retreat. Happy Birthday! Emily Dickman Kirby Hartz Oct. 24, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Illinois Wesleyan on Monday, Oct. 27th during 5th hour, and Illinois State University on Tue., Oct. 28 during 5th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by today and Mon., Oct. 27 respectively. Boys’ basketball is looking for a couple of students to be managers and one student to keep stats on an IPad. If interested, contact Coach Shearburn at 370-2494. The office “lost & found” has a gym clothes bag that was found on top of the lockers last week. There are also two umbrellas that were left here at school after the students went to IC to listen to former President Jimmy Carter. Please claim these items if they belong to you. Congratulations to Hannah Jackson and Thomas Asama, who were nominated by the Routt faculty to attend the HOBY Leadership Conference this summer at Illinois Wesleyan University! Oct. 23, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Western Illinois University tomorrow during 5th hour, Illinois Wesleyan on Monday, Oct. 27th during 5th hour, and Illinois State University on Tue., Oct. 28 during 5th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by today, tomorrow and Mon., Oct. 27 respectively. Driver’s Ed students! If you want to ride the District 117 bus to your Driver’s Ed classes that begin on Mon., Oct. 27, you must pick up a bus registration form in the office today and return the form, signed by your parent, to the Routt office by today. You will not be allowed to ride the bus unless you have returned a completed form. You must leave school promptly after the 2:45 dismissal and catch the bus in front of Our Saviour School. As with all of our students, you must also abide by all of the District 117 rules as a privilege to riding their buses. Any student who wants to play boys’ basketball this year, and did not attend the meeting last night, needs to see Coach Wilson ASAP. Boys’ basketball is looking for a couple of students to be managers and one student to keep stats on an IPad. If interested, contact Coach Shearburn at 370-2494. Tomorrow will be a Purple Day. Purple shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes may be worn with a two dollar donation to be collected by 1st period teachers. The two dollar donation will be donated to the Homeless Shelter to kick off Homeless awareness month. Congratulations to Hannah Jackson and Thomas Asama, who were nominated by the Routt faculty to attend the HOBY Leadership Conference this summer at Illinois Wesleyan University! Oct. 22, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Western Illinois University on Friday, Oct. 24 during 5th hour, Illinois Wesleyan on Monday, Oct. 27th during 5th hour, and Illinois State University on Tue., Oct. 28 during 5th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Thur., Oct. 23, Fri., Oct. 24 and Mon., Oct. 27 respectively. The Regional Office of Education will open the Annual Art Show for high school students at Lincoln Land Community College on Nov. 7th. Students who would like to participate with work created in 2013 and 2014 art classes should see Mrs. Dunseth this week. Seniors! The Jostens rep will be here in the Student Lounge today from 2:45 – 3:15 to take your orders for graduation materials. Bring your completed order form with a $60 deposit or payment in full. Please remember that ALL SENIORS must order a cap & gown for the graduation ceremony. Ordering other items is completely optional. Boys’ basketball players! There will be a meeting tonight for selection and fitting of shoes. Freshmen and sophomores should be at school by 6:00 p.m., and ask at least one parent to accompany you. Juniors and seniors should report to school at 7:00 p.m. Driver’s Ed students! If you want to ride the District 117 bus to your Driver’s Ed classes that begin on Mon., Oct. 27, you must pick up a bus registration form in the office today and return the form, signed by your parent, to the Routt office by tomorrow. You will not be allowed to ride the bus unless you have returned a completed form. You must leave school promptly after the 2:45 dismissal and catch the bus in front of Our Saviour School. As with all of our students, you must also abide by all of the District 117 rules as a privilege to riding their buses. Friday Oct. 24th will be a Purple Day. Purple shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes may be worn with a two dollar donation to be collected by 1st period teachers. The two dollar donation will be donated to the Homeless Shelter to kick off Homeless awareness month. Congratulations to Hannah Jackson and Thomas Asama, who were nominated by the Routt faculty to attend the HOBY Leadership Conference this summer at Illinois Wesleyan University! Oct. 21, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Western Illinois University on Friday, Oct. 24 during 5th hour, Illinois Wesleyan on Monday, Oct. 27th during 5th hour, and Illinois State University on Tue., Oct. 28 during 5th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Thur., Oct. 23, Fri., Oct. 24 and Mon., Oct. 27 respectively. The Regional Office of Education will open the Annual Art Show for high school students at Lincoln Land Community College on Nov. 7th. Students who would like to participate with work created in 2013 and 2014 art classes should see Mrs. Dunseth this week. Seniors! The Jostens rep will be here in the Student Lounge tomorrow from 2:45 – 3:15 to take your orders for graduation materials. Bring your completed order form with a $60 deposit or payment in full. Please remember that ALL SENIORS must order a cap & gown for the graduation ceremony. Ordering other items is completely optional. Boys’ basketball players! There will be a meeting tomorrow for selection and fitting of shoes. Freshmen and sophomores should be at school by 6:00 p.m., and ask at least one parent to accompany you. Juniors and seniors should report to school at 7:00 p.m. Driver’s Ed students! If you want to ride the District 117 bus to your Driver’s Ed classes that begin on Mon., Oct. 27, you must pick up a bus registration form in the office today and return the form, signed by your parent, to the Routt office by Thur., Oct. 23. You will not be allowed to ride the bus unless you have returned a completed form. You must leave school promptly after the 2:45 dismissal and catch the bus in front of Our Saviour School. As with all of our students, you must also abide by all of the District 117 rules as a privilege to riding their buses. Friday Oct. 24th will be a Purple Day. Purple shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes may be worn with a two dollar donation to be collected by 1st period teachers. The two dollar donation will be donated to the Homeless Shelter to kick off Homeless awareness month. Happy Birthday! Annalise Wright Oct. 20, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS A representative from Western Illinois University will be meeting with students in the lounge on Friday, Oct. 24 during 5th hour. A representative from Illinois Wesleyan will be meeting with students in the lounge on Monday, Oct. 27th during 5th hour. Interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Thursday, Oct. 23rd and Friday Oct. 24th in order to attend. The Regional Office of Education will open the Annual Art Show for high school students at Lincoln Land Community College on Nov. 7th. Students who would like to participate with work created in 2013 and 2014 art classes should see Mrs. Dunseth this week. Congratulations to the Scholastic Bowl Team on their 3rd place finish at the Novice Tournament at Southwestern High School in Piasa. Team members are Collin Westbrook, Cole Burke, Allie Dolen, Dylan Gowin, Hannah Jackson and Laura Westbrook. Seniors! The Jostens rep will be here in the Student Lounge on Wed., Oct. 22 from 2:45 – 3:15 to take your orders for graduation materials. Bring your completed order form with a $60 deposit or payment in full. Please remember that ALL SENIORS must order a cap & gown for the graduation ceremony. Ordering other items is completely optional. Boys’ basketball players! There will be a meeting on Wed., Oct. 22 for selection and fitting of shoes. Freshmen and sophomores should be at school by 6:00 p.m., and ask at least one parent to accompany you. Juniors and seniors should report to school at 7:00 p.m. Friday Oct. 24th will be a Purple Day. Purple shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes may be worn with a two dollar donation to be collected by 1st period teachers. The two dollar donation will be donated to the Homeless Shelter to kick off Homeless awareness month. Attention seniors in fall sports! Senior Night recognition for volleyball players and swimmers will be tonight between the J.V. and varsity volleyball games. Please have your parents here by 6:30. Happy Birthday! Kaitlin Schulte. Oct. 17, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS A representative will be meeting with students in the lounge from McKendree College on Mon., Oct. 20 during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by today. All girls planning on bowling this winter on the Routt girls’ bowling team need to attend the bowling information meeting on Sun., Oct. 19 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be at the K of C Hall. If you have not had a sports physical, you must have one prior to the start of the season. Routt Book Club will meet today at 3:00 to discuss Tunnel in the Sky. Join us in room 1. Attention seniors in fall sports! Senior Night for football players and cheerleaders will be tonight before the football game at ISD, beginning at 6:30. Athletes and parents must be at the field by 6:20. Senior Night recognition for volleyball players and swimmers will be Monday night, Oct. 20, between the J.V. and varsity volleyball games. Please have your parents there by 6:30. This is a reminder for students. Beginning today, students who do not have their new lunch card will be required to go to the back of the lunch line. Seniors! The Jostens rep will be here in the Student Lounge on Wed., Oct. 22 from 2:45 – 3:15 to take your orders for graduation materials. Bring your completed order form with a $60 deposit or payment in full. Please remember that ALL SENIORS must order a cap & gown for the graduation ceremony. Ordering other items is completely optional. Happy Birthday! Patrick May Oct. 16, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS A representative will be meeting with students in the lounge from McKendree College on Mon., Oct. 20 during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by tomorrow. All girls planning on bowling this winter on the Routt girls’ bowling team need to attend the bowling information meeting on Sun., Oct. 19 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be at the K of C Hall. If you have not had a sports physical, you must have one prior to the start of the season. Routt Book Club will meet tomorrow at 3:00 to discuss Tunnel in the Sky. Join us in room 1. Boys’ basketball will have an open gym tonight from 8-9 for those who can attend. Attention seniors in fall sports! Senior Night for football players and cheerleaders will be tomorrow night before the football game at ISD, beginning at 6:30. Athletes and parents must be at the field by 6:20. Senior Night recognition for volleyball players and swimmers will be Monday night, Oct. 20, between the J.V. and varsity volleyball games. Please have your parents there by 6:30. This is a reminder for students. Beginning tomorrow, students who do not have their new lunch card will be required to go to the back of the lunch line. Students are reminded that plagiarism is defined as taking any writing or idea that belongs to someone else or some other source, and attempting to pass it off as your own work. When using someone else’s words, work or ideas you need to appropriately cite your source. Consequences for plagiarism, or academic dishonesty, are described on page 6 of the student handbook. This is the last call for Pizza Hut pizza for lunch tomorrow! The final count will be turned in at 10:00. If you’re not signed up, you will not be able to get pizza tomorrow. Oct. 15, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS This is a reminder that any adults who volunteer for any school activities are required to attend a Protecting God’s Children session. The next workshop at Our Saviour is on Thur., Oct. 16 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the convent upper room. Please call to register at 245-6184. A representative will be meeting with students in the lounge from McKendree College on Mon., Oct. 20 during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Fri., Oct. 17. All girls planning on bowling this winter on the Routt girls’ bowling team need to attend the bowling information meeting on Sun., Oct. 19 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be at the K of C Hall. If you have not had a sports physical, you must have one prior to the start of the season. There will be a brief meeting of the Routt Recycles Committee after school today. If you cannot make it, or are interested in joining, please see Mr. Maruna. Routt Book Club will meet Fri., Oct. 17 at 3:00 to discuss Tunnel in the Sky. Join us in room 1. New lunch ID cards will be passed out today during lunch. As of today, if you lose your ID card, there will be a replacement fee & you will need to notify Mrs. Fernandes. You will also be asked to show your ID card before entering the lunch room. If you do not have it, you will be sent to the end of the line. Congratulations to the girls swim team on their victory over JHS last night! Iron man was Riley Dunnagan, most improved was Erika Haley and MVP for the day was Martha Maruna, scoring 15 points. The next practice is tomorrow at 5:45 and the next meet is Friday at 4:00 at the YMCA. Friday is another Pizza Hut Pizza Day. Please be sure you sign up today in the cafeteria. Teachers! Juniors should return to class this morning from testing at approximately 10:45. Oct. 14, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS This is a reminder that any adults who volunteer for any school activities are required to attend a Protecting God’s Children session. The next workshop at Our Saviour is on Thur., Oct. 16 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the convent upper room. Please call to register at 245-6184. Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Fontbonne University tomorrow during 8th hour, and McKendree College on Mon., Oct. 20 during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by today & Fri., Oct. 17 respectively. Juniors will need to report to the Martha Routt room tomorrow morning by 8:12 a.m. for the PSAT exam. Lunch count will be taken before the exam. Please remember to bring #2 pencils and a calculator. Exam will be over in the middle of 4th hour. Juniors only will not be attending Mass tomorrow. All girls planning on bowling this winter on the Routt girls’ bowling team need to attend the bowling information meeting on Sun., Oct. 19 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be at the K of C Hall. If you have not had a sports physical, you must have one prior to the start of the season. There is still a shirt and a pair of uniform shorts in the office that were left in the cafeteria after Thursday’s football dinner. Please claim them today. There will be a brief meeting of the Routt Recycles Committee after school on Wednesday. If you cannot make it, or are interested in joining, please see Mr. Maruna. Routt Book Club will meet Fri., Oct. 17 at 3:00 to discuss Tunnel in the Sky. Join us in room 1. Thank you to the 81 staff members and students who participated in today’s “Swim for the Cure” Pink Day! We raised $161 in the fight against breast cancer. Belated Happy Birthday! Yesterday Miguel Alvarez Happy Birthday! Jayden Lahey Brennan Moore Brooks Moore Oct. 10, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Fontbonne University on Wed., Oct. 15 during 8th hour, and McKendree College on Mon., Oct. 20 during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Tue., Oct. 14 & Fri., Oct. 17 respectively. There is no after-school study hall today. There will be no CAC meeting this Sunday. Tue., Oct. 14 is our “Swim for the Cure” day. Students will be allowed to wear pink shirts, jeans & tennis shoes for a $2 donation to the Mia Ware Foundation. Students not participating will be required to wear their school uniforms. The $2 donation will be collected by the first period teachers. There are still a few Homecoming pictures in the office. They may be picked up today right after school. Juniors will need to report to the Martha Routt room on Wednesday morning, Oct. 15 by 8:12 a.m. for the PSAT exam. Lunch count will be taken before the exam. Please remember to bring #2 pencils and a calculator. Exam will be over in the middle of 4th hour. Juniors only will not be attending Mass on this day. All girls planning on bowling this winter on the Routt girls’ bowling team need to attend the bowling information meeting on Sun., Oct. 19 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be at the K of C Hall. If you have not had a sports physical, you must have one prior to the start of the season. There is a flash drive in the “lost & found” that was found in the library yesterday. Please claim it in the office. There is a shirt and a pair of uniform shorts in the office that were left in the cafeteria last night. Please claim them today. Happy Birthday! Matt Jackson Tommy Schierl Ms. Kirkpatrick Oct. 9, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Knox College tomorrow during 2nd hour, Fontbonne University on Wed., Oct. 15 during 8th hour, and McKendree College on Mon., Oct. 20 during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by today, Tue., Oct. 14 & Fri., Oct. 17 respectively. Senior fall athletes! Please get your senior night information turned in to Coach Wilson or Mrs. Bergschneider for the senior night program. If not in by today, your information will not be included. Attention girls’ basketball players! Today at 4:45 p.m., Pat Dowling from Curt Smith Sporting Goods will be in the school lobby if any player wants to purchase or try on basketball shoes for the upcoming season. No money is needed this day as money will be collected when the shoes arrive. For volleyball girls, he will wait until practice is finished for those of you who are interested. This is a reminder that any students who want to take the Driver's Education course at JHS this fall can still sign up. You must be 15 years old by Nov. 30 and sign up at the JHS office by Mon., Oct. 27. The classroom course will run Monday through Friday, 3:30-5:00 from Oct. 27 to Nov. 25. The fee for the course is $250, plus a $15 registration fee. $265 is payable to JHS when you register for the course. To be eligible to take the class, you must have passed 8 classes during the 2 previous school semesters. This is a dress code reminder to students. On uniform days, only gray, black, or purple sweatshirts with the script Routt logo may be worn. All other sweatshirts are not a part of the Routt daily uniform. Please check your student handbook if you have any questions. This reminder is for students who are going to hear former President Jimmy Carter’s speech at Illinois College on Tue., Oct. 14. Your completed pre-arranged absence form is due in the office today by 3:00 p.m. It must have a parent’s signature as well as the signatures of the teachers of the classes you will miss. There is no after-school study hall tomorrow after our half-day dismissal. There will be no CAC meeting this Sunday. Tue., Oct. 14 is our “Swim for the Cure” day. Students will be allowed to wear pink shirts, jeans & tennis shoes for a $2 donation to the Mia Ware Foundation. Students not participating will be required to wear their school uniforms. The $2 donations will be collected by the first period teachers. Homecoming pictures are in and may be picked up in the office today after school. Tomorrow is a “Routt Day”; you may wear Routt Day apparel! Congratulations to the swim team on their victory over Peoria High yesterday! Iron Man for the day was Kelly Tobin. Most Improved was Ellie Abell. MVP for the day was Martha Maruna, scoring 16 points. Next practice is Friday at 6 a.m. Next meet is Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the YMCA. Come show your support for the cure. Oct. 8, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS This is a reminder that any adults who volunteer for any school activities are required to attend a Protecting God’s Children session. The next workshop at Our Saviour is on Thur., Oct. 16 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the convent upper room. Please call to register at 245-6184. Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Knox College on Fri., Oct. 10 during 2nd hour, and Fontbonne University on Wed., Oct. 15 during 8th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by tomorrow & Tue., Oct. 14 respectively. Senior fall athletes! Please get your senior night information turned in to Coach Wilson or Mrs. Bergschneider for the senior night program. If not in by tomorrow, your information will not be included. There is no after-school study hall after Friday’s half-day dismissal. Mrs. Herget will not be at school for the remainder of this week. If you have a question about college visits, please check in the office. Attention girls’ basketball players! Tomorrow at 4:45 p.m., Pat Dowling from Curt Smith Sporting Goods will be in the school lobby if any player wants to purchase or try on basketball shoes for the upcoming season. No money is needed this day as money will be collected when the shoes arrive. For volleyball girls, he will wait until practice is finished for those of you who are interested. This reminder is for students who are going to hear former President Jimmy Carter’s speech at Illinois College on Tue., Oct. 14. Your completed pre-arranged absence form is due in the office tomorrow by 3:00 p.m. It must have a parent’s signature as well as the signatures of the teachers of the classes you will miss that day. This is a reminder that any students who want to take the Driver's Education course at JHS this fall can still sign up. You must be 15 years old by Nov. 30 and sign up at the JHS office by Mon., Oct. 27. The classroom course will run Monday through Friday, 3:30-5:00 from Oct. 27 to Nov. 25. The fee for the course is $250, plus a $15 registration fee. $265 is payable to JHS when you register for the course. To be eligible to take the class, you must have passed 8 classes during the 2 previous school semesters. Attention freshmen! Please bring an umbrella for tomorrow as they are calling for rain. We will be walking over to the health fair. This is a dress code reminder to students. On uniform days, only gray, black, or purple sweatshirts with the script Routt logo may be worn. All other sweatshirts are not a part of the Routt daily uniform. Please check your student handbook if you have any questions. Oct. 7, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Quincy University on Thur., Oct. 9 during 1st hour, Knox College on Fri., Oct. 10 during 2nd hour, and Fontbonne University on Wed., Oct. 15 during 8th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by today, Thur., Oct. 9, & Tue., Oct. 14 respectively. Senior fall athletes! Please get your senior night information turned in to Coach Wilson or Mrs. Bergschneider for the senior night program. If not in by Thursday, your information will not be included. There is no after-school study hall after Friday’s half-day dismissal. Mrs. Herget will not be at school for the remainder of this week. If you have a question about college visits, please check in the office. Attention girls’ basketball players! On Thur., Oct. 9 at 4:45 p.m., Pat Dowling from Curt Smith Sporting Goods will be in the school lobby if any player wants to purchase or try on basketball shoes for the upcoming season. No money is needed this day as money will be collected when the shoes arrive. For volleyball girls, he will wait until practice is finished for those of you who are interested. Oct. 6, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Quincy University on Thur., Oct. 9 during 1st hour, and Knox College on Fri., Oct. 10 during 2nd hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by tomorrow & Thur., Oct. 9 respectively. There will be open gym for boys’ basketball today, Oct. 9, 14, 16, 22 and 30 from 7 – 9 p.m. This is for anyone not participating in a fall sport. If you have any questions, please see Coach Wilson. Attention students! This is a reminder that students are not allowed to park in the teachers’ or visitors’ parking spots until after 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Senior fall athletes! Please get your senior night information turned in to Coach Wilson or Mrs. Bergschneider for the senior night program. If not in by Thursday, your information will not be included. Golf team members! Don’t forget to return your signed pre-arranged absence forms to the office at the end of the day today. Buffalo Wild Wings will donate 15% of all pre-taxed food sales to The Mia Ware Foundation from any guest who presents a fundraising ticket to them today only from 6-10 p.m. The pink fundraising tickets can be picked up from the office counter or the table in the Student Lounge. Thank you to those who participated in our pink shirt “Volley for the Cure” day today! We raised $178.75! Oct. 3, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Today’s scheduled golf meet at Carrollton has been cancelled! Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Millikin University on Mon., Oct. 6 during 2nd hour, Quincy Universtiy on Thur., Oct. 9 during 1st hour, and Knox College on Fri., Oct. 10 during 2nd hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by today, Tue., Oct. 7, & Thur., Oct. 9 respectively. Mr. Rood would like to invite and encourage students to join the Annual Morgan County Right to Life “Life Chain” to support the rights of the unborn. We will meet at the Ferris Wheel in Community Park at 2:30 this Sun., Oct. 5. Thank you! Routt Book Club will meet today after school at 2:50 in room 1. We’ll be discussing Tunnel in the Sky, a science fiction classic. All readers are welcome. New school ID cards with a laminated barcode for lunch will be issued soon. After the new ID cards are issued, if you lose it, there will be a replacement fee and you will need to notify Mrs. Fernandes. You will now be asked to show your ID card before entering the lunch line. If you do not have it, you will be sent to the end of the line. If the problem persists, then we will issue a monetary fine. Also, please be sure to keep your ID/Lunch cards out of the washing machine and refrain from bending it. Thank you! There is a water bottle in the “lost & found”. Please claim it in the office today if you think it belongs to you. Any juniors or seniors interested in attending former President Carter’s visit to Illinois College on Oct. 14 need to sign up in Mrs. Hall’s room by today at noon. There will be open gym for boys’ basketball on Oct. 6, 9, 14, 16, 22 and 30 from 7 – 9 p.m. This is for anyone not participating in a fall sport. If you have any questions, please see Coach Wilson. It has been requested, and approved by Mr. Roscetti, that there will be two Jeans Days in the upcoming weeks. Mon., Oct. 6 is our “Volley for the Cure” day. Students will be allowed to wear pink shirts, jeans & tennis shoes for a $2 donation to the Mia Ware Foundation. Tue., Oct. 14 is our “Swim for the Cure” day. Students will be allowed to wear pink shirts, jeans & tennis shoes for a $2 donation to the Mia Ware Foundation. Students not participating on either day will be required to wear their school uniforms. The $2 donations will be collected by the first period teachers. Attention students! Students are not allowed to park in the teachers’ or visitors’ parking spots until after 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Happy Birthday! Today Saturday Sunday Jasper Sleeman Sarah Warfield Abby Jackson Hannah Jackson Oct. 2, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS This is a reminder that any adults who volunteer for any school activities are required to attend a Protecting God’s Children session. The next workshop at Our Saviour is on Thur., Oct. 16 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the convent upper room. Please call to register at 245-6184. Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Millikin University on Mon., Oct. 6 during 2nd hour, and Quincy Universtiy on Thur., Oct. 9 during 1st hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by tomorrow & Tue., Oct. 7 respectively. Mr. Rood would like to invite and encourage students to join the Annual Morgan County Right to Life “Life Chain” to support the rights of the unborn. We will meet at the Ferris Wheel in Community Park at 2:30 on Sun., Oct. 5. Thank you! Routt Book Club will meet tomorrow after school at 2:50 in room 1. We’ll be discussing Tunnel in the Sky, a science fiction classic. All readers are welcome. New school ID cards with a laminated barcode for lunch will be issued soon, hopefully this week or early next week. After the new ID cards are issued, if you lose it, there will be a replacement fee and you will need to notify Mrs. Fernandes. You will now be asked to show your ID card before entering the lunch line. If you do not have it, you will be sent to the end of the line. If the problem persists, then we will issue a monetary fine. Also, please be sure to keep your ID/Lunch cards out of the washing machine and refrain from bending it. Thank you! There is a water bottle in the “lost & found”. Please claim it in the office if you think it belongs to you. Any juniors or seniors interested in attending former President Carter’s visit to Illinois College on Oct. 14 need to sign up in Mrs. Hall’s room by tomorrow at noon. There will be open gym for boys’ basketball on Oct. 6, 9, 14, 16, 22 and 30 from 7 – 9 p.m. This is for anyone not participating in a fall sport. Any questions, please see Coach Wilson. It has been requested, and approved by Mr. Roscetti, that there will be two Jeans Days in the upcoming weeks. Mon., Oct. 6 is our “Volley for the Cure” day. Students will be allowed to wear pink shirts and jeans for a $2 donation to the Mia Ware Foundation. Students not participating will be required to wear their school uniforms. Tue., Oct. 14 is our “Swim for the Cure” day. Students will be allowed to wear pink shirts and jeans for a $2 donation to the Mia Ware Foundation. Students not participating will be required to wear their school uniforms. If you want Pizza Hut pizza for lunch tomorrow, and did not sign up on yesterday’s sign-up sheet, come to the Student Lounge now to sign up. Since this is the first time we have done this, today is the only time we will have a second day for sign-up. In the future, you must sign up on Wednesdays only for the pizza on Fridays since the pizzas have to be ordered ahead. If you are not signed up, you will not be able to eat pizza on Friday. Tomorrow is not a Routt Day! Happy Birthday! Cassie Huey Oct. 1, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Millikin University on Mon., Oct. 6 during 2nd hour, and Quincy Universtiy on Thur., Oct. 9 during 1st hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Fri., Oct. 3 & Tue., Oct. 7 respectively. Mr. Rood would like to invite and encourage students to join the Annual Morgan County Right to Life “Life Chain” to support the rights of the unborn. We will meet at the Ferris Wheel in Community Park at 2:30 on Sun., Oct. 5. Thank you! Routt Book Club will meet Friday after school at 2:50 in room 1. We’ll be discussing Tunnel in the Sky, a science fiction classic. All readers are welcome. New school ID cards with a laminated barcode for lunch will be issued soon, hopefully this week or early next week. After the new ID cards are issued, if you lose it, there will be a replacement fee and you will need to notify Mrs. Fernandes. You will now be asked to show your ID card before entering the lunch line. If you do not have it you will be sent to the end of the line. If the problem persists, then we will issue a monetary fine. Also, please be sure to keep your ID/Lunch cards out of the washing machine and refrain from bending it. Thank you! The Cafeteria is pleased to announce that we will be having Pizza Hut pizza on every Friday in October! In order to make things run smoothly we must get lunch count on Wednesdays for the pizza days. This includes a count for any extras. There will be a sign-up sheet in the cafeteria, as well as the office. YOU MUST SIGN UP TODAY, INCLUDING EXTRAS!! Also, please note that extras for this pizza will be $1.00. If all goes well in October, we are looking to continue this every Friday for the remainder of the year. This is a reminder to all student government officers that there will be a short meeting after school today. Please do not forget. A cell phone was found on the front steps following yesterday’s pictures. See Mr. Roscetti to claim it. Happy Birthday! Alec Welch Mrs. Ptacek Sept. 30, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Blackburn College tomorrow during 1st hour, St. Louis Universtiy tomorrow during 6th hour, and Millikin University on Mon., Oct. 6 during 2nd hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by today, & Fri., Oct. 3 respectively. All fall sports’ teams will get their pictures taken after school today, beginning with the volleyball team at 3:00. Picture order forms are available on the office counter. Starting with the month of October, RCHS will be recognizing two students with perfect attendance each month. To be eligible, the student must have no absences (excused or unexcused) and no tardies. A drawing will be held at the end of each month for prizes. Mr. Rood would like to invite and encourage students to join the Annual Morgan County Right to Life “Life Chain” to support the rights of the unborn. We will meet at the Ferris Wheel in Community Park at 2:30 on Sun., Oct. 5. Thank you! This is a reminder to students. We have a full day of school today. OSS has early dismissal for an elementary teachers’ workshop. Happy Birthday! Andrew Basnet Sept. 29, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: University of Illinois-Urbana tomorrow during 1st hour, MacMurray College tomorrow during 3rd hour, Blackburn College on Wed., Oct. 1 during 1st hour, St. Louis Universtiy on Wed., Oct. 1 during 6th hour, and Millikin University on Mon., Oct. 6 during 2nd hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by today, tomorrow, & Fri., Oct. 3 respectively. All fall sports’ teams will get their pictures taken after school tomorrow, beginning with the volleyball team at 3:00. Picture order forms are available on the office counter. Starting with the month of October, RCHS will be recognizing two students with perfect attendance each month. To be eligible, the student must have no absences (excused or unexcused) and no tardies. A drawing will be held at the end of each month for prizes. Mr. Rood would like to invite and encourage students to join the Annual Morgan County Right to Life “Life Chain” to support the rights of the unborn. We will meet at the Ferris Wheel in Community Park at 2:30 on Sun., Oct. 5. Thank you! There is a class ring in the “lost & found”. Please come to the office to claim it. This is a reminder to students. We have a full day of school tomorrow. OSS has early dismissal for an elementary teachers’ workshop. Sept. 26, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: University of Illinois-Urbana on Tue., Sept. 30 during 1st hour, MacMurray College on Tue., Sept. 30 during 3rd hour, Blackburn College on Wed., Oct. 1 during 1st hour, and St. Louis Universtiy on Wed., Oct. 1 during 6th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Mon., Sept. 29 & Tue., Sept. 30 respectively. Sophomores! The Jostens rep will be here on today to receive your class ring orders. Please bring your completed orders and $60 deposit today after school in the Student Lounge. All fall sports’ teams will get their pictures taken after school on Tue., Sept. 30, beginning with volleyball at 3:00. Picture order forms are available on the office counter. CAC will have a meeting after 6 p.m. Mass at Illinois College this Sunday. All are welcome. Anyone interested in ordering a 2014 Volley for the Cure T-shirt or Hoodie needs to talk to a Routt Volleyball player or coach. Orders are due by today, with delivery scheduled for Friday, Oct. 3rd. Help the Lady Rockets support the Mia Ware Foundation and wear your pink on Oct. 6th for the annual Volley for the Cure match against Jacksonville. Happy Birthday! Sunday Fr. Tom Meyer Sept. 25, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: University of Illinois-Urbana on Tue., Sept. 30 during 1st hour, MacMurray College on Tue., Sept. 30 during 3rd hour, Blackburn College on Wed., Oct. 1 during 1st hour, and St. Louis Universtiy on Wed., Oct. 1 during 6th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Mon., Sept. 29 & Tue., Sept. 30 respectively. Sophomores! The Jostens rep will be here on tomorrow to receive your class ring orders. Please bring your completed orders and $60 deposit tomorrow after school in the Student Lounge. A paperback copy of the book The Turn of the Screw and a calculator has been turned in to the office. Also a calculator was found above locker #42. If you think it may be yours, see Mr. Roscetti at lunch. Routt Book Club will hold a brief organizational meeting today at 2:50 in room 1. All readers are welcome! All fall sports’ teams will get their pictures taken after school on Tue., Sept. 30, beginning with volleyball at 3:00. Picture order forms are available on the office counter. Mr. Rood would like to take the food donations to the Food Pantry tomorrow afternoon. Let’s have a good final push toward bringing in as much as we can. Thank you very much! CAC will have a meeting after 6 p.m. Mass at Illinois College this Sunday. All are welcome. Anyone interested in ordering a 2014 Volley for the Cure T-shirt or Hoodie needs to talk to a Routt Volleyball player or coach. Orders are due by tomorrow, Sept. 26th, with delivery scheduled for Friday, Oct. 3rd. Help the Lady Rockets support the Mia Ware Foundation and wear your pink on Oct. 6th for the annual Volley for the Cure match against Jacksonville. Happy Birthday Thomas Coates! Sept. 24, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: University of Illinois-Urbana on Tue., Sept. 30 during 1st hour, MacMurray College on Tue., Sept. 30 during 3rd hour, Blackburn College on Wed., Oct. 1 during 1st hour, and St. Louis Universtiy on Wed., Oct. 1 during 6th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Mon., Sept. 29 & Tue., Sept. 30 respectively. Sophomores! The Jostens rep will be here on Friday to receive your class ring orders. Please bring your completed orders and $60 deposit Friday between 2:30 and 3:15. A paperback copy of the book The Turn of the Screw and a calculator has been turned in to the office. Routt Book Club will hold a brief organizational meeting tomorrow at 2:50 in room 1. All readers are welcome! All fall sports’ teams will get their pictures taken after school on Tue., Sept. 30, beginning with volleyball at 3:00. Picture order forms are available on the office counter. Mr. Rood would like to take the food donations to the Food Pantry on Friday afternoon. Let’s have a good final push toward bringing in as much as we can. Thank you very much! Anyone interested in ordering a 2014 Volley for the Cure T-shirt or Hoodie needs to talk to a Routt Volleyball player or coach. Orders are due by this Friday, Sept. 26th, with delivery scheduled for Friday, Oct. 3rd. Help the Lady Rockets support the Mia Ware Foundation and wear your pink on Oct. 6th for the annual Volley for the Cure match against Jacksonville. CAC will have a meeting after 6 p.m. Mass at Illinois College this Sunday. All are welcome. Sept. 23, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: University of Illinois-Urbana on Tue., Sept. 30 during 1st hour, and MacMurray College on Tue., Sept. 30 during 3rd hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Mon., Sept. 29. Sophomores! The Jostens rep will be here on Friday to receive your class ring orders. Please bring your completed orders and $60 deposit Friday between 2:30 and 3:15. Swimmers, if you didn’t receive a packet yesterday, please pick it up in the office. A paperback copy of the book The Turn of the Screw and a calculator has been turned in to the office. Routt Book Club will hold a brief organizational meeting Thursday at 2:50 in room 1. All readers are welcome! Keegan Hoots, please stop by the office during lunch today. Sept. 22, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: University of Illinois in Springfield tomorrow during 4th hour, and Culver-Stockton tomorrow during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by today. Students! This is a reminder that items are not to be left on top of lockers, especially after 3 p.m. Your personal items and books should be stored inside your locker. There is a bracelet in the office “lost & found”. It was left at the dance Saturday night. Please claim it in the office today. Also there is a pencil case in the “lost & found”. The Jostens rep will meet with sophomores in Room 2 at 2:30 today regarding class rings. Yearbooks may be picked up in the Student Lounge today after school. Sept. 19, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Illinois College on Mon., Sept. 22 during 1st hour, Maryville University on Mon., Sept. 22 during 5th hour, University of Illinois in Springfield on Tue., Sept. 23 during 4th hour, and Culver-Stockton on Tue., Sept. 23 during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by today and Mon., Sept. 22 respectively. Mr. Rood would like to invite interested students to join the North Church Nursing Home service project. This would be a good way to gain service hours and help out in the community. Interested students please see Mr. Rood. Thank you. Freshmen! Please remember to turn your $5 class dues in to Mrs. Hall or Mrs. Chipman by today for class float materials! Routt is hosting a Food Drive for the Jacksonville Food Pantry. Let’s pull together to help out the community. See signs posted for food items needed. The boxes are filling, thank you! Any boys interested in participating in bowling, there is a sign-up sheet in the office. The season starts Oct. 27 and ends Jan. 31. Deadline to sign up is today. Any questions, see Coach Wilson. Merle Fox will be at the Homecoming dance for photos. Pick up your photo order forms in the office. This is a reminder that guests of the Homecoming Dance who do not attend Routt must bring a photo ID with them to the dance. Students! This is a reminder that items are not to be left on top of lockers, especially after 3 p.m. Your personal items and books should be stored inside your locker. For anyone interested in The Bowl Inn's youth bowling league, there will be an informational meeting this Sunday, Sept. 21st at 2:00 p.m. The league runs on Sundays for 20 weeks. All bowlers ages 6-18 are invited to participate. If you cannot attend the meeting, but are interested in bowling, contact The Bowl Inn at 243-3838. Members of the high school bowling team are eligible to participate. Everyone enjoy the parade and BE SAFE! Sept. 18, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Illinois College on Mon., Sept. 22 during 1st hour, Maryville University on Mon., Sept. 22 during 5th hour, University of Illinois in Springfield on Tue., Sept. 23 during 4th hour, and Culver-Stockton on Tue., Sept. 23 during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Fri., Sept. 19 and Mon., Sept. 22 respectively. Mr. Rood would like to invite interested students to join the North Church Nursing Home service project. This would be a good way to gain service hours and help out in the community. Interested students please see Mr. Rood. Thank you. Freshmen! Please remember to turn your $5 class dues in to Mrs. Hall or Mrs. Chipman by tomorrow! Materials are needed for our class float. Routt is hosting a Food Drive for the Jacksonville Food Pantry. Let’s pull together to help out the community. See signs posted for food items needed. The boxes are filling, thank you! Any boys interested in participating in bowling, there is a sign-up sheet in the office. The season starts Oct. 27 and ends Jan. 31. Deadline to sign up is Fri., Sept. 19. Any questions, see Coach Wilson. Merle Fox will be at the Homecoming dance for photos. Pick up your photo order forms in the office. For anyone interested in The Bowl Inn's youth bowling league, there will be an informational meeting this Sunday, Sept. 21st at 2:00 p.m. The league runs on Sundays for 20 weeks. All bowlers ages 6-18 are invited to participate. If you cannot attend the meeting, but are interested in bowling, contact The Bowl Inn at 243-3838. Members of the high school bowling team are eligible to participate. Guests of the Homecoming Dance who do not attend Routt must bring a photo ID with them to the dance. Any students who did not get a physical ticket for Homecoming are asked to please see Mrs. Bergschneider in the office before the end of the day today. Friday’s dress code for Homecoming week is “Routt Day”. The dress code is the same as for all Routt days. Students must wear uniform pants and shoes. If students choose not to participate in Routt Day, they must wear their school uniforms and shoes. Sept. 17, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Illinois College on Mon., Sept. 22 during 1st hour, Maryville University on Mon., Sept. 22 during 5th hour, University of Illinois in Springfield on Tue., Sept. 23 during 4th hour, and Culver-Stockton on Tue., Sept. 23 during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Fri., Sept. 19 and Mon., Sept. 22 respectively. Mr. Rood would like to invite interested students to join the North Church Nursing Home service project. This would be a good way to gain service hours and help out in the community. Interested students please see Mr. Rood. Thank you. Students, have your parents call the office as soon as possible if they have a convertible that they would be willing to drive in the Homecoming parade on Fri., Sept. 19. Four cars are still needed. Freshmen! Please remember to turn your $5 class dues in to Mrs. Hall or Mrs. Chipman. Materials are needed for our class float. Routt is hosting a Food Drive for the Jacksonville Food Pantry. Let’s pull together to help out the community. See signs posted for food items needed. Thank you! Any boys interested in participating in bowling, there is a sign-up sheet in the office. The season starts Oct. 27 and ends Jan. 31. Deadline to sign up is Fri., Sept. 19. Any questions, see Coach Wilson. Merle Fox will be at the Homecoming dance for photos. Pick up your photo order forms in the office. Guests of the Homecoming Dance who do not attend Routt must bring a photo ID with them to the dance. Students are reminded that today is the final day that senior class officers will be selling Homecoming tickets in the lobby after school. IF you need tickets but do not have your money today, you must see Mr. Maruna after school. Also, would members of the Homecoming committee please see Mr. Maruna after school for an update report? For anyone interested in The Bowl Inn's youth bowling league, there will be an informational meeting this Sunday, Sept. 21st at 2:00 p.m. The league runs on Sundays for 20 weeks. All bowlers ages 6-18 are invited to participate. If you cannot attend the meeting, but are interested in bowling, contact The Bowl Inn at 243-3838. Members of the high school bowling team are eligible to participate. Now that water bottles are allowed in class, we have seen an increase in the number of bottles ending up in the trash. The Routt Recycles Committee encourages you to remove the cap, empty and leave the bottle in any paper recycling box in classrooms throughout the building so it will be recycled. Aaron Hufendick, please report to the office as soon as possible. Thursday’s dress code for Homecoming week is “Black-Out Day”. Students may wear black shirts or tops, and any tennis shoes. Uniform or black pants (not shorts) may be worn. If students choose not to participate in Black-Out Day, they must wear their school uniforms and shoes. NO OTHER DRESS IS PERMITTED. During Homecoming Week the RCHS dress code will still be followed with the exception of each day’s specific theme. Please see pages 26 and 27 of the Student Handbook or Parent Handbook for our Dress Code Policy. Students will be given parameters for the next day’s dress during our daily morning announcements. Happy Birthday! Alaina Colclasure Sept. 16, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Illinois College on Mon., Sept. 22 during 1st hour, Maryville University on Mon., Sept. 22 during 5th hour, and University of Illinois in Springfield on Tue., Sept. 23 during 4th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Fri., Sept. 19 and Mon., Sept. 22 respectively. Mr. Rood would like to invite interested students to join the North Church Nursing Home service project. This would be a good way to gain service hours and help out in the community. Interested students please see Mr. Rood. Thank you. Students, have your parents call the office as soon as possible if they have a convertible that they would be willing to drive in the Homecoming parade on Fri., Sept. 19. Seven cars are needed. Freshmen! Please remember to turn your $5 class dues in to Mrs. Hall or Mrs. Chipman. Materials are needed for our class float. Routt will be hosting a Food Drive for the Jacksonville Food Pantry. Let’s pull together to help out the community. See signs posted for food items needed. Thank you! Any boys interested in participating in bowling, there is a sign-up sheet in the office. The season starts Oct. 27 and ends Jan. 31. Deadline to sign up is Fri., Sept. 19. Any questions, see Coach Wilson. All freshmen are asked to help build the float today from 5:30-8 p.m. at Lahey Machine Shop. Merle Fox will be at the Homecoming dance for photos. Pick up your photo order forms in the office. The following students need to see Mr. Roscetti after they complete their lunch today: Dylan Henderson Abigail Personett Wednesday’s dress code for Homecoming week is “White-Out Day”. Students may wear white shirts or tops, and white tennis shoes. Uniform or white pants (not shorts) may be worn. If students choose not to participate in White-Out Day, they must wear their school uniforms and shoes. NO OTHER DRESS IS PERMITTED. During Homecoming Week the RCHS dress code will still be followed with the exception of each day’s specific theme. Please see pages 26 and 27 of the Student Handbook or Parent Handbook for our Dress Code Policy. Students will be given parameters for the next day’s dress during our daily morning announcements. Sept. 15, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Illinois College on Mon., Sept. 22 during 1st hour, and Maryville University on Mon., Sept. 22 during 5th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Fri., Sept. 19. This is a reminder to students that Mr. Herring will be available to tutor math every day after school, except Thursdays, from 2:45 – 3:15. Students whose grade is below a “C”, or who want to improve their math grade, should report at 2:45 to the library. Mr. Rood would like to invite interested students to join the North Church Nursing Home service project. This would be a good way to gain service hours and help out in the community. Interested students please see Mr. Rood. Thank you. Students, have your parents call the office if they have a convertible that they would be willing to drive in the Homecoming parade on Fri., Sept. 19. Seven cars are needed. Freshmen! Please remember to turn your $5 class dues in to Mrs. Hall or Mrs. Chipman. Materials are needed for our class float. Routt will be hosting a Food Drive for the Jacksonville Food Pantry. Let’s pull together to help out the community. See signs posted for food items needed. Thank you! Any boys interested in participating in bowling, there is a sign-up sheet in the office. The season starts Oct. 27 and ends Jan. 31. Deadline to sign up is Fri., Sept. 19. Any questions, see Coach Wilson. Any students interested in earning service hours cleaning the front yard today after school should see Mr. Roscetti today. All freshmen are asked to help build the float tomorrow from 5:30-8 p.m. at Lahey Machine Shop. Tuesday’s dress code for Homecoming week is “America Day”. Students may wear red/white/blue shirts or tops. Jeans and tennis shoes are allowed. If students choose not to participate in America Day, they must wear their school uniforms and shoes. NO OTHER DRESS IS PERMITTED. During Homecoming Week the RCHS dress code will still be followed with the exception of each day’s specific theme. Please see pages 26 and 27 of the Student Handbook or Parent Handbook for our Dress Code Policy. Students will be given parameters for the next day’s dress during our daily morning announcements. Students are reminded that plagiarism is defined as taking any writing or idea that belongs to someone else or some other source, and attempting to pass it off as your own work. When using someone else’s words, work or ideas you need to appropriately cite your source. Consequences for plagiarism, or academic dishonesty, are described on page 6 of the student handbook. Sept. 12, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from Eastern Illinois University on Mon. Sept. 15 during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Fri., Sept. 12. If you want to order a Family Fun Festival, RCHS/OSS “We Are United” t-shirt, order forms are available on the Routt office counter. A sample of the shirt is hanging in the office window. Orders must be turned in by today. This is a reminder to students that Mr. Herring will be available to tutor math every day after school, except Thursdays, from 2:45 – 3:15. Students whose grade is below a “C”, or who want to improve their math grade, should report at 2:45 to the library. All summer service hours for students are due next Mon., Sept. 15. Please personally turn in all service hours to Mr. Rood or drop them in Mr. Rood’s mailbox in the office. Thank you! Tickets for the Homecoming Dance will be for sale after school in the lobby through Wed., Sept. 17. Tickets are $10 each. Non-Routt escort permission slips are available in the office and are due back by next Mon., Sept. 15. Will students who have picked up the Big Brothers Big Sisters applications please turn them in to Mr. Rood by Mon., Sept. 15. Thank you! Mr. Rood would like to invite interested students to join the North Church Nursing Home service project. This would be a good way to gain service hours and help out in the community. Interested students please see Mr. Rood. Thank you. Students, have your parents call the office if they have a convertible that they would be willing to drive in the Homecoming parade on Fri., Sept. 19. Seven cars are needed. The Jacksonville Food Bank is low on food and is in great need of donations. The Routt Cheerleaders will be collecting non-perishable food items at the football game on Friday night against Triopia. Come out and support our football team and bring a food donation to help the Routt Cheerleaders “Pack the Truck”! All items will be donated to the Jacksonville Food Bank. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Freshmen! Please remember to turn your $5 class dues in to Mrs. Hall or Mrs. Chipman. Materials are needed for our class float. Routt will be hosting a Food Drive for the Jacksonville Food Pantry. Let’s pull together to help out the community. See signs posted for food items needed. Thank you! There will not be a CAC meeting this weekend due to the bonfire. Any boys interested in participating in bowling, there is a sign-up sheet in the office. The season starts Oct. 27 and ends Jan. 31. Deadline to sign up is Fri., Sept. 19. Any questions, see Coach Wilson. Monday’s dress code for Homecoming week is “Jersey Day”. Students may wear their favorite athletic jersey. Jeans and tennis shoes are allowed. If students choose not to participate in Jersey Day, they must wear their school uniforms and shoes. NO OTHER DRESS IS PERMITTED. During Homecoming Week the RCHS dress code will still be followed with the exception of each day’s specific theme. Please see pages 26 and 27 of the Student Handbook or Parent Handbook for our Dress Code Policy. Students will be given parameters for the next day’s dress during our daily morning announcements. There will be a Pep rally and bonfire to begin Homecoming week on Sun., Sept. 14 at the Jr. Irish football field on Johnson St., with games & contests. Festivities begin at 6:00 p.m. Congratulations to the following seniors on their nominations to the 2014 Homecoming Court: Kalyssa Birdsell, Martha Maruna, Juliana Russotto, Caitlin Smith, and Morgan Spaulding Andrew Basnet, Zach Dahman, John Garde, Keegan Hoots, and Matt Jackson Happy Birthday! Mr. McGlasson! Sept. 11, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from Eastern Illinois University on Mon. Sept. 15 during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Fri., Sept. 12. If you want to order a Family Fun Festival, RCHS/OSS “We Are United” t-shirt, order forms are available on the Routt office counter. A sample of the shirt is hanging in the office window. Orders must be turned in by tomorrow. This is a reminder to students that Mr. Herring will be available to tutor math every day after school, except Thursdays, from 2:45 – 3:15. Students whose grade is below a “C”, or who want to improve their math grade, should report at 2:45 to the library. All summer service hours for students are due next Mon., Sept. 15. Please personally turn in all service hours to Mr. Rood or drop them in Mr. Rood’s mailbox in the office. Do not have teachers do this for you. Thank you! Tickets for the Homecoming Dance will be for sale after school in the lobby today through Wed., Sept. 17. Tickets are $10 each. Non-Routt escort permission slips are available in the office and are due back by Mon., Sept. 15. Will students who have picked up the Big Brothers Big Sisters applications please turn them in to Mr. Rood by Mon., Sept. 15. Thank you! Mr. Rood would like to invite interested students to join the North Church Nursing Home service project. This would be a good way to gain service hours and help out in the community. Interested students please see Mr. Rood. Thank you. Students, have your parents call the office if they have a convertible that they would be willing to drive in the Homecoming parade on Fri., Sept. 19. Seven cars are needed. Sept. 10, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from Eastern Illinois University on Mon. Sept. 15 during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Fri., Sept. 12. This is a reminder to students that Mr. Herring will be available to tutor math every day after school, except Thursdays, from 2:45 – 3:15. Students whose grade is below a “C”, or who want to improve their math grade, should report at 2:45 to the library. This is a reminder to Student Council members that there will be a meeting after school today. All summer service hours for students are due next Mon., Sept. 15. Please personally turn in all service hours to Mr. Rood or drop them in Mr. Rood’s mailbox in the office. Do not have teachers do this for you. Thank you! Sept. 9, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Benedictine University in Springfield on Thur., Sept. 11 during 4th hour, and Eastern Illinois University on Mon. Sept. 15 during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Wed., Sept. 10 & Fri., Sept. 12 respectively. Permission slips for a guest/escort for Homecoming are in the office. Forms are due back by Sept. 15. If you are bringing a guest from another school, you must turn in one of these forms. If you want to order a Family Fun Festival, RCHS/OSS “We Are United” t-shirt, order forms are available on the Routt office counter. A sample of the shirt is hanging in the office window. Turn in orders by Fri., Sept. 12. This is a reminder to students that Mr. Herring will be available to tutor math every day after school, except Thursdays, from 2:45 – 3:15. Students whose grade is below a “C”, or who want to improve their math grade, should report at 2:45 to the library. The following students need to see Mr. Roscetti sometime this week, either before school, after school, or at lunch: Dylan Henderson and Abigail Personett. This is a reminder to Student Council members that there will be a meeting after school tomorrow. Congratulations to the girls’ swim team on their victory over Manual yesterday! Ironmen were Izzy Brahler and Allie Dolen. Most Improved for the day were Erika Haley and Ellie Abell. MVP’s were Hannah Jackson and Martha Maruna, scoring 16 points each. Next practice is Wednesday at 3:45 at IC. Sept. 8, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Representatives will be meeting with students in the lounge from the following colleges: Benedictine University in Springfield on Thur., Sept. 11 during 4th hour, and Eastern Illinois University on Mon. Sept. 15 during 7th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Wed., Sept. 10 & Fri., Sept. 12 respectively. A representative from will be meeting with students in the lounge on during 4th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Wed., Sept. 10. All summer service hours for students are due mext Mon., Sept. 15. Please personally turn in all service hours to Mr. Rood or drop them in Mr. Rood’s mailbox in the office. Do not have teachers do this for you. Thank you! Please remind your parents that if they worked at the Family Fun Festival, they should get their service hours turned in to Mrs. Bergschneider. Service hour forms for parents and students can both be found on the Routt Website. Homecoming tickets will be on sale Sept. 11 – 17. Tickets are $10 per person. If you didn’t pick up your school pictures last Friday, you may pick them up after school today in the office. Sept. 5, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Students who have expressed interest in, or might be interested in the Big Brothers and Big Sisters program please see Mr. Rood by the end of the day. We need to start thinking about placement options. Thank you! A representative from Benedictine University in Springfield will be meeting with students in the lounge on Thur., Sept. 11 during 4th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Wed., Sept. 10. All summer service hours for students are due on Mon., Sept. 15. Please personally turn in all service hours to Mr. Rood or drop them in Mr. Rood’s mailbox in the office. Do not have teachers do this for you. Thank you! Please remind your parents that if they worked at the Family Fun Festival last weekend, they should get their service hours turned in to Mrs. Bergschneider. Service hour forms for parents and students can both be found on the Routt Website. Permission slips for a guest/escort for Homecoming are in the office. Forms are due back by Sept. 15. If you are bringing a guest from another school, you must turn in one of these forms. If you did not receive your ID card this morning before school in the lobby, please pick yours up this morning between classes sometime. You need this card for lunch as it has your lunch code on the back of it, and it is your pass to get in to any extra-curricular events at Routt, including home games. School pictures are also in. You may pick up your packets of pictures after school in the student lounge. Happy Birthday! Today Adam Howard Saturday Marie Langdon Mr. Rood Sept. 4, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Students who have expressed interest in, or might be interested in the Big Brothers and Big Sisters program please see Mr. Rood by the end of the day. We need to start thinking about placement options. Thank you! A representative from Benedictine University in Springfield will be meeting with students in the lounge on Thur., Sept. 11 during 4th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Wed., Sept. 10. All summer service hours for students are due on Mon., Sept. 15. Please personally turn in all service hours to Mr. Rood or drop them in Mr. Rood’s mailbox in the office. Do not have teachers do this for you. Thank you! Please remind your parents that if they worked at the Family Fun Festival last weekend, they should get their service hours turned in to Mrs. Bergschneider. Service hour forms for parents and students can both be found on the Routt Website. This is a reminder that tomorrow is a school uniform day. Sept. 3, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS If you want to order a Family Fun Festival, RCHS/OSS “We Are United” t-shirt, order forms are available on the Routt office counter. See the office window for a picture of the shirt. Turn in orders by Sept. 12. There is an important Student Council meeting after school today. Please do not forget! Students who have expressed interest in, or might be interested in the Big Brothers and Big Sisters program please see Mr. Rood by the end of the day. We need to start thinking about placement options. Thank you! A representative from Benedictine University in Springfield will be meeting with students in the lounge on Thur., Sept. 11 during 4th hour. In order to attend, interested juniors and seniors should sign up on the guidance bulletin board by Wed., Sept. 10. Congratulations to the swim team on their victory over Peoria High! Iron Man for the day was Madison Robinson. Most Improved was Ellie Abell. MVP for the day was Martha Maruna, scoring 14 points. Next practice is tomorrow at 3:45 at Illinois College. Sept. 2, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS If you want to order a Family Fun Festival, RCHS/OSS “We Are United” t-shirt, order forms are available on the Routt office counter. See the office window for a picture of the shirt. Turn in orders by Sept. 12. There will be an important Student Council meeting after school tomorrow. Please do not forget! Happy Birthday! Coach Wilson Aug. 29, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Any girl who wants to be a member of the RCHS Girls' Bowling Team needs to stop by the main office and get an information sheet pertaining to the upcoming season. If you want to participate this year, you need to sign-up in the main office by today. Contact Coach Gibson if you have any questions. Last reminder! Any students who are planning to take the Driver's Education course at JHS this fall must be 15 years old by Nov. 30. You must sign up at the JHS office by Mon., Oct. 27. The classroom course will run Monday through Friday, 3:30-5:00 from Oct. 27 to Nov. 25. The fee for the course is $250, plus a $15 registration fee. $265 is payable to JHS when you register for the course. To be eligible to take the class, you must have passed 8 classes during the 2 previous school semesters. Students! Don’t forget to come to the Family Fun Festival and sign up each day for the chance to win a $500 drawing Sunday night toward your tuition. You may sign up once each day at the ticket booth. Routt students are invited to participate in a bean bag tournament at the Family Fun Festival on Sat., Aug. 30 starting at 8:00 p.m. in the games tent. The tournament is open to grades 7 through 12. Family Fun Festival has available RCHS/OSS “We Are United” t-shirts. Order forms are available on the Routt office counter. See the office window for a picture of the shirt. Turn in orders by Sept. 12. Students! Remember to take home any personal belongings today, especially in the gym and locker room areas. We can’t be responsible for any lost articles. Students who plan to attend tonight’s football game at home vs. Calhoun will need to pick up a ticket in the office to be admitted for no charge. If you do not have a ticket, you will have to pay to get in. Jayse Weikert, please see Mr. Roscetti today after you have finished your lunch. Do you have your Dodgeball team together yet for the competition Saturday at 1:00 in the gym during the Family Fun Festival? Coach Wilson is looking for some brave competitors against his team. Get your team together and complete the registration form in the office today! Everyone have a fun, safe weekend! Happy Birthday! Sunday Mr. Maruna Aug. 28, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Any girl who wants to be a member of the RCHS Girls' Bowling Team needs to stop by the main office and get an information sheet pertaining to the upcoming season. If you want to participate this year, you need to sign-up in the main office by tomorrow. Contact Coach Gibson if you have any questions. Any students who are planning to take the Driver's Education course at JHS this fall must be 15 years old by Nov. 30. If you will be taking this course, you must sign up at the JHS office by Mon., Oct. 27. The classroom course will run Monday through Friday, 3:30-5:00 from Oct. 27 to Nov. 25. The fee for the course is $250, plus a $15 registration fee. $265 is payable to JHS when you register for the course. To be eligible to take the class, you must have passed 8 classes during the 2 previous school semesters. Students! Don’t forget to come to the Family Fun Festival and sign up each day for the chance to win a $500 drawing Sunday night toward your tuition. You may sign up once each day at the ticket booth. Routt students are invited to participate in a bean bag tournament at the Family Fun Festival on Sat., Aug. 30 starting at 8:00 p.m. in the games tent. The tournament is open to grades 7 through 12. Family Fun Festival has available RCHS/OSS “We Are United” t-shirts. Order forms are available on the Routt office counter. See the office window for a picture of the shirt. Students! Please keep in mind that many people will be in our building this weekend. Make sure to take home any personal belongings, especially in the gym and locker room area. We can’t be responsible for any lost articles. There is a sweatshirt and a school uniform shirt in the office. Please check today if you think they belong to you. Students who plan to attend tomorrow’s football game at home vs. Calhoun will need to pick up a ticket in the office to be admitted for no charge. If you do not have a ticket, you will have to pat to get in. Luke Overton, please see Mr. Roscetti today after you have finished your lunch. Congratulations to the girls’ swim team on their victory over JHS last night! Iron Man for the day were Ellie Abell and Haley Haarman. Most Improved were Izzy Brahler and Emily Haley. MVP’s for the day were Hannah Jackson and Riley Dunnagan, scoring 14 points each. Next practice is Friday at 6:00 a.m. Do you have your Dodgeball team together yet for the competition Saturday at 1:00 in the gym during the Family Fun Festival? Coach Wilson is looking for some brave competitors against his team. Get your team together and complete the registration form in the office today! Happy Birthday! Katie Meier Aug. 27, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS District 117 has announced that they will be dismissing an hour early for the rest of this week. Routt will have no afternoon bus service from District 117 this week since we are on regular schedule. The Girls on the Run program is looking for volunteers for practice partners. They will meet Tue. & Thur. from 3:15-4:30 at OSS starting Sept. 9 and commencing Nov. 8. You must be 16 years old. Please see Mrs. Hoots if you are interested. Thank you. Any girl who wants to be a member of the RCHS Girls' Bowling Team needs to stop by the main office and get an information sheet pertaining to the upcoming season. If you want to participate this year, you need to sign-up in the main office by Friday. Contact Coach Gibson if you have any questions. This announcement is for any students who are planning to take the Driver's Education course at Jacksonville High School this fall. To take the course, you must be 15 years old by Nov. 30. If you will be taking this course, you must sign up at the JHS office by Mon., Oct. 27. The classroom course will run Monday through Friday, 3:30-5:00 from Oct. 27 to Nov. 25. The fee for the course is $250, plus a $15 registration fee. $265 is payable to JHS when you register for the course. To be eligible to take the class, you must have passed 8 classes during the 2 previous school semesters. Students! Don’t forget to come to the Family Fun Festival and sign up each day, on Saturday and on Sunday, to win a $500 drawing Sunday night toward your tuition. You may sign up once each day at the ticket booth. Routt students are invited to participate in a bean bag tournament at the Family Fun Festival on Sat., Aug. 30 starting at 8:00 p.m. in the games tent. The tournament is open to grades 7 through 12. All seniors! Please give $10 to Kirby Hartz or Kalyssa Birdsell by today for the Family Fun Festival basket. Thank you! Family Fun Festival has available RCHS/OSS “We Are United” t-shirts. Order forms are available on the Routt office counter. See the office window for a picture of the shirt. Students! Please keep in mind that many people will be in our building this weekend. Make sure to take home any personal belongings, especially in the gym and locker room area. We can’t be responsible for any lost articles. There is a sweatshirt and a school uniform shirt in the office. Please check today if you think they belong to you. Happy Birthday! Mrs. Bruington in the cafeteria Aug. 26, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS District 117 has announced that they will be dismissing an hour early for the rest of this week. Routt will have no afternoon bus service from District 117 this week since we are on regular schedule. With Family Fun Festival this weekend, we will need to make a few parking adjustments. For Thur. & Fri., 8/28 & 29 - All 12th grade students, buses and teachers who park along the Dome and MacMurray property will need to park off campus. For Tue., 9/2 - All 12th grade students and possibly some staff (maybe those along the Dome) will need to park off campus. The 10th grade lot across from the school is available (only 1 car has been parked there), and MacMurray said we may use the row on the east end of their lot that is adjacent to our sophomore parking. We will also have to utilize on-street parking along College, State, and other nearby streets. The Girls on the Run program is looking for volunteers for practice partners. They will meet Tue. & Thur. from 3:15-4:30 at OSS starting Sept. 9 and commencing Nov. 8. You must be 16 years old. Please see Mrs. Hoots if you are interested. Thank you. Any girl who wants to be a member of the RCHS Girls' Bowling Team needs to stop by the main office and get an information sheet pertaining to the upcoming season. If you want to participate this year, you need to sign-up in the main office by Friday. Contact Coach Gibson if you have any questions. Students! Don’t forget to come to the Family Fun Festival and sign up each day, on Saturday and on Sunday, to win a $500 drawing Sunday night toward your tuition. You may sign up once each day at the ticket booth. Routt students are invited to participate in a bean bag tournament at the Family Fun Festival on Sat., Aug. 30 starting at 8:00 p.m. in the games tent. The tournament is open to grades 7 through 12. This announcement is for any students who are planning to take the Driver's Education course at Jacksonville High School this fall. To take the course, you must be 15 years old by Nov. 30. If you will be taking this course, you must sign up at the JHS office by Mon., Oct. 27. The classroom course will run Monday through Friday, 3:30-5:00 from Oct. 27 to Nov. 25. The fee for the course is $250, plus a $15 registration fee. $265 is payable to JHS when you register for the course. To be eligible to take the class, you must have passed 8 classes during the 2 previous school semesters. All seniors! Please give $10 to Kirby Hartz or Kalyssa Birdsell by tomorrow for the Family Fun Festival basket. Thank you! Family Fun Festival has available RCHS/OSS “We Are United” t-shirts. Order forms are available on the Routt office counter. See the office window for a picture of the shirt. Evan Shade, please see Mr. Roscetti at this time. Aug. 25, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS The golf practice for today has been moved from the Links to the Jacksonville Country Club. Today we begin our regular school day schedule. Students will be dismissed at 2:45. District 117 is dismissing early today because some of their buildings don’t have air conditioning. So, some of our students won’t have bus service today. The Girls on the Run program is looking for volunteers for practice partners. We will meet Tue. & Thur. from 3:15-4:30 at OSS starting Sept. 9 and commencing Nov. 8. You must be 16 years old. Please see Mrs. Hoots if you are interested. Thank you. Any girl who wants to be a member of the RCHS Girls' Bowling Team needs to stop by the main office and get an information sheet pertaining to the upcoming season. If you want to participate this year, you need to sign-up in the main office by Friday. Contact Coach Gibson if you have any questions. This announcement is for any students who are planning to take the Driver's Education course at Jacksonville High School this fall. To take the course, you must be 15 years old by Nov. 30. If you will be taking this course, you must sign up at the JHS office by Mon., Oct. 27. The classroom course will run Monday through Friday, 3:30-5:00 from Oct. 27 to Nov. 25. The fee for the course is $250, plus a $15 registration fee. $265 is payable to JHS when you register for the course. To be eligible to take the class, you must have passed 8 classes during the 2 previous school semesters. Students! Don’t forget to come to the Family Fun Festival and sign up each day, on Saturday and on Sunday, to win a $500 drawing Sunday night toward your tuition. You may sign up once each day at the ticket booth. Routt students are invited to participate in a bean bag tournament at the Family Fun Festival on Sat., Aug. 30 starting at 8:00 p.m. in the games tent. The tournament is open to grades 7 through 12. With Family Fun Festival this weekend, we will need to make a few parking adjustments. Thursday, 8/28 - All 12th and 11th grade students, buses and teachers who park along the Dome and MacMurray property will need to park off campus. Friday, 8/29 - All 12th and 11th grade students, buses, and all staff who park north of the school/Dome or along MacMurray property will need to park off campus. Tuesday, 9/2 - All 12th grade students and possibly some staff (maybe those along the Dome) will need to park off campus. The 10th grade lot across from the school is available (only 1 car has been parked there), and I will be contacting MacMurray to see if we may use a portion of their lot across from the front of the school. We will also have to utilize on-street parking along College, State, and other nearby streets. Happy Birthday! Mrs. Chipman Aug. 22, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS There will be an informational meeting at 6 p.m. Sunday at the KC Hall for all girls (and their parents) interested in bowling this winter on the high school bowling team. The purpose of the meeting is to determine student interest and to discuss the season calendar. Interested students who cannot attend need to contact Coach Gibson this week. Do you know what college admissions departments like to see on student transcripts? Extracurricular activities other than sports. Here is a great opportunity: The Routt Recycles Committee will have an organizational meeting after school this Friday in Mr. Maruna’s room. Students looking for service hours should volunteer at Art on the Square this weekend, Sat., Aug. 23 or Sun., Aug. 24. Call Anne McDaniel at 248-9755 to volunteer. The Girls on the Run program is looking for volunteers for practice partners. We will meet Tue. & Thur. from 3:15-4:30 at OSS starting Sept. 9 and commencing Nov. 8. You must be 16 years old. Please see Mrs. Hoots if you are interested. Thank you. The first Catholic Athletes for Christ meeting will be this Sunday at 2 p.m. at Trevor Huffman’s house. There will be a slip ‘n slide and a meeting afterwards. This is open for anyone. Last names starting with A-L bring a side dish, and last names starting with M-Z bring a dessert. There is a sign-up sheet on Coach Wilson’s door. Please sign up by 2:15 p.m. today. Caitlin Smith, Morgan Spaulding & Juliana Russotto please report to Mr. Roscetti’s office when you have completed your lunch. Study hall students are reminded that they should be studying or reading. Talking and sleeping are not allowed. Congratulations to these new freshman class officers! President – Allyson Huffman Vice-President – Claire Russotto Secretary – Ellie Abell Treasurer – Kalleigh Burke Happy Birthday! Today Izzy Brahler Juliana Russotto Saturday Mrs. TerHark Sunday Dawson Gibson Jack Whalen Aug. 21, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS All RCHS students are invited to participate in a bowling tournament at The Bowl Inn on Sat., Aug. 23 at 4 p.m. Cost for entering the tournament is $20. There is a sign-up sheet on the office counter. There will be an informational meeting at 6 p.m. Sunday at the KC Hall for all girls (and their parents) interested in bowling this winter on the high school bowling team. The purpose of the meeting is to determine student interest and to discuss the season calendar. Interested students who cannot attend need to contact Coach Gibson this week. Juniors! Give Marie your $3 by tomorrow or pay double for the class basket. Routt will host a blood drive tomorrow beginning at 9:30 until 2:00. See Mrs. Hall to sign up. There is still a lost medal on a necklace in the office “lost & found”. I think it was found in the boys’ locker room. Please claim it if it’s yours. Today is the last day to pre-register for the 6on6 Dodgeball Tournament at Routt during the Family Fun Festival on Sat., Aug. 30 and receive a tshirt. The high school/adult category will play at 1:00 in the afternoon. Entry fee is $100 per team. Top 3 teams receive cash prizes for 1st through 3rd places, starting at $200 for 1st place. Registration forms can be found on the office counter. You can still register from Noon to 12:45 on Saturday, but you won’t get a t-shirt. Students, please remember items are not to be left on top of lockers overnight. Thank you! Students looking for service hours should volunteer at Art on the Square this weekend, Sat., Aug. 23 or Sun., Aug. 24. Call Anne McDaniel at 248-9755 to volunteer. The Girls on the Run program is looking for volunteers for practice partners. We will meet Tue. & Thur. from 3:15-4:30 at OSS starting Sept. 9 and commencing Nov. 8. You must be 16 years old. Please see Mrs. Hoots if you are interested. Thank you. The first Catholic Athletes for Christ meeting will be this Sunday at 2 p.m. at Trevor Huffman’s house. There will be a slip ‘n slide and a meeting afterwards. This is open for anyone. Last names starting with A-L bring a side dish, and last names starting with M-Z bring a dessert. There is a sign-up sheet on Coach Wilson’s door. Please sign up by 2:15 p.m. this Friday. District 117 Bus riders! Because the bus is leaving from Our Saviour at 1:50 each day this week, you may be dismissed at 1:40 instead of 1:45. But, you must get right to your locker, get your things, and walk over immediately to the front of Our Saviour so you are on time. Tomorrow is a scheduled “Routt Day”. Appropriate dress is listed in your agenda on page 28 – Routt Spirit Days. The Routt Days will be listed on the weekly calendar when they are scheduled. The teachers & staff each receive a weekly calendar by email every week. The calendar can also be found on the Routt Website by clicking “This Week” on the home page. The calendar by month for the entire year can also be found on the home page under “Monthly Calendar”. Aug. 20, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Freshmen are reminded that their school physical forms were due in the office last week. If you have an upcoming physical scheduled, please have your parents let the office know about it right away. All RCHS students are invited to participate in a bowling tournament at The Bowl Inn on Sat., Aug. 23 at 4 p.m. Cost for entering the tournament is $20. There is a sign-up sheet on the office counter. There will be an informational meeting at 6 p.m. Sunday at the KC Hall for all girls (and their parents) interested in bowling this winter on the high school bowling team. The purpose of the meeting is to determine student interest and to discuss the season calendar. Interested students who cannot attend need to contact Coach Gibson this week. Juniors! Give Marie your $3 by Friday or pay double for the class basket. There will be a very important Student Council meeting today after school. It won’t take too long if all get there on time. At this time, no freshmen have contacted Mr. Maruna regarding class officer positions. Please do so ASAP. Do you know what college admissions departments like to see on student transcripts? Extracurricular activities other than sports. Here is a great opportunity: The Routt Recycles Committee will have an organizational meeting after school this Friday in Mr. Maruna’s room. Routt will host a blood drive this Friday beginning at 9:30 until 2:00. See Mrs. Hall to sign up. Did you lose a medal on a necklace? Check in the office “lost & found”. Once again, there will be a 6on6 Dodgeball Tournament at Routt during the Family Fun Festival on Sat., Aug. 30. The high school/adult category will play at 1:00 in the afternoon. To receive a t-shirt, you must pre-register by tomorrow. Entry fee is $100 per team. Top 3 teams receive cash prizes for 1st through 3rd places, starting at $200 for 1st place. Registration forms can be found on the office counter. You can still register from Noon to 12:45 on Saturday, but you won’t get a t-shirt. Students, please remember items are not to be left on top of lockers overnight. Thank you! Students looking for service hours should volunteer at Art on the Square this weekend, Sat., Aug. 23 or Sun., Aug. 24. Call Anne McDaniel at 248-9755 to volunteer. The Girls on the Run program is looking for volunteers for practice partners. We will meet Tue. & Thur. from 3:15-4:30 at OSS starting Sept. 9 and commencing Nov. 8. You must be 16 years old. Please see Mrs. Hoots if you are interested. Thank you. This is a reminder that swim practice won’t start until 3:00 today due to pool time issues. Our first Catholic Athletes for Christ meeting will be this Sunday at 2 p.m. at Trevor Huffman’s house. There will be a slip ‘n slide and a meeting afterwards. This is open for anyone. Last names starting with A-L bring a side dish, and last names starting with M-Z bring a dessert. There is a sign-up sheet on Coach Wilson’s door. Please sign up by 2:15 p.m. this Friday. There is no early lunch dismissal today. Will the owner of a blue Ford Mustang parked in the junior parking lot, license #P44 5882, please report to the office at this time. Happy Birthday! Dylan Henderson Aug. 19, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Freshmen are reminded that their school physical forms were due in the office last week. If you have an upcoming physical scheduled, please have your parents let the office know about it right away. All RCHS students are invited to participate in a bowling tournament at The Bowl Inn on Sat., Aug. 23 at 4 p.m. Cost for entering the tournament is $20. There is a sign-up sheet on the office counter. There will be an informational meeting at 6 p.m. Sunday at the KC Hall for all girls (and their parents) interested in bowling this winter on the high school bowling team. The purpose of the meeting is to determine student interest and to discuss the season calendar. Interested students who cannot attend need to contact Coach Gibson this week. All junior and senior NHS members! Please meet briefly in Mr. Beddingfield’s room right after school to schedule your service project time. Please bring your planners and a pencil. Juniors! Give Marie your $3 by Friday or pay double for the class basket. There will be a very important Student Council meeting on Wednesday after school. It won’t take too long if all get there on time. At this time, no freshmen have contacted Mr. Maruna regarding class officer positions. Please do so ASAP. Do you know what college admissions departments like to see on student transcripts? Extracurricular activities other than sports. Here is a great opportunity: The Routt Recycles Committee will have an organizational meeting after school this Friday in Mr. Maruna’s room. Routt will host a blood drive this Friday beginning at 9:30 until 2:00. See Mrs. Hall to sign up. Once again, there will be a 6on6 Dodgeball Tournament at Routt during the Family Fun Festival on Sat., Aug. 30. The high school/adult category will play at 1:00 in the afternoon. To receive a t-shirt, you must pre-register by tomorrow. Entry fee is $100 per team. Top 3 teams receive cash prizes for 1st through 3rd places, starting at $200 for 1st place. Registration forms can be found on the office counter. You can still register from Noon to 12:45 on Saturday, but you won’t get a t-shirt. Did you lose a medal on a necklace? Check in the office “lost & found”. Happy Birthday! Braden Schnitker Kelly Tobin Sara Worrell Aug. 18, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Students have until today to drop or add a class. A fee of $25 will be charged for any student course changes after this date. Remember that add-drop forms need to be signed by parents and teachers. Freshmen are reminded that their school physical forms were due in the office last week. If you have an upcoming physical scheduled, please have your parents let the office know about it right away. Students! If you have a completed packet of forms in your locker from parent orientation, please bring it to the office now. Those forms were due last Friday. Thank you! All RCHS students are invited to participate in a bowling tournament at The Bowl Inn on Sat., Aug. 23 at 4 p.m. Cost for entering the tournament is $20. There is a sign-up sheet on the office counter. Any students who want to ride the bus from District 117 this year must return a bus registration form to the Routt office before they can ride the bus. The District 117 bus service began today. A list of students who are riding the bus will be sent to teachers today. Those students who are riding the bus after school should be dismissed from class this week at 1:45 to catch the bus in front of Our Saviour School. Happy Birthday! Today Molly Schmidt Aug. 15, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Juniors! Please give Marie Langdon $3 for the class basket. Any freshman wishing to be a candidate for any class officer positions is asked to see Mr. Maruna by today. His classroom is opposite the biology room. Students have until Mon., Aug. 18 to drop or add a class. A fee of $25 will be charged for any student course changes after this date. Remember that add-drop forms need to be signed by parents and teachers. Freshmen are reminded that their school physical forms are due in the office today. If you have an upcoming physical scheduled, please have your parents let the office know about it. All students are reminded that the forms that were distributed Monday night at the parents’ meeting are due back in the office today. If you have a completed packet in your locker, please bring it to the office as soon as possible. Thank you! All RCHS students are invited to participate in a bowling tournament at The Bowl Inn on Sat., Aug. 23 at 4 p.m. Cost for entering the tournament is $20. There is a sign-up sheet on the office counter. Any students who want to ride the bus from District 117 this year must return a bus registration form to the Routt office before they can ride the bus. The District 117 bus service begins next Mon., Aug. 18. If you want to ride the bus beginning next Monday, you must turn in that form by today so we can get that information to District 117. Blank forms are available in the office. The lunch menu for today is Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Applesauce, Corn & Oreo Fluff. Happy Birthday! Today Sunday Keegan Hoots Erica Lay Aug. 14, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Juniors! Please give Marie Langdon $3 for the class basket. Any freshman wishing to be a candidate for any class officer positions is asked to see Mr. Maruna by Friday. His classroom is opposite the biology room. Students have until Mon., Aug. 18 to drop or add a class. A fee of $25 will be charged for any student course changes after this date. Remember that add-drop forms need to be signed by parents and teachers. Tomorrow is the first day for school uniforms. We will attend Mass together at 8:20. Freshmen are reminded that their school physical forms are due in the office. If you have not turned yours in, please do so tomorrow. If you have an upcoming physical scheduled, please have your parents let the office know about it. All students are reminded that the forms that were distributed Monday night at the parents’ meeting are due back in the office tomorrow. All RCHS students are invited to participate in a bowling tournament at The Bowl Inn on Sat., Aug. 23 at 4 p.m. Cost for entering the tournament is $20. There is a sign-up sheet on the office counter. Any students who want to ride the bus from District 117 this year must return a bus registration form to the Routt office before they can ride the bus. The District 117 bus service begins next Mon., Aug. 18. If you want to ride the bus beginning next Monday, you must turn in that form by tomorrow so we can get that information to District 117. Blank forms are available in the office. Aug. 13, 2014 ANNOUNCEMENTS Good morning & welcome back to school! This is a reminder that students are not allowed in the upstairs hallway in the morning until the bell rings for the end of early-bird classes at 8:02. Until that time, you may study or visit in the student lounge. Juniors! Please give Marie Langdon $3 for the class basket. Any freshmen wishing to be a candidate for any class officer positions are asked to see Mr. Maruna by Friday. His classroom is opposite the biology room. School pictures will be taken tomorrow morning, Aug. 14. Pictures will be taken of all students for student ID cards. This includes the seniors. If you want to purchase pictures, you must return a picture payment envelope to the main office as soon as possible. Turn forms and money in to the office now if you have them. Seniors may buy pictures if they want. Just get an envelope from Rose in the office. Pictures of staff will be taken beginning at 8:00 a.m. Pictures of students will be taken starting at 8:15. Students will be called down to the Martha Routt room by class when the photographer is ready for them. You should have received a picture form yesterday at orientation. Tomorrow will be a non-uniform day. Students are expected to wear nice “dress” clothing appropriate for pictures. Acceptable clothing includes: khaki or dress pants, polo, rugby, or button-down shirts, sweaters, blouses, dresses or skirts of school uniform length, and dress shoes. You may not wear jeans, t-shirts, spaghetti straps, short tops with bare midriffs, short skirts, sagging pants, or gym shoes. If in doubt whether what you plan to wear is acceptable, ASK!
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