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@et E159 E929a
Filed March 7, 1928
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Patented Oct. l5, 1929
Application filed March 7, 1928. Serial No. 259,616.
My invention has for its obj ect'a safety ven
tilator adapted to lill the opening in an oil
tank or the like and is especially adapted to
prevent the accumulation ofpressure or vac
5 uum during the filling or emptying of such
tanks or during the temperature changes and
to prevent fire and the explosion‘of gases that
may collect therein.
In the handling -of hydrocarbon oils and
10 distillates in bulk in closed containers‘there
is usually a space .unfilled by liquid at the
top and at all times during filling o_r empty
and described in the accompanying drawing
and specification.
In the drawing Fim 1 is a plan view of one
embodiment of my invention.
Fig. 2 is a vertical midsection of Fig. 1.
Fig. 3 is a vertical cross section through
an oil tank or receptacle showing the device
of Figs. 1 and 2 applied thereto and in op
erative position.
Throughout the figures simliar numerals
refer to identical parts.
The numeral 1 indicates theltop portion of
ing of such tanks such a space exists within a conventional oily tank or receptacle 2, hav
which volatile and explosive vapors collect ing an opening therein through which is in
15 and any flame or ignition in the vicinity there
troduced my ventilator, an outer cage portion 65
of is apt to ignite said vapors through the of which is shown by the numeral 3 turned
manholes, hand holes or the like which are over and flanged at 4 and fitted with a per
invariably provided to secure an equalization forated top member 5.
At 6 is a fluid compartment into which dips
of pressure and for introducing measuring
the absorbent material shown at 7 and which
20 sticks, pipes, etc.
It is customary to provide such tanks or. latter extends above the fluid contents 8 and
storage receptacles with a hand hole or vent is supported by the member 9 so that by cap
hole at top to allow escape of explosive gases illary attraction the fluid in the compartment
andespecially an equalization of pressure, 6 maintains the material 7 above the bar 9
25 and my invention is directed toa closure saturated with fluid.
The compartment 6 is spaced from the cage
means for such opening or openings which
will admit of the transfer of air from the 3 and the bar 9 horizontally spaced below
outside into the receptacle of tlielgases fi‘om the top 5 provides a chamber within which a
the interior to the exterior of said vessel sponge or similar absorbent material is lilled
30 through my ventilator to maintain the inter as shown -at 10.
The Huid 8 through the absorbent wick or
nal pressure eqn/al with the external and
therefore prevent undue stresses on the walls fibrous material 7 therefore saturates the
of the receptacle; and at the same time to sponge 10 which is kept wet with the fluid.
prevent any possible transfer of liame or ig
These objects I accomplish by providing
A fine screen 11 preferably covers the
35 nition into the gas, I.vaporor inflammable con sponge material 10 below the perforated top
tents that may be in the'receptacle.
I member 5.
A gasket is shown at 12 sealing the space
a screen-like cage within which I maintain _between the ventilator and the top 1 of the
a fluid compartment and a diaphragm of tank 2 with a conventional handle at 13 to 90
40 sponge, fibrous material., asbestosor the like, ' lift the ventilator’out when required.
The top 5 is locked to the flange 4 as by the
formingvminute intcrstices through which a
lock membersl 14 and buttons 15.
flame or ignition'will not'be propagated.
This diaphragm is preferably maintained'ì The absorbent material 7 is preferably
lwetted from the said water compartment, thus weighted as with the ring 20 to insure its
45 insuring a wetted diaphragm of a consider
contact therewith at all times 'as the fluid 8 95
able area having minute and tortuous pas-I
Cageß is perforated as at 16, 16, 16 and
sages through which any gas or- vapors may
freely pass in either direction but through also at the top as at 17, 17 thus enabling air,
gas or vapors which may collect in the space
which no flame or ignition can pass.
A preferable forni of my invention is shown 18 to pass freely through the holes 16 spaced 100
between the cage 3 and compartment 6 as
shown at 19, through the sponge or other dia
phragm 10 thence through the screen 11 and
opening 17 in the top or cover 5 to the outside
of the tank 2 or vice versa and thereby equal
ize and maintain equalized the pressure be
tween the space 18 and the surrounding air.
During the said passage the vapors are
forced through the wetted surfaces of the in
terstices in the diaphragm member 10 which
functions to prevent the passage of any flame
. or ignition therethrough.
„ It will now be understood that my inven
tion may be embodied in other forms than
that shown in the drawing and specification
without departing from the spirit of my in
vention and I wish to be understood as claim
ing all such.
I claim:
1. As an article of manufacture a safety
ventilator comprising a multiperforated cage,
a fluid chamber fixed in suspended position
within said cage, a perforated cover for said
cage and spaced from said chamber, absorb
ent material within the cage and between the
chamber and the cover and communicating
with the interior of said chamber.
2. As an article of manufacture a safety
ventilator comprising a multiperforated cage,
a fluid chamber fixed in suspended position
Within said cage, a perforated cover for said '
-cage and spaced from said chamber, absorb
ent material within the cage and between the
chamber and the cover and communicating
with the interior of said chamber, a flange and
gasket adapted‘ to support said ventilator
within an opening.
3. As an article of manufacture a safety
«ventilator comprising a multiperforated cage,
a fluid chamber fixed in suspended position
within said cage, a perforated cover for said
cage and spaced from said chamber,absorbent material Within the cage and between the
chamber and the cover., a wick communicat
ing with the interior of said chamber and in
caplillary control with said absorbent mate
ria .
4. As an article of manufacture a safety
ventilator comprising a multiperforated cage,
a fluid chamber fixed in suspended position
within said cage, a perforated cover for said
cage and spaced from said chamber, absorb
ent material Within the cage and between the
chamber and the` cover, a wick communicat
« ing with the interior of said chamber land in
capillary control'with said absorbent mate
rial, a flange and gasket adapted to support
said ventilator within an opening.
5. A safety ventilator comprising a pervi
ous cage and a pervious cover for said cage,
means for detachably holding said cover as
sembled with said cage, a chamber fixed with
in and spaced from said cage and from said
cover and having a top opening, absorbent
material pervious to vapors forming a dia
phragm between the cage and the cover and in
capillary communication with the interior of
said chamber.
6. A safety ventilator comprising a pervi
ous cage and a pervious cover for said cage, 70
means for detachably holding said cover as
sembled with said cage, a chamber fixed with
in and spaced from said cage and from said
cover and,having a top opening, absorbent
material pervious to vapors forming a dia
phragm between the cage 'and the cover, a
wick communicating with the interior of said
chamber and in capillary contact with said
absorbent material.