Bibb County School District Department of Communications / Community & School Affairs 484 Mulberry Street, Suite 365, Macon, Georgia 31201, (478) 765-8548 Dr. E. Steven Smith Susan K. Sipe Interim Superintendent of Schools Board President MEDIA CONTACT FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Stephanie Hartley (478) 765-8620 DISTRICT’S CCRPI RESULTS SHOW TREND OF PROGRESS ACROSS ALL GRADE LEVELS December 16, 2014 (MACON, GA) - Today, the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) released the results of the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) for 2014, which relied upon data from the 2013-2014 school year. The CCRPI is Georgia’s statewide accountability system, implemented in 2012. It measures schools and school districts on an easy-to-understand 100-point scale, helping parents and the public better understand how schools are performing. The results released today reflect overall improvement among Bibb County schools at each level when compared with data over two years of instruction. The District’s middle and high schools saw the most significant improvement over the past two years, with the high school score increasing almost 10 points over two years and the middle school score increasing 7 points. This trend of improvement among schools over two years of instruction demonstrates the District is moving in the right direction. Elementary Middle High District State 2012 60 56.9 51.9 57.3 74.1 2013 66.3 61.4 56.9 62.9 75.8 2014 61.1 63.9 61.2 62.1 72 “We’ve been in a fact-finding mode for the past year and half. We wanted an assessment of where we were, where our strengths were, where our weaknesses were, and what we needed to do in order to initiate a plan to seek improvement in the future. As a result of the series of GAPSS (Georgia Assessment of Performance of School Standards) analyses and some of the professional learning opportunities that we’ve brought in, I think our staff is better equipped than ever before to know what to do to improve instruction and therefore increase student learning and ultimately student achievement. Therefore I expect in the years ahead, and especially in the next one to three years, to see significant improvement in our test scores and our graduation rates,” said Interim Superintendent Dr. E. Steven Smith. -MOREVision: Each student demonstrates strength of character and is college or career ready. Mission: The Bibb County School District will develop a highly trained staff and an engaged community dedicated to educating each student for a 21st century global society. Among the District’s high schools, the total average has steadily increased over the past two years from 51.9 points in 2012 to 61.2 points in 2014. Additionally, the District’s high school average went from about 20 points below the state high school average in 2012 to a difference of about 7 points in 2014. The most significant increases among the District’s high schools have been seen at Southwest and Westside High Schools where the scores were the District’s lowest among high schools two years ago. Westside High’s score increased 15.3 points over two years of instruction and Southwest High’s score increased 7.1 points over two years. Over the past year alone, Southwest’s score rose almost 12 points. “The Southwest faculty and staff started with doing an in-depth analysis of achievement, perception, and process data to determine patterns, strengths, and weaknesses. It was this comprehensive needs assessment and GAPSS Analysis target actions from the November 2012 visit that assisted us in developing a school improvement plan that truly aligned with the work that needed to happen to bring about improvement. All teachers and staff members were assigned to a particular target team to assist with developing short-term goals and action plans, and to monitor the plans with fidelity. We continuously made our primary stakeholders (students) aware of current data and goals that were set. It is quite exciting to see that the strategic focus on school improvement school-wide has resulted in improvement in all indicators of CCRPI. I am proud of the continued support of the staff and community for our overall instructional program and school improvement efforts,” said Southwest High School Principal Dr. Tanzy Kilcrease. Middle school scores in the District also have trended upward over the past two years, increasing from an average of 56.9 points in 2012 to 63.9 points in 2014. The most significant increases have been seen at Bloomfield, Miller Magnet, and Rutland Middle Schools. Additionally, Miller Magnet Middle School is one of five District schools to score above the state average in 2014. The school boasts a score of 74.3 compared to the state’s middle school average of 73.1. “In our efforts to create a climate of academic success within our school, we have petitioned everyone to deliver instruction based on individual assessment goals that would lead to academic growth for all students. In collaboration with our data team, we purposefully reviewed the results and used them to create an atmosphere that would help each grade level maintain efficiency by committing to curriculum-based academic planning sessions that would ensure each grade level was knowledgeable of the expectations of each and every student. We utilized our teacher leaders to assist with guiding our instructional focus to ensure all students received the necessary skills needed to demonstrate proficiency. In addition, we invested in resources that permit teachers, students and parents to experience additional support in and outside of the classroom. School improvement is an ongoing team effort between, students, parents, teachers and leaders in our school. I am very proud of my staff and students. We all work hard to ensure success,” said Miller Magnet Middle School Principal Dr. Sherri Flagg. Other District schools scoring above the state average in 2014 are Alexander II Magnet, Heritage Elementary, Porter Elementary, and Springdale Elementary Schools. While the District saw a slight decline in the elementary school average over the past year, the two-year trend shows progress among elementary schools. Among all of the District’s schools, the most significant increase over two years of instruction has been seen at Williams Elementary School where the CCRPI score improved from 35.1 in 2012 to 57.2 in 2014 – an improvement of 22.1 points over two years. “Administrators, teachers and support members carefully analyzed diagnostic, formative, and summative student data in all academic areas with an increased focus on math and reading. We also utilized researchbased reading programs such as iRead for kindergarten through second grade and Read 180 for fourth and fifth grades. The iRead and Read 180 computer-based programs helped increase students’ Lexile levels, vocabulary development, and written expression,” said Williams Elementary School Principal Dr. Shandrina Griffin-Stewart. -MOREVision: Each student demonstrates strength of character and is college or career ready. Mission: The Bibb County School District will develop a highly trained staff and an engaged community dedicated to educating each student for a 21st century global society. “Lastly, more focus was placed on unwrapping Georgia Performance Standards in all academic areas to create assessments to meet the needs of all students and to differentiate instruction. Administrators, teachers, and support staff members also moved from the traditional faculty meetings to collaborative professional learning sessions,” Dr. Griffin-Stewart said. To view a chart showing further comparisons of District CCRPI scores from 2012-2014, click here. The new CCRPI statewide accountability system was launched in 2012 after Georgia was granted a waiver in February 2012 from the federal No Child Left Behind Act. Data from the 2011-2012 school year were used as a part of a study year for the implementation of the CCRPI, and results were first released in May 2013. After receiving feedback from educational partners and the public, the GaDOE revised the CCRPI for a report that is more reflective of how schools are performing. In order to more accurately compare the data, the GaDOE recalculated the 2011-2012 results released in May 2013 using the new calculation methodology. Results for the 2012-2013 school year were released in April 2014. XXXXX Vision: Each student demonstrates strength of character and is college or career ready. Mission: The Bibb County School District will develop a highly trained staff and an engaged community dedicated to educating each student for a 21st century global society.
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