2014 State Telemedicine Legislation Tracking (as of 12/18/2014) * State Other Proposed Bills Legislated Medicaid Affecting Legislated Mandate Coverage (primarily Telemedicine Access for Private Coverage interactive video) or Coverage Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware DC ✔ ✔ SB 1339 - Codifies use of telemedicine in lieu of inperson visit for prescribing (STATUS: Signed by Governor 4/22/14); SB 1050 - Allow practice and reimbursement of telemedicine by naturopractic providers (STATUS: Passed the Senate and sent to the House); HB 2495 - Repeals telemedicine abortion prohibition; HB 2172 - Includes telemedicine in the scope of practice for psychologists (STATUS: Signed by Governor 4/22/14); SB 1353 (LAW EFFECTIVE 1/1/15) ✔ AB 1310 - Medicaid distant site provider settings for telehealth; AB 2484 - Informed consent; AB 1771 Cover and reimburse for physician telephonic and electronic patient management services; AB 809 changes to informed consent for telemed (STATUS: Signed by Governor 9/18/14); AB 318 - Medicaid coverage of dental care via store-and-forward; AB 1174 - Medicaid coverage of dental care via store-andforward (STATUS: Signed by Governor 9/27/14); SB 1445 - Telehealth services and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities (STATUS: Signed by Governor 8/22/14) ✔ Alabama Alaska Notes SB 336 and HB 334 - Telemedicine practice standards for optometry (STATUS: HB 334 Signed by Governor 4/8/14) HB 281 - Internet prescribing (STATUS: Enacted 8/22/14); SB 80 - Parity, practice guidelines and outof-state physician licensure (STATUS: CARYYOVER T0 2014 Session) Proposed ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Proposed Proposed ✔ ✔ ✔ SB 202 (STATUS: Died during session); HB 5378 Medicaid demo for FQHCs; HB 5445 - Medicaid coverage of home telemonitoring (STATUS: Died during session) HB 359 - Practice standards for physical therapy and athletic training (STATUS: Signed by Governor 8/12/14) B20-0050 (LAW EFFECTIVE 10/17/13) 2014 State Telemedicine Legislation Tracking (as of 12/18/2014) * State Florida Georgia Hawaii Other Proposed Bills Legislated Medicaid Affecting Legislated Mandate Coverage (primarily Telemedicine Access for Private Coverage interactive video) or Coverage Proposed ✔ Proposed ✔ ✔ Idaho Illinois Proposed Kansas Kentucky Louisiana ✔ Proposed ✔ Indiana Iowa Proposed Proposed ✔ ✔ Proposed Proposed Notes SB 70 and HB 167; SB 1646--formerly SB 7028 - Out of state licensure, practice guidelines and telemedicine parity for Medicaid (STATUS: Died during session); HB 0751 (now part of CS/HB 7113) - practice guidelines (STATUS: Died during session) SB 2469 and HB 2411 - Amends existing law to include reimbursement parity for telehealth and revises scope of practice and definitions for physicians and APRNs (STATUS: Signed by Governor 6/30/14); SCR14 and HCR16 - Teledentistry study HCR 46 - Develop a council to create state telehealth standards (STATUS: Passed both chambers and awaiting Gov. decision) SB 647 - private insurance coverage and reimbursement (STATUS: Enacted 8/28/14); SB 3319 (new); HB 5313 (new); SB 1422 and SB 2366 (STATUS: CARYYOVER T0 2014 Session) SB 0346 - Medicaid reimbursement to pharmacists for medication therapy management via telehealth; HB 1258 - Telehealth Pilot (STATUS: Signed by Governor 3/24/14) HF 2160 (STATUS: Bill died in committee); HF 2307 Allows the use of telemedicine in state-wide perinatal program (STATUS: Bill died in committee); SF 2156 Telepharmacy licensure Proposed HB 2690 - Parity coverage and reimbursement for telemental health; HB 2531 (new), SB 175, HB 2317, and HB 2395 - Autism diagnosis and treatment coverage (STATUS: All bills died in committee) ✔ HB 1280 -- formerly HB 903 - Amends telemedicine practice guidelines for physicians; exemption for outof-state consultations via telemedicine (STATUS: Signed by Governor 6/4/14) SB 501 - Amends telemedicine definition for licensed physicians; HB 1003 - Amends physician practice guidelines to allow the use of store-and-forward; HCR 88 - Creates telehealth taskforce ✔ Proposed 2014 State Telemedicine Legislation Tracking (as of 12/18/2014) * State Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Other Proposed Bills Legislated Medicaid Affecting Legislated Mandate Coverage (primarily Telemedicine Access for Private Coverage interactive video) or Coverage ✔ ✔ Proposed ✔ Proposed ✔ ✔ ✔ Missouri Montana ✔ ✔ Proposed Nebraska Nevada Proposed ✔ New Hampshire ✔ ✔ Proposed Proposed ✔ Minnesota Mississippi Proposed Proposed Notes HB 1738 - Allow telemedicine use for consultations/medical exams during involuntary hospitalizations; LD 1596 - Review and amend telehealth rules for MaineCare SB 198 and HB 802 - Lifting restrictions on Medicaid reimbursement of telemedicine-provided services (STATUS: Signed by Governor 4/14/14); SB 249 and HB 808 - Cybersecurity S 2075 - Telemedicine private insurance parity for acute stroke services; H. 1951 - comprehensive mandate for all health plans including Medicaid; S.2312--formerly S. 530 - telemedicine study; H. 2114 mandates coverage for telemedicine under private, medicaid, and state employee plans; S. 467 mandates coverage for private and state employee plans only; H. 948 - mandates coverage for telepsych services (STATUS: CARYYOVER T0 2014 Session) SB 1096 - Amends parity law to include store-andforward HF 2171 - Coverage and reimbursement for teledental under Medicaid ✔ SB 2646 and HB 578 - Parity for store-and-forward and remote patient monitoring (STATUS: Signed by Governor 3/26/14); SB 2015 and HB 396, 397, 457 Authorizes Board of Health to develop rules for telemedicine (STATUS: SB 2015 sent to Governor); SB 2209 (LAW EFFECTIVE 7/1/13) ✔ SB 739 - Modifies Medicaid provisions related to outof-state telehealth providers; HB 1837 - Coverage and reimbursement under Medicaid; HB 986--formerly SB 262 (LAW EFFECTIVE 1/1/14) SB 270 (LAW EFFECTIVE 1/1/14) LB 1017 - Revise guidelines for telepharmacy; LB 1078 and 1076 (STATUS: Signed by Governor 4/17/14); LB 505 and 605 - Telebehavioral (STATUS: CARRYOVER TO 2014 SESSION) Proposed HB 1158 - Requires managed care plans to offer financial incentives to beneficiaries who use less expensive services like telemedicine (STATUS: Bill Died) 2014 State Telemedicine Legislation Tracking (as of 12/18/2014) * State Other Proposed Bills Legislated Medicaid Affecting Legislated Mandate Coverage (primarily Telemedicine Access for Private Coverage interactive video) or Coverage New Jersey Proposed New Mexico ✔ New York Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed North Carolina North Dakota Proposed ✔ Proposed Oklahoma ✔ Proposed Proposed Oregon ✔ Proposed Pennsylvania Proposed Proposed Rhode Island Proposed Ohio South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Proposed A 3675 and S 2338 - parity for managed care plans and state employee health plans (STATUS: NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ENACTMENT); A 3674 and S 2337 - parity for Medicaid FFS and managed care; S 1204 and AB 2161 - Medicaid coverage and reimbursement of telemental health in FQHCs SB 76 and HB 306 - Includes telemedicine in scope of practice for dental therapy-hygienist; SB 69 (LAW EFFECTIVE 7/4/13) AB 4925 - Telepharmacy; S07852--formerly A09129 and S04337b - Requires telemedicine coverage under private insurance and Medicaid (STATUS: Sent to the Governor); S04023 - Medicaid reimbursement for capital costs related to telemedicine HB 704 - Telehealth study; SB 533 - Telehealth taskforce and study (STATUS: CARRYOVER TO 2014 SESSION) HB 519 - Telemedicine certificate; HB 123 (STATUS: SIGNED INTO LAW 2/18/13; LAW EFFECTIVE 5/20/14) and SB 166 - Medicaid expansion; SB 118 (STATUS: CARRYOVER TO 2014 SESSION) HB 2399 - telemedicine reimbursement for Medicaid managed care; HB 3452 - Telemedicine for chronic disease screenings; HB 2089 - repeal informed consent for telemed (STATUS: CARRYOVER TO 2014 SESSION) SB 1560 - Adds self-insured health plans for stateemployees to telemedicine parity law HB 491; SB 1083 and HB 1655 - Establish patientcentered medical home model with consideration for telemedicine (STATUS: CARRYOVER TO 2014 SESSION) H 7717; S 753, S 2513 and H 7137 - Licensure (STATUS: Signed by Governor 6/30/14) H 4899 - Allow telepractice for speech-language pathologists and audiologists; H 4901 (new); S 290 and H 3779 (STATUS: CARRYOVER TO 2014 Session) Proposed ✔ ✔ ✔ Notes ✔ ✔ HB 1895 and SB 2050 (new) (STATUS: Signed by Governor 4/14/14); SB 484 and HB 923 (STATUS: CARYYOVER T0 2014 Session) 2014 State Telemedicine Legislation Tracking (as of 12/18/2014) * State Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Other Proposed Bills Legislated Medicaid Affecting Legislated Mandate Coverage (primarily Telemedicine Access for Private Coverage interactive video) or Coverage ✔ ✔ Proposed Proposed Notes ✔ SB 5011 - Telemedicine pilot to reduce ED use; SB 647 - Teledentistry pilot (STATUS: Passed Senate and considered in House) HB 1448 (STATUS: Died during session) HB 4531 Proposed Proposed Wisconsin Wyoming * Does Not Include State Administrative or Regulatory Orders ✔= Previously Enacted ✔ AB 458 and SB 410 - amends practice guidelines for telemental health providers (STATUS: ENACTED)
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