Extended Learning Services Community Education in Hastings Area s Focu ur o Y n o ts! n e l a T ple, o e P g ectin nities and n n o C mu es Com or tuniti Opp wwwww.cccneb.edu/commed Spring 2015 Contents 3C Initiative Adult Educa on ..................................... 2 3C Ini a ve............................................ 2 Arts and Cra s ....................................... 3 Quil ng ............................................... 3-4 Computers ............................................. 4 Personal Enrichment .......................... 4-5 Physical Fitness/Dance .......................... 5 Dogs....................................................... 6 Camera Classes ...................................... 6 Cooking.................................................. 7 Kids’ Cooking ......................................... 7 Beekeeping ............................................ 8 Motorcycle Rider ................................... 8 Training and Development .................... 9 EMS and CPR Classes ........................... 10 Nursing Assistant/Medica on Aide ..... 11 Early College ........................................ 12 Interna onal Focus .............................. 13 ed2go................................................... 14 Registra on Form ................................ 15 General Informa on ............................ 16 Central Community College cares about our water, energy, land use, natural and built (human-made) environment, and community health. For our communi es and ul mately the world at large, we believe environmental sustainability is important, and is connected to social and economic sustainability. At CCC we define environmental sustainability as mee ng “the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future genera ons to meet their own needs” (1987 Brundtland report). Our “3C Ini a ve” is our collec ve efforts across CCC to build the culture, knowledge and prac ces for a sustainable future. Join us in this important journey. Come learn with us as part of our Sustainability Leadership Presenta on Series! It is free and open to the public. Go to www.cccneb.edu/sustain/SLPS for more informa on. 3C Initiative Watch for the 3C Ini a ve Leaves! Green Today . . . Greener Tomorrow Adult Education The Adult Educa on program includes: • Adult Basic Educa on classes for people with skills below the eighth grade. • English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for people whose first language is not English. • General Educa onal Development (GED) classes for people who haven’t completed a high school diploma or for home-schooled youth. You can earn a Nebraska high school diploma by successfully comple ng a series of GED tests. HasƟngs: Located at Head Start. Contact (402) 463-7323. 2 Green leaves iden fy “3C Ini a ve” classes that include an element or focus on environmental sustainability. The more detailed the leaf, the more a class incorporates environmental sustainability educa on or behaviors. 3C Ini a ve classes offered this semester are: Gree ng Card Lithography.............. 3 Found Object Art ............................ 3 Repurposed Art: Acrylics ................ 3 English Paper Piecing ...................... 3 T-shirt Quilt ..................................... 4 Unfinished Objects (UFOs) ............. 4 Buzz about Beekeeping .................. 8 www.cccneb.edu/commed Classes in Hastings Area Contact Linda Cooke at (402) 461-2431 or [email protected] for registra on and other ques ons. Registra ons must be received at least 48 hours prior to the start of class. If a class must be cancelled, students will be no fied at least 24 hours prior to the start of class. “Like” our Facebook page for updated informa on and special offers! www.Facebook.com/CCCHas ngsELS Arts and Crafts Scrapbooking Gadgets Making Polymer Clay Jewelry Be a trendse er by crea ng and wearing your own jewelry. Design and create your own polymer beads to fashion into unique jewelry items. As a seasoned cra er and teacher, Cindy will make the experience easy and fun. W, Apr. 8-22, 6:30-9:00 P.M., Pla e 132, $35. Instr: Cindy Brader Watercolor Techniques Learn basic watercolor techniques with ar st Cindy Brader. You will paint a landscape and/or flowers. Supply list is available upon registra on, or you may purchase supplies from the instructor. W, Feb. 25- Mar. 11, 6:30-9:00 P.M., Pla e 129, $35. Instr: Cindy Brader Repurposed Art: Fun with Acrylics The latest gizmos available to scrappers can produce amazing results. If you recently received one or are thinking of purchasing one, this class will show you what these cra ing tools are capable of and how you can apply them. Th, Feb. 12-26, 6:30-8:00 P.M., Pla e 132, $35 Instr: Terri Hongsermeier Gree ng Card Lithography All the basics of lithography, or printmaking, from items found in your own home! Learn firsthand how to etch, ink, and print images to make unique sets of gree ng cards and other items. Th, Mar. 12-26, 6:30-9:00 P.M., Pla e 132, $35. Instr: Carla Scheierman Found Object Art Don’t overspend on new and pricey decora ons! Reclaim old, used, day-to-day items and turn them into something new, a rac ve and useful. Th, Apr. 16-30, 6:30-9:00 P.M., Pla e 132, $35. Instr: Carla Scheierman www.cccneb.edu/commed Learn some basics of upcycling by using acrylic paints on “found” media such as wine glasses, used wine bo les, and old window frames. Supply list will be provided upon registra on, or you may purchase supplies from the instructor. W, Mar. 18 - Apr. 1, 6:30-9:00 P.M., Pla e 129, $35. Instr: Cindy Brader Quilting Classes You must bring your own sewing machine and supplies. A supply list will be provided upon pre-registra on. English Paper Piecing This is a handpiecing technique that is difficult to machine s tch. The class project is an ornament that can be made for any decora ng season. Once learned, the technique can be used for any number of larger projects. T, Feb. 24 - Mar. 10, 6:30-9:00 P.M., Pla e 129, $35. Instr: Rita Jaworski 3 T-shirt Quilt Basic Computers Do you have too many T-shirts in your closet? Create a unique keepsake quilt from the T-shirts collected from events and organiza ons you’ve been involved with. T, Mar. 17-31, 6:30-9:00 P.M., Pla e 132, $35. Instr: Ruth Lemke MW, Feb. 16, 18, 23 & 25, $37. Instr: Joyce Sadd Un-Finished Objects (UFO) Workshop MW, Apr. 20, 22, 27, & 29, $25. Instr: Joyce Sadd Transform your Un-Finished Objects into Un-believably Fine Objects! Instructor, and likely classmates, will be happy to offer opinions, ideas, and helping hands. T, Apr. 28 - May 12, 6:30-9:00 P.M., Pla e 129, $35. Instr: Rita Jaworski Contemporary Quil ng Concepts Make a modern quilt! For this class we will discuss what makes a quilt modern and create a “lawn chair” design. Great for beginners! You will receive the pa ern upon registra on. T, Mar. 31 - Apr. 14, 6:30-9:00 P.M., Pla e 129, $35. Instr: Rita Jaworski Computers Give me your terrified, your confused, your frustrated … You can s ll be a part of the computer age! These classes are for the inexperienced using Windows 7. You are sure to leave with at least a grudging admira on for what that li le machine can do. You do not need to bring your own computer. All classes are Monday and Wednesday, 4:30-6:30 P.M., Pla e 121. Basic Internet MW, Mar. 9, 11, 16 & 18, $37. Instr: Joyce Sadd Basic Word 2013 MW, Mar. 30, Apr. 1, 6, & 8, $37. Instr: Joyce Sadd Intro to Excel 2013 Personal Enrichment Paranormal Inves ga on 101 Spend your Friday the 13th communica ng with the great beyond in the historic buildings of the CCC campus. Paranormal inves gators will demonstrate their techniques, procedures, and equipment. F, Mar. 13, starts at 8:00 P.M., Pla e Building 132, $30. Instr: Synergy Paranormal Inves ga ons Wri ng for Revenue & Recrea on Free your inner professional author. Whether your goal is fic on or non-fic on, online or tradi onal publishing, you’ll learn to organize and develop your ideas into clear, fluid wri ng that readers are sure to enjoy. M, Apr. 6-27, 7:00-9:00 P.M., Pla e 132, $35. Instr: Duane Norris Meet the instructor: Duane Norris has more than 20 years of experience in researching, edi ng and wri ng copy for news and marke ng agencies across the Midwest. His professional experience includes composing speeches, adver sements and news copy for radio and TV. He grew up in Has ngs and is happy to be teaching in his hometown. 4 www.cccneb.edu/commed He Said, She Said - Story Wri ng Stage scripts, short stories, screenplays or feature length fic on all rely on wellcra ed dialogue. Robin can help you create dialogue that is believable and compelling. T, May 5-19, 6:30-8:00 P.M., Pla e 132, $35. Instr: Robin Buckallew Meet the instructor: Robin Buckallew is a prolific playwright noted for strong dialogue. Her work has appeared on stage in New York City and elsewhere across the country. Interna onal Film Fes val Physical Fitness/Dance Qi Gong An ancient art prac ced to reduce stress, increase flexibility and coordina on, improve strength and circula on, and focus more effec vely. It is gentle on your joints and the perfect way to start a toning and strengthening program. W, Mar. 11-Apr. 22, 4:30-5:15 P.M., Good Samaritan Village, Hoegger Hall, $35. Instr: Vicki Neiman Dance Fun with Jay What else but dancing is so good for you physically, psychologically and socially? Kick up your heels and join Jay and his partner Diane out on the dance floor! CCC Dawson Gym, $35 per person per class. Instr: Jay Groelz M, Mar. 9-23, 7:00-8:15 P.M., Two-Step M, May 11-18, Jun 1, 7:00-8:15 P.M., Wedding Dance Belly Dance Each evening’s program begins with historical background of the events depicted in the movie. Following the screening, the moderator will lead an audience discussion in reponse to the film. To be placed on an e-mail reminder list, contact [email protected]. T, 6:30 - 9:30 P.M., Feb. 17, Mar. 17, Apr. 21. Free to students and the public, Dawson Building, Room TBA. For Classes in Has ngs Contact: Linda Cooke (402) 461-2431 [email protected] www.cccneb.edu/commed American Tribal Belly dance is both modern and modest, making it extremely popular across the United States. Learning ‘tribal’ means learning a language of defined dance moves that a group can follow as a cohesive unit. No dance experience is necessary. It is designed for anyone! Th, Mar. 26- Apr. 23, 7:00-8:00 P.M., Middle School Annex, $40. Instr: Meagan Stoner Meet the Instructor: Meagan Stoner has trained at local and na onal workshops in Lincoln, Omaha, Texas, Colorado and New York City. She is con nually mo vated by her local dance troupe, Anant, and her junior and senior high school students at T’Dance School of Performing Arts. 5 Dog Obedience Teach your dog basic commands such as heel, walk, sit and stay. Dogs must be six months or older. Owner must provide verifica on of shots and have a signed health form from veterinarian along with a signed Dog Owner’s Liability Agreement. Call (402) 461-2431 or (877) 222-0780, ext. 2431 to pre-register and get the required forms. Sec on 1: T, Feb. 3 - Apr. 7, 7:00-8:00 P.M. Sec on 2: T, Apr. 14 - Jun. 16, 7:00-8:00 P.M. Sec on 3: T, Apr. 14 - Jun. 16, 8:15-9:15 P.M. First Presbyterian Church Annex (Old Manual Arts Building) (7th St. & Lincoln), $75. Instr: Keith Penrose & Jennie Theesen Camera Classes All photography classes are taught by Alan Mais, The Camera Doctor of Kearney. Each session is BYOC (Bring Your Own Camera)! Guaranteed Be er Photography This class is designed for novice or advanced photographers. You will learn how to immediately get be er photos while improving your shoo ng technique! Alan will teach the basics of exposure, white balance, sharpness, drama c light, composi on and more. You will find yourself capturing more “keepers” while gaining more confidence. W, Mar. 4, 7:30-9:00 P.M., Pla e 132, $35. Instr: Alan Mais 6 Beginning Digital Cameras-SLR Confused and frustrated by your digital camera? Then this course is for you! Subjects to be covered are the basics of taking pictures digitally, hands-on opera on of your camera, available accessories, troubleshoo ng, and learning how to take the pictures you want. Par cipants will receive handouts and specific instruc on on their camera. (Note: SLR stands for single-lens reflex. Single-lens reflex cameras have the op on to add/remove lenses to/from the camera body.) W, Mar. 4-18, 5:30-7:00 P.M., Pla e 132, $65. Instr: Alan Mais Beyond the Kit Lens: Choosing your next lens Whether you shoot portraits, sports, nature, or a li le bit of everything, your lens is crucial in capturing the images you want. In this class we will cover lens op ons and how to select the best one to photograph your memories. W, Mar. 11, 7:30-9:00 P.M., Pla e, 132, $35. Instr: Alan Mais Using Flash: How to greatly improve your photos Do you o en find yourself shoo ng sports, gradua on and school programs without enough light? Does the built-in flash on your camera leave your pictures in the dark? This hands-on class will demonstrate the differences in technique when using the built-in flash versus external flash for your camera. How to choose the correct flash for your needs, and much more, will be covered. W, Mar. 18, 7:30-9:00 P.M., Pla e 132, $35. Instr: Alan Mais www.cccneb.edu/commed Cooking New kitchen, new faces, new dishes to try! All adult classes are held on Thursdays from 6:00-9:00 P.M. at the Pla e Building in our recently remodeled Woodlands Dining Room and Kitchen. Table for Two Spirited Dishes Create a roman c dinner just in me for Valen ne’s Day. For both singles and couples. Th, Feb. 12, $25. Instr: Tamera Schlueter Cooking with wines and spirits Th, Mar. 26, $25. Instr: Lindsay Higel Sauces , Gravies and Glazes Cer fied chef John Anderson shows you how to put the finishing touch on your menu items. Th, Apr. 9, $25. Instr: John Anderson Meet the Instructor According to Tamera Schlueter, “A kitchen is a cold, dark place without snort-laughs, close family and friends, swoon-worthy smells, and potato peels flying every which way.” She loves the transforma ve effect of a good meal served in a fun se ng. Tamera also writes a weekly humor column for the Has ngs Tribune. Spring Has Sprung! Ideas for picnics and gradua on recep ons Th, Apr. 23, $25. Instr: Tamera Schlueter No-Stress Gourmet All the taste without all the fuss Th, May 7, $25. Instr: Teri Pond-Svoboda Hot & Hearty Breakfasts For cold winter mornings… or evenings! Th, Feb. 26, $25. Instr: Teri Pond-Svoboda In midated No Longer A Midwesterners’ guide to lobster Th, Mar. 12, $30. Instr: Brandy Quadhamer Kids in the Kitchen (For Kids 8 and older) Get them cooking early! All classes are Tuesdays, 4:00-6:00 P.M., $15. Ooey-Gooey Chewy-Cheesy Crea on Mar. 10, Tamera Schlueter Fun in the Kitchen Apr. 14, Teri Pond-Svoboda Gourmet Grilled Cheese May 5, Brandy Quadhamer “Like” our Facebook page for updated informa on and special offers! www.Facebook.com/CCCHas ngsELS www.cccneb.edu/commed 7 Bees and Beekeeping The Buzz about Beekeeping For first- me beekeepers, this class introduces the basics. This includes required equipment, se ng up hives, and acquiring, installing, and managing bees. Par cipants will learn through displays, demonstra ons and a Q & A session. W, Feb. 11-18, 6:30-9:00 P.M., Pla e 129, $33. Instr: Ron Babcock of Babcock Farms, www.babcockfarms.com 2015 Motorcycle Rider Courses - Basic Riding a motorcycle takes special skills you don’t want to learn the hard way. Try the Central Community College Motorcycle Rider Educa on Courses instead. Weekend classes with 12 riders are offered during the spring and summer. Students must be physically and mentally capable of controlling a motorcycle in order to complete the course. There will be an online component. Find the brochure/registra on form online at www.cccneb.edu/motorcycle. Call Be y Kooy (402) 461-2441 or (877) 222-0780, ext 2441 or email [email protected]. Basic Rider Course $199.00 S-Su 8:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. • Apr. 11-12 • Apr. 25-26 • May 2-3 • Aug. 15-16 • Sep. 19-20 Cancella on Fee $ 25.00 Hastings ELS Office is MOVING! The Has ngs Extended Learning Services Office will be moving to the newly remodeled Howard Building some me late spring. Most of our programs will be housed in close proximity to the offices. The Nursing Assistant program has already moved into their new classroom. The rest of the remodel will house the ELS Offices and new classrooms and labs for expanded educa onal training. Come and visit! Pearson VUE Tes ng Site www.pearsonvue.com 8 www.cccneb.edu/commed Training and Development Environmental Health and Safety Classes in Has ngs Leadership Development Classes in Has ngs DOT Hazmat Maximizing Human Capital This course provides familiariza on with requirements of the Hazardous Materials Regula ons and fulfills the tri-annual DOT HazMat Refresher requirement. Lunch is not provided. Th, Feb 5, (8 hours), $165. Course focuses on how to grow talent internally for a long-term approach to assure the right talent is in the right place. Explore the quali es of good leaders, assess the role of leadership power, and learn effec ve coaching skills and how to create a hard-to-leave workplace. T, Feb. 17, 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M., $100. Instr: Elizabeth Smith 24-Hour Hazmat Three-day session sa sfies the 29CFR 1910.120 requirements for employees engaged in emergency response, containment, control and cleanup of hazardous materials. Course is required for industry that has the poten al of accidental release of hazardous chemicals. Lunch is not provided. T-Th, Mar. 10-12, $400 T-Th, Jul. 14-16, $400 T-Th, Nov. 17-19, $400 8-hour Hazmat One-day session complies with requirements regarding annual refresher training for hazardous waste site and emergency response workers who have previously received the 24-hour and/or 40-hour training. Lunch is not provided. Th, Mar. 12, $95 Th, Jul. 16, $95 Th, Nov. 19, $95 Confined Space Course covers OSHA guidelines CFR 1910.146 and provides hands-on experience for people working in confined spaces. This training u lizes a state of the art “Simulator” to present realis c hands on training. Lunch is not provided. W, Apr. 8, (8 hours), $95 W, Aug.19, (8 hours), $95 www.cccneb.edu/commed Peer Today, Boss Tomorrow Course is designed to help one make the leap from peer to boss. Learn to idenfy and accept leadership roles, set clear boundaries, communicate more effec vely with everyone, and develop an ac on to get the results wanted and needed in your supervisory role. Learn to reduce fears and frustra ons and increase your personal effec veness in your new leadership role. Th, May 7, 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M., $100. Instr: Elizabeth Smith Leadership Development Series This course meets once a week for seven weeks. It is a highly interac ve Leadership Program designed to enhance the skill level of current and prospec ve supervisors. Topics include Leadership and Trust, Team Building, Communica on Skills, Colors Matrixx, Conflict Resolu on, Situa onal Leadership, and Managing Change. Quality training will help you create a posi ve work environment and more effec ve teams which ul mately impacts the company bo om line. T, Jun. 2-Jul. 14, 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M., $600. Instr: Elizabeth Smith To schedule your training classes in Has ngs contact Dr. Bower (402) 461-2430 or [email protected] 9 EMS and CPR/First Aid Classes EMT Module Courses Healthcare Provider Class EMT CPAP Administra on Cer fica on - 4 Hours F, Feb. 13, 6:00-10 :00 P.M. EMT Glucometer Cer fica on - 3 Hours F, Mar. 13, 7:00-10:00 P.M. EMT EPI/Albuterol Cer fica on - 3 Hours F, Apr. 10, 7:00-10:00 P.M. EMT Advanced Airway Cer fica on - 6 Hours S, Apr. 11, 9:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. EMT IV Monitoring Cer fica on - 4 Hours F, May 8, 6:00-10:00 P.M. Contact Renae Evans-Griess, (402) 461-2487 or [email protected]. All classes will be held on Has ngs Campus Pla e Building Room 129. If you are unable to make the dates for the EMT Module classes in Has ngs, they will also be offered in Grand Island on the 4th Monday of each month with the Advanced Airway on a Saturday. Please contact Amy Marshall for dates and mes at (308) 398-7479 or [email protected]. For professional rescuers who must have a creden al (card) documen ng successful comple on of a CPR course. Class includes informa on on adult/pediatric CPR and two-rescuer CPR/foreign-body airway obstruc on (conscience and unconscious). 5 hours. 14/RE HLTH 7005 - Cost: $49 F, Jan. 16, 5:00-10:00 P.M. CH107 F, Feb. 6, 5:00-10:00 P.M. CH108 F, Mar. 6, 5:00-10:00 P.M. CH109 F, May 1, 5:00-10:00 P.M. CH110 W, Jun. 3, 5:00-10:00 P.M. CH111 CPR Classes P id R Healthcare Provider Renewall For professional rescuers who hold a current Healthcare Provider card and need to renew. Class includes informa on on adult/pediatric CPR and two-rescuer CPR/ foreign-body airway obstruc on (conscience and unconscious). 3.5 hours 14/RE HLTH 7003 - Cost: $44 F, Jan. 9, 6:30-10:00 P.M. CH107 F, Feb. 20, 6:30-10:00 P.M. CH108 F, Mar. 20, 6:30-10:00 P.M. CH109 F, Apr. 17, 6:30-10:00 P.M. CH110 F, May 15, 6:30-10:00 P.M. CH111 W, Jun. 24, 6:30-10:00 P.M. CH112 10 Heartsaver CPR AED/First Aid This course teaches rescuers to effecvely recognize and treat adult/child/infant emergencies in the cri cal first minutes un l emergency medical services personnel arrive. This course provides a complete health and safety solu on for adult/pediatric CPR, AED and First Aid. 7 hours. This course can be set up on a case-by-case basis for groups who need the class. Contact Renae Evans-Griess, [email protected] to make arrangements for this course or any other class needed for your business or industry. 14/RE HLTH 7007 - Cost: $55 S, Jan. 10, 8:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M. CH102 S, May 16, 8:30 A.M.-4:30 P.M. CH103 Contact Renae Evans-Griess, (402) 461-2487 or [email protected] for all CPR and EMT classes in Has ngs. All classes will be held on Hastings Campus Pla e Building Room 129. If you are unable to make the dates for any CPR class in Has ngs, they will also be offered in Grand Island with most of the classes on Tuesday evenings. Please contact Kellie Newhouse for dates and mes at (308) 398-7442 or [email protected]. www.cccneb.edu/commed Nursing Assistant/Medication Aide Medication Aide Nursing Assistant The Nursing Assistant course is designed to train the beginning Nursing Assistant to provide safe, effec ve and caring service to residents of a Long Term Care Facility. LTC provides care to people who are unable to complete care for themselves. The course is run as a self-study lab with instructors in the classroom at all mes to monitor students and teach the necessary skills to complete the course. Students can flex their schedule to complete the required 76 hours of a endance. The first class (orienta on) and tes ng sessions are mandatory. Other a endance mes can be adjusted. Cost: $367 (includes tui on, books, and fees) Hours: January through April Classes M-F- 8:30 A.M. -6:00 P.M.; S - 8:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. • Jan. 12-23, 2015 • Feb. 16-27, 2015 • Mar. 9-20, 2015 • Apr. 6-17, 2015 Hours: May through August Classes M-Th - 8:30 A.M.-7:00 P.M. (4-day weeks) • May 11-14, 18-21, 26, 2015 • May 28, Jun. 1-4, 8-11, 2015 • Jun. 15-18, 22-25, 29, 2015 • Jul. 2, 6-9, 13-16, 2015 • Jul. 30, Aug. 3-6, 10-13, 2015 All classes are located in the Howard Building, Nursing Assistant Classroom. www.cccneb.edu/commed The Medica on Aide course trains the beginning Medica on Aide to provide a safe way for individuals other than licensed health care professionals to provide medicaons to individuals who are not able to take medica on by themselves. Medica on Aide class is a Lecture class. Cost: $340 (includes tui on, books and fees) Hours: 1st week M, T, W, Th - 8:30 A.M.-4:00 P.M. Hours: 2nd week M, T, - 8:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.; W - 8:30 A.M. - 12 P.M. • Jan. 26-Feb 4, 2015 • Apr. 21-30, 2015 (T-F; T-Th) • Jul. 20-29, 2015 All classes are located in the Howard Building, Nursing Assistant Classroom.. Project HELP Individuals who qualify based on income guidelines and have an interest in a health related career are encouraged to contact CCC’s Case Managers to access services. In Has ngs contact the case manager at (402) 460-2195. Nursing Assistant Testing If you have not worked as a Nursing Assistant for 24 consecu ve months, you may be eligible for retes ng. CCC-Has ngs is a tes ng site for DHHS recer fica on. A fee of $55 will be charged for each recer fica on tes ng. Call Be y Kooy at (402) 461-2441 or (877) 222-0780, ext 2441 or email [email protected] to make arrangements for a tes ng me. Payment will be required in order to secure a tes ng me. The DHHS Registry will be contacted to determine eligibility to retest. 11 Early College Start exploring while in high school. Find out how to... S T E P P U Early College Central Community College and area high schools have formed a partnership to offer opportuni es for students to take college classes while they are s ll in high school. High School Ar cula on is an alignment of high school curriculum to Central Community College (CCC) curriculum. Ar culated courses allow students to earn CCC college credit at no cost to the student if they earn an A or a B in the high school course. Over 70 schools across our area offer a variety of courses covering several career pathways. Please contact your high school counselor to see which courses are available at your school. The Central Nebraska Career Academy Project is a program that offers students a sequence of course work, job shadowing events, and other career explora on ac vi es. Students can use a combina on of Ar culated and Early College courses to par cipate in the Academy program. Currently Central Community College offers several career academy op ons including; the Health Science Academy, the Business Academy and the Agribusiness Academy. Several area high schools offer these academy programs, check with your school counselor to see what is available at your school. 12 Early College classes are offered for credit through Central Community College. These courses are offered in your building or as an online course. Students are required to meet college admissions requirements by taking the ACT, ASSET, or COMPASS test. Transferability of Early College courses is determined by the receiving ins tu on. Central Community College transcripts can be sent to any college upon the student’s request. Check with your high school guidance counselor to see what is offered at your school. For addi onal informa on contact Dr. Bower at [email protected] or call (402) 461-2430. www.cccneb.edu/commed Spectrum is going to Greece! I n July 2015, Spectrum will travel to Syros, Greece to sing To Be Certain of the Dawn as part of the Festival of the Aegean. It is a heart wrenching and devastatingly beautiful work written as a memorial to the children of the Holocaust. After Spectrum’s successful performance last year in CarHear Spectrum: negie Hall with Nebraska WesleyColumbus an, UNO, Western March 5 Nebraska Community College and Grand Island & others, they were Hastings invited to specially March 7 perform the piece at the festival. They will sing three concerts during their two weeks there. Additionally, CCC will be developing curriculum and offering the trip for academic credit to launch our new International Studies/Study Abroad program. We are very excited! Our choir students come from all over the CCC service area. In order to offset the cost of the trip for our students, we are beginning a fundraising campaign. To donate, go to cccneb.edu/foundation (put “Spectrum Greece trip” in the comment line), or contact Jeff Kitson at (402) 562-1270, or [email protected]. Introducing International Studies at CCC In our technology-based society, we’ve got to think globally. Successful students, graduates, and employees understand that events and business on the world stage impact our local economies. CCC’s International Studies program is here to help. Through our new International Studies program, we’re preparing our students to face Nebraska’s changing workforce needs. The vast majority of our graduates remain in Nebraska and are employed by local businesses that have increasing international contacts and partnerships. We’re showing our students the wider world, and bringing them back with marketwww.cccneb.edu/commed able skills for employment and promotion. CCC is providing individuals and groups with global access through curriculum and short-term study abroad opportunities, business and industry training, and developing a statewide partnership with other colleges and universities for unprecedented access and sharing of resources. The world is calling and we’re here to answer. For information, contact: Diana Watson , International Studies Coordinator, at 308-995-6102 or [email protected] 13 More than 300 online courses > Instructor-Facilitated Online Courses Our instructor-facilitated online courses are informative, fun, convenient, and highly interactive. Our instructors are famous for their ability to create warm and supportive communities of learners. All courses run for six weeks (with a 10-day grace period at the end). Courses are project-oriented and include lessons, quizzes, handson assignments, discussion areas, supplementary links, and more. You can complete any course entirely from your home or office. Any time of the day or night. • Expert Instructor • 24-Hour Access • Online Discussion Areas • 6 Weeks of Instruction New course sessions begin monthly. Please visit our Online Instruction Center to see exact start dates for the courses that interest you. Enroll Now! For more information: (402) 461-2431 Courses as Low as: $105.00 14 Central Community College Introduction to Microsoft Excel Microsoft Excel Work faster and more Discover the secrets to setting productively with Excel’s most up fully formatted worksheets powerful tools. quickly and efficiently. Real Estate Investing Build and protect your wealth Creating Web Pages by investing in real estate. Learn the basics of HTML so you can design, create, and Introduction to post your very own site on Microsoft Access the Web. Store, locate, print, and automate access to all types Accounting of information. Fundamentals Gain a marketable new skill by learning the basics of doubleentry bookkeeping, financial reporting, and more. Speed Spanish Learn six easy recipes to glue Spanish words together into sentences, and you’ll be speaking Spanish in no time. A to Z Grantwriting Learn how to research and develop relationships with potential funding sources, organize grantwriting campaigns, and prepare proposals. Introduction to QuickBooks Learn how to quickly and efficiently gain control over the financial aspects of your business. Grammar Refresher Gain confidence in your ability to produce clean, grammatically correct documents and speeches. Introduction to Microsoft Word Learn how to create and modify documents with the world’s most popular word processor. Computer Skills for the Workplace Gain a working knowledge of the computer skills you’ll need to succeed in today’s job market. Introduction to PC Troubleshooting Learn to decipher and solve almost any problem with your PC. Introduction to PowerPoint Build impressive slide presentations filled with text, images, video, audio, charts, and more. Discover Digital Photography An informative introduction to the fascinating world of digital photography equipment. MORE COURSES AVAILABLE AT OUR ONLINE INSTRUCTION CENTER www.ed2go.com/cccneb www.cccneb.edu/commed 011016 Learn the fromort of f m o c ! home If you would like to take one or more of the classes listed in this catalog, complete the registration form below and return it by mail or in person to the Extended Learning Services, 550 S Technical Blvd, PO Box 1024, Hastings, NE 68902. Please use one form per person. Make copies as necessary. Extended Learning Services Registration Form 1. Class Title ________________________________ Date __________ Time _________ Cost ______ Office Use: ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Class Title ________________________________ Date __________ Time _________ Cost ______ Office Use: ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Class Title ________________________________ Date __________ Time _________ Cost ______ Office Use: ________________________________________________________________________ First Name ____________________________ Last Name_____________________________________ Birthdate _____________________________ Maiden/Former Name Used _______________________ CCC ID# _____________________________ or Soc. Security # _______________________________ Mailing Address _______________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ State ______________________ Zip _______________ Phone: Work __________________________ Home/Cell _____________________________________ Email Address ________________________________________________________________________ Payment: _____ Check # _____ _____ Cash/Money Order _____ Visa/MasterCard/Discover Card # _________________________________________Exp Date________________ Code___________ How to Register for a Class Complete the registration form above and mail it, along with payment, to Extended Learning Services, P.O. Box 1024, Hastings, NE 68902. Or you can drop off your registration and payment at our office, Platte Building, 550 S Technical Blvd, Hastings. Please use one form per person. You may make copies if you need more forms. Returning students can register online at www.cccneb.edu/commed. Click on the Instant Enrollment link. After entering your CCC ID or Social Security number and the first letter of your first name, you will be able to search for classes by key words. The key word for each class is underlined in green in the title or description. If a class does not have an underlined key word, you cannot register online. Questions? Contact Community Education Coordinator Linda Cooke at 402-461-2431 or email [email protected]. To secure your place in a class, payment should be received at least one week prior to the class start date unless other arrangements have been made. If you are unable to attend a class you’ve registered for, please let us know prior to the first class meeting so your place can be filled. No refunds will be given after the first class for classes that meet one or two times, none after the second class for classes that meet three or more times. Your registration fee must accompany your registration form for all classes. Checks should be payable to Central Community College. To support a healthy environment for students, employees and others, Central Community College has implemented a college-wide smoke-free and tobacco-free policy. Thank you for doing your part by not using tobacco, alterna ve tobacco products or E-cigare es, either indoors or outdoors on any college property. Your coopera on is appreciated. www.cccneb.edu/commed 15 Central Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, na onal origin, gender, age, disability, marital status, or military veteran status as is defined by law in employment, admission, scholarship and financial aid programs or opera on of its educa onal programs and ac vi es as prescribed by Titles VI and VII of the City Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educa on Amendments of 1972, Execu ve Order 11246 as amended, sec ons 503 and 504 of the Rehabilita on Act of 1973, the Vietnam Era Veteran’s Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, the Age Discrimina on Acts of 1974 and 1975, and other federal and state laws and regula ons. Individuals who need accommoda ons as defined by the Americans with Disabili es Act are invited to make those needs known to an academic advisor, registrar, or student services officer. Inquiries concerning the applica on of these laws and regula ons may be directed to the Human Resources Office, Central Community College, PO Box 4903, Grand Island, NE 68802-4903; (308) 398-7324, or to the director, Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Educa on, Washington, DC 20201. The Central Community College Web site (www.cccneb.edu> AboutCCC>Consumer Informa on) provides informa on on the following topics: Student Right to Safety, Security and Substance Awareness, Voter Registra on Form. Printed copies are available from the CCC dean of students’ office. Affirma ve Ac on/Equal Opportunity Refunds will be given upon request if no fica on is received within 24 hours prior to the start of a class (except where otherwise noted). Please call (402) 461-2431 for cancella ons. If a class is to be canceled because of low enrollment, refunds will be given and par cipant will receive no fica on, either by phone call or email. Refund and Cancella on Policy Contact Linda Cooke (402) 461-2431 or (877) 222-0780, ext 2431 [email protected] Fax: (402) 461-2506 The ELS Office is located in the Has ngs Campus Pla e Building, Room 136 For Community Classes Extended Learning Services - HasƟngs For More Information ECRWSS POSTAL PATRON 550 S Technical Blvd PO Box 1024 Hastings, NE 68902-1024 Nonprofit Organiza on U.S. POSTAGE PAID Has ngs, NE PERMIT NO. 77 Spring 2015 classes in Hastings and non-credit online classes
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