CHURCH OF SAINT GREGORY THE GREAT 242-20 88TH AVENUE, BELLEROSE, NY 11426 Week of December 21, 2014 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT LESSONS & CAROLS A Concert to celebrate the season TODAY 3:00PM At St. Gregory’s Church Parish Mission Statement: St. Gregory the Great Parish, established in 1936, is a welcoming Catholic community serving the people of Bellerose, Floral Park, and environs. Pursuing holiness through the Eucharist, we strive to live out Jesus Christ's mandate of service, evangelization, and establishment of justice for all. Embracing the diversity and talents of our members, we seek the participation of everyone on the journey. Parish Staff: Contact Information: Msgr. Edward A. Ryan, Pastor Rev. William Dulaney, Parochial Vicar Rev. Johnson Nedungadan C. M., Parochial Vicar Deacon Arthur Cutter Deacon Robert Zeuner Sr. Patricia Anglin, O.P., Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation Ms. Lynn Alaimo, School Principal Mr. Bart Haggerty, Director of Music Ministry Msgr. Eugene A. Feldhaus, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Joseph Cunningham, Pastor Emeritus Mr. John Reh, Civil Trustee Mrs. Patricia Brandt, Civil Trustee Parish Office: Mass Schedule: Office of Faith Formation Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00PM Sunday: 8:00AM; 9:15AM; 11:00AM; 12:30PM; 5:15PM Sunday in Gregorian Hall: 9:15AM (when Religious Ed Classes are in session) Weekdays Monday - Friday: 7:00AM; 9:00AM, Saturday Morning: 9:00AM Holydays: Vigil Mass: 7:30PM 7:00AM; 9:00AM; 12:00Noon 242-20 88th Ave. Phone 718-347-3707 Fax 718-347-0583 Parish Website: Parish Email: [email protected] Mrs. Lois Brady, Parish Receptionist Miss Jennifer Kalin, Parish Receptionist Mrs. Patricia McMenamin, Parish Secretary Mr. Peter Varol, Parish Bookkeeper Office Hours: Weekdays 9:00AM - 8:00PM Saturdays 9:00AM - 3:00PM Sundays 9:00AM - 12:30PM Gregorian Hall Phone 718-347-0525 Sr. Patricia Anglin, O.P., Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation Ms. Kathy LaVache, Secretary Office Hours: Tuesday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Wednesday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Thursday 10:30AM - 3:30PM Sunday 10:15AM - 11:30AM St. Gregory the Great School Eucharistic Devotion: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Tuesday from the conclusion of the 9:00AM Mass until 10:30AM. Address 244-44 87th Ave. Phone 718-343-5053 School Website: Ms. Lynn Alaimo, Principal Mrs. Camille Gunning, Secretary Baptism: Baptism is celebrated on the Second Sunday of each month at 2:00PM and on the Fourth Saturday of each month at 12:00Noon. Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment to meet with Deacon Zeuner. Sacrament of Penance: The Sacrament of Penance is offered each Saturday at 1:00PM. and at other times by appointment with one of our priests. Marriage: A couple planning marriage must make an appointment with one of our priests or deacons at least 6 months in advance of the marriage. FAITH FORMATION Fourth Sunday of Advent "Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you." As Advent moves toward its climax we hear a preview of the Glad Tidings that the angelic choir will proclaim over the shepherds' field near Bethlehem. Religion classes for children in Grades 1 through 8 attending public school are held on Sunday mornings following the 9:15AM Family Mass in Gregorian Hall. Diocesan Guidelines require two years of preparation for First Holy Communion. Children 6 years of age or older who have not been baptized must receive two years of instruction before receiving the sacrament of Baptism. In all cases parents/guardians must make an appointment to speak with Sr. Patricia Anglin at the Office of Faith Formation 718-347-0525. For adult reflection: How does the reality of Christmas draw me into a deeper conversion as I strive to live the Gospel? For children: What gift can I prepare to welcome the baby Jesus ? Looking Ahead Feast of the Holy Family Genesis 15:1-6;21:1-3 Hebrews 11:8,11-12,17-19 Luke 2:22 - 40 The infant Jesus transforms the lives of those among whom he is nurtured. He can also transform our lives. For adult reflection: How can I dwell more constantly with Jesus Christ? LESSONS & CAROLS Sunday, December 21st 3:00PM - Church Please join today, Sunday, at 3:00PM in the Church, as the combined choirs of St. Gregory the Great and our guest choir from Our Lady of Mercy Church, Forest Hills, present the story of Christmas in word and song. The program includes works by Faure, Handel, Mendelssohn, Praetorius, Yon and others, as well as the opportunity to sing along with some of your favorite carols of the season. Admission is free and the program is suitable for all ages. Doors open at 2:30PM. For children: How are the saints or genuinely Christcentered old people part of my life? REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Hail, Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee FOR ALL THE SICK: Grace Leuze, Elizabeth Williams, Joseph Konefal, Maureen Coyle, Gabriela Dulfo, Jesse Wagner, Daniel McCarthy, Natalie Moody, Michael Zummo FOR ALL THE DECEASED CALENDAR OF EVENTS Week of December 21, 2014 SUNDAY RCIA 11:00AM Office Basement FAITH FORMATION CHRISTMAS PAGEANT PRACTICE 11:30AM-1:00PM Gregorian Hall LESSONS & CAROLS 3:00PM Church ATHLETIC ASSOC. 1:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall ALCOHOLICS ANON. OPEN 8:00PM Convent Basement MONDAY ATHLETIC ASSOC. 4:00-9:00PM Gregorian Hall EMOTIONS ANON. 7:30PM Convent Basement LIVING THE EUCHARIST 7:30PM Office Basement TUESDAY EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 9:30AM-10:30AM Church ADULT CHOIR 7:00PM Church CHAMBER SINGERS 9:30PM Church WEDNESDAY DIVINE MERCY 3:00PM Church THURSDAY MASSES FOR THE WEEK December 21, 2014 SUN. DEC. 21ST 8:00AM Mary & Peter Connolly 9:15 Members of the Purgatorial Society 11:00 Rosemarie Waibel, Martin Lydon, Richard Sullivan, Helene Crowley 12:30PM Anne & Philip Soriano 5:15 All People of the Parish MON. DEC. 22ND 7AM Robert Davis 9AM TUES. DEC. 23RD 7AM Katie Connolly 9AM George DeHaven WED. DEC. 24TH 9AM Rosemarie Waibel THURS. DEC. 25TH – Nativity of the Lord FRI. DEC. 26TH 9AM Charles Meincke MERRY CHRISTMAS! FRIDAY ATHLETIC ASSOC. Christmas Tournament 9:00AM-9:00PM Gregorian Hall ALCOHOLICS ANON. STEP 7:00PM Convent Basement ALCOHOLICS ANON. CLOSED 8:30PM Convent Basement SAT. DEC. 27TH 9AM Jane Abbatiello (21st Anniv. Rem.), Stephanie Pontosky 5PM Boyle & Cullen Family SATURDAY ATHLETIC ASSOC. 8:00AM-800PM Gregorian Hall BAPTISM 12:00PM Church PENANCE 1:00PM Church THE FLOWERS THAT ADORN OUR ALTAR throughout the week of December 21, 2014, have been donated in loving memory of Jane Abbatiello, requested by Barbara Ann Cosentino. THE ALTAR BREADS AND WINE which will be used at the celebrations of the Eucharist throughout the week of December 21, 2014, have been donated in loving memory of the Frank Gallagher, requested by Mae Gallagher. THE SANCTUARY LAMP AND ALTAR CANDLES burning throughout the week of December 21, 2014, have been donated in loving memory of Carl Mango, requested by Palma Giovanniello. FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Cont. FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK 12/21/14 “After all that has happened, on balance it has been positive.” - Mayor Francisco Arilla All that has happened has happened in the once-sleepy town of Borja, northeast of Madrid, Spain. There, in the 16th-century church known as the Misericordia, a 81-yearold widow by the name of Cecilia Gimenez has created a sensation that has changed the town's fortunes - literally. Cecilia was saddened to see a 19th century fresco, depicting Jesus in his passion, deteriorating and peeling from the wall because of dampness. So, amateur artist that she is, Cecilia took brush in hand and set to work restoring the damaged image. Unfortunately the results were a far cry from what her fellow parishioners were expecting. The image of Jesus that now looks out at them became an object of ridicule. It quickly went viral on the internet and drew reactions ranging from outrage to blasphemy. The local authorities were even contemplating legal action against Cecilia. But then the unexpected happened. People began flocking to Borja to see the fresco with their own eyes. More than 57,000 visitors from around the world showed up in church as compared with an average of 6,000 annual visitors to the local art museum. They dropped 50,000 euros in the church collection box. They spent money in cafes and restaurants and gift shops. The town began to prosper as never before. Even Mayor Arilla had to admit that he is impressed. Now art critics are taking a fresh look at Cecilia's artistry, wondering if she is not pioneering a new style along the lines of Picasso or Salvatore Dali. A local vineyard is hosting an exhibition of her other works, and a neighborhood association has established an art competition that bears her name. Through all of this Cecilia, herself, has not received a penny. The contributions made to the Misericordia are used to employ townspeople as attendants at the church and to fund the Sancti Spiritus Foundation that runs a home for the aged. All of this is a sort of Christmas parable. The image of himself that our creator impressed upon us at the creation was originally as bright and sparkling as the finest fresco of Jesus we can imagine. Human malice, indifference, the whole gamut of the seven deadly sins had caused that divine image to become marred, damaged, in danger of being completely obscured. But then the divine artist came into the sanctuary of human history proclaiming, "Misericordia - Mercy." He did not come in splendor, but in humility. As the prophet Isaiah predicted, "Many were amazed at him - so marred was his look beyond human semblance and his appearance beyond that of the sons of men." The agonized man crowned with thorns, whose birth we are about to celebrate, has created a new humanity in his Resurrection. While making himself poor - as poor as an elderly Spanish widow - he has enriched us. And that enrichment we celebrate by sharing gifts among ourselves and showing misericordia to people who otherwise would feel forgotten and neglected at the most joyous season of the year. A Blessed Christmas to all of you and to your loved ones. ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL has reached $75,250 toward our goal of $80,000. We thank all our parishioners who have contributed so generously. COLLECTIONS last week amounted to $9,712 and $2,625 for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Thank you very much for your generosity. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2014 GIVING TREE - Thank you to all our parishioners for the generous donations to our Giving Tree. This year the gifts will be going to Providence House, Ryan Outreach, Bridge to Life and to the homebound of our parish. GROUP DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE will take place at St. Gregory’s, in the Office Basement. Classes available are: Split Class on Tuesday & Thursday, January 13th & 15th, 7:00-10:00PM and a Full-Day Class on Saturday, January 17th, 9:00AM-3:00PM. Cost of the class is $45 per applicant. A registration form can be found in the November and December Gregorian or at the Parish Office. This course is hosted by St. Gregory’s Holy Name Society. RENAISSANCE ANNUAL LUNCHEON - It’s almost that time of year again! The annual luncheon will be held at Nancy’s Restaurant in Floral Park on Sunday, January 25th, following the 12:30PM Mass. We will have soup, salad, a choice of entrees, dessert and soda, coffee or tea for $30 per person. A cash bar will be available. All adults are invited to join us. Call Pat Tweedy at 516-3544736 or Marion Tannuzzo, after 7:30PM, at 516-358-4102 to make a reservation or for more information. WHY YOU SHOULD BECOME A KNIGHT - If you are interested in helping those in need, serving your parish, growing in your faith or having exclusive access to top-rated insurance protection for your family, then the Knights of Columbus is the organization for you. For more information or to join, please contact the St. Anne’s Council located on Union Turnpike, Glen Oaks, at 516-286-9504. The Council proudly supports St. Gregory the Great Parish. S.G.A.A. Service help is needed during the next few weeks during the Basketball and Volleyball Tournaments. Help is needed at the gym with the door, the snack counter, game clock and setup/clean up. If you are able to do some of your service hours, please contact MaryAlice at 917-482-0213, Danny at 917-755-1698 or Denise at 646-594-8561. Please keep in mind that the sports year is almost half way over and all are required to perform 20 hours of service for the athletic program. CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE 2014 INDIVIDUAL PENANCE Saturday, December 20th 1:00-2:00PM MASSES Wednesday - Christmas Eve - December 24th 4:30PM - Church 4:30PM - Gregorian Hall 6:00PM - Church 9:30PM (Carols) - 10:00PM Mass - Church Thursday - Christmas Day - December 25th 8:30AM, 11:00AM and 12:30PM - Church Wednesday, New Year’s Eve – December 31st 5:00PM - Church Thursday - New Year’s Day - January 1st 9:00AM & 12:00PM ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SCHOOL To All - A very Merry Christmas and wishes for a Happy & Healthy New Year from the Principal Ms. Alaimo, Faculty & Staff of St. Gregory the Great School. Thank you to our Walk-a-Thon Corporate Sponsors: Bellerose Beverage - 20 cases of Dansani water $50 Donations: Bright Beginnings DayCare Inc. Calisto Family Malhoun Family Michael A. Rich, Esq. Taniloco Family $150 Donations: Kong USA, Inc. Poppy’s Place Restaurant Marie O’Connor-Grant, Lic. Real Estate Salesperson with The Donnelly Group $250 Donations: Hi-Class Pizza Large Industries Corp. ARTIST OF THE WEEK: Deenah Voigt - 8th Grade Untitled FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT VOCATIONS BOOK CLUB FOR YOUNG ADULTS - ST. MICHAEL’S GUILD will take place on Wednesday, January 7th, at 7:30PM at the Cathedral Seminary House of Formation. For more information visit the website MONTHLY HOLY HOUR AND FELLOWSHIP Friday, January 23rd at 7:30PM at Most Precious Blood Parish, Long Island City. For more information, check the website +++++++++ FAMILY, MARRIAGE & INDIVDUAL THERAPY Services are provided by the Catholic Counseling Center, under the direction of Dr. George Giuliani. Confidential information and appointments are available by visiting or by calling 631-243-2503. TRIPS Resorts Casino in Atlantic City - Wednesday, January 28th - roundtrip bus transportation. Movies and light refreshments on bus. $25 free slot play. Cost is $27 per person. If interested, contact Finbar at 718-343-0676. Virginia Beach - Colonial Williamsburg, Historic Jamestown & Yorktown - May 17-21, 2015 - Trip includes four night stay at Sandcastle Ocean Front Hotel, four breakfasts and three dinners, a visit to Douglas MacArthur Memorial, guided tours of Norfolk Naval Base, Historic Williamsburg, Yorktown Victory Center/ Jamestown Settlement, $499 pp/dbl or $453 pp/triple. A deposit of $50 is due now. Make check payable to Golden Age Leisure Club. For additional information, call Finbar at 718-343-0676. Diocesan Lenten Pilgrimage - 500th Anniversary St. Teresa of Avila - March 12-20, 2015. Visiting Fatima, Lisbon, Avila, Madrid and more. Spiritual Director is Bishop Octavio Cisneros. For information, please call 1-800-Catholic, ext. 208. ALTAR SERVERS SCHEDULE SAT. DEC. 20TH 5PM Robert Lewis, Daniel Lewis SUN. DEC. 21ST 8:00AM Jasmin Pagba, Francisque Jean, Frances Pedersen 9:15AM Jonathan Mulligan, Christopher Tuffy, Michael Smith 11:00AM Grace O’Connor, Allyson Quintillan, Fiona Clabby 12:30PM Ryan Bowe, Thomas Nugent 5:15PM Timothy Perez, Rodger Recker SAT. DEC. 27TH 5PM Brian Machado, Roniel Urmasa SUN. DEC. 28TH 8:00AM John Hughes, Thomas Wirta 9:15AM Nicholas Bustamante, Kaycee Dominguez, Ashley Pichardo 11:00AM Justin Brown, Robert Brandt 12:30PM Joseph Gousse, Caitlyn Gousse 5:15PM Joseph Aguas, Destiny Krause DOMINICAN VILLAGE is a not-for-profit retirement community in Amityville. It provides both independent living and assisted living apartments for senior citizens. Residents live in a supportive environment in which the sacredness of life and the dignity of each person are held in the highest regard. For more information and/or to arrange a visit and tour, please call 631-842-6091. TD BANK “AFFINITY MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM” If you are currently banking with TD or will be opening an account, mention to a representative that you are a parishioner of St. Gregory. St. Gregory’s will earn credit and receive an annual contribution from TD. There are no costs involved and your privacy is guaranteed. SISTERS OF THE HANDMAIDS OF THE HOLY CHILD JESUS will minister and care for the elderly in their own home. For information, please call 718-8887708 or 646-434-9325.
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