Anne L. Boring OFCE-Sciences Po LEDa-DIAL Website: Citizenship : France and U.S.A. ACADEMIC AFFILIATION OFCE-Sciences Po Programme PRESAGE 27 rue Saint Guillaume 75007 PARIS, FRANCE E-mail: [email protected] Phone: + 33 (0) 1 45 49 86 62 LEDa-DIAL Development, Institutions and Globalization 4 rue d'Enghien 75010 PARIS, FRANCE E-mail : [email protected] MAIN RESEARCH FIELDS Gender and discrimination in higher education Pharmaceutical lobbying and trade Trade and development CURRENT SITUATION 2014- Postdoctoral researcher at OFCE, Sciences Po - Paris (Programme PRESAGE). Funding received for research within the EGERA (Effective Gender Equality in Research and the Academia) team (a research project that is funded by the EU FP7). 2012- Research affiliate at DIAL (Development, Institutions and Globalization), Université Paris Dauphine-IRD 2011- Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies in Economics and Mathematics, Sciences Po – Paris. Pedagogical advisor and in charge of the management of 245 classes and of the dual degree in Applied Mathematics and Social Sciences from Sciences Po and the University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne. 2010 - Lecturer in Economics, Sciences Po - Paris EDUCATION 2012 PhD in Economics, Université Paris Dauphine Title: The Pharmaceutical Industry’s Influence on U.S. Trade Policy Supervisor: Prof. Bernard Guillochon, Université Paris Dauphine Committee: Prof. Margaret Kyle, Mines ParisTech Prof. Pierre-Guillaume Méon, Free University of Brussels Prof. Jean-Marc Siroën, Université Paris Dauphine 2006 Master’s degree in international economics and development, Université ParisDauphine (obtained with honors, Rank: 1) 2004 Bachelor’s degree in international economics, Université Paris Dauphine RESEARCH GRANTS & CONTRACTS 2014-15 2014 2009-11 2006-09 EGERA, post-doc grant (funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 612413) to research gender-based inequalities at Sciences Po from a quantitative perspective, and finding solutions to reduce these inequalities (at the student level and the administrative and academic staff level) French Development Agency grant for a study on the impact of aid on trade (Role: project leader) Research and teaching grant, Université Paris Dauphine PhD research and teaching grant from the French Ministry of Research and Education PUBLICATIONS [1] “The Impact of Patent Protection on the United States’ Exports of Pharmaceuticals to Developing Countries”, Applied Economics (forthcoming) [pdf]. BOOK CHAPTERS [2] “Student Biases for Male Professors in Student Evaluations of Teachers: What Consequences for Female professors?” Gender and Education from Different Angles, Jarecka-Zyluk & Holz (eds.). 2014. LIT Verlag: Munich. pp. 71-79. RESEARCH PAPERS Gender and discrimination in higher education: [3] “Gender Biases in Student Evaluations of Teachers”. [pdf] Pharmaceutical lobbying and trade: [4] “Political Contributions to Influence Consumers: the Example of the U.S. Drug Reimportation Debate”, DIAL Working Paper, DT/2010-03. [pdf] WORK IN PROGRESS Gender and discrimination in higher education: [5] “Risk Aversion in Undergraduate Female Students: Evidence from a French University” (with Sandra Debu) [6] “Careers in the Public or the Private Sector: the Impact of University Courses on Career Choices” (with Romain Espinosa & Claudine Desrieux) [7] “Gender Differences in Choices of Masters’ Degrees” (with Sandra Debu) [8] “Explaining the Leaking Pipeline for Female Academics in Economics” Trade and development: [9] “Le lien entre aide au développement et commerce : une revue de la littérature” (with Léopold Biardeau) [10] “The Impact of Foreign Aid on Trade” (with Léopold Biardeau) [11] “Does Foreign Aid Reduce Trade Costs?” (with Léopold Biardeau) Pharmaceutical lobbying and trade: [12] “The Pharmaceutical Industry’s Real Power in Congress” [13] “International Trade Negotiations: the Pharmaceutical Industry’s Power” [14] “Will Prescription Drug Reimportation Pass in Congress?” REPORTS [15] “Gender Equality Report”, EGERA deliverable, December 2014 (forthcoming, with Viviane Albenga) [16] “Pilot study on gender bias in governance and evaluation, and report guidelines”, EGERA deliverable number: D.5.1, September 2014 (with Viviane Albenga) PRESENTATIONS AT SEMINARS, CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS 2014 DIAL internal seminar, Université Paris Dauphine, France OFCE internal seminar, Université Paris Dauphine, France RESUP 4th International Conference, ENS Lyon, France Southern Methodist University, Economics Department weekly seminar, Dedman College of Humanities & Sciences, Texas, USA University of Texas at Arlington, seminar co-sponsored by College of Business, College of Education and Health Professionals, and College of Liberal Arts, Texas, USA International Association of Applied Econometrics annual conference (poster), Queen Mary University, UK French Economics Association (AFSE) annual conference, ENS Lyon, France Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, CERDI, Clermont-Ferrand, France 4th Annual AEA Conference on Teaching and Research on Economic Education (CTREE), Washington DC, USA EDGE International Conference on EDucation and GEnder, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey Seminar series on Higher Education, seminar on evaluating university researching and teaching activities, ENS Lyon, France 2013 DIAL internal seminar, Université Paris Dauphine, France LIEPP (Interdisciplinary Research Center for the Evaluation of Public Policies) seminar, Sciences Po, France LEDa seminar, Université Paris Dauphine, France Economics Department seminar Sciences Po, France Augustin Cournot Doctoral Days (ACDD), University of Strasbourg, France ADRES Doctoral Conference, University of Strasbourg, France 2012 OFCE-DRIC seminar, France DIAL internal seminar, Université Paris Dauphine, France 2011 University of Queensland Seminar, Australia University of the Pacific Seminar, USA Universitat de Valencia Seminar, Spain 2010 Globalization and development workshop, Université Paris Dauphine French Economics Association (AFSE) annual conference, France European Trade Study Group (ETSG), Switzerland Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO) annual conference (poster), Georgetown University, DC, USA 2009 Globalization and development workshop, Université Paris Dauphine Silvaplana Workshop in Political Economy, Switzerland Doctoral Meeting of Montpellier, France Public Choice Society (PCS), Las Vegas, USA 2008 Doctoral students’ seminar, Université Paris Dauphine, France European Conference on Health Economics (ECHE), Italy American Society of Health Economists (ASHE), USA International Conference on Health Economics, Management & Policy, Greece International Trade and Finance Association (ITFA), Portugal Doctoral students’ presentation day, Université Paris Dauphine, France Asia Association for Global Studies (AAGS), Japan DISCUSSIONS AT CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS 2015 ASSA and AEA Annual Meeting 2015, Session on Economic Education, Boston, USA 2014 4th Annual AEA Conference on Teaching and Research on Economic Education (CTREE), Washington DC, USA 2009 Public Choice Society (PCS), Las Vegas, USA CONFERENCE PAPERS & PROCEEDINGS “Can teaching be objectively assessed by students?” RESUP Conference on the University’s Missions: Reconfigurations, Articulations & Contradictions PARTICIPATION AT CONFERENCES AND WORKSHOPS 2014 Women in Economics Mentoring Retreat, European Economic Association, Toulouse, France 2013 3rd Annual AEA Conference on Teaching and Research on Economic Education (CTREE), Chicago, USA REFEREEING Applied Economics, Journal of Economic Issues, Journal of Economic Education MEMBERSHIPS IN SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZATIONS American Economic Association (AEA), European Economic Association (EEA), French Economic Association (AFSE), International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE) CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION 2012-13 Co-organizer of the DIAL Conference 2013 TEACHING Introduction to Microeconomics 20141st year graduate, dual degree with Ecole du Louvre (Sciences Po) 20131st year undergraduate, main lecture of 125 students (Sciences Po) 2012-14 1st year graduate, Social Sciences Program, online course (Sciences Po) 2010-12 Introduction to Economic Analysis - Microeconomics seminar, 1st year undergraduate (Sciences Po) Open Economy Macroeconomics 2012-14 2nd year undergraduate (Sciences Po) 2006-11 2nd year undergraduate (Université Paris Dauphine) Scientific Humanities: the Scientific Method & the Analysis of Arguments 2011-14 1st year undergraduate (Sciences Po) Mathematics for Economics 2013A two hour introductory course for incoming students, 1st year undergraduate (Sciences Po) 2011-14 2nd year undergraduate (Sciences Po) 2012-13 Statistics, 1st year undergraduate (Sciences Po) Introduction to Macroeconomics 2010-12 Introduction to Economic Analysis - Macroeconomics seminar, 1st year undergraduate (Sciences Po) Topics in Applied Economics 2011-12 2nd year undergraduate main economics course (Sciences Po) The Economics of Globalization 2010-11 3rd year undergraduate (Université Paris Dauphine) SUPERVISING 2014-15 Graduate students’ group project on “Foreign Students’ Perceptions of Gender Inequalities and Gender Norms at Sciences Po” (with Viviane Albenga, Marta Dominguez-Folgueras & Hélène Périvier) RESEARCH IN THE PRESS Vittori, J.M. Aux racines de l'inégalité. Les Echos, 24 Jun. 2014. Boring, A. Mariage gay ou mariage mixte, les anti ont recours aux mêmes arguments. Le Plus, le Nouvel Obs, 11 Jan. 2013. OTHER TALKS AND PRESENTATIONS 2014 2012 “Gender Inequalities in the Workforce”, Student Economic Press Review, Sciences Po “Building High Quality Arguments”, Sciences Po Paris “How Powerful Are Large Firms in Global Trade?” World Politics course, Sciences Po Paris OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITIES 2008-09 2008-09 2006-11 2003-04 Student representative (elected) in the doctoral school board Founder and organizer of the doctoral students’ seminar Organizer of two doctoral students’ presentation days President of Dauphine Discussion Débat OTHER UNDERGRADUATE & GRADUATE RESEARCH [1] “The Nature of Pharmaceutical Trade Between the United States and the Rest of the World” (major Master’s thesis, 2006, under the supervision of Bernard Guillochon) [2] “Intellectual Property Rights and the Pharmaceutical Industry: the Case of HIV in Developing Countries” (minor Master’s thesis, 2006, under the supervision of Jérôme Sgard) [3] “A Prospective Analysis of the Access to Medicines Problem in Developing Countries” (minor Master’s thesis, 2006, under the supervision of Christian Schmidt) [4] “The Influence of Lobbies in Trade Policies: the Case of the U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry” (minor Master’s thesis, 2006, under the supervision of Bernard Guillochon) [5] “Delegate vs. Trustee: an Explanation of Representatives’ Actions Regarding Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform” (Mary Washington College, Seminar in Public Choice, 2002 under the supervision of Eugene Gotwalt) LANGUAGES French and English (mother tongues), Spanish (basic knowledge) COMPUTER SKILLS STATA, LaTex, Moodle, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access) OTHER INTERESTS Travels (Lebanon, Argentina, USA, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Spain, England, the Netherlands, Canada, Czech Republic, Brazil, Uruguay, Portugal, Japan, Germany, Switzerland), movies, sports (tennis, roller skating)
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