M. S. RAMAIAH INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BANGALORE (Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU) M. Tech Digital Electronics and Communication SYLLABUS (For 2014 – 2016 Batch) I - IV Semester Department of Electronics & Communication M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore-54 (Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to VTU) Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Faculty List Sl. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Name of the Faculty Dr. S Sethu Selvi Prof. C R Raghunath Prof. K. Giridhar Prof. M S Srinivas Dr. K. Indira K. Manikantan C. Manjunath B. Sujatha Dr. Maya V Karki S. Lakshmi V. Anandi Dr. T D Senthil Kumar Dr. Naga Ravikanth D Dr.Raghuram Srinivasan H. Mallika A.R. Priyarenjini S.L. Gangadharaiah M. Nagabhushan C G Raghavendra Sadashiva V Chakrasali C. Sharmila Suttur Mamtha Mohan V. Nuthan Prasad Reshma Verma Shreedarshan K Lakshmi Srinivasan Flory Francis Sarala S M Punya Prabha V Suma K V Jayashree S Manjunath C Lakkannavar Ms. Chitra M Qualification Ph.D M.Tech M.Tech M.Tech Ph.D M E (Ph.D) ME M E (Ph.D) Ph.D M E (Ph.D) M S (Ph.D) Ph.D Ph.D Ph.D M S (Ph.D) M.Tech M.Tech M.Tech (Ph.D) M.Tech (Ph.D) M.Tech (Ph.D) M.Tech (Ph.D) M.Tech (Ph.D) M.Tech (Ph.D) M.Tech (Ph.D) M.Tech (Ph.D) M.Tech (Ph.D) M.Tech M.Tech M.Tech (Ph.D) M.Tech (Ph.D) M.Sc M.Tech M.Tech 2 Designation Professor & Head Professor Professor Professor Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor I SEMESTER M. Tech (Digital Electronics & Communication) L T Credit* P S Advanced Mathematics 4 1 0 0 5 MDLC12 Advanced Digital Communication 4 1 0 0 5 3. MDLC13 Digital System Design 4 0 1 0 5 4. MDLC14 Mini-Project/Seminar – I 0 0 2 0 2 5. Elective I x x x x 5 6. Elective II x x x x 5 12+x 2+x 3+x x 27 SI. No. Subject Code 1. MDLC11 2. Subject Total Total II SEMESTER M. Tech (Digital Electronics & Communication) Subject Code Subject L T Credit* P S 1. MDLC21 Wireless and Mobile Communications 3 1 0 1 5 2. MDLC22 Advanced DSP 4 0 1 0 5 3. MDLC23 Mini-Project/Seminar – II 0 0 2 0 2 4. Elective III x x x x 5 5. Elective IV x x x x 5 6. Elective V x x x x 5 7+x 1+x 3+x 1+x 27 SI. No. Total Total III SEMESTER M. Tech (Digital Electronics & Communication) SI. No. Subject Code 1. MDLC31 2. MDLC32 3. L T Credit* P S Project – Phase I 0 0 14 0 14 Elective VI x x x 0 5 Elective VII x x x 0 5 x x 14+x 0 24 Subject Total Total IV SEMESTER M. Tech (Digital Electronics & Communication) SI. No. Subject Code 1. MDLC41 Subject Project – Phase II Total * L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, S: Self Study 3 L T Credit* P S 0 0 22 0 22 0 0 22 0 22 Total LIST OF ELECTIVES: The student is required to take 35 credits from the given list of electives. L T Credit* P S Error Control Coding 3 1 0 1 5 MDLCE02 Design of Electronic Systems 3 1 0 1 5 3. MDLCE03 FPGA based System Design 4 0 1 0 5 4. MDLCE04 Digital Signal Compression 3 0 1 1 5 5. MDLCE05 Advances in VLSI Design 4 0 1 0 5 6. MDLCE06 Micro and Smart Systems Technology 4 0 1 0 5 7. MDLCE07 Advanced Embedded Systems 4 0 1 0 5 8. MDLCE08 Image and Video Processing 4 0 1 0 5 9. MDLCE09 ARM Processors 4 0 1 0 5 10. MDLCE10 CMOS VLSI Design 4 0 1 0 5 11. MDLCE11 ASIC Design 4 0 1 0 5 12. MDLCE12 RF and Microwave Circuit Design 4 1 0 0 5 13. MDLCE13 Optical Communication and Networking 4 1 0 0 5 SI. No. Subject Code Subject 1. MDLCE01 2. Subject Areas I II Core Courses 15 10 Electives 10 15 Seminar 02 02 Project Work Semester Load 27 27 III IV 10 Total Range Suggested (VTU) 25 15 – 25 20 35 25 – 35 30 04 03 – 05 05 33 – 50 45 14 22 36 24 22 100 4 Total ADVANCED MATHEMATICS Subject Code: MDLC11 Prerequisites: Nil Credits: 4:1:0:0 Course Objectives: To model given electronic circuit using differential equation. To understand different standard distributions. Analyze the statistical characteristics of random variables. To find the joint density function and analyze the statistical characters of joint pdf. Apply arithmetic operations on vectors and matrices including inversion and determinants. Apply row reduction method to solve systems of linear equations. Analyze basic terminology of Linear Algebra in Euclidean spaces including Linear independence, spanning, basis, rank and null space. Employ Eigen values and Eigen vectors to diagonalise a matrix. Demonstrate projections and orthogonality among Euclidean vectors including GramSchmidt orthonormalization process and orthogonality matrices. UNIT – I Random Variables: Introduction to probability, repeated trails, random variables, distribution and density functions, mean and variance, moments and characteristic functions. Pairs of Random Variables: Joint distribution and density functions, conditional distributions, covariance and correlation coefficient, conditional mean and conditional variances. UNIT – II Solving Linear Equations: Introduction, geometry of linear equations, Gaussian elimination, matrix notation, inverses. Vector Spaces: Vector spaces and subspaces, linear independence, basis and dimension, linear transformation. UNIT – III Orthogonality: Orthogonal vectors and subspaces, projections, orthogonal bases and Gram – Schmidt orthogonalization. Eigen values, Eigen vectors and diagonalization, Symmetric Matrices and quadratic forms and SVD. UNIT – IV Graph Theory: Introduction, Isomorphism, connected graphs, disconnected graphs, trees, cut sets, vector spaces of graphs, electrical network analysis by graph theory. UNIT – V Linear Programming: Introduction, Formulation of the problem, graphical method, some exceptional cases, canonical and standard forms of LPP, simplex method, artificial variable technique. References: 1. B. S. Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna Publishers, 40 th edition, 2007. 2. Athanasios Papoulis and S. Unnikrishna Pillai, “Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes”, Fourth Edition, MGH, 2002. 3. Strang. G, “Linear Algebra and its Applications”, 3 rd Edition, Thomson Learning, 1988. 4. David C. Lay, “Linear Algebra and its Applications”, 3rd Edition, Pearson Education, 2003. 5. Suresh Chandra, Jayadeva and Aparna Mehra, “Numerical Optimization with Applications”, Narosa Publishing House. 5 6. Hwei P. Hsu, “Theory and Problems of Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes”, Schaum's Outline, TMH, 1996. Course Outcomes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Analyze electronic circuit using differential equations. Apply in detection and estimation of signals. Apply for channel modeling. Apply for noise modeling. Apply in adaptive filters. Apply in various communication applications. Apply linear systems in Economics, business, balancing chemical equations, and determining currents in a network 8. Apply linear transformation in computer graphics 9. Apply Eigen values and Eigen vectors in discrete dynamical system describing the population of a city 10. Solve a system described by differential equations 11. Solve inconsistent systems using Least square method 12. Employ least square method to fit data points close to a curve 13. Apply Quadratic forms in constrained optimization 6 ADVANCED DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Subject Code: MDLC12 Prerequisites: Digital Communication Credits: 4:1:0:0 Course Objectives: Represent digitally modulated signals and characterize narrowband signals and systems Compare spectral characteristics of digitally modulated signals Design modulation and detection methods for communication over an additive white Gaussian noise channel Evaluate error rate performance and channel bandwidth for the various digital signaling techniques Analyze the problem of demodulation of signals corrupted by intersymbol interference Evaluate performance of optimum and suboptimum equalization methods Understand adaptive channel equalization with LMS and RLS algorithms Analyze blind equalization algorithms Appreciate different spread spectrum signals and systems Evaluate performance of communication through Rayleigh and Nakagami fading channels UNIT – I Characterization of Communication Signals and Systems: Representation of band pass signals and systems, representation and spectral characteristics of digitally modulated signals. Optimum Receivers for AWGN Channel: Optimum receiver, performance of optimum receiver for memoryless modulation, optimum receiver for signals with random phase in AWGN channel UNIT – II Communication through Band Limited Linear Filter Channels: Optimum receiver for channels with ISI and AWGN, Linear equalization, Decision feedback equalization, reduced complexity ML detectors, Iterative equalization and decoding, Turbo equalization. UNIT – III Adaptive Equalization: Adaptive linear equalizer, adaptive decision feedback equalizer, adaptive equalization of Trellis- coded signals, Recursive least squares algorithms for adaptive equalization, self recovering (blind) equalization. UNIT – IV Spread Spectrum Signals for Digital Communication: Model of Spread Spectrum Digital Communication System, Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Signals, Frequency-Hopped Spread Spectrum Signals, CDMA, time-hopping SS, Synchronization of SS systems. UNIT – V Digital Communication Through Fading Multi-Path Channels: Characterization of fading multi-path channels, the effect of signal characteristics on the choice of a channel model, frequency-nonselective, slowly fading channel, diversity techniques for fading multi-path channels, Digital signaling over a frequency-selective, slowly fading channel, multiple antenna systems. 7 References: 1. John G. Proakis, “Digital Communications”, 4 th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2001. 2. Simon Haykin, “Digital Communications”, John Wiley and Sons, 3. Bernard Sklar, “Digital Communications - Fundamentals and Applications”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt. Ltd, 2001. 4. Andrew J. Viterbi, “CDMA: Principles of Spread Spectrum Communications”, Prentice Hall, USA, 1995. 8 DIGITAL SYSTEM DESIGN Subject Code: MDLC13 Prerequisites: Digital Circuits Credits: 4:0:1:0 UNIT 1 Introduction: Microelectronics, semiconductor technologies and circuit taxonomy, Microelectronic design styles, computer aided synthesis and optimization. Boolean algebra and Applications, Hardware Modeling Languages, distinctive features, Structural hardware language, Behavioral hardware language, HDLs used for synthesis, Introduction to VHDL, Entities and Architectures, Creating Combinational and Sequential logic. UNIT 2 Verilog: Introduction to Verilog, Modules and Ports, Gate-Level Modeling, Dataflow Modeling, Behavioral Modeling UNIT 3 Two level combinational logic optimization: Logic optimization, principles, operation on two level logic covers, algorithms for logic minimization, symbolic minimization and encoding property, minimization of Boolean relations. UNIT 4 Multiple level combinational optimizations: Models and transformations for combinational networks, algebraic model, Synthesis of testable network, algorithm for delay evaluation and optimization, rule based system for logic optimization. Sequential circuit optimization: Sequential circuit optimization using state based models, sequential circuit optimization using network models. UNIT 5 Schedule Algorithms: A model for scheduling problems, Scheduling with resource and without resource constraints, Scheduling algorithms for extended sequencing models, Scheduling Pipe lined circuits. Cell library binding: Problem formulation and analysis, algorithms for library binding, specific problems and algorithms for library binding (lookup table FPGAs and Antifuse based FPGAs), rule based library binding. Laboratory Write the HDL code for the following combinational and sequential circuits 1. Logic gates 2. 2 to 4 decoder 3. 8 to 3 encoder (with priority and without priority) 4. Devise a minimal-length binary code to represent the state of a phone: n work, dial-tone, dialing, busy, connected, disconnected, and ringing 5. Test the circuit diagram for multiplexer that selects among four sources of data, each of which is encoded with three bits. The circuit should be implemented using 4 to 1 multiplexer. 6. 8 to 1 multiplexer, demultiplexer, comparator 7. 4 bit binary to gray converter 8. Develop a circuit of a 4-bit Gray code to unsigned binary converter and implement using a combinational ROM. 9. Full adder using different modeling styles 10. ALU 11. Flip-flops(SR, D, JK, T) 9 12. Binary, BCD counters and any sequence counters 13. Write Boolean equation for a BCD decoder, that is, a decoder that has a BCD code word as input and that has outputs y0 through y9. Draw a circuit that uses AND and OR gates and inverters to implement the decoder. 14. Design a circuit that has an input ,a transmit clock and an NRZ serial data signal and that generates a manchester encoded serial data signal as output References: 1. Giovanni De Micheli, “Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits" Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003. 2. Srinivas Devadas, Abhijit Ghosh, and Kurt Keutzer, “Logic Synthesis,” McGraw-Hill, USA, 1994. 3. Kevin Skahill, “VHDL for Programmable Logic”, Pearson Education, 2000. 4. Samir Palnitkar “Verilog HDL”, Pearson Education, 2005. 5. Zvi Kohavi, “Switching and Finite Automata Theory”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Edition 10 WIRELESS AND MOBILE COMMUNICATION Subject Code: MDLC21 Prerequisites: Digital Communication Credits: 3:0:1:1 Course objectives: Understand the cellular concept in mobile communication. Apply the cellular concept to improve capacity in cellular systems with limited radio spectrum. Understand the principle of radio wave propagation in free space. Appreciate the significance of radio wave propagation in different propagation models. Understand the principle of impulse response model of a multi-path channel. Distinguish different types of small scale fading in multi-path channel. Appreciate the concepts of different diversity techniques. Apply antenna diversity concept to improve the wireless channel capacity and diversity gain. Appreciate the importance of GSM and CDMA in 2G and 3G mobile communication. UNIT – I Basics of Mobile Communication: Introduction to Wireless Communication, Evolution and generations of cellular networks, Comparison of Common wireless communication systems, Cellular concept: Frequency reuse, Channel assignment Strategies, Handoff Strategies, Cochannel interference and system capacity, Adjacent channel interference, Trunking and GOS, Capacity improvement techniques: Cell splitting, Sectoring and microcell zone concept. UNIT – II Mobile Radio Propagation: Large scale propagation models: Introduction to Free Space Propagation model, Relating power and electric field, Two Ray Ground Reflection model, Outdoor propagation models, Indoor propagation models. UNIT – III Small Scale Fading and Multipath: Introduction, Factors influencing small scale fading, Doppler shift, Impulse response model, Small scale multipath measurements, Parameters of mobile multipath channel, Types of small scale fading. UNIT – IV Equalization and Diversity Techniques: Diversity techniques: time, frequency, polarization and angle diversity. RAKE Receiver, Antenna diversity: Receive diversity – Single input multiple outputs (SIMO), Transmit diversity – Multiple input single output (MISO), 2×2 Multiple Input Multiple output (MIMO) schemes – Space Time Block Codes, Equalization: Introduction, linear and non-linear equalizers, adaptive equalization. UNIT – V Mobile and Wireless Network Standards: Wireless Standards: IEEE 802.11 a and b and Personal Area Network (PAN), Mobile standards: GSM, IS-95 and CDMA-2000. Self Study: Basic propagation mechanisms – Reflection, Diffraction, Scattering, Large scale and Small Scale Path loss Models, Propagation Mechanism, Multiple Access Techniques, physical layer of 802.11 standard and PAN (OFDM, DSSS and FHSS). 11 References: 1. Theodore S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2002. 2. David Tse, P. Vishwanath, “Fundamentals of Wireless Communication”, Cambridge, 2006. 3. Vijay K. Garg, “IS-95 CDMA and CDMA 2000,” Pearson Education (Asia) Pte. Ltd, 2004. Laboratory Experiments: Assignment for the Laboratory work: NS2 Simulator (available FREE on the net) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Check for the transmission power in the wireless network. Measure the losses in the channel. Implement both indoor and outdoor propagation models. Measure the performance analysis of different models. Implement the CDMA model. Measure the Latency, BW and efficiency of the given wireless model. Course Outcomes: 1. Employ cellular concept in mobile communication systems. 2. Analyze the significance of improving capacity in cellular systems with limited radio spectrum. 3. Employ the concept of radio wave propagation to calculate the link power budget. 4. Describe different propagation models in wireless communication. 5. Estimate the characteristics of a wireless multi-path channel. 6. Analyze the effects of small scale fading in multi-path channel. 7. Employ the concept of different diversity techniques to overcome the effect of small scale multi-path propagation. 8. Employ an antenna diversity concept in high data rate wireless communication. 9. Describe the functional blocks of GSM architecture. 10. Classify different types of channels in IS-95 and CDMA 2000 standards. 12 ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Subject Code: MDLC22 Prerequisites: Advanced Digital Signal Processing Credits: 4:0:1:0 Course Objectives: Apply signal processing algorithms for modeling discrete time signals Estimate the power spectrum of a random process Design optimum digital filters Design and implement adaptive filters Understand multirate signal processing and time frequency decomposition of signals Recognize a wide variety of applications in speech and audio signal processing, image processing, and digital communication UNIT – I Discrete-Time Random Processes: Random variables, Random processes, Filtering Random processes, Spectral factorization, Special types of random processes. UNIT – II Signal Modeling: Least squares method, Pade approximation, Prony’s method, Finite data records, Stochastic models. UNIT – III Spectrum Estimation: Nonparametric methods, Minimum variance spectrum estimation, Maximum entropy method, Parametric methods, Frequency estimation, Principal components frequency estimation. UNIT – IV Adaptive filters: FIR Wiener filter, FIR adaptive filters, Adaptive recursive filters, Recursive least squares, Applications in noise and echo cancellation, Equalization. UNIT – V Multirate Digital Signal Processing: Introduction, Decimation by a factor D, interpolation by a factor I, Sampling rate Conversion by a factor I/D, implementation of sampling rate conversion, Multistage implementation of sampling rate conversion, sampling rate conversion of band pass signals, sampling rate conversion by an arbitrary factor, Applications of multirate signal processing Digital Filter banks, Two Channel Quadrature Mirror Filter banks, M-Channel QMF bank Introduction to Time Frequency Expansion: STFT, Gabor Transform, Wavelet Transform, Recursive Multiresolution Decomposition. Laboratory: Implementation in MATLAB 1. Probability distribution and density functions, mean, variance, autocorrelation 2. White noise, power spectrum, ARMA(2,2), AR(1), AR(2), MA(4) processes 3. Pade approximation, Prony’s method, Shank’s method, autocorrelation method, covariance method 4. Periodogram, modified Periodogram, Bartlett’s method, Welch’s method, Blackman-Tukey method, minimum variance method, maximum entropy method 13 5. Pisarenko harmonic decomposition, MUSIC algorithm, Eigenvector method, Minimum norm algorithm, Principal components frequency estimation 6. LMS algorithm, normalized LMS, RLS algorithm, noise cancellation, channel equalization 7. Multirate signal processing and wavelet transforms References: 1. Monson H. Hayes, “Statistical Signal Processing and Modeling”, John Wiley, 1996 2. J. G. Proakis, D. K. Manolakis, “Digital Signal Processing”, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 1995. 3. B. Widrow, S. Stearns, “Adaptive Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall, 1985. Course Outcomes: 1. Employ random processes and its classification through examples like ARMA and harmonic processes 2. Derive the correlation and power spectrum of the output random process when a random process is filtered by a LTI system 3. Model deterministic and random time domain signal using Pade’s approximation, Prony’s method, autocorrelation and covariance methods 4. Implement signal modeling methods for different deterministic and random signals and compare their modeling error and speed 5. Estimate the power spectrum of random processes using parametric and non-parametric methods 6. Compare spectrum estimation methods based on variability, resolution, and Figure of Merit. 7. Estimate the frequency of the harmonic processes 8. Understand adaptive filters and LMS algorithm 9. Derive the different performance measures of the LMS algorithm and understand its variants 10. Demonstrate applications like echo cancellation, channel equalization, linear prediction, noise cancellation and filtering in communication 11. Understand decimation, interpolation and sampling rate conversion 12. Derive time frequency expansion and understand its application in wavelet transform 14 ELECTIVES ERROR CONTROL CODING Subject Code: MDLCE01 Prerequisites: Information Theory & Coding Credits: 3:1:0:1 Course Objectives: Illustrate the error detection and correction capabilities of linear block codes. Apply the concept of RM codes for designing data storage systems. Design Golay codes for error control in communication systems and space communication programs. Apply random error correction and burst error correcting cyclic codes and to design error trapping decoding systems. Appreciate binary BCH and non binary BCH code (RS Codes) and design & develop decoding algorithm for BCH codes such as Berlekamp’s iterative algorithm. Employ the Chien’s search algorithm and Euclid algorithm for RS codes, frequency domain decoding algorithm. Distinguish between finite geometry codes, majority logic codes and cyclic majority logic decodable codes (one step and two step). Show how convolutional encodes can be represented using state diagram, tree diagram, and trellis diagram. Use efficient decoding methods such as Viterbi algorithm, maximum likelihood decoding algorithm, and stack algorithm. Appreciate the application of convolutional codes and low-density parity check codes to digital transmission over telephone, satellite and radio channels UNIT – I Introduction to Algebra: Groups, Fields, Binary Field Arithmetic, Construction of Galois Field GF (2m) and example of construction of GF (24) using primitive polynomial, Computation using GF (2m) Arithmetic – Solution of simultaneous equations and quadratic equations, Vector space, Properties, Linearly independent vectors, inner product, Row space, Sub space. UNIT – II Linear Block Codes: Generator and Parity check Matrices, Encoding circuits, Syndrome and Error Detection, Minimum Distance Considerations, Error detecting and Error correcting capabilities, Hamming Codes – (7, 4), (12, 8), (15, 11), Reed – Muller codes, (24, 12) Golay code. UNIT – III Cyclic Codes: Introduction, Generator and Parity check Polynomials, Encoding using Multiplication circuits, Systematic Cyclic codes – Encoding using Feedback shift register circuits, Generator matrix for Cyclic codes, Syndrome computation and Error detection, Meggitt decoder, (23, 12) Golay code. UNIT – IV BCH Codes: Binary primitive BCH codes, Decoding procedures, Implementation of Galois field Arithmetic, Implementation of Error correction, BCH codes, The Berlekamp - Massey Algorithm. Non-binary BCH Codes: Non-binary BCH codes, q-ary linear block codes, Primitive BCH codes over GF(q), Reed-Solomon codes, Decoding of non-binary BCH codes. UNIT – V Convolutional and Burst Error Correcting Codes: Encoding of Convolutional codes, Structural properties, Distance properties, Viterbi Decoding Algorithm for decoding, Soft – 15 output Viterbi Algorithm, Stack decoding, Fano sequential decoding algorithms, Majority logic decoding, Low density parity check codes (LDPC) and LDPC convolutional codes. Self Study: Basic properties of GF(2m), example of construction of GF (2 5) using primitive polynomial, Standard array and Syndrome decoding of linear block codes, Decoding circuits, Product and interleaved codes, Error trapping decoding, Cyclic Hamming codes, Shortened cyclic codes, Decoding of RS codes, Burst and random error correcting codes, concept of interleaving References: 1. Shu Lin, Daniel J. Costello, Jr. “Error Control Coding” Pearson/Prentice Hall, Second Edition, 2004. 2. Blahut, R.E. “Theory and Practice of Error Control Codes” Addison Wesley, 1984 3. J. Viterbi, J. K. Omura, “Principles of Digital Communication and Coding”, Dover Publications, 2009. 16 DESIGN OF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Subject Code: MDLCE02 Prerequisites: Electronic Circuits Credits: 3:1:0:1 Course Objectives: Design an electronic system meeting customer requirement Select transmission lines optimizing various parameters Illustrate importance of packaging technology and MCM Analyze impact of PCB selection on system Design radar system in terms of its transmitter power, receiver noise figure, frequency of operation and antenna gain for a given target UNIT – I Overview of design of electronic systems: Evolution and importance of design of electronics system, Impact of global competition & innovation on system design, Broad classification of systems as consumer, professional, aerospace & defense: salient differences. UNIT – II Transmission lines and antennas: Optimizing the selection process of coaxial, planar and wave guides, with respect to impedance, frequency of operation, system design consideration for selection of antennas in terms of its performance parameters with respect to reflector antennas, phased array antennas, advantages and disadvantages. UNIT – III Packaging & interconnection technology: Introduction & overview of micro electronics packaging & its influence on system performance & cost, Packaging hierarchy, Driving force on packaging technology, MCM definition & classification, their advantages in systems. UNIT – IV PCB Technologies: Importance of PCB laminates in electronic systems, Classification of laminates and their construction details, Processes of selection of PCB laminate in electronic systems, multilayer laminates and their salient features affecting systems. UNIT – V Case studies on radar system design: Introduction: Integration of Radar Pulses, Radar cross section of Targets, Transmitter Power, Pulse Repetition Frequency, system losses, overview of system consideration during the design of radar. Self Study Various Standards and their importance: ISO, ISI, JSS, Overview and classification of transmission lines, Transmission line power handling capacity and VSWR, lumped element model of transmission line. Overview of MIC: thick and thin film circuits, and MMIC’s, importance of microwave integrated circuits in electronic systems, PCB fabrication, Photolithographic technique, Introduction to Radar, Radar equation, Probabilities of Detection and False alarm. NOTE: The course will have an industrial visit and a mini project. 17 References: 1. 2. 3. 4. Merrill. I. Skolnik, “Introduction to Radar Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2001. Rao R Tum Mala, “Fundamentals of Microsystems Packaging”, McGraw Hill, NY 2001. William D Brown, “Advanced Electronic Packaging”, IEEE Press, 1999. Current literature from Journals & Conference proceedings. 18 FPGA BASED SYSTEM DESIGN Subject Code: MDLCE03 Prerequisites: Digital System Design Credits: 4:0:1:0 Course Objectives: Use and illustrate the complete design flow (synthesis, place and route, floor planning, timing analysis, etc.) required to implement complex designs Appraise VLSI chip manufacturing process. Appreciate differences in FPGA architectures and how these affect circuit design. Learn how to use the VHDL hardware description language to simulate and synthesis digital circuit system. Implement digital circuits with FPGA using CAD tools and optimize with respect to speed, power consumption and gate count. Dramatize specific algorithms utilized in placement and routing Adapt the concept of behavioral design and design methodologies Illustrate the concept platform of FPGA and multi FPGA systems UNIT – I FPGA Based Systems: Digital design & FPGA’s, FPGA based system design. VLSI Technology: Introduction, manufacturing process, transistor processes, CMOS logic gates, wires, Packages and Pads. UNIT – II FPGA Fabrics: Introduction, FPGA Architecture, SRAM based FPGA's, permanently programmed FPGA's, Chip I/O, circuit design of FPGA fabrics, Architecture of FPGA fabrics. UNIT – III Combinational Logic: Introduction, logic design process, combinational network delay, power and energy optimization, arithmetic logic, logic implementation for FPGA's, physical design for FPGA's. UNIT – IV Sequential Machines: Introduction, The Sequential Machine design process, Sequential design styles, performance analysis, power optimization. UNIT – V Architecture: Introduction, behavioral design, design methodologies, design example. Large scale systems: Introduction, platform FPGA's, multi-FPGA systems, novel Architectures. Laboratory Simulation (with test bench) and synthesis of the following verilog codes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Parallel Adder Look ahead adder Carry skip adder Array multiplier ASAP Schedule ALAP Schedule Barrel shifter 19 References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wayne Wolf, “FPGA based System Design”, Pearson Education, 2005. Michael D Ciletti, “Advanced Digital Design with Verilog HDL”, Pearson Education, 2005. Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL”, Pearson Education, 2005. J Bhaskar, “A Verilog HDL Primer”, 2nd Edition, B S Publications, 2007. Kevin Skahill, “VHDL for Programmable Logic”, Pearson Education, 2004. Wayne Wolf, “Modern VLSI Design”, Pearson Education, 2002. Course Outcomes: 1. Be capable of using commercial CAD tools to design and simulate digital circuits 2. Produce system and FPGA designs using designed flows based on good practice 3. Produce HDL code for FPGA designs and verify system performance using an FPGA development kit. 4. Design and verify a complex system using FPGAs to meet specified speed/power/size requirements. 5. Design and verify the performance of an FPGA with specified input/output requirements 20 DIGITAL SIGNAL COMPRESSION Subject Code: MDLCE04 Prerequisites: Nil Credits: 3:0:1:1 Course Objectives: Appreciate the significance of data compression in real world. Differentiate between lossy and lossless compression methods. Illustrate different lossy and lossless compression methods. Apply compression methods to different data types which include audio, text and images. Categorize some audio compression and image compression standards. Adapt different video compression techniques. Study different video compression standards like H.261, H.264, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and MPEG-7. UNIT – I Lossless Compression: Comparison between lossy and lossless compression, Derivation of average information, Models, Uniquely Decodable codes, Prefix codes, Kraft McMillan Inequality, Huffman coding, Adaptive Huffman coding, Applications of Huffman coding. UNIT – II Arithmetic coding and Dictionary Techniques: Algorithm implementation, Dictionary Techniques, Static Dictionary, Adaptive Dictionary, Applications of Arithmetic Coding, Bi-level image compression, Applications of Dictionary techniques, Predictive coding, Prediction with partial match, The Burrow Wheeler Transform, Run-length coding UNIT – III Lossy Compression: Conditional entropy, average mutual information, Differential entropy, Rate distortion criteria, Scalar quantization: Uniform quantization, Adaptive quantization, Nonuniform quantization and entropy coded quantization. Vector quantization: LBG algorithm, Tree structured VQ, Structured VQ, Differential encoding: Prediction in DPCM, Adaptive DPCM, Delta Modulation UNIT – IV Transform Coding: Transforms – KLT, DCT, DST, DWHT, Quantization and coding Applications to image compression: JPEG, Applications to audio and image compression, Video compression. UNIT – V Video Compression: Motion compensation, Video signal representation, Algorithms for video conferencing & videophones – H.261, H. 263, Asymmetric applications – MPEG 1, MPEG 2. Self Study Golomb codes, Rice codes, Tunstall codes, CALIC, JPEG-LS, JBIG2, T.4, T.6, Speech coding – G7.26, EZW, SPHIT, JPEG 2000, MPEG 4, MPEG 7, Packet video, H.264 Laboratory Implementation in MATLAB or C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Huffman, Arithmetic, LZW coding Uniform quantization, Non-uniform quantization, Vector quantization DPCM, Delta modulation Wavelet image compression Video compression, motion estimation and detection 21 References: 1. K. Sayood, “Introduction to Data Compression," Harcourt India Pvt. Ltd. & Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1996. 2. N. Jayant and P. Noll, “Digital Coding of Waveforms: Principles and Applications to Speech and Video,” Prentice Hall, USA, 1984. 3. D. Salomon,” Data Compression: The Complete Reference,” Springer, 2000. 4. Z. Li and M.S. Drew, “Fundamentals of Multimedia,” Pearson Education (Asia) Pte. Ltd., 2004. Course Outcomes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Explain the importance of data compression. Code and decode text using Huffman, arithmetic and dictionary based methods. Implement the image compression standards JPEG and JPEG 2000. Implement audio compression schemes using predictive coding. Implement different video compression standards 22 ADVANCES IN VLSI DESIGN Subject Code: MDLEC05 Prerequisites: Digital Circuits Credits: 4:0:1:0 Course Objectives: Appreciate the importance of CMOS and BiCMOS technologies Understand the operation of MESFET, MODFET, MIS Structure and MOSFET Understand the various concepts like short channel effects and challenges in CMOS Technology. Discuss the importance of super buffer and steering logic Discuss the evolutionary advances beyond CMOS. Design digital circuit using pass transistor, NMOS/PMOS transistors. Understand the concepts of structured design, regularity, modularity, locality, CMOS chip design options, Programmable logic and Interconnects. UNIT – 1 Review of MOS Circuits: MOS and CMOS static plots, switches, comparison between CMOS and BI – CMOS, MESFETS: MESFET and MODFET operations, quantitative description of MESFETS, MIS Structures and MOSFETS: MIS systems in equilibrium, under bias, small signal operation of MESFETS and MOSFETS UNIT – 2 Short Channel Effects and Challenges to CMOS: Short channel effects, scaling theory, processing challenges to further CMOS miniaturization Beyond CMOS: Evolutionary advances beyond CMOS, carbon nano tubes, conventional vs. tactile computing, computing, molecular and biological computing Mole electronics-molecular diode and diode- diode logic, Defect tolerant computing, UNIT – 3 Super Buffers, Bi-CMOS and Steering Logic: Introduction, RC delay lines, super buffers- An NMOS super buffer, tri state super buffer and pad drivers, CMOS super buffers, Dynamic ratio less inverters, large capacitive loads, pass logic, designing of transistor logic, General functional blocks - NMOS and CMOS functional blocks. UNIT – 4 Special Circuit Layouts and Technology Mapping: Introduction, Talley circuits, NANDNAND, NOR- NOR, and AOI Logic, NMOS, CMOS Multiplexers, Barrel shifter, Wire routing and module layout. UNIT – 5 System Design: CMOS design methods, structured design methods, Strategies encompassing hierarchy, regularity, modularity & locality, CMOS Chip design Options, programmable logic, Programmable inter connect, programmable structure, Gate arrays standard cell approach, Full custom Design. References: 1. Kevin F Brenan “Introduction to Semi Conductor Devices”, Cambridge University Press, First Edition, 2005. 23 2. Eugene D Fabricius “Introduction to VLSI Design”, McGraw-Hill International Publication, 1990. 3. D. A. Pucknell, K. Eshraghian, “Basic VLSI Design”, PHI, 1995. 4. Wayne Wolf, “Modern VLSI Design”, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2002. Course Outcomes: 1. Understand the fundamentals and operation of MESFET, MODFET, MIS structure and MOSFET. 2. Design a digital circuit using CMOS logic such as Talley circuit, NAND-NAND, NOR-NOR, AOI Logic 3. Understand the concept of RC dealy lines, super buffers, Large Capacitive Loads with respect to CMOS VLSI. 4. Analyze performance issues and the inherent trade-offs involved in system design (i.e. power vs. speed). 5. Able to explain the concept of Carbon Nanotubes, Molecular and Biological Computing, Defect Tolerant Computing, Programmable Logic 24 MICRO AND SMART SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Subject Code: MDLCE06 Prerequisites: Solid State Devices and Technology Credits: 4:0:1:0 Course Objectives: Learn about basics and typical applications of microsystems Illustrate scaling laws Appraise the principles of microsensors and microactuators Illustrate the various principles of operations of mems transducers Analyze coupled domain aspects Learn basic electrostatics and its applications in MEMS sensors and actuators Categorize different RF MEMS applications Familiarize oneself with atleast one MEMS CAD tool Learn about ways to fabricate a MEMS device Appraise the packaging needs for a MEMS device UNIT – I Introduction to MEMS: Historical background of Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Feynman’s vision, Multi-disciplinary aspects, Application areas, Scaling Laws in miniaturization, scaling in geometry, electrostatics, electromagnetic, electricity and heat transfer. UNIT – II Micro and Smart Devices and Systems: Principles and Materials: Transduction Principles in MEMS Sensors: Microsensors – thermal, radiation, mechanical, magnetic and bio-sensors, Actuators: Different actuation mechanisms - silicon capacitive accelerometer, piezo-resistive pressure sensor, blood analyzer, conductometric gas sensor, silicon micro-mirror arrays, piezoelectric based inkjet print head, electrostatic comb-drive and magnetic micro relay, portable clinical analyzer, active noise control. UNIT – III Mechanical Concepts: Mechanical concepts, stress and strain, Flexural beam bending analysis under Simple loading conditions analysis of beams under simple loading, torsional deflections, residual stresses and stress gradient Resonant frequency and quality factor, Coupled domain concepts. UNIT – IV Electrical and Electronics aspects: Electrostatics, Coupled Electro mechanics, stability and Pull-in phenomenon, Practical signal conditioning Circuits for Microsystems, RF MEMS Switches, varactors, phased arrays, tuned filters. Micromirror array for control and switching in optical communication, Modeling using CAD Tools (Intellisuite). UNIT – V Micromanufacturing and Material Processing: Silicon wafer processing, lithography, thinfilm deposition, etching (wet and dry), wafer-bonding, and metallization, Silicon micromachining: surface, bulk, LIGA process, bonding based process flows. Integration and Packaging of Microelectromechanical Systems: Integration of microelectronics and micro devices at wafer and chip levels, Microelectronic packaging: wire and ball bonding, flip-chip, Microsystem packaging examples. 25 References: 1. G. K. Ananthasuresh, K. J. Vinoy, S. Gopalakrishnan, K. N. Bhat, V. K. Aatre, “Micro and Smart Systems”, Wiley India, 2010. 2. T R Hsu, “MEMS and Microsystems Design and Manufacturing”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2 nd Edition, 2008. 3. Chang Liu, “Foundations of MEMS”, Pearson International Edition, 2006. 4. S. D. Senturia, “Micro System Design”, Springer International Edition, 2001. 26 ADVANCED EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Subject Code: MDLCE07 Prerequisites: Nil Credits: 4:0:1:0 Course Objectives: Learn the basic building blocks of a typical embedded system Differentiate between MP, MC, RISC and CISC Processors, Harvard and Von Neumann Processor Architecture, Big- Endian and Little- Endian type of Memory Organization Learn about different Memory types - ROM, PROM, EEPROM, FLASH Understand the basic role of sensors and actuators Explain the different communication interfaces like I2C, SPI, UART, 1-Wire, Parallel Bus Describe the different embedded system components like Reset circuit, Brown out Protection, RTC and WDT Appreciate the characteristics and the important quality attributes of the embedded system Learn about the hardware and software Co-Design approach for embedded system development Understand the different computational models used in embedded system design Explain different design approaches and languages for embedded firmware development Appreciate the Architectural Features of advanced microcontroller MSP 430 Describe different on chip Peripheral/Functional units in MSP 430 like Timers, Comparator, ADC and DAC UNIT – I Introduction to Typical Embedded System : Embedded systems vs general computers, History of embedded systems, Classification of embedded systems, Application areas of ES, Typical Embedded System: Core of the embedded system, µP vs µC, RISC vs CISC, Harvard vs Von-Neumann processor architecture, Big Endian vs Little Endian processors / Controller load store operation and instruction pipelining, Application Specific Integrated Circuits, Programmable Logic Devices, Memory ROM, Masked ROM, PROM / OTP, EEPROM, FLASH, RAM: SRAM, DRAM, NVRAM, Memory selection for ES, Sensors and Actuators: The I/O Subsystem LED, 7-segment LED display, Opto couplers, Stepper Motor, Relay, Piezo Buzzer, Push button switch, keyboard, Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) , Communication Interface: On board communication interfaces: I2C Bus, SPI Bus, UART, 1-Wire Interface, Parallel Interface, External Communication Interfaces: RS232C and RS485, USB, IEEE 1394 (Fire Wire). Infra-Red (IrDA), Blue Tooth, Wifi, Zigbee, General Packet Radio Service Embedded Firmware, Other embedded system components; Reset, Brown out protection circuit, Oscillator unit, Real Time Click (RTC), Watch Dog Timer, Characteristics of an embedded system, Quality attributes of an embedded system UNIT – II Embedded Systems – Application and Domain Specific: Washing Machine – Application specific ES, Automotive – Domain specific examples of ES, Automotive communication buses: CAN Bus, Local Interconnect Network (LIN) Bus, Media Oriented System Transport (MOST) Bus Hardware Software Co-Design and Program Modeling: Fundamental issues in the H/W, S/W Co-Design Computational models in the embedded design: Data Flow-Graph/Diagram (DFG) Model, Control Data Flow Graph / Diagram (CDFG), State machine model with examples. Sequential program model, concurrent/communicating process model, unified modeling language (WML) UML building blocks, UML Tools, Hardware and Software trade-offs, typical embedded product design and development approach 27 UNIT – III Embedded Firmware Design and Development: Embedded firmware design approaches, Super loop based approaches, Embedded O/S based approach, Embedded firmware development languages, Assembly language based development, High level language based development, Programming in embedded-C, Embedded system development environment Embedded System Development Environment: Integrated development environment (IDE), Overview of IDE’s for ES development, types of files generated on cross compilation, Disassembler / Decomplier, Simulators, Emulator, and Debugging, Target Hardware Debugging, Boundary Scan UNIT – IV Introduction to TI MSP 430 and its Architecture: Functional block diagram of MSP430F2003 pin-out configuration, Memory, CPU, Addressing Modes, Constant generator and embedded instructions, Instruction set, Examples, Clock System, Digitally controlled oscillator, Interrupts and Low power model, Interrupt service Routines (ISRs), Low power model of operation UNIT – V Digital Input, Output and Displays: Digital Input and Output: Parallel Ports, Digital Inputs, Digital Outputs, Liquid Crystal Displays, Timers: Watch Dog Timer, basic Timer_1, Timer_A, Measurement in the Captane Mode Mixed Signal Systems: Analog Input and Output: Comparator_A, Analog to Digital Conversion. General issues, ADC 10 Successive Approximation Amplifiers, Internal Operational Amplifiers, Digital to Analog Conversion List of Experiments 1. Interfacing MSP430 Board to PC and HyperTerminal 2. LED Blinking 3. 7-Segment Display, Display Alpha-Numeric Characters 4. Scrolling Display 5. Up/Down Counter 6. Stepper Motor Interface with Sensors 7. Pressure Sensor Interface 8. Accelerometer Interface 9. Temperature Sensor Interface 10. Interface with an External Color LCD Display(Graphic Display) 11. Keyboard Interface 12. Use of Interrupts through Push Button Switch 13. Wireless Connectivity using NORDIC NRF24L01-Wireless Transceiver References: 1. Shibu. K. V. “Introduction to Embedded Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Ltd. 2009. 2. John H. Davies, “MSP430 Microcontroller Basics”, Elsevier Ltd., 2008. 3. Rajkamal, “Embedded Systems, Architecture, Programming and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt., Ltd., 2009 4. Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, “Embedded System Design - A Unified Hardware/ Software Introduction”, John Wiley & Sons, 2002 28 Course Outcomes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Explain building blocks of a typical embedded system Describe different memory types Appreciate different communication interfaces like I2C, SPI, UART etc, Understand embedded hardware and software co-design Learn computational models like data flow graph/diagram (DFG) Model, control data flow graph/diagram (CDFG), state machine model used in embedded system design Describe different approaches for embedded system firmware design Explain architectural features and the pin configuration of MSP 430F2003, instruction set and other advanced features. Understand digital inputs outputs, ports, timers, WDT, Describe mixed signal mode of operation and use of comparator, ADC and DAC Use Vision version 3 / Code Composer Studio IDE for embedded software development, simulation and debugging Use different types of files like List File, Object File, Hex File etc. 29 IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING Subject Code: MDLCE08 Prerequisites: Signal Processing Credits: 4:0:1:0 Course Objectives: Review the basics of two dimensional signal processing Interpret two dimensional sampling theory, quantization and convolution Distinguish between different image enhancement algorithms Appraise 2-D filtering and image restoration Study different feature extraction and pattern classification methods Illustrate basics of digital video UNIT – I Introduction to 2D systems: 2D systems, Mathematical preliminaries – Fourier Transform, Z Transform, Optical & Modulation transfer function, Matrix theory, Random signals, Discrete Random fields, Spectral density function, 2D sampling theory, Limitations in sampling & reconstruction, Quantization, Optimal quantizer, Compander, Visual quantization. UNIT – II Image Transforms: Introduction, 2D orthogonal & unitary transforms, Properties of unitary transforms, DFT, DCT, DST, Hadamard, Haar, Slant, KLT, SVD transform. UNIT – III Image Enhancement: Point operations, Histogram modeling, spatial operations, Transform operations, Multi-spectral image enhancement, false color and Pseudo-color, Color Image enhancement. UNIT – IV Image Filtering and Restoration: Image observation models, Inverse & Wiener filtering, Fourier Domain filters, Smoothing splines and interpolation, Least squares filters, generalized inverse, SVD and Iterative methods, Maximum entropy restoration, Bayesian methods, Coordinate transformation & geometric correction, Blind de-convolution. UNIT – V Image Analysis, Computer Vision and Video Processing: Spatial feature extraction, Transform features, Edge detection, Boundary Extraction, Boundary representation, Region representation, Moment representation, Structure, Shape features, Texture, Scene matching & detection, Image segmentation, Classification Techniques. Representation of Digital Video – Analog and digital video, Models for time-varying images, time-space sampling, conversion between sampling structures. Laboratory Implementation in MATLAB 1. Image Sampling and Quantization. 2. Contrast enhancement, Histogram equalization, Histogram specification, Edge detection. 3. Image filtering- LPF, HPF, BPF and Transforms. 4. Reading, displaying and processing video. 5. Background subtraction, motion detection 6. Content based image retrieval, Object classification and tracking 30 References: 1. A. K. Jain, “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing," Pearson Education (Asia) Pte. Ltd./Prentice Hall of India, 2004. 2. M. Sonka, V. Hlavac, R. Boyle, “Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision,” Third Edition, Thomson – Brooks Cole, 1999. 3. Z. Li and M.S. Drew, “Fundamentals of Multimedia,” Pearson Education (Asia) Pte. Ltd., 2004. 4. R. C. Gonzalez and R. E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing,” 3rd edition, Pearson Education (Asia) Pte. Ltd/Prentice Hall of India, 2009. 5. William K. Pratt, “Digital Image Processing,” Wiley Interscience, 2007. 6. M. Tekalp, “Digital Video Processing,” Prentice Hall, USA, 1995. Course Outcomes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Analyze the effect of sampling and quantization on an N x N image Apply and compare various image enhancement techniques on an image Design a face recognition system using K-L transform Develop motion detection based security monitoring system Employ K means algorithm to segment a given image Implement a character recognition system 31 ARM PROCESSORS Subject Code: MDLCE09 Prerequisites: Nil Credits: 4:0:1:0 Course Objectives: Apprehend the ARM design philosophy, design rules, ARM based embedded system hardware and software components Demonstrate the ARM processor core fundamentals, ARM data flow diagram, register organization, Program Status Register, ARM Processor modes, Pipeline architecture, IVT, ARM processor families, various ISAs Apprehend and use ARM instruction set classes, data processing, branch, load – store Instructions, SWI, PSR instructions, ARM V5E ISA extensions Implement ARM Thumb Instruction Set, ARM – Thumb Interworking, Load – Store operations, Stack operations Appraise exceptions and interrupt handling Schemes and different types of interrupt handlers Illustrate the firmware for ARM Systems, Boot Loader, ARM Firmware suite, Red hat Red boot, Sand stone Directory and Code structure UNIT – I ARM Embedded Systems: Introduction to ARM Processors, RISC Design philosophy, RISC and CISC architectures, ARM Design philosophy, ARM Instruction Set features for Embedded Systems, Embedded System Hardware, Example of an ARM – based Embedded Micro controller, ARM Bus Technology, AMBA Bus Protocol, Memory Hierarchy, Memory width and Types, Peripherals: Memory controllers, interrupt controllers, Embedded System Software, Initialization Code, Operating System, Applications. UNIT – II ARM Processor Fundamentals: ARM Processor core Dataflow Model, Registers, Current Program Status Register, Processor Modes, Banked Registers, ARM and Thumb States, Instruction Set features, Interrupt Masks, Condition Flags, Conditional Execution, Pipe Line mechanism, Pipe Line Execution Characteristics, Exceptions, Interrupts and the Vector Table, Core Extensions, Cache and Tightly Coupled Memory, Memory Management, Coprocessors, ARM architecture Revisions, ARM Nomenclature, ARM Processor Families, ARM 7, ARM 9, ARM 10, ARM 11 Families and their attributes, Specialized Processors. UNIT – III Introduction to the ARM Instruction Set: ARM Instruction Set Mnemonics, Syntax and their description, ARM Instruction Classes, Data Processing Instructions, MOVE Instructions, Barrel Shifter, Barrel Shifter Operations, Arithmetic Instructions, Logical Instructions, Comparison and Test Instructions, Multiply Instructions, Branch Instructions, Load – Store Instructions, Single – Register Transfer, Single – Register Load – Store Addressing Modes, Multiple - Register Transfer, Examples, Stack Operations, Addressing Modes for Stack Operations, Swap Instruction, Software Interrupt Instruction, PSR - Instructions, Coprocessor Instructions, Coprocessor - 15 Instruction Syntax, Loading Constants, ARM V5E Extensions, Count Leading Zeros Instruction, Saturated Arithmetic, ARM V5E Multiply Instructions, Conditional Execution. 32 UNIT – IV Introduction to the THUMB Instruction Set: Thumb Instruction Set Mnemonics, Thumb Register usage, ARM – THUMB Interworking, Branch Instructions, Data Processing Instructions, Single – Register Load – Store Instructions, Multiple - Register Load – Store Instructions, Stack - Instructions, Software Interrupt Instruction. UNIT – V Exception and Interrupt Handling: Exception Handling, ARM Processor Exceptions and Modes, Exception Priorities, Link Register Offsets, Interrupts, Interrupt Latency, IRQ AND FIQ Exceptions, Basic Interrupt Stack Design and Implementation, Interrupt Handling Schemes, Non nested Interrupt Handler, Non nested Interrupt Handler. Firmware for ARM based embedded systems: Firmware and Boot Loader, ARM Firmware Suite, Red Hat Red Boot, Example: Sand Stone, Sand Stone Directory Lay out, Code Structure. Laboratory 1. What is the maximum size of the immediate value that can be specified in the MOVS Rd, N Instruction when it uses immediate addressing mode for ‘N’. 2. How do you load a 32 bit constant (Immediate value) into a register R0 using ARM instructions. 3. Write ARM program / Instructions a. To reverse the 32 bit data stored in a memory location X and store the result at memory location Y. b. To count leading zeros in a 32 bit data. c. To count leading one’s in a 32 bit data. d. To count trailing zero’s and e. To count trailing one’s. 4. Implement the following operations using ARM Instructions. a. Increment a Register. b. Decrement a Register. c. To obtain one’s complement. d. To obtain 2’s complement. e. To clear all the flags and to SET Interrupt masks in CPSR. f. Call Function. g. Return Function. h. To switch the Processor state from ARM state to Java state. 5. Transfer 40 bytes from memory location starting from X to memory location starting from Y. 6. Program for a. Multiplication of 2, 32 bit unsigned numbers to obtain 32 bit result. b. Multiplication of 2, 32 bit unsigned numbers to obtain 64 bit result. 7. Program for multiplication of 2, 32 bit signed numbers to obtain 64 bit result. 8. 64 bit result of 0XFFFFFFFF x 0XFFFFFFFF using signed multiplication and unsigned multiplication. References: 1. Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, “ARM System Developer’s Guide – Designing and Optimizing System Software”, Morgan Kaufmann, 2004. 2. ARM Architecture Reference Manual Course Outcomes: 1. Distinguish between the CISC and RISC architectures of processors 2. Describe and highlight the ARM design philosophy and design rules 3. Identify and describe the functions of ARM embedded hardware and software components 33 4. Describe and justify the ARM Instruction Set features, Instruction Execution/Data flow diagram, Register banks, and Program Status Register format 5. Describe the ARM Nomenclature and identify the various ARM processor families, their ISA and architecture features 6. Distinguish between various ARM Instruction classes and write ARM assembly instruction formats 7. Identify and use ARM instructions for writing assembly level programs 8. Implement, analyze and debug ARM assembly level programs 9. Describe and analyze Thumb Instruction set formats, Thumb Instructions and their usage, and write Thumb Instruction programs 10. Develop the awareness about the exception and interrupt handling schemes and different types of Interrupt Handlers, and Firmware for ARM Systems 34 CMOS VLSI DESIGN Subject Code: MDLCE10 Prerequisites: Nil Credits: 4:0:1:0 Course Objectives: Understand the fundamental concepts of modern CMOS VLSI design. Learn the design of complex and high performance CMOS systems from system level to circuit level. Describe IC fabrication process Analyze and design CMOS digital gates at the transistor level Understand various concepts like interconnect, Propagation delay or power in digital CMOS circuits. Design medium complexity digital CMOS circuits. UNIT – 1 MOS Transistor Theory: nMOS/ pMOS transistor, Threshold voltage equation, Body effect, MOS Device design equation, Subthreshold region, Channel Length modulation, mobility variation, Tunneling, Punch Through, Hot electron effect, MOS models, small signal AC characteristics,, CMOS Inverter, βn/βp ratio, noise margin, static load MOS inverters, differential inverter, Transmission gate, Tristate Inverter, BiCMOS inverter UNIT – 2 CMOS Process Technology: Lambda Based Design rules, scaling factor, Semiconductor Technology Overview, Basic CMOS Technology, p well/n well/twin well process, Current CMOS enhancement (oxide isolation, LDD, Refractory gate, multilayer interconnect, circuit elements, resistor, capacitor, interconnects, sheet resistance and standard unit capacitance concepts, delay unit time, Inverter delays, Driving capacitive loads, Propagate delays, MOS Mask layer, stick diagram, design rules and layout, symbolic diagram, mask feints, scaling of MOS Circuits. UNIT – 3 Basics of Digital CMOS Design: Combinational MOS logic circuits-introduction, CMOS Logic circuits with MOS load, CMOS Logic circuits, Complex Logic circuits, Transmission Gate, Sequential MOS Logic circuits-Introduction, Behavior of bistable elements, SR Latch circuit, clocked latch and Flip flop circuits, CMOS D Latch and triggered Flip flop, Dynamic Logic circuits: Introduction, Principles of pass transistor circuits, voltage bootstrapping, synchronous dynamic circuits techniques, Dynamic CMOS circuit techniques UNIT – 4 CMOS Analog Design: Introduction, Single amplifier, differential amplifier, Current mirror, Bandgap References, cross operational amplifier UNIT – 5 Dynamic CMOS and Clocking: Introduction, advantages of CMOS over NMOS, CMOS/SOS Technology, CMOS/Bulk Technology, Latch up in bulk CMOS, Static CMOS Design, Domino CMOS structure and design, charge sharing, clocking-clock generation, clock distribution, clocked storage elements References: 35 1. Neil Weste and K Eshragian, “Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: A system perspective”, 2nd edition, Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt Ltd, 2000. 2. Wayne Wolf, “Modern VLSI design: system on silicon”, Pearson Education, 2nd edition, 1998. 3. Douglas A Pucknell, Kamran Eshragian, “Basic VLSI Design”, PHI 3rd Edition, 1994 4. Sung Mo Kang & Yosuf Leblebici, “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and Design”, McGraw-Hill, Third Edition, 2002. 5. Behzad Razavi, “Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits”, TMH, 2007. Course Outcomes: 1. Analyze the CMOS layout levels, how the design layers are used in the process sequence, and resulting device structures 2. Implement digital logic designs of various types (i.e. combinational logic and sequential logic). 3. Analyze performance issues and the inherent trade-offs involved in system design (i.e. power vs. speed). 4. Complete a moderately complex design project involved with data path operators, data registers, serial/parallel conversion, clocking/timing details and feedback. 5. Identify the interactions between process parameters, device structures, circuit performance, and system design 6. Able to explain the purpose and applications of CMOS technology 36 ASIC DESIGN Subject Code: MDLCE11 Prerequisites: Nil Credits: 4:0:1:0 Course Objectives: Be productive members of an industrial ASIC design team Implement projects involving digital circuits using ASIC techniques and synthesis Understand ASIC life cycle Develop team work skills Discuss full custom, and Semi-custom design using ASIC flow Understand the concept of ASIC construction, floor planning and placement and routing UNIT – 1 Introduction: Full custom with ASIC, Semi custom ASIC’s, standard cell based ASIC, Gate array based ASIC, channeled gate array, channel less gate array, structured gate array, Programmable logic device, FPGA Design Flow, ASIC cell libraries UNIT – 2 Data Logic Cells: Data path elements, Adders, Multipliers, Arithmetic operators, I/O Cell, Cell compilers ASIC Library Design: Logical effort, practicing delay, logical area and logical efficiency, logical paths, multi stage cells, optimum delay, optimum no of stages, library cell design UNIT – 3 Low Level Design Entry: Schematic entry, Hierarchical design, cell library, Names, Schematic, Icons and symbols, Nets, Schematic entry for ASIC’S, Connections, vectored instances and buses, edit in place attributes, Netlist, screener, Back annotation UNIT – 4 Programmable ASIC: Programmable ASIC logic cell, ASIC I/O cell. Brief Introduction to Low Level Design Language: An introduction to EDIF, PLA Tools, an introduction to CFI design representation, Half gate ASIC, Introduction to synthesis and simulation. UNIT – 5 ASIC Construction Floor Planning and Placement and Routing: Physical Design, CAD Tools, System Partitioning, Estimating ASIC Size, Partitioning methods, Floor Planning Tools, I/O and power planning, clock planning, Placement algorithms, iterative placement improvement, Time driven placement methods, Physical Design flow global routing, local routing, Detail routing, Special routing, circuit extraction and DRC References: 1. M J S Smith, “Application Specific Integrated Circuits”, Pearson Education, 2003. 2. Jose E France, Yannis Tsividis, “Design of Analog–Digital VLSI Circuits for Telecommunication and Signal processing”, Prentice Hall, 1994. 3. Malcolm R Haskard, Lan C May, “Analog VLSI Design – NMOS and CMOS”, Prentice Hall, 1998. 4. Mohammed Ismail and Terri Fiez, “Analog VLSI Signal and Information Processing”, McGraw Hill, 1994. 37 Course Outcomes: 1. Practice and demonstrate critical thinking 2. Understand the requirements and translate them to high level design language 3. Understand the capabilities and limitations of CMOS logic and adjust designs to best use CMOS ASIC Technologies 4. Demonstrate common ASIC team rules and articulate the purpose of such rules 5. Demonstrate an ability to use industry synthesis tools to achieve desired project objectives 6. Demonstrate an understanding of module interfaces, pipelining, design for test, and test pattern generation 7. Modify designs to achieve performance objectives. 8. Perform an ASIC design from requirements to timing verification. 38 RF AND MICROWAVE CIRCUIT DESIGN Subject Code: MDLCE12 Prerequisites: Nil Credits: 4:1:0:0 Course Objectives: Familiarize with RF and Microwaves easily and effectively. Understand the RF and Microwave concepts and their applications. Strengthen knowledge about characterization of two-port networks at RF and microwaves using S-parameters Design simple RF and Microwave Integrated Circuits. UNIT – I Wave Propagation in Networks: Introduction to RF/Microwave concepts and applications, RF electronics concepts, Fundamental concepts in wave propagation, circuit representations of two port RF/MW networks UNIT – II Passive Circuit Design: The Smith Chart, Application of the Smith Chart in distributed and lumped element circuit applications, Design of matching networks. UNIT – III Basic Considerations in Active Networks: Stability consideration in active networks, gain considerations in amplifiers, noise considerations in active networks. UNIT – IV Active Networks: Linear and nonlinear design: RF/MW Amplifiers Small Signal Design, Large Signal Design, RF/MW Oscillator Design UNIT – V Active Networks: RF/MW Frequency Conversion: Rectifier and Detector Design, Mixer Design, RF/MW Control Circuit Design, RF/MW Integrated circuit design. References: 1. Matthew M. Radmanesh, “Radio Frequency and Microwave Electronics Illustrated”, Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt. Ltd., 2004. 2. Reinhold Ludwig and Pavel Bretchko, “RF Circuit Design: Theory and Applications”, Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt Ltd., 2004. Course Outcomes: 1. Derive and discuss RF and Microwave active circuit concepts such as amplifiers, oscillators etc. 2. Apply the RF and Microwave concepts in the design of frequency converters, matching networks, distributed and lumped element circuit applications. 3. Familiarize with the use of the Smith Chart to simplify analysis of complex design problems 4. Understand the concepts of control circuits in RF and microwave systems 5. Discuss linear and non-linear small-signal and large-signal amplifier design and RF/MW oscillator design 6. Analyze RF and Microwave Integrated Circuits with reference to Frequency Conversion, Rectifier and Detector, Circulators, Gyrators and Isolators. 7. Understand the novel use of “Live Math” in RF/MW circuit analysis and design. 39 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING Subject Code: MDLCE13 Prerequisites: Nil Credits: 4:1:0:0 Course Objectives: Learn the basic elements of optical fiber propagation and components Understand the different modulation and demodulation techniques communication Learn the various transmitter and receiver models Describe different optical layers Learn the basic WDM network elements Study the various network management and management frameworks for optical UNIT - I Introduction: Propagation of signals in optical fiber, different losses, nonlinear effects, solitons, optical sources, detectors. Optical Components: Couplers, interferometers, amplifiers. isolators, circulators, multiplexers, filters, gratings, UNIT - II Modulation — Demodulation: Formats, ideal receivers, Practical detection receivers, Optical preamplifier, Noise considerations, Bit error rates, Coherent detection. UNIT – III Transmission System Engineering: System model, Power Penalty, Transmitter, Receiver, Different optical amplifiers, Dispersion. Optical Networks: Client layers of optical layer, SONET/SDH, multiplexing, layers, frame structure, ATM functions, adaptation layers, Quality of service and flow control, ESCON, HIPPI. UNIT – IV WDM Network Elements: Optical line terminal optical line amplifiers, optical cross connectors, WDM network design, cost trade offs, LTD and RWA problems, Routing and wavelength assignment, wavelength conversion, statistical dimensioning model. UNIT – V Control and Management: Network management functions, management frame work, Information model, management protocols, layers within optical layer performance and fault management, impact of transparency, BER measurement, optical trace, Alarm management, configuration management. REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. 4. Rajiv Ramaswami, Kumar N Sivarajan, “Optical Networks”, M. Kauffman Publishers, 2000. John M. Senior, “Optical Fiber Communications”, Pearson Edition, 2000. Gerd Keiser, “Optical Fiber Communication”, MGH, 1991. G. P. Agarawal, “Fiber Optics Communication Systems”, John Wiley, New York, 1997 40 5. P. E. Green, “Optical Networks”, Prentice Hall, 1994. Course Outcomes: 1. Identify the main parameters of optical fibre communication, and the performance of optical communications systems. 2. Analyse the equations that explain the modulation of an optical carrier. 3. Determine the various parameters of an optical transmitter and receiver. 4. Identify the different type of networking configurations that may be used in an optical network and analyse how component selection effects network design 5. Design a basic optical communication system and analyse how its performance would be affected by the various components used in the system design. 6. Implement a wavelength division multiplexed systems and formulate how altering the parameters of the components used would change system capacity. 41
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