Church of St. Francis of Assisi - OTHER CLAsSESi Tamil: 09.00am - 10.3oam (email: [email protected]) fn.monrw (ornrcr L|NE) : 03- 9074 5258 PARISH TEL: 03-90758236 FAx: 03 - 90758235 WEBstrE: www.sFA.oR6.Mv PARTSH E-il rll , (!dwk) Chinese: 09.30am - 1 1,00am English: 1 1.1 sam - 12.45pm . PAR|SH B. llalaysia: 3.30pm - 5.00pm [email protected]'my [email protected] PArusH OFFTCE HouRs ,ilon- Fri : Sunday Closed 09.30 am - 05.00 pm : '10.30 am - 12.00 noon : Saturdays and Public Holidays SUN 2I 07.30 am 2 Sam 7 -2gh : 7-5,8b-I2,14a,L6; Ro m 16 : 25-27 ; Lk L: 26-38 / Sl: / / / / / / / MASS IN MANDARIN SENT TO INCARNATE THE WORD DAY ls 52: 7-10; Hebr 1: 1-6; Jn 1: 1-18(or 1-5,9-14) / 11.30 am for lan Mok K.K./ J. Lee Jia An Sl: Building Fund donors RIP: Veronica Wong Siew Chin / Rose Kho Kim Miaw Lucy Doh / Mr & Mrs Joseph Ling Tung Kai Kenny Baptist / Fra ncis Ling Shiaw Jinq / Suresh Thanabalasingam. / / wEEKDAv Building Fund donors Kenny Baptist / Veronica Wong Siew Chin Francis Ling Shiaw Jinq Suresh Thanabalasingam / Jayamary / Francis David' / roRD rNrAMrL MAss TNENGLIsH Is 62: / Anthony Chin sr. 26 08.00 10.30 05.30 05.00 am am pm pm STEPHEN,PROTOMARTYR,FEAST ls9:!-7;Tit2:tt-L4;Lk2:7-L4 TG: Steven Matthews & fly / Chua fly / Mother of Perpetual Help / Gerald,Teresa & Nicholas Sl: Building Fund donors / Meng & fly /.timmy Ngui & fly RIP: Mr & Mrs Cyril Francis Mr & Mrs Wong Chak Loon / Veronica Wong Siew Chin / Kenny Baptist / Clarice Yap Tsin Fong / Suresh Thanabalasingam / Dennis Fernandez. / Ac 6: 8-10, 7,54-59;MtlO:77-22 MASS Sl: !!!; Building Fund donors. Walter & Charlotte de Rozario Veronica Wong Siew Chin Richard de Rozario / Clarice Yap Tsin Fong / Suresh Thanabalasingam / Law Ah Cheng' / / ST.JOHN,APOSTIE & I EVANGETISTS,FEAST / Kenny JnLiL-4; Jn2O:2-8 MASS WEDOING SERVICE OF AIAN CHAN FUN FOO AND LOO AI MEI ROSARY FOIIOWED BY DIVIIIE OFFICE. SUNSEI MASS Peter & Santhe / Felicity Eu / B'day blessings for Joan Francis / Helen / Wedd' Anniv. of John & Jackie Chin / Shirley Tan St: Building Fund donors / Jessie Wong Hor Kid / Rose Chan Siew Fan / Cecilia Wong Hon Yee . RlPl Laurence Loh,Lucy Lin, Josie Rewcastle, Richard Loh Richard de Rozario I Magdalene Chin / Josephine Chin / Gerard Eu Vincent & Monica Cho Diana Harban Singh / Veronica Wong Siew Chin Paul Wong Sik Hui/ Suresh Thanabalasingam / Law Ah Cheng. TG: / / 2 Sam7i 1-5,8b-L2,I4a,16; Lk7:.67-79 1-5; Acl3:t6-77,22-25;Ml1:1-25(or 18-25) RIP: Clarice Yap Tsin Fong FRI MASS RIP: , fly MASS IN BAHASA MAI.AYSIA Mal3: t-4,23-24; Lk 1: 57-66 Sl: Peter Hii & 05.30 pm SAT 2I MASS B'day blessings MASS IN MANDARIN T6: 1 Sam 1: 24-28;Lk 1:46-56 ADVENT WE€KDAY MAss : / RIP: AgathaLim&AnthonyTee/ GeorgeYapPangFooi/ KennyBaptist/SoulsinPurgatory. NAflvrry oF rHE uniqLe. Building Fund donors B!P: Veronica Wong & Jackie Chin / Chandra,Charmaine & Vagesh Diana Harban Singh Ioseph WongAh Kow Fernandez Luke Joseph Kenny Baptist/ Chin / Siew / Sharon Leong / Michael Wan & Theresa Seow / Theresa Thong / Rahman Moksin / Lawrence Loke / Rose Thong / Vincent & Monica Cho / Michael Chua Swee Hock / Suresh Thanabalasingam / Joseph & Josephine Pagadala / J.Ananda Rayan & K.Arokiamary / Law Ah Cheng 08.00 am Evelyn Cheong 08.30 pm 12 midnight tlrercbeweee Dominic 09.30 am / / WED 24 Arddl@e Theote: Dlsa:pl6hlp: CalH, Ch6en, Se/irt F&us: Ead, one of w hre bes altd by nand and MASS lN ENGIISH TG: Rupert, Joan Padua & fly / Ronnie,Pearly Koh & fly / Nicholas Panjangou, Monica & fly / Christine Patrick & fly / Caroline Pagadala & fly / Danny,Pauline,Joel,Joanna,Jeslyn Ryan,Megan & Dylan Ngan / lan,Ana Mok & fly / B'day blessings for Renice & Renee chin John / Mary Chong Yoke Thai / lsaac Hu / Joanna Marie Nesan Mark Rajendran & fly / Weng Tat Wedd. Anniv. & B'day blessings of Mr & Mrs Ageyemi Building Fund donors / Choy Choong Yeen Choy Weng Kean & fly / Mary Chew Lay Mee Frarrcis Chua / Paul Chua / Eileen Chua / Shernese Trecila Raymond RtP: Chu3 Eng Wah Joe Diosay Julian de Costa Clarice Yap Tsin Fong / Sukumaran Muthuraman / Michael Chua Swee Hock / Suresh Thanabalasingam Rose Kho Kim Miaw Michael Lo Lai Sim Paul Chau Kok Kim Joseph Chau Sew Sit / Chang Yeon Lien / Veronica Wong Siew Chin / Patrick Anugraham / Michael/ Souls in Purgatory' ADvENT Agnes Y@rB cHRlsrMAs MASS IN ENGI.ISH TG: tt. L* Weelebate rffitdlhgd, & pny tlp Rryty PnyerS0 minu@ beloeMasqailY. -st.charlet '5t. Sun. $ / 05.30 Dm - BrevJPslterlV/ THUR 25 D]VINE OFFICE PRAYER TG: Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge THEME FOR DECEMBER Kulandaiyesu,Clara & fly / 1" B'day blessings for Angel Geralinaa BlE Jayamary / SM David Francis David / Sr.Lidwin Mary / Lourdes Mary / Anthony Ramasamy/ Theresammal / Souls in P. IQ: 11.30 am o3,Oopm - O5.30pm : Form 5 Bible ol.bObm - OS.foim : Form 4 Blble 0.1.@pm - 05.30pm : Fdm 3 Bible DECEMBER 2014 f1ji 09.00 am 09.30 am O6,00pm- ' New St'Clare : Mltrt TgE!: O8.3Opm WED: OS.OOpm-lo.oopm : African Community Blble study - St. Pio 'New st.clare f!!85: o8.3opm- lo.oopm : RclA (Engllsh) - St.Fidells cabin : Christlan l editatlon O8,15pm - Church O7,4Opm : Novena to St.Pio 5AT: MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK: 2ld - New St.Clare/St. Agner : RclA (8il) . St. Pio 07.3opm :l@ wks Bible (Tamil) :CharlsmatlcPrayerMeet(famil),'st-Pio o6.Oopm'O7.45Pm o8,Oopm- o9.45pm : RCIA (itandarin) ' New St. clare aitlt:-o3.ooPr- o5.oopm 7$ Mite, Jalan Cheras, 43200 selan8or, ltalaysia. PARISH PASTOR: REV. ANDREW A ANlcKAlil oFM caP / SUN 07.30 09.00 09.30 11.30 28 am am am am 05.30 pm / / OF JESUS,MARY AND JoSEPH,FEAST Gen 15: L-6,2t,1-3; Hebr 11:8,11-12,L7-I9; lk2: 22-40lor 22,39-4Ol OR Sir 3: 3-7 ,L4-7la(Greek2-6,L2-L4l Yr A; Col 3:L2-2L Yr A; Lk 2:22-4OYr B HOIY FAMItY MASS IN TAMIL OIVINE OFFICE PRAYER MASS IN ENGLISH MASS IN MANDARIN MASS IN BAHASA MALAYSIA } ADVENT DIVINE OFFICE PRAYER ON WEEKEI{DS IN DEC. thank God for what has been Sivento you, or for having done well. Divine Office prayers will be prdyed during Advent about 2G25 minutes and include praying with psalms, scriptures and hymns. -ftE BREAKFASTSATE I begin with the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, 'Give and it will be gven to you ......,....a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and ruunning over....for with the measure you use, it will be measured to you".(Lk 6:38). Ihe benefii of serving others isnotjusttrueofindividualswhomlnister. lt'strueofchurcheswhoembraceminlstryaswell. Focusingontheneedsoipeople outside our walls makes us happier inside these walls. Growing, happy churches are churches that look outward to the needi of the community and world around them. Their grace driven maturity draws lost people and the church experiences numerical growth. 2l : Fr. Andrew & frlends (Banana leaf meals for 300 pax from 11.00am qnwards @ RM10/each(coupons on salel ln ald of our bulldlng fundf 28 : NOSALE Thank you so much for supporting our weekly breakfast sale in aid of our building fund. But you know for churches that don't serve others, the result isjust the opposite. George Barna says; -Churches usually die ftom inside out. Oeath is largely due to an inward focus, rather than an outward concern, Churches tlpt grow are focused on addressing the needs of the have-nots in the world......whether what they did not have was a relationship with Jesus Christ, physical health, emotional wholeness or rather desired aspects. Growing churches were not content to let missions support simply relate to the givint of money." COME AND BE RECONCITED For those who missed the confession at our parish on 3 Dec. , can still meet Fr. before the weekday Mass at 6.3opm in Church. Proceeds from the sale will go towards the SFA building fund. we are always in need of an extra set of hands Have a skill you can offei? Call the office and let us know. a ATAR SERVER9 MINISTRY Pier 019-2103888 or Paul 012-3063105. FTOWER COMMITTEE : Parish offlce Karen Chong 012.280 wAo trytttote{ *n dl pittl*rcct lq*gy| ft tk l.l, luzttg ouc olc?.BcL tAu nzonglt" e,io,rH orttc Akc u tfu* tk &t rt-lil""! dlttilstg vln ltl c won4e{a$ot ilccoccthg tln cAazcA, tAe tltug peopte 1* *etnttcattg th 4ftets mll endto ell the qunt{ett }rlturltrllr<l whom cl'm .tt elh b mentbn du to tac* of tpaee hezc - a plaee hat 6rzcn t tctnz:d fo,, goulngftcann gften c lceutt/hl end thuod€lz*tmet.... f*^ &,OAodrew fl , and ell tk gfttarlwhom re vUttc{, Will be closed from Tuesday, 23 till Sunday,28 Dec. For those who have not completed the gacraments, there is a class specially designed to prepare you. Classes will beSin on 17t January at 1O.OOam. Please contact Fr,Andrew 3018 or Helen Rayan 012.223 1292 dltg A'adf.h tAanll,u PARISH OFFICE ln case of any emergencies, please contact Fr.Andrew at 012-4311020. . : FINGERPRINTS OF JESUS CHRIST" ,Y'HERE ARE VOU LEAVING YOUR FIIIGERPRIIITE"? personally or call 012-43ILO2O. COURSE ON ICOSPEL OF APOSrus" on tUI(€" AT{D "ACIS Rtvt child Mohammad Ridzuan will live. There are many ways you can be part of this mission, Why not discovei yourself with the coming New Yeat? You have a role to play in the parish and in the society. Can you be a disciple of Jesus christ? Checkouttheparlshbulletinforvolunteeropportunitiesintheexistingministriesinourparish. Yourpresenceand a vast difference in the coming year, Blessed Chrlstmasl lDuc in Ahum" (Ll5:4) "Put Out lnto The OF THE Deep" ..,...,,.Fr.Andrew Manickam,OFM,cap lnvite someone to your home this Christmas. We have some fumilies who would like to celebrate Christmas with you on 2WEEKENDS you open your doors for them for one 3oof: Open to Catechetical Ministry and those in olher Ministries. Subsidy from Church for the rlght candidates, Certificates issued by the Kuala lumpur Archdiocesan Apostolate, Contact person: G.Anthony OL2-5666246 day? 25th Dec. They have no one here! Will tnterested? Contact 012.4311020. grAss cLEAf{tNG Teachers, parents and students of sunday School are requested to help clean the class rooms on Sat, 9.00am. BreaKast will be provided. 3. January at CHRISTMAS MISSION AS A FAMITY Z!/'] EACH Expected returns...(2000 pcs x RM22/-)= RM 44OOO Sales + Donations rec. (@ 14l12).......RM 15,925.00 Do please support your parish in its effort. FINGER PBINTS OF CHRISTT.SHIRT @ RM . CHIIDREN'S MASS on Sat,3 Jan. 2015 Do bring your children for this Mass. Special blessing availablb for them. .f.""tfl:;il# ffi"ililffi:l.::ffili it The hospital missions that we have embarked was a good sign of evangelization, People are coming to know that we christians are close to the broken. hearted. , During our recent visit to HKL (17 Dec), there was this Muslim mother who requested us to pray for the sick child who was terminally sick. Though it is a very sensitive arda, nevertheless the,matron of the hospital gave us the permission to pny foi the sick child. Gathered around at one corner we prayed for.the child. we gave hope that her commitment will make January 9, 10 and 11 and March 13, 14 and 15 Venue: Archdlocese Pastoral Centre cost: The words of Luis Palau came to my mind as I was preparing this reflection, "The church is like manure. pile it together and stinks up the neighbor-hood. Spread it out and it enriches the world". 1. Bernard ooi Beng reong & :an. zors at srr 2. Alex Martin lnbaraj & Masalitina Oleha Vitalilvna who will be married on 7 Feb. 2015 at SFA. 3. Trevor James Sta, Maria & Michelle Elizabeth lim who will be married on 14 Feb. '15 at St.Peter,Melaka. lf anvone should know of anv imoediment to these marriaEes. olease inform the oarish oriest. During.the Advent homebound visit, the Parish Evangelising Team and I visited some Sr. Citiz€ns & parishioners SFA who have expressed their Christmas wish for ZOra: "SOUfOfvE UgfS ME THIS CHRISTMAS" .....rr. Andrew of 1. John Hendr,off, 62 Jln Choo Lip Kun& Tmn Taynton View. (03-9131 X.571) 2, Arulnathan & Veni, 21 Jln Seri Cherls 5, Tmn Sri Cheras (03-90811931), 3. Lucy Shum(Chinese speaking),03.03-02, Tmn Minang flat (03-89589083) 4. Elisa, 2 Jln Arasakesari, Tmn Taynton View 5. Susan Won& Taynton view Care Centre for the Aged, Jalan Dato Haji Harun, Tmn T€ynton View 6. Maria Gabriel and Beatrice at Rumah Sri Seronok, Cheras next to LSp FOUND 2 sets of keys,a Ladies' watch,Biblerrsunday Missal and Divine 0ffice at the parish office. prayen books. Please claim - E DISCIPLESHIP: CALLED, CHOSEN, SENT "Before I formed you in the womb E 4th Sunday of Advent Cod alone is Lord over life and death. Not even "my" I knew you, and hefore you were born Why is fthffi$"rFffiffi God-giveh human life is God's own property; it is sacred from the first moment of its existence and not under the control of any human being. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you" (Jer 1:5). I consecrated you life belongs to me. Every chitd, from the moment of conception on, has a right to [ife. From his earliest beginnings an unborn human being is a separate person, and no one can infringe upon his rights, not the State, not the doctor, and not even the mother. Aborting a 'handicapped' child is atways a serious crime, even if it is done with the intention of sparing that person suffering later onThe Church's clarity about this is not a lack of compassion; she means, rather, to point out the irreparabte harm that is inflicted on the chitd who is kil.ted in abortion and on his parents and on society as a whole. That is why the Church atso opposes experiments be performed on living embryos and embryonic stem cells. "Producing" embryos and then "using" their stem cetts for purposes of research is absolutely Atways Sour<ei . Catechism ofthe Catholic Churct] . Compendium ofthe Catechism ofthe Catholi. Church , Youth Cate.hism Published by: Unacce able? Peninsular Malaysia Pastoral Team X [email protected] Pr iht:ed by: [email protected] Designed by: IheM [email protected] immoral and fa[[s under the commandment "You sha[[ not kitt."Research on adult stem cells is a different matter, since they cannot develop into human beings. Medical interventions on an embryo are justifiabte onty if they are made with the intention of healing, if the life and unimpaired devetopment of the child are assured, and if the risks involved are not disproportionately great Protecting innocent human life tasks of the State. lf a responsibitity, Internd Circutation dy ruteof [aw. x it is one of the nobtest State evades this undermines the foundations of a
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