Hedding Herald Hedding United Methodist Church December 2014 A Spiritual Home, Sharing Christ in Community and Fellowship We Gather, We Share, We Trust in God’s Care, Volume 29, Issue 4 As We Witness Our Faith To The World Hedding Worship Service: Dear Hedding Family, 10:00 a.m. There’s a remarkable method for sharing biblical stories with children called Godly Play. It combines story-telling and wondering questions as well as offering the children a chance to explore the stories through play and art. The storyteller creates a sacred setting for sharing the story. A candle is lit with the words “let us enjoy the light.” Hedding Sunday School Adults & Children’s Sunday School 9:00—9:45 a.m. Nursery is available for infants through age 3 Hedding’s website: www.heddingumc.org Inside this issue: Ordering Poinsettias 2 Outreach Ministry 3 Worship Services 3 Community Christmas Day Dinner 4 UMW Minutes 5 Trustees Minutes 6 Good Samaritan Haven 7 Participating in Life As Servants 8 Ladies Breakfast 10 Women & Children 1st 10 Bishops Call to Prayer 11 Stewardship/Finance Minutes 12 Camping For A Cause 13 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes 14 I find myself thinking about enjoying the light this Advent. There have been Christmas displays in stores since October and we’re in the midst of the annual battle over whether stores should be open on Thanksgiving Day. While our culture rushes the season, the Church invites us to spend our time enjoying the light this Advent. This is our season of waiting. But this is no baby shower—we’re not just waiting for a baby to be born in Bethlehem, we’re waiting for Christ to break into the world again. I hope you will join us for worship throughout Advent as we wait. Come and find a quiet center in the busy life you lead. Each Sunday at 10 am, we’ll light another candle. There’s something about candles, isn’t there? We haven’t needed them since the advent of electric lighting, but almost all of us have candles. We use them for celebrations, for romantic dinners, in our spiritual practices, and just to help us relax. Candlelight softens what we see. It calms and quiets our souls as we enjoy the light. This Advent, do something counter-cultural. Instead of rushing around in the frenzy of the world, take time to light a candle and be in the presence of Christ. Join us for a Taize service on Tuesday December 9 at 7 PM to enjoy the light. And of course, our Christmas Eve service on December 24 at 7 and 9 PM which will include singing Silent Night by candlelight. Come, let us enjoy the light. Blessings, Pastor Kim Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Page 2 Christmas Poinsettias Poinsettias may be “Given in Memory of ” or “Given to Honor” individuals . Orders may be placed up to Monday, December 8. Poinsettias cost $15 each for a 7” pot with one plant in it, or $26.50 for a 8 ½” pot with 2-3 plants in it, and will be displayed at worship on December 21. The poinsettias may be taken home after the Christmas Eve service or after worship on December 28. An insert in the worship bulletin will memorialize and honor those for whom the gifts are given. All checks should be made out to Hedding United Methodist Church and included with this order. Orders may be mailed to or left in the church office (40 Washington Street, Barre, VT 05641). Please specify the following: THE NUMBER OF POINSETTIAS YOU ARE ORDERING____________ Given in Memory of ___________________________________________________________ OR Given in Honor of ______________________________________________________________ By ___________________________________________________________________________ Amount enclosed $_________________ Please make checks payable to Hedding UMC Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Page 3 Outreach Ministry News Greetings to all Hedding Family, Turkey day has come and gone and we are almost into Christmas, this year has flown by. Many thanks to all that contributed to stuffing the turkey. This was a huge help for the food shelf. As Christmas Day approaches please keep in mind those who have less, and if you feel led to helping in any way for the Hedding Christmas Day meal, please free to contact Sonya Spaulding at 802-476-5569. Ema Moreau, the Barre City Police community outreach specialist, is looking for a few volunteers to take folks who are returning from incarceration to the Department of Motor Vehicles for their Vermont ID card. The police department will cover all cost. If you are interested, you may call Ema at 802-476-6613. These are people who need identification cards in order to get employment and housing. Please consider if this is where God is leading you. Ema told me that no one will be paired with a violent or unstable person. Winter is a rough time to make ends meet when you have a limited income…please remember to keep the food shelf in mind when you go grocery shopping. Thank you all for your continued support with our ministries at church. Grace and Peace; Rev. Renny Christmas Eve “Be still, and know that I am God.” ~Psalm 46:10 Services December 24 Taize Service Tuesday December 9 at 7 PM Find your quiet center this Advent with a contemplative service of candlelight, scripture and song 7 PM — Come and hear the familiar story, sing the beloved carols including Silent Night by candlelight. Don't forget your sleigh bells! 9 PM — an intimate service of lessons and carols with holy communion Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Community Christmas Dinner Thursday, December 25, 2014 12 pm to 2 pm Hedding United Methodist Church Please join us for a free community dinner on Christmas Day. Everyone is welcome. We are in need of volunteers and donations. Please contact Sonya Spaulding at 802.476.5569 or [email protected] for more information or to donate. Page 4 Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Page 5 Hedding United Methodist Women – November 10, 2014 (Draft Minutes, subject to approval at next meeting) The November meeting of the HUMW was held at the church at 6:15. Meeting time has been changed to 6:15 to give all who would like to attend time to arrive. Those in attendance were Charlene Calcagni-Boisvert, Charlene Helman, Marie MacDougall, Melanie Magwire, Pastor Kim Kie, Mary Ann Ritchie and Donna Fuller. Charlene Helman led the discussion of Giving God Your All chapters 8 and 9. It was decided that we would do chapters 10-12 at our next UMW meeting in January. In place of our December meeting, we will plan on doing visitations on Dec. 3. More details to follow. Marie MacDougall gave a brief overview of things that took place at the annual meeting of UMW. She said that the Mission Trees is the newsletter that is mailed out to all Unit Presidents, Treasurers, District Officers, Conference Team members, District members and/or contact people, and that anyone who was interested in receiving an email copy could request it. It was suggested that Donna Fuller email Carla Ganter and give her the email addresses of the ladies in HUMW so that we could subscribe to it. Donna emailed Carla and received an acknowledgement that our names had been placed on the email list. We discussed visitation for November and December. We need to get an updated list of names. Pastor Kim went over the names with Mary Ann and it looks like we have approximately 25-30 people who are in the local area. We will try to work in groups of 2 to 3 to visit. Ginny McNamara is working on a trinket to bring to the shut-ins and HUMW will look into purchasing small poinsettias as well. Marie mentioned that we are in need of prayer shawls. Anyone who is interested in knitting or crocheting them can contact Marie for directions or any questions. Paper products are still needed at the Circle Shelter. Items such as tissues, paper towels, toilet paper are always in demand. These can be brought to the next meeting or left at Women and Children First. Charlene Calcagni-Boisvert will send out a donation to Red Bird from the HUMW this week. Marie M. said that we need to think about how we would like to service HUMW this year. This would include taking part with pledges, book study and offices. The officers that are primarily needed are President, Treasurer, and Secretary. Charlene Helman and Marie MacDougall will co-chair the President’s position this year, Charlene Calcagni-Boisvert will service another year as Treasurer and Donna Fuller another year as Secretary. Charlene Helman will continue to lead the book study. For next year we are going to order the book Continuous Joy. January meeting will be our Pledge Service. Dorothy Neve is still in charge of the card ministry. She sends cards out in celebrations of birthdays, and the birth of the babies as well as condolences for sympathy cards. The HUMW would like to support this worthy ministry. We would like to thank Dr. George & Koch Dental Association for the gift of toothbrushes, and Dr. Crumbaker for toothbrushes and toothpaste that they supplied for the wash cloth kits. These kits were completed at the end of our November meeting and will be given to the Haven, as well as a few to be kept on hand for the over flow of housing at the church. Donna will send out thank you notes to the dentist offices. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00. Donna Fuller, HUMW Secretary Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Page 6 November 2014 Final Trustee Meeting for 2014 (Draft Minutes, subject to approval at next meeting) Chairperson Scott H. opened meeting with Mary Ann R., Karen Z., Tim H., Jim A., Jon K., Rev. Renny A., Pastor Kim K., and Martha S. present. Absent: Ken S. Hans Aseora presented a summary of Reynolds Trust and other various investments. We mostly have protected the endowment from Dr. Reynolds with keen investment objectives with Hans' advice. We are taking a responsible rate of withdrawal to cover mission and capitol improvements, as needed. The United Methodist Foundation requests that we pay off our loan with Ed Jones at this time. We are recommending to the Church Conference a plan to retire the line of credit (loan) and proceed with a smaller draw down on earnings - 3 percent - a month of the new principal amount. Seconded by Tim. The budget committee for Trustees (Karen, Renny and Jon) will meet again, based on our discussion with Hans and put together a reasonable recommendation for monthly withdrawals for capitol improvements and missions split. Ideally, this amount will give us the ability to pay Trustee bills/improvements needed in 2015, as well as the ability of Missions to support their work in our building. PA system was discussed by Scott. Ongoing issues and need for fixing/replacing? Rev. Renny presented a report of ongoing parsonage and church "fixes" that will continue to be worked on into 2015. We did complete our paving project in the parking lot, with a little help even from the City of Barre! Tim and Mary Ann will conduct our annual Parsonage inspection. Mary Ann will go to Northfield Savings Bank and open a safety deposit box for our collectibles for the ages. Easter Seals room usage granted. They may use the church 3 hours a day, 3 days a week but the times may vary by the week. A good mission for us. Discussed acquiring a new commercial carpet cleaner and asking our congregation to help defray the cost. More to follow! Ongoing discussions about the speakers for the left hand side of the sanctuary. We may move the speakers so they point more down and give our audience a better listening experience. The Trustees will continue to discuss a possible Capitol Campaign for work that needs to be done on our steeple, which will be a huge endeavor. We will be gathering quotes and discuss who may be able to help us launch a campaign of this size. Request for room use by Steve Gentile, music lessons and the such. Renny will contact him with our recommendations for usage. Martha gave a brief overview of Reynolds Community Development Corporation annual meeting to be held December 9 at 7:30 pm. They did receive their 501 C3 certification, which is great news! Now they are able to apply to grants and help fund their mission work. They continue to work on by-laws and will be electing a new chairperson at that meeting. Jim adjourned meeting at 8:45 pm Respectively submitted, Karen Zecchinelli Secretary Trustees HUMC Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Page 7 Good Samaritan Haven Submitted by Pastor Kim Kie Hedding has a long-standing collaboration with Good Samaritan Haven, central Vermont’s only homeless shelter. Once again, Hedding is offering space for emergency overflow shelter this winter on nights the shelter is full. The overflow is set up in the Boy Scout Room with 14 cots from 9 PM to 7 AM. GSH does all the guest intake at their 105 North Seminary Street location where guests receive dinner and a shower before coming to Hedding. At least one volunteer is present overnight to assist guests and monitor the building. If you are interested in volunteering for an overnight, please contact Tanya or Kelli at Good Samaritan Haven 479-2294. Our Friday Night Community Supper is the Friday night supper for Good Samaritan Haven. Other nights, volunteers prepare and serve meals at the shelter. Breakfasts are provided at other local churches—Monday and Thursday at Good Shepherd, Tuesday and Saturday at Barre Congregational, Wednesday at First Presbyterian, and Friday at First Church Barre UU. Lunches are served at Enough Ministries on Tuesday and Thursday and the Salvation Army on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Our community works together to be sure our neighbors have food to eat and a place to sleep. You are welcome (and encouraged) to help with any of these meals. Hedding also provides financial support to Good Samaritan Haven. We pay the milk bill, donate money to defray the costs of the overflow shelter and donate the space and utilities expense for the overflow space. What a blessing to be part of this important community ministry! If you have questions or wish to become more involved in this ministry, please see Pastor Kim or Rev. Renny. Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Page 8 Participating in Life as Servants Submitted by Phyllis Azotea Hello Hedding Family. I wanted to share some community news with all. My employer Vermont Creamery recently earned it’s B Corp certification, joining nearly 1,000 other corporations around the world and including l7 others here in Vermont. What this means is that these corporations have met standards which measure a company’s impact on its employees, suppliers, environment and their community. Knowing that I had a bit of experience with community issues I was approached and asked to lead in the outreach programs for the community. In September, the company provided funding to allow me to purchase backpacks and miscellaneous school supplies. These backpacks were distributed to area children in need. On Friday, November 14th, the office staff from the creamery, consisting of 8 adults and one particularly energetic 4 year old volunteered. The company bought, prepared and served the Friday night supper that evening, in addition to staying for clean up afterwards. The fact that this company came forward and purchased the supplies was a tremendous boast to our ability to provide. What we saved this particular evening enables us to save money for future meals. It was a great time, the creamery staff worked side by side with our regular volunteers of Norwich cadets and the ever faithful few who show up every Friday evening. My purpose in sharing this experience with the Church as a whole is that I have hopes that we can spread the word about the opportunities for service here at Hedding. Perhaps you have co-workers, who attend other area churches, or perhaps you have a club you regularly attend, weight loss program, gym etc. where you can let people know how easy and wonderful it is to give back to the community they live or work in. It’s very low impact for anyone to volunteer and can be done in several ways. l. Just showing up individually on any given Friday between 4:30 and 5:30 to participate. 2. Contribute the necessary food items needed to prepare a meal 3. Organize a team to prepare, serve and aid in cleanup 4. All the above! Let’s spread the word and see where it leads. The challenge is on. For further information, please feel free to contact myself, Phyllis Azotea or my husband Rev. Renny. (See Page 9 for pictures) Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Pictures from November 14 Friday Community Supper Page 9 Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Page 10 Ladies Intergenerational Breakfast November 15, 2014 Despite the number of crafts shows and sales in the area 11 ladies gathered for breakfast on November 15. Pastor Kim dropped by to see everyone and gave the blessing before heading out. During our time of fellowship we enjoyed a breakfast of fruit salad, homemade muffins, and in particular a new cranberry eggnog muffin. Thank you to all who contributed! It was nice to take a moment with the fast approaching holidays to sit and visit with each other. At each table, friends — old and new — were talking of travel plans, sharing family updates and discussing Thanksgiving dinners. Our project this breakfast assists in bringing Hedding’s Food Shelf and the need for donations to the church family. As we crafted we talked of how each of us can make a difference in the lives of others. One way is to bring a can of soup in for the food shelf such as chicken noodle or chicken and rice. Other items needed – pasta, pasta sauce, applesauce, peanut butter – small jars, oatmeal packets, tuna fish, just add water pancake mix, and cereal. Be on the lookout for the opportunity to be a food shelf “angel” or a Christmas “star” and share from your “heart” this Christmas! Please join us in supporting this vital community service. Wishing you and your family a joyous Christmas! Ginny McNamara WOMEN & CHILDREN FIRST THE FACE OF CHRIST ON MAIN STREET We are brimming with winter coats and clothes as well as great Christmas gift ideas!! Come in December 1 to December 15 and take 50% off all white tags!! Be sure to take time to look at the wonderful Christmas window Teia has created!! Thanks to Dorothy for her help!! Barre Partnership sponsors a contest for the best Holiday window – PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU VOTE FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN FIRST!! Women & Children First will be closed Christmas Eve Day and Christmas Day (December 24 & 25). Merry Christmas From Women & Children First! Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Page 11 From the Nov. 8 edition of the UMCatalyst: Bishops call United Methodists to prayer in human sexuality statement Oklahoma City, Okla.: The Council of Bishops issued a statement concerning human sexuality, addressing their diverse perspectives and calling the people of The United Methodist Church to be in prayer, both for their leaders and for one another. The statement reads: As bishops of The United Methodist Church, our hearts break because of the divisions that exist within the church. We have been in constant prayer and conversation and affirm our consecration vow “to guard the faith, to seek the unity and to exercise the discipline of the whole church.” We recognize that we are one church in a variety of contexts around the world and that bishops and the church are not of one mind about human sexuality. Despite our differences, we are united in our commitment to be in ministry for and with all people. We are also united in our resolve to lead the church together to fulfill its mandate—to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. As we do so, we call on all United Methodists to pray for us and for one another. The bishops worked together on the statement during several executive sessions during their weeklong meeting in Oklahoma City. The statement came near the close of the Council's meeting, which opened on Monday with the bishops reaffirming the commitments they made when they were consecrated. During the president’s address, Bishop Warner H. Brown, Jr. of the San Francisco Episcopal Area asked the bishops if they would stand with him to reaffirm their vows as he prayed. Bishop Brown called for unity within the church and encouraged finding “places where we can agree to work together and find common ground.” “Leading a church, such as ours, with a diversity of perspectives means we must let people know we hear them, and that we are listening both to those voices that are in the majority and those that are in the minority so that all know they’re heard,” said Bishop Brown. In November 2013, the Council voted to form a task force which would lead conversations about human sexuality, race and gender with the goal of coming to a shared theological understanding amid differing perspectives and cultures. The task force will continue its work. “The Council of Bishops is charged to lead the church in a time of prayer and discernment. The task force will seek to work for the council as the conversation continues,” said Bishop Rosemarie Wenner, who chairs the task force. "In a worldwide church serving in very diverse contexts and composed of faithful Christians who have different opinions, we, the bishops, are committed to pastoral care for all our people as we continue to find a way forward.” Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Page 12 HUMC STEWARDSHIP/FINANCE MEETING November 24, 2014 (Draft Minutes, subject to approval at next meeting) Submitted by Martha Sanborn Attending: Charlene Helman, Mary Ann Ritchie, Melanie Magwire, Tim Hudson, Pastor Kim Kie and Martha Sanborn Charlene opened with devotions – Give Thanks! Reports from Marie MacDougall, treasurer and Kelly DeFelice, financial secretary were reviewed. It is too early to know the results of our Pledge campaign. Martha will get info from Kelly at the end of next week to put in the budget, then print the new budget for Kelly to include for the December 1st Church Conference. All agreed we will send out several different letters to keep the Hedding Church family and friends informed, including stories and testimonies of how Hedding is changing lives. We discussed four different letters……. one letter to thank those who have already pledged, another for those who have pledged in the past but we have not heard from yet and another for those we haven’t heard from for awhile. Mary Ann offered, as Hedding Membership Secretary, to send a letter to those we can think of that might not even be on our mailing list at this time but have been or have a family connection. Pledge cards might include gifts for 2014 and/or 2015 to support specific ministries (Friday night suppers, Food shelf, Rocking Horse, Boy Scouts, TOPS, Good Samaritan Haven or Covenant Hills). Christmas Giving is something separate, but a Power Point for Christmas Eve Service with our many ministries would be good. Charlene shared suggestions to help increase Sunday morning Worship attendance and therefore increase commitment to Christ and to Hedding. Strong churches = strong worship. How can we enhance worship? More meditative Communion with instrumental music every 3rd week instead of once a month and maybe skits for the scripture reading. Pastor Kim closed with prayer. God’s Kids Do & Say the Funniest Things! A Sunday School teacher smiled at her primary class and said, “All right children, all those who want to go to heaven, raise your hands.” Everyone responded except one little boy. “What’s the matter, Shawn? Don’t you want to go to heaven?” the teacher asked. “I can’t, teacher. My Mom said that I had to come straight home.” From JoyfulNoiseletter.com ©Cuyler Black, Reprinted with permission Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Page 13 Camping for a Cause 5:30 PM Friday December 12 --12 NOON Saturday December 13, 2014 Help raise awareness of homelessness in our community and raise money for Good Samaritan Haven homeless shelter. 5:30-6:30 PM Friday Community Supper at Hedding UMC 6:30-7 PM Camping set-up on church lawns— Hedding United Methodist Church Church of the Good Shepherd Episcopal First Church in Barre UU Barre Congregational Church (please note: while many congregations support the event, camp sites are limited to churches surrounding City Hall Park) 7:00-7:30 Vigil on steps of First Church in Barre UU 8 PM – 7 AM Camping on church lawns 7:30-8:30 AM Saturday Breakfast at Barre Congregational Church 8:30-9 AM Reflecting on our experience (Barre Congregational Church) 9-12 Coin Drop on Washington Street Please note: Campers provide their own tent and sleeping bag and should dress in warm layers Campers will have access to rest rooms in churches throughout the event (as well as a place to warm up if needed) Please do not bring valuable items or items that may be damaged by extreme cold temperatures The City of Barre has approved this event; no fires allowed Set up an on-line fundraising page! Link to GSH- click start fundraising, then choose an event type “sporting event” then “other event” from drop down menu enter name of event “:Camping for a Cause” and sign in or create profile and follow prompts to set up and promote your page https://www.firstgiving.com/397899 For more information, please contact Rev. Kim E. Kie at Hedding United Methodist Church (802) 476-8156 [email protected] or Rev. Earl Kooperkamp at Church of the Good Shepherd (802) 476-3929 [email protected] Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Page 14 Wesley Groups: Monday Morning Women’s Wesley Group 9:30 am — See Carolyn Peake or Charlene Calcagni-Boisvert Choir Rehearsals — 7 pm on Thursdays at Hedding — See Charlene Helman DATES TO REMEMBER 1 — Church Conference, 7 pm, HUMC 3 — UMW Visitations 8 — Poinsettia Order Deadline 9 — Taize Worship, 7 pm, HUMC 12 & 13 — Camping For A Cause, 5:30 pm Dec. 12 to Noon, Dec. 13 24 — Christmas Eve Services, 7 pm & 9 pm 25 — Community Christmas Dinner, noon—2pm, HUMC Hedding Community Food Shelf The Hedding church family donated 24 filled shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. We thank everyone for their love, support and gifts in this mission. Donna Fuller Hedding is operating a food shelf twice a week on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3-5 pm and with the down turn in the economy we have been serving more and more families. If everyone could bring in at least one canned food item a week it won't take long to fill our shelves. Spaghetti sauce, tuna, peanut butter and canned fruit are some of the things we need most. So as you shop for yourself, please pick up an extra can for our food shelf. Remember every little bit helps. Thank you and God Bless, Rev. Renny Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Page 15 December Birthdays 1 Hedding United Methodist Church Pastor: Pastor Kim Kie E-mail address: Wed. is Pastor Kim’s Sabbath (as noted on calendar) Outreach Minister: Rev. Br. Renny Azotea E–mail address: [email protected] Joanne Peduzzi Alice Hammond Brittany LeClair Jim Archer 18 Cindy Peduzzi 2 Alayna Badeau 19 Jaryd Langevin 3 Nina Marie Marcotte 21 Kendall Magwire 4 Anthony Castellaneta 5 Nicholas Pierce EmilyGrace Spaulding 27 Donna Fuller [email protected] Office Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 9-12 and Fri. 1-5 or by appointment Rachel Helman Knapp 9 Noah Carroll 11 Bill Carroll 17 Clara Machell Shirley Miller Susan Yates 28 Kristin Calcagni Stephen Bullard 31 Jonathan Cayia If your birthday is not listed and you would like it to be, please contact Carolyn Howe (476-8946 or [email protected]) or the church office. The next issue of the Herald will be the January issue. The deadline will be December 21. Office Hours: Tuesday, 9-3 & Friday, 9-5, by appointment only The deadline for the monthly Herald is the third Sunday of each month. You may email submissions to Carolyn Howe ([email protected]). Wed. & Thurs., 9-5 Vouchers & Food Shelf: Wed. & Thurs. 3-5 Administrative Assistant Kelly DeFelice Office Hours: Tuesday—Friday Hedding Herald Staff Executive Editor — Pastor Kim Kie General Editor — Carolyn Howe Contributing Reporters Outreach News — Rev. Renny Azotea 9:00 am—Noon Trustee Meeting Minutes — Karen Zecchinelli Phone 476-8156 Poinsettias — Linda Lamberti E-mail: heddingumc UMW Minutes; Operation Christmas Child — Donna Fuller @hotmail.com Good Samaritan Haven — Pastor Kim Kie Organist: Stewardship/Finance Minutes; Women & Children First — Martha Sanborn Vicki Gauthier Participating in Life As Servants — Phyllis Azotea Choir Director Ladies Breakfast — Ginny McNamara Charlene Helman Community Christmas Day Dinner — Sonya Spaulding The Hedding Herald is published by Hedding United Methodist Church. Have You Considered Remembering Your Church In Your Will? Volume 29, Issue 4 — December 2014 Page 16
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