PO Box 61 Tumby Bay 5605 Phone: 08 8688 2101 www.tumbybay.sa.gov.au Mayor’s Message 2015 Australia Day Awards Greetings to you all. This is my first newsletter message since having the privilege of being elected as the Mayor of the District Council of Tumby Bay. I am excited about the opportunities that we in this district have over the next few years. If our councillors, staff and community all work together towards a common goal, the things we can achieve could be astounding. Congratulations to the recipients of the 2015 Australia Day Awards. Foreshore Protection At the first ordinary meeting of council on December 9th, Council decided that they would shelve the plans for a granite rock wall on the foreshore, and remove permanent foreshore protection from the Long Term Financial Plan. Major infrastructure project and expenditure like this are always areas where councillors must work hard and balance all views to make the best decision for the council area. We must have both short and long term views, and decide exactly what the community both needs and wants. In this case, it was decided by council not to go ahead with the infrastructure development, but it was a subject that was strongly considered and debated. All the councillors, both new and ongoing, have been busy catching up on local government regulations and requirements, and being inundated with information that is required for us to know! Councillors who are willing to work hard and get all the information needed must be commended, as it ensures their decisions are both transparent and fully informed. Finally, I’d like to wish you all a safe, happy and blessed Christmas and holiday period. It is a time for all to join together and celebrate, meet with family and friends, and remember the reason for the season. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the Christmas Eve celebrations in town, and am excited about the potential of the New Year ahead in 2015. Sam Telfer Mayor Citizen of the Year: Pat Carr Young Citizen of the Year: Courtney Richter Community Event of the Year: Ungarra Primary School Centenary Celebrations Awards will be presented at the Australia Day breakfast on Monday 26 January 2015 at the Tumby Bay Yacht Club. Rubbish Collections Over the Christmas/New Year period, the scheduled rubbish collections will run on the following day; Friday 26 December and Friday 2 January 2015. Christmas/New Year Closure The offices of the District Council of Tumby Bay will be closed from 3pm on Wednesday 24 December 2014 and will reopen at 8.30am on Monday 5 January 2015. In case of emergency during this time please contact Chief Executive Officer 0408 948 634 Deputy Chief Executive Officer 0458 011 950 Works Supervisor 0428 882 074 Compliance Officer 0429 882 070 Community Development Officer Report Grant Report ANZAC Day Centenary Commemoration Fund: SUCCESSFUL- $11,000 An Avenue of Honour along Spencer Street. Placement of 10 plaques with soldiers named in alphabetical order who paid the supreme sacrifice in the First World War. Entrance Walls on the Northern end of Spencer Street will be erected with CENTENARY WALK in Brass lettering and the insignia of the Rising Sun. A committee consisting of Leigh Povey, Don Baillie, Alan Eylward, Pat Denning and myself will ensure the funding is spent correctly. The time line is March 2015. Geoff Stewart has compiled a First World War list of those KIA after comprehensive and thorough research. Saluting their Service: Community Commemorative grant War Memorial Upgrade and cleaning of the Memorial; garden bed with roses, new lighting: $4,000 KAB Grant - Beverage Container Recycling: SUCCESSFUL - $1,000 “Clean up at the Cove” Lipson Progress Association to buy and place bins at Cove and Rodgers beach. Recycle and receive cash for their Organisation: Acquittal in progress. SAHF (South Australia History Fund) - Tall Tales and True: SUCCESSFUL- $995 Signage along Spencer Street. KESAB - Regional Award: Ungarra Primary School: invited to attend with a power point presentation by Ungarra in front of a large audience/ cross section of the State. Ungarra proudly received a School Award. YAC SA Regional Awards (Brand SA): Nominated and selected as FINALISTS Courtney Richter - Youth individual achievements YAC - Community Group achievements Attended Presentation Night in the Lincoln Hotel; both entries received an award. LEAP Program One-Off Grant -replacing YAC funding: SUCCESSFUL - $7630 A “Bunk Down and Boogie” event with inclusion of other YAC groups at the LIONS Hostel in North Shields. Guest speakers, fitness, food, social inclusion, live music and movies. December 7th: Meal ‘n’ Movie night was successful as 18 youth travelled to Port Lincoln for a meal and Movie Hunger Games MockingJay Part 1. Eyre Peninsula Field Days: Tumby Bay “Red Sofa” - Winners of Battle of the Bands National Youth Week 2014 Your Voice…Your Impact - were invited to play. Relay for Life: October 25th, 26th Ravendale Oval, Port Lincoln. Raffle Fund Raiser: $1300+ was raised. Team Name: Youth Radvisory Committee Theme: Super Heroes Many thanks to our community for supporting our YAC team. According to the weather bureau forecasting inclement weather we travelled home at 4.30am.Our lap count around the oval was 317 times. Act Out Loud - Tumby Bay Area School (replacing Activ8) $2,000 YAC Grant Donation Students organised successful interaction meetings with aged community members who related Tumby’s Golden stories. These were presented in a contemporary production. Social inclusion and Community Engagement was of paramount importance with emotions shared across the ages. These related to the simplicity of living, remoteness, health and the stories of the War effort. Tumby Bay Hospital: Palliative Care room Donation of a mirror from a request in memory of YAC relatives. Tumby Bay Christmas Pageant: 24th December: YAC float FREE: Face Painting and giant Jurassic bouncy castle at Tumby Bay Hall. Final YAC Meeting 2014: Susan Hennell and Robin Hibble gave a short informative talk on their recent trip to China. Pioneer Tower A Country Arts SA Funding Application STEP OUT was submitted by August 15th, with up to $20,000 available. We have been advised the application was unsuccessful. The glass monolith is not considered a work of art as it is manufactured. The manufacturing of the glass monolith, frame etc. has been continuously worked on by Ross Hudson. He has spent many voluntary hours, visiting the Chevron Glass company, engineers, frame construction and graphic designers. The money in the Pioneer Tower Fund has not been used to assist the grant funding, as is often the case. There is $10,000+ in this account. Costing will soon be available for the completed glass section. Monetary contributions and fundraising may need to be considered. The committee will then meet to negotiate the price. So far this project has involved community engagement. Your suggestions and sketches will be sorted and placed on the 4 sides of the tower. It will not be cluttered. As all businesses have closed over the festive season, we will address all possible avenues to construct the Pioneer Tower in the New Year. Thank you to those who have already donated to the Tower fund. Wishing everyone a Blessed Christmas and a safe and festive New Year. Christine Charlton Community Development Officer Know Your Legislation Stray Cats If your cat is free to roam the neighbourhood, it’s not safe. It can get into fights with other cats, be injured or killed. The best way to protect your cat is to keep it at home and have it micro-chipped in case it strays. Desexing is also a must; it not only prevents unwanted litters but also reduces the cats urge to roam. Dog and Cat Management Act 1995 Section 75 - Notification to owner of identified cat A person who seizes, detains, destroys or disposes of an identified cat under this Division must, as soon as practicable, take reasonable steps to inform the owner of the cat of the action taken. Maximum penalty: $250 Expiation fee: $80 Section 76 - Other areas A person may lawfully seize, detain, destroy or otherwise dispose of an unidentified cat in the following circumstance: If the person is a cat management officer and the cat is found in an area in respect of which the officer is authorised to exercise powers under this Part or is delivered to the officer by another person. Dumping Materials Local Government Act 1999 Section 235 - Deposit of rubbish etc. (1) A person who, without the council's authorisation or permit— (a) deposits rubbish on a public road or public place; or (b) deposits goods, materials, earth, stone, gravel, or any other substance on a public road or public place, is guilty of an offence. Maximum penalty: $5 000 Expiation fee: $315 (2) Anything that falls from a vehicle onto a public road or public place is taken, for the purposes of subsection (1), to have been deposited by the person by or on whose behalf the vehicle is operated. This applies to properties that may back onto vacant land, it causes; Unsightly mess Difficulty for owners or contractor to maintain Encourages vermin to occupy these areas. So if you are or know of anyone who may be guilty of committing such an offence, take it upon yourself or with your neighbour to correct the matter, before Council becomes involved as it could become expensive. Community Events Calendar Please check out our new Community Events Calendar on our website www.dctumby.sa.gov.au. The Community Calendar exists to advertise events to the general public and to assist organisations to plan the best date for their upcoming events. To display your community event on the calendar please complete the form online or alternatively come into the Council and complete a copy of the form. Audit Committee Expressions of Interest The District Council of Tumby Bay is seeking Expressions of Interest from members of the public who would like to join the Audit Committee as Independent Members. The role of the Committee is to assist Council and guide improvement in financial governance and performance by monitoring financial results and ensuring ongoing financial sustainability and sound administrative practices are adopted. Expressions of Interest detailing relevant expertise, skills and knowledge should be forwarded to: Mr Trevor Smith – CEO District Council of Tumby Bay PO Box 61, Tumby Bay SA 5605 or via email: [email protected] Please direct queries to Mr Trevor Smith on 8688 2101 Expressions of Interest to be received by 5pm Wednesday 7 January 2015. Free Aussie Breakfast Monday 26th January Tumby Bay Yacht Club Breakfast at 8.00am Official program starts at 9.00am Please bring your own chairs Temporary Dry Zone Tumby Bay & Port Neill Temporary Road Closure New Year’s Eve - 31/12/2014 That pursuant to section 33 of the Road Traffic Act and Regulation 6C(2) of the Road Traffic Regulations, Council closes the following roads within Tumby Bay: Notice is hereby given that short term Dry Zone areas will be applied during the following period: 9.00 pm on 31/12/2014 to 8.00 am on 1/1/2015 The possession and consumption of alcohol is prohibited in public areas (excluding licensed premises and privately owned land) in the designated area within Tumby Bay and Port Neill as shown on the maps below during this period. Tumby Bay Dry Zone Area Tumby Bay Township Wibberley Street, Esplanade between Wibberley Street & Mortlock Street, Mortlock Street between Esplanade & Spencer Street, Spencer Street between Mortlock Street & North Terrace, North Terrace between Esplanade & West Terrace, West Terrace between North Terrace & Mortlock Street between 6.00pm to 9.30pm on 24 December 2014 for the purpose of the 2014 Christmas Pageant. Persons taking part in the Tumby Bay Christmas Celebrations on the above roads may be exempted from all Australian Road rules relating to carriage of persons on vehicles, seatbelts and pedestrian behaviour. Damian Windsor Works Manager Newsletter Articles Reminder to all community groups submitting articles for the Community News: All articles MUST be 250 words or less - anything longer than this may need prior permission or need to be resubmitted. Please remember to have your articles to Council before the Friday 12 noon deadline. Where possible, we appreciate receiving your articles in an electronic format. Community Bus Fees All prices are GST inclusive Port Neill Dry Zone Area Category of Hirer Category A – within the district Category A – outside of district Category B Category C Cleaning Charge (Per Hour) Cost No Charge $1.00 per km $1.25 per km $1.50 per km $50.00 Category A – Rates for groups servicing frail older people and people with a disability and the aged (at least 80% of the members must be over 65 yrs). Category B – Rates for local users providing a community service (includes most sporting bodies) Category C – Rates for other local users (includes individuals regardless of their age) (Fuel is included in the hire charge). The Community Bus seats 25, plus the driver, plus a wheelchair. Bus is only to be hired by persons in the Tumby Bay Council District. Driver must be from the “Approved Drivers Register.” 423 COUNCIL MEETING 9th December 2014 DISTRICT COUNCIL OF TUMBY BAY MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL held at the Council Chamber, Mortlock Street, Tumby Bay on Tuesday 9th December 2014 at 9.00 am. 1.0 2.0 ROLL CALL 1.1 Present Mayor Sam Telfer, Councillors Geoff Stewart, Laurie Collins, Helen Kroemer, Hannah Allen-Jordan, Bob Lawrie and Ray Hetzel. 1.2 In Attendance Trevor Smith (Chief Executive Officer), Dion Watson (Deputy Chief Executive Officer), Emma McDonald (Manager Environmental Services) and Glenda Pickford (Executive Assistant). 1.3 Apologies – Nil. 1.4 Absent – Damian Windsor (Works Manager) MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 2.1 1c/122014 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING held on 14th October and 18th November 2014. Moved - Kroemer Seconded - Collins That the Minutes of the Ordinary Meetings held on the 14th October and 18th November 2014 be confirmed as a correct record. CARRIED 3.0 DECLARATION OF INTEREST - Nil 4.0 DEFERRED MOTIONS – Nil. 5.0 MAYOR’S REPORT The Mayor updated Council on outcomes from the EPLGA meeting held in Wudinna on Friday 5 December. Main topic of discussion was the removal of Pensioner Concessions by the State Government. 6.0 DEPUTATION – Nil. 7.0 COMMUNITY DELEGATES’/REPRESENTATIVES’ REPORTS 7.1 Elected Members Reports Mayor Telfer Special Council Meeting LGA Training – Port Lincoln Council Budget Information Session Port Neill Progress Association Council Information Session – CWMS Met with LGFA staff EPLGA Board meeting – Wudinna Ungarra Progress Association meeting S:\GDS20FUNCTIONS\Governance\Agenda & Minutes\MINUTES\2014\12 December\Dec 9 Minutes.docx 424 COUNCIL MEETING 9th December 2014 Councillor Collins Conducted Citizenship Ceremony Local Government Association AGM – Adelaide Council Information session - Budget Council Information session – CWMS. 8.0 QUESTION ON NOTICE – Nil. 9.0 QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE - Nil. 10.0 PETITIONS – Nil. 11.0 MOTION ON NOTICE – Nil. 12.0 COUNCIL/COMMUNITY COMMITTEE REPORTS – Nil. 13.0 OFFICERS’ REPORTS 13.1 2c/122014 3c/122014 Chief Executive Officer’s Reports Moved - Collins Seconded – Allen-Jordan That the following reports from the Chief Executive Officer be received. CEO 1/1214 CEO 2/1214 CEO 3/1214 CEO 4/1214 CEO 5/1214 CEO 6/1214 Appointments to Committees and Other bodies Draft Annual Report 2013/2014 Tumby Bay Foreshore Protection Design Hospital Upgrade Stage II Virtual War Memorial – Donation Request EPLGA – Re admission of the City of Port Lincoln CARRIED CEO 1/1214 Appointments to Committees and Other bodies Moved - Kroemer Seconded – Allen-Jordan That Council nominate the following Councillors to serve on: LEHAC – Cr Stewart Excel Museum – Cr Stewart Tumby Bay Area School – Cr Allen - Jordan Tumby Bay Progress Association – Cr Bob Lawrie Tumby Bay Community Library – Cr Kroemer Tumby Bay CFS Group – Cr Collins Tumby Bay SES – Cr Collins Port Neill Progress Association – Cr Hetzel Lipson Progress Association – Cr Kroemer Ungarra Progress Association – Mayor Telfer Lower Eyre Road Safety Committee – Cr Collins. CARRIED CEO 2/1214 4c/122014 Draft Annual Report 2013/2014 Moved – Allen-Jordan Seconded - Kroemer S:\GDS20FUNCTIONS\Governance\Agenda & Minutes\MINUTES\2014\12 December\Dec 9 Minutes.docx 425 COUNCIL MEETING 9th December 2014 That Council adopt the District Council of Tumby Bay Annual Report 2013/14 as presented. CARRIED CEO 3/12014 Tumby Bay Foreshore Protection Design Moved - Stewart Seconded – Lawrie That Council direct the CEO to remove permanent foreshore protection from the draft LTFP to assist with the presentation of a financially sustainable document. CARRIED 5c/122014 CEO 4/1214 6c/122014 Hospital Upgrade Stage II Moved - Lawrie Seconded - Stewart That Council authorise the signing and sealing of the Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the District Council of Tumby Bay for Stage 2 of the Tumby Bay Hospital redevelopment. CARRIED CEO 5/12014 Virtual War Memorial – Donation Request Moved - Collins Seconded – Allen-Jordan That Council donate the amount of $363.00 to the RSL Virtual War Memorial project. CARRIED 7c/122014 CEO 7/12014 EPLGA – Re admission of the City of Port Lincoln 8c/122014 Moved - Lawrie Seconded - Stewart That the District Council of Tumby Bay support the request from the City of Port Lincoln to move to the Eyre Peninsula Region under the constitution of the LGA. CARRIED 13.2 9c/122014 10c/122014 Corporate Services Reports Moved - Lawrie Seconded - Collins That the following reports from the Deputy Chief Executive Officer be received. DCEO 1/1214 DCEO 2/1214 DCEO 3/1214 DCEO 4/1214 DCEO 5/1214 Statement of Financial Position Budget v Actual Report Investment Report 2013/2014 Budget and Actual Comparison 2014/2015 Budget Review One – October 2014. CARRIED DCEO 1/1214 Statement of Financial Position Moved - Stewart Seconded - Lawrie That the payment of cheque numbers 22775 to 22842 for a total of $175,537.54 and electronic fund transfer batch numbers 270 to 281 for a total of $652,876.69 be endorsed. CARRIED DCEO 2/1214 11c/122014 Moved - Lawrie Budget v Actual Report Seconded - Collins S:\GDS20FUNCTIONS\Governance\Agenda & Minutes\MINUTES\2014\12 December\Dec 9 Minutes.docx 426 COUNCIL MEETING 9th December 2014 That the report be received and noted. CARRIED DCEO 3/1214 12c/122014 Investment Report Moved - Stewart Seconded - Kroemer That the report be received and noted. CARRIED DCEO 4/1214 2013/2014 Budget and Actual Comparison Moved - Hetzel Seconded – Allen-Jordan That Council receive and note the comparison of the 2013/2014 Budget and Audited Financial Statements as presented. CARRIED 13c/122014 DCEO 5/1214 14c/122014 2014/2015 Budget Review One – October 2014 Moved - Stewart Seconded - Collins That Council accept the 2014/2015 Budget Review One October 2014 as presented and the Deputy CEO update the Council’s budget to reflect the changes. CARRIED 13.3 15c/122014 Technical Services & Operations Reports Moved - Collins Seconded - Lawrie That the following reports from the Works Manager be received. WM 1/1214 Revocation of Community Land CARRIED WM 1/1214 16c/122014 Moved - Collins Seconded - Kroemer That the Council, having complied with all requirements of Section 194 of the Local Government Act 1999, determines to revoke the status of Community Land from Allotment 3 Deposited Plan 93120 Certificate of Title Volume 6136 Folio 328. CARRIED 13.4 17c/122014 Revocation of Community Land Environmental Services Reports Moved – Allen-Jordan Seconded - Hetzel That the following reports from the Environmental Services Manager be received. MES 1/1214 MESCONF 2/1214 Exclusion of Public from a Council Meeting Disposal of Council Land CARRIED 15.0 CORRESPONDENCE 18c/122014 Moved – Kroemer Seconded - Stewart That correspondence items C1/1214 and C2/1214 be received. CARRIED C1/1214 Ian McDonald – Auditor S:\GDS20FUNCTIONS\Governance\Agenda & Minutes\MINUTES\2014\12 December\Dec 9 Minutes.docx 427 COUNCIL MEETING 9th December 2014 Moved - Collins Seconded – Allen-Jordan That the Council receive and note the items from the Auditor and that the Auditor be advised accordingly. CARRIED 19c/122014 C2/1214 20c/122014 Tumby Bay Tennis Club – Lease Extension Moved - Stewart Seconded - Lawrie That Council agree to amend the Lease with the Tumby Bay Tennis Club Inc to include the area previously occupied by the Scout Hall. CARRIED 14.0 OTHER REPORTS – Nil. 16.0 LATE CORRESPONDENCE – Nil. 17.0 INFORMATION TABLED Land Transfer Report 18.0 MATTERS IN CONFIDENCE MES 1/1214 21c/122014 Exclusion of Public from a Council Meeting Moved - Collins Seconded - Kroemer That pursuant to Section 90 (2) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council orders that all members of the public, (except the CEO, DCEO, Manager Environmental Services and the Executive Assistant) be excluded from attendance to enable this meeting to receive, discuss or consider in confidence MESCONF Report Number: 2/1214 Disposal of Council Land, on the grounds that such item of business, contains information and matters of a kind referred to in Section 90 (3) (b) (i) of the Act, namely: (b) information the disclosure of which— (i) could reasonably be expected to confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting, or proposing to conduct, business, or to prejudice the commercial position of the council. CARRIED S:\GDS20FUNCTIONS\Governance\Agenda & Minutes\MINUTES\2014\12 December\Dec 9 Minutes.docx 428 COUNCIL MEETING 9th December 2014 Minutes for Confidential Book: MESCONF 2/1214 Disposal of Council Land Page 428 Section 90 (3) (b) (i) S:\GDS20FUNCTIONS\Governance\Agenda & Minutes\MINUTES\2014\12 December\Dec 9 Minutes.docx 429 COUNCIL MEETING 9th December 2014 Confidential Documents: 23c/122014 19.0 Moved - Collins Seconded – Allen-Jordan That having considered Agenda Item MESCONF 2/1214 Disposal of Council Land in confidence under section 90 (2) and (3) (b) (i) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council, pursuant to section 91 (7) of the Act orders that any documents or discussions including the Minutes relevant to Agenda Item MESCONF 2/1214 will remain confidential until after council has finalised negotiations and that this order be reviewed every 12 months. CARRIED MEETING CLOSED AT 11.04 AM DATE: ___________________ CONFIRMED: _______________________ Mayor S:\GDS20FUNCTIONS\Governance\Agenda & Minutes\MINUTES\2014\12 December\Dec 9 Minutes.docx *Have You Half a Day to Spare?* Once or twice a month you can volunteer your time at the Tumby Bay Women’s & Children’s Hospital Auxiliary “Op. Shop.” “Shake it Up” Foundation to help with research into the disease to find more ways to help people cope. Natasha is fighting her “challenge” the best way that she can and she was thanked for her very candid talk and we wish her “all good things” for the future. Please call at the shop between 9.30 and 4.30 to register your interest. The recent Craft Fair was held and proved to be popular, and a success. We thank the Tumby Bay Yacht Club for allowing us to use their venue. Tumby Bay Croquet Club We have had a successful year and we thank the whole community for supporting our fundraising efforts. Businesses were very helpful to us for our provisions. Many other clubs and organisations in our community gave generous donations to our Auxiliary throughout the year from their own funds to help us to purchase needs of the hospital and Uringa. The club has recently hosted two “Come and Try Croquet” events. One for Eyre Carers members and another for West Coast HomeCare consumers. These times of fun and fellowship have increased the interest in local croquet as we gained two casual attendees and three regular attendees! Two ladies are now champions at Golf Croquet while Peter is facing the challenges of Association Croquet. To finish off 2014 we had a fun evening of various games using (or NOT using) our croquet skills. Special thanks to Kathy and helpers for organising games and to the ‘scorer’ who determined who earned a chocolate. It was great to have Angus back with us after his knee operation. After games we adjourned to the beautifully decorated clubrooms to be treated with a visit from Father Christmas with gifts for all. Special THANK YOU to Carolyn and Jack! We then devoured a delicious shared meal with a drink or two. “Come and Try” will start again on Wednesday 7th January from 5pm and from Saturday 10th January you can “grab a mallet” from 9.30am. Members will be available to coach Golf or Association croquet. Visitors are most welcome. See you there! Francie Secretary Tumby Bay Hospital and Uringa Auxiliary Inc. Ten members joined with the Residents of Uringa on Wednesday 3rd December for some entertainment from six students of Tumby Bay Area School, who all played tunes on the piano and showed great talent for their young ages. Christine Charlton then played some Christmas carols and ladies of the Auxiliary led the singing of more carols for the pleasure of the residents. Lunch was shared and enjoyed by residents and members. We then viewed one of the latest units to be upgraded. Our meeting followed where acting EO Carol-Ann told us that she will be leaving our Hospital at the end of this year. Carol-Ann has given our Auxiliary so much encouragement and support, the hospital has benefited from her professionalism and efforts and we wish her well for the future. Members agreed to purchase a refrigerator for the kitchen at Uringa as the old one is now 25 years old. Guest speaker was Natasha Clark who spoke to us about her “lifestyle challenge” of living with Parkinson’s disease. Since Natasha was diagnosed at the very young age of 35, it has been a case of first hiding away with the diagnosis and the symptoms. Now Natasha has learnt how more to deal with the disease she has become more determined to keep herself as well as she can and help her body to cope. Natasha is grateful for all the love and support she has received from her family and friends. Natasha has held two major fundraising events in Tumby Bay and raised $13,000 in total; a mammoth effort to go to the Michael J Fox – Our Auxiliary members wish everyone greetings of the season and a happy and safe new year. We will hold our next meeting & AGM on Wednesday 4th February 2015, in the Medical Centre Meeting Room. Carolyn Thompson Secretary Tumby Bay SACWA The meeting of the Tumby Bay CWA was held on Wednesday November 19th 2014 at the clubrooms. The president Marie Lally opened the meeting with the creed after welcoming 10 members. Birthday sprays were given to Joan Winter and Wendy Springbett. Roll call was a Russian industry which ranged from ship building, mining, porcelain makers, fishing, timber, iron ore and diamonds. Minutes and correspondence were efficiently dealt with. It was decided to donate $40 to the Tumby Bay Christmas Pageant. Barbara Thring had collected wool and distributed it to the members for the purpose of knitting poppies for the Anzac centenary next year. The CWA calendars are now available if you haven’t yet collected your ordered copy. The Christmas Lunch and social afternoon will be held on 17th December at the clubrooms at 11am. Please bring a friend or two and food for a pooled lunch, a small gift to exchange for yourself and your guests. There will be a brief meeting in the morning with carols, games and competitions in the afternoon. Sandy McCallum brought a Russian Barbie doll and read us the story about the doll’s trip to Russia. Marie Lally AM then read more information about Russia from the CWA magazine. Joan Winter and Ivy Edwards served a Russian lunch to the members present. The menu consisted of Borsch soup, made by Joan Winter followed by beef stroganoff made by Joan Winter and Helen Ballard. Dessert was apple Sharlotta made by Joan Winter and the drink served was Kvas wine made by Ivy Edwards, a favourite Russian wine, and is slightly alcoholic but very good. The meeting closed at 3pm and afternoon tea was served but very few participated after the big lunch we had enjoyed. Competitions Single Bloom 1st Gwenda Branford 2nd Wendy Springbett Multiple Bloom 1st Gwenda Branford 2nd Joan Winter Competition 1st Sandy McCallum 2nd Joan Winter Raffle was won by Faye Haywood. Ivy Edwards Branch Reporter 0499 208 161 Tumby Bay School Community Library Fearnley, Kurt Pushing the limits: life, marathons & Kokoda Love your sister: how far would you go for someone you love…on a unicycle? Emily Kelly’s commonsense pilates Live and laugh with dementia Holidays Sun, skin and health Johnson, Samuel December News Here are just a few new titles that have just arrived into the library – there are many more. Come for a browse and have a look for a book or magazine. It is free to join the library. We also have a selection of large print books and if you are sight impaired you may borrow hear-a-books. We are now on the One Card Network that gives you access to millions of books, DVDs, CDs and magazines. Don’t forget we also have free access to the internet. Kelly, Emily Low, Lee-Fay McInnes, William Slevin, Terry Big Book Club ~ December selection Adult Fiction Alexander, Nicole Bannerman, Mark Brooks, Karen Carey, Peter Challinor, Deborah Cole, Martina Cornwell, Bernard Cussler, Clive Freud, Esther Grisham, John Hannah, Sophie Higgins, Fiona Horowitz, Anthony Johansen, Iris Jones, Darynda Joyce, Rachel Kelly, Cathy Keyes, Marian Kubica, Mary Lackberg, Camilla Lane, Karly Maitland, Barry Marsden, John McCallum, Fiona McDermott, Andy Morrissey, Di Moyes, JoJo Oliver, Lauren Park, Tony Patterson, James Picoult, Jodi Puertolas, Romain Purman, Victoria Reilly, Matthew Roberts, Nora The great plains The head hunters (large print) The brewer’s tale Amnesia The silk thief The good life The empty throne Havana storm Mr Mac and me Gray Mountain The monogram murders Wife on the run Moriarty The perfect witness (large print) Seventh grave and no body The love song of Miss Queenie Hennessy It started in Paris The woman who stole my life The good girl Buried angels Gemma’s Bluff Crucifixion Creek South of darkness Meant to be Kingdom of darkness The road back The girl you left behind (large print) Rooms (large print) The hunter Burn Private: down under (large print) Leaving time The extraordinary journey of the fakir who got trapped in an IKEA wardrobe Our kind of love The great zoo of China Blood magick Non Fiction Atkins, Christopher Boland, Adam Brown, Victoria Cabot, Sandra Carlton, Mike Chapman, Andrew Darcy, David Dawkins, Tom Egan, Ted Remembrance 100 years: 100 memorials: 100 Australian stories Brekky Central: behind the smiles of Australian breakfast television Feltwork Gluten: is it making you sick or fat? First victory 1914 The long paddock A girl’s best friend Lady Lorene: the truckie queen The ANZACS 100 years on Little big lies by Liane Moriarty Us by David Nicholls When night comes by Favel Parrett Little Big Book Club ~ December selection - Sharing & Giving Count my Christmas kisses by Ruthie May Santa’s outback secret by Mike Dumbleton Bridie’s boots by Phil Cummings HOLIDAY OPENING TIMES Monday Closed Tuesday 10am—3.30pm & 7—8pm Wednesday 10am—5.30pm Thursday 9am—4pm Friday 9am—4pm Saturday 10am—12noon Sunday Closed The library will be CLOSED from Wednesday 24th December, reopening Tuesday 6th January at 10.00am. from the staff of the Tumby Bay School Community Library. A Soldier’s Story Written by Geoff Stewart Service No.: Name: Nickname: 3435 Leslie Sawle PLAYER Les Medals and Decorations 1914 – 15 Star. British War Medal Victory Medal Rank: Service: Enlisted: Discharged: Corporal Army 30 June 1915 8 July 1919 Les was born at Mitcham (SA) in November 1895 to Sawle Player and Catherine Player (nee Memus). He was one of 9 children; 3 boys and 6 girls. One of the boys, his twin brother, died at 3 months of age. The family lived in Gumeracha (SA). His father was an Auctioneer and General Commission Agent with E Coles & Co. of Adelaide. Les went to school at Mitcham, leaving at year 7 as was common for the time. He then took employ with the same company as his father, working as a clerk, and remained in this employ until his enlistment. Les enlisted in Adelaide at the end of June 1915 at Keswick (SA) and was posted to 10th Battalion (Bn) as a reinforcement. After basic training, he embarked on 27 October 1915 on HMAT “Benalla” for Alexandria, where he was transferred to 13th Machine Gun Company, 50th Bn; he was promoted to Sergeant. After 4 months he was again on the move, this time aboard the “Ivernia” bound for Marseilles (France), arriving on 12 June 1916. On arrival in France his unit went straight into action when their Division (5th) took over a section of front line between St Laurent Blangy and the southern edge of Vimy Ridge, near Arras. They moved south in late July to reinforce The Somme and were in action at High Wood, The Battle of Guillemont, The Battle of Flers-Courcelette, The Battle of Morval and The Battle of Le Transloy. Les was wounded on 2 August 16 and transferred to 4th Casualty Clearing Station before being evacuated to 22 General Hospital, UK. After convalescence, he returned to the front and was reposted to the 4th Machine Gun Battalion, seeing further action at Ypres. The Machine Gun Battalions suffered some of the heaviest casualties of any units during WW1. Les had a difficult time with authority whilst in the Army, having made the rank of Sergeant on 4 different occasions; each time losing his stripes due to some misdemeanour, the most serious resulting in a Court Martial in the UK. Les returned to Australia aboard the “Armagh”, arriving in July 1919 and took his discharge on 8th of that month. He worked in a number of locations in Adelaide, all associated with the hospitality and hotel industry. In March 1926 Les married Isabel Wilcomb Read at the Prospect Baptist Church. On 24 June 1927 their first child was born, June Isabel, but unfortunately the little girl died one year later (18 November 1928) at North Adelaide. It was then that the family decided to move to Tumby Bay, arriving at Christmas 1928. Les then became the licensee of the Tumby Bay Hotel (The Red Roof), holding the licence from16 January 1929 until 1 May 1949 and was a very well known figure in the town. Of course this was during the Great Depression and operating any type of business must have been extremely challenging; Les not only operated the business successfully, but was well respected in the community. An interesting piece of memorabilia which is held in the local museum is a china cup with the inscription “Player Hotel” on it which was found at the rear of the Tumby Bay Hotel. It is referred to as “The Player Cup”. Whilst in Tumby their second child was born, Peter Benson. He went to school at Tumby from 1936 to 1943, when he left to attend Scotch College in Adelaide. Les was a founding member and stalwart of the RSL in Tumby Bay; he was president for 15 years from 1931 to 1946. In 1935 he re-formed the Tumby Bay Sub Branch after it moved from Lipson. He was made a life member in 1950 and returned to Tumby Bay on 14 May 1977 as guest speaker at the annual RSL dinner. His medals are displayed in the National Trust Museum in Tumby Bay. TUMBY BAY CHURCH TIMES JANUARY 4TH 11TH 18TH 25TH Anglican - cnr Lipson & Tennant Street 8688 2136 9.00am 9.00am 9.00am Tumby Bay Life Church - Lipson Road Pastor M Bowshall - 8688 2128 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am Catholic - Church Street 8676 2194 10.30am 8.00am 5.00pm 10.30am Christian Centre Elder: Lawrie Smith - 8688 2096 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am Church of Christ - Tumby Terrace 8688 2907 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am Church of Christ Ungarra 8676 7049 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am 10.00am Lutheran Tumby Bay 8688 8073 10.30am 9.00am 10.30am 9.00am Uniting - Spencer St Tumby Bay 8688 1222 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am Uniting Lipson 8688 1222 8.30am 8.30am 8.30am Uniting Port Neill 8688 1222 8.30am No Service 8.30am 10.30am Church of Christ 10.30am Combined Service 10.30am TB Church of Christ 10.30am TB Church of Christ 10.30am TB Church of Christ Meals on Wheels ~ January 2015 Roster Please find your own replacement and notify Eileen of any changes ~ 8688 1812 / 0427 881 812 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Car One South Car Two North 5 T . Swaffer A. Swaffer S. Power V. Webb D. Carpenter C. Trezise H. Wishart B. Cameron 6 G. Hales C. Hales 19 H. Boylan P. Tressider H. Ballard C. Harradine 13 Public Holiday N. Richter M. Bishop T. Stringer D. Liddicoat 7 C. Fraser K. Lawrie 20 S. Bierwirth P. McKenna 14 S. Dorward B. Roediger J. Stirling H. Ware C. Kolosche D. Allen 21 H. Roberts W. Springbett 8 C. Winter J. Winter T. Simpson R. Fatchen 2 V. Lockwood M. Poole 9 C. Gosling G. Bawden 15 D. Hedley J. Hedley 16 D. Hopping P. Darling 22 M. Woolford R. Woolford 28 B. Flynn J. Loudon W. Coad R. Hopgood G. Branford C. Beaton B. Ollivier B. Holder 27 B. Jeffries J. Dodd 1 J. Tierney J. Elson P. Goodes J. Pasquarelli J. Cook A. Cameron 26 J. Loudon R. Harrowfield M. Poole P. Poole J. Plane S. Stubing A. Phillis L. Phillis T. Kopman S. Franks New Years Day Holiday G. Dunn G. Challinger 12 FRIDAY D. Provis D. Provis 23 L. Richter M. LeBrun 29 B. Flynn J. Loudon W. Coad R. Hopgood 30 December 2014 / January 2015 ARMonday Tuesday 22 23 Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens Bingo 1.30pm @ Port Neill Hall Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm Christmas Lights Judging National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Bingo 2pm @ Tumby Bay Hotel Jolly Day 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Singing @ S/Citizens 7.30pm 29 30 Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens Bingo 1.30pm @ Port Neill Hall Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm Art Group Meeting National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Bingo 2pm @ Tumby Bay Hotel Jolly Day 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Wednesday 24 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 18 19 20 21 National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Weight Watchers @ Church of Christ 8.30—10.30am CWA Table Tennis Tai Chi for fitness 11.15am @ Gym Senior Citizens Meeting Cards/Tri-ominos/Pool 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm RSL Club Open from 5.00pm Church Library Open 10am—1pm Wing Chun Tea House 8.30am @ Gym National Trust Museum Open 10am—12noon National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm 26 27 28 Christmas Day Proclamation Day Wing Chun Tea House 8.30am @ Gym National Trust Museum Open 10am—12noon National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm RSL Club Open for Lunch Excell Museum Open 2—4pm 31 1 2 3 4 Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon Respite to Go 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Fitness for All 9am @ Port Neill Hall New Years Day Tai Chi for fitness 11.15am @ Gym Probus 10am—12noon @ Senior Citizen Clubrooms Cards/Tri-ominos/Pool 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm RSL Club Open from 5.00pm Church Library Open 10am—1pm Wing Chun Tea House 8.30am @ Gym National Trust Museum Open 10am—12noon National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm Christmas Pageant 6pm Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon Respite to Go 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Fitness for All 9am @ Port Neill Hall CWA Craft Day 25 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens Bingo 1.30pm @ Port Neill Hall Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm Art Group Meeting National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Bingo 2pm @ Tumby Bay Hotel Jolly Day 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Tumby Bay CWA Street Stall Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon Respite to Go 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Fitness for All 9am @ Port Neill Hall Golf Croquet 5pm National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Weight Watchers @ Church of Christ 8.30—10.30am CWA Table Tennis Blue Water Raiders Street Stall Tai Chi for fitness 11.15am @ Gym Cards/Tri-ominos/Pool 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm RSL Club Open from 5.00pm Church Library Open 10am—1pm Wing Chun Tea House 8.30am @ Gym National Trust Museum Open 10am—12noon Croquet 9.30am National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm Excell Museum Open 2—4pm 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens Bingo 1.30pm @ Port Neill Hall Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm Tumby Bay Garden Club Meeting COUNCIL MEETING 9am Indoor Bowls 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 10am—5 pm Art Gallery Open 10am—12noon Respite to Go 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Fitness for All 9am @ Port Neill Hall Golf Croquet 5pm TB Progress Association Meeting 7pm National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Weight Watchers @ Church of Christ 8.30—10.30am CWA Table Tennis Newsletter Deadline 12noon Tai Chi for fitness 11.15am @ Gym Senior Citizens Meeting Cards/Tri-ominos/Pool 1.30pm @ S/Citizens National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm RSL Club Open from 5.00pm Church Library Open 10am—1pm Wing Chun Tea House 8.30am @ Gym National Trust Museum Open 10am—12noon Croquet 9.30am National Trust Museum Open 2—4pm National Trust Museum Open 10am—5pm Bingo 2pm @ Tumby Bay Hotel Jolly Day 10am—2pm @ S/Citizens Night Owls 7.15pm Singing @ S/Citizens 7.30pm
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