Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR A WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT TO THE QUEENSLAND REPORTS — SINCE 1908 1 ISSN 0726-0784 WEEK IN REVIEW | 2 • Season’s Greetings from the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for Queensland • Annual Exchange of Christmas Greetings – Supreme Court of Queensland • Recent Speeches – The Hon Paul Finn • Recent Speeches – Justice Virginia Bell – High Court of Australia • Recent Judicial Appointments – Federal Court and Federal Circuit Court in Queensland • Recent Practice Directions • Recent Practice Decision – Legal Profession – Professional misconduct and unsatisfactory professional conduct: Graham v Legal Services Commissioner (No 1) [2014] QCA 305 • Recent Practice Decision – Immunity of Costs Assessors – Whether immunity from disciplinary proceedings?: Graham v Legal Services Commissioner (No 2) [2014] QCA 306 • Recently Passed Acts • Bills Before The House • Recent Acquisitions of the Supreme Court Library • Further Recent Acquisitions of the Supreme Court Library EDITORS’ SELECTION OF NEW CASES | 8 • Succession – Succession Act – Section 18(2) – Intention that document operate as will – Whether require testamentary capacity: Re Spencer (deceased) [2014] QSC 276 • Succession – Intestacy and distribution on intestacy – Aboriginal tradition – Definition of ‘child’ and ‘issue’: Eatts v Gundy [2014] QCA 309 NEWLY PUBLISHED REPORTS | 11 • Queensland Heritage Council v Corporation of the Sisters of Mercy of the Diocese of Townsville [2014] QCA 165 PUBLIC NOTICES | 13 • Notice of intention to apply for Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration GENERAL INFORMATION | 72 The Queensland Law Reporter is published by the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for the State of Queensland ABN 74 009 656 982, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, 415 George Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000 Australia. Email: [email protected] Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 2 WEEK IN REVIEW Roger Derrington QC (Editor) SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM THE INCORPORATED COUNCIL OF LAW REPORTING FOR QUEENSLAND From the Editor This is the final edition of the Queensland Law Reporter for 2014. The next edition will appear on 16 January 2015. I wish to extend my thanks to the many subscribers of the QLR for their support over the past year. The number of subscribers has rapidly grown in the last twelve months and it is particularly pleasing that so many practitioners from regional parts of the State have signed up to this weekly publication. I also wish to extend my thanks to the members of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting and, in particular, to the Chairman, Mr John McKenna QC, for their continued support of the revitalised QLR as well as their continued financial backing which enables the QLR to be provided to the profession free of charge. I also acknowledge the great efforts of the office staff of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting and my research assistant, Ms Courtney Coyne, for their exceptional diligence and attention to detail when compiling and delivering the QLR on a weekly basis. Sadly, Mr Terry Arnold, who has been the production manager of the Queensland Reports is ending his seven and a half year employment with the ICLR. The Editors wish Mr Arnold our sincerest best wishes in his new endeavours and thank him for his tireless work, endless patience and good humour despite the constant pressure of publication deadlines. He will be greatly missed. Again, I thank the many subscribers who continue to take the time to correspond and provide constructive commentary and observations all of which assists in enhancing this publication. ANNUAL EXCHANGE OF CHRISTMAS GREETINGS – SUPREME COURT OF QUEENSLAND On Wednesday 17 December 2014, the Supreme Court held the annual Exchange of Christmas Greetings in the Banco Court at the Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law. In his speech to the Court the Hon Jarrod Bleijie, the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice reflected on the past year, expressing the Government’s appreciation for the court’s contribution to the success of the G20 and also noting the significant changes to the composition of the Queensland courts in the past twelve months. In this vein, the Attorney-General again welcomed all new members of the judiciary, the Solicitor-General and the new silks, and paid particular tribute the “monumental contribution” of former Chief Justice de Jersey and Chief Judge Wolfe. The Minister has kindly agreed to allow his speech to be published on the Queensland Reports website and it can be read in full by clicking here. In his speech, the Chief Justice commenced by expressing his gratitude for the work of not only the legal profession, but all those who assist in the administration of the Queensland legal system – the court staff; the police; the Attorney-General and the legislature. His Honour then briefly discussed the public profile of the courts, and his hopes for the nature of the future relationship between the courts and the community. Though the Chief Justice noted that the Court had, for a number of reasons, enjoyed a higher profile over the past twelve months, his Honour indicated that further steps needed to be taken to inform and educate the community about the role of the courts, and “ease the mystery” which is the court’s functions. His Honour suggested that it was through greater knowledge and understanding of the courts and more generally the legal system that an increase in the communities confidence and trust in the courts would be won. The Chief Justice’s speech is also available on the Queensland Reports website and it can be read in full by clicking here. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 3 RECENT SPEECHES – THE HON PAUL FINN Last Friday on 12 December 2014, the University of Queensland conferred on the Hon Paul Finn an LLD honoris causa in recognition of his Honour’s enormous contribution to the law across many years in a number of different capacities. In particular reference should be made to his work as a senior lecturer in law at the University of Queensland and as a Professor at ANU from 1988 to 1995. On receiving his degree Mr Finn briefly addressed the graduating class of law students in relation to the importance of a legal education. He noted that a legal education requires not that a person only learn what the law is but learn how to find and understand the law as it evolves. That process involves understanding the law by reading and thinking well beyond it and to continue to do so for as long as one practices it. On a more sombre note his Honour observed the law has increasingly imposed greater regulation upon society including of professionals given that it is no longer possible to assume that those in positions of power will act honourably and in accordance with their duties. He said: “It is for this reason that in the last fifty or so years, the law has developed in a variety of ways to restrain the abuse of power, and to protect the vulnerable. No longer is it assumed that persons in positions of trust will behave properly and honourably; no longer is it assumed that persons with power over others will behave fairly and in good faith.” Mr Finn has kindly given permission for his speech to be published on the Queensland Reports website and it can be read in full by clicking here. RECENT SPEECHES – JUSTICE VIRGINIA BELL – HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA Jack Goldring Memorial Lecture 2014 The Hon Justice Virginia Bell AC The University of Wollongong 31 October 2014 Delivering the Jack Goldring Memorial Lecture at the University of Wollongong, her Honour, Justice Bell of the High Court of Australia, broached the often times ‘charged’ topic of criminal sentencing. Following a brief discussion of current sentencing practices and the public perception of sentencing, her Honour proceeded to address two ‘conflicts’ in criminal sentencing; firstly, the tension in providing for the “fair treatment of . . . defendants’ while according due respect [to] the victims,” and secondly the “content of equal treatment in a multicultural society.” Her Honour addressed the first of these tensions in the context of criminal trials for sexual abuse, noting that there have been considerable modifications made to the rules of procedure and evidence at the trial of a sexual offence to ensure that the complainant is not unduly traumatised. In spite of these modifications, the trial is often still very distressing, and it has been suggested that complainants should also have legal representation. Justice Bell suggested, however, that installed, this modification would effect a “radical alteration” to our current legal system and would likely be of disservice to the complainant and more generally to the prosecution of sexual offences. Her Honour also highlighted another issue related to this first tension, being the use of victim impact statements in sentencing. This is a vexed issue given the perceived risk that assessing the seriousness of an offence by taking into account the personal qualities of the victim and the extent to which their life was ‘valued’ ultimately does injury to the fundamental concept of equality. Justice Bell then turned to the issue of ‘equal treatment’ and what that ought mean, her Honour suggesting that though cultural and religious factors are relevant in sentencing, to sentence on the basis of race or culture does injury to the principle of individualised justice. The role of the judge, Justice Bell concluded, is to, within the limits of proportionality, weigh all the different considerations and come to a considered sentence, and in undertaking this difficult task the judge is to be afforded a degree of discretion. A copy of her Honour’s speech is available from the High Court of Australia’s website or by clicking here. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 4 RECENT JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS – FEDERAL COURT AND FEDERAL CIRCUIT COURT IN QUEENSLAND The Federal Attorney-General, the Hon George Brandis QC has announced the appointment of a new Federal Court Judge and a Federal Circuit Court Judge for Queensland. In relation to the Federal Court the Attorney-General has announced that Justice James Edelman of the Supreme Court of Western Australia has been appointed as a judge for the Queensland Registry as and from 20 April 2015. As the Minister’s announcement indicates, Justice Edelman was born in Western Australia and graduated from the University of Western Australia with a Bachelor of Laws with first class honours in 1996, and from Murdoch University with a Bachelor of Commerce in 1997. He was awarded a Rhodes scholarship in 1998 and obtained a Doctor of Philosophy in Law from Magdalen College, Oxford, in 2001. He has served as a judge of the Supreme Court of Western Australia since 2011. The Attorney-General has also announced that Mr Salvatore Vasta has been appointed as judge of the Federal Circuit Court and will commence in the Brisbane registry on 1 January 2015. Mr Vasta has been a Crown Prosecutor for many years and he will replace Judge Michael Burnett who was recently appointed to the District Court of Queensland. RECENT PRACTICE DIRECTIONS Practice Direction No 30 of 2014 – Change of Name of Reliance Lawyers The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Hon Timothy Carmody, has issued the above practice direction concerning the change of name of the firm “Reliance Lawyers” to “CLH Lawyers”. As of 19 December 2014, the name of the firm currently known as “Reliance Lawyers” will change to “CLH Lawyers”. The firm’s address at Level 7, 515 St Pauls Terrace, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Queensland, 4006, will not change. Pursuant to UCPR 17 as the name of the firm forms part of the address for service, a party who, prior to 19 December 2014, has been represented by Reliance Lawyers is, by reason of the practice direction, relieved from filing and serving a notice of change of address for service. Further, for the purposes of the UCPRs, as from and including 19 December 2014 the service of a document addressed to “Reliance Lawyers” at that firm’s address will be taken to have been served on “CLH Lawyers” at that address; and a reference in a document filed prior to that date to “Reliance Lawyers is to be taken to be a reference to “CLH Lawyers”. The full text of the practice direction can be read on the Queensland Courts website which can be accessed by clicking here. RECENT PRACTICE DECISION – LEGAL PROFESSION – PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT AND UNSATISFACTORY PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT Graham v Legal Services Commissioner (No 1) [2014] QCA 305 Court of Appeal (Fraser and Gotterson JJA and Philippides J) 28 November 2014 This appeal related to whether the failure of a costs assessor to provide a costs statement as engaged to do could constitute “unsatisfactory professional conduct” within the meaning of s 418 of the Legal Profession Act? In this matter the relevant conduct was in connection with the retaining of the appellant by a law practice to prepare a costs statement to assist the law practice’s client to recover costs from the client’s opponent in litigation. It appears that the appellant did not attend to the preparation of the costs assessment despite the payment of the fee. The fees were eventually recovered. The question for the Court was whether the appellant’s conduct happened “in connection with the practice of law” in circumstances in which the Legal Services Commission conceded that the appellant did not himself engage in legal practice under his retainer to prepare the costs statement? It was conceded by the Legal Service Commission that the alleged misconduct happened “in connection with the practice of Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 5 the law” by the law practice which had engaged the appellant to prepare the costs statement, rather than in connection with the practice of law by the appellant. It was argued by the appellant that s 418 of the Legal Profession Act stigmatised as unsatisfactory professional conduct only the conduct of a professional happening in connection with that practitioner’s practice of law. However, the Court observed that there was nothing in the section which required that the alleged conduct of the practitioner occur in connection with that practitioner’s practice of the law, rather that the contravention of the applicable standard might happen “in connection with” the practice of the law. The Court held that “the text of s 418 requires a connection between the conduct of the legal practitioner and the practice of law but it does not require a connection between the conduct of the legal practitioner and the practice of law by that legal practitioner.” [13]. Moreover, the construction of s 418 propounded by the appellant was not consistent with the purpose of the Act as identified from the statutory context. Further, the common law did not suggest that professional misconduct was confined to conduct of a practitioner in connection with that practitioner’s own practice of law. [17]. In the result it was held that “the definition of “unsatisfactory professional conduct” in s 418 should not be construed as requiring that the relevant conduct of the Australian legal practitioner happened in connection with the practice of law by that practitioner.” RECENT PRACTICE DECISION – IMMUNITY OF COSTS ASSESSORS – WHETHER IMMUNITY FROM DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS? Graham v Legal Services Commissioner (No 2) [2014] QCA 306 Court of Appeal (Fraser and Gotterson JJA and Philippides J) 28 November 2014 This appeal concerned the question of whether a costs assessor appointed under the provisions of Chapter 17A of the UCPRs was entitled to rely upon the immunity granted to him by s 93LA of the Supreme Court of Queensland Act 1991 in relation to charges brought against him by the Legal Services Commission. The Legal Service Commissioner had commenced disciplinary proceedings against the appellant in relation to the performance of his functions as a costs assessor on the basis that the appellant had failed to maintain reasonable standards of competence and diligence in his conduct of a costs assessment under Ch 17A of the UCPRs. Pursuant to s 93LA of the Supreme Court of Queensland Act 1991 a costs assessor in performing their functions has the same protection and immunity as a judge performing their judicial functions. Whilst the appellant accepted that he was subject to the operation of the Legal Profession Act he asserted that he was immune from disciplinary proceedings pursuant to this grant of immunity. The Court of Appeal held that costs assessors were not immune from disciplinary proceedings. Indeed, it noted that members of the judiciary are not immune or protected from disciplinary action if that discipline is provided for under a constitutionally valid statutory provision. Moreover, whilst costs assessors are given some limited immunity in relation to the performance of their functions they are not entitled to the full gamut of immunities which are applicable to the State’s judiciary. Additionally, whilst there exists a common law immunity of judges from actions or suits in relation to their performance of their office, that has never extended to the conduct of disciplinary proceedings and has never applied where the conduct in question would otherwise justify removal from office. Per Tobias JA in Scanlon v Director General, Department of the Arts, Sport and Recreation (2007) 70 NSWLR 1 at 18. In the case before the Court it was acknowledged that the charges in question were capable of providing a basis for ending the appellant’s position as a costs assessor under the UCPRs. Additionally, the immunity only extends to immunity from civil proceedings for damages and some criminal proceedings (such as for contempt) at the suit of dissatisfied litigants and their proxies and does not extend to protection from disciplinary proceedings. The Court, however, accepted that whilst the appellant was subject to the disciplinary regime, he was not liable to civil suit at the instigation of the parties to the action in respect of the same conduct. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 6 RECENTLY PASSED ACTS The State Parliament has not been sitting in the past week with the consequence that no new legislation has been enacted. BILLS BEFORE THE HOUSE There has been no activity on the Bills which are presently before the House. RECENT ACQUISITIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT LIBRARY (Contributed by Ms Fiona Lubett of Counsel) The following books were added to the collection of the Supreme Court Library during the week. Colin Lockhart, The Law of Misleading or Deceptive Conduct (LexisNexis Butterworths, 4th ed, 2015) With its focus on the legislative prohibitions on misleading and deceptive conduct, this indispensable practitioner text provides detailed analysis and comprehensive coverage of the substantial body of case law generated in this area. The last edition was published only a month or so after the introduction of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and the associated Australian Consumer Law in January 2011, and this fourth edition is a welcome update with over 1000 new decisions considered. Given that the bulk of the decisions to date have dealt with conduct that took place before 31 December 2010, this edition continues to refer throughout to both TPA/FTA provisions as well as the ACL. Richard H Bartlett, Native Title in Australia (LexisNexis Butterworths, 3rd ed, 2015) This comprehensive text, now in its third edition, takes a broad look at native title, firmly situating the development of native title law in Australia in context and allowing for a historical perspective at the same time as contemplating future trends in the law. This edition contains a discussion of several recent High Court decisions on native title – Akiba v Commonwealth (2013), Karpany v Dietman (2013) and Western Australia v Brown (2014) – as well as a reflection on the two decades that have elapsed since the decision in Mabo v Queensland (No 2) (1992). A new Part 5 has been added to this edition, titled “Right to Negotiate, Agreement and Settlements and Compensation”, reflecting the growing importance of settlement agreements in native title disputes. FURTHER RECENT ACQUISITIONS OF THE SUPREME COURT LIBRARY (Contributed by Mr David Ananian-Cooper of Counsel) The following books were added to the collection of the Supreme Court Library during the week. Rosemary Teele Langford, Directors’ Duties – Principles and Application (The Federation Press, 2014) Dr Langford’s monograph analyses a number of complex and foundational issues relating to director’s fiduciary duties in a clear but deeply considered fashion. Dr Langford deals first with contemporary Australian fiduciary theory before considering in more detail each of the specific duties imposed on directors. In this analysis, Dr Langford gives particular focus to the central and foundational nature of the duty to act in good faith in the interests of the company and, in so doing, is critical of the view that the duties to avoid conflicts and profits are the only remaining fiduciary duties. In considering these issues, Dr Langford also analyses the relationship between the various fiduciary duties and the equivalent statutory rules. Denis SK Ong, Ong on Subrogation (The Federation Press, 2014) Dr Ong’s study of the law of subrogation is a useful handbook addressing in turn each of the contexts in which one party may become subrogated to a second party rights against a third party, ie entitled to exercise those rights without assignment. The beneficiaries of the doctrine of subrogation include insureds, trust creditors and sureties, each of whom are considered among others in this study. In addressing this topic in a systematic way, Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 7 this study delivers a clarity often sought by practitioners to what Dr Ong describes in the preface as an otherwise ‘tumultuous’ doctrine. Alan Hyam, The Law Affecting Valuation of Land in Australia (The Federation Press, th 5 ed, 2014) The valuation of land will long remain a significant issue in many types of disputes, including the collection of taxation, the exercise by government of the power of compulsory acquisition and private disputes. In spite of this enduring significance, the th process is more or less conjectural and difficult to reduce to exact reasoning. This 5 edition of Hyam’s valuable, often cited and accessible reference work on the law of valuation in Australia addresses the developments of the law affecting valuation over the five years since the last edition. Also new are additional sub-headings and a comprehensive index which will make it easier to find the material of interest to the reader. David Wright, Remedies (The Federation Press, 2 nd ed, 2014) David Wright’s book on remedies explains the main remedies available in Australian law. It addresses the relationship between the different common law and equitable remedies, and the various causes of action (or primary rights) which underpin them. It is presented in a simple and accessible format and will be of use as a reference for both practitioners and students alike. This second edition brings the book up-to-date with the most recent authorities and adds a series of questions and answers at the end of each chapter to assist with understanding the application of the relevant principles. As with the previous edition, this book does not address remedies against the Crown. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 8 EDITORS’ SELECTION OF NEW CASES The following cases have been selected for reporting in the Queensland Reports this week: SUCCESSION – SUCCESSION ACT – SECTION 18(2) – INTENTION THAT DOCUMENT OPERATE AS WILL – WHETHER REQUIRE TESTAMENTARY CAPACITY Re Spencer (deceased) [2014] QSC 276 Dalton J 6 November 2014 This case raises an interesting point of intersection between the operation of s 18 of the Succession Act 1981, which allows the Court to dispense with the execution requirements for a will, and the requirements for testamentary capacity. The ‘would-be’ testator (“Mr Spencer”) in this matter had consulted with a solicitor a number of times regarding his intention to draw-up a new will and the precise content of that document. Upon becoming aware that he was ill, Mr Spencer again contacted his solicitor informing him of his illness and confirming his previous instructions. Mr Spencer’s health quickly deteriorated and he contacted his solicitor to urgently draw up a document in accordance with his previous instructions (the “unsigned document”) and bring it to the hospital. The following day the solicitor attended the hospital with the unsigned document, however, it was apparent that Mr Spencer now lacked testamentary capacity. [11]–[12]. Mr Spencer died the following day, without having executed the unsigned document. [13]. The issue before the Court was whether the unsigned document could be admitted as Mr Spencer’s will to probate. In considering the legal effect of the unsigned document, the Court first turned its mind to whether Mr Spencer had had the necessary testamentary capacity to execute a will. After a careful consideration of the evidence given at trial, see [14]–[41], the Court concluded that at the necessary times, being the times in which he gave instructions to his solicitor regarding the terms of his proposed will, Mr Spencer had testamentary capacity. [42]–[44]. That Mr Spencer may not have had testamentary capacity when he asked his solicitor to attend the hospital, and did not have testamentary capacity on the morning that the solicitor tried to have him execute the will, the Court concluded, was of no effect in this case s on these occasions he was not giving instructions as to the contents of his will. [45]–[46]. Pursuant to s 18(2) of the Act the court may dispense with the execution requirements for a will where there exists: (a) an unexecuted document purporting to embody the testamentary intentions of the deceased relevant document; and (b) evidence to satisfy the Court that it was the deceased’s intention that the subject document would operate as their will. [48]–[49]. To satisfy these requirements “there must simultaneously be an extant document and the requisite intention.” [53]. Though the Court was satisfied that there existed an unexecuted document that purported to state Mr Spencer’s testamentary intention, more problematic was whether Mr Spencer had intended this document, being the document brought to the hospital, to be his will. [56]. Two issues concerned the Court: (1) whether Mr Spencer needed to have an intention that the unsigned document, in its then form, would operate as his will, [54]; and (2) the effect, if any, of Mr Spencer’s lack of testamentary capacity when shown the unsigned document, [56]. In briefly addressing its first concern, the Court concluded that Mr Spencer had demonstrated the requisite intention, despite the fact that the unsigned document had been prepared by a solicitor, and thus it would have been intended to take effect only after it had been properly executed. [55]. The Court noted that the Act does not require the deceased to have the intention that the subject document operate without more as their will, and was satisfied from the evidence before it that Mr Spencer intended the unsigned document to be his will, rather than merely a draft for his consideration. Id. Turning to its second concern, by analogy with cases, such as Parker v Felgate, where the court had held that “a will prepared in accordance with the testator’s instructions is valid, though at the time of execution the testator remembers only that he has given instructions and believes the will to be in accordance with them,” [63] the Court concluded that Mr Spencer had demonstrated the necessary intention that the unsigned document operate as his will. While, at the time of execution, Mr Spencer did not have testamentary capacity, from the evidence led about his behavior at the hospital the Court Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 9 concluded that he was not beyond forming an intention, and the intention he had formed was that the unsigned document was to operate as his will. [60], [64]. Accordingly the Court declared the unsigned document to be Mr Spencer’s will. SUCCESSION – INTESTACY AND DISTRIBUTION ON INTESTACY – ABORIGINAL TRADITION – DEFINITION OF ‘CHILD’ AND ‘ISSUE’ Eatts v Gundy [2014] QCA 309 Court of Appeal (Muir and Fraser JJA and Martin J) 28 November 2014 This is an interesting and important decision concerning the intersection of succession law and Aboriginal tradition. This matter arose following the intestate death of Doreen Eatts (the “deceased”). The deceased had been unable to have children and in accordance with the customs of her tribe, the Maiawali Karwali People, had informally adopted her sister’s child, Bradley Gundy (the “respondent”), and raised him as her own. Following Doreen Eatts’ death, pursuant to s 35(1) of the Succession Act 1981 (“Succession Act”), Joslin Eatts (the “appellant”), as her sole surviving parent, became entitled to the whole of the residuary of the deceased’s estate. The respondent filed an application seeking, inter alia a declaration that he took the whole of the deceased’s estate as the “surviving child of the intestate,” or, in the alternative, a declaration that adequate provision had not been made for him from the estate, and an order, pursuant to Pt 4 of the Succession Act, that the estate make the necessary provision. [3]. The appellant filed an interlocutory application for an order that the respondent’s application be struck out as an abuse of process, and at first instance, the trial court dismissed this application, holding that the evidence showed the respondent may be able to prove at trial “that he is a child or descendant and therefore the ‘issue’ of the deceased,” [4], and that “because according to Aboriginal tradition [he] was . . . [a] child of the deceased [he] was entitled to make a claim for family provision out of the estate,” id. The appellant appealed this decision, contending that the trial court had erred in its decision. At first instance, and on appeal, the respondent argued that he was entitled to the whole of the deceased’s estate, pursuant to Pt 3 of the Succession Act, on the basis that he was her “issue” and “child” within the meaning of Pt 2 of Sch 2 and s 36A of the Succession Act; and, in the alternative, was entitled to provision under Pt 4 on the basis that he was a “child” of the deceased within the meaning of that section. [10]–[11]. Though his relationship with the deceased was not expressly provided for in the Succession Act, the respondent argued that his relationship with the deceased was encompassed by the Succession Act, as the definitions of “child” and “issue” were extended by the combined operation of s 36 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1954 (“Acts Interpretation Act”) which defines ‘Aboriginal tradition’ as “the body of traditions, observances, customs and beliefs of Aboriginal people generally or of a particular community or group . . .” and descendant as including “in relation to Aboriginal people – a descendant under Aboriginal tradition,” and ss 4(2) and 4(3)(j) of the Legislative Standards Act 1992 (“Legislative Standards Act”) which require that legislation have “sufficient regard to Aboriginal tradition and Island custom.” [22]–[24]. The Court, on appeal, was unable to accept this approach, and concluded that his claim failed “upon the correct construction of the statutory provisions” and that he did not have “more than a fanciful prospect of success.” [7]. In reaching this conclusion, the Court considered it significant that: The ordinary and prima facie legal meaning of ‘issue’ is “descendants or progeny” and that ‘child’ “usually connotes a descendant in the first generation.” [16], see [17]–[18] Any ‘extensions’ of the meaning of either term – ‘issue’ or ‘child’ – are expressly provided for in the relevant act. [17], [19]. The Succession Act focuses upon biological relationships, only providing for succession beyond biology by specific provision. [19]. The definition of ‘adopted child’ in the Succession Act which is confined to an adoption made in accordance with the law of the place where the adoption was undertaken. [20]. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 10 Were the respondent’s construction to be accepted, a person could be both the ‘issue’ and ‘child’ (under Aboriginal tradition) of an intestate and (under the ordinary meaning of the terms in the Succession Act) the child of a brother or sister of an intestate who predeceased the intestate (s 35(1A)). [21]. Further, in response to the respondent’s argument that the ordinary meaning of both ‘issue’ and ‘child’ were extended by the definitions within the Acts Interpretation Act, introduced by the Legislative Standards Act, the Court held that the Legislative Standards Act simply had no potential application in relation to the Succession Act as it was intended to only operate prospectively. [24]–[26]. The Court also held that the respondent could not seek declaration as to his parentage under the Status of Children Act as this Act was concerned with resolving issues of disputed biological parentage, [28]–[31]. The Court concluded that “in the absence of any definition or even any reference in [the Succession Act] to Aboriginal tradition, the wellunderstood terms “child” and “issue” are not open to a construction which comprehends a biological nephew of an intestate on the basis that, in accordance with an Aboriginal tradition, the nephew is treated as a child of the deceased.” [36]. For these reasons the Court allowed the appeal and set aside the orders made in the Trial Division. [38], [40]. R M Derrington QC Editor: Queensland Reports Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 11 NEWLY PUBLISHED REPORTS ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING – POWERS ON APPEAL – HERITAGE APPEAL – WHERE SOLE LEGISLATIVE GROUND OF APPEAL THAT PLACE DOES NOT SATISFY HERITAGE CRITERIA – WHETHER IF SOLE GROUND ESTABLISHED COURT MAY HAVE REGARD TO OTHER MATTERS RELEVANT TO ENTERING PLACE IN REGISTER WHEN EXERCISING POWERS. Queensland Heritage Council v Corporation of the Sisters of Mercy of the Diocese of Townsville [2014] QCA 165 The applicant, the Queensland Heritage Council, made a decision under s 53 of the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 accepting a recommendation of the chief executive and entered the respondent’s convent in the Heritage Register kept under the Act. Part 13 of the Act provides for appeals to the Planning and Environment Court against particular decisions, including in s 161(1)(a) by the owner of a place entitled to receive an information notice under s 54(3) in relation to a decision under s 53. By s 162 the ground of appeal for a person in s 161(1)(a) “may only be made on the ground that the place the subject of the appeal does or does not satisfy the cultural heritage criteria”. An appeal was brought by the respondent to the Planning and Environment Court against the applicant’s decision. The applicant sought to strike out part of the notice of appeal. However, an interlocutory order was made by the Planning and Environment Court giving the respondent leave to file and serve an amended notice of appeal “which may seek a decision of the Court replacing that of the [applicant] by reference to ss 51(2) and 51(3)” of the Act. Sections 51(2) and 51(3) (set out at [19]) allow the Queensland Heritage Council in making its decision whether to accept a recommendation to enter a place in the Heritage Register, to have regard to various other matters outside the matter in s 162 including “other information the council considers relevant to the application” and “whether the physical condition or structural integrity of the place may prevent its cultural heritage significance being preserved”. The applicant applied for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal against this order contending that, by virtue of s 162, the Planning and Environment Court was precluded from considering the matters contemplated by the amendment, and accordingly the order was beyond jurisdiction and ought be set aside. By s 164, the provisions of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 in Ch 7, Pt 1, Div 13, with any changes the Planning and Environment Court considers appropriate, apply to an appeal under Pt 13 of the Queensland Heritage Act 2009. These provisions relate to the Planning and Environment Court and provide, inter alia, that the appeal “is by way of hearing anew”. Section 496 permits the court in deciding the appeal to make orders and directions it considers appropriate and by s 496(2) it has further powers (as set out at [22]). The respondent contended, inter alia, that no appeal lay to the Court of Appeal (whether by leave or otherwise) from the Planning and Environment Court because s 498 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 had no application to heritage appeals. Held, granting leave to appeal, allowing the appeal and setting aside the order below: (1) (per curiam) That s 498 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 applies to a decision (including an interlocutory decision) of the Planning and Environment Court made in an appeal to it under Pt 13 of the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 from a decision of the Queensland Heritage Council to accept a recommendation to enter a place in the heritage register under s 53. Accordingly, leave may be sought to appeal such a decision to the Court of Appeal under s 498. [2], [10], [24] – [27]. (2) (per curiam) That a ground of appeal asserting the place the subject of the appeal did not satisfy the cultural heritage criteria referred to in s 162(1) of the Queensland Heritage Act 1992 must be made out in order for it to be open to the Planning and Environment Court to exercise any powers under s 496(1) or s 496(2) of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 12 Once that ground is made out, the Planning and Environment Court, in exercising its powers to hear the matter anew pursuant to s 495(1) and to make orders under s 496, may examine for itself the issues which the Queensland Heritage Council itself had to examine under s 51(3) of the Queensland Heritage Act 1992. However, these matters do not in themselves constitute grounds of appeal. [5], [7] – [9], [35] – [38]. Project Blue Sky Inc v Australian Broadcasting Authority (1998) 194 CLR 355 applied. Builders Licensing Board v Sperway Constructions (Syd) Pty Ltd (1976) 135 CLR 616; Knight v FP Special Assets Ltd (1992) 174 CLR 178; Coal and Allied Operations Pty Ltd v Australian Industrial Relations Commission (2000) 203 CLR 194; Metrostar Pty Ltd v Gold Coast City Council [2007] 2 Qd R 45; Lacey v Attorney-General (Qld) (2011) 242 CLR 573 considered. Advance Bank Australia Ltd v Queensland Heritage Council [1994] QPLR 110; Gladstone Ports Corporation Ltd v Queensland Heritage Council (2012) 191 LGERA 6 distinguished. (3) (per Gotterson JA and Douglas J; Margaret McMurdo P diss) That the order made below ought be set aside in the circumstances owing to lack of clarity that the matters sought to be raised were not grounds of appeal in themselves. [5], [9], [42]. Per Douglas J: It would be wise for a litigant in the position of the respondent to put its opponent on notice of what further relief it will seek it if succeeds in establishing the ground of appeal under s 162. This could be done in the notice of appeal so long as it was clear this was not raised as a ground of appeal. [42]. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR PUBLIC NOTICES 13 Notice of intention to apply for Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration ARENTZ, TODD DAVID After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of administration on intestacy of TODD DAVID ARENTZ late of 12 William St, Linville, Queensland, deceased, will be made by LYNDA ELOISE JACOBSON to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: ROSTRON CARLYLE SOLICITORS, level 15, 270 Adelaide St, Brisbane Qld 4000. ADAMS, PATRICIA MARY (also known as PATRICIA MARJORIE ADAMS) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 24 June 1993 of PATRICIA MARY ADAMS also known as PATRICIA MARJORIE ADAMS late of 4 Devereux Street, Charters Towers, in the State of Queensland will be made by RHONDA ANNE PARKER and GEOFFREY KEITH ADAMS to the Supreme Court at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this Notice. After this date, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice. Lodged by: RHONDA ANNE PARKER, 18 Mahoney Street, Charters Towers 4820 and GEOFFREY KEITH ADAMS, 3 Natal Downs Road, Charters Towers 4820. AKHURST, PETER MICHAEL After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 25 March 2014 of PETER MICHAEL AKHURST late of 42 Handel Avenue, Worongary in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by JULIE MARIE AKHURST to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the Estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the Applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the Applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Lodged by: ADAMSON BERNAYS KYLE & JONES LAWYERS, 3/3 Short Street (PO Box 1046), Southport Qld 4215. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 14 ARMSTRONG, TIMOTHY JAMES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of TIMOTHY JAMES ARMSTRONG late of 1 Matthews Crescent, Pimpama in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by JANNINE ARMSTRONG to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Lodged by: WALKER PENDER GROUP LAWYERS Level 1, 28 Ipswich City Mall Ipswich Qld 4305. SMITH, BRIAN MAURICE (in the death certificate described as BRIAN SMITH) After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 06 December 2013 of BRIAN MAURICE SMITH (in the death certificate described as BRIAN SMITH), late of 46 Meyer Avenue Wangan in the State of Queensland 4871, deceased, will be made by GREGORY MAURICE SMITH to the Supreme Court at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by: PRESTON MORE Equity House Suite 7, Level 1, 46-50 Spence, Cairns Qld 4870. BAKER, JANICE LYNETTE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 24 April 2012 of JANICE LYNETTE BAKER late of 1 Markwell Road, Caboolture in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by TIMOTHY MICHAIL BRENNAN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All Creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trust Act 1973, the said Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by LAW4U - PAT OLSEN Solicitor, 3/3 King Street, Caboolture Qld 4510. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 15 BARRITT, WILLIAM HAROLD SYDNEY After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 22nd December 2011 of WILLIAM HAROLD SYDNEY BARRITT late of 20 Conley Street, Clontarf, Queensland, deceased, will be made by NOEL WILLIAM BARRITT and GLENYS IRENE TEWES-KATHAGE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitor named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: CATTON RODERICK LAWYERS Level 1, 133 Redcliffe Parade Redcliffe Queensland 4020. BATTEL, MICHELE After fourteen (14) days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated the 19th November 1999 of MICHELE BATTEL deceased, late of 23 Philip Street, Hawthorne in the State of Queensland will be made by PETER MACAIONE to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry. All creditors, beneficiaries and others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled having regard only to the claims of which the executors have notice. Date of Death: 1st November 2014. Lodged by Applicant's Solicitors PHV LAW SOLICITORS & CONSULTANTS Suite 25, Level 1, Cathedral Village 115 Wickham Street Fortitude Valley Qld 4006. BAXTER, JOHN ROGER After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: JOHN ROGER BAXTER. Last Address: 1212/33 T.E. Peters Drive, Broadbeach, 4218 in the State of Queensland. Applicant(s): CLYDE REGINALD BAXTER of 'The Longcroft', Ridley Lane, Mawdesley, NR Ormskirk, Lancashire L40 2RF, United Kingdom, VIRGINIA ANN BAXTER of 3 Tymecross Gardens, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 7US, United Kingdom. Grant: Probate of the will dated 19 May 1999. Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Applicant(s) Solicitors: FORBES DOWLING LAWYERS PO Box 1039 Southport BC, Southport 4215 Qld. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 16 BENNETT, RONALD JAMES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 23 July 2009 of RONALD JAMES BENNETT late of Jandowae Accommodation Park, Jandowae, Queensland, deceased, will be made by MICHAEL DENNIS WOOD to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the applicant will proceed to distribute the estate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant/s shall then have had notice. Date of Death: 5 November 2014. Applicant's Solicitors: EDGAR & WOOD, Solicitors 118 Cunningham Street, Dalby Qld 4405. BEVERLAND, MARIE GLADYS After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 25 September 2001 of MARIE GLADYS BEVERLAND late of De Paul Villas, 27 Edmund Rice Drive, Ashmore in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by PETER BEVERLAND and BRIAN WILLIAM ANDREW BEVERLAND to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to end in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: RAMSDEN LAWYERS of E311, Level 3 Oracle East, 6 Charles Avenue, Broadbeach Qld 4218. BIELENBERG, CARMEL MARY After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 24 November 2013 of CARMEL MARY BIELENBERG late of Unit 75, Terrigal Lodge, 1748 Logan Road, Mt Gravatt, deceased, will be made by RODNEY JOHN BIELENBERG to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Notice of Claim: Any Creditor, Beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the Estate of the said Deceased who died on 12 October 2014 is required to send particulars of any such claim or claims to the Applicant's solicitors within six weeks after the date of publication of this Notice at the expiration of which time the Executor of the Will of the abovenamed Deceased will proceed to distribute the assets of the Deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had Notice. Lodged by: HATZIS LAWYERS 64 Pinelands Road, Sunnybank Hills Qld 4109. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 17 BIRRER, ROBYN LYNETTE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 5th July, 2011 of ROBYN LYNETTE BIRRER, late of Karinya Aged Care Facility, 25 Church Street, Nanango, Qld, deceased will be made by JAYDE RICHARD BIRRER and TAMARA OMAGH LENORE BIRRER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons having any claim to the estate, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise are required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said executor shall then have had notice: Lodged by: J.R. BIRRER & T.O.L. BIRRER, 3 Manumbar Road, Nanango, Qld 4615. BLACK, PLATON After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: PLATON BLACK. Last Address: Berlaso Court Nursing Home, 150 Central Avenue, Indooroopilly in the State of Queensland. Address in Will: 180 Harts Road, Indooroopilly in the State of Queensland. Applicant(s): BRUCE BLACK and HELEN MATTHEWS of Level 6, 101 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill in the State of Queensland. Grant: Probate of the Will dated 24th August 2009. Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. Creditors: All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants within seven (7) weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Date of Death: 9 October 2014. Lodged by: AEJIS LEGAL, Lawyers, Level 5, 320 Adelaide Street, Brisbane Qld 4001. BORGER, BERYL IRENE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 7 April 2004 of BERYL IRENE BORGER late of 2 Monk Place, Tewantin, Queensland, deceased, will be made by ROBERT JAMES PRIEST to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by: COGILL WOODS LEGAL SERVICES PTY LTD Ground Floor, 31 Thomas Street, Noosaville Qld 4566. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 18 BOUCHER, WINIFRED ELLEN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 1 September 1995 of WINIFRED ELLEN BOUCHER late of Wheller Gardens, 930 Gympie Road, Chermside, Queensland deceased will be made by PHILLIP EDWARD BOUCHER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors: Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors on or before 2 February 2015. Lodged by: DE GROOTS Wills and Estate Lawyers Level 7, 46 Edward Street Brisbane Qld 4000. BOYLE, HECTOR MAXWELL After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 20 December 2012 of HECTOR MAXWELL BOYLE, late of 69A Francis Street, Tivoli in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by GERARD PHILIP PENDER and PETER BRIDSON WALKER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant's Solicitors (identified below) not later than the date which is 6 weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice. Lodged by: WALKER PENDER GROUP LAWYERS Level 1, 28 Ipswich City Mall Ipswich Q 4305. BRADFORD, ERIC JOHN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 9 December 2009 of ERIC JOHN BRADFORD, late of Blue Care Labrador Gardens Aged Care Facility, 83 Muir Street, Labrador, Queensland (formerly of Unit 22, 70 Marbella Drive, Benowa, Queensland), deceased, will be made by PRUDENCE MITCHIE FREIINGER (also known as PRUDENCE FREIINGER) and MICHAEL JOHN PERRY BRADFORD (also known as MICHAEL JOHN BRADFORD) to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in this estate are required to send in particulars of claim to the applicants' solicitors within 6 weeks of today at the expiration of which time the assets of this estate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the applicant or the applicant's solicitors shall then have had notice. Lodged by HALLIDAY & TREMBATH SOLICITORS, Suite 10, 17 Karp Court, Bundall, Qld 4217. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 19 BULLEN, NEVILLE MCCARTHY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 20 October 2004 of NEVILLE MCCARTHY BULLEN late of 23 Edkins Street, Muttaburra, Queensland, deceased, will be made by ROBERT ANTHONY HARRIS to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by: ROBERT HARRIS RIVETT LAWYERS 21 James Street, Yeppoon Qld 4703. BURGESS, MARGARET AGNES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: MARGARET AGNES BURGESS. Last Address: Carinity Aged Care, 14 Glasford Street, Wishart in the State of Queensland. Address in will: 60 Browns Dip Road, Enoggera in the State of Queensland. Applicant(s): ROBERT JOHN BURGESS of 4 Lavelle Court, Victoria Point in the State of Queensland and PHILIP LESTER BURGESS of PO Box 7, Dunwich in the State of Queensland. Grant: Probate of the will dated 5 July 2000. Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. Creditors: All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said applicant shall then have had notice. Applicant(s) Solicitors: ANDERSSEN & COMPANY, solicitors of 105 Alfred Street, Fortitude Valley in the State of Queensland. BURNS, MARY (MEG) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 16 September 2005 of MARY (MEG) BURNS late of Lourdes Home, Room 6B, 227 Spring St, Middle Ridge, Toowoomba Qld 4350, deceased will be made by WILLIAM LAURENCE BURNS and MARY ANN ATKINS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by WILLIAM LAURENCE BURNS of 1 Haywood Lane, Lagoon Grass 2480 and MARY ANN ATKINS of 27 Brookfield Road, "Spion Kop", Taroom 4420. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 20 BUSH, MARJORIE JUNE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 2 July 2013 of MARJORIE JUNE BUSH late of Killarney Aged Care, 6 Cedar Street, Killarney in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by LYNETTE VALERIE LAMB to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time LYNETTE VALERIE LAMB ("the Applicant") will proceed to distribute the estate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by MAXWELL & LANCASTER SOLICITORS, 33 Guy Street Warwick Qld 4370. BYRNE, DALE HOWARD STEPHENSON After 14 days from the date of publication of this notice an application for a grant of letters of administration of the intestate estate of DALE HOWARD STEPHENSON BYRNE, late of 2146 Wynnum Road, Wynnum West in the State of Queensland will be made by APRIL MAXWELL to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date of this notice. Lodged by: MCMAHON CLARKE, 62 Charlotte Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000. CAIN, SIMON After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 11th June 2014 of SIMON CAIN late of 21 Rigg Street, Woree, Queensland, deceased will be made by SALLYANN CAIN to the Supreme Court at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditors, beneficiaries or other persons having any claim or claims against the estate are required to send particulars of any such claim or claims to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the abovenamed Deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice. Date of Death: 26th October 2014. Applicant's Solicitors: DAVID G HANNAY SOLICITOR & NOTARY PUBLIC, Suite 25,12-14 Lake Street, Cairns Qld 4870. CARMAN, GLADYS After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 4 October 2004 of GLADYS CARMAN late of 32 Allora Gardens, 22 Allora Drive, Maroochydore in the State of in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by JUDITH LESLEY HEWETT, MARY ANN IRWIN and MURRAY ALEXANDER CARMAN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 21 Lodged by WELSH & WELSH, 8 Queen Street, (PO Box 603), Nambour Qld, 4560. CASSIMATIS, KIPARISOULA GEORGE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 26 August 2010 of KIPARISOULA GEORGE CASSIMATIS late of 76 Marine Parade, Miami, in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by EMANUEL GEORGE CASSIMATIS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim whether as creditor beneficiary or otherwise, must send particulars of their claim to the undersigned not later than the date which is 6 weeks after the date of publication of this notice, after which date, pursuant to s67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice. Lodged by EMANUEL GEORGE CASSIMATIS, 78 Marine Parade, Miami, Qld 4220. CHALKER, BERYL After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 13 May 2009 of BERYL CHALKER late of Forest Lake Lodge, 12 Tewantin Way, Ellen Grove, deceased, will be made by DEAN ANDREW CHALKER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Notice of Claim: Any Creditor, Beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the Estate of the said Deceased who died on 20 October 2014 is required to send particulars of any such claim or claims to the Applicant's solicitors within six weeks after the date of publication of this Notice at the expiration of which time the Executor of the Will of the abovenamed Deceased will proceed to distribute the assets of the Deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had Notice. Lodged by: HATZIS LAWYERS 64 Pinelands Road Sunnybank Hills Qld 4109. CHAPPEL, GLENICE EILEEN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration in intestacy of GLENICE EILEEN CHAPPEL late of Cooinda House Nursing Home, 60 George Street, KippaRing, Queensland, deceased, will be made by RAYMOND CLIFFORD CHAPPEL to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: HARRISONSLAW SOLICITORS 243 Oxley Avenue, Margate Qld 4019. CHINCHEN, HEATHER JEAN ISABEL After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 18 February 2014 of HEATHER JEAN ISABEL CHINCHEN late of Unit 105, 1748 Logan Road, Upper Mt Gravatt, Qld deceased will be made by DIANA MARGARET BETTS to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to MCCULLOUGH ROBERTSON, 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Qld within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by: MCCULLOUGH ROBERTSON LAWYERS, Level 11, 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 22 CLAYTON, MERVYN HOWARD After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 1 May 2013 of MERVYN HOWARD CLAYTON late of Riverlea Aged Care Facility, 1 River Terrace, Bundaberg in the State of Queensland, formerly of Unit 2, 5 Pearl Court, Avoca, Bundaberg in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by IRIS MAY CLAYTON to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Lodged by: CHARLTONS LAWYERS Thorburn House 14 Quay Street, Bundaberg Qld 4670. COATHUP, ALAN RICHARD After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 3 July 2014 of ALAN RICHARD COATHUP, late of 9 Blue Haze Crescent, Banora Point, New South Wales, deceased will be made by CHARLES ALAN COATHUP and JAMES EDWARD COATHUP to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by PAXTON-HALL LAWYERS, Level 10, 15 Adelaide Street, Brisbane Qld 4000. COLE, BERYL After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 10th March, 2012 of BERYL COLE late of Nazareth House Nursing Home, 272 Wynnum North Road, Wynnum North in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by GWENYTH PENG and DOROTHY ALDRED to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry. All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks of the date of publication of this notice, at the expiration of which time the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the Deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by IAN W BARTELS & ASSOCIATES Solicitors 1408 Logan Road Mt Gravatt Brisbane. COLLINS, HONOR After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 22nd April 1993 of HONOR COLLINS late of Tri Care Nursing Home, 20 Somerfield Street, Mount Gravatt, deceased, will be made by CLEEVE JOHN ELWYN COLLINS to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in respect of the estate of the abovenamed deceased is hereby required to send particulars of the claim to the applicant's solicitors within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by BRIAN SHEPHERDSON, Solicitor, Level 1,106 Birkdale Road, Birkdale, Qld 4159. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 23 COOKE, BERYL LILLIAN After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 18 December 2003 of BERYL LILLIAN COOKE late of Lady Small Haven, Benowa in the State of Queensland deceased, will be made by JANETTE COOKE of 10 Rapallo Avenue, Isle of Capri in the State of Queensland to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person having a claim or claims against the estate of the deceased is hereby required to send particulars of any such claim or claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks of the date hereof at the expiration of which time by virtue of s67 of the Trusts Act 1973 the said applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the abovenamed deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: COLLAS MORO ROSS Solicitors Cnr Peninsular Drive & Watson Esplanade (PO Box 517) Surfers Paradise Qld 4217. COOMBS, KATHLEEN MARIA After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 31 October 1988 of KATHLEEN MARIA COOMBS of 111 Donaldson Street, Mackay in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by MICHAEL ALAN COOMBS to the Supreme Court at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, is required to send particulars of the person's claim within six (6) weeks after the date of publication of this notice to the Applicant's Solicitors. Lodged by: TAYLORS SOLICITORS Level 2, 17 Brisbane Street Mackay Qld 4740. CRITCHLEY, WARREN RUSSELL After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 11th October, 2000 of WARREN RUSSELL CRITCHLEY Late of 94 Samford Road Alderley in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by TROYDON WARREN DREW CRITCHLEY and D'ARHNE CHEEREE WENDEE CRITCHLEY to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry. All creditors in the Estate of the Deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said executors shall then have had notice. Applicants' Solicitors: JEFF THOMAS & ASSOCIATES of Level 1 Unit 20 Market Town 390 Kingston Road Slacks Creek Qld 4127. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 24 CURRIE, ANNIE CAMPBELL After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 3 October 1991 of ANNIE CAMPBELL CURRIE late of 9 Booker Street, Park Avenue deceased will be made by SUZANNE MAREE RUSSELL and MARGARET LOUISE VANDYK to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicants shall then have had notice. Lodged by: REES R & SYDNEY JONES SOLICITORS, Level 1, 55 Denham Street Rockhampton Qld 4700. DAU, AMONA DENG AYOUL After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 10 November 2014 of AMONA DENG AYOUL DAU of Stafford Heights Queensland will be made by DENG KUOL AROP to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor of the estate is required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by applicant: DENG KUOL AROP, 22 Falkirk Street, Stafford Heights, Queensland 4053. DICKER, ANDREW VAUGHN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration on intestacy of ANDREW VAUGHN DICKER late of Fishing Vessel Grace May 1, Darwin, Northern Territory 0800 and also of YMCA Doctors Gully Road, Darwin Northern Territory 0800 deceased will be made by MICHAEL JOHN DICKER and SUE DICKER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors: Any creditors and all other persons having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors on or before six weeks from the date hereof. Date of Death: 12 February 2009. Lodged by DEIRDRE KATE MAY, Solicitor CAMPBELL PATON & TAYLOR SOLICITORS PO Box 1068, Orange NSW 2800 DX 3011, Orange NSW 193-195 Anson Street, Orange NSW 2800. DITTMANN, GERTRUD KATHE HELENE (also known as GERTRUDE KATE HELEN DITTMANN) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 28 June 2001 of GERTRUD KATHE HELENE DITTMANN (also known as GERTRUDE KATE HELEN DITTMANN) late of Aminya Nursing Home, West Terrace, Caloundra, Queensland, deceased will be made by REINHOLD DITTMANN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate of the abovenamed deceased who died on 29 October 2014 are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors within 6 weeks from the date hereof. Lodged by: POLLOCK INGRAM Solicitors 2 First Avenue Caloundra Qld 4551. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 25 DLASK, VERENA BESSIE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of the Will dated the 26 October 1995 and First Codicil dated 12 February 2013 of VERENA BESSIE DLASK late of Arcare Nursing Home, 8 Janice Street Slacks Creek, deceased, will be made by SEAN PATRICK ISRAEL and TIMOTHY RUSSELL GREEN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. Address in will: Unit 138, Noya Park, 5 Martens Street Mt. Warren Park, Queensland. Last address: Unit 6, Kensington Wing, Arcare, 8 Janice Street Slacks Creek, Queensland. Date of death: 17 November 2014. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: CARTER GREEN LAWYERS Ground Floor, 43 Commerce Drive, Robina Qld 4226. DOBSON, IAN RICHARD After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 15 February 2013 of IAN RICHARD DOBSON late of 525 Woopen Creek Road, Miriwinni, Queensland, deceased, will be made by JUDITH ANN DOBSON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Lodged by: CABOOLTURE LAW 19 Hasking Street, Caboolture Qld 4510. DRAPER, RAYMOND NEVILLE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 30th June 2000 of RAYMOND NEVILLE DRAPER late of 13 Marco Polo Place, Hollywell, Qld 4216 deceased will be made by JENNIFER ELLEN WELLER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant at the address below not later than the date which is 6 weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to s. 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice. Lodged by JENNIFER ELLEN WELLER of 29 Chichester Street, North Lakes, Qld 4509. DWYER, PATRICK GEORGE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 12th January 2005 of PATRICK GEORGE DWYER of Algester Lodge Nursing Home, 117 Dalmeny St., Algester Queensland 4115, deceased, will be made by PETER JOHN SHIELDS and MARIA CHANELLE FURNISS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. Notice to creditors and beneficiaries under the Trusts Act 1973, section 67. Lodged by ROSTRON CARLYLE Level 15, 270 Adelaide St. Brisbane Qld 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 26 EDMONDS, CAROLINE MAUD After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 21 September 2013 of CAROLINE MAUD EDMONDS, late of St Mary's Aged Care, 31 Verdon Street, Pelican Waters, Queensland, deceased, will be made by DIANNE MARIE MCLAREN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors no later than 2 February 2015. Lodged by ARGON LAW of 43 Primary School Court, Maroochydore, Queensland 4558. EDWARDS, DORIS After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 18 May 1990 of DORIS EDWARDS late of BUPA Mount Sheridan, 40-48 Progress Road, White Rock in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by RONALD GEORGE EDWARDS to the Supreme Court at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by CHARIS BRENNA LUX OF MURRAY & LYONS SOLICITORS, 111 Lake Street, Cairns Qld 4870. Creditors: All creditors or other having a claim against the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's solicitors within six weeks of the date of publication of this Notice at the expiration of which time the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the above named Deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice. EYLES, BARBARA COLLEEN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 6 November 2008 of BARBARA COLLEEN EYLES late of Bethesda Nursing Home, Corinda, Queensland, formerly of 23 Jenkinson Street, Indooroopilly, in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by ANDREW ALAN EYLES, MATTHEW GEORGE EYLES and KATHERINE ELIZABETH SPRIGGS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: DEAN HARVEY SOLICITOR PTY LTD Wongabel Centre Suite 6, 16 Marshall Lane, Kenmore Qld 4069. FANKHAUSER, JOHN OLIVER After 14 days from today an application for the grant of Letters of Administration on Intestacy of JOHN OLIVER FANKHAUSER late of 40 Florida Place Kirwan in the State of Queensland will be made by THOMAS MALING FANKHAUSER to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by DAVOREN ASSOCIATES, PO Box 43, Mermaid Beach Qld 4218. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 27 FANTIN, JOHN WARREN After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 15 March 2005 of JOHN WARREN FANTIN, late of 137 Maitland Road, Gordonvale in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by TRACY LEE FANTIN and SHANEEN RAE FANTIN to the Supreme Court at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below not later than 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to the applicant. Lodged by O'CONNOR LAW Suite 22 The Conservatory 12-14 Lake Street Cairns Qld 4870. FENTON, WINIFRED ILENA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 4 June 1993 of WINIFRED ILENA FENTON late of Garden City Retirement Home, Tryon Street, Upper Mount Gravatt, Brisbane, in the State of Queensland, formerly of 19 Laurier Street, Annerley, Brisbane in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by ALLYN DOUGLAS CHANT and MAREE ANN CHANT to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: AUSTRALIAN LAW GROUP Toowong Terraces Level 4, 31 Sherwood Road, Toowong Qld 4066. FERGUSON, BARRIE (also known as BARRIE MICHAEL FERGUSON) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration with the undated will of BARRIE FERGUSON (also known as BARRIE MICHAEL FERGUSON) late of St Marys Nursing Home, Coolum Beach, Queensland, deceased, will be made by PATRICIA LINDSAY FERGUSON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Applicant's solicitors: R SIMMONDS & ASSOC. PTY LTD. 27 Charlotte Drive, Weyba Downs Qld 4562. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 28 FINCH, ROBERT IAN After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 16 November 2003 of ROBERT IAN FINCH late of Unit 1, 57 Elanda Street Sunshine Beach, Queensland will be made by PETER JAMES FINCH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, against the Estate, is required to send particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice at the expiration of which the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so and relying on section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 the Applicant will have regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. Lodged by PETER RAWLINSON OF PJ RAWLINSON LAWYERS of 18 Greenway Street Grange Qld 4051. FITZGERALD, MURIEL EDITH After fourteen (14) days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of Administration with the will dated 11/11/97, of MURIEL EDITH FITZGERALD Deceased, late of RSL Care Farnorha, 257-281 Lyons Street, Cairns, in the State of Queensland, will be made by BRIAN LEON FITZGERALD and BARRY LYNN FITZGERALD to the Supreme Court at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the Estate of the Deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testatrix amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicants shall then have had notice. Applicants' Solicitor: MELLICK SMITH & ASSOCIATES Solicitors First Floor, 32 Sheridan Street Cairns Qld 4870. FLYNN, DOROTHY JEAN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 24 March 1997 of DOROTHY JEAN FLYNN late of 162 Palmerin Street, Warwick in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by DESMOND JOHN HILL to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time DESMOND JOHN HILL ("the Applicant") will proceed to distribute the estate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: MAXWELL & LANCASTER SOLICITORS 33 Guy Street Warwick Qld 4370. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 29 FOSTER, ALICE ELAINE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 30 September 1977 and Codicil dated 22 October 1998 of ALICE ELAINE FOSTER, late of Regis Kuluin, 354 Main Road, Kuluin in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by MARELLE ZEBROVIOUS and ASHLEY JOHN FOSTER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors and all other persons having any claim against the Estate of the deceased is hereby required to send the particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors (identified below) within 6 weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the Estate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by: BYWATERS TIMMS LAWYERS PO Box 118 Toowong Dc Qld 4066. FRAPPELL, LYNDA MAY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 13 August 2013 of LYNDA MAY FRAPPELL late of Unit 176, Palmview Retirement Village, 9 Bradford Street, North Mackay in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by ELAINE GRACE ISAACS to the Supreme Court at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors Notice: All creditors in the estate of the Deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time the said Sole Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testatrix amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Sole Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by MACROSSAN & AMIET, Solicitors, 55 Gordon Street, Mackay Qld 4740. GARDNER, MARIA MAY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 22 November 1993 of MARIA MAY GARDNER of 32 Queen Street, Redcliffe Queensland, deceased will be made by ANGELA ELLEN CORIAT and NOEL ANDREW GARDNER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: HARDING LAWYERS, 36 Enoggera Road, Newmarket, Qld 4051. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 30 GEHRIG, REUBEN CARROLL After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: REUBEN CARROLL GEHRIG. Last address: Mater Misericordiae Private Hospital, Weippen Street, Cleveland Qld 4163. Address in Will: 313 The Esplanade, Redland Bay Qld 4165. Applicants: MARGARET SHIRLEY GEHRIG of 313 The Esplanade, Redland Bay in the State of Queensland, JAN NELSON of 93 Marine Parade, Avalon in the State of New South Wales and LYNNE HAMANN of 50/10 Goodwin Street, Narrabeen in the State of New South Wales. Grant: Probate of the Will dated 17 April 2012. Caveat: If you wish to object to or be heard upon the Application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the Grant is made. Creditors: All creditors of the Estate of the Deceased are hereby requested to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants' Solicitors not later than 6 weeks after the date of publication of this notice. Applicants' Lawyers: CLARKEKANN, Level 7, 300 Queen Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000. GIACCA, ROSARIA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 4th February 2012 of ROSARIA GIACCA, late of 'Carramar' 20 College Road, Stanthorpe in the State of Queensland will be made by EGIDIA ROTILI (also known as GINA ROTILI) and GRAZIA EMBERY (also known as GRACE EMBERY) to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors and all other persons having any claim against the Estate of the deceased is hereby required to send the particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors (identified below) within 6 weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the Estate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by: BYWATERS TIMMS LAWYERS PO Box 118 Toowong Dc Qld 4066. GIBSON, JOHN DAVID After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated the 22nd of September 2005 of JOHN DAVID GIBSON late of 34-36 Evergreen Street, Clifton Beach in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by JOHN ROBERT GIBSON and KAREN JUDITH GIBSON to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims against the estate of the abovenamed deceased are required to send particulars of any such claim or claims to the Applicant's Solicitor within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the abovenamed deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice. Applicants' Solicitor: DAVID G HANNAY SOLICITOR & NOTARY PUBLIC, Suite 25,12-14 Lake Street, Cairns Qld 4870. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 31 GIBSON, ROBERT After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of administration on intestacy of ROBERT GIBSON, late of Unit 1, 185 Gympie Street, Northgate, Brisbane, Queensland, deceased, will be made by ANNE GIBSON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by BARRY.NILSSON. LAWYERS, Level 21, 215 Adelaide Street, Brisbane Q 4000. GOGGIN, AILEEN JEAN CECILIA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 5 January 1966 of AILEEN JEAN CECILIA GOGGIN deceased late of The Claremont Private Residential Care, 27 Glenbrook Drive, Nambour, Queensland will be made by JOHN THOMAS GOGGIN and GRAHAM DAVID GOGGIN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors: Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors within 6 weeks from the date hereof. Date of Death: 14 November 2014. Lodged by: GRIFFITHS PARRY LAWYERS, 10/12 Innovation Parkway, Birtinya Qld 4575. GOLTZ, ALLAN JOHN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 16 February 1994 of ALLAN JOHN GOLTZ late of 9 Denning Street, North Rockhampton, Queensland, deceased, will be made by MICHAEL HUNTER GOLTZ, LANCE JOHN GOLTZ and PETER AUGUST GOLTZ to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: MADDEN SOLICITORS 16 985 266 812 1, 11 Hill Street, Yeppoon Qld 4703. GOODWIN, KATHLEEN MARGARET After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 13 April 2012 of KATHLEEN MARGARET GOODWIN late of 13/14 Sovereign Place, Boondall, Queensland, deceased will be made by GARY LLOYD GOODWIN and PATRICIA ANNE PALMER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry. All creditors or beneficiaries of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicants' solicitors not later than six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice, at the expiration of which time by virtue of s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executors shall have had notice. Date of Death: 13 November 2014. Lodged by: PORTA LAWYERS Unit 3/420 Newman Road, Geebung Qld, 4034. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 32 GORDON, GLORIA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 1st day of April 2005 of GLORIA GORDON late of Southern Cross Care Keon Park, 24 Tunaley Parade, Reservoir, Victoria and formerly of 63 Virginia Crescent, Bundoora, Victoria, deceased will be made by JO-ANN KIM BRINKLEY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicant within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by the OFFICIAL SOLICITOR TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF QUEENSLAND of 444 Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000. GORDON, JOAN MAY After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 11 September 2014 of JOAN MAY GORDON late of Atherton District Hospital, Jack Street Atherton in the State of Queensland 4883, deceased, will be made by STEPHEN JAMES WEST to the Supreme Court at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the Applicant's solicitors named below within 14 days of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the Applicant is entitled to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will have regard only to the claims of which he has been notified. Lodged by: ATHERTON TABLELANDS LAW P.O. Box 101 Suite 3, Level 1, 7 Herberton Road Atherton Queensland 4883. GRANT-TAYLOR, KATHERINE LAURA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 21 July 2014 of KATHERINE LAURA GRANT-TAYLOR late of 36 Funnell Street, Zillmere in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by MICHAEL HARDIE GRANT-TAYLOR to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the Estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors no later than six weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by SMITH & STANTON, Lawyers, 607 Robinson Road, Aspley Qld 4034. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 33 GRIFFIN, JOAN ISABEL (also known as JOAN ISOBEL GRIFFIN and JOAN ISABELL GRIFFIN) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 25 November, 1998 of JOAN ISABEL GRIFFIN (also known as JOAN ISOBEL GRIFFIN and JOAN ISABELL GRIFFIN), deceased late of Rosalie Nursing Care Centre, 18 Howard Street, Paddington, Queensland formerly of Flat 3, 198 Baroona Road, Rosalie, Queensland will be made by MADELIENE BERYL HODGETTS (in the will called MADELINE BERYL HODGETTS) to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Date of Death: 23 March, 2014. Lodged by: PAYNE BUTLER LANG SOLICITORS 2 Targo Street (PO Box 649) Bundaberg Qld 4670. GRIFFITHS, ARTHUR FREDRICK After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated the 7th February, 2014 of ARTHUR FREDRICK GRIFFITHS late of Bundaleer Lodge Nursing Home, 100 Holdsworth Road, North Ipswich in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by ELLEN ANN KICKBUSCH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors within six weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by C W HOOPER & HOOPER, Solicitors, 123 Patrick Street, Laidley Qld 4341. GUILLEMET, JEANNE MADELEINE (also known as JEANNE MADELINE GUILLEMET) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 5 August 2003 of JEANNE MADELEINE GUILLEMET (also known as JEANNE MADELINE GUILLEMET) late of 169 Little Mountain Home Park, 72 Mark Road West, Little Mountain in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by ROGER PAUL GUILLEMET and BRONWEN MOYNA GUILLEMET to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having a claim against the estate of the deceased, whether as creditor, beneficiary or otherwise, is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto. In doing so and relying on section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: BILL LYONS SOLICITORS, 25 Mayes Avenue, Caloundra, Qld 4551. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 34 GYLES, DELIA MARY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 9 August 1984 and codicil dated 7 April 1993 of DELIA MARY GYLES late of Masonic Care, 60 Wakefield Street, Sandgate, deceased will be made by HELEN ESTREICH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by HELEN ESTREICH, 12 Raymond Street, Shorncliffe, Qld 4017. HADDAN, FRANK ELLISON After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: FRANK ELLISON HADDAN. Last address: Unit 17, 14 Cottosloe Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350. Address in Will: Unit 17, 14 Cottosloe Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350. Applicants: HELEN MARGARET HADDAN of Unit 17, 14 Cottosloe Street, Toowoomba in the State of Queensland and TIMOTHY DAVID FERRIER care of CLARKEKANN Lawyers, Level 7, 300 Queen Street, Brisbane in the State of Queensland. Grant: Probate of the Will dated 19 August 2014. Caveat: If you wish to object to or be heard upon the Application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the Grant is made. Creditors: All creditors of the Estate of the Deceased are hereby requested to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants' Solicitors not later than 6 weeks after the date of publication of this notice. Applicants' Lawyers: CLARKEKANN, Level 7, 300 Queen Street, Brisbane, Queensland 4000. HALL, ELLA ROSE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 10 May 2005 of ELLA ROSE HALL, late of "Callygoora", Thallon, Queensland, deceased, will be made by ASHLEY JOHN HALL and LOUISE MARGARET FULWOOD to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by FOX AND THOMAS, 36 Marshall Street, Goondiwindi Qld 4390. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 35 HANSEN, MOYA TERESA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 3 May 1995 of MOYA TERESA HANSEN late of 1-15 Greenfern Drive, Browns Plains in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by CATHERINE MARGARET CAUSE to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: MITCHELLS SOLICITORS Level 1,147 Beaudesert Road Moorooka Qld 4105. HARRIS, JEAN FRANCES After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 15th September 2006 of JEAN FRANCES HARRIS late of Torbay Retirement Village, Torquay in the State of Queensland deceased, will be made by ROBYNNE HELEN MITCHELL to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: McDUFF & DANIEL LAWYERS 14 Queens Road, Scarness Q 4655. HARTLEY, LAWRENCE JOHN MARTIN (also known as LAWRENCE JOHN HARTLEY, MARTIN HARTLEY AND MARTY HARTLEY) After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the undated Will prepared in 2012 (but evidenced by affidavit of the witnesses as signed and dated on the 7 November 2014 and 27 November 2014) of LAWRENCE JOHN MARTIN HARTLEY also known as LAWRENCE JOHN HARTLEY, MARTIN HARTLEY and MARTY HARTLEY late of 10 Centaur Street, Trinity Park Queensland 4870 deceased will be made by JENNIFER ROBYN HARTLEY to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors within six weeks of the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by O'REILLY STEVENS LAWYERS, 1/59 Spence Street Cairns Queensland 4870. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 36 HEATHWOOD, DEVON GRAHAM After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 2 October 2001 of DEVON GRAHAM HEATHWOOD late of 1 Michael Street, Golden Beach will be made by BARRIE GRAHAM HEATHWOOD to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the estate of this person who died on 2 November 2014 is required to send particulars of any such claim or claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof. Note - By virtue of section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 a personal representative or trustee may, after the date referred to in this notice, distribute the estate of the deceased having regard only to those claims of which the trustee then has notice. Lodged by: FOX MILDWATERS, Solicitors, PO Box 274, Caloundra Qld 4551. HERK, BETTY MARGARET After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 16th day of March 2000 of BETTY MARGARET HERK late of Unit 2, 1 Sylvia Street, Noosaville, Queensland, deceased will be made by TRACEY KAY JAY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicant within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by the OFFICIAL SOLICITOR TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF QUEENSLAND of 444 Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000. HERNSDORF, HAZEL MARGARET After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the estate of HAZEL MARGARET HERNSDORF late of 3/43 Ashgrove Avenue, Ashgrove, deceased, will be made by PASQUALE ARTURO CECE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: DEACON & MILANI Level 18, 307 Queen Street, Brisbane Qld 4000. HERON, BRIAN JOSEPH SHEAMUS After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 10 November 2011 of BRIAN JOSEPH SHEAMUS HERON late of RSL Care 2603 Moggill Road Pinjarra Hills Queensland will be made by JOSE ANTONIO PRADO and DONNA LOUISE TUCK to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Trusts Act Notice: All claimants of the estate of the deceased are required to send particulars of the claim to the Applicants' solicitor within 6 weeks of publishing this notice after which the estate will be distributed as required by law having regard only to the claims lodged. Applicants' Solicitor: BLAIR ANDERSON SOLICITOR Level 1 Alexandra 201 Wickham Terrace Brisbane Qld 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 37 HITZKE, JEAN After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 25th October 1995 of JEAN HITZKE late of Warrawee Aged Care Service, St George in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by BRIAN ANTHONY HOGAN and CHRISTOPHER MARK HOGAN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim must send particulars of the persons claim to the applicants not later than the date which is six weeks after the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by B.A. HOGAN 46 Goldberg Place, Bridgeman Downs Qld 4035. HOPPNER, MAY AGNES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 28 January 2014 of MAY AGNES HOPPNER late of 302/56 Prospect Street, Fortitude Valley in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by PATRICK JAMES MULLINS to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: MULLINS LAWYERS Level 21 Riverside Centre, 123 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000. HUNTER, BEBE ADEL (also known as BEBE ADEL CLARE HUNTER) After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 17 December 1987 of BEBE ADEL HUNTER (also known as BEBE ADEL CLARE HUNTER) late of Unit 99 Fraser Shores Retirement Village, 100 Nissen Street, Hervey Bay in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by LYNETTE FRANCES LUSK and PATRICK JAMES HUNTER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim in the estate is required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by: CSG LAW, Wills & Estates Lawyers, 211 Bazaar Street, Maryborough Qld, 4650 and 5 Torquay Road, Pialba Qld, 4655. HUNTER, JEAN REBECCA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 25th March 2002 of JEAN REBECCA HUNTER late of Unit 25, 111 Tooley Street, Maryborough deceased, will be made by MARGARET ANN MILLER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. Date of Death: 7th October 2014. Lodged by Agents: GLEESON LAWYERS, GPO Box 5211, Brisbane. Applicants Solicitors: MORTON & MORTON SOLICITORS 130 Wharf Street Maryborough Qld 4650. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 38 JACK, KATHLEEN ADELE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 2 October 2009 of KATHLEEN ADELE JACK late of TriCare Runaway Bay Retirement Community and Nursing Home, 98 Bayview Street, Runaway Bay, Queensland deceased will be made by ROBERT JOHN JACK and PETER DAVID JACK to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicants shall then have had notice. Lodged by: THE ESTATE LAWYERS Level 5, 239 George Street Brisbane Qld 4000. JACKSON, GWEN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: GWEN JACKSON. Last Address: Lucinda, Masonic Aged Care, 60 Wakefield Street, Sandgate in the State of Queensland. Address in will: 30 Kingsmill Street, Chermside in the State of Queensland. Applicants: KAY SUSAN HARDING of 7 St Annes Court, Albany Creek in the State of Queensland; LYNETTE GAIL BODLEY of 27 Cremorne Place, Brighton in the State of Queensland; and BRETT ROBERT JACKSON of 30 Joora Avenue, Petrie in the State of Queensland. Grant: Probate of the will dated 31 August 1999. Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. Creditors: All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the person entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said applicant shall then have had notice. Applicant(s) Solicitors: ANDERSSEN & COMPANY, solicitors of 105 Alfred Street, Fortitude Valley in the State of Queensland. JAMES, WENDY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 28th day of February 2012 of WENDY JAMES late of 12 A Masters Lodge, 33 Jensen Drive, Urraween, Queensland and formerly of 44 Helsham Street, Point Vernon, Queensland, deceased will be made by SIMON ANDREW JAMES to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicant within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by the OFFICIAL SOLICITOR TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF QUEENSLAND of 444 Queen Street, Brisbane Q 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 39 JOHNSON, STEPHEN JAMES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 2 November 2008 of STEPHEN JAMES JOHNSON late of 52 Camboor Street, Camp Hill, Qld deceased will be made by MATTHEW JAMES JOHNSON to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to MCCULLOUGH ROBERTSON, 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Qld within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by: MCCULLOUGH ROBERTSON LAWYERS, Level 11, 66 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000. JOLLEY, ANGUS RONALD After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 9 March 2001 of ANGUS RONALD JOLLEY late of 2 Trisha Court, Scarness in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by WARREN RONALD JOLLEY and ROBYN LEE HAMILTON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: CSG LAW, WILLS & ESTATE LAWYERS, 5 Torquay Road Pialba Qld 4655 and 211 Bazaar Street Maryborough Qld 4650. KENNEDY, FRANCIS JUNE (also known as FRANCIS JUNE ELIZABETH KENNEDY) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 18th day of May 1998 of FRANCIS JUNE KENNEDY also known as FRANCIS JUNE ELIZABETH KENNEDY late of 10 Cavillon Street, Crestmead, Queensland, deceased will be made by KENNETH JOHN KENNEDY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicant within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by the OFFICIAL SOLICITOR TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF QUEENSLAND of 444 Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 40 KENNEDY, GLORIA ALICE ROSE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 3 August 1993 of GLORIA ALICE ROSE KENNEDY late of Wirunya Centre of Care, 559 Beenleigh-Redland Bay Road, Carbrook, deceased, will be made by TREVOR SIMPSON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: BIG LAW PTY LTD Shop 4, 363 Gympie Road, Strathpine Qld 4500. KILBY, KEVIN FRANCIS After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 27 June 2001 of KEVIN FRANCIS KILBY lately of 34/45 Stawnton Drive Mudgeeraba in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by DESIREE ELLA KILBY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditors, beneficiaries or other persons having any claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the Applicant's solicitors by six weeks after publication of this notice, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Applicant's Solicitors: SPAINS SOLICITORS, Level 15 Corporate Centre Bundall Qld 4217. KING, MARK EDWARD After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 5 September 2012 of MARK EDWARD KING late of 4 Quarry Street, Boonah, Queensland, deceased, will be made by JANIS LENA KLEVE and REBECCA ANN WAKEHAM to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: M.A. KENT & ASSOCIATES SOLICITORS 47 Ellenborough Street, Ipswich Qld 4305. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 41 KROSS, VARSEILLES ALFRED After fourteen (14) days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 19 June 2002 of VARSEILLES ALFRED KROSS late of 91 Nearra Street, Deagon deceased will be made by BRIAN VASSILLY KROSS and GARY JOHN KROSS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons whether as creditor, beneficiary or otherwise having a claim against the estate of the deceased who died on the 28 April 2014 are required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by: NATALIE MCDONALD LAW PO Box 640, Morayfield Qld 4506. LAKIS, ELIZABETH JOYCE After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 18 November 2010 of ELIZABETH JOYCE LAKIS late of Villa Serena, 2 Easthill Drive, Robina in the State of Queensland will be made by ALLAN VICTOR BURROWES, MARGARET BELL and LESTER ROBERT GALL to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry. Any person having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, against the estate is required to send particulars of the claim to the Applicants' solicitors within 7 weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by: GALL STANDFIELD & SMITH Solicitors Level 5, 91 Scarborough Street, Southport, Qld 4215. LANGELAND, MARIE MAVIS After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration on Intestacy of MARIE MAVIS LANGELAND late of 7 Shelley Court, Andergrove in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by COLIN ARTHUR WHITE to the Supreme Court at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors Notice: All creditors in the estate of the Deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time the said Sole Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testatrix amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Sole Administrator shall then have had notice. Lodged by MACROSSAN & AMIET, Solicitors, 55 Gordon Street, Mackay Qld 4740. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 42 LARTER, JEAN MARGARET KATHLEEN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 14 December 2000 of JEAN MARGARET KATHLEEN LARTER late of 21 Brighton Street, Point Vernon, Queensland, deceased, will be made by ROBERT OSWALD LARTER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by: BELL DIXON BUTLER, Wills & Estate Lawyers 12 Bideford Street, Torquay Qld 4655. LAWSON, KEVIN JOHN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 24 April 2012 of KEVIN JOHN LAWSON late of 6 Weddel Court, Bongaree in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by LISA LU KELLY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's solicitors no later than six weeks from the date of this Notice. Lodged by: ELLISON MOSCHELLA & CO, Solicitors, 7th Floor, 79 Adelaide Street, Brisbane Qld 4000. LEE, ALMA GRACE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 15 February 2010 of ALMA GRACE LEE late of RSL Hostel, 9 Havana Street, Rowes Bay, Queensland, deceased will be made by JENNIFER ANN PAGE to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant's Solicitors (identified below) not later than the date which is six (6) weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice. Lodged by ROBERTS NEHMER MCKEE, Lawyers, Level 1, 111 Charters Towers Road, Townsville Qld 4810. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 43 LEE, GORDON FALCONER GEARING After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: GORDON FALCONER GEARING LEE. Last Address: Marebello Nursing Home, 537 Cleveland-Redland Bay Road, Victoria Point in the State of Queensland. Address on Will: Unit 65, 9 Salford Street, Victoria Point in the State of Queensland. Applicants: DAVID GORDON FERGUSON LEE of 4 Lees Court, Victoria Point in the State of Queensland. Grant: Probate of the Will dated 3rd November, 2005. Caveat: If you wish to object to or be heard upon the Application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. Creditors: All creditors or others having a claim against the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicants solicitors no later than six (6) weeks from the date hereof. Applicants Solicitors: BICKELL & MACKENZIE SOLICITORS 133 Broadwater Terrace Redland Bay Qld 4165. LEE, WINIFRED ELLICE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: WINIFRED ELLICE LEE. Last Address: 248 Middle Road, Boronia Heights Q. 4124. Applicant: MICHAEL JOHN LEE of 1331 Lamington National Park Road, Canungra Q. 4275, ROBYN AILEEN LEE of 250 Middle Road, Boronia Heights Q. 4124 and KERRIE LOUISE LEE of 34/23 Griffith Street, New Farm Q. 4005. Grant: Probate of the will dated 16 September 1998. Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Applicants shall then have had notice. TK DELANEY & CO, Solicitors, 289 Junction Road, Clayfield Qld 4011. LEISHA, EDWARD ANDREW After 14 days from today an application for a grant of letters of administration on intestacy of EDWARD ANDREW LEISHA, late of 79 Boot Street Woorabinda, deceased, will be made by BEVERLEY ANNE LEISHA to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant (identified below) not later than the date which is 6 weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice. Lodged by: BEVERLEY ANNE LEISHA, Care of EVERYDAY LAWYERS, PO Box 258, Rockhampton Qld 4700. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 44 MARTINA, RINA After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 13th November 2011 of RINA MARTINA late of "Regis Aged Care", 5 Cansdale Street, Yeronga in the State of Queensland, Deceased, will be made by NEIL DAVID SARTOR and ROBERT JOHN SARTOR to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the abovenamed Deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicants shall then have had notice. Lodged by EDSER LAWYERS of 308 Oxley Road, Graceville, Brisbane in the State of Queensland. MATHEWS, MARY CONSTANCE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 6 June 2008 of MARY CONSTANCE MATHEWS late of Unit 75, Bay Crest Retirement Village, 99 Doolong Road, Hervey Bay in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by MARIE-ANN MARTIN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the Applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the Applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: LAW ESSENTIALS PTY LTD 65 Torquay Road Hervey Bay Qld 4655. MCCARTNEY, JOYCE CHRISTINA After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 5 August, 2010 of JOYCE CHRISTINA McCARTNEY Deceased late of Millbank Village Aged Care Facility, O'Connell Street, Bundaberg West, Queensland will be made by ERNEST GERALD YATES and PHILLIP DAVID MURPHY to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. Any creditor beneficiary or other person having any claim against the deceased's estate is required to send particulars of any such claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice. Lodged By: FINEMORE WALTERS & STORY, Solicitors, 51 Woongarra Street, [P.O. Box 704] Bundaberg Qld 4670. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 45 MCCULLOCH, COLTAIR WILLIAM After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 18 June 1987 of COLTAIR WILLIAM MCCULLOCH late of 94 Mary Street, Charters Towers in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by JANE CHRISTINE DECOVRCEY to the Supreme Court at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within six (6) weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: LYNE AND CO LAWYERS 150 Mosman Street Charters Towers Qld 4820. MCFADZEN, KENNETH After 14 Days from today, an application for grant of Probate of the Will dated 29 June 2006 of KENNETH McFADZEN late of Good Shepherd Lodge, 15 Mclntyre Street, Mackay, formerly of Mount Flora, Nebo will be made by KENNETH IVAN McFADZEN to the Supreme Court at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: SB WRIGHT & WRIGHT AND CONDIE SOLICITORS, 5 Sydney Street Mackay Qld 4740. MCGARRY, DOLORES MARIE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 13 September 2012 and of the Codicil dated 23 November 2013 of DOLORES MARIE MCGARRY late of Room 31, “Banksia Lodge", 65 Heath Street, Broulee in the State of New South Wales deceased will be made by NADINE MARIE MCGARRY and JULEZ MCGARRY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All Creditors and beneficiaries of the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by: O'KEEFE MAHONEY BENNETT, Solicitors Level 1, 9 Seabank Lane, Southport. MCGILL, NORMAN GEORGE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 14 October 2010 of NORMAN GEORGE MCGILL Deceased late of 1 Fairymead Road, Bundaberg, Queensland will be made by ELEANOR MAY MCGILL to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. Any creditor beneficiary or other person having any claim against the deceased's estate is required to send particulars of any such claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice. Lodged By: FINEMORE WALTERS & STORY, Solicitors, 51 Woongarra Street, [P.O. Box 704] Bundaberg Qld 4670. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 46 MCGRATH, DORENE JOYCE After fourteen (14) days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 20 April 2007 of DORENE JOYCE MCGRATH late of 124 Pine Street, Gympie Qld 4570 deceased will be made by MAUREEN PERRY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane Queensland. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks of the date hereof at the expiration of which time by virtue of section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicant has notices. Lodged by BALDWIN CARTWRIGHT LAWYERS, 2 Mary Street, Gympie Qld 4570. MCKENNA, ZILPA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 23 August 2006 of ZILPA MCKENNA; Last Address: 100 Wardoo Street, Ashmore in the State of Queensland; Address in Will: 74 Wardoo Street, Ashmore in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by JOHN DAVID MCKENNA and HELEN JOAN LEE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry. Claims (including Creditors) Trusts Act 1973, Section 67 The Estate of ZILPA MCKENNA, Deceased Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the estate of the deceased is required to send in particulars of any such claim or claims to the Applicant's Solicitors named below within 6 weeks from the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall then have had notice. Applicant's Solicitors: MORTIMORE & ASSOCIATES, Solicitors, Second Floor 29 Crombie Avenue, Bundall Qld 4217. MCNEILL, BERYL JOAN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 11 June 2009 of BERYL JOAN MCNEILL late of Lourdes Home, Toowoomba, Queensland deceased will be made by GRAEME ARTHUR MCNEILL and SHIRLEY ALLISON CLELLAND to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send particulars of their claims to MURDOCH LAWYERS, 138 Margaret Street, Toowoomba Queensland within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by MURDOCH LAWYERS, 138 Margaret Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 47 MEIER, YENSIE GEORGINA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 18 July 1989 of YENSIE GEORGINA MEIER, late of Tri Care Stafford Heights, 682 Rode Road, Chermside West in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by VAUGHN DALLAS MEIER and LEIGH EDMOND MEIER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors within 6 weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by REDCHIP LAWYERS, solicitors, Level 1, 1 Breakfast Creek Road, Newstead, Q 4006. MESSENGER, JAMES ARTHUR After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 10th day of October 2001 of JAMES ARTHUR MESSENGER late of Cypress Gardens Nursing Home, Gooding Drive, Clear Island Waters, Queensland, deceased will be made by PETER WALTER MESSENGER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicant within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by the OFFICIAL SOLICITOR TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF QUEENSLAND of 444 Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000. METCALF, RUBY GLADYS PEACE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 11 February 2011 of RUBY GLADYS PEACE METCALF, late of Ozcare Labrador, 52 Imperial Parade, Labrador Qld 4215 (formerly of lot 25/22 Hansford Road, Hammond Village, Runaway Bay Qld) deceased, will be made by GLENDA BEVERLY LUCKS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: SOMERVILLE LAUNDRY LOMAX, Suite 7, 26-54 River Street, Ballina NSW 2478. MITCHELL, MARGARET MARY After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 18 March 1969 of MARGARET MARY MITCHELL late of Bupa North Rocks, 23 Speers Road, North Rocks in the State of New South Wales deceased will be made by ARCHIBALD BRUCE FERGUSON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by WELSH & WELSH, 8 Queen Street, (PO Box 603), Nambour Qld, 4560. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 48 MOODIE, PHYLLIS ELLEN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the last Will dated 9 November 2000 of PHYLLIS ELLEN MOODIE late of Prins Willem Alexander Village, 62 Collingwood Road, Birkdale Queensland, deceased, will be made by DAVID WILLIAM MOODIE and JAMES EDWARD MOODIE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: NAUTILUS LAW GROUP Suite 7, Level 3, 128 Bundall Road, Bundall Queensland 4217. MOREL, VIVIAN NOEL (also known as NOEL VIVIAN MOREL DU BOIL) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated the 27th day of August 2014 of VIVIAN NOEL MOREL also known as NOEL VIVIAN MOREL DU BOIL late of 3/5 Alexander Street, North Ward, Townsville in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by NADIA MOREL DU BOIL of 7/8-10 Landers Road, Lane Cove in the State of New South Wales to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry. If you wish to object to or be heard upon the application, you may file a Caveat in the Supreme Court Registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. Any creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by Solicitors: CONNOLLY SUTHERS of AMP Building, 416 Flinders Street, Townsville, Qld, 4810. MORGAN, LORRAINE PATRICIA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 7 May 1986 of LORRAINE PATRICIA MORGAN late of 166 Muir Street, Labrador, Queensland, deceased will be made by EQUITY TRUSTEES WEALTH SERVICES LIMITED ABN 33 006 132 332 (in the will called ANZ EXECUTORS & TRUSTEE COMPANY LIMITED) of Level 2, 575 Bourke Street, Melbourne, Victoria to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send particulars of their claim to ANZ WEALTH LEGAL SERVICES, 20/111 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000 within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice, after which, pursuant to section 67 Trusts Act 1973, the estate will be distributed as required by law having regard only to the claims lodged. Lodged by ANZ WEALTH LEGAL SERVICES, 20/111 Eagle Street, Brisbane Qld 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 49 MORRIS, WINIFRED VIOLET After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 4 October 2013 of WINIFRED VIOLET MORRIS late of Room 34, Cooper House, Weller Gardens, 530 Gympie Road, Chermside, Queensland, deceased, will be made by MICHAEL JAMES MORRIS and KAY MARIE BEYER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice. Lodged by: HARDINGS GULHANE SOLICITORS, 29 Samford Road, Alderley, Qld, 4051. MROZ, MARIA TERESA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 2 February 2010 of MARIA TERESA MROZ late of Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital, Herston, Queensland, formerly of 15 Warmington Street, Paddington Qld 4064, deceased, will be made by ANNA BLAKE and HENRY ZUK to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: SPRINGFIELD LEGAL SERVICE LAWYERS 1/6 Commercial Drive, Springfield Qld 4300. MUNT, JOAN MERLE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 17th April 1998 of JOAN MERLE MUNT deceased late of Wahroonga Lodge, Brassall Village, Charles Street, Brassall, Ipswich, Queensland will be made by JILL MAREE SAVAGE and GAYE LEANNE KAY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors: All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicant within 6 weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Applicant's Solicitors: DOYLE & CAMPBELL, 14 South Station Road, Booval, Qld 4304. MURRAY, ANDREA ELLEN (nee HARPER) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration on intestacy of ANDREA ELLEN MURRAY (nee HARPER) late of 10 Landsborough Street, Wallumbilla, deceased, will be made by DAVID JAMES MURRAY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: DAVID JAMES MURRAY, 10 Landsborough Street, Wallumbilla. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 50 NEWMAN, BETTY MAUREEN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 4 June 1995 of BETTY MAUREEN NEWMAN late of "Wattle Grove", 739 Burncluith Hall Road, Chinchilla, Queensland, deceased, will be made by KEVIN WILLIAM FETHERSTONE to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any persons having a claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of such claim to SHEEHAN & CO, Solicitors, PO Box 142 Chinchilla, Qld, 4413, within 6 weeks from the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased pursuant to the Will, having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by SHEEHAN & CO, Solicitors, 106 Heeney Street, Chinchilla, Qld, 4413. NUNN, GLORIA MAUREEN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 18 July 2006 of GLORIA MAUREEN NUNN late of Centaur Hostel, West Terrace, Caloundra, deceased, formerly of Unit 2, Village Green, 4 Caloundra Road, Caloundra, Queensland will be made by ROSS WENTWORTH DAY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by: BAKERS LAWYERS Level 1, 94 Memorial Avenue, Maroochydore Queensland 4558. O'BRIEN, HELEN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 21 November 1994 of HELEN O'BRIEN late of Gunther Village, 46 Capper St, Gayndah Q 4625 deceased will be made by THOMAS ALPHONSUS DOHERTY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send particulars of their claim to the Applicant (identified below) within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by THOMAS ALPHONSUS DOHERTY, 4 Makorako St, Aspley Qld 4034. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 51 O'DONOVAN, ESTELLE LORRAINE After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 18 April 1991 of ESTELLE LORRAINE O'DONOVAN late of 2 White Street, Everton Park in the State of Queensland will be made by GLEN JAMES BESSON O'DONOVAN, BEVAN CHARLES BESSON O'DONOVAN and BRETT JONATHAN BESSON O'DONOVAN to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Notice to Creditors: Pursuant to s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973, all creditors and other persons having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send particulars in writing of their debts and claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: WATT & SEVERIN, Solicitors PO Box 1418, Milton Qld 4064. OLSEN, BETTY JOY After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 10 September 1999 of BETTY JOY OLSEN formerly of 78 Lamb Street, Bundaberg, Queensland but late of Carinity Kepnock Grove, 3 Jocumsen Street, Bundaberg, Queensland deceased will be made by NEVILLE BRUCE OLSEN, GLENN WILLIAM OLSEN and DANNY THOMAS OLSEN to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry. Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the above named deceased is required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testatrix among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by BAKER O'BRIEN & TOLL, Solicitors, 7 Maryborough Street, Bundaberg (PO Box 380, Bundaberg), Queensland, 4670. O'SULLIVAN, IVY ELLEN After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 12 March 2014 of IVY ELLEN O'SULLIVAN late of Labrador Gardens, 18 Ahern Street, Labrador in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by JANICE ELIZABETH ADDISON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors no later than six weeks from today. Lodged by CONNOR HUNTER LAW FIRM, 55 Tingal Road, Wynnum Qld 4178. OTA, HIDEKI After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Letters of Administration of Intestacy of HIDEKI OTA late of 102 The Domain, Nerang Qld 4211 deceased will be made by MIKA OTA to the Supreme Court Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. Lodged by: MESSRS GREG COMBEN & ASSOCIATES of 32 Garden Grove, Carrara Qld 4211. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 52 PALMER, WILLIAM JAMES After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 10 September 2013 of WILLIAM JAMES PALMER late of 20 Holm Street, Atherton in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by RUBY LEIGHTON to the Supreme Court at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by MONTGOMERY SOLICITORS, 21 Main Street, Atherton Qld 4883. PERSHOUSE, ETHEL CHARLOTTE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 14 September 2010 of ETHEL CHARLOTTE PERSHOUSE of 68 Atthow Street Kilcoy in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by COLIN AUTH PERSHOUSE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. Any creditors of the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice. Lodged by: NORMAN & KINGSTON Solicitors 19 Cressbrook Street Toogoolawah Q 4313. PETERSEN, LORNA FAY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 25 October 2013 of LORNA FAY PETERSEN late of 9 Smith Street, Cleveland, Queensland, 4163, deceased will be made by GARRY RONALD PETERSEN & SHIRLEY MAY WOHLSEN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors no later than six weeks from today. Lodged by CONNOR HUNTER LAW FIRM, 17 Middle Street, Cleveland, Qld, 4163. PLUMLEY, MARGARET ELIZABETH After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 14 July 2011 of MARGARET ELIZABETH PLUMLEY late of Regis Treetop Manor, 6 Kilbowie Street, The Gap in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by MICHAEL ALAN PLUMLEY to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: THYNNE & MACARTNEY Level 19, 66 Eagle Street Brisbane Qld 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 53 POGAN, BETTY BARBARA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 29 June 2012 of BETTY BARBARA POGAN late of Unit 53, 279 Bridge Street, Toowoomba, deceased, will be made by GERALD POGAN and SCOTT DAVID POGAN, to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicants' solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: CRAWFORD LAHERTY & O'SULLIVAN, 1 Clifford Street, Toowoomba Qld 4350. POORE, ORIEL After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of ORIEL POORE late of 2 Poores Road, Mutdapilly in the state of Queensland, deceased will be made by DENNIS POORE & LEX POORE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by BRETT SMITH & CO. SOLICITORS, Cnr East & Churchill Streets, Ipswich, Queensland. PORTER, GEORGE JARVIS After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated the 24th day of September, 2014 of GEORGE JARVIS PORTER late of 64/224 Dennis Road, Springwood in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by IAN BRUCE HILLHOUSE and AMY MICHELLE SANDERS-ROBBINS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors: All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this Notice. At the expiration of that time, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the Estate of the deceased among the persons entitled, having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by: HILLHOUSE BURROUGH MCKEOWN, Lawyers, Level 7, 102 Adelaide Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000. PRITCHARD, MAYVIS BELLE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 8 December 2008 of MAYVIS BELLE PRITCHARD late of 3/75 Margate Parade, Margate, Queensland, deceased, will be made by RHONDA LESLEY CUSACK to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Lodged by: COOKE & HUTCHINSON Level 1, Bluewater Square 20 Anzac Avenue, Redcliffe Qld 4020. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 54 RABEL, PHYLLIS ROSALIND AGATHA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 11th February 2011 of PHYLLIS ROSALIND AGATHA RABEL late of Kepnock Grove Retirement Centre, 3 Jocumsen Street Bundaberg, Queensland, deceased will be made by DAVID ERROL BAKER and GLEN ALAN TOLL to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by BAKER O'BRIEN & TOLL, Solicitors, 7 Maryborough Street, Bundaberg Queensland, 4670. RANDALL, WALTER GUS After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 5th August 2009 of WALTER GUS RANDALL late of 10 Feldt Street, Flying Fish Point in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by TERESA ANN HOFFMAN to the Supreme Court at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors and beneficiaries of the estate are required to send particulars of their claims to the applicant's Solicitor named below no later than 6 weeks from the date of publication of this notice, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 the Executrix will distribute the estate of the deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Executrix shall then have had notice. Lodged by Applicants' Solicitor: VINCE MARTIN & CO, Solicitors, 94a Edith Street, Innisfail, Qld 4860. RIDLEY, MARY FREDA After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 24 May 2013 of MARY FREDA RIDLEY late of 10 Nargong Street, The Gap in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by WILLIAM FINTAN RIDLEY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant's Solicitors (identified below) not later than the date which is 6 weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice. Lodged by BENNETT & PHILP LAWYERS, Level 13, 15 Adelaide Street, Brisbane Qld 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 55 RITCHIE, VALMAI MARION JOAN (also known as VALMAI MARION RITCHIE) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: VALMAI MARION JOAN RITCHIE (also known as VALMAI MARION RITCHIE). Last Address: 24 Argyle Street, Red Hill, Queensland. Applicant: LYNETTE MARION RITCHIE of 24 Argyle Street, Red Hill, Queensland. Grant: Probate of the Will dated the 2nd day of April, 1992. Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. Creditors: Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the state of the deceased is hereby required to send in particulars of any claim or claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period by virtue of section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the said applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to them, having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall then have had notice. Date of Death: 16 October, 2014. Applicant's Solicitors RHONDA PENNY LAWYERS Level 5 Paddington Central 107 Latrobe Terrace Paddington Q 4064. RITTWAY, SHARON JANE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 12 June 2012 of SHARON JANE RITTWAY late of 6 Springbrook Place, Narangba in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by CHRISTOPHER MADDISON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All Creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trust Act 1973, the said Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by LAW4U - PAT OLSEN Solicitor, 3/3 King Street, Caboolture Qld 4510. ROBERTS, EDNA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 31st January 2008 of EDNA ROBERTS late of 3/13 Federation Drive, Broadbeach (formerly and in the Will of 12/7-11 Federation Avenue, Broadbeach), in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by ANNE MAREE TRIBE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks of the date of the publication of this notice at the expiration of which time the said applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by PARKER SIMMONDS SOLICITORS, Suite 52 Level 2 Oasis Shopping Centre Victoria Avenue Broadbeach Qld 4218. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 56 ROBERTS, JULI After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 8 November 2010 of JULI ROBERTS late of 100 Range Road, Sarina in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by MALCOLM JAMES STEWART to the Supreme Court at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors Notice: All creditors in the estate of the Deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time the said Sole Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testatrix amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Sole Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by MACROSSAN & AMIET, Solicitors, 55 Gordon Street, Mackay Qld 4740. ROBERTS, MARY FLORENCE After 14 days from today an Application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated the 12th day of September 1999 of MARY FLORENCE ROBERTS, late of RSL Milford Grange Nursing Home, 32 Grange Road, Eastern Heights in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by CHRISTOPHER COLIN ROBERTS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. Creditors: Any creditors and all other persons having a claim against the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors no later than six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this Notice. Lodged by: SOUTH BURNETT LAWYERS 3 Mary Street / PO Box 235 Kingaroy Qld 4610. ROBERTSON, MARGARET GRAHAM After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: MARGARET GRAHAM ROBERTSON. Last Address: Galleon Gardens, Galleon Way, Currumbin Waters in the state of Queensland. Applicant: JOHN GRAHAM DUNBAR of 13 Jarvis Court, Joyner, Queensland. Grant: Probate of the Will dated 18 February 2009. Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application for Probate of the Will of MARGARET GRAHAM ROBERTSON, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. Creditors: All creditors of the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Date of Death: 27 October 2014. Applicant Solicitors: MCLAUGHLINS LAWYERS PO Box 2067 Cnr Hicks and Davenport Streets Southport Qld 4215. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 57 ROBIN, JEAN After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 11 July 2001 of JEAN ROBIN late of 25 Ormadale Road, Yeronga in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by PHILIP DAVID ROBIN, FELICITY ANNE ISLES, MARY ELIZABETH ROBIN and SUSAN GAY ROBIN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that registry. Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim or claims in respect of the estate of the deceased who died on 25 November 2014 is hereby required to send in particulars of any claim or claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks of the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Executors shall then have had notice. Applicant Solicitors: RIVERLEGAL Level 7 131 Leichhardt Street Spring Hill Qld 4000. ROBINSON, BARRY STUART After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of an unsigned copy of the Will dated 3 April 2003 of BARRY STUART ROBINSON late of St Andrews Nursing Home, 2 Sullivan Road, Tallebudgera in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by TONY MICHAEL ROBINSON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the Estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors no later than six weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by SMITH & STANTON, Lawyers, 607 Robinson Road, Aspley Qld 4034. ROSE, MARGARET ROSE After fourteen days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated the 26th October 1992 of MARGARET ROSE ROSE late of 2/B Philip Street Leichhardt Ipswich Queensland will be made by VIKKI HART (referred to as VIKKI ROSE in the will) to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Applicant's Solicitors: CERVETTO COURTICE, Solicitors, 58 South Street, Ipswich, Queensland, 4305. RUSSELL, JOYCE GRACE After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 2 September 1994 of JOYCE GRACE RUSSELL late of 10 Keswick Place, Buderim in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by GORDON JACKSON RUSSELL, PHILLIP JOHN RUSSELL and JACQUELINE JOYCE JONES to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by WELSH & WELSH, 8 Queen Street, (PO Box 603), Nambour Qld, 4560. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 58 RYAN, EILEEN TERESA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 1 December 2006 of EILEEN TERESA RYAN late of Emmaus Nursing Home, 131 Queens Road, Nudgee in the State of Queensland and formerly of Unit 90 Compton Gardens, 97 Albany Creek Road, Aspley in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by ROBYN CLARE PALMER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors and all other persons having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the above named deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by PENDER & WHITEHOUSE SOLICITORS, PO Box 138, Alderley Qld 4051. SACHS, PAMELA DOROTHY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 14 April 2011 of PAMELA DOROTHY SACHS late of 34/82 Sandford Street, St Lucia, Brisbane, Queensland deceased will be made by ANNABEL JUDITH SACHS, ROGER ANTONY SACHS, NICHOLAS DAVID SACHS and RICHARD JAMES SACHS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors: Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors on or before 2 February 2015. Lodged by: DE GROOTS Wills and Estate Lawyers Level 7, 46 Edward Street Brisbane Qld 4000. SCHNEIDER, MARIE JOSEPHINE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 5 August, 1999 of MARIE JOSEPHINE SCHNEIDER late of Wishart Village, 14 Glasford Street, Wishart, Queensland, (formerly of 33 Denton Street, Wishart, Queensland), deceased, will be made by CHRISTOPHER JOHN LAYTON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by: ROBERTS & KANE SOLICITORS Level 4, 239 George Street Brisbane Q 4000. SCHULTZ, WALTER EMIL After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 30 September 1971 of WALTER EMIL SCHULTZ late of Tri-Care Nursing Home, Pimpama, Queensland, deceased will be made by RONALD ROY SCHULTZ to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time RONALD ROY SCHULTZ ("the Applicant") will proceed to distribute the estate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by CAMPBELL STAINES & MELLIFONT Shop 6, 82 City Road Beenleigh Qld 4207. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 59 SEARLE, IRENE CONSTANCE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 14 September 1999 of IRENE CONSTANCE SEARLE late of St Martins Nursing Home, 304 Roghan Road, Taigum, Queensland, deceased will be made by MILTON LINDSAY SEARLE to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person having any claim against the estate of the deceased, who died on 17 August 2014, is required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors below within six (6) weeks after the date of publication of this notice. After that date, the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by GILL & LANE 8 Fourth Avenue Sandgate Qld 4017. SEDGWICK, NETTA ELSIE After fourteen (14) days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated the 19th November 1997 of NETTA ELSIE SEDGWICK deceased, late of 19 Althone Street, Tingalpa in the State of Queensland will be made WILLIAM HARRY SEDGWICK and ARTHUR BERTIE SEDGWICK to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry. All creditors, beneficiaries and others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice at the expiration of which time pursuant to section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled having regard only to the claims of which the executors have notice. Date of Death: 12th November 2014. Lodged by Applicant's Solicitors PHV LAW SOLICITORS & CONSULTANTS Suite 25, Level 1, Cathedral Village 115 Wickham Street Fortitude Valley Qld 4006. SEVANDER, REIJO JUHANI After 14 days from today an application for Letters of Administration on Intestacy of REIJO JUHANI SEVANDER late of 14 Creswell Close, Gordonvale, Queensland, deceased will be made by MARJA-LEENA SEVANDER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicant within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Administrator shall then have had notice. Lodged by the OFFICIAL SOLICITOR TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF QUEENSLAND of 444 Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 60 SHARMAN, WILLIAM PETER After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the Will dated 10 February 2009 of WILLIAM PETER SHARMAN late of 5 Tern Drive, Burleigh Waters in the State of Queensland deceased, will be made by RAYMOND CHARLES MURPHY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send particulars of the person's claim to the Applicants Solicitors not later than the date which is 6 weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicants will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice. Lodged by: REDMOND + REDMOND P O Box 2724 Fortitude Valley BC Qld 4006. SHEAHAN, MARIE PATRICIA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 25 March 1999 of MARIE PATRICIA SHEAHAN of 14 Harlin Road, Coalfalls Ipswich in the State of Queensland will be made by HELEN MARIE SEE and JOHN GERARD SHEAHAN, the substituted Executors named in the said Will (MICHAEL JOSEPH SHEAHAN, the instituted Executor named therein having predeceased the said Deceased) to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased, who died on 14 October 2014 is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: BROWN & BAKER LAWYERS Solicitors 16 Ellenborough Street Ipswich Qld 4305. SHIELDS, SHIELA PATRICIA (also known as SHEILA PATRIDGE SHIELDS) After 14 days from today an application for grant of Probate of the Will dated 8 June 2005 of SHIELA PATRICIA SHIELDS (also known as SHEILA PATRIDGE SHIELDS) late of Sinnamon Village Nursing Home, 620 Seventeen Mile Rocks Road, Sinnamon Park in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by THE TRUST COMPANY (AUSTRALIA) LIMITED A.C.N. 000 000 993 to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the applicant's solicitor within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by: PERPETUAL LEGAL SERVICES PTY LTD, Level 15, 345 Queen Street, Brisbane, Queensland. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 61 SHIELS, ELLEN FAYE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane as follows: Deceased: ELLEN FAYE SHIELS. Last Address: 33 Cormorant Crescent, Jacobs Well in the State of Queensland. Applicant(s): GLENN THOMAS SHIELS of 5 Dickenson Place, Kirwan in the State of Queensland. Grant: Probate of the will dated 17th July 2014. Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testatrix among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to claims for which the said executor shall then have had notice. Applicants Solicitor: J K SMITH Solicitor 175 Morehead Avenue Norman Park Qld 4170. SHUM, GLORIA PEARL After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Letters of Administration with the Will dated 11 March 2000 of GLORIA PEARL SHUM late of BUPA Glenvale, 357 McDougall Street, Toowoomba, Queensland deceased will be made by LESTER COLIN SHUM, GARRY LESLIE SHUM and LYNETTE JUNE SHUM to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: CLEWETT LAWYERS Level 1, 65 Neil Street Toowoomba Qld 4350. SIEBUHR, STANLEY BLAIR Notice of Intention to Apply for Grant After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 20 June 2014 of STANLEY BLAIR SIEBUHR deceased, late of Algester Lodge Nursing Home, 117 Dalmeny Street, Algester, Brisbane in the State of Queensland, will be made by SALLY ANN HITZMAN and IAN CHARLES HITZMAN to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim against the estate of the deceased, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, are required to send, particulars of their claim to the applicants' solicitors within six weeks from the date of publication of this Notice at the expiration of which time, pursuant to s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973 (Qld), the applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the applicants shall then have had notice. Lodged by: BROADLEY REES HOGAN LAWYERS Level 8, 179 Turbot Street Brisbane Qld 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 62 SKELLY, RONALD WILLIAM After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 23 July 2012 of RONALD WILLIAM SKELLY late of 9 Arras Street, Yeronga, in the State of Queensland, deceased will be made by JOANNE MARGARET ROGGEVEEN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within 6 weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled hereto, having regard only to the claims of which the applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by CROUCH & CO SOLICITORS, PO Box 817, Aspley Qld 4034. SLATTER, DENISE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 6 October 2006 of DENISE SLATTER late of 1/17 Martin Place, Kingaroy, Queensland, formerly of 161 Brocklehurst Road, Wattlecamp, Queensland, deceased, will be made by KYLIE MAREE COOK (also known as KYLIE MARREE COOK) and MICHEAL JOHN SLATTER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to them. Lodged by: NAVIGATE LAW Suite 11A Brightwater Corporate Centre, 79 Attenuata Drive, Mountain Creek Qld 4557. SMART, TONY JAMES After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Letters of Administration on Intestacy of TONY JAMES SMART late of 14 Tad Street, Kenmore in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by ROBIN JOY GOODWIN BAILEY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: GLEESON LAWYERS, GPO Box 5211, Brisbane Qld 4000. SMITH, RITA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 7 September 1979 of RITA SMITH late of Unit 319, Buderim Gardens, 405 Mooloolaba Road, Buderim in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by IAN "MURRAY” SMITH and MARGARET RITA THOROGOOD to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons having any claim, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise, against the estate of the deceased are required to send particulars in writing of their claims to the applicants at the address stated below within 6 weeks after the date hereof, at the expiration of which time the applicants will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the applicants shall then have had notice. Lodged by: BUTLER MCDERMOTT LAWYERS 6-8 William Street, Nambour Qld 4560. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 63 SMITH, RONALD FREDERICK After 14 days from today an application for grant of representation will be made to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane, as follows: Deceased: RONALD FREDERICK SMITH. Last Address: 4/184 Orange Grove Road, Salisbury, Qld. Address in Will: Unit 4/184 Orange Grove Road Salisbury in the State of Queensland. Applicants; NORMAN GORDON HANSEN of 43 Roseglen Street Greenslopes Queensland and PAUL HENRY CLOUGH of 27 Heussler Terrace Milton. Grant: Probate of the will dated 21 February 2008. Caveat: If you wish to object to or to be heard upon the application, you may file a caveat in the Supreme Court registry mentioned above at any time before the grant is made. Applicant's solicitors: PAUL CLOUGH Solicitor of 27 Heussler Terrace Milton 4064. SMITH, SHIRLEY MARGARET After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 9th October 2002 of SHIRLEY MARGARET SMITH late of Regis Lakeside Aged Care, University Way, Sippy Downs, Queensland, deceased, will be made by MARILYN LEE SMITH and ADRIENNE MARY SMITH to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: KRUGER LAW Level 4 Ocean Central 2 Ocean Street, Maroochydore Qld 4558. SNELL, CARMEN MARGARITA ELENA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 13th day of June 1995 of CARMEN MARGARITA ELENA SNELL late of Carramar Nursing Home, 130 Hellawell Road, Sunnybank Hills, Queensland, deceased will be made by JOHN DAVID SNELL and JEANETTE JOY REIMER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by the OFFICIAL SOLICITOR TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF QUEENSLAND of 444 Queen Street Brisbane Q 4000. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 64 SPICHIGER, SILVIA MARIA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 25th day of September, 2014 of SILVIA MARIA SPICHIGER late of Room 94, Embracia on the Avenue, 1529 Bonton Avenue, Deception Bay in the State of Queensland, (Address in Will: 42 Forrest Drive, Everton Park, Brisbane in the State of Queensland) deceased will be made by ROMAINE SYLVIA SPICHIGER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. (Note the second named Executor in such will, BERNARD JOSEPH KLAR renounced all of his right and title to the probate and execution of the will on 27th November, 2014). You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors and any other persons in the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to PETER MOORE SOLICITOR, 15 Whale Street, Deception Bay Qld 4508 within six (6) weeks of the date of publication of this notice, at the expiration of which time, pursuant to Section 67 of the trusts Act 1973, the applicant will proceed to distribute the estate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims which the applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by PETER MOORE SOLICITOR, 15 Whale Street, Deception Bay Qld 4508. SQUIRES, HELEN HEEPS After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 16th March, 1998 of HELEN HEEPS SQUIRES, late of "Fairview" RSL Care Nursing Home, 2603 Moggill Rd, Pinjarra Hills, Qld, deceased will be made by ROBERT GORDON SQUIRES, ALAN JOHN SQUIRES and SUSAN HELEN DAWES to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons having any claim to the estate, whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise are required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said executor shall then have had notice. Lodged by: R.G. SQUIRES, A.J. SQUIRES and S.H. DAWES, c/- 3 Boyd Terrace, Brookfield, Qld 4069. STEVENS, DOROTHY PHYLLIS After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 26 November 2003 of DOROTHY PHYLLIS STEVENS, late of The Terraces, 74 University Drive, Varsity Lakes in the State of Queensland, deceased, whose address in the Will was Unit 1, 20 Banks Avenue, Tweed Heads in the State of New South Wales, will be made by DOUGLAS ROBERT STEVENS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Executor shall then have had notice. Applicant's Solicitors: MELVIN & CO SOLICITORS, 34 Aminya Street, Mansfield Qld 4122. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 65 STEVENSON, BARBARA JOAN After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 5 August 2014 of BARBARA JOAN STEVENSON late of 96 Indus Street, Camp Hill in the State of Queensland deceased, will be made by JAY ARSCOTT STEVENSON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. All creditors of the Estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's Solicitors no later than 5 February 2015. Lodged by: O'REILLY LILLICRAP SOLICITORS PO Box 41 Carina Qld 4152. SULLIVAN, ALAN LESLIE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of probate of the will dated 16 October 2014 of ALAN LESLIE SULLIVAN late of 6 Vernon Street, Clontarf, Queensland, deceased will be made by GAYLE IRENE SULLIVAN to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to her. Lodged by: PARKER FAMILY LAW Bluewater Legal Precinct Level 1, Bluewater Square, 20 Anzac Avenue, Redcliffe Qld 4020. TEDFORD, MONICA HAZEL After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 23 March 2012 of MONICA HAZEL TEDFORD late of 3 Yarrow Court, Redbank Plains, Queensland deceased will be made by KARAN MONICA WOOD to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time the Applicant will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the said Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by: CLEWETT LAWYERS Level 1, 65 Neil Street Toowoomba Qld 4350. THOMSON, LESLEIGH SPENCER After 14 days from today, an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 9 September 2011 of LESLEIGH SPENCER THOMSON late of Regis Kuluin, 354 Main Road, Kuluin in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by DAVID EDWARD WELSH, PETER JOHN HANLEY and MARK BURNHAM to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the Applicants' solicitors within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by WELSH & WELSH, 8 Queen Street, (PO Box 603), Nambour Qld, 4560. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 66 THORP, PAMELA ANNE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated the Thirtieth day of July, 2010 of PAMELA ANNE THORP late of 36 Millstream Court, Buderim in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by BRUCE ARTHUR THORP to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicant's solicitors within six weeks from the date hereof. Applicants Solicitors: DAVIDSON & SULLIVAN First Floor 160 Hume Street Toowooba Qld 4350. TIMOR, ANTHONY WAYNE After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Letters of Administration on Intestacy of ANTHONY WAYNE TIMOR late of 23 McMahon Street, Andergrove in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by GAILENE MAREE TIMOR to the Supreme Court at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Creditors Notice: All creditors in the estate of the Deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time the said Sole Administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the Testator amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said Sole Administrator shall then have had notice. Lodged by MACROSSAN & AMIET, Solicitors, 55 Gordon Street, Mackay Qld 4740. TINK, DARREN RICHARD After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 1 March 2013 of DARREN RICHARD TINK late of 4 Alder Court, Currumbin Waters, Queensland, deceased, will be made by KENNETH MICHAEL ROBBINS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having a claim against the estate is required to send particulars of their claim to the Applicants Solicitors within 6 weeks of the date of publication of this notice. Date of death: 12 August 2014. Lodged by: REABURN SOLICITORS 39 Tallebudgera Creek Road, West Burleigh Qld 4219. TOMKYS, VALERY After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 28 July 2006 and Codicil dated 6 November 2009 of VALERY TOMKYS late of Lourdes Home for the Aged, 227 Spring Street, Toowoomba, Queensland deceased will be made by GLEN WILLIAM MCCRACKEN and DAVID JOHN WHITEHILL to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: CLEWETT LAWYERS Level 1, 65 Neil Street Toowoomba Qld 4350. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 67 TRELOAR, RICHARD JAMES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 15 January 2003 of RICHARD JAMES TRELOAR late of 282 Farrelly's Lane, Mackay deceased will be made by PETER JOHN TRELOAR, RICHARD EDWARD TRELOAR and JULIEANNE CURREY to the Supreme Court of Queensland at Townsville. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by: SR WALLACE & WALLACE, Lawyers, 60 Sydney Street, Mackay Qld 4740. Creditors: All creditors of the estate are required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof, at the expiration of which time the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claim of which the said executors shall then have had notice. TRIGGS, ALEXANDER JAMES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 13th May 2004 of ALEXANDER JAMES TRIGGS late of The Terraces, 74 University Drive, Varsity Lakes, Queensland but formerly of 43 'Westwater' 56 Hooker Boulevard, Broadbeach, Queensland deceased will be made by SUSAN JANE TRIGGS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date hereof at the expiration of which time SUSAN JANE TRIGGS ("the Applicant") will proceed to distribute the estate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant shall then have had notice. Lodged by INGWERSEN & LANSDOWN 1065 Gold Coast Highway, Palm Beach Qld 4221. TSCHEPPERA, JOHN HENRY (also known as HANS TSCHEPPERA) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 5 September, 2013 of JOHN HENRY TSCHEPPERA (also known as HANS TSCHEPPERA) late of 421 Mayers Street, Edge Hill Cairns deceased will be made by ANNA TSCHEPPERA O'BRIEN to the Supreme Court at Cairns. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any persons or creditors having a claim against the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned not later than the date which is 6 weeks after the publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will distribute the assets of the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice. Lodged by: ANNA TSCHEPPERA O'BRIEN, 19 Kawana Street, Caravonica Q 4878. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 68 TWYFORD, JOHN RAYMOND After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 20th August, 2013 of JOHN RAYMOND TWYFORD late of 28 Harrier Avenue, Loganholme in the State of Queensland, Deceased, will be made by GEOFFREY JAMES RAINEY to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that Registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the Deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitor named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the Deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by: MCLAUGHLIN & ASSOCIATES LAWYERS PTY LTD, PO Box 2080, Springwood Qld 4127. VALLESE, ASSUNTA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 6 February 1984 of ASSUNTA VALLESE late of 46 Strathaird Road, Darra, Brisbane, Queensland deceased will be made by ANTONIO DEMEDIO and SILVANA DEMEDIO to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor and all other persons having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors on or before six weeks from the date hereof. Lodged by: J A SHERWOOD & CO, Solicitors, 1st Floor, 655 Sherwood Road, Sherwood Qld 4075. VISINI, ELVA ROSE After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 5th September 2014 of ELVA ROSE VISINI deceased late of 4 Oak Street Gympie in the State of Queensland, will be made by DARRYL JOHN VISINI and GARRY RAYMOND VISINI to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the Grant by lodging a Caveat in that Registry. Lodged by: POWER & CARTWRIGHT Solicitors 239 Mary Street Gympie Qld 4570. WALKER, ISABEL MAY After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 20 June 2001 of ISABEL MAY WALKER late of Tricare Mt Gravatt Aged Care Residence, 20 Somerfield Street, Mt Gravatt, in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by HAROLD DAVID WALKER to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any person having any claim whether as creditor or beneficiary or otherwise must send particulars of the person's claim to the Applicant (identified below) not later than the date which is 6 weeks after the date of publication of this Notice, after which date, pursuant to s.67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the Applicant will distribute the Estate of the Deceased having regard only to the claims of which the Applicant has notice. Lodged by Applicant: HAROLD DAVID WALKER, 14 Alstonia Street, Algester Qld 4115. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 69 WALSH, RONALD THOMAS After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 19 October, 1999, of RONALD THOMAS WALSH late of Parklands Retirement Haven, Urangan Q 4655 deceased, will be made by ANNE KATHRYN CUPITT to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in their claims to the undersigned within six (6) weeks from the date thereof at the expiration of which time the applicants will proceed to distribute the estate of the deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the applicants shall then have had notice. Lodged by ANNE CUPITT, 7 Oceanblue Boulevard, Pialba Qld 4655. WELLS, RAYMOND JAMES After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 17 September 2013 of RAYMOND JAMES WELLS late of 517 Stafford Road, Stafford in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by NEIL GRAHAM WELLS and HEATHER DAWN MCMAHON to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors and beneficiaries in the estate of the deceased are hereby required to send in particulars of their claim to the undersigned within six (6) weeks of the date hereof at the expiration of which time the said executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the testator among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by: CRAIG RAY & ASSOCIATES 8/996 Waterworks Road, The Gap 4061. WIECK, ROBERT After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 6 December 2011 of ROBERT WIECK late of 2 Hoffman Street, Toowoomba in the State of Queensland, deceased, will be made by GAYLE RUTH KUCKS and PAUL ROBERT WIECK to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors or others having a claim against the estate are required to send particulars of their claims to the Applicants' Solicitors within six weeks from the date of publication of this notice. By virtue of section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973 a personal representative or trustee may, after six weeks from the date of publication of this notice, distribute the estate of the deceased having regard only to those claims of which the trustee then has notice. Lodged by the Applicants' Solicitors: KENNEDY SPANNER LAWYERS 156 Hume Street (PO Box 1461) Toowoomba Qld 4350. WILSON, JANETTE NINA After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 15 April 2008 of JANETTE NINA WILSON late of Peninsula Palms Retirement Village, 77 Norris Road, Rothwell in the State of Queensland deceased will be made by PETA ANNETTE MOSES to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of the Estate are required to send in particulars of their claim to the applicant's solicitors no later than six weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Lodged by SMITH & STANTON, Lawyers, 607 Robinson Road, Aspley Qld 4034. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 70 WILSON, RAYMOND ALLAN After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated the 2nd of August, 2012, of RAYMOND ALLAN WILSON, late of Eventide Nursing Home, Rockhampton, Queensland, deceased, will be made by LEIGH ALLAN WILSON and NEIL ROBERT WILSON to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor, beneficiary or other person having any claim in respect of the estate is required to send particulars of such claim to the Personal Representative care of the Personal Representative's Solicitors at the address below, not later than six (6) weeks from the date of this notice. At the expiration of this time (pursuant to s67 of the Trusts Act 1973) the Personal Representative will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled having regard only to the claims of which the Personal Representative shall then have had notice. Lodged by BRESSINGTON & PARTNERS, Solicitors, 79 Bolsover Street, Rockhampton Q 4700. WRIGHT, IAN GORDON After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the Will dated 2nd January 1988 of IAN GORDON WRIGHT late of Edenvale Nursing Home, Gladstone, Queensland, deceased will be made by MICHELLE ELIZABETH WRIGHT and CHRISTINE MAREE WRIGHT to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicant will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicant will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him/her. Lodged by: VAJ BYRNE & CO, Lawyers, 69 Goondoon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680. YOUNG, SUSAN MARY After 14 days from today an Application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 10 August, 1995 and Codicil dated 7 December, 2004, of SUSAN MARY YOUNG, Deceased, formerly of 3 Farr Court, Daisy Hill, Queensland but late of Algester Lodge, 117 Dalmeny Street, Algester, Queensland, will be made by JOHN FRANCIS MACRAE and BRIAN JOHN YOUNG to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. All creditors of this estate are required to send in particulars of their claims to the Applicant's Solicitor within six (6) weeks from the date of publication of this notice. After that date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have had notice. Lodged by: CLARKE & TURTON LAWYERS, PO Box 76, Beaudesert, Qld 4285. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 71 ZOOMERS, ANTONIA JANNETJE DEJONGH (alias ANTONIA JANNETJE ZOOMERS) After 14 days from today an application for a grant of Probate of the will dated 1st day of June 2004 of ANTONIA JANNETJE DEJONGH ZOOMERS alias ANTONIA JANNETJE ZOOMERS late of Unit 37, Magnolia Lodge, 142 Reserve Road, Upper Coomera, Qld, 4209, deceased will be made by THERESIA ZOOMERS and RICHARD GERHARD ZOOMERS to the Supreme Court at Brisbane. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Lodged by RICHARD GERHARD ZOOMERS, 487 Philp Mountain Road, Running Creek Qld 4287. ZUNKER, ARTHUR FREDERICK After 14 days from today an application for a Grant of Probate of the Will dated 3 May 2012 of ARTHUR FREDERICK ZUNKER late of 17 Tanner Street, Bargara, Queensland, deceased, will be made by RICHARD NEIL ZUNKER to the Supreme Court at Rockhampton. You may object to the grant by lodging a caveat in that registry. Any creditor or other person who has a claim on the estate of the deceased is required to send particulars of that claim to the applicant's solicitors named below within 6 weeks of the date of this notice. At the end of that period, the applicants will distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled to those assets. In doing so, and relying on Section 67 of the Trusts Act 1973, the applicants will have regard only to the claims which have been notified to him. Lodged by: CHARLTONS LAWYERS Thorburn House 14 Quay Street, Bundaberg Qld 4670. Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 72 GENERAL INFORMATION ICLRQ The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for the State of Queensland (ICLRQ) is a charitable institution which was founded in 1907. Under its constitution, the principal object of the ICLRQ is “the preparation and publication in a convenient form, at a moderate price, and under gratuitous professional superintendence and control, of Reports of Judicial Decisions of the Supreme Court in the State of Queensland.” In pursuit of this object, the ICLRQ publishes a set of authorised reports of the key decisions of the Supreme Court of Queensland (Queensland Reports) and a weekly supplement to these reports (Queensland Law Reporter). Under the constitution of the ICLRQ, all surplus funds from its operations are used to benefit the Supreme Court of Queensland Library. The members of the Council serve on a voluntary basis. The Council is constituted by three practising barristers and three practising solicitors (who are appointed annually by the Judges of the Supreme Court) and three ex officio members (the Attorney-General of Queensland, the Solicitor-General of Queensland and the Registrar of the Supreme Court). The Editors, SubEditors and Reporters are all practising members of the Queensland Bar who serve on a largely voluntary basis. The offices of the Council are located in the Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law and are managed by the Secretary of the ICLRQ. Members of the Council: John McKenna QC (Chairman), Christopher Coyne, Declan Kelly QC, Rachel Miller, David O’Brien, Julie Steel (Registrar), the Attorney-General of Queensland and the Solicitor-General of Queensland. Secretary: Jason Rogers Editors: Roger Derrington QC and Prof Sarah Derrington Sub-Editors: Mark Evans and Justin Carter Practice Decisions Editor: Lee Clark Reporters: Craig Francis, Elizabeth Gass, Stewart Webster, Clive Porritt, Steven Forrest Contact details: ICLRQ, Queen Elizabeth II Courts of Law, 415 George Street, Brisbane. Postal Address: PO Box 13307, George Street QLD 4003. Telephone: (07) 3236 1855. Email: [email protected]. QUEENSLAND REPORTS The Queensland Reports seek to provide a permanent collection of the key decisions of the Supreme Court of Queensland since Federation. These decisions have been selected for inclusion in the Queensland Reports by the editors, reviewed by reporters for their textual accuracy, summarised in concise headnotes, and authorised for publication (with corrections where necessary) by the deciding judges. Complete sets of the Queensland Reports are presently available only in a printed format. New sets may be purchased from the ICLRQ at a price of $3300 (incl. GST) plus delivery. Annual print subscriptions to the Queensland Reports are also available from the ICLRQ. There are three options: • • • 2014 Bound Volume Subscription (2 Volumes) $460 (incl. GST and postage) 2014 Loose Parts Subscription (12 Parts) $526 (incl. GST and postage) 2014 Bound Volume and Loose Parts Subscription $726 (incl. GST and postage) Orders and enquiries may be forwarded by email to the ICLRQ at: [email protected]. The Queensland Reports (since 1974) are also available electronically by subscription to LexisNexis Australia (http://www.lexisnexis.com.au). Queensland Law Reporter – 19 December 2014 – [2014] 49 QLR 73 QUEENSLAND LAW REPORTER The Queensland Law Reporter has been published since 1908 as a weekly supplement to the Queensland Reports. It is published every Friday save for a period during the court vacation (from late December to early January). A free subscription to the electronic version of the QLR can be requested at http://www.queenslandreports.com.au/. The QLR includes a summary by the editors of this week’s most significant developments in Queensland law, including brief summaries of recent cases which have been identified as potentially suitable for reporting in the Queensland Reports and information about the progress of appeals in reportable cases. Extracts from the headnotes of all new cases appearing in the Queensland Reports are also included. The Queensland Law Reporter is a publication which has been approved by Practice Direction of the Supreme Court for the publication of various public notices. It is approved under r 599(4) of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) for the purposes of giving notice of intention to apply for a grant of probate or letters of administration under Chapter 15 Part 2 of the UCPR. It is also approved under r.12(3)(b) of the Supreme Court (Legal Practitioner Admission) Rules 2004 (Qld), for the purposes of giving notice of intention to apply for admission as a legal practitioner. PUBLIC NOTICES To arrange for public notices to be published in the QLR, please arrange for ICLRQ to receive the following (by post, email or delivery) before the relevant publication deadline: • • • A copy of the text of the notice you wish to have published; payment of $161.70 (incl GST); and written instructions concerning the date of the QLR in which publication of the notice is requested and an email address and phone number at which you may be contacted. The publication deadline is 3pm on the Monday immediately prior to the date upon which the relevant QLR is scheduled for publication. In 2014, QLRs are scheduled for publication every Friday from 17 January 2014 to 19 December 2014. Acceptance of public notices for publication occurs by email notification to the address provided. The ICLRQ regrets that it cannot advise or assist in the drafting of public notices. The ICLRQ also regrets that, after the relevant publication deadline has passed, notices can only be withdrawn or corrected with the permission of the Secretary of the ICLRQ.
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