ADO Solutions™ The ADO Corporation™ ADO | THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANIZATIONS The World is Our Target ADO Solutions™ Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ ADO Consulting ADO as a Consulting Firm, is specialized in Sales Force and Management Training and Development at all professional levels in the Business World, fundamentally Multinational Companies of a wide range of the World Economic Sectors. ADO develop Courses, Trainings and Seminars with the objective of increasing Results. One of its main activities are the development of Sales Force in Selling, Negotiation and Communication areas. ADO operates in the Human Resources Organizations Development of its Clients at 4 Levels: 1 Sales Force Development in all Sectors of the Economy. Business Development Programs. 2 Management Development at all Levels. Management and Leadership Programs. 3 Development of Quality. Quality Programs: QC Quality Circles. TQM Total Quality Management. 4 Organizational Development. Development of the Human Factor in Organizations. Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ Our Values The statement "our best resource is our people” , a statement historically shared by the best Companies and the foremost Leaders in the Business World, is also the central message of ADO Culture, which considers the human factor in the Company as the primary source of productivity gains and improved Results. The Mission The ADO Mission is to contribute to the Organizational Performance improvement through the development and further professionalization of the Company People through a continued Training and Advice. Our Philosophy is to adapt our programs to the real and concrete situation of our Clients Companies, with their culture, their human resources, their products, services, markets, customers and their specific needs and problems as their Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Problems / Threats, developing Tailor-Made Programs. As a differential element, ADO integrate into the development of their programs, a high regard to the "human spirit" with all its development potential based on the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner. An extensive professional experience has allowed us to “drink” along time of many different sources of knowledge, producing a natural selection of the valid ideas that work, discarding those that conceptually sound well but with no practical value. Some of the International Consulting Companies that ADO has worked include the following: INTERNATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS ITS - USA SCANDINAVIAN TRAINING SYSTEMS STS - SWEDEN YOUNG & RUBICAM / CATO JOHNSON - USA HEINZ GOLDMANN - SWEDEN ESADE - SPAIN Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. GOLLE & HOLMES CORPORATION - USA MERCURI INSTITUTET - SWEDEN MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT MANDEV - USA / HOLLAND PROMOTOR - GERMANY MARKETING & SALES SYSTEMS MSS - UK / SPAIN ADO Solutions™ Our Team José Manuel García-Lomas y Allen-Perkins Founder, President and the First Consultant of The Association for the Development of the Organizations (ADO) He leads an experienced Consulting professional Team. His experiences as Consultant, Advisor and Director in the conduct of Courses, Seminars and Trainings, which has been developing for more than 30 years, assisting Multinational Companies belonging to the most varied sectors of the global economy, could be summed up to nearly 3000 days conducting Courses, Seminars, Coaching, Mentoring and Trainings, which will have attended more than 20,000 professionals from more than 1,300 Companies. Jose Manuel Garcia-Lomas and Allen-Perkins, introduced into Spain the Quality Circles and he was IAQC member of the International Association of Quality Circles - USA, operating in the implementation of TQM Total Quality Management programs. Also is a Director (manager) of various Companies belonging to different economic sectors. Excellence With the years, we have made a great effort to attract and retain the best brains in the Consulting business. People with wide success background and extensive experience coming from managerial positions in multinational Companies. ADO’s people are the firm’s most valuable asset and are critical to our success as a highly respected Consultancy management and advisory firm. Over the years, ADO has been a magnet for some of the most talented professionals in our industry. Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ ADO Clients Some of the Companies Clients assisted by ADO included: ABBOTT LABORATORIES ACOREX AGCO IBERIA AGFA GEVAERT AMERICAN HOME PRODUCT ARAGONESAS AGRO ASGROW / COMPLEJO AGRICOLA AVON COSMETICS BALAY BASF BOEHRINGER SOHN INGELHEIM BRISTOL MYERS CADENA COPE CAJA DE MADRID CARGILL CHEMINOVA / AGRODAN CHIESI ESPAÑA COLGATE PALMOLIVE AMERICA CENTRAL COLGATE PALMOLIVE AMERICA SUR COLGATE PALMOLIVE ESPAÑA CONTINENTAL NEUMATICOS CYANAMID CYANAMID SOBRINO DANFOSS DATA POINT DIMETAL DICONTROL DOW AGROSCIENCES DOWELANCO DUN & BRADSTREET DUPONT ELANCO ELIZABETH ARDEN ENERGIA E IND. ARAGONESAS ENZA ZADEN ERCROS / AGROCROS ERCROS / RIOAGRO ERICSSON ESCUELA DIPLOMATICA DE ESPAÑA FEDERICO BONET FEMSA Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. FENDT TRACTORES FERTIBERIA FESA ENFERSA FIAT FIATGEOTECH / FIATAGRI FIATGEOTECH / FIATALLIS FISCHER & PORTER FORT DODGE VETERINARIA GALACO CANARIAS GENERAL ELECTRIC C. S. GENERAL ESPAÑOLA DE SEGUROS GENERAL MOTORS GLAXO GRIMA HEWLETT PACKARD HOECHST IBM ICI ZELTIA INDUYCO - EL CORTE INGLES INTERGAL IQV AGRO ESPAÑA JOHN DEERE JOHNSON & JOHNSON JOHNSON´S WAX KHD / KLOCKNER HUMBOLDT DEUTZ KNOLL LA ESTRELLA DE SEGUROS LA UNION Y EL FENIX LACTARIA ESPAÑOLA LAMBORGHINI LILLY INDIANA LOVABLE MASSEY FERGUSON MAHKTESHIM - AGAN MERCK IGODA MOSTOLES INDUSTRIAL -EL CORTE INGLES MOTO VESPA NIVEA / BEIERSDORF NOKIA DATA NUTRICION ESPECIAL PFIZER PORCELANOSA GRUPO PROCIDA ROUSSEL UCLAF REVLON RHONE POULENC - CONDOR RIJK ZWAAN HOLDING RIJK ZWAAN IBERIA ROBERT BOSCH SAME DEUTZ-FAHR SANDVIK SANTANA MOTOR SANYO SAPEC ESPAÑA SAPEC PORTUGAL SCHERING SEAT SELECTIS PORTUGAL SIGFITO SMITHKLINE BECKMAN SOLVAY SOTRAFA SUZUKI SYNGENTA AGRO SYNGENTA SEEDS TETRA PAK ENVASES TETRA PAK IBERIA TRADECORP TRADECORP INTERNATIONAL THYSSENKRUPP / BOETTICHER Y NAVARRO TÜNKERS IBÉRICA UNION CARBIDE UNION CARBIDE NAVARRA VALMONT VALLEY VALTRA TRACTORES VARTA BATERIAS WARNER HOME VIDEO WESTINGHOUSE NUCLEAR ZENECA ADO Solutions™ What Makes Us Different The three vertices of the triangle that defines the success of the Results of ADO Development Program. THE TRAINER THE MATERIAL R THE ATTITUDE THE TRAINER José Manuel Garcia-Lomas and Allen-Perkins, Founder, President and Chief Consultant of ADO, with more than 30 years of experience as a Trainer and Consultant conducting seminars, courses and training for nearly 3,000 days developing business Sales and Management Programs. THE MATERIAL Over the last 30 years ADO has been working with various multinational Consulting companies as well as with teams of professional consultants from different countries World Wide. This has enabled us to develop a genuine R + D + I Research, Development and Innovation in the elaboration of practical ideas, tools and programs that constitute the 'Knowledge Bank' on ADO for the development of their programs. It also allowed us to "drink Knowledge of different sources”, making a natural selection of good ideas, contrasted in real life, that work, discarding those other approaches that "sound good" at a conceptual level but without any practical value. THE ATTITUDE Sometimes the motivations, attitudes and participants behaviour attending the programs are not as positive as you would hope. We can demonstrate our capacity to change, if necessary, from negative to positive these attitudes, before finishing the first training session before the Coffee Break. Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ Our Best Resource is Our People, Our Team For more than 30 years working with various Multinational Consulting Companies Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ Communication THE COMMUNICATION Aimed at: Sales Team, Middle Management, Leaders and Management. Objectives: Training in Communication Direct-face to face. - To Public Speaking. - To express ideas and get them accepted. - To Perform Presentations and Meetings, active, structured and goal-driven. THE COMMUNICATION AND GROUP PRESENTATIONS Aimed at: Sales Team, Middle Management, Leaders and Management. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills through a practical Training on Presentation Techniques and Groups handling. THE COMMUNICATION AND THE PUBLIC SPEAKING Aimed at: Sales Team, Middle Management, Leaders and Management. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills by training on the techniques employed to Public Speaking. THE COMMUNICATION IN SELLING TO INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS Aimed at: Sales Team, Middle Management, Leaders and Management. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills to conduct Trainings on the various techniques that integrates Communication and Selling both in the Individual and Groups Presentations. TRAINING IN THE SIXTH COMMUNICATION SITUATIONS AMONG LEADERS AND THE MANAGEMENT TEAM Aimed at: Middle Management, Leaders and Management. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills to carry out Training in various Communication Situations such as: Giving Information. - Obtaining Information . - Motivating / Encourage. To Correct / Criticize. - Face Complaints. - Problem Solving. Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ Leadership PROBLEM SOLVING AND DECISION-MAKING Addressed to: Sellers, Middle Management, Leadership and Management. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills on the Techniques and Methodology for Problem Solving and Decision-making, both Individually and in Groups. LEADERSHIP - THE MANAGEMENT OF THE TEAM Aimed at: Middle Management, Leadership and Management. Objectives: To develop new knowledge and skills in Modern Techniques for Managing People. THE MOTIVATION AS THE KEY TO ACHIEVING GOALS Aimed at : Middle Management, Leadership and Management. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills for a proper understanding and motivation of the team, considering the motivation as the determinant factor of human behavior. THE DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS Aimed at: Middle Management, Leadership and Management. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills on the laws that guide the evolution of organizations, both to analyze and diagnose "Your Own Organization" as to develop actions to enable us to overcome the Crisis of Growth, in Search of the Excellence in the Integration Phase. Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ Negotiation NEGOTIATING WITH SUCCESS (Stages I, II, III.) Aimed at: Sales Team, Middle Management, Leaders and Management. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills on how to Negotiate with success, considering the Negotiation as a step beyond selling. NEGOTIATING TECHNIQUES ACCORDING HARVARD UNIVERSITY Aimed at: Sales Team, Middle Management, Leaders and Management. Objectives: To unlock the Positioning Negotiation by the new system of Principles Negotiation. THE MATRIX OF NEGOTIATION Aimed at: Sales Team, Middle Management, Leaders and Management. Objectives: To develop a new concept on Negotiation and the Theory of Needs, different forms of Application and Levels in the different Positions of the Matrix of Negotiation. THE STRATEGIC AND SYSTEMATIC PLANNING OF NEGOTIATION Aimed at: Sales Team, Middle Management, Leaders and Management. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills on the Process of the 14 Stages of the Strategic and Systematic Planning of Negotiation. Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ Sales Techniques ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION OF THE SALES ACTIVITY Addressed to: Salesmen, Delegates, Supervisors, Area Managers, Zone Managers, Middle Managers, Sales Management, Leadership and Management. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills in the use of an Objective Analytical System to contemplate the Performance of the Sales Team. SALES TECHNIQUE AND SALES PLATFORM Aimed to: Salesmen, Technicians, Middle Management, Management and all persons who develop a relationship with Customers. Objective: To provide knowledge and develop skills in handling the Modern Sales Techniques and the Capacity to analyse the origin of current and future sales. ADVANCED SALES TECHNIQUES (Stages I, II, III ....) Addressed to: Salesmen, Technicians, Middle Management, Management and all persons who have a relationship with customers. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills in Modern Advanced Sales Techniques. TARGETING TO MAXIMIZE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF OUR SALES FORCE Addressed to: The Sales Team, Middle Management, Leaders and Management. Objectives: To develop a system that maximizes the improvement of the Results of all the Sales Team with the current Human Resources. Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ Professional Customer Service Development ADO PROGRAM (PCS)- PROFESSIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE (PCS) Aimed at: Staff, Technical Support, Administration Staff, Secretaries, Middle Management, Leaders, and in general any person who has to maintain contacts with clients. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills to: - Improving Customer Relations - Reducing Conflict - Act as effective channel of communication between the other areas of the Company and the Client - Discovering Customer Needs - Finding and Reacting to the "Buying Signals", turning them into "Selling Opportunities" to whom correspond in the Company - Improve the Use of Time - Have a positive influence in the Sales - Discover New Business Opportunities Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ Team Building & Team Work TEAM BUILDING - TEAM WORK - HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAMS Aimed at: Middle Management, Leaders and Management. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills to Inspiring Teamwork and the Involvement of People with: - Design - Building - Promotion - Empowerment, - Development and - the Management of Teamwork to achieve high goals. * PROGRAMS CAN BE TAUGHT BOTH IN SPANISH AND IN ENGLISH. THEREFORE WE OFFER TO DEVELOP PROGRAMS IN SPANISH AND IN ENGLISH IN ANY COUNTRY OF THE WORLD. Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ Coaching TRAINING THE TRAINER Aimed at: Middle Managers, Coaches, Trainers and Management. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills in Modern Training Techniques to Groups, both technically and commercially. DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, COACHING, COUNSELING AND TRAINING ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAMS TO: - DIAGNOSIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF SALES FORCE AND MARKETING - DEVELOPMENT OF THE LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT - DIAGNOSIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIZATIONS - IMPLEMENTATION OF QUALITY CIRCLES - DEVELOPMENT OF TQM – TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ Management STRATEGIC PLANNING Addressed to: Sellers, Middle Management, Leadership and Management. Objectives: To develop the knowledge to build a "Business Plan" and the ability to analyze: Situation (Where are we?) History (How we got here?) Direction (Where we going?) Objective (Where we want to go? / Where should we go?) Activity (How to get there?), that is all what we have to do to pass from Situation to Direction and to Objectives. LEADERSHIP - THE MANAGEMENT OF THE TEAM Aimed at: Middle Management, Leadership and Management. Objectives: To develop new knowledge and skills in Modern Techniques for Managing People. THE MOTIVATION AS THE KEY TO ACHIEVING GOALS Aimed at : Middle Management, Leadership and Management. Objectives: To develop knowledge and skills for a proper understanding and motivation of the team, considering the motivation as the determinant factor of human behavior. Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ Crash Training Process™ Objetivos Conseguir Resultados Cuantificables en el Corto Plazo mediante una Metodología de Entrenamiento Intensivo y Continuado enfatizando más la Acción del Entrenamiento que únicamente la Formación. Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ Crash Training Process™ ¿Por qué la Necesidad del Crash Tranning Process? “Know Why” before the “Know How” Una de las diferencias entre Líderes y Managers. Líderes “Know Why” (Estrategia), Managers “Know How” (Tácticas). Y los dos son Importantes. Todos sabemos que el Entrenamiento de los Equipos Profesionales produce Resultados más a medio y largo plazo que a corto plazo. Por ello ADO ha desarrollado Crash Training Process, con el objetivo de acelerar el grado de Entrenamiento de los Participantes para producir cambios positivos de Comportamiento en los Equipos y así producir Resultados en el Corto Plazo. ¿Qué es el Crash Training Process? Es una Metodología aplicada al Equipo Profesional que desarrolla y enfatiza un “Entrenamiento Intensivo y Continuado en el Corto Plazo”. Know How - ¿Cómo? La Metodología del Crash Training ProcessTM consiste en desarrollar un Entrenamiento Intensivo para Resultados en el Corto Plazo, mediante varios módulos de Entrenamiento de 2 días de duración el Módulo Inicial, y que será seguido por otros módulos segúnlas necesidades del grado de Aceleración del Entrenamiento, de 1 día de duración cada uno de los siguientes módulos. Al final de cada módulo los participantes confeccionaran Planes de Acción con Objetivos de Cambios de Comportamiento Profesional muy concretos, hechos a la medida de cada Participante y para ser puestos en práctica (Follow up / Seguimiento) en el tiempo de separación entre módulos. El número de módulos y el tiempo de separación entre módulos dependerá de cada situación concreta. Al comienzo de cada módulo se revisarán los Planes de Acción para conocer avances y dificultades de los Participantes. Todo ello se completará con un Trabajo de Campo con salidas conjuntas con Participantes en Entrevistas con sus clientes. Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ Plan de Acción Modulo 2 días Banco de Objetivos para el Cambio del Comportamiento Modulo 1 día Entrenamiento de Campo Entrevistas conjuntas con Clientes Plan de Acción Modulo 1 día Revisión de los Planes de Acción Al comienzo del Crash Training ProcessTM el Consultor efectuará una Evaluación de cada Participante que se irá ampliando a lo largo de Todo el Proceso Completo de Entrenamiento y que se completará con una Evaluación Final para conocer los cambios de comportamiento de cada Miembro del Equipo. El Crash Training ProcessTM, por el Reto que las Mejoras en el Comportamiento de los Participantes en el Corto Plazo significan, requiere necesariamente de un Entrenador / Consultor altamente cualificado ycon una dilatada experiencia. ADO dispone de su Presidente y Consultor José Manuel García-Lomas y Allen-Perkins, con más de 38 años de experiencia desarrollando Entrenamientos con Compañías Multinacionales en todos los sectores del mundo de los negocios y que podrían resumirse en cerca de 3000 días desarrollando Programas de Entrenamiento de Equipos Comerciales, del Management y de la Construcción de la Calidad. Crash Training ProcessTM esta dirigido a los Equipos de Profesionales de las Organizaciones que desean incrementar los Resultados y que desarrollan una especial orientación a la actividad Comercial y del Management. Objetivos: Conseguir Resultados Cuantificables en el Corto Plazo mediante una Metodología de Entrenamiento Intensivo y Continuado enfatizando más la Acción del Entrenamiento que únicamente la Formación. Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved. ADO Solutions™ The ADO Corporation™ ADO | THE ASSOCIATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANIZATIONS Victor de la Serna, 21 28016 Madrid, Spain. T: +34 914167513 [email protected] Limited Partnes 405 Lexington Avenue Chrysler Building 26th Floor New York City, New York 10174 United States [email protected] PRIVACY PRINCIPLES For over 40 years, respecting and protecting individual client privacy has been vital to our business. By sharing our Privacy Principles, we trust that our individual clients will better understand how we keep client information private and secure while using it to provide services and products. Other privacy principles or policies may apply to clients of certain ADO Corporation businesses in certain jurisdictions, such as Asset Management clients. Similarly, ADO Corporation clients who receive information from or transact business with ADO Corporation through the Internet are covered by the terms and conditions and any privacy notices posted on the Web sites they visit. We may disclose and transfer any information that is provided through this Web site to: any company within the Corporation, its affiliates, agents or information providers; to any other person or entity with a client's consent; or if we have a right or duty to disclose or are permitted or compelled to so disclose such information by law. We may also transmit, transfer or process such information to, or through, any country in the world, as we deem necessary or appropriate (including to countries outside the EEA). Copyright © 2012 The ADO Corporation™ All rights reserved.
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