December 17, 2014 Special points of interest: _S_t_._M_a_ry_'_s_N_e_w_ _ s _~~ "Nurturing a lifelong love for Jesus, each ,other, and learning" Christmas Bazaar • Dec. 18 (Thursday) and Auction-Thanks -Christmas Pro Thank you, thank you, and again thank you, everyone who helped to make this year's Bazaar and Auction the festive community event that it was. There were many memorable events from last week and all attendees seemed to enjoy the Christmas Spirit! A special thank you to our many chairpersons of the various commit tees, and of course, thanks to Tina Stokes, Bazaar and Auction Chairwoman. We appreciate the outstanding services of auctioneer, Ronnie Farrell who helped get our crowd to enthusiastically bid on our many auction items. Thanks to Jill Rison for the beautiful and unique children's artwork, to Mike McGuigan for providing se curity, to Frank Solinaka for his help with Santa, and all the families and friends that came out to support our 38th Bazaar and Auction. We will publish the profit in January after all expenses have been paid. gram-7 p.m. • Dec. 19 (Friday) Mass-9:30 a.m. • Polar Express Day 10:15-11:15 a.m. • Christmas parties and lunch-I 1:30-1 p.m. • Whole School Activi ty-I:I5-3:15 p.m. • Dismissal-3:30 p.m. • Dec. 24--Christmas Eve Mass Children's Mass & Children's Choir--4 p.m. • Dec. 19-1an. 4- . Christmas Break • Jan. 5 (Monday) Christmas Service Projects Our Christmas tree in the hall is absolutely beautiful and there is no room left underneath as it is fulloftoys. We appreciate your giving spirit in support of this toy drive. We collected toys for local needy families. In addi tion to toys under that tree are gifts of love from each of you that donated something. You have given a child a memory of a lifetime. We also want to thank you for the participation in our out of uniform day that raised money to help the family of the doctor who died of Ebola. We raised $975 to send to them. These service projects show our' children the importance of service, compassion and love for those we may not even know. Classes resume--9 a.m. Christmas Program Our Christmas Program will be held on Thursday, Dec. 18, 2014 at 7 p.m. This program is a joyous way to feel the Christmas spirit. You certainly will want to arrive early to secure a seat...this is often a standing room only event. You will also have a chance to pur chase cards from the TAP table. This will be the last sale before the holidays, so come early and stock up while supplies last. Pre-K and Kindergarten students will take to the stage as will Grades I, 2, & 3. The Be 13735 Notre Dame Place Bryantown, MD 20617 ginner's Band and Advanced Band members will perform Christmas songs. Our Handbell and Choir mem bers will also be performing. All are invited and welcome to attend! Polar Express Day Students should get ready to enjoy a fun-filled day to kick off the Christmas break. Formerly known as "Children's Day", there is a lot planned for Friday, Dec. 19, 20 I4. Everyone is wel come to wear their Christ mas/Winter pajamas for the day. We will begin our day with Mass followed by activ ities in the main hall. 8th grade will lead us in songs, Mrs. Johnson will be reading our story, the H.S.A. will provide snacks and who knows we might even have a surprise visit from the jolly old elf, Santa. There will be NO HOT LUNCH served this day. If you ordered hot lunch for Dec. 1·9, 2014, your account will be credited for January 16. 2015 when the hot lunch will be served. If your child's class is not serving lunch as part of the Christ mas party celebration, please provide a bag lunch for them. Teacher and room parents will notify individual classes as to whether or not lunch will be served. Christmas par 301-932-6883 301-843-3387 Page 2 St. Mary's News t\o ties will be from I I:30-1 p.m. for all classes. After the Christmas parties, we will be participating in a whole school activity in the main hall. This is a regu lar full day of school. "Faith comes from hearing We hope this clarifies any misinformation that has been circulating about the last day of school before Christmas break. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Caniglia. the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ!' Rom 10:17 TAP News Walk up sales will be held on Thursday, December 18,2014 from 6 - 7 p.m. just prior to our Christmas Program. Get there early and stock up on your fa vorite cards as stocked cards run out quickly. This will be the last TAP sale before Christmas break. Be sure to pick up those last minute shopping cards while you can! Washington Coat Drive. If you get a new coat for Christmas, save the old coat to donate to this worthy cause. We will try to "stuff" the bus again and we need lots of coats for the less for tunate to do that. Thanks for your help. Congratulations Our newest raffle winner is $4500 richer this holiday sea son. Congratulations to Ms. Patricia Thomas whose name was drawn on Saturday at the Bazaar and Auction. Another drawing will be held this Thursday, Dec. 18, 2014 at the Christmas Program. There are still plenty of cash prizes to be awarded, and tickets are still available., BUT you can only win if you've bought and turned in your tickets! January Service Project We will again be collecting gently worn or new coats for the Archdiocese of Friday Saint. Blessed or Servant of God-Feast Day or Passion Blessed Pope Urban V Our Christmas Wishes for You On behalf of Father Conley, Mrs. Caniglia, Faculty and Staff we wish all of you and your families a very Merry and Blessed Christmas, as well as a Happy New Year for 20 IS! We hope you are able to enjoy each moment of the Christmas season. We are thankful for the bleSSings you have given us throughout the year and we ask God's blessing for each of you. There is a small token of appreciation for all of our volunteers in the school foyer I Page 3 Eight Gifts That Do Not CostA Cent I. The Gift of Listening ..• But you must really listen. No interrupting, no daydreaming, no planning your response. Just listening. 2. The Gift ofAffection .•. Be generous with appropriate hugs, kisses, pats on the back and hand holds. Let these small actions demonstrate the love you have for family and friends. 3. The Gift of Laughter••• Clip cartoons. Share articles and funny stories. Your gift will say, "I love to laugh with you." 4. The Gift of a Written Note.•• A brief, handwritten note may be remembered for a lifetime, and may even change a life. 5. The Gift of a Compliment... A simple and sincere, "You look great in red," "You did a super job" or "That was a wonderful meal" can make someone's day. 6. The Gift of a Favor .•• Every day, go out of your way to do something kind. 7. The Gift of Solitude.•. There are times when we want nothing better than to be left alone. Be sensitive to those times and give the gift of solitude to others. 8. The Gift of a Cheerful Disposition ••. The easiest way to feel good is to extend a kind word to someone, really it's not that hard to say, Hello or ThankYou. Friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us. Wo~ld Meeting ojFamiliesPrayer F~ancis has asked all Catholics' • {.:J6d and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, You have made us Your sons and daughters in the family of the Church . worldwide, to use the months ahead' a time q(tjRreparation & p~(;lyer fOlf .' . . '.... World:M~~'cj'fJ1&9fFamilies to be hel~i1h: . . .. Ph4~~~lp~~i;;~~ptembe~ 2015" . ... ,', ., , ." ,'. '.' ,'.-, ./1:t;; Your grace and love help our families - in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. ,. )!I; the example of the Holy Family, 1,1" " with the aid of Your Holy Spirit, guide all families,especially those most troubled,to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek Your truth. and Jive in Your love . . 1htOi!gl:lChrist our'Lbrd, " "':Aip,~n st Mary's School lunch Menu Order and Payment Parent's Copy Please Place Your ORDER ONLINE To Ensure Accuracy DUE THURSDAY DEC 18th ' W'th v Return On me Jnvo/ce I ,our Payment ------,,"'"'''''-''''',,'''--''''''-''''''' " **JANUARY 2015** -~--- ""'~""""---r" Monday Tuesday c---- - - -, --, 6. 5. Pizza Hotline Taco Salad 12. Pizza Hotline Taco Salad 19. NO SCHOOL 26. NO SCHOOL ~' l' 2. 3. 4. , 5. """ 20. Taco Salad 27. Taco Salad . PLEASE' . ORDER ONLlNE* Go to Click on the "School Lunch" link. Print and return the invoice with your check payable to St Mary's Bryantown. ......-..j wedne~~~~:::-h'O:~~l 8. ,7.Nick's Chick-FiI-A 15. Chick~FiI-A _ ,___ 22. 21. Nick's Subs, .......... 28. Nick's Subs Child's Name: ~~ 1. Drink is a cup of fruit punch or lemonade. Extra cup costs $0.25. Chips can be purchased over the counter for $0.25 Ice Cream is available on Tuesday and Fridav for $1.00 8. Please order on line I i NO LATE ORDERS ACCEPTED IEXCEPTIONS! NO 01/06 01/20 01/27 Taco Salad w/applesauce Side Taco Salad w/applesauce side Taco Salad w/applesauce Side Taco Salad w/applesauce side 01/07 Nicks Sub- Turkey_ Ham_ Tuna__ @$3_S0each 01/14 01/21 Nicks SubNicks Sub· Nicks Sub- Turkey Turkey Turkey. -- ~801/15 01/22 }}"Y29 SORRY 1# @$1.S0slice @$1.SOslice Pizza· Pizza - 01/28 30. Steak Sandwich w/fries ....Pilla Hotline pizza price does NOT include a drink or chips. U . Taco salad w/applesauce cup and a drink NICKS Subs indudc3s chips, cookie. and a drink. Chkk-FJI-A includes chips and a drink. "'~. 01/0S 01/12 01/13 ..." ........ NOTES Menu Selections Date ..-... .".~.-- 23. Steak Sandwich w/fries 29. Chick-FiI-A Grade: Indicate quantity on the fine next to your selection for the dates you want lunch and enter the cost jor each, date and total. ,~ries # Chick-FiI-A I *Complete the section below only if you don't enter your order online. Return this portion with your payment, ONE PER CHILD,'" '--" --ffi 14. Nick's Subs -- **JANUARY 2015** 9. Hotdog Lunch 4th gr sponsor 16. Burgers wlor w/o cheese I Subs 13. *PLEASE ORDER ON-LINE DUE DATE DECEMBER 18th • Chick-FiI-A Chick-FiI-A Chick-FiI-A Chick-FiI-A sandwich Sandwich Sandwich Sandwich Hotdog chips & drink 01/09 01/16 Cheeseburger & Fries _ "2.Y~_ rcheesesteak & Fries r----'-:---'~ 01/30 # Pepperoni PlaJn Plain Cheesesteak & Fries ...-"'III''''' v." Cost ,---- @3.S0each @3.50eac:h @3.50each @'3.5Oeac~ Ham Ham Ham Nuggets TUna Tuna Tuna .Wrap Wrap NlIggets "" Wrap Nuggets Wrap NlI~ets I ! ! ___ @$3.50each @$3.50each @ $3.. S0E!.~<:~, @$3.50each @$3.SOeach @$3.s0each @$3.50each ! ----- ' ,-- ---,--- ........ r-- $1.S0ea extra hotdotL-$1.00ea Hamburger & Fries @$3.50each Steak sandwich &: Fries @$3.5Deach @$3.50each Steak sandwich &: Fries - January 16th. 2015 will replace previously ordered lunches for December 19th, 2014 Make check payable to St. Mary's Bryantown TOTAL $ Due by THURSDAY DEC 18th ** PLEASE ORDER ON·L1NE ** Check # Check Date Total $ "-, i LUNCH VOLUNTEER SIGN UP SHEET FOR JAN 2015 This form is due Thursday DEC 18th Sign below on dates you can volunteer for lunch For TUES & FRI, please arrive at 10:30 For MON, WED & THURS, please arrive at 11:15 **IF YOU SIGN UP, PLEASE SHOW UP FOR THE DATES YOU'VE COMMITTED.** RETURN THIS FORM TO THE SCHOOL OFFICE, THANKS!!! 01/05/15 MONDAY 01/06/15 TUESDAY 01/07/15 WEDNESDAY 01/08/15 THURSDAY 01/12/15 MONDAY 01/13/15 TUESDAY 01/14/15 WEDNESDAY 01/15/15 THURSDAY 01/16/15 FRIDAY 01/20/15 TUESDAY 01/21/15 WEDNESDAY 01/22/15 THURSDAY 01/23/15 FRIDAY 01/27/15 TUESDAY 01/28/15 WEDNESDAY 01/29/15 THURSDAY 01/30/15 FRIDAY PIZZA HOTLINE HOT LUNCH NICKS SUBS CHICK-FIL-A PIZZA HOTLINE HOT LUNCH NICKS SUBS CHICK-FIL-A HOT LUNCH HOT LUNCH NICKS SUBS CHICK-FIL-A HOT LUNCH HOT LUNCH NICKS SUBS CHICK-FIL-A HOT LUNCH Order Form 2014/2015 Milk Program 3rd Quarter Milk Program starts Wednesday, January 22, 2015 To order: • Please complete the form below • Return form + payment by Thurs., January 8, 2015 • Make your check payable to St. Marys School • A separate check is required for the Milk Program (Milk Money is kept in a separate account in accordance with state regulations. ) 3rd quarter cost =$1S.00/child Grade: Child's Name: Flavor: White Chocolate Grade: Child's Name: Flavor: White Chocolate Grade: Child's Name: Flavor: White Chocolate Additional Quarter Prices: __ I wish to order 3rd quarter only ($lS/child) __ I wish to order for the remaining school year ($30/child) Reminders: rd ) Additional milk order forms will be sent at the end of the 3 quarter. ) Changes to your child's flavor choice may be made at that time. Thank you. ~o y~~ $60,000 Raffle One in 100 Chances to Win, the Students Win Every Time! • Monthly drawings for cash prizes beginning in October • 20 opportunities to win cash prizes • Your ticket enters you in all $1,000 and $4,500 drawings as well as the $1,000 Drawing sponsored Grand Prize Drawing by Community Bank of the • Drawings will be held on Oct. 24, Chesapeake - Thank You Nov. 2, Nov. 25, Dec. 13, Dec. 18, Jan. 23, Jan. 29, Feb. 7, Feb. 19, Feb. 27 & Mar. 6. • Grand Prize Drawing of $20,000 held on March 6, 2015 $60,000 Raffle Ticket Form If you would like to purchase a ticket or go in on a ticket, please fill out this form and mail it with your payment of $100 to Sf. Mary's Bryantown, 13735 Notre Dame Place, Bryantown, MD 20617. Attn: Sarah Crozier. Please caI/301.932.6883 or 301.843.3387 for more information. Name/s: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Phone Numberls: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Email/s: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ st. Mary's Bryantown • 13715 Notre Dame Place, Bryantown, MD 20617 • 301.932.6883 or 301.843.3387
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