ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) BLECHERT Jens University of Salzburg FREUNBERGER Stefan Graz University of Technology Host Institution (Local name) Paris-LodronUniversität Salzburg Technische Universität Graz GREBIEN Florian Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft GmbH HANCOCK Angela University of Vienna University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Graz University of Technology Graz University of Technology International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Host country Acronym AT NewEat AT OMICON Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft GmbH AT ONCOMECHAML Universität Wien AT CVI_ADAPT Universität für Bodenkultur Wien AT AuxinER Mechanisms of Auxin-dependent Signaling in the Endoplasmic Reticulum LS3 AT Novel asthma therapy Biocompatible nanoparticles for T cell targeted siRNA delivery as novel asthma therapy LS7 AT HOMOVIS High-level Prior Models for Computer Vision PE6 AT DecentLivingEnergy Energy and emissions thresholds for providing decent living standards to all SH3 Project Title panel Transdiagnostic views on eating disorders and obesity and new approaches for treatment Organic Mixed Ion and Electron Conductors for High-Energy Batteries Common Oncogenic Mechanisms in MultiPartner Translocation Families in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Unraveling the history of adaptation in an island model: Cape Verde Arabidopsis SH4 PE4 LS7 LS8 KLEINE-VEHN Jürgen MERKEL Olivia POCK Thomas RAO Narasimha Desirazu WÖBKEN Dagmar University of Vienna Universität Wien AT DormantMicrobes Revealing the function of dormant soil microorganisms and the cues for their awakening LS8 WOJTAN Chris Institute of Science and Technology Austria Institute of Science and Technology Austria AT Big Splash Efficient Simulation of Natural Phenomena at Extremely Large Scales PE6 WUJASTYK Dagmar University of Vienna Universität Wien AT AYURYOG BOUTON Laurent PEMP Arthur BE EUTHORITY FRANCART Tom Université Libre de Bruxelles Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Katholieke Universiteit Leuven BE DYEVRE University of Brussels (ULB) Catholic University of Leuven Catholic University of Leuven BE ISIFit KREBS Ruth Ghent University Universiteit Gent BE REMOTIVATE NOWACK Moritz Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie BE PROCELLDEATH PETRÉ Peter Catholic University of Leuven Katholieke Universiteit Leuven BE MindBendingGrammars VAN OSSELAER Tineke University of Antwerp Universiteit Antwerpen BE STIGMATICS 2014 European Research Council – Technische Universität Graz Technische Universität Graz Internationales Institut für Angewandte Systemanalyse 15/12/2014 Medicine, Immortality, Moksha: Entangled Histories of Yoga, Ayurveda and Alchemy in South Asia Political Economy with Many Parties: Strategic Electorate and Strategic Candidates Conflict and Cooperation in the EU Heterarchical Legal System Individualised and self-adapting sound processing for cochlear implants Reward revisited: Towards a comprehensive understanding of motivational influences on human cognition Unraveling the regulatory network of developmental programmed cell death in plants Mind-Bending Grammars: The dynamics of correlated multiple grammatical changes in Early Modern English writers Between saints and celebrities. The devotion and promotion of stigmatics in Europe, c.18001950 Page 1 of 20 SH6 SH1 SH2 LS7 SH4 LS3 SH4 SH6 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) Host Institution (Local name) Host country Acronym VAN REMOORTEL Marianne Ghent University Universiteit Gent BE WeChangEd VERBEECK Hans Ghent University Universiteit Gent BE TREECLIMBERS KOWALSKA Magdalena European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire CH BetaDropNMR MACAK Jan University of Pardubice Univerzita Pardubice CZ CHROMTISOL AULEHLA Alexander European Molecular Biology Laboratory European Molecular Biology Laboratory DE Oscillations BAUER Jan University Hospital rechts der Isar DE iBack BELTRAO Pedro DE PhosFunc BOLOTIN Kirill Freie Universität Berlin DE Strained2DMaterials DE NOVA Non-coding RNA in Vascular Ageing LS7 DE Inhomogeneities Micro-scale inhomogeneities in compressed systems and their impact onto the PROCESSfunctioning-chain and the PRODUCTcharacteristics PE8 DE SUPERFOAM Structure-Property Relations in Aqueous Foam and Their Control on a Molecular Level PE4 DE SLEEPCONTROL The mechanism of sleep control through a sleep-active sleep-promoting neuron LS5 European Molecular Biology Laboratory Free University of Berlin Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universitat München European Molecular Biology Laboratory Reinier University of Frankfurt am Main Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main BRÄUER Andreas University of ErlangenNuremberg Friedrich-AlexanderUniversität Erlangen Nurnberg BRAUNSCHWEIG Björn University of ErlangenNuremberg BRINGMANN Henrik Max Planck Society BOON BUSS Claudia Friedrich-AlexanderUniversität Erlangen Nürnberg Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. Project Title panel Agents of Change: Women Editors and SocioCultural Transformation in Europe (1710-1920) Modelling lianas as key drivers of tropical forest responses to climate change Ultra-sensitive NMR in liquids SH5 LS8 PE2 Towards New Generation of Solid-State Photovoltaic Cell: Harvesting Nanotubular Titania and Hybrid Chromophores Oscillatory signaling dynamics – a quantitative approach to reveal their origin and function in development Individualized treatment planning in chronic back pain patients by advanced imaging and multi-parametric biomechanical models Dissecting the functional importance of eukaryotic protein phosphorylation Unlocking new physics in controllably strained two-dimensional materials Transgenerational transmission of maternal childhood trauma and its sequelae – Altered maternal physiology during pregnancy and implications for newborn neurodevelopment PE5 LS3 LS7 LS2 PE3 Charité- University Hospital Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin DE TransCTNeurodev DE HybridMiX Genetic Mapping of Evolutionary Developmental Variation using Hybrid Mouse in vitro Crosses LS8 DE OscillatoryVision The retinae as windows to the brain: An oscillatory vision SH4 CHAN Frank Max Planck Society Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. DALAL Sarang University of Konstanz Universität Konstanz 2014 European Research Council – 15/12/2014 Page 2 of 20 LS5 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) DANNENBERG Astrid Centre for European Economic Research DE LAPORTE Laura Host country Acronym Project Title panel DE HUCO Human Cooperation to Protect the Global Commons SH3 DE ANISOGEL Injectable anisotropic microgel-in-hydrogel matrices for spinal cord repair PE8 DELCEA Mihaela DE PredicTOOL Nanomethods to understand what makes an endogenous protein immunogenic PE4 DENZEL Martin Max Planck Society DE MetAGEn Metabolic and Genetic Regulation of Ageing LS4 DI VIRGILIO Michela Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine DE DNAendProtection DNA end protection in Immunity and Cancer LS1 ERB Tobias Max Planck Society DE SYBORG combining SYnthetic Biology and chemistry to create novel CO2-fixing enzymes, ORGanelles and ORGanisms LS9 ERLACHER Miriam University Medical Center Freiburg Universitätsklinikum Freiburg DE ApoptoMDS FRASER Alexander University of Munich Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München DE DASMT GEBHARDT Christof Ulm University Universität Ulm DE ChromArch University of Wuppertal Max Planck Institute for Iron Research DE HyMoCo DE TIME-BRIDGE DE FlyContext DE MolStruKT Hannover Medical School Ruhr University Bochum Bergische Universität Wuppertal Max Planck Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München Medizinische Hochschule Hannover Ruhr-Universität Bochum DE PNANOMED DE BASTION Ruhr University Bochum Ruhr-Universität Bochum DE XBCBCAT German Wool Research Institute, Aachen University Medicine Greifswald GÖRRN Patrick GRABOWSKI Blazej GRUNWALD KADOW Ilona Max Planck Society HERZOG Franz University of Munich HEUSER Michael HOLZ Thorsten HUBER Stefan 2014 European Research Council – Host Institution (Local name) Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH Host Institution refers to institution at time of application DWI an der RWTH Aachen Ev Universitätsmedizin Greifswald Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. Max-DelbrückCentrum für Molekulare Medizin Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. 15/12/2014 Hematopoietic stem cell Apoptosis in bone marrow failure and MyeloDysplastic Syndromes: Friend or foe? Domain Adaptation for Statistical Machine Translation Single Molecule Mechanisms of SpatioTemporal Chromatin Architecture Hybrid Node Modes for Highly Efficient Light Concentrators Time-scale bridging potentials for realistic molecular dynamics simulations Neural processing of context-dependent innate behavior Molecular structure and cell cycle regulated assembly of the kinetochore Personalized Nanomedicines for Leukemia Patients Leveraging Binary Analysis to Secure the Internet of Things From Supramolecular Chemistry to Organocatalysis: Fundamental Studies on the Use of Little-Explored Non-Covalent Interactions in Organic Synthesis Page 3 of 20 LS4 PE6 LS1 PE8 PE8 LS5 LS1 LS7 PE6 PE5 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) Host Institution (Local name) Host country Acronym HUESGEN Pitter Jülich Research Centre Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH DE ProPlantStress INOUE Shigeyoshi SILION Florian Technische Universität Berlin Klinikum der Universität zu Köln Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz DE KLEIN Technical University of Berlin University Hospital Cologne DE HIV1ABTHERAPY Antibody-Mediated Therapy of HIV-1 Infection LS6 DE O2RIGIN Form the origin of Earth's volatiles to atmospheric oxygenation PE10 DE nuDirections New Directions in Theoretical Neutrino Physics PE2 DE BREATHE Biochemically modified messenger RNA encoding nucleases for in vivo gene correction of severe inherited lung diseases LS7 DE GAMES Gut Microbiota in Nervous System Autoimmunity: Molecular Mechanisms of Disease Initiation and Regulation LS6 DE SOS Sorting of Self LS6 DE InfoAggregation Information Aggregation in Elections SH1 DE ELEPHANTINE DE Regenerate DE Dynamic Nano Dynamic Nanoplasmonics PE3 DE dasQ Atomic-Scale Dynamics of Quantum Materials PE3 KÖNIG Stephan University of Tübingen KOPP Joachim University of Mainz KORMANN Michael University of Tübingen KRISHNAMOORTHY Gurumoorthy Max Planck Society KRÖNKE Gerhard University Hospital Erlangen LAUERMANN Stephan University of Bonn LEPPER Verena Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation LIENKAMP Karen University of Freiburg LIU Na Max Planck Society LOTH Sebastian Max Planck Society Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. Universitätsklinikum Erlangen Rheinische FriedrichWilhelms-Universität Bonn Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz Albert-LudwigsUniversität Freiburg Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. LOTSCH Bettina Max Planck Society Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. MAIER Sabine University of ErlangenNuremberg Friedrich-AlexanderUniversität Erlangen Nurnberg 2014 European Research Council – DE COFLeaf DE SURFLINK 15/12/2014 Project Title panel Proteolytic processing in plant stress signal transduction and responses to abiotic stress and pathogen attack Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Application of Silyliumylidene Ions Localizing 4000 Years of Cultural History. Texts and Scripts from Elephantine Island in Egypt Self-regenerating Functional Surfaces – Towards a Technology Platform for New Materials and Devices Fuel from sunlight: Covalent organic frameworks as integrated platforms for photocatalytic water splitting and CO2 reduction MOLECULAR CARPETS ON INSULATING SURFACES: RATIONAL DESIGN OF COVALENT NETWORKS Page 4 of 20 LS1 PE5 SH6 PE5 PE5 PE4 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) MAIER-HEIN Lena German Cancer Research Centre MARIENHAGEN Jan Jülich Research Centre Host Institution (Local name) Deutsches Krebsforschungszentr um Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH MEDYOUF Hind Technical University of Dresden Technische Universität Dresden MÜLLER Patrick Max Planck Society OBERLAENDER Marcel Max Planck Society OSIMANI Barbara University of Munich PAESCHKE Katrin University of Wurzburg PETERS Jan Technical University of Darmstadt RIGHETTI Ludovic Max Planck Society ROHLFING Ingo Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) ROPERS Claus University of Gottingen SALINGA Martin RWTH Aachen University SAXER Martin University of Munich SCHEIERMANN Christoph University of Munich SCHMID Michael Ernst Strungmann Institute GmbH 2014 European Research Council – Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg Technische Universität Darmstadt Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) Georg-AugustUniversität Göttingen Stiftung Oeffentlichen Rechts RheinischWestfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München Ernst Strüngmann Institute GmbH Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Host country Acronym Project Title panel DE COMBIOSCOPY Computational Biophotonics for Endoscopic Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy LS7 DE CUSTOM-SENSE DE HemNichMDS DE QUANTPATTERN Quantitative analysis of Nodal/Lefty-mediated pattern formation LS3 DE EngineeringPercepts Reverse engineering sensory perception and decision making: bridging physiology, anatomy and behavior LS5 DE PhilPharm DE G4DSB DE SKILLS4ROBOTS DE CONT-ACT Control of contact interactions for robots acting in the world PE7 DE ENHANCEDQMMR Enhanced Qualitative and Multi-Method Research in Political Science SH2 DE ULEED Observing structural dynamics at surfaces with Ultrafast Low-Energy Electron Diffraction PE3 DE NEURAMORPH Dynamics of Amorphous Semiconductors: Intrinsic Nature and Application in Neuromorphic Hardware PE5 DE Highland Connections DE CIRCODE DE OptoVision 15/12/2014 Custom-made biosensors – Accelerating the transition to a bio-based economy Functional and Molecular Analyses of the Interplay between Hematopoietic and Mesenchymal Niche Cells in Human Myelodysplastic Syndromes. Philosophy of Pharmacology: Safety, Statistical standards and Evidence Amalgamation G-quadruplex DNA Structures and Genome Stability Policy Learning of Motor Skills for Humanoid Robots Remoteness and Connectivity: Highland Asia in the World Cell-type specific mechanisms regulating rhythms in leukocyte homing Optogenetic investigation of cortical layer-6 neuron contributions to dynamic visual perception Page 5 of 20 LS9 LS4 SH5 LS1 PE7 SH2 LS6 LS5 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) SCHMIDT-HOBERG Kai DESY SCHNELL Melanie Max Planck Society SCHOENEBECK Franziska RWTH Aachen University SCHUCH Norbert RWTH Aachen University SCHWERING Angela University of Munster TESTA Ilaria University Medical Center Goettingen THUEREY Nils Technical University of Munich TURSUN Baris Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine UHLENHAUT Henriette Helmholtz-German Research Centre for Environmental Health WEINZIERL Bernadett University of Munich WOLLERT Thomas Max Planck Society YONEHARA Keisuke University Medical Center Goettingen 2014 European Research Council – Host Institution (Local name) Stiftung Deutsches ElektronenSynchrotron Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. RheinischWestfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen RheinischWestfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster Georg-AugustUniversität Göttingen Stiftung Öffentlichen Rechts Universitätsmedizin Technische Universität München Max-DelbrückCentrum für Molekulare Medizin Helmholtz Zentrum München - Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. Universitätsmedizin Georg-AugustUniversität Göttingen (UMG) Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Host country Acronym Project Title panel DE NewAve New avenues towards solving the dark matter puzzle PE2 DE ASTROROT Unraveling interstellar chemistry with broadband microwave spectroscopy and nextgeneration telescope arrays PE4 DE FunCatDesign Fundamental Studies in Catalysis – Reactivity Design with Experimental and Computational Tools PE5 DE WASCOSYS Wavefunctions for strongly correlated systems PE2 DE WayTO Wayfinding Through Orientation SH3 DE MoNaLISA Long-term molecular nanoscale imaging of neuronal function LS5 DE realFlow DE REPROWORM DE SILENCE Mechanisms of Gene Silencing by the Glucocorticoid Receptor LS4 DE A-LIFE Absorbing aerosol layers in a changing climate: aging, lifetime and dynamics PE10 DE Autophagy in vitro Reconstituting Autophagosome Biogenesis in vitro LS1 DE CIRCUITASSEMBLY Development of functional organization of the visual circuits in mice LS5 15/12/2014 Virtualization of Real Flows for Animation and Simulation Safeguarding Cell Identities: Mechanisms Counteracting Cell Fate Reprogramming Page 6 of 20 PE6 LS3 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) YUAN Jiayin Max Planck Society ANDERSEN Steffen Copenhagen Business School Host Institution (Local name) Max-PlanckGesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. Copenhagen Business School ANDERSSON Robin University of Copenhagen BUYLAERT Jan-Pieter GERHART-HINES Zachary Philip GLORIAM David GRESSEL Oliver PEDERSEN Bjørn RINALDI BARKAT Tania SCHLIESSER Albert SOMMER Morten WAHLBERG Ayo BENEDITO Rui CALSAMIGLIA Caterina CARRERA David CHANG Darrick Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Host country Acronym Project Title panel DE NAPOLI Nanoporous Asymmetric Poly(Ionic Liquid) Membrane PE5 DK RDRECON Københavns Universitet DK SCORA Technical University of Denmark Danmarks Tekniske Universitet DK RELOS University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen Københavns Universitet Københavns Universitet DK aCROBAT DK DE-ORPHAN University of Copenhagen Københavns Universitet DK new-ppd-environments Aarhus University University of Copenhagen University of Copenhagen Technical University of Denmark University of Copenhagen Aarhus Universitet Københavns Universitet Københavns Universitet Danmarks Tekniske Universitet Københavns Universitet Fundación Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III DK CSUMECH DK AuditoryCircuits DK Q-CEOM Spanish National Centre for CardioVascular Research Markets, Organizations and Votes in Economics (MOVE) Barcelona Supercomputing Center Institute of Photonic Sciences 2014 European Research Council – Risky Decisions: Revealing Economic Behaviour A systematic characterization of human regulatory architectures and their determinants of regulatory activity Reducing empiricism in luminescence geochronology: Understanding the origins of luminescence from individual sand grains Circadian Regulation Of Brown Adipose Thermogenesis DEtermination of Orphan Receptor PHysiological Agonists and sigNals First-principles global MHD disc simulations: Defining planet-forming environments in early solar systems Cholesterol and Sugar Uptake Mechanisms Studying the developing auditory cortex to dissect neural circuit functions Quantum Cavity Electro- and Opto-Mechanics Utilizing evolutionary interactions to limit multidrug resistance The Vitality of Disease - Quality of Life in the Making SH1 LS2 PE10 LS4 LS7 PE9 LS1 LS5 PE2 DK LimitMDR DK VITAL ES AngioGenesHD Epistasis analysis of angiogenes with high cellular definition LS4 Consorci Markets Organizations and Votes in Economics ES CompSCHoice A Comprehensive Approach to School Choice and Education SH1 Centro Nacional de Supercomputación ES Hi-EST Holistic Integration of Emerging Supercomputing Technologies PE6 Institut de Ciències Fotòniques ES FoQAL Frontiers of Quantum Atom-Light Interactions PE2 15/12/2014 Page 7 of 20 LS2 SH2 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) COLLADO Maria Carmen Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) COMAS Iñaki Centre for Advanced research in Public health of the Region of Valencia EFEYAN Alejo Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) ENCISO Alberto Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) ENIKOLOPOV Ruben GANCEDO Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Host country Acronym Project Title panel ES MAMI The Power of Maternal Microbes on Infant Health LS9 ES TB-ACCELERATE Integrating genomics, epidemiology and evolution to accelerate tuberculosis eradication LS7 ES NutrientSensingVivo The Physiology of Nutrient Sensing by mTOR LS4 ES GEOFLUIDS Geometric problems in PDEs with applications to fluid mechanics PE1 Pompeu Fabra University Host Institution (Local name) Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigacion Sanitaria y Biomédica de la Comunidad Valenciana Fundación Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncologicas Carlos III Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Universitat Pompeu Fabra ES SocialMedia Francisco University of Seville Universidad de Sevilla ES FLUID-INTERFACE IRIMIA Manuel Centre for Genomic Regulation ES NEURAL AS MARTINEZ SANTOS Diego University of Santiago de Compostela ES BSMFLEET Challenging the Standard Model using an extended Physics program in LHCb PE2 MONTSERRAT Nuria Centre for Regenerative Medicine ES REGMAMKID How to regenerate the mammalian kidney LS7 ORTEGA-VILLAIZAN ROMO Maria del Mar Miguel Hernandez University of Elche Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG) Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Fundacio Privada Centre de Medicina Regenerativa de Barcelona Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche ES BLOODCELLSCROSSTALK PERMANYER Iñaki Centre for Demographic studies Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics ES EQUALIZE POSE PADILLA David University of Malaga Universidad de Malaga ES TRANSFR-Q PUEYO Esther University of Zaragoza Universidad de Zaragoza ES MODELAGE QUINTANA Albert Autonomous University of Barcelona Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona ES NEUROMITO 2014 European Research Council – 15/12/2014 Social Media, Political Participation, and Accountability Analysis of moving incompressible fluid interfaces Functions and evolutionary impact of transcriptomic novelties in the vertebrate brain The Crosstalk Between Red And White Blood Cells: The Case Of Fish Equalizing or disequalizing? Opposing sociodemographic determinants of the spatial distribution of welfare. Transcriptional RegulAtory Network controlling Strawberry Fruit Ripening and Quality Is your heart aging well? A systems biology to characterize cardiac aging from the cell to the body surface Elucidating Neuronal Susceptibility to Mitochondrial Disease Page 8 of 20 SH1 PE1 LS2 LS9 SH3 LS9 PE8 LS5 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) Host Institution (Local name) Host country Acronym ROMERO Diego University of Malaga Universidad de Málaga ES BacBio VARELA Ignacio University of Cantabria Universidad de Cantabria ES INTRAHETEROSEQ EHN Mikael University of Helsinki Helsingin yliopisto FI COALA LÄHDESMÄKI Tuuli University of Jyväskylä Jyväskylän Yliopisto FI EUROHERIT OULASVIRTA Antti Aalto University Aalto-yliopisto FI COMPUTED PEREIRA DA SILVA José Filipe University of Helsinki Helsingin yliopisto FI RiP SAASTAMOINEN Marjo University of Helsinki Helsingin yliopisto FI META-STRESS VIRTANEN Tuomas EVERYSOUND Carles Oriol Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives Association pour la Recherche et le Developpement des Methodes et Processus Industriels Armines Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Université de Versailles SaintQuentin-en-Yvelines. FI ALTIMIRAS MARTIN Tampere University of Technology French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) FR NSECPROBE Probing quantum fluctuations of single electronic channels in model interacting systems PE3 FR AArteMIS Aneurysmal Arterial Mechanics: Into the Structure PE8 FR GEM From Geometry to Motion: inverse modeling of complex mechanical structures PE6 FR COMPUCELL Autonomous Cellular Computers for Diagnosis LS7 FR MESOPROBIO Mesoscopic models for propagation in biology PE1 FR PRIMCHEM Primitive chemistry in planetary atmospheres: From the upper atmosphere down to the surface PE9 BADEL Pierre BERTAILSDESCOUBES Florence BONNET Jerome CALVEZ Vincent CARRASCO Nathalie Research Association for developement and methods in Industrial Processes National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automatic Control (INRIA) National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) University of Versailles 2014 European Research Council – 15/12/2014 Project Title panel Mechanistic and functional studies of Bacillus biofilms assembly on plants, and their impact in sustainable agriculture and food safety Molecular characterization of the role of intratumor heterogeneity in cancer progression and metastasis Comprehensive molecular characterization of secondary organic aerosol formation in the atmosphere Legitimation of European cultural heritage and the dynamics of identity politics in the EU Computational User Interface Design Rationality in Perception: Transformations of Mind and Cognition 1250-1550 Unravelling life-history responses and underlying mechanisms to environmental stress in wild populations Computational Analysis of Everyday Soundscapes Page 9 of 20 LS9 LS4 PE10 SH5 PE6 SH5 LS8 PE6 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results Last Name First Name CARRASCO John Joseph COELHO Susana DALIBARD Anne-Laure All domains - List of Principal Investigators Host Institution (English) French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6 Foundation of Scientific Cooperation for Hearing and Seeing (FSCHS) "Voir et Entendre" National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) Host Institution (Local name) Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6 Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Host country Acronym Project Title panel FR preQFT Strategic Predictions for Quantum Field Theories PE2 FR SEXSEA FR BLOC Fondation de Cooperation Scientifique Voir et Entendre FR REGENETHER Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) FR MAGNETO Origin and evolution of the sexes and reproductive systems: novel insights from a distant eukaryotic lineage Mathematical study of Boundary Layers in Oceanic Motions Modeling and treating retinal degenerative disease LS8 PE1 DALKARA Deniz DANAS Konstantinos DEBETTE Stephanie University of Bordeaux Université de Bordeaux FR SEGWAY EVANS Damian The French School of Asian Studies (EFEO) Ecole francaise d'Extrême-Orient FR CALI GENEVET Patrice National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) FR FLATLIGHT Functional 2D metamaterials at visible wavelengths PE7 GIRIT Çağlar Collège de France Collège de France FR JSPEC Josephson Junction Spectroscopy of Mesoscopic Systems PE3 National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) FR MechanoFate From mechanical stress to vascular fate LS4 FR GAN Groups, Actions and von Neumann algebras PE1 FR aLzINK Alzheimer's disease and Zinc: the missing link ? PE5 FR IMAGINE Imaging magnetic fields at the nanoscale with a single spin microscope PE3 FR LITHIUM From planetary birth with aperture masking interferometry to nulling with Lithium Niobate technology PE9 FR CrIC Molecular basis of the cross-talk between chronic inflammation and cancer LS6 GUILLUY Christophe HOUDAYER Cyril HUREAU-SABATER Christelle JACQUES Vincent LACOUR Sylvestre LAGUETTE Nadine 2014 European Research Council – 15/12/2014 Active Magnetorheological Elastomers: from Hierarchical Composite Materials to tailored Instabilities Study on Environmental and GenomeWide predictors of early structural brain Alterations in Young students The Cambodian Archaeological Lidar Initiative: Exploring Resilience in the Engineered Landscapes of Early SE Asia Page 10 of 20 LS7 PE8 LS7 SH6 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Host Institution (English) National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automatic Control (INRIA) Host Institution (Local name) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique Host country Acronym Project Title panel FR Weakinteract Weak interactions in self-organizations studied by NMR spectroscopy in the supramolecular solid-state PE4 FR FELICITY Foundations of Efficient Lattice Cryptography PE6 Marie Collège de France Collège de France FR COLOUR PATTERN MARRIS-MORINI Delphine University Paris-Sud Université Paris-Sud FR INsPIRE MIRON Ioan Mihai SMART DESIGN Antonio FR BIFLOW Bilingualism in Florentine and Tuscan Works (ca. 1260 - ca. 1416) SH5 MOURET Jean-Baptiste Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6 FR MONTEFUSCO National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) School for Advanced studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6 FR ResiBots Robots with animal-like resilience PE6 Last Name First Name LOQUET Antoine LYUBASHEVSKY Vadim MANCEAU MOYNIER Frédéric NAIM Valeria NURY Hugues OFFRANC PIRET Gaelle PERET Benjamin POINEAU Jérôme PRADEU Thomas ROUAUX Caroline SACÉPÉ Benjamin Institute of Earth Physics of Paris (IPGP) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) University of Strasbourg Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Université de Strasbourg University of Paris Sorbonne (Paris IV) Université de ParisSorbonne (Paris IV) National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) 2014 European Research Council – Morphogenesis and Molecular Regulation of Colour Patterning in Birds Chip-scale INtegrated Photonics for the midInfra REd Spin-orbit mechanism in adaptive magnetization-reversal techniques, for magnetic memory design High precision isotopic measurements of heavy elements in extra-terrestrial materials: origin and age of the solar system volatile element depletion Fanconi anemia : a disease model to understand causes and consequences of common fragile site instability. LS3 PE7 PE3 FR PRISTINE FR FAtoUnFRAGILITY FR PentaBrain Structural studies of mammalian Cys-loop receptors LS1 FR BRAIN MICRO SNOOPER A mimetic implant for low perturbation, stable stimulation and recording of neural units inside the brain. PE8 FR LUPINROOTS Unravelling cluster root development in white lupin LS3 FR TOSSIBERG Theory of Stein Spaces in Berkovich Geometry PE1 FR IDEM FR CorticALS FR QUEST 15/12/2014 Immunity, DEvelopment and Microbiota: Understanding the Continuous Construction of Biological Identity Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis from a cortical perspective: towards alternative therapeutic strategies QUantum Hall Edge State Tunnelling spectroscopy Page 11 of 20 PE10 LS4 SH4 LS5 PE3 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) Host Institution (Local name) Host country Acronym SALLÉE Jean-Baptiste Pierre and Marie Curie University - Paris 6 Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6 FR WAPITI SCHURGER Aaron National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale FR ACTINIT TABAREAU Nicolas CoqHoTT Coq for Homotopy Type Theory PE6 Maria FR Nano Harvest Flexible nanowire devices for energy harvesting PE5 VIOLLE Cyrille FR CONSTRAINTS Ecophysiological and biophysical constraints on domestication in crop plants LS9 WEE Hoeteck Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) FR TCHERNYCHEVA FR aSCEND Secure Computation on Encrypted Data PE6 FOLDY Csaba HU TRANSSYNAPSE KOCSIS Bence HU GalNUC TEGLAS Ernő National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automatic Control (INRIA) National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) Semmelweis University Eötvös Loránd University Central European University HU PreLog AHEARNE Mark Trinity College Dublin Trinity College Dublin IE EyeRegen FLYNN Eilionóir National University of Ireland, Galway National University of Ireland, Galway IE VOICES KINGSTON Suzanne University College Dublin University College Dublin IE LEGALARCHITECTURES LALLY Caitríona Dublin City University Dublin City University IE FibreRemodel MCCORMACK Sarah Trinity College Dublin Trinity College Dublin IE PEDAL O'CONNELL Redmond Trinity College Dublin Trinity College Dublin IE Human Decisions O'DONNELL Martin National University of Ireland, Galway National University of Ireland, Galway IE COSIP 2014 European Research Council – Semmelweis Egyetem Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Kozep-Europai Egyetem 15/12/2014 Project Title panel Water-mass transformation and Pathways In The Weddell Sea: uncovering the dynamics of a global climate chokepoint from In-situ measurements Brain-behavior forecasting: The causal determinants of spontaneous self-initiated action in the study of volition and the development of asynchronous brain-computer interfaces. Trans-synaptic signaling in GABAergic synapses Astrophysical Dynamics and Statistical Physics of Galactic Nuclei Precursors of logical reasoning in human infants Engineering a scaffold based therapy for corneal regeneration Voices Of Individuals: Collectively Exploring Self-determination Legal Architectures: The Influence of New Environmental Governance Rules on Environmental Compliance Frontier research in arterial fibre remodelling for vascular disease diagnosis and tissue engineering Plasmonic Enhancement and Directionality of Emission for Advanced Luminescent Solar Devices The Neural Determinants of Perceptual Decision Making in the Human Brain Clarifying Optimal Sodium Intake Project Page 12 of 20 PE10 LS5 LS5 PE9 SH4 PE8 SH2 SH3 PE8 PE8 LS5 LS7 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Host Institution (Local name) University College Cork, National University of Ireland Tel Aviv University Host country Acronym Project Title panel IE ALH Alternative life histories: linking genes to phenotypes to demography LS8 Benny Host Institution (English) University College Cork, National University of Ireland Tel Aviv University IL CLC BLINDER Pablo Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University IL MultiScaleNeurovasc DVIR Tal Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University IL SmartCardiacPatch ELIA Natalie Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Ben-Gurion University of the Negev IL VisuLive EREZ Neta Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University IL MetCAF GAT-VIKS Irit GV-FLU Dmitry IL RelRepDist HAITNER Iftach Ilan Tel Aviv University Weizmann Institute of Science Tel Aviv University IL GOUREVITCH Tel Aviv University Weizmann Institute of Science Tel Aviv University IL FOC KALISKY Beena Bar Ilan University Bar Ilan University IL SENSQUID Weizmann Institute of Science Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Weizmann Institute of Science Technion - Israel Institute of Technology IL lightMaterInt Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University Technion - Israel Institute of Technology The Agricultural Research Organisation of Israel - the Volcani Centre Technion - Israel Institute of Technology The Agricultural Research Organisation of Israel - the Volcani Centre Last Name First Name REED Thomas APPLEBAUM LEVIN Anat LINDNER Netanel MAOZ Shahar MILMAN Emanuel MIZRAHI Itzhak MORAN Yehu The Hebrew University of Jerusalem OSTROVER Yaron ROTSCHILD Carmel SHALVI Shaul SHAPIRA Asaf IL TopFront IL SYNTECH IL CONC-VIA-RIEMANN IL RuMicroPlas The Hebrew University of Jerusalem IL CNIDARIAMICRORNA Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University IL SYMPLECTIC Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Tel Aviv University Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Tel Aviv University IL ThforPV IL Corruption Roots IL EXTPRO 2014 European Research Council – 15/12/2014 Cryptography with Low Complexity Quantifying the structure-function of the neurovascular interface: from micro-circuits to large-scale functional organization Next-Generation Cardiac Tissue Engineering: Smart Self-Regulating Patches Quantitative Nanoscale Visualization of Macromolecular Complexes in Live Cells using Genetic Code Expansion and High-Resolution Imaging Uncovering the Role of Cancer Associated Fibroblasts in Facilitating Breast Cancer Metastasis A Genetic View of Influenza Infection Relative representation theory and distributions on reductive groups over local fields Foundations of Cryptographic Hardness Scanning SQUID view of emergent states at interfaces PE6 Exploiting light and material interaction PE6 Expanding the Topological Frontier in Quantum Matter: from Concepts to Future Applications Synthesis Technologies for Reactive Systems Software Engineers High-Dimensional Convexity, Isoperimetry and Concentration via a Riemannian Vantage Point The Plasmidome: a Driving Force of Rumen Microbial Evolution from Birth to Adulthood Elucidation of the evolution of posttranscriptional regulation by characterizing the cnidarian microRNA pathway Symplectic Measurements and Hamiltonian Dynamics New Thermodynamic for Frequency Conversion and Photovoltaics At the roots of corruption: a behavioral ethics approach Quasi-Randomness in Extremal Combinatorics Page 13 of 20 LS5 LS7 LS9 LS4 LS2 PE1 PE6 PE3 PE3 PE6 PE1 LS8 LS2 PE1 PE2 SH4 PE1 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) Host Institution (Local name) Host country Acronym SHARON Michal Weizmann Institute of Science Weizmann Institute of Science IL 20SComplexity SHAYEVITZ Ofer Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University IL InfoInt SODIN Alexander SPECTRUM Hadar IL TUNNEL STERN-GINOSSAR Noam Tel Aviv University The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Weizmann Institute of Science IL STEINBERG Tel Aviv University The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Weizmann Institute of Science IL Profile Infection SUCHOWSKI Haim Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv University IL MIRAGE 20-15 ULITSKY Igor Weizmann Institute of Science Weizmann Institute of Science IL lincSAFARI ZIV Yaniv Weizmann Institute of Science Weizmann Institute of Science IL NeurogenesisCode CAIRONI Mario HEROIC Francesca Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche IT CALEGARI IT STARLIGHT CIMELLARO Gian Paolo Italian Institute of Technology Italian National Research council Polytechnic University of Turin University of Naples Federico II IT IDEal reSCUE IT STARS IT CRASK Politecnico Di Torino Universita Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Università degli Studi di Trento DENTICE Monica FAIRHALL Scott University of Trent FINA Alberto Polytechnic University of Turin Politecnico Di Torino IT INTHERM GROTTI Vanessa Elisa European University Institute European University Institute IT EUBorderCare LUGLI Enrico Humanitas Mirasole SpA Humanitas Mirasole SpA IT PERSYST SCAPPATICCIO Maria Chiara University of Naples Federico II Università Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II IT PLATINUM SIAS Carlo Italian National Research council Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche IT PlusOne 2014 European Research Council – 15/12/2014 Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Project Title panel An integrative approach to uncover the multilevel regulation of 20S proteasome degradation An Information Theory of Simple Interaction Spectral theory of random operators Tunneling Spectroscopy in van-der-Waals Device Unraveling changes in cellular gene expression during viral infection Mid Infra-Red near-field control by Adiabatic frequency Generation Enabling 20fs/15nm resolution Sequence and Function Relationships in Long Intervening Noncoding RNAs Deciphering the role of adult neurogenesis in hippocampal memory codes by optically imaging neuronal activity in freely behaving mice High-frequency printed and direct-written Organic-hybrid Integrated Circuits Steering attosecond electron dynamics in biomolecules with UV-XUV LIGHT pulses Integrated DEsign and control of Sustainable CommUnities during Emergencies Strategies Targeting Thyroid Hormone in Athrophy Related Syndromes Cortical Representation of Abstract Semantic Knowledge Design, manufacturing and control of INterfaces in THERMally conductive polymer nanocomposites Intimate Encounters in EU Borderlands: Migrant Maternity, Sovereignty and the Politics of Care on Europe’s Peripheries Generation and maintenance of long-lived memory T cells in humans Papyri and LAtin Texts: INsights and Updated Methodologies. Towards a philological, literary, and historical approach to Latin papyri An ultracold gas plus one ion: advancing Quantum Simulations of in- and out-ofequilibrium many-body physics Page 14 of 20 LS1 PE7 PE1 PE3 LS6 PE4 LS2 LS5 PE7 PE2 PE8 LS7 SH4 PE8 SH2 LS6 SH5 PE2 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) Host Institution (Local name) Host country Acronym Project Title panel ZACCANTI Matteo Italian National Research council Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche IT PoLiChroM Superfluidity and ferromagnetism of unequal mass fermions with two- and three-body resonant interactions PE2 AKHMEROV Anton Roustiamovich STATOPINS Theory of statistical topological insulators PE3 Daniel Technische Universiteit Delft Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Medisch Centrum NL BALLIET NL COOPERATION BOUSEMA Teun NL COSMIC BROUNS Stan NL REMEMBER BUITINK Stijn NL LOFAR CHENG Miranda C. N. NL MST Moonshine and String Theory PE2 CORDES Thorben NL SM-IMPORT Substrate import at work: single-molecule studies of ABC transporters LS1 DAVIS Richard Delft University of Technology Free University of Amsterdam Medical Centre Radboud University Nijmegen - Medical Centre Wageningen University Radboud University Nijmegen University of Amsterdam University of Groningen Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum NL STEMCARDIORISK Stem Cells for Cardiac Arrhythmia Risk Assessment LS7 Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen KNAW NL HAP-PHEN From haplotype to phenotype: a systems integration of allelic variation, chromatin state and 3D genome data LS2 Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RUMC) Wageningen Universiteit Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Universiteit van Amsterdam Rijksuniversiteit Groningen DE WIT Elzo Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences FISCHER Andrew Erasmus University Rotterdam Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam NL aidsocpro FRANKE Lude University Medical Centre, Groningen Academisch Ziekenhuis Groningen NL ImmRisk HEEMSKERK Eelke University of Amsterdam Universiteit van Amsterdam NL CORPNET HELBERGER Natali University of Amsterdam Universiteit van Amsterdam NL PersoNews HENDRIKSE Jeroen University Medical Center Utrecht Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht NL HEARTOFSTROKE HETTERSCHEID Dennis Leiden University Universiteit Leiden NL Cu4Energy 2014 European Research Council – 15/12/2014 Releasing Prisoners Of The Paradigm: Understanding How Cooperation Varies Across Contexts In The Lab And Field Commitment, maturation and infectivity of sexual stage malaria parasites in natural infections Adaptive immunity in prokaryotes: how Bacteria do not forgive and do not forget their enemies Searching for The Origin of Cosmic Rays and Neutrinos with LOFAR Aiding Social Protection: the political economy of externally financing social policy in developing countries Defining how environmental factors influence downstream effects of immune-mediated disease risk-SNPs Corporate Network Governance: Power, Ownership and Control in Contemporary Global Capitalism Profiling and targeting news readers – implications for the democratic role of the digital media, user rights and public information policy The heart of stroke: Pipes, Perfusion, Parenchyma Biomimetic Copper Complexes for Energy Conversion Reactions Page 15 of 20 SH4 LS7 LS6 PE9 SH2 LS2 SH2 SH2 LS7 PE4 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) HOUTKOOPER Riekelt Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam KARTAL Mustafa Boran Radboud University Nijmegen MILAN Stefania Tilburg University MISRA Sarthak MOKROSINSKA MORONI Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Host Institution (Local name) Academisch Medisch Centrum Bij de Universiteit Van Amsterdam Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant Universiteit van Tilburg Host country Acronym Project Title panel NL MetaFlex Metabolic flexibility: breaking down food effectively to prolong life LS4 NL GREENT Greenhouse Gas Mitigation through Advanced Nitrogen Removal Technology LS9 NL DATACTIVE Data activism: The politics of big data according to civil society SH2 University of Twente Universiteit Twente NL ROBOTAR Dorota Free University of Amsterdam Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NL DEMSEC Lorenzo Maastricht University Universiteit Maastricht NL CELL HYBRIDGE MÜGGE Daniel University of Amsterdam Universiteit van Amsterdam NL FICKLEFORMS POPOVIC Mladen University of Groningen Rijksuniversiteit Groningen NL HandsandBible ROEBROECK Alard Maastricht University Universiteit Maastricht NL MULTICONNECT ROOIJAKKERS Suzan University Medical Center Utrecht NL ComBact How complement molecules kill bacteria LS6 SPRENGER Jan Tilburg University Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant Universiteit van Tilburg NL Objectivity Making Scientific Inferences More Objective SH4 TREVISANUT Seline Utrecht University Universiteit Utrecht NL SUSTAINABLEOCEAN VAN KASTEREN Sander Leiden University Universiteit Leiden NL Crosstag NL CRCStemCellDynamics NL PRISM NL CSINEUTRONSTAR NL CoPS VERMEULEN Louis VOETS Ilja WATTS Anna WHITESON Shimon Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam Eindhoven University of Technology University of Amsterdam University of Amsterdam 2014 European Research Council – Academisch Medisch Centrum Bij de Universiteit Van Amsterdam Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Universiteit van Amsterdam Universiteit van Amsterdam 15/12/2014 Robot-Assisted Flexible Needle Steering for Targeted Delivery of Magnetic Agents Democratic Secrecy: A Philosophical Study of the Role of Secrecy in Democratic Politics 3D Scaffolds as a Stem Cell Delivery System for Musculoskeletal Regenerative Medicine Fickle Formulas. The Political Economy of Macroeconomic Measurement The Hands that Wrote the Bible: Digital Palaeography and Scribal Culture of the Dead Sea Scrolls Imaging Brain Circuits to Decode Brain Computations: Multimodal Multiscale Imaging of Cortical Microcircuits to Model Predictive Coding in Human Vision Accommodating New Interests at Sea: Legal Tools for Sustainable Ocean Governance Unravelling cross-presentation pathways using a chemical biology approach Molecular Subtype Specific Stem Cell Dynamics in Developing and Established Colorectal Cancers Ice-binding proteins: from antifreeze mechanism to resistant soft materials The physics and forensics of neutron star explosions Coevolutionary Policy Search PE7 SH2 PE8 SH2 SH5 LS5 SH2 PE5 LS4 PE5 PE9 PE6 Page 16 of 20 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) WILLUHN Ingo Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam WITTE Stefan KVAAL Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Host country Acronym Project Title panel NL CoordinatedDopamine Coordination of regional dopamine release in the striatum during habit formation and compulsive behaviour LS5 Free University of Amsterdam Medical Centre Host Institution (Local name) Academisch Medisch Centrum Bij de Universiteit Van Amsterdam Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Medisch Centrum NL Lensless High-resolution microscopy without lenses: a new generation of imaging technology PE7 Simen University of Oslo Universitetet i Oslo NO BIVAQUM LARSEN Ann-Cecilie University of Oslo Universitetet i Oslo NO gRESONANT MECKLER Anna Nele University of Bergen Universitetet i Bergen NO C4T ALVES Nuno TEC_Pro Megan PT LOCOMOUSE CARVALHO Ana IMBC PT ACTOMYO Mechanisms of actomyosin-based contractility during cytokinesis LS3 OLIVEIRA Raquel Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation PT ChromoCellDev Chromosome Architecture and the Fidelity of Mitosis during Development LS3 ROQUE Ana Faculty of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular Ibmc Fundação Champalimaud Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular Ibmc Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologiada Universidade Nova de Lisboa PT CAREY Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology (IBMC) Champalimaud Foundation PT SCENT SCENT: Hybrid Gels for Rapid Microbial Detection LS9 EPURESCUPASCOVICI Ionut New Europe College Institute of Advanced Study Fundatia Noua Europa RO CASTELLANY ACCOUNTS STEFANOVIC Sofija University of Belgrade Univerzitet u Beogradu RS BIRTH BERGSTRÖM Christel Uppsala University Uppsala Universitet SE INTESTINANOS BERROCAL Edouard Lund University Lunds universitet SE Spray-Imaging DIMAROGONAS Dimos KTH Royal Institute of Technology Kungliga tekniska högskolan SE BUCOPHSYS KOVACS Laura SYMCAR Christian Chalmers tekniska högskola Chalmers Tekniska Högskola SE MÜLLER Chalmers University of Technology Chalmers University of Technology SE ThermoTex 2014 European Research Council – 15/12/2014 Bivariational Approximations in Quantum Mechanics and Applications to Quantum Chemistry Resonant Nuclear Gamma Decay and the Heavy-Element Nucleosynthesis Climate change across Cenozoic cooling steps reconstructed with clumped isotope thermometry Molecular control of self-renewal and lineage specification in thymic epithelial cell progenitors in vivo. Cerebellar circuit mechanisms of coordinated locomotion in mice Record-keeping, fiscal reform, and the rise of institutional accountability in late-medieval Savoy: a source-oriented approach Births, mothers and babies: prehistoric fertility in the Balkans between 10000 – 5000 BC Intestinal Lipoidal Nanostructures - A Lipid Bridge to Increased Drug Delivery Detailed Characterization of Spray Systems using Novel Laser Imaging Techniques Bottom-up hybrid control and planning synthesis with application to multi-robot multihuman coordination Symbolic Computation and Automated Reasoning for Program Analysis Woven and 3D-Printed Thermoelectric Textiles Page 17 of 20 PE4 PE2 PE10 LS6 LS5 SH6 SH6 LS7 PE8 PE7 PE6 PE5 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) Host Institution (Local name) Host country Acronym SWARTLING Fredrik Uppsala University Uppsala Universitet SE Medulloblastoma DUNN Cory Koc University Koç Üniversitesi TR RevMito NIZAMOGLU Sedat Özyeğin University Ozyegin University TR NOVELNOBI BARKOULAS Michail ROBUSTNET Daniel Imperial College, London University College London UK BENDOR Imperial College, London University College London UK CHIME BONFANTI Paola University College London University College London UK Rethyming BOWER John University of Bristol University of Bristol UK CatHet BUTLER Richard University of Birmingham University of Birmingham UK TERRA CASANUEVA Olivia The Babraham Institute The Babraham Institute UK NoisyAgeing CATALUNA Maria Ana University of Dundee University of Dundee UK UPTIME CHAPLIN Adrian University of Warwick University of Warwick UK ENTANGLED-TM-ALKANE CHRISTIN PascalAntoine University of Sheffield University of Sheffield UK ComplEvol London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine London School of Economics and Political Science University of Cambridge London School of Economics and Political Science Imperial College, London London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine London School of Economics and Political Science University of Cambridge London School of Economics and Political Science Imperial College, London UK MtbTransReg UK MASSIVE UK HIDDEN FOODS UK INFO TECHNOLOGY UK HBV1 CORTES Teresa CRESCENZI Riccardo CRISTIANI Emanuela DITTMAR Jeremiah DORNER Marcus DUHR Claude Durham University Durham University UK MathAm Alex London Business School London Business School UK LTI EDMANS 2014 European Research Council – 15/12/2014 Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Project Title panel Molecularly defined models of human childhood brain tumors Deciphering and reversing the consequences of mitochondrial DNA damage Novel Nanoengineered Optoelectronic Biointerfaces Quantitative developmental genetic analysis of phenotypic buffering and cryptic variation The Role of Cortico-Hippocampal Interactions during Memory Encoding Rebuilding the human thymus to create a tolerising system for allogeneic tissue and organ transplantation New Catalytic Asymmetric Strategies for NHeterocycle Synthesis 375 Million Years of the Diversification of Life on Land: Shifting the Paradigm? Beyond genotype to phenotype: how ancestor lifestyle impacts on lifespan variation in descendants Real-TIME probing of Ultrafast Phenomena Entangled pincer ligand architectures and their application in the transition-metal-mediated activation of alkanes Evolutionary origins of complex ecological adaptations Translational regulation in the persistence and drug susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Multinationals, Institutions and Innovation in Europe Plant foods in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic societies of SE Europe and Italy Information Technology and Institutions Supporting Human Capital Accumulation and Exchange Innate immune responses to human hepatotropic viral infections Mathematical Structures in Scattering Amplitudes Long-Term Investment LS4 LS3 PE7 LS3 LS5 LS7 PE5 PE10 LS2 PE7 PE5 LS8 LS2 SH3 SH6 SH1 LS6 PE2 SH1 Page 18 of 20 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) Host Institution (Local name) Host country Acronym ELKIND Edith University of Oxford University of Oxford UK ACCORD FERGUSON Heather University of Kent University of Kent UK CogSoCoAGE Pau University of Cambridge University of Cambridge UK NewNGR New frontiers in numerical general relativity PE2 GARBIN Valeria Imperial College, London Imperial College, London UK ExtreFlow Extreme deformation of structured fluids and interfaces. Exploiting ultrafast collapse and yielding phenomena for new processes and formulated products PE8 GATHER Malte ABLASE Advanced Bioderived and Biocompatible Lasers PE3 Agelos University of St Andrews University of Warwick UK GEORGAKOPOULOS University of St Andrews University of Warwick UK RGGC PE1 GHOBRIAL John-Paul University of Oxford University of Oxford UK SoSGlobal GIBSON Matthew CRYOMAT Anjali University of Warwick University College London UK GOSWAMI University of Warwick University College London UK ADaPTIVE JORDAN Fiona University of Bristol University of Bristol UK VARIKIN KAR-NARAYAN Sohini University of Cambridge University of Cambridge UK NANOGEN KILLEN Shaun University of Glasgow University of Glasgow UK PHYSFISH KRAUS Stefan University of Exeter University of Exeter UK ImagePlanetFormDiscs LEHDONVIRTA Vili University of Oxford University of Oxford UK iLABOUR LEWANDOWSKI Józef University of Warwick University of Warwick UK complexNMR The Babraham Institute School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London The Babraham Institute School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London UK TWILIGHT Random Graph Geometry and Convergence Stories of Survival: Recovering the Connected Histories of Eastern Christianity in the Early Modern World Antifreeze GlycoProtein Mimetic Polymers Analysing Diversity with a Phenomic approach: Trends in Vertebrate Evolution Cultural Evolution of Kinship Diversity: Variation in Language, Cognition, and Social Norms Regarding Family Polymer-based piezoelectric nanogenerators for energy harvesting The Role of Physiology in the Causes and Consequences of Fisheries-Induced Evolution Imaging the Dynamical Imprints of Planet Formation in Protoplanetary Discs Online Labour: The Construction of Labour Markets, Institutions and Movements on the Internet Structural Dynamics of Protein Complexes by Solid-State NMR ToWards Immunisations that Last: the Immunology and Gerontology of Helper T cells UK Intimacy University of Warwick University of Warwick UK ToxicExpertise University of Southampton London School of Economics and Political Science University of Southampton London School of Economics and Political Science UK NanoChemBioVision UK Disasters FIGUERAS LINTERMAN Michelle LIU Jieyu MAH Alice MAHAJAN Sumeet MARTIN Ian 2014 European Research Council – 15/12/2014 Project Title panel Algorithms for Complex Collective Decisions on Structured Domains Tracking the cognitive basis of social communication across the life-span Doing Intimacy: A Multi-sited Ethnography of Modern Chinese Family Life Toxic Expertise: Environmental Justice and the Global Petrochemical Industry Next Generation Label-free Chemical Nanoscopy for Biomedical Applications Market Beliefs and Optimal Policy in the Presence of Disasters Page 19 of 20 PE6 SH4 SH6 PE5 LS8 SH4 PE8 LS8 PE9 SH2 PE4 LS6 SH2 SH2 PE4 SH1 ERC Starting Grants 2014 Results All domains - List of Principal Investigators Last Name First Name Host Institution (English) Host Institution (Local name) Host country Acronym MIHAI Mihaela University of York University of York UK GREYZONE MUTTI Francesco University of Manchester University of Manchester UK BIOSUSAMIN OBRIST Marianna University of Sussex University of Sussex UK SenseX OH Tadahiro Choonghong University of Edinburgh University of Edinburgh UK ProbDynDispEq PASQUETTI Sara University of Surrey University of Surrey UK HBQFTNCER Imperial College, London University of Southampton Imperial College, London University of Southampton UK FirstDawn UK EURO-LAB Host Institution refers to institution at time of application Project Title panel Illuminating the 'Grey Zone': Addressing Complex Complicity in Human Rights Violations The design and development of efficient biocatalytic cascades and biosynthetic pathways for the sustainable production of amines Sensory Experiences for Interactive Technologies Probabilistic and Dynamical Study of Nonlinear Dispersive Equations Holomorphic Blocks in Quantum Field Theory: New Constructions of Exact Results Imaging the cosmic dawn and the first galaxies with 21cm and atomic line intensity mapping Experiment to Unearth the Rheological Oceanic Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary Formal lexically informed logics for searching the web Crop resistance improvement by mining natural and induced variation in host accessibility factors The Evolutionary and Developmental Origins of Inquiring Minds: Studies of Causal Reasoning; Curiosity and Executive Control Black holes and their host galaxies: coevolution across cosmic time Domestic Servants in Colonial India SH2 LS9 PE6 PE1 PE2 PRITCHARD Jonathan RYCHERT Catherine SCHOCKAERT Steven Cardiff University Cardiff University UK FLEXILOG SCHORNACK Sebastian University of Cambridge University of Cambridge UK ACHILLES-HEEL SEED Amanda University of St Andrews University of St Andrews UK INQMINDS SIJACKI Debora COEVOLUTION Nitin University of Cambridge University of York UK SINHA University of Cambridge University of York UK DOS THOMPSON Mark University of Bristol University of Bristol UK QPE TONEY Jaime University of Glasgow University of Glasgow UK ALKENoNE VADI Valentina Lancaster University Lancaster University UK HERITAGE VANNIER Jean-Baptiste Imperial College, London Imperial College, London UK MetDNASecStr VELLA Dominic University of Oxford University of Oxford UK GADGET VIGNOLINI Silvia University of Cambridge University of Edinburgh University of Cambridge University of Edinburgh UK SeSaMe Sustainable routes for Smart photonic Materials PE3 PRCTOERC Novel Regulatory Principles of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 LS2 VOIGT Philipp 2014 European Research Council – UK 15/12/2014 Quantum Photonic Engineering Algal Lipids: the Key to Earth Now and aNcient Earth Cultural Heritage and Economic Development in International and European Law Metabolism of DNA secondary structures and their impact on genome stability Geometry and Anomalous Dynamic Growth of Elastic instabiliTies Page 20 of 20 PE9 PE10 PE6 LS9 SH4 PE9 SH6 PE7 PE10 SH2 LS1 PE8
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