December 2014 Please join students and staff of William of Orange Christian School, for a Christmas assembly, December 19, 2014 at 2:30 pm. Cloverdale Canadian Reformed Church. Students of grades 1-3, will lead us in scripture and song, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord. On behalf of the school board and staff of William of Orange Christian School may you enjoy a blessed and safe Christmas holiday. WILLIAM OF ORANGE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. Bryan Grim Mr. Jake Kuik Mr. Mike Schoen Mr. Doug Schouten Mrs. Annette Souman Mr. Adrian Van Delft Mr. John Van Seters Chairman/DL Secretary/High School Rep/ Maintenance Treasurer/IT Promotions/Ed Com Vice/Transportation/SpecEd/DL Promotions 604-532-5839 778-574-5083 604-882-8529 604-576-5032 778-298-3469 604-576-0375 778-574-4493 Mrs. Margaret Althaus Mr. Jake Leguijt Mr. Ben Vandergugten Mr. Kent Dykstra Grade K/1 Grade 2/3 Grade 4/5 Principal , Grade K/1, 6/7, Music Grade 6/7, French Ed. Asst Admin Asst. Janitor 604-530-6651 604-533-5689 778-571-1146 604-574-4247 STAFF Mrs. Lyn Metzlar Leyenhorst Mrs. Tania Grim Mrs. Haidee Voorhorst Mrs. Carolyn Kuik 604-574-5036 778-574-2776 604-574-3476 778-574-5083 LIBRARY STAFF Mrs. Ghita Schoen, Mrs. Hilary Slump, Mrs. Chris Vanderploeg ORANGE AID Mrs. Rose Flokstra Mrs. Krista Veenendaal Mrs. Shelley Schoen Mrs. Leanne Grim Mrs. Lindsay Schouten Mrs. Hilary Slump President Secretary Treasurer Member (kitchen supplies) Member Member 604-533-7900 778-233-2811 604-507-1175 604-532-5839 604-575-3251 604-576-6989 TRANSPORTATION MANAGER Mr. Doug de Boer 778-395-1706 SCHOOL EMERGENCY NUMBER: Tues/Thurs pm, Wed. am/pm 778-689-3052 SCHOOL CALENDAR DEC JAN FEB 19 22 Christmas Assembly; gr. 1-3 Christmas break begins Back to school 6 9 4,11,18,25 13 Pro D Day Family Day – no school Splitz Gymnastics; gr. K – 5 Friday K-days begin 5 28 Open House (am) 16,23 Curling; gr. 6/7 2 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Principal Assessment Thanks to all the parents and staff who filled out the online survey and otherwise helped Hans VanDooren, our external evaluator, formulate his assessment. While the board and Kent will be discussing the report in detail at the next board meeting, the summary is well worth quoting: “Based on the surveys, the preliminary analysis, and personal interviews it can be concluded that Kent Dykstra is a hard-working, energetic, and dedicated principal who has earned a high level of respect from teachers, parents and board members. His insight, energy, empathy, and Christian perspective make him a strong leader in guiding the William of Orange Christian School. Kent made an immediate and positive impact on his school when he became principal, and continues to sustain this positive atmosphere.” As with every assessment, there are areas for growth; the report provided some very concrete ways for Kent to continue to grow in his role as principal at William of Orange as well as different ways that the board can work with him to continue to keep our school a vibrant Christcentered place of learning. Around the Board Table Thanks also to all the members who came out to the AGM to look over our financials and elect new board members. Mike Schoen was re-elected to his second term, and John Van Seters and Annette Souman were newly-elected to the board. Welcome, Annette and John! The report on developing the property was also received at the AGM, and as was indicated in the report, we have developed an online survey to help the board get feedback from the membership. Look for the link to show up in your inbox; if you don’t see one or would rather have a paper copy of the survey, please contact the undersigned. Another initiative that has already hit your church mailbox is a membership drive. Over the years our society has been blessed with a broadly based membership, including many long-term donors. However, it remains challenging to attract or retain supporting memberships from those who do not have children in our schools. Our hope through this drive is that each one of us will find our place in fulfilling our communal opportunity and duty to support the Reformed Christian education of our children. Reflections In the last Courier, the first hallmark of Christian schooling was discussed, from the book Hallmarks of Christian Schooling: a design for elementary Christian Education (John Stronks, Jim Vreugdenhil): The Christian school affirms its biblically normative character in a changing society. The second hallmark that is discussed in the book deals with the discerning mind: The Christian school discerns and rejects the basic beliefs of secular educational practice. The secular humanist worldview underpins a lot of popular trends in educational practice. The antithetical character of Christian schooling necessitates the rejection of or accommodation with conflicting values. However, secular insights may reflect a glimpse of God’s good order for education, even though they do not acknowledge the source of truth. So, while the secular humanist beliefs that underlie current educational models of education should be renounced, with proper discernment elements of these models can be distilled for incorporation into our Christian school and shaped by our Reformed worldview. 3 “[N]ormative Christian schooling assigns biblical meaning to each aspect of schooling, recognizing the interdependent relationships and contributing in a special way to serve the Lord with head, heart and hands. This distinctive, holistic integration within its stated premises is the basis of the practice of Christian schooling.” As the Year of our Lord 2014 comes to a close, I hope that you all may take some time this December to rest and meditate on the gift of God in Jesus Christ!! Bryan Grim SHORT REPORTS Short Report of Canadian Reformed School Association Board Meeting Oct 1st, 2014 Present: Bryan Grim, Jake Kuik, Monica Miguel, Mike Schoen, Doug Schouten, Adrian van Delft, Kent Dykstra (principal), Steve Vander Molen (accountant) - Absent: none - Opening The chairman opened the meeting with Bible reading and prayer. A welcome was extended to all members with a special welcome to our accountant, Steve Vander Molen - Mr D and Mrs LML will be presenting workshop at this convention Staff will study the book: “How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character” Expressed appreciation for being able to attend the Christian School Canada conference in Victoria Principal evaluation is to take place November th 19 . Teacher evaluations were reviewed Reports Transportation – 2 newer busses were purchased Special Ed – our budget amount was decreased by $5,000 Treasurer – presented projected enrolment numbers IT – mandate was reviewed and approved Board Nominations John Van Seters (Maranatha) has let his name stand Annette Souman (Willoughby Heights) has let her name stand Closing th Due to late hour, meeting was adjourned until Oct 6 ; Mike closed this part of the meeting in prayer Financials Steve Vander Molen presented the financial statement for the year ending June 2014 There will be a surplus Motion was made and seconded to accept statements as amended: Carried Principal Policy book is now complete TLA situation is settling down, less items to deal with Staff is looking forward to Teachers Convention to be held in Langley this Thanksgiving Vernon teachers and assistants will attend this convention 4 Short Report of Canadian Reformed School Association Board Meeting Oct 6th, 2014 Opening The chairman reconvened the meeting with Bible reading and prayer. All members were present Correspondence Harvest Foundation declined expansion into BC at this time Minutes FISA BC Report and Minutes of September th 24 were received Minutes and Short Report of Board meeting th held Sept 10 were approved Minutes of Spring 2014 Membership meeting were approved for publication th Minutes of Town Hall Meeting held June 30 were approved for publication Important Dates Chairman-Principal Meeting Fall Membership Meeting: Board Meeting: October 2, 2014 October 29, 2014 November 12, 2014 Closing After reviewing ongoing and new action items, Doug closed the meeting in prayer MEMBERSHIP MEETING DRAFT MINUTES Canadian Reformed School Society Association Fall Membership Meeting Draft Minutes Wednesday, October 29, 2014 1. Opening a. Quorum was met with 38 members present b. Chairman Bryan Grim opened the meeting at 8 pm, requesting the singing of 19: 1,3; read Colossians 3:12-17 and led in prayer c. Motion: Adopt the agenda as presented - carried 2. Minutes of Membership Meetings: a. Motion: Approve Minutes of Spring Budget Meeting held May 28, 2014 as presented - carried b. Motion: Approve Minutes of Town Hall Meeting held June 30, 2014 as presented - carried 3. Chairman’s Report a. WO has 75 students this year being taught by the same staff b. Kent has applied to both JCS and CCES; would like to go through the interview process and will make a decision before the end of the year c. Doug, James, Jake – new board members welcomed since last AGM d. James resigned from board when he moved into CCES territory e. Talks have been ongoing with other schools regarding valley wide ideas f. Bylaw motion, regarding the use of the word “audit” that was going to be on agenda was removed after receiving an opinion from our accountant Steve Vander Molen. Also board will be receiving advice from lawyer Tako van Popta on the proper wording for the bylaws as to match the current 5 practice of getting two non- board members to check the books and present a report to the membership. 4. Presentation of Financial Statement, June 2014 a. Haidee is thanked for keeping the books in good shape b. Comment: Donations are down. Reply: Board had noticed; working on a membership drive; numbers have been volatile over the years c. Question: Why is the Office, Principal’s conference and sundry expense little over budget? Reply: Next year some of the items in this category will be moved to the benefits category where they belong. d. Question: Why have the amortization numbers changed so much, since usually they are approximately balanced? Reply: Not sure about the details, will investigate further with accountant to break down those numbers e. Motion: To accept Financial Statement as presented; moved by Adam Vandenhoven - carried 5. Long Term Planning: Presentation of the Property Development Committee Report 6. Election of Board Members a. No nominations came from the floor, so the following names were available on ballot: b. From Maranatha: Lucy Jemson and John Van Seters c. From Willoughby Heights: Mike Schoen and Annette Souman d. Three positions required filling e. Counting committee: Monica Miguel, Darryl Vandeburgt, Gloria Faber f. Elected were Mike Schoen, Annette Souman and John Van Seters g. Motion: To destroy ballots; moved by Henk Wendt - carried. While the ballots were being counted: 1. Kent made a presentation about the new WO logo. He gave some background on the current logo stating that it was actually only a concept. After displaying the William of Orange’s coat of arms, he pointed out the different items that made up this symbol. He went on to explain how some of these items were considered while designing the new logo, showing the various design versions before presenting the final version. 2. Bryan Grim presented WO’s new website: 7. Question Period a. Property Development report: 1. Comment: According to a CRA tax circular regarding the tuition charitable amount, the tuition relief will be greater than presented. Reply: Aware of the circular but could not be absolutely sure that the secular component was being applied properly if additional (non-tuition) revenues were taken into account. Board will look into it in more detail. 2. Comment: Found it strange, since the school land originally came from the church for a token amount, that the church was not involved in this proposal. Reply: The church involvement would just be a land title switch, did not anticipate any opposition from Cloverdale Church council to the Board discussing this proposal publicly before discussing these options with them. 6 3. Question: Please provide clarification for the different land designations, examples: fee simple and bare land strata. Some clarification was given. 4. Question: Are we developing the land ourselves or selling it to someone else to develop? Reply: We would take it up to the third reading at City Hall before selling the package to a developer as it would be more favourably for us as school society to take it to this stage than a developer. 5. Question: Are there any other townhouses available around here; will people be drawn to it? Reply: A brief summary was given of what was available in the area, mentioning that the city planning department thought it would fit into the neighbourhood well. 6. Question: What are the physical consequences of the school having access on 60 Ave? Reply: None other than on paper. 7. Question: Has board investigated selling the school and the property as a whole entity? Reply: No. Former JSPC member: It would be difficult to sell school as a package as it is a very limited market. 8. Comment: on page 9, point 3 regarding the dollar cost, fees of $264,000 is a lot more than the $30,000 mentioned. Reply: There are a number of fees between the 3rd and 4th readings, but that some of those costs would be borne by the developer. 9. Question: What is the timeline anticipated? Reply: The funds would be available in 16-18 months after receiving membership’s approval to proceed with development 10. Question: Can you expand on discussions with other boards? Reply: JCS is looking at expansion options, by 2018 some kind of renovation will be needed regardless of what is done valley wide. CCES had just done their renovation which will work for them for the next 5 years 11. Comment: Survey questions may throw off property development. Reply: Board will not submit any final proposal until after analyzing the survey results. 8. Closing a. Chairman requested the signing of Hymn 76: 1, 4 and thereafter Apko Nap closed in prayer b. Chairman declared that the meeting was adjourned. PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered. This was the first registration when Quirinius was governor of Syria. And all went to be registered, each to his own town. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, from the town of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed, who was with child. And while they were there, the time came for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn. (Luke 2:1-7) 7 When you think of Jesus, what picture comes to mind? At this time of year, Christians all over the world are remembering the birth of Christ. But it's easy to be distracted from the real importance of Christ's coming. This is sometimes evident in the mental pictures that we construct. When you think of Jesus, do you picture a baby in a manger? Or do you think of something more? And when the sixth hour had come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” And some of the bystanders hearing it said, “Behold, he is calling Elijah.” And someone ran and filled a sponge with sour wine, put it on a reed and gave it to him to drink, saying, “Wait, let us see whether Elijah will come to take him down.” And Jesus uttered a loud cry and breathed his last. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And when the centurion, who stood facing him, saw that in this way he breathed his last, he said, “Truly this man was the Son of God!” (Mark 16: 33-39) When you think of Jesus, what picture comes to mind? Maybe you can look beyond that baby to the reason he was born. Do you see the Saviour who suffered complete God-forsakenness for your sins? Do you see the love of God in the gift of his Son and the moment of utter shame that is also the moment of complete victory? Or do you see something more? If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God (Colossians 3:1). I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstand one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength (Rev. 1: 13-16). When you think of Jesus, what picture comes to mind? Certainly, Jesus was once a baby. Certainly, he is the God-man who died for us on the cross. But the reality is that Jesus, who loved us so much that he died for us, reigns in heaven right now. We often refer to him as the Lord Jesus for precisely that reason. Do you think if Jesus as he now is, ruling the universe from the throne room of heaven? When you think of the Lord Jesus, what picture comes into mind? Kent Dykstra Based on an assembly presentation by Richard Veldkamp. Used with permission. 8 GRADE 6/7 CONTRIBUTIONS For morning devotions, every day we copy one proverb into a notebook, and talk about what it means and how it applies to your life when you’re in Grade 6 or 7. Here are some favourite proverbs. Proverbs 8:1 “Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice?” I really like this verse because it’s telling us that we shouldn’t be afraid, we have comfort in our God. But in fact we are more running from wisdom and understanding, than seeking it. It’s so close, it’s even trying to help us, calling out, but we don’t receive it, or seek God for it. This also connects to Matt 7:7-12 telling us about asking, seeking, and knocking. All we have to do is knock and the door will be opened. We always have comfort in God. But at the same time it’s also informing us that we are foolish, as we don’t accept it. Some times we even think we can do it alone, and we forget we need God. Maybe when we are in a hard time he’s trying to get us to listen and remember that he is in control. Not us. ΔLaurenΔ Proverbs 26:1 “Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, honor is not fitting for a fool.” I like this Proverb because it is a comparison between different weather at the wrong time and honor in a fool. As we (British Columbians) should know, we very rarely get snow in summer. Rain in harvest happens every now and then here, but not there in Israel (And all of middle-east for that matter) This Proverb helps students in grade 6/7, because it teaches us that if you don’t believe in GOD (in this case the fool) then you don’t have honor or wisdom or understanding of God and you won’t go to heaven and eternal life. An unbelieving man in heaven is just as irregular as snow in summer or rain in harvest. It teaches us to believe in GOD and do our best to obey him and you will receive happiness and eternal life in heaven. Nathan Souman “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck.” Prov: 3:3 I chose this proverb because, love and faithfulness are powerful tools, because you can get along with everybody and you’ll have lots of friends, not enemies. It says, bind them around your neck. If you have something around your neck, you never really forget about it. If you never forget about love and faithfulness, you won’t be bullied or you won’t be the bully. People will look up to you because you are really nice, and you’ll get along with everyone. If you love people and you are a Christian, you will be a very good one because you’ll be faithful and loving to God. God will love us because we are faithful and loving. This can teach students in grade 6/7 because people get treated badly, but if everyone remembered love and faithfulness, earth would almost be like heaven. This is why this is my favorite proverb. 9 Proverbs 7:2 “…. Guard my teachings as the apple of my eye.” I like this proverb because it sounds interesting the way God is saying it. “Apple of your eye,” It’s like the main part of your eye that you see with. To me it also is like trying to protect your spiritual eye. As in like how you see God and how you understand the Bible and pray. So in the end it could mean in other words “guard my teachings as you guard your spiritual knowledge.” It applies to everyone in the world. It could probably mean other things to other people. When it says guard my teachings I think Gods telling us to guard his word, and the wisdom we have from the Bible. The verse connects to my personal experience because I went to a country to help orphanages and helped teach some of the kids about the Bible. And that’s exactly what I think the verse is trying to tell us, guarding and spreading God’s word. Which is the main reason I picked this verse. It’s a personal verse that I like. Clara In Bible, we had a look at Hebrew poetry (Song of Miriam) and learned that while rhyme is a feature of English poetry, parallelism is a feature of Hebrew poetry. Can you find parallel lines in the following? Praise the LORD, for he has provided us with all things necessary. We are ungrateful sinners never thanking him for all the gifts he gives us. But God, despite our sinful nature, loved us so much that he gave us his one and only son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross For us, his precious children, that we could be free from sin and anger, free from all sorrow and pain, that we could have hope. We are his children and he is our father, and he protects us like a mother bird protects her babies. Indeed, he has given us all things necessary; everything we need, that we could praise him, like the birds of the air, flying; like the fish in the sea, as they swim. Even the wild beasts of the forest proclaim your wondrous deeds. Praise the LORD! -Bethany Lengkeek 10 Please help me lord I’m weeping with fear You are abounding with love and with me always I am pleading for your help and love and grace Your magestic love never fails please be with me Always encourage me to stand, abounding with Love, majestic father in your name Amen I will praise you ,o LORD for you have given me shelter. I will praise you, O God for I have food I will serve you and go up to your house In the depths of my despair I will call on you. I will praise you, glorify your name , O LORD. You are like a mighty warrior that has won many battles. O LORD I will praise you for your name is great! O Lord, I thank you for freedom, that I live in a place, where there is no war. And that my father is at home with me, not away in a battlefield. That I can go to bed with no fear of bombs; That I can go outside, without being afraid of getting killed. I praise the Lord, for we don’t have war, so we can have luxuries. I glorify you Lord Jesus, That I can live in a normal house, not a small cramped up room. I thank you my God, that we are as free as the birds of the sky. -Lydia Gunnink Praise God for all the blessings he gives, Praise him for all the things we have. He reigns above in glory And looks down on us in love. We are like sheep and he is our shepherd, He guides us and blesses us And gives us what we need. A home and food, Our health and a shelter. He shields us from evil, From the evil of Satan. But God sent his son to save us, And now we are free from the grasp of the devil And are in the loving care of our saviour and Lord Who blesses us every day. 11 I will praise you. I will praise you forever. In my worst hour, when lightning flashed, and thunder roared, I trusted in you to keep me safe. You are our awsome God, you will reign foever. I will praise You. By Nathan w Craddock Praise the LORD for his love endures forever. His mercy brings us joyfulness and salvation. Praise the LORD for he pours down gifts on our heads. He gives us his word and his promises. Praise the LORD for he forgives us all our wrongdoings And protects us from all evil things Praise the LORD for he is like a shield. He keeps us safe from the devil Praise the Lord for he still forgives us Even though we have sinned greatly against his word Praise the LORD for he puts food on our plates And blesses us endlessly We have walked through the valley of death, And Satan thought he would overcome us. But God uplifted his mighty hand, And overpowered the wicked. Praise the LORD Carlina Dykstra God is like a Mount Everest made of spider web, unmovable in what he says, God is like a great eagle, and able to see for miles and miles, But also being able to devastate beyond repair. also being omnipotent and indestructible, God is all-powerful and merciful. God is as a drop of dew, so perfect in his form, so perfect in his words he never makes a mistake, and greatly refreshing is his teaching. 12 In Literature Circles, we are reading books about children during wartime. Here are a few readers’ responses to what they’ve read. What really shocked me when we were reading the war books was that kids got taken away from there family’s and some times the moms or dads got taken away from there kids. Another shocking thing was how many people were killed in the war. Sometimes the soldiers sometimes beat women. Women weren’t aloud to go outside with out a man or a note. Also how much damage was done from all the bombs especially in Hiroshima. What really struck me was when in all the war books have it when women went shopping and they go into the store the owner running the shop would get beaten up, but if the Afghan women go shopping without a burqa and if the Taliban saw them they would get beaten up in public. And when Parvana’s father got sent to jail, he didn’t even do nothing he just went to a different place to university. And I think that the Taliban are to harsh on the Afghan people. ORANGE AID Almost four months already? Yes. We find ourselves very close to the end of the year already! There has been a lot of work and effort already done among the ladies! From Entertainment Books to apple pies, chocolate letters and our brand new tri-school event, Ladies Night Out! So far all these events have been successful for which we are very thankful. Ladies Night Out exceeded the committee’s expectations for attendance which was great for us and for the vendors that chose to participate. Thanks to everyone that came to enjoy this event! Together with the other schools we raised just over $7000.00 for the high school. With the new year approaching we can look forward to the annual school dinner, which I hear is already in the planning stages and sounds to be really good! And then the committee for the children’s most fun night of the year, Family Fun Night will be starting to get things going as well. If you find that you have some time for this committee please let us know as we could use a couple more ladies to help! Wishing everyone a wonderful and Blessed holiday season! Rose Flokstra Orange Aid SHOPPER’S CORNER: Lean ground beef - $36.00 per box (10-1lb. pkg.) Hamburger Patties Rookwurst - $36.00 per box (10 lb.) - $ 6.00 ea or 3/$15.00 Cookbooks - $ 5.00 ea 13
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