Daiwa Securities Group - Strategy on Retail Business 17th December, 2014 Daiwa Securities Group Inc. Deputy President, Head of Retail Yoriyuki Kusaki 1 This presentation may contain forward-looking statements about the Daiwa Securities Group. You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historic or current facts. These statements discuss future expectations, identify strategies, contain projections of results of operations or of financial condition or state other “forward-looking” information. These statements are based on currently available information and represent the beliefs of the management of the Daiwa Securities Group. These statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause the Daiwa Securities Group’s actual results, performance, achievements or financial condition to differ materially from those described or implied in the forward-looking statements. The Daiwa Securities Group undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements after the date of this presentation. These potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: competition within the financial services industries in Japan and overseas, our ability to adjust our business focus and to maintain profitable strategic alliances, volatile and sudden movements in the international securities markets, foreign exchange and global economic situations affecting the Daiwa Securities Group. Daiwa Securities Group - Strategy on Retail Business Index Index Ⅰ- The Significance of the Retail Business to the Daiwa Securities Group 3 Ⅱ- Expanding the Stable Revenue Base 7 Ⅲ- Expanding the Wealth Management Business - focus on Inheritance Business - 12 Ⅳ- Areas to Improve the Retail Business 16 2 Ⅰ- The Significance of the Retail Business to the Daiwa Securities Group 3 Ⅰ- The Significance of the Retail Business to the Daiwa Securities Group Medium Term Management Plan, “Passion for the Best” 2014 Daiwa Securities Group Management Vision To become Asia’s leading financial services firm possessing and leveraging a solid business platform in Japan Daiwa Securities Group Basic Management Policy Establish a robust business structure capable of securing profit even under stressful economic conditions Achieve sustainable growth by linking Japan and growth of Asia Outline of Medium Term Management Plan“Passion for the Best”2014 Establish a robust business structure immune to the external environment environment and aspire to achieve sound growth based on a new growth growth strategy FY2012 Turnaround Milestones Milestones FY2013 Growth FY2014 Expansion Basic Policy I: Return to profitability by pursuing management efficiencies (Focus of execution in the first fiscal year) Basic Basic Policies Policies for for Medium Medium Term Term Management Management Plan Plan Management Management Targets Targets Steadily implement the plan to reduce SG&A Realize greater organizational efficiencies by shifting personnel from the middle-and-back offices to the front divisions Basic Policy II: Achieve client based high-quality earnings growth Drastically expand our client base in Japan by investing management resources in the retail and asset management businesses -Expand stable earnings by increasing investment trusts and deposit balances Strengthen revenue capacity centered around the launch of the “New” Daiwa Securities -Step up approaches to high net worth individuals and the middle market Rebuild our wholesale business -Re-strengthen the brokerage business and build an efficient global network- 1. Consolidated Ordinary Income [Initial FY]Return to Profitability [Final FY]Over Y120bil 2. Fixed Cost Coverage Ratio [Final FY 4Q annualized]Over 60% 4 Ⅰ- The Significance of the Retail Business to the Daiwa Securities Group “Expansion” ≈ Aim for “Sustainable Growth” For the final year of the Medium-Term Management Plan, we will focus on expanding our client base, aiming for the group’s sustainable growth ( “Expansion” ) FY2014 FY2014 Sustainable Growth Expansion Expansion 5 Strengthen profitability with synergy of integration between Retail and Wholesale divisions 6 Rebuild wholesale business ► Strengthen IPO business 4 Expand new client base centered on NISA 3 7 Focus on wrap business Expand client based high-quality earnings Expand overseas business alliances 8 Strengthen profitability of asset management business (mutual funds, real estates) 2 Expand sales organization 1 Evolve the unique combined securities-banking business model 5 Ⅰ- The Significance of the Retail Business to the Daiwa Securities Group Retail division acts as the main revenue generator of consolidated results By By further further strengthening strengthening the the collaboration collaboration with with wholesale wholesale division division and and other other group group companies, companies, the the retail retail division division acts acts as as the the main main revenue revenue generator generator of of consolidated consolidated results results In In terms terms of of stable stable revenue, revenue, the the retail retail division division also also contributes contributes to to the the increase increase in in “Fixed “Fixed cost cost coverage coverage ratio*”, ratio*”, aa key key management management target target under the current Medium Term Plan, by expanding the balance of bank deposits and mutual funds, taking advantage under the current Medium Term Plan, by expanding the balance of bank deposits and mutual funds, taking advantage of of our our unique unique combined combined securities-banking securities-banking business business model model Proportion of retail division results to consolidated net operating revenues Proportion of retail division results to total stable revenues (Y bil) (Y bil) 1 00 % 6 00 Ot h e r s 54 1.9 Re t ail Divisio n 5 00 15 0 50 3.9 Re t ail Rat io 8 0% 12 0 6 0% 90 41 7.3 10 0% Ot h e r s Daiwa Ne xt Ban k Asse t Man age m e n t Divisio n Re t ail Divisio n Re t ail Rat io 80 % 4 00 33 6.0 3 00 47.5% 44.2% 60 % 46.7% 45.8% 43.9% 47.2% 47.5% 52.0% 4 0% 60 40 % 2 0% 30 20 % 2 00 25 3.0 1 00 15 9.5 18 4.4 22 1.0 0 0% FY2 0 1 1 FY2 0 1 2 FY2 0 1 3 FY 2 0 1 4 / 1 H ( An n u alize d) 0 0% FY 2 0 1 1 FY 2 0 1 2 FY 2 0 1 3 FY2 0 1 4 / 2 Q ( An n u alize d) * Fixed cost coverage ratio = Stable revenues / Fixed cost 6 Ⅱ- Expanding the Stable Revenue Base 7 Ⅱ- Expanding the Stable Revenue Base Overview of Wrap Account Service As As wrap wrap accounts accounts quickly quickly gained gained recognition recognition in in Japan, Japan, Daiwa’s Daiwa’s AUM AUM for for wrap wrap accounts accounts also also increased increased rapidly. rapidly. In In Japan, Japan, the the balance balance of of wrap wrap accounts accounts against against individual individual financial financial assets assets is is substantially substantially smaller smaller compared compared to to the the U.S., U.S., aa leading leading country country in in wrap wrap business. business. In In Japan, Japan, therefore, therefore, there there is is aa huge huge potential potential to to increase increase the the AUM AUM of of wrap wrap accounts. accounts. Comparison of financial assets between Japan and the U.S. (as at June, 2014) AUM of Wrap accounts (Y bil) Household financial assets 2 ,5 0 0 O th e rs 2 ,2 1 9 D aiw a (Y tri) (Y tri) 8,000 2 ,0 0 0 AUM of wrap accounts (including institutions) 384 400 6,767 1 ,6 4 2 1 ,5 0 0 6,000 1 ,0 0 0 300 4.1X 4,000 233.6X 200 763 500 2,000 1,645 100 1.6 0 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q 1Q 2Q FY 2 0 1 1 FY 2 0 1 2 ※All figures are as at the end of each quarter. FY 2 0 1 3 FY 2 0 1 4 0 J apan U. S . 0 J apan U. S . ※$1=Y101 (Source)Japan Investment Advisors Corporation、Bank of Japan、Money Management Institute、Daiwa Securities 8 Ⅱ- Expanding the Stable Revenue Base Daiwa’s Strength in Wrap Business Daiwa Daiwa offers offers an an extensive extensive line-up line-up of of investment investment styles styles for for Daiwa Daiwa Fund Fund Wrap Wrap and and SMA SMA services, services, which which enables enables itit to to make make appropriate appropriate proposals proposals to to meet meet diversified diversified customer customer needs. needs. By By using using the the unique unique combined combined securities-banking securities-banking business business model, model, Daiwa Daiwa offers offers aa package package plan, plan, ‘Daiwa ‘Daiwa Fund Fund Wrap Wrap and and Yen Yen Denominated Denominated Time Time Deposit Plan’, which has contributed to the increase in new contracts. Deposit Plan’, which has contributed to the increase in new contracts. Contractual Contractual amounts amounts by by existing existing customers customers have have been been increasing increasing due due to to the the strong strong performance. performance. Extensive product line-ups Performance of Daiwa Fund Wrap* 200 Conservative (Yutori Plus) Contract Fund Wrap amount is from Y3.0 mil, the lowest in the 180 industry. Most (Apr. 2012 ~ Nov. 2014) Balanced (Basic) Aggressive number of investment styles (more than 100) 160 Dedicated SMA SMA consultants give proposals and support on investment styles to meet customer needs. Large 140 range of investment styles exclusive to Daiwa SMA. 120 Package plan with yen denominated time deposit 100 Provided by collaborating with Daiwa Next Bank, with the aim to help first-time investors to take their first step. 80 by first-time investors have contributed to the increase in new contracts. FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 Contracts Portofolio Style Proportion of package plan contracts among new Fund Wrap contracts (FY 2014) Package Plan Conservative (Yutori Plus) Balanced (Basic) Aggressive Others Performance 6 Months 1year 2years +8.8% +10.4% +37.8% +11.9% +15.0% +52.8% +16.0% +19.2% +81.3% ※ Reference date: as at Nov.28, 2014. circa 30% • Performance based on model case scenarios where fund wrap-exclusive funds are held at the standard allocation rate for each investment style (Index basis: 100 = Mar. 31, 2012; fund wrap fees etc. are not taken into consideration) 9 Ⅱ- Expanding the Stable Revenue Base Expansion of AUC of Investment Trusts The The AUC AUC of of investment investment trusts trusts has has steadily steadily increased increased through through measures measures that that meet meet customer customer needs, needs, including including advising advising long-term long-term ownership and promoting accumulative investments. ownership and promoting accumulative investments. The The AUC AUC of of investment investment trusts trusts in in the the retail retail division division posted posted aa record record high high at at the the end end of of 2Q, 2Q, 2014; 2014; the the AUC AUC increased increased further further In In November. November. An An increase increase in in agency agency fee fee contributed contributed to to the the expansion expansion of of stable stable revenues. revenues. AUC of investment trusts in the retail division (Y tri) 6 4 2 F Y2 0 0 5 F Y2 0 0 6 F Y2 0 0 7 F Y2 0 0 8 F Y2 0 0 9 F Y2 0 1 0 F Y2 0 1 1 F Y2 0 1 2 F Y2 0 1 3 N ov 2Q 1Q 4Q 3Q 2Q 1Q 4Q 3Q 2Q 1Q 4Q 3Q 2Q 1Q 4Q 3Q 2Q 1Q 4Q 3Q 2Q 1Q 4Q 3Q 2Q 1Q 4Q 2Q 3Q 1Q 4Q 3Q 2Q 1Q 4Q 3Q 2Q 1Q 0 F Y2 0 1 4 ※All figures are as at the end of each quarter. 10 Ⅱ- Expanding the Stable Revenue Base Evolving the Securities Banking Business Model (Foreign Currency Deposits) In In November November 2014, 2014, Daiwa Daiwa Next Next Bank Bank introduced introduced aa sweeping sweeping function function for for foreign foreign currencies; currencies; and and itit increased increased the the number number of of foreign foreign currencies currencies itit handles handles from from 66 to to 10. 10. The The features features of of the the sweeping sweeping function function include: include: 9 9 9 9 Purchase Purchase amount amount for for foreign foreign denominated denominated securities securities products products is is automatically automatically sent sent from from the the Daiwa Daiwa Next Next Bank Bank account account to to the the Daiwa Daiwa Securities Securities account. account. Redemption proceeds, interests, coupons, and dividends from foreign currency assets are automatically sent to the Daiwa Next Bank Redemption proceeds, interests, coupons, and dividends from foreign currency assets are automatically sent to the Daiwa Next Bank account, account, which which offers offers aa relatively relatively good good interest interest rate. rate. The The improved improved convenience convenience has has pushed pushed up up the the number number of of newly newly opened opened foreign foreign currency currency deposit deposit accounts accounts at at Daiwa Daiwa Next Next Bank Bank by by customers customers who who own own foreign foreign assets assets at at Daiwa Daiwa Securities. Securities. Introduction of a sweeping function for foreign currencies; and an increase in handled foreign currencies The value of foreign currency denominated deposits at Daiwa Next Bank (Y bil) Foreign currency deposit account opening status by customers Daiwa Daiwa Next Next Bank Bank (foreign (foreigncurrency currency deposit depositaccount) account) Sweep who own foreign currency assets at Daiwa Securities 300 Daiwa Daiwa Securities Securities (foreign (foreigncurrency currencyaccount) account) foreign currency deposit account circa 40% 250 200 GBP CAD EUR TRY ※As at end of Nov, 2014 150 USD HKD 100 MXN 50 AUD 0 ZAR 2Q NZD 3Q FY 2 0 1 2 4Q 1Q 2Q 3Q FY 2 0 1 3 4Q 1Q 2Q No v FY 2 0 1 4 ※All figures are as at the end of each quarter. ※GBP, CAD, HKD, MXN were introduced in Nov, 2014. 11 Ⅲ- Expanding the Wealth Business - focus on Inheritance Business - 12 Ⅲ- Expanding the Wealth Business - focus on Inheritance Business - Extensive Products and Services offered to the Wealth Business Customers Needs as an individual Asset Management Wrap Business Real Estate Consulting Inheritance Total Service Needs as a company owner Expand Core Business Inheritance Donation Business Integration Business Succession Pension Insurance Medical Insurance Tax Advice Business Matching Staff Benefits Match the Wealth Business customers’ needs Introduce Certified Tax Accountants and Lawyers (Daiwa Next Bank) Securities-backed Loans M&A 401K Profit Stabilization Business Insurance Operational Lease Wealth Asset Management Wealth Asset Utilization Bank Deposit IPO Overseas Services (Business Expansion etc.) 13 Ⅲ- Expanding the Wealth Business - focus on Inheritance Business - Developments Surrounding Inheritance The The inheritance inheritance tax tax will will be be increased increased in in 2015, 2015, after after which which the the number number of of inheritance inheritance tax tax applicants applicants and and the the amount amount of of inheritance inheritance tax tax are expected to rise. are expected to rise. More More than than half half of of the the inherited inherited property property consists consists of of real real estate; estate; the the value value of of assets assets used used to to calculate calculate inheritance inheritance tax tax has has increased increased due due to to the the rise rise in in land land prices. prices. Increase in inheritance tax (from 2015) Impact by the rise in land price Breakdown of Inherited Property Timing Timing of of Application Application Present Present Post-reform Post-reform Until Until 31 31 Dec. Dec. 2014 2014 From From 11 Jan. Jan. 2015 2015 Savings , De pos its e tc. 25.4% Reduction of Basic Deduction for Bequest Fixed Fixed Reduction Reduction Amount Amount 50mil 50mil Yen Yen Number of 10mil 10mil Yen× Yen×Legal Heirs Land 45.9% 51.2% from Real Estate Se curitie s 30mil 30mil Yen Yen 12.3% Hous ing ▲40% Legal Legal Heir Heir Proportional Proportional Reduction Reduction Othe rs 11.1% 5.3% Number of 6mil 6mil Yen× Yen× Legal Heirs (Source) National Tax Agency, “Inheritance Tax Filed in 2012” Increase of Maximum Tax Rate Maximum Maximum Tax Tax Rate Rate Rate Rate is is 50% 50%ififthe the value value of of acquired acquired property propertyis is more more than than 300 300 mil mil Yen Yen Rate Rate is is 55% 55%ififthe the value value of of acquired acquired property propertyis is more more than than 600mil 600mil Yen Yen Road Price Ratings (2014) The 2014 Road Price Ratings released by the National Tax Agency showed a substantial increase in large city areas. ※The yoy increase rate for main maximum road prices of prefectural capitals: Nagoya City: 10.0%, Chuo Ward of Tokyo City; 9.7%, Yokohama City: 7.8%, Saitama City: 7.1%, Osaka City: 6.2% 14 Ⅲ- Expanding the Wealth Business - focus on Inheritance Business - Expanding the Inheritance Business Generational Change Most Most number number of CFP of CFP staff staff Tighten Asset Taxation Daiwa Daiwa Move out from the deflationary phase Deploy Deploy Inheritance Inheritance Consultants Consultants Introduction Introduction of of Internal Internal Qualification Qualification (Inheritance Planner (Inheritance Planner Qualification) Qualification) New career path for qualified staff Inheritance Inheritance Total Total Service Service Family Family Plus Plus Asset Preservation leading leading provider provider of of inheritance inheritance business business services services Interests of wealth business customers ¾ ¾ Gateway Gateway for for branch’s branch’s inheritance inheritance related related issues issues ¾ ¾ Starting Starting from from Jan. Jan. 2015 2015 at at 21 21 branches. branches. ¾ ¾ Focusing Focusing on on practical practical solutions. solutions. ¾ ¾ Training Training has has started started from from Oct Oct 2014 2014 ¾ ¾ Offer Offer solutions solutions relating relating to to inheritance inheritance issues issues (pre-inheritance) (pre-inheritance) zzProperty evaluation; tax estimation; support will-writing etc. Property evaluation; tax estimation; support will-writing etc. (at (at the the time time of of inheritance) inheritance) zzInheritance procedures; tax estimation; heritage division; Inheritance procedures; tax estimation; heritage division; advice advice on on tax tax payment payment funds funds and and real real estate estate etc. etc. zzIntroduce specialists (tax accountant’s corporation, Introduce specialists (tax accountant’s corporation, judicial judicial scrivener scriveneretc.) etc.) inheritance inheritance tax tax payment payment based based on on self self assessment; assessment; tax tax agency; agency; registration registration of of inheritance inheritance (real (real estate) estate)etc. etc. Knowledge to practice ¾ ¾ Offer Offer the the family family (presumptive (presumptive heir) heir) preferential preferential services services depending depending on on the the amount amount of of assets assets under under custody custody Strengthen Strengthen our our customer-based customer-based approach, approach, capture capture asset asset shift shift and and customers customers of of the the next next generation generation through the expansion of the inheritance business through the expansion of the inheritance business 15 Ⅳ- Areas to Improve the Retail Business 16 Ⅳ- Areas to Improve the Retail Business For Broader Range of Investors Create services and platforms suitable for an era when securities investments become part of people’s lives Deflationary era Post-deflationary era Broader range of investors choose channels according to their own needs Focus on certain investors Contact Center Branches Branches Enhancement of seamless collaboration between each channels Contact Center Retirees Outbound Asset building layer Wealthy Wealthy SelfSelf-directed investor Diversification of investors Inbound PC SelfSelf-directed investor Smart phone/ tablet Support for asset building PC Youth Investor education and enlightenment through each channel Smart phone/ tablet 17 Ⅳ- Areas to Improve the Retail Business Use of Contact Centers and Smart Devices Introduced Introduced smart smart devices devices and and contact contact centers, centers, which which alternatively alternatively receive receive calls calls coming coming through through the the main main switchboard switchboard of of branches/sales branches/sales offices. offices. Branches/sales Branches/sales offices offices that that have have introduced introduced the the system system have have found found that that created created more more time time has has been been created created for for sales sales activities activities including including an an increase increase in in the the number number of of client client meetings. meetings. Contact Contact centers centers are are scheduled scheduled to to be be introduced introduced to to all all branches/sales branches/sales offices offices by by the the end end of of FY2014. FY2014. Measures to improve operational efficiency Increase opportunities to contact customers Number of Client Meetings Contact Centers 9 Assist branches/sales offices by alternatively receiving main switchboard calls (to be introduced to all branches/sales offices by March 2015) n <Customer> o mai d s t oar l l Ca itchb sw (FY2014 monthly average) 1 50 Index: 1Q FY 2014=100 Contact center (Tokyo ・ Osaka) 130 120 1 00 100 Sales office Forward calls to sales offices when necessary Synergy effect 50 Smart Devices 9 Distributed PC tablets/smart phones to all sales staff (Jun. 2014) ¾Customer information ¾CRM coordination ¾Pitching materials ¾E-signature procedure ¾Investment information 0 All branches/ 全営業店 sales offices 11Q Q Branches/ 代替受電 sales offices without support by 未導入店 contact centers Branches/ 代替受電 sales offices with support by 既導入店 contact centers 3 Q( 1 0 –~1 1 月) 3Q (Oct. Nov. 2014) ※A full-scale introduction of alternatively receiving calls by contact centers started from July 2014. As at the end of November 2014, around half of branches/sales offices have introduced the system. 18 Ⅳ- Areas to Improve the Retail Business Retiree-focused planning service (‘Korekara-Life’) We We introduced introduced aa retiree-focused retiree-focused planning planning service service (’Korekara-Life’)to (’Korekara-Life’)to all all branches branches (excludes (excludes sales sales offices) offices) to to provide provide cash cash flow flow analysis and the most appropriate portfolio designs to retired or soon-to-retire customers. analysis and the most appropriate portfolio designs to retired or soon-to-retire customers. Fund Fund Wrap Wrap is is the the mainly mainly proposed proposed product, product, while while we we also also offer offer products products including including mutual mutual funds funds and and insurance insurance according according to to customer customer needs. needs. Planning Planning service service Cash Cash flow flow analysis analysis Ask customer’s life plan Analyze cash flows up to retirement Analyze cash flows post-retirement Cash Flow Analysis (Easy!Life Navi) Solution Solution Portfolio Portfolio designing designing Ask customer’s investment experience and investment policy Provide recommended portfolio and future simulation results Portfolio Recommendation (Free portfolio Designing Service/ Service/ Hearing Sheet) Sheet) Product Product offering offering Offer a variety of products in response to diversified customer needs Offer Fund Wrap and other products according to customer needs Grow Grow Daiwa Daiwa Fund Fund Wrap Wrap NISA-accumulative services NISA NISA-accumulative services Receive Receive Monthly Monthly dividend dividend payment payment type mutual funds type mutual funds Pension Pension Insurance Insurance Protect Protect Time Time deposit deposit Medical Medical Insurance Insurance 19 大和証券グループ本社 IR室 TEL: 03-5555-1300 FAX: 03-5555-0661 E-mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.daiwa-grp.jp/ir/ 20
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