Dear Friends,
This year has been an exciting one for me as I finished school and was
commissioned in May, and then was called to continue serving you as your
minister. This fall at church we have been focusing on the gift of God's
beautiful Creation that we have been given, and how we are moved to
thanksgiving and good stewardship, in our world and in our church. I know one
of the things I am thankful for is the blessing of working among and with such
fine and faithful people.
As we move into Advent, a season where we prepare to celebrate the
birth of Jesus Christ, the light of the world, our world unfortunately seems more
lacking of light and love than ever. News of wars and violence, of people
suffering from hunger and poverty, of diseases of the body, mind and spirit,
cast shadows on a time that is meant to be a celebration. We remember that the
time and place into which Jesus came was troubled with many of the same
things that trouble us today. Many people had been waiting for a long time for
a sign that God was truly with them. Into these shadows, the prophet Isaiah
spoke these words: "Comfort, comfort my people, says your God." (Isaiah
40:1) In the midst of the times of struggle and pain, God's presence is with us,
ever faithful.
We all prepare for Christmas in many ways: baking, shopping, decorating,
singing carols. Let us not forget, in the busyness of the season, that as
Christians preparing for Christmas, we are also preparing for God's kingdom- a
world of peace and justice which Jesus proclaimed and which we hope and trust
that God is bringing into being. Isaiah goes on to say "Prepare the way of the
Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God...the uneven
ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain." (Isaiah 40:3-4)
This time of year more than ever, we are called to smooth the rough places in
our world, preparing the way for God's love to be shared with everyone. We do
this in many ways: helping people around us; giving gifts; speaking out against
injustice and greed; giving donations of time, talent or treasure to support the
work of the church and other groups that help those in need; gathering for
meals with family and friends and gathering for worship in our church
It is my hope and prayer that each of us take some time during these
next few weeks of preparation to pause and listen for the ways that we are
called to share the light of the world, celebrating the true meaning of this
season. A Blessed Advent and Merry Christmas to you all!
Kristin Wood
News from Mission and Service
There is a Jewish custom that requires one to name
100 blessings each day.
That is a lot! I challenge you to give it a try. I
haven’t quite made it to 100, and I’ve been working
on it—on and off—for about 3 days now!
But, I think the process is a good one. It causes us to
pause and realize how many things we do have to be thankful for—and not just in the general
“Thank-you God for everything” way.
It is in truly counting and considering our blessings that we can let go of the idea that
we need to hold on to everything we have for fear of future scarcity. Instead,
remembering our blessings can open our hearts to extravagant generosity. And God
loves a cheerful giver!
We continue to read Minutes for Mission stories in church during Sunday worship as a
way to let you know how your gifts to Mission and Service are being used. We dream
of a world in which human needs are met—a world where we can improve lives in our
communities, across Canada, and globally. It is the United Church’s Mission and
Service Fund that allows us to do just that—to make a difference in the lives of others
at home and in places like Tanzania, Sudan, Kenya, Palestine, the Philippines,
Columbia…the list goes on and on.
For additional ways to make a difference in our world, pick up a “Gifts with Vision”
For $50 you could help to provide and maintain a well in Nicaragua.
Or $10 would purchase fruit and vegetables for a family for one week through the
House of Lazarus in Ottawa.
$100 would help build a learning centre in the Philippines.
$20 would purchase school supplies for one child for a school year in India.
Thanks to your generosity in this program last year, our United Church partners in
Canada, Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, received $453,905.22!
This is a great way to do Christmas shopping, or remember someone’s birthday or
anniversary, or any other special day. The catalogues are available at the back of the
Thank you for your continued support!
What did Adam say on the day before Christmas ?
It's Christmas, Eve !
As most of our congregation already knows the projector/screen project has
become a reality. In late August screens and projectors were installed in our
sanctuary and early September saw the first services where this new technology
was put into action. The new technology will take some “getting used to” because
people are accustomed to using hymn books and bulletins throughout the
worship service. Not only do the projection screens eliminate the need for those
heavy hymnbooks but, in time, we will save enormous amounts of money by not
having to print as many bulletins. The singing from the congregation has notably
improved as folks get their heads out of the copies. Many thanks to the Elgert
family members who have taken on the responsibility of programming the
projections each week. This process involves about two hours per week and we
are looking for more volunteers to help with this work. The possibilities for using
the projection screens are endless. Images can be used for special events such
a funerals and weddings..maybe even a “movie night”. If working with this
technology interests you please contact Judy Elgert. Thanks to the many donors
who made this project possible.
To Arden with Love and Best Wishes
The end of an era is in the offing with the proposed closure of St. Andrew's
United Church in Arden. Once a bustling little community church, it has been
subject to the changing times, and faces the ultimate result of many smaller
congregations. The members of the Neepawa congregation, along with the
board members, who have shared their friendship through the Larger Parish,
wish to offer their support and caring as Arden faces this turn in the road. As
2014 draws to a close it will be a time of sadness mixed with the sharing of
wonderful memories of times gone by.
The Neepawa congregation feels for the Arden folks. Hopefully, the
relationships, fostered by the larger parish, will continue as Arden parishioners
consider the next step in their faith journey. The doors of Neepawa United
Church are inviting and the congregation has laid out the welcome mat.
Neepawa folks are encouraged to participate in special events that surround the
closure of yet another landmark.
WHY AM I HERE?? - by Evelyn McConnell
Why am I here today and most every Sunday morning? Well, I would expect you to
answer with the obvious answer, “You sing in the choir.” There are other reasons.
When I was asked to speak briefly about what the church means to me, many things
came to mind. I think of belonging to Mission Band, Explorers, Messengers, and CGIT
as I grew up, and as a leader at times in later years . Joining the choir in each place
I’ve lived gave me a home.
I checked in the dictionary for the meaning of the word “stewardship” or of the noun
“steward” and the description which I thought applied was this: “a steward is one of the
staff of servants on a passenger ship”. Did you ever consider that life is a journey and
we are all staff? We all have a job. Most times, the road is smooth sailing and on
occasion there are a few bumps.
I find that helping someone or belonging to a group gives me a sense of worth and
usefulness. When the road became rough for me, the church and my friends were
there for support.
I have always felt very welcome in this congregation and fortunately, there was a chair
in the choir loft for me when I arrived. No audition required!!
It is the festive season
To celebrate Christ's birth,
To rejoice in knowing He came
Bringing peace throughout the earth
He came a tiny baby
Then grew to be a man,
The saviour of the world
With healing in His hands
So celebrate this season
With joy and expectation,
For Jesus is so worthy
Of our praise and adoration.
© By M.S.Lowndes
ON BEING “CHURCH PERSON” by Kathleen Swanson
The New Creed of the United Church begins with the words, "We are not alone, we live
in God's world."
This assertion probably sums up what being a "church person" means to me.
Having been closely associated with the United Church since infancy (a long time ago)
it seems to me that the church is the only place where small voices elicit fond looks,
and probably it is the only organization that doesn't expect you to leave when
diminishing health or energy catch up to you and it's no longer possible to contribute as
This particular sanctuary was wisely designed to create a serenity that offers a quiet
place of worship without shutting out the world outside. Changing clouds and colors
can be seen from the windows at the front - sometimes we even see birds and glimpses
of traffic going by outside.
Most importantly, being engaged in the life of the church requires responding to change
whether we like it or not. New hymn books, new translations of the Bible, new clergy
and new structures challenge us to evaluate what we believe and what we think.
Sometimes we'd rather not be bothered, but the efforts to meet these changes, with at
least a little good grace, helps to keep us alive.
As the creed says, "We live in God's world." So how do we respond to that? As a
United Church member I've always been proud that my denomination responds to the
desperate needs of those who, for whatever reason, are in poverty, danger and despair.
If we are listening, the church sends us out to help and comfort if we can.
Our church bulletin said, "It's wonderful being part of something bigger than ourselves".
Thanks be to God!
Have You Considered PAR?
Part of dealing with the modern world is automatic payment of bills through
preauthorized remittance. Here we refer to that as PAR. It has nothing to do with that
wonderful game called golf but it has a great deal to do with keeping our contributions
to the church current. Many of us, who want to avoid having to write cheques regularly
to pay for utilities, time payments or credit cards, just authorize the financial institution
that we deal with to take the money from our account at the appropriate time. This
procedure is particularly effective for those who may not be able to attend church
regularly but want to keep their donations current. What a great way for "snow birds" or
those who take a summer break from church to keep up to date. Certainly, by going on
PAR there is nothing to put on the offering plate on Sunday but, to avoid that
discomfort, little PAR cards are available at the back of the church to place on the plate.
Neepawa United Church Women
After a quiet summer, the Neepawa UCW has been busy. Three members attended the
North Agassiz Presbyterial Fall Rally at McKenzie United Church in Portage la Prairie on
October 8th. The theme was “UCW Then, Now, Future”. It was an inspiring, educational
and enjoyable day. $1,000 was donated to Rock Lake Camp to help with bathroom
repairs. The Fall Rally in 2015 will be held at Plumas.
Our Fall Rummage Sale was a HUGE SUCESS, thanks to Lyle Byram and her team and all
the unit workers. We raised approximately $1,183. Thanks also to all who donated
used clothing and articles and a special thanks to the men who helped us carry up the
boxes on Thursday evening.
Clothing was packed and sent to Red Sucker Lake. Thanks to each unit for their
donations of clothing.
Everyone contributed to our Fall Supper on October 26. We adjusted the price to $12
this year and had a good crowd with lots of visiting and fellowship.
We can also report that the Fellowship of the Least Coin service was held in our church
on Friday, November 14th. Kristin Wood delivered a brief message for us on the theme
“All God’s Children in God’s World”. Area churches were invited and following the
service there was a time for visiting and tea and cookies.
Christmas is coming quickly and the UCW will hold their Christmas Party on December
3rd. We hope to see you there and please feel free to invite guests to join us in
fellowship and fun.
AN INTERESTING FACT: Nationally, since its beginning, the UCW have raised over
$1.5 billion dollars for our churches.
The women of the UCW wish everyone a Blessed Christmas Season and a very healthy
and happy 2015.
Beverley Finlayson
Xmas explained
Some people think of Xmas as a contemporary, sacrilegious abbreviation of the
word Christmas. On the contrary, the first letter of the word Christ in the Greek
language is chi, which is identical to the modern Roman alphabet's X. Therefore,
Xmas is an ecclesiastical abbreviation that has been used for almost as long as
Christmas has been in existence.
Where do you Fit?
After a special stewardship campaign was conducted over the month of October we
hope that congregation members have been motivated to continue involvement in the
parts of church life that interests them. Certainly, we have all been challenged to
continue/increase our involvement. Several members of the congregation were kind
enough to share their stories of the church in their lives...(some have been printed in
this issue). Some have been uncomfortable with some of the weekly exercises that
Kristin asked us to perform. None of these were intended to be threatening, just an
opportunity for some self- evaluation. Some of us are not accustomed to the "hands on"
approach in our worship. In light of our shrinking membership and the resulting lack of
funds to meet our budget we have been challenged to examine our commitments, both
financial and talent, to our church.
Special Thanks to Special People........
-Judy Elgert, for programming the overhead projections each week.
-to all Board members for their continued work to keep the church alive and vibrant
- to David Elgert and Daniel Heschuk (now in university) for operating the sound system
- to Tracey Richardson and Dwayne Petch for videotaping our weekly services to send
to shutins, which can be viewed each Monday at 4:15 pm on NACTV.
- to the UCW for generating enormous amounts of money to keep us going
- to Amber Zalluski whose job goes well beyond secretarial work.
- to the youth group and Sunday School for bringing a youthful freshness to us.
- Lyle Byram and company for organizing a successful rummage sale
- Ruth Hanke, Donna Newton and gals for organizing the Westman Choir meals and
- these are only some of the folks identified for this edition of the newsletter. We are
eternally grateful to many unnamed individuals who regularly enhance the work of our
Neepawa United Church Advent Calendar
December 3
UCW Christmas Party - 2 p.m. in the sanctuary with fellowship and refreshments
following in the CEC
December 4
Regular choir practice - new members welcome!
December 7
December brunch following church service
December 11 Men's Breakfast - Chicken Corral 8:30 a.m. - come and share!
December 12 Youth helping salvation Army with getting hampers ready
December 14 White Gift Service - regular Sunday worship time of 11 a.m.
December 16 Singles pot luck luncheon in CEC at noon
December 17 UCW packing Cookie Trays
December 17 Community Caroling - meet at CEC at 6:30 p.m.
December 18 Blue Christmas Service - 7 p.m.
December 21 Special music sunday at regular worship service
December 24 Christmas Eve service at 8:30 p.m.
December 28 Regular church service
Dec. 30, 31, Jan. 1 Pastoral Charge office closed
February 1
Brunch followed by the Annual Meeting in the CEC
Arden United Church Advent Calendar
Dec. 7
2nd Sunday of Advent / Service of Celebration & Reflection at 9:30 a.m.
Dec. 14
3rd Sunday of Advent / White Gift Sunday - Service at 9:30 a.m.
4th Sunday of Advent - Service at 9:30 a.m.
Christmas Eve / Final Service - Service at 7:00 p.m.
Dec. 30 & 31 Pastoral Charge office closed
Jan.15, 2015 Annual Meeting at Jean Jackson's at 7:00 p.m.
During Advent, coffee and dainties with fellowship will follow the services.
Brookdale United Church Advent Calendar
Dec. 7
Dec. 14
Service cancelled. Attending Arden's "Service of Celebration and Reflection"
Advent III - White Gift Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Advent lV - Service at 9:45 a.m.
Blue Christmas Service at 2 p.m.
Dec. 23
Christmas Eve Service at 7 p.m.
Dec. 28
Service Cancelled
Dec. 30 & 31 Pastoral Charge Office closed
Jan.4, 2015 Regular service