Alexandra Basin Redevelopment Project Request for proposal to carry out a Construction Environmental Management Plan Please note that all information contained in the document is confidential and is not to be divulged without written permission from the Procurement Manager Dec 2014 1 1. BACKGROUND Dublin Port Company (DPC) lodged an application with An Bord Pleanala for the ABR Project ( on 6th March 2014 and, while awaiting the results of the planning application and, on the assumption that planning and other consents will be forthcoming, wishes to appoint a consultancy to produce a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for this development. This document is a request for proposal for the production of this CEMP. Full details of the ABR project can be accessed at the above website 2. REQUIREMENTS AND CONSTRAINTS Implementing the ABR Project will be complex for a number of reasons: 1. The scale of the works is large, involving the building / rebuilding of 3km of berths. 2. The Port is a busy working environment, and works must be carried out so as to allow the port to function uninterrupted. 3. There is a large multi-annual capital dredging programme to be completed (nearly 6m cubic metres over a channel length of 10km) which may require underwater works to stabilise channel side slopes. 4. There is a large volume of contaminated material to be dredged, stabilised and used as infill. 5. There is a number of movements of existing customers' operations over the course of the works. 6. There is an annual cruise business to be accommodated. 7. There is the aspiration to complete the works in as short a timescale as possible against a background where DPC believes that port volumes will grow rapidly over the next five years or so. This will put increasing pressure on the space available to contractors for their works, compound etc. 8. There is a 220kV ESB cable to be removed, requiring the laying of a new cable under the Liffey and through the Port estate by a different route all to be co-ordinated with ESB / Eirgrid. 9. There is a large number of inter-dependencies between the various elements of the works which create critical path bottlenecks which need to be closely managed to avoid time over-runs. 10.There are third party requirements to be accommodated, notably the design, specification and procurement of a new loading system for the Tara Mines operation. 11.There is a challenging overall Project Management structure required to pull together all of the project elements including an overarching Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) covering the operations of potentially multiple contractors in multiple locations. 12.There are likely different optimum ways to procure different elements of the project (with different levels of involvement by the contractors in the design) 13.There is the selection of the most appropriate forms of contract for the various sub-contracts. 14.There is the need for DPC to have robust protections (such as performance bonds and insurances) and power within the contracts to minimise delays and knock-on claims from contractors who are prevented from starting on time. 2 3. THE REQUIREMENT Based on the information available on the ABR project and, taking into account all its complexities including those set out at 1 to 14 above, the successful tenderer is to produce and deliver a clear, concise, robust CEMP. DPC’s expectation is that, with input of the required level of experience and expertise, the study should take no more that approx. 8 weeks to complete. 4. EVALUATION CRITERIA DPC expects that this study will be carried out by a consultancy with extensive experience in environmental management and expertise in producing and delivering this type of plan. The selection and award procedure will be a two stage process. Firstly, only tenders from firms that demonstrate sufficient experience of similar contracts and which are of satisfactory financial standing will qualify for full evaluation. This Pass/Fail test will be evaluated by reference to information provided in response to 5 below, Questions 1 to 5. Secondly, firms which have qualified under the first stage above, and which score highest under the criteria below will be invited to negotiate and conclude an agreement with DPC to provide the required services. Criterion Max score 1 Proposed cost to DPC 50.0% 2 Quality of the service including Delivery Team offered 45.0% 3 Proposed completion date 5.0% Total 100.0% 5. INFORMATION REQUIRED FROM TENDERERS 1. Please give details of relevant experience with names and contact numbers for at least three reference clients who may be contacted directly by DPC in order to discuss past performance. 2. Detail any relevant experience you have in producing CEMP’s similar in scale and / or nature to the ABR Project. 3. A company profile, giving details including qualifications and experience of senior management personnel. 4. Please state the level of Professional Indemnity Insurance held. 5. Enclose a copy of your current Tax Clearance Certificate or a state that you can provide a valid Tax Clearance Certificate, in the event of your Proposal being successful. 3 Please provide the following information:6. The names, titles, location and telephone numbers of the principal contacts for DPC with regard to this proposal. 7. Your proposed team members, giving their experience, and qualifications and stating why you believe they would be suitable for this task. 8. Set out your fee proposal, giving a fixed fee, to include all expenses, travel, and setting out the proposed hours/days input from each team member and their hourly/daily rates. 9. Your proposed completion date, assuming contract award on 10th February, 2015. 10. Please give details and experience of any sub-consultants you propose to employ if awarded this contract. 6. INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS . General instructions for the proposal are set out below:All information contained in this document is given on the basis of strict confidentiality and must not be disclosed to any other party without DPC’s prior written consent. Interested parties are required to sign and return the Acknowledgement Letter (Appendix 1) no later than seven days after receipt of this Request for Proposal document. Failure to do so may exclude a proposal. Additional Information and clarifications will only be issued to firms who have indicated their intention to submit a proposal. If you do not wish to submit a proposal, we would appreciate if you would return the letter appropriately completed. General enquiries concerning this document should be made in writing or by email to: Conal O’Flanagan Procurement Manager Dublin Port Company Port Centre Alexandra Road Dublin 1 Email: [email protected] The latest date for the receipt of queries is Friday 16th January 2015 at 12.00 noon. In DPC’s opinion, where matters arising from a query should be made known to all bidders on the grounds of fairness, the relevant facts will be circulated without delay. In all cases the anonymity of the firm raising the query will be maintained. 4 Completed proposals must be sealed and addressed to: Conal O’Flanagan Procurement Manager Dublin Port Company Port Centre Alexandra Road Dublin 1 Email [email protected] Envelopes must be clearly marked ABR Project - CEMP on the envelope or packaging and must be delivered on or before Tuesday 27th January, 2015 to arrive not later than 12:00 noon. Two hardcopy sets and one soft copy, on USB or Disk, must be submitted. The responses should contain the following documents: Completed Proposal Appendix 2 Certificate of Bona Fide Appendix 3 Company Declaration Your submission must remain valid for acceptance by DPC for six months after the deadline for tender returns. It should be noted that all hard copy documentation must be completed in ink or typeface and any amendments initialled by the tenderer. For the proposal to be accepted, all documents must be signed and documentation provided with the proposal as detailed above. In responding to this RfP, please note the following: There is no implied obligation made by DPC to accept all or any part of your response. DPC reserves the right to reject any proposal. All unsuccessful bidders will be notified accordingly within fourteen days after the decision has been made, at which time DPC has the right to destroy all unsuccessful proposals. DPC reserves the right to source the required project management services from more than one supplier. DPC reserves the right to contract for all or part of the services proposed by the supplier without requirement to seek new proposals. DPC reserves the right not to proceed with the appointment of any service provider. DPC accepts no responsibility for any costs incurred in the formulation or presentation of your proposal. 5 The response must be made in the same order and using the same number conventions as used in the RFP. Please ensure that all required information is included in your proposal and state acceptance of conformance or otherwise, to each and every point in this document. Neutral comments such as noted will not be accepted as a compliant statement. Any failure and/or incompleteness in this respect may result in the rejection of your proposal. If it is not possible for DPC to make a final decision to appoint to a service provider on the basis of the proposals submitted, a short list of companies may be drawn up for further evaluation. Presentations may be requested from those suppliers who are short-listed. Conflict of Interest Any conflict of interest or potential conflict of interest must be fully disclosed to the contracting authority in making the submission. Any registerable interest involving the Applicant and the Members of the Board of the DPC, the Minister for Transport, or employees of the contracting authority or their relatives must be fully disclosed in making the firm’s submission or, in the event of this information only coming to the firms notice after the submission of a proposal and prior to the award of the contract should be communicated to the contracting authority immediately upon such information becoming known. The term registerable interest shall be interpreted as per Section 2 of the Ethics in Public Office Act 1994. Acceptance of terms Submission of a tender will be deemed to signify acceptance of the above terms. Tax Clearance It will be a condition of the award of this Contract that the successful Contractor and all SubContractors (domestic or otherwise) appointed by him will be required to produce a current Tax Clearance Certificate for inspection by Dublin Port Company. Please note that P.S.W.T. at the prevailing rate will be deducted from all payments made under this contract. Disclaimer “The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.” 6 Appendix 1 - Letter of Acknowledgment Date: _______________ To: Conal O’Flanagan Dublin Port Company Port Centre Alexandra Rd Dublin 1 Re: Proposal to carry out a Construction Environmental Management Plan Dear Sir, We acknowledge receipt of your Request for Proposal. 1* We have read the Request for Proposal and the Instructions and will submit a Proposal in accordance with the specified requirements. or 2* We do not wish to submit a proposal and our reasons for not submitting a proposal are given below / stated in the enclosed letter. Yours sincerely, For and on behalf of, Company Name ______________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________________ Name of Tenderer ______________________________________________ Telephone Number ______________________________________________ * Delete as required. 7 Appendix 2 - Certificate Relating to Bona Fide Proposal 1. The essence of tendering is that Dublin Port Company will receive bona fide, competitive proposals from all firms tendering. In recognition of this principle, we certify that this is a bona fide proposal intended to be competitive, and that we have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the proposal by, or under, or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person. 2. We also certify that we have not: a. Communicated to any other person other than DPC, the amount or approximate amount of the proposed fee structure, except where the disclosure in confidence was necessary to obtain insurance premium quotations required for the preparation of the proposal. b. Entered into any agreement or arrangement with any other person that shall refrain from submitting a proposal or as to the content of any proposal to be submitted. c. Offered, or paid, or given, or agreed to pay or give any sum of money or valuable consideration, directly or indirectly, to any person for doing, or having done, or causing, or having caused to be done, in relation to any other proposal, for the said work, any act or thing of the sort described above. 3. We undertake that we will not do any of the acts mentioned in paragraphs 2(a), 2(b) or 2(c) above at any time before the date and hour specified for the return of this proposal. 4. In this certificate the work person includes any persons and anybody or association, corporate or incorporated and any agreement or arrangement includes any such transaction, formal or informal, and whether legally binding or not. For and on behalf of: Company Name: _________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________ Name of Signatory: _________________________________________________ Position/title: _________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________ 8 Appendix 3 - Company Declaration Has your company been made bankrupt, had a receiving or administration order made against it or made any arrangement or composition with its creditors or become otherwise insolvent or is the subject for a petition or sequestration of its estate? Yes No Has your company passed a resolution or been the subject of an Order of the Court for the company’s winding up otherwise than for the purpose of bona fide reconstruction or amalgamation, or had a receiver manager or administrator on behalf of a creditor appointed in respect of the company’s business or any part thereof or is subject of proceedings or any part of the above procedures or is the subject of similar procedures under the law of this State or any other jurisdiction? Yes No Does your company have a director who has been convicted of a criminal offence or committed an act of professional misconduct relating to the conduct of, or in the course of, his profession or business? Yes No Has your company failed to fulfil its obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions in the Republic of Ireland or any State in which the company is located? Yes No Has your company been guilty of serious misrepresentation of providing information to a public buying agency? Yes 9 No Has your company contrived to misrepresent their Health & Safety information, Quality Assurance information, or information relating to any aspect of their company information? Yes For and on behalf of: Company Name: _________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________ Name of Tenderer: _________________________________________________ Position/title: _________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________ 10 No
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