ILLINOIS COUNCIL FOR CHILDREN WITH BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS Announces the 2015 Conference KEY ISSUES IN WORKING WITH STUDENTS WITH E/BD fEBRUARY 6-7, 2015 HYATT LISLE HOTEL, LISLE, ILLINOIS Monica Smiley, LCSW, School Social Worker, Speed 802 District Friday evening workshops February 6, 2015 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.--Choice of Two Sessions Working with Students with Anxiety Disorders in Today’s Schools Monica Smiley, LCSW, School Social Worker, Speed 802 District 4:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m.--CCBD Annual Business Meeting 4:45 p.m.-6:45 p.m.--Choice of Two Sessions Additional registration required for this session only to cover Children cost come to school with a variety of stressors that impact their Children come schoolofwith a variety of anxious stressors availability to be ready to learn. The to concept worry or being is a of handbook often a difficult concept for children to understand. Children may not have that impact their availability to be ready to learn. the skills necessary to cope with adverse situations that may increase their Dr. Elizabeth Hardman--President, Illinois Council for Children level of anxiety. Several these children with symptoms that Theofconcept of worrymay or present being anxious is a often a with Behavioral Disorders clinically would meet criteria for anxiety disorders. This difficult concept for children to understand. Children may not presentation will examine determining clinical symptoms in children with I Get By with a Little Help from My Friends--Taking Notes Together anxiety disorders, developing appropriate and educating have the skills necessary to cope interventions, with adverse situations thatother may The presenter will conduct a workshop on Taking Notes professionals and families. increase their level of anxiety. This presentation will examine Together, a strategy in the Community Building series from the Orwith anxiety disorders, developing clinical symptoms in children University of Kansas (CRL) that teaches students how to take appropriate interventions, and educating other professionals and notes quickly and succinctly during lectures, reading assignments, Loads of Fun Math Ideas for Students with Special Needs at the k-2 Level families. and video tapes and also helps them develop a deeper sense of Bree Twill or connectedness to the learning community Boxcarsandoneeyedjacks Loads of Fun Math Ideas for Students with Special Needs or at the k-2 Level We’re all Davids in Goliath’s World Bree Twill Readin’, Riting, and Reality--Education’s 3 R’s--Building social Boxcarsandoneeyedjacks skills Dan Massa and Larry Tharp Bree has been teaching since 2000 in a variety of Challenge Education Program, Porter County Education Services, settings from resource, to self-contained to ED/BD Valparaiso, Indiana classrooms. She is a teacher leader in her district in How do you build positive school climate? In one hall I have the areas of Math, Executive Functioning and Special Education. the Hatfields--in another the McCoys and don’t ask about the Bree has been teaching since 2000 in a variety of settings from resource, to Bree has been teaching in Highland Park, Illinois for 10 years. self-contained to ED/BD classrooms. She is a teacher leader in her district in third. With no money and no time, what do you do? You turn is enthusiastic teachingand math in funEducation. and innovative the areas She of Math, Executiveabout Functioning Special Bree has to the most incredible resources you have--your administration, been teaching in Highland Park, Illinoisways. for 10 years. counselors, teachers, paras, and student leaders. Give them the Bree is excited to be involved9:00 in this innovative knowledge, techniques, and the tools needed to create a positive p.m.-10:00 p.m. math program that has already made an impact on her Highland Park students. After much school climate. Learn the why of group development and how Poster Sessions and Reception research, Bree found Box Cars. From there, Bree attended a training at the everyone can influence the process. Walk away with plans and an County AsRegional a new feature year, we will be having sessions, Lake Office this of Education. Exciting thingsposter happened from the activity booklet of materials to incorporate into everyday classes. training andsnacks, her district to pilot the program. and agreed a cash bar on Friday evening February 6, 2015. Interested in having a poster session at this conference, contact Bev Johns at [email protected] e b ill w ’S PD given PRIZES FOR THE FIRST FIFTY PEOPLE TO REGISTER rates m o o r l i Hote REE WileF) F b u + o d $82 ngle and (si Exhibits, reception, legal issues, best practices, loads of practical ideas Read inside for all the Saturday sessions The Hyatt Lisle Hotel 1400 Corporetum Drive • Lisle, Illinois 60532 $82 Room Reservations must be made by January 23, 2015 1-888-421-1442 for Illinois Council for Behavioral Disorders Poster Sessions Friday Evening Include: Mansfield Institute for Social Justice & Traformation - Roosevelt University My Life in My Pocket - Kathy Lewis What’s Happening in RTI in the largest school districts in Illinios - Penny Richards Taming Truancy - Bev Johns SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015--TENTATIVE PROGRAM 7:15 A.M.-8:15 A.M. --Registration and Coffee and Rolls 8:15 a.m-9:45 A.M.--Choice of these sessions Bree Twill, Box Cars and One-Eyed Jacks, “Loads of Math Ideas for Grades 3-5.” This session continues until 11:30 a.m. E. Paula Crowley, Illinois State University, “What Do We Know About Abuse and Neglect of Children with Disabilities” Vinni Hall, Cara Brown, and Brittany Chesna, “Your Transition Teacher Tool Kit” Cathy Jo Littleton Wahl, After School Director, “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Working with Students with EBD” 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Neal Takiff, and Jenni Hansen, Attorneys at Law, “Latest Legal Developments in Discipline and Bullying” Sheldon Braaten, Executive Director, The Behavioral Institute, “Teaching Students Self Control” Elizabeth Hardman, President, ILCCBD, “The Role of PBIS in the Development of Moral Judgment in Children with EBD” 11:45 a.m.-1:20 p.m--Luncheon and Keynote Speaker, Dr. Mary Camp, President-Elect, ILCCBD “All My Children” Classroom teachers give young people what they sometimes get nowhere else in society - a sense that they have promise, that they have talents, that they are special, and THAT THEY BELONG. What do welcoming learning communities look and feel like? This discussion will allow the participants to consider what it means to create a classroom climate that incorporates Welcoming Responses with all our students. Announcement of 2015 Mini-Grant Recipients 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.--Choice of these sessions Melissa Jones-Bromenshenkel, Eastern Illinois University, and Regina Beals, Charleston Middle School, “Classroom Management, Social/ Emotional Development, Executive Functioning, Data Collection: There’s an App or Tool for That” Ed Cancio, University of Toledo, “Building Reading Fluency Skills and Reading Comprehension Bree Twill, Box Cars and One-Eyed Jacks, “Let’s Have Fun with Math--Domino Math Games for Students Achieving at the K-5 level in math.” This sessions continues until 4:00 p.m. Gerardo Moreno and Mickie Wong-Lo, Northeastern Illinis University-Assisting Students from Diverse Backgrounds with Challenging Behaviors, “Incorporating a Culturally Attuned Functional Behavioral Assessment in Pre-Referral Services” 2:45 p.m.-4:00 p.m.--Choice of these sessons Zoltan Boka, “Autism Spectrum Disorders and Psychopathy” Bernard Beckwith, Camelot for Kids, “Childhood Depression and Suicide” Paula Schmidt and Rebecca Bodish, Clark College, Dubuque Iowa, “No More Paperwork: Looking at FBA from Another Angle” Prizes will be awarded at the end of the day for those staying until the end of the day and completing their evaluation forms Remember to like us on Facebook at: Illinois Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders Student scholarships will be available to 5 students and students interested in that in return for working 4 hours should contact Bev Johns at: [email protected] Scholarships for members for registration are available from the CCBD Foundation. *For further information about the conference, contact Bev Johns at [email protected] or 217-473-1790* EXHIBITORS The Behavioral institute--Sheldon Braaten--a collection of books and materials focusing on E/BD issues from several popular publishers Box Cars and One Eyed Jacks-- a great array of fun educational games Usborne Books--Franci Marchio--a collection of children’s books appropriate for both teachers and parents Stampin Up Demonstrations--Melissa Krenkel--Independent Consultant-Handcrafted gifts and cards Praises, Prizes, & Prsents - Judy Bottum Longaberger Baskets--Joan Rog Elmhurst Learning and Success Academy--Deborah Berggren Genesee Lake School--Ulrich Senz--a nationally recognized program for students with autism spectrum disorders, anxiety, mood disorders, and behavioral disorders. My Life in My Pocket - Kathy Lewis Mansfield Institute for Social Justice & Transformation at Roosevelt University Tim Crawford Conference Committee & Board: Elizabeth Hardman—President Bev Johns—Chair Michael Edwards—Past President Elizabeth Mackie—PD & Past President, ICEC Mary Camp—President Elect PAST PRESIDENTS OF ILCCBD 1983-1984—Beverley H. Johns 1984-1985—William Urban 1985-1986—Georgia Peceniak 1986-1987—Linda McKee 1987-1988—Myron Berger 1988-1989—Bob Schultz 1989-1990—Vicki Hodgman 1990-1991—Catherine Malatt Gerry Moreno—Registration & Treasurer Paula Crowley—Membership Beverly Gatewood-Hall—Secretary Gerry Moreno—Webmaster Michael Edwards—Liaison of OCEC 1991-1992—Dr. Sharon Damore 1992-1993—Routhy Braden 1993-1994—Michael Jacobson 1994-1995—E. Paula Crowley 1995-1996—Judith Archer 1996-1997—Eleanor Maas 1997-1998—Dr. Thomas Reilly 1998-1999—Robin Bauer PAST PRESIDENTS OF CCBD FROM ILLINOIS Melvyn Robbins—1963-1964 Bev Johns—1997-1998 Sharon Maroney—1999-2000 Rick Van Acker—2001-2002 Paul Zionts—2002-2003 PRESIDENT OF CCBD 1999-2000—Felicia Blasingame 2000-2001—Deborah Plott 2001-2002—Sharonjoy Jackson 2002-2005—Bob Schultz 2005-2007—Paula Crowley 2007-2009—Elizabeth Mackie 2009-2011—Frank Mullins 2011-2013—Michael Edwards 2013-2015—Elizabeth Hardman Terry Scott ILCCBD Membership Drive At the ILCCBD Winter Drive-In, February, 6-7, 2015 we will pay the membership fees of the CCBD subdivision for those who will join the Council for Exceptional Children for the first time. Additionally, at the ILCCBD Winter Drive-In, we will raffle three free registrations to the Summer Conference 2015 for all those who joined CEC and CCBD. Please tell your colleagues all over the State of Illinois that the ILCCBD awaits their memberships. Additionally, we have a new commitment to welcoming general education teachers, parents, guardians and other caregivers to our midst. As educators we know that the education of all children is best accomplished when parents and teachers work together. Please extend a warm welcome to your general education colleagues, the parents, guardian and caregivers of the children you work with each day and invite them to join our ICEC and ILCCBD family. We look forward to seeing you at upcoming ILCCBD events. REGISTRATION FORM NO REFUNDS AFTER JANUARY 23, 2015. To Register, complete the form below and return to: Gerardo Moreno Registration Fees Name:___________________________________________________________________ Street Address:___________________________________________________________ City:_ _______________________________ State______________ Zip_______________ Phone Number:_ _________________________________________________________ E-Mail:__________________________________________________________________ College or University: (if student)_ _____________________________________________ Early Registration Prior to January 23, 2015: All Registrations include rolls, coffee, and lunch A special gift will be given to the first 50 individuals registering for the conference Registration prior to January 23, 2015 Member of CEC and CCBD--$80___ Non-Member of CEC and CCBD--$120___ Student--$40—Must be a full time student___ Registration After January 23, 2015 Member of CEC and CCBD--$110___ Non-member of CEC and CCBD--$150___ Student--$60___ Groups of 6 registering together get a 10% discount Registration for the special workshop on following directions on Friday evening, February 6, 2015 conducted by Libby Hardman Friday evening workshop on following directions —4:45-6:45 p.m. --$15.00 to cover materials_______________ Checks should be made payable to: ILCCBD Return to: Gerardo Moreno, Ph.D. Associate Professor William Itkin Children’s Service Center Department of Special Education Northeastern Illinois University 5500 North St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, IL 60625 Phone: (773) 442-5715 You can also register online at TO RESERVE A ROOM IN THE ILLINOIS CCBD BLOCK, PLEASE CALL THE HOTEL to get the great rate of $82 AT 1-888-421-1442 and identify yourself with Illinois CCBD. ROOM RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE BY JANUARY 23, 2015. Room rates: $82 Single and Double and includes FREE WiFi The Hyatt Lisle is easily accessible from I-88. 1400 Corporetum Drive, Lisle, Illinois 60532 For further information about the Conference, contact Bev Johns at [email protected] Visit the Illinois CCBD website to register online at: PO Box 340 Jacksonville, IL 62651-0340
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