Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Канадський інститут українських студій 430 Pembina Hall, University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G T6G 2H8 [email protected] Tel: (780) 492-2972 Fax: (780) 492-4967 News Release Contact: Tel: E-mail: Marko Stech (416) 946-7326 [email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine 19 December 2014—The Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine (IEU) project was launched by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) in 2001 with the aim of providing free Internet access to an unprecedented source of information in English about Ukraine’s history, art, literature, culture, music, people, geography, society, ethnic groups, politics, economy, archeology, ethnography, diasporic communities, ruling structures, science, and scholarship. The written content of the IEU will be (and, in many instances, already is) complemented with thousands of maps, photographs, illustrations, tables, music files, and multimedia materials. The IEU project will become the most authoritative and comprehensive Web-based resource in English on Ukraine and Ukrainians. Building upon of the five-volume Encyclopedia of Ukraine (1984–93) prepared with great dedication by Professors Volodymyr Kubijovyč, Vasyl Markus, Arcady Joukovsky, and other Entsyklopediia ukraïnoznavstva contributors, Professors George S. N. Luckyj and Danylo Husar Struk and other Encyclopedia of Ukraine editorial staff at the CIUS Toronto Office, and many subject editors and contributors, the IEU contains information that is carefully researched, verified, and updated. Close to 5,450 encyclopedia articles, accompanied by tens of thousands of illustrations, tables, as well as music files, are currently available on the IEU Web site, which is accessed by up to 1,500 visitors per day. The IEU has been favourably received by scholars, journalists, and readers worldwide as an authoritative and reliable source of information, in marked contrast to the myriad stereotypes about Ukrainians and deliberate distortions of the history of Ukraine and current events there in Russian publications, the Russian mass media, and on the Internet. This has been particularly the case since the November 2013–February 2014 Euromaidan “revolution of dignity” and its aftermath—the Russian occupation of the Crimea and the Russian-Ukrainian war being fought in the Donbas since April 2014. Owing to the CIUS’s budgetary limitations, ongoing work on the IEU project will become impossible without community support. Thus far the Canadian Foundation for Ukrainian Studies (CFUS), Daria Mucak-Kowalsky, Olga Pavliuk, the late Peter Salyga, the Franko Foundation, Arkadi Mulak-Yatzkivsky, the late Ivan and Zenovia Boyko, the Foundation of the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, the Rev. Marian and Dr. Roman Curkowskyj Foundation, the Eugene and Olena Borys Endowment Fund at the CIUS, and many other individuals have generously supported the IEU project. The CFUS in particular has awarded grants totaling $292,000 to the project, and from May 2013 to May 2014 CFUS also matched donations to the IEU from other sources, thereby facilitating the editing, updating, and uploading of articles and materials about the Crimea and the Ukrainian-Russian War of 1917–21. The CFUS has agreed to continue matching Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Канадський інститут українських студій Page 2 donations up to a total amount of $10,000 per year, and the CIUS appeals to all potential donors to take advantage of this possibility. Donations in any amount will be greatly appreciated. All donors will receive receipts for income-tax purposes, and their names will appear in the annual CIUS newsletter and on the IEU project’s Web page, www.encyclopediaofukraine .com/ donor.aspat. The CIUS encourages members of the public to support the IEU and thereby facilitate the dissemination of true information about Ukraine. Offers to establish endowments designated for research in particular fields of study featured in the IEU are particularly welcome. All donations should be addressed to: Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, 430 Pembina Hall, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2H8, Canada. Tel: (780) 492-2972; fax: (780) 492-4967; e-mail: [email protected]. Canadian donors should make their cheques payable to “University of Alberta.” American donors who wish to receive IRS should make cheques payable to “University of Alberta Foundation USA, Inc.” Please specify that the donation is to the “CIUS/Encyclopedia of Ukraine” on the cheque’s memo line. Supporters can also donate to the project on-line at by clicking the gift button and then choosing the IEU in the “Please select” pop-up window. For information about the IEU project, please contact: Encyclopedia of Ukraine, 256 McCaul Street, room 308, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5T 1W5, Canada; tel: (416) 946-7326 (Dr. Marko Stech, project manager) or (416) 978-8669 (Roman Senkus, managing editor); fax: (416) 978-2672; e-mail: [email protected]. The Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS) is a leading centre of Ukrainian studies outside Ukraine that engages in and support research and scholarship in Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Canadian studies. If you would like more information on the Institute, please visit our website at, facebook page at or contact Dr. Bohdan Klid at (780) 492-2972; [email protected]. Канадський інститут українських студій (КІУС) — провідний осередок українознавчих студій поза межами України, покликаний розвивати і підтримувати науково-дослідну роботу з української та українсько-канадської тематики. Щоб отримати детальнішу інформацію, просимо відвідати наш веб-сайт, фейсбук або зв’язатися з д-ром Богданом Клідом (780) 492-2972; [email protected].
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