St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Church 1500 DePaul Street Elmont, N.Y. 11003 “A Parish with Heart” Pastoral Staff Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi, Administrator (516) 352-2127 Outreach Services – (516) 354-4976 Parish Social Ministry Coordinator Maureen Russell Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Fourth Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 From Msgr. Figliozzi Scriptural Reflection for the Week “The Angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin...Mary.” (see Luke 1:26) The time of waiting is about to end. God visits Mary through the announcement of His angel. God’s promise is about to be fulfilled. He promised to send a Savior to spare the people from the effects of their sins, their infidelity to Him. His promise is not a vague, general or idealistic one. His promise is to be fulfilled at a certain time. In a certain place, in a certain person— His own son, Jesus the Christ. Our sins are not vague or generalities. They are quite real, specific and concrete committed at certain times against certain people and against God. The reality and specificity of our sins meets up against the reality of this Savior. The Savior can only save you from the consequence of your sins, from death, if you are certain and definite , not vague, in inviting Him into your heart and allowing Him to dwell there as He dwelt firstly in that cold cave, symbolizing the coldness of a sinful heart, and as He dwelt in Nazareth, symbolizing the ordinariness of our lives. Yes, the time of waiting and watching is about to end but only if you can recognize, like Mary, the time of your visitation by God to you. Thank You! To all our Morning Star Youth Ministry Members and St. Vincent de Paul Choir members for their production of “God’s Greatest Gift— The Christmas Story”. Christmas Concert at St. Catherine’s We welcome back Natalie Salemmo and Christopher Colmenero who will offer us a selection of classical, sacred and seasonal music on SUNDAY, December 28th at 3pm in the Church. Tickets will be available the next two weekends after Masses and at the doors on December 28th. Advent Examination of Conscience • Where there is hatred, do I sow love? • Where there is doubt, do I sow faith? • Where there is despair, do I sow hope? • Where there is sadness, do I sow joy? • Where there is injury, do I sow pardon? An Act of Contrition “Lord Jesus, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Times for Confession before Christmas TUESDAY, December 23rd from 7:00pm to 8:00pm. Christmas Eve Masses Are at 4:00pm (preceded by pageant) and at 10:00pm. Christmas Day Masses Are at 8:30am and 10:30am Your Christmas Gift to Your Parish “God has no hands and feet but yours.” Be not only generous but even sacrificial in this year’s gift to your parish. Know the joy of giving of not only your abundance but your substance to the Lord! Last Weekend’s Collection and Attendance Parish: $4,002.00 Immaculate Conception: $648.00 Attendance: 4:00pm— 190 8:30am—154 12:30pm—161 Total: 505 Thank you for your support. One Final Thought “Even Almighty God cannot fill what is already full. We must be empty if we want God to fill us with His fullness.” Blessed Teresa of Calcutta MASS INTENTIONS Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 8:30 am 12:30 pm MASS INTENTIIONS for the Week for this Weekend December 20 Joseph O. Conter; Jerry DeStefano; Ernest & Catherine Dietz; Antonio Mineo December 21 Giovanni Castellucci ——— SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Fourth Sunday of Advent; Winter begins Tuesday: St. John of Kanty Wednesday: The Vigil of Christmas Thursday: The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Friday: St. Stephen Saturday: St. John Monday 8:30 am Tuesday 8:30 am Wednesday 8:30 am 4:00 pm 10:00 pm Thursday 8:30 am 10:30 am Friday 8:30 am Saturday 4:00 pm Sunday 8:30 am 12:30 pm December 22 William Ellsworth December 23 ——— December 24 Ronnie & Joseph Donahoe Bernard Angst & Isabella Rose Kirch ——— December 25 Pasquale & Pasqualina Correale For the People of the Parish December 26 Mary & William Medlow December 27 Clara Morea December 28 ——— Chela Jimenez Congratulations to our newly married couple: Gregory Romano and Megan (Lawlor) Romano BREAD & WINE For the week of December 21 thru December 27 Is in Loving Memory of Carrie Mirro-Young As requested by The Mirro Family ALTAR CANDLES For the week of December 21 thru December 27 Is in Loving Memory of Santa Monteleone-Reid As requested by Mr. & Mrs. Monteleone MISSION STATEMENT As members of St. Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Parish, we are committed to assisting our members in both the spiritual and temporal needs of life. We are a parish with heart who are committed to “Let all things be done with Charity” and show we are disciples of Christ by our love for one another. Please Pray for our sick Relatives and Friends: Rev. Msgr. Thomas Hartman Matthew Haygood Anthony Gangemella Madelyn Kushner Maria Scuccimarra Linda Rome Charlotte Orlando Patricia DeRosa Sean Bennett Kaelyn Judith Donlon Larry Blumberg Ann Mitarotonda Margaret McCabe Brittany Wilson Arlindo Marcelino Janet Falco Diane Drescher Helen Strohm Diane Wilson Ralph Wilson Penny Wyckoff Mary Italo Matthew Noah Raul Matos Karen Hoffmeyer; Dorie Harbin Tommy Lannan; Ann Marie VanBergen Vincente Mejias; William Ross George McAuliffe; Maria Gloe; Shane Harbin Bob Soveign; Michael O’Malley Karen Carlucci; Ann Donahue; Jack Musolino Thomas McCreight; Dominick Consolazio Theresa Chevalier Frank Saccone Eugenia Lane; Barbara Ostipwko Dorie Harbin; Frank Saccone Gerry Petrella; Veronica Dixon Bill Gilbert; Madeline Corrigan Tom Camberiarti Maria Rossi Pashayen Howard Wirth Albert Bartlett Anna Marie Orlando Dorothy Mink Honald Please Pray for our Men & Women in the U.S. Armed Forces: Diane Rosemary Patrick, USAF Aaron J. Shattuck Thomas Bradshaw Arlindo Almida Thomas Lainis Peter Dilos Frankie Umile Rev. David Kruse (Chaplain) Joseph Giordano, USMC John Marco Militano, USA Joseph A. Galante, USMC Jimmy Bustamante Latasha Coward Nicholas Russo James E. Allen Brian Kevin Corrigan Michael Borg Christopher Messano Carlos Felix Michael Arana PARISH ‘IN HOME’ PRAYER PROGRAM Host Family/Individual: PILGRIM STATUE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA Silvana & Domenico Apicella The Mass Intention Book is open for 2015 For your Intentions Also Bread & Wine & Altar Candles GOD'S GREATEST GIFT By Rev. Johnny R. Mendonca Seven hundred years before the birth of Jesus, the prophet said, "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given" Is. 9:6. That prophecy was fulfilled in the words of the gospel according to John, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" 3:16. Jesus Christ is God’s Greatest Gift, and God never gives anything but the best. "Every good giving and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no alteration, or shadow caused by change" James 1:17. With deep gratitude for this Gift, St. Paul wrote, "Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift" 2 Cor. 9:15. Christmas is that blessed time of year when nearly everyone’s thoughts turn to gifts and giving. Ample evidence of the fact is the enormous sum of money spent for Christmas gifts each year. Giving is a Christian virtue not to be taken lightly. It is a tragedy for life to be lived in ignorance of the joy of generous giving. To keep happiness, it must be given away. As we think of gifts and giving at this Christmas season, let us meditate on the fact that the Father gave His Son. "He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?" Romans 8:32 . When Adam and Eve sinned and fled from the presence of God, it wasn’t Adam who saw his need and sought for God; but it was God who, knowing Adam’s need, sought him. It was God who asked, ‘Where are you?' not Adam who asked, "Where are you, God?" How wonderful during this Christmas season to think of the greatest Gift ever given; we didn’t ask for it, but "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom. 5:8). Take a moment to think of how commercial the gift giving has become… some department stores cater only to the very wealthy. The gifts they offer for sale are so expensive that the average person cannot purchase them. Some very poor families are unable to enjoy gifts that are enjoyed by the middle class of society. Jesus Christ was God’s Gift to the entire world. No one, no matter how poor, is excluded. Jesus came as God's Greatest Gift for everyone, no matter how educated or uneducated, no matter how wealthy or poor, no matter how privileged or underprivileged, no matter how unloved or unwanted. God’s Gift is unlimited. "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever." Heb. 13:8. Times change, styles change, attitudes and tastes change, history and math books change. Nearly everything we know of, changes. But Jesus Christ is God’s unchanging Gift. There can be no moral change in Jesus. If He got better, it would mean He was not perfect before He improved; and if He got worse, it would mean He was no longer perfect. All that Jesus is He always has been, and all that He has been and is, He ever will be. Christmas gifts we exchange several years ago have now become old or broke or end up in closets and storage. Finally, Imagine an unclaimed gift…. all adults, young, children, family and friends purchase Christmas gifts for the ones they love. These gifts are wrapped in beautiful packages and laid underneath the tree. Excitement builds as Christmas Day approaches, and those who have made sacrifices are anxious to watch as loved ones and friends open Christmas presents. We watch with joyful faces as one opens a beautiful package and then exclaims, "O This is just what I wanted!" And then hugging and kissing the giver says, "Thank you." Then another package is opened, and the scene is repeated…. How sad to imagine that after sacrifice and expense, some gift is unclaimed, some package is unopened! …How sad the giver must feel to think that the gift is not wanted! Yet the greatest gift of all, God’s Greatest Gift, Jesus Christ, is still not accepted by millions! Perhaps there are some close people in your life who have never known Christ as their Lord and Master; or have never accepted Him. If that be the case, let me urge you to trust Him now, reach out to them and bring the Joy of Jesus to their lives. Don’t wait another moment. "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation" 2 Cor. 6:2. "But to those who accept him, he gave power to become children of God" John 1:12. To accept means to open our lives to Jesus, the Word of God, to depend on Him and thus to receive God’s Greatest Gift that is Jesus Christ. St. Vincent de Paul Parish Office – (516) 352-2127 Hours: Monday thru Thursday - 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Saturday - 9:00 am to 2:00 pm Friday and Sunday – Closed Fax – (516) 305-5474 Email: [email protected] Web: For Emergency relating to death or dying after 2 pm call St. Catherine of Sienna - (516) 352-0146 We Celebrate the Eucharist Saturday Vigil – 4:00 pm Sunday – 8:30 am & 12:30 pm Weekdays: Monday thru Friday 8:30 am Holy Day Mass Schedules will be announced in the Bulletin on the prior Sunday. We Celebrate the Sacraments Sacrament of ReconciliaƟon – Saturdays immediately after celebration of the Vigil Mass, or by calling the Parish Office for an appointment with a Priest. Sacrament of BapƟsm – call the Parish Office to arrange for an interview. This should be done while awaiting the birth of your child. Sacrament of Marriage – call the Parish Office to make an appointment with a priest before making social arrangements. Visitation of the Sick and Homebound call the Parish Office to arrange for a visit by a Priest to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, and also to receive Holy Communion. Holy Hour – on the first Friday of the month after the 8:30 am Mass with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and concluding with Benediction. Devotions The Rosary – is recited daily before the 8:30 am Weekday Masses. Miraculous Medal Novena and Special Prayers to St. Anthony are said on Thursdays after the 8:30 am Mass. The Clergy from St. Catherine of Sienna who serve us here at St. Vincent de Paul are as follows: Pastor/Administrator Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Figliozzi Associate Pastors Rev. Allan Arneaud Rev. Johnny Mendonca Rev. Charles N. Srion Deacons Joseph Benincasa Frank Gonzalez Christmas 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: This past year I found myself twice in the Holy Land, first in my role as a member of the Board of Catholic Near East Welfare and second as part of a Pilgrimage of Prayer for Peace by eighteen United States bishops. Both visits brought home to me in a vivid way what all of us see and hear in the media: the land made holy by the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior is anything but a land of peace, joy and fraternal love. If we were to stop there it would be very difficult to be hopeful. Yet we know that the Feast we celebrate on December 25th is the very reason why the worrisome facts of today’s world are not the end of the story. They are the context into which the Lord enters in order to reverse the spiral of violence and death and to found a new order, “the new heaven and the new earth” that are the fruit of the Son of God Who came into the world to reveal God’s plan of salvation. He is the true history of humanity because He alone is the Word through whom the world and human life are created. And that Word, the eternal Son of the Father, becomes flesh so that we might be saved from all the darknesses that lie hidden in human hearts. He is the true light that dispels the darkness. He is the one sure hope of the world. And He comes to become part of the human condition so that He and He alone can reverse the destiny of humankind by giving us a new destiny, life in Him, life in the Spirit which is the gift of God’s love. This Christmas I greet you all in the light of that love that came into the world that first Christmas in a Bethlehem stable. This Christmas I invite you all to join with me in a pilgrimage of the heart to that very place where Mary brought forth Jesus into a world that so needs the gift of divine life that He is and so yearns for the peace that only He can give. My prayer for each of you and all of you is that we might let Him transform any of the darknesses that control our lives and endow us with the newness of life that His birth has made possible. May the light of His life shine on us all, without exception. May the example of Mary and Joseph be the model for all our families. And may we be found with the shepherds adoring the Prince of Peace while angels sing and all the world rejoice for Unto us a Son is given, unto us a child is born and He is Savior, Mighty God, Prince of Peace. Faithfully yours in Christ, Bishop of Rockville Centre St. Vincent de Paul Society & Parish Social Ministry (Outreach) Th ank you to those drivers and helpers who assisted in delivery of the Christmas baskets. Your assistance was greatly appreciated. Faith Formation News St. Catherine of Sienna Today is the fourth Sunday of Advent Level 5 Mass All fifth grade students and their families are invited to attend Mass on: Sunday, December 28th 9:30am Sienna Center at St. Catherine’s There are no classes scheduled in Faith Formation for the week of December 22nd and the week of December 29th. Classes resume the week of January 5, 2015. We wish our Faith Formation family a Happy and Holy Christmas. May the peace of the new born child be in all of our hearts. The joy of the season should be completed by attending all Christmas Liturgies. January 1st we celebrate the Solemnity of the Mother of God. This is a day obligation. Please try to begin the new year by attending Mass. Stewardship….. Reflection In the first reading, God promised King David that his house and his kingdom will endure forever. It is through Mary’s “Yes” - “I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me as you say.” - that the promise finds fulfillment. Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who have the courage, like Mary, to listen to God’s voice in their own hearts and conscientiously pursue the tasks - whatever they are - to which they have been called. A Prayer for Christmas Look on us, Jesus, And let the darkness of our souls Disappear before your brightness. Fill us with your holy love, And open to us The treasures of your wisdom. You know all our desire, So bring to perfection What you have started And what the Holy Spirit has awakened us to ask in prayer. We seek your face, Turn your face to us And show us your glory. Then our longing will be satisfied And our peace will be perfect. Amen. - St. Augustine of Hippo Sharing faith through the eyes of our Catechists: I began volunteering in the Faith Formation Program when my oldest daughter was in first grade. I wanted to be a part of her experience. I started as an assistant, and realized my first year how important the Faith Formation Program is to our community. The very next year I became a catechist. I enjoy working with Level 2 students because I am an integral part of preparing them for two sacraments, the sacrament of Reconciliation and the sacrament of Holy Communion. I teach from my heart. What a wonderful feeling I experience that I am able to share my knowledge and love of Jesus with my students. We read, talk, sing, pray and learn together each week. Each week my students share stories about situations during the week that they can connect to our lessons. When this happens I know I am making a difference. Sharing God’s Word is powerful. They are able to explore their faith with me as their guide. Being a catechist is such a rewarding experience. I look forward to my time with my class each week. If you would like to share your faith with the youth of this community, please enquire about being a part of the Faith Formation Program. I am so glad and blessed that I did. Alison Brotschol 2nd grade Catechist News & Upcoming Events Pope Francis Hospitality Center 1510 De Paul Street We have started this center for seniors, veterans, those in need and for anyone wishing to share a simple meal. It is open on Saturdays from 9:30am to 1:00pm. The Center meets in the former school cafeteria (entrance off De Paul street) ♦ ♦ Supportive services Employment Center/GED Referral Services ♦ Clothing Closet ♦ Immigration Everyone is Welcome ATLANTIC CITY BUS TRIP HARRAH’S JANUARY 15, 2015 AMERICAN LEGION MALVERNE POST 44 Franklin Ave. & Legion Place Tickets $40.00 - Includes $30.00 Casino Play CALL: Bob Guarnari @ 516-483-5631 Or John Hassett @ 887-7473 ARRIVE AT 8:15AM; BUS LEAVES AT 9:00AM SHARP! Reserve and pay by January 12 Free parking Coffee, bagel & donuts CONSOLATION MINISTRY The Consola on Ministry began in St. Vincent De Paul Church under the direc on of Msg. Frank Schneider in order that grieving families would feel that the deceased was an important part of our parish family, and that we, as a family, are present to assist them in the planning of the liturgy of the Chrisan Burial Mass. A booklet of appropriate Bible readings and hymns, along with a biography form, are presented to the family by the Funeral Home. We then contact the family and offer the Parish's condolences and our assistance, if needed. We can meet with the family at their convenience, either at home, at the Funeral Home or rectory to review the selec ons and to answer any ques ons they may have. These papers are then submi ed to the rectory to be reviewed by the priest. A booklet is then printed up to be distributed at the Mass. Please consider helping in this ministry! Needed: Contact Persons Altar Servers Church Greeters Booklet Typists Contact: Rectory 516-352-2127
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