791 Transfer RNA genes and their significance to codon usage in the Pseudomonas aeruginosa lamboid bacteriophage D3 Andrew M. Kropinski and Mary Jo Sibbald Abstract: Using tRNAscan-SE and FAStRNA we have identified four tRNA genes in the delayed early region of the bacteriophage D3 genome (GenBank accession No. AF077308). These are specific for methionine (AUG), glycine (GGA), asparagine (AAC), and threonine (ACA). The D3 Thr- and Gly-tRNAs recognize codons, which are rarely used in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and presumably, influence the rate of translation of phage proteins. BLASTN searches revealed that the D3 tRNA genes have homology to tRNA genes from Gram-positive bacteria. Analysis of codon usage in the 91 ORFs discovered in D3 indicates patterns of codon usage reminiscent of Escherichia coli or P. aeruginosa. Key words: bacteriophage, Pseudomonas, D3, tRNA, codon usage. Résumé : Les techniques tRNA scan-SE et FAStRNA nous ont permis d’identifier quatre gènes de l’ARNt dans la région précoce retardée du génome D3 des bactériophages (No. d’accès GenBank AF077308). Ces gènes sont spécifiques de la méthionine (AUG), de la glycine (GGA) de l’asparagine (AAC) et de la thréonine (ACA). Les Glyet Thr-ARNt D3 reconnaissent des codons qui sont rarement utilisés chez Pseudomonas aeruginosa et qui vraisemblablement influencent le taux de traduction des protéines du phage. Des études BLASTN révèlent que les gènes de l’ARNt D3 ont une homologie avec les gènes de l’ARNt des bactéries à Gram positif. L’analyse de l’utilisation des codons chez les 91 ORFs découverts dans D3 indique des profils d’utilisation qui rappellent ceux observés chez Escherichia coli ou P. aeruginosa. Mots clés : bactériophage, Pseudomonas, D3, ARNt, utilisation de codons. [Traduit par la Rédaction] Notes 796 Bacteriophages, being cellular parasites, subvert the host’s protein synthesis mechanism and its components (tRNAs, aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases) to synthesize viral enzymatic and structural proteins. Certain members of the Caudovirales (Ackermann 1999) encode their own tRNAs. This has been elegantly demonstrated with members of the Myoviridae (phages with contractile tails) including the T-even coliphages and Haemophilus influenzae phages HP1 and S2. Phage T4 encodes tRNAs that are acylated with arginine, glutamate, glycine, leucine, isoleucine, proline, serine, and threonine (Desai and Weiss 1977; Kunisawa 1992; Schmidt and Apirion 1993). It has been claimed that phage S2 has Lys (AAA)- and Leu (TTA)-tRNA genes (Skowronek 1998), but our studies suggest that HP1 and S2 only contain a single copy of a tRNAlys (Kropinski, unpublished observations). Received May 7, 1999. Revision received July 8, 1999. Accepted July 13, 1999. A.M. Kropinski.1 Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada. M.J. Sibbald. School of Health Sciences, St. Lawrence College, Kingston, ON K7M 1V6, Canada. 1 Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed (e-mail: [email protected]). Can. J. Microbiol. 45: 791–796 (1999) Several members of the viral family Siphoviridae (phages with long noncontractile tails) possess tRNA genes. These are coliphages T5 and its relative BF23 (McCordquodale and Warner 1988), Streptomyces phage φC31 (Hendrix et al. 1999), Vibrio eltor phage e4 (Chattopadhyay and Ghosh 1988), and the mycobacterial phages L5 (Hatfull and Sarkis 1993) and D29 (Ford et al. 1998). T5 has at least 24 tRNA genes while e4 has 12 tRNAs. The remainder of the phages possess a more limited repertoire of tRNA genes. Phage φC31 has Thr-tRNA genes; phage L5 has Asn- and TrptRNA genes; and phage D29 has Asn-, Trp-, Tyr-, and GlutRNA genes. Vibrio cholerae phage φ149 (Ghosh and Guhathakurta 1983), a member of the Podoviridae (phages with short noncontractile tails), encodes 5 tRNAs. Unclassified coliphage 933W has an Ile-tRNA and two Arg-tRNA genes (Plunkett et al. 1999). No tRNA genes have been found in the complete nucleotide sequence of coliphage lambda (GenBank accession No. J02459), P2 (GenBank accession No. AF063097), Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum phage ΨM2 (GenBank accession No. AF065411), Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage φCTX (GenBank accession No. AB008550), or Staphylococcus aureus phage φPVL (GenBank accession No. AB009866; Kropinski, unpublished results). Two general points can be made about the presence of tRNA genes in phage genomes. They are almost always clustered in the viral genomes, and they may function to fa© 1999 NRC Canada 792 Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 45, 1999 Fig. 1. Physical and genetic map of the right end of the phage D3 genome (13 kb) showing the location of genes having homology with other characterized phage genes and the major promoters (PR, and PLate). An enhanced map (1 kb) of the region containing the four tRNA genes is shown immediately below. A line joining the two parts of the diagram shows the relative position of the tRNAcontaining fragment. cilitate a more rapid overall translation rate, particularly the translation of rare codons. The best examples of the latter point are coliphages T4 and T5 in which the mole percent of AT in the viral DNAs are significantly higher than that of the host (65 and 60% vs. 50%). In the case of T4, the presence of isoaccepting tRNA species, which recognize rare codons, has been shown to enhance the translation of certain viral proteins (Kunisawa 1992). A similar situation has been proposed for phage 933W (Plunkett et al. 1999). Lastly, certain temperate phages use host tRNA genes as integration (att) sites for the prophage genome (Bruttin et al. 1997; Dupont et al. 1995). The propensity for insertion within tRNA genes may be a result of the potential for these regions of DNA to form structures that facilitate integrasemediated site-specific recombination. (Gabriel et al. 1995; Hauser and Scocca 1990; Hayashi et al. 1993; Inouye et al. 1991; Lindsey et al. 1989; McShan and Ferretti 1997; McShan et al. 1997; Papp et al. 1993; Pierson and Kahn 1987; Ratti et al. 1997; Reiter et al. 1989). We are working on the temperate serotype-converting Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage D3 (Gertman et al. 1987; Kuzio and Kropinski 1983). Preliminary sequence and functional analysis of this phage has shown it to be phylogenetically related to coliphage lambda (Farinha et al. 1994; Farinha and Kropinski 1997) (Fig. 1). This phage possesses two unusual properties. The DNA base composition (42 mol%AT) differs markedly from that of its host bacterium (33 mol%AT), and it possesses 3′-extended termini rather than blunt or 5′-extended termini (Sharp et al. 1996). The latter point distinguishes it from other phages that infect Gram-negative bacteria. The complete D3 genome has been sequenced and analyzed for putative tRNA species using tRNAscan-SE (Lowe and Eddy 1997; Eddy and Durbin 1994) at its website (http://www.genetics.wustl.edu/eddy/tRNAscan-SE/) and FAStRNA (El-Mabrouk and Lisacek 1996) at its website (http://bioweb.pasteur.fr/seqanal/interfaces/fastrna.html). We have identified four tRNA genes in D3 (Fig. 1; GenBank accession No. AF077308). The tRNAs for which they code range in size from 75 to 76 bp and are isoacceptors for methionine (AUG), glycine (GGA), threonine (ACA), and asparagine (AAC). The proposed structures of these tRNAs, in cloverleaf form, are illustrated in Fig. 2. In certain cases, tRNAs identified as Met-tRNAs by tRNAScan-SE are in reality isoleucyl-tRNAs. In these cases position C34 of the CAT anticodon is posttranscriptionally modified to a lysidine (4-amino-2-(N6-lysino)-1-β-Dribofuranosyl pyrimidine) residue. This has been shown to occur in a number of bacterial and bacteriophage species (Matsugi et al. 1996; Muramatsu et al. 1988; Plunkett et al. 1999). Extensive studies on the molecular recognition of tRNAIle by the cognate isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase has shown conserved base pairs in the D-arm (U12.A23), the anticodon arm (C29.G41), and the acceptor arm (C4.G69) (Nureki et al. 1994). These base pairs do not exist in the gene we have defined as D3 tRNAMet. There is nothing obvious about the nucleotide sequence of the tRNA genes that would lead us to speculate on the role of tRNA-processing nucleases in the maturation of the precursor tRNAs. The completion of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa genome sequencing project (http:// www.pseudomonas. com) may well lead to the identification of RNase P, PH, and T homologs (Li and Deutscher 1996; Deutscher 1995), enzymes which play major roles in tRNA processing in Escherichia coli. Between the Met-tRNA gene and the glycine, asparagine, and threonine tRNA cluster are two small putative genes (ORF3O and ORF104) encoding hypothetical polypeptides of 30 and 104 amino acids, respectively. These have no obvious homologues in protein databases. Nucleotide comparison searches of trimmed D3 Met-, Asn-, and Thr-tRNA genes using ungapped BLASTN (Altschul et al. 1990) showed homology to similarly functioning tRNA genes derived from Gram-positive bacteria (Firmicutes) and their viruses (Table 1). The glycyl tRNA gene shows homology to tDNAgly from Aquifex, a deeprooted member of the Kingdom Bacteria. It has been proposed that tailed phages have evolved through recombinational events between different viral genomes (Schmieger 1999; Hendrix et al. 1999). The presence of tRNA genes © 1999 NRC Canada Notes 793 Fig. 2. The sequence of the four tRNAs in cloverleaf structures. with homology to genes from Gram-positive bacteria suggests that this recombinantional evolution may extend outside the γ-subdivision of the Proteobacteria. The D3 nucleotide sequence was analyzed for potential genes using ORF Finder (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gorf/ gorf.html) and WebGeneMark.HMM (http://genemark.biology.gatech.edu/GeneMark/whmm.cgi) revealing 91 ORFs (Kropinski, unpublished results). Codon usage was assessed using DNAMAN (Lynnon BioSoft, Vaudreuil, Que.) and the Codon Usage Database (http://www.dna.affrc.go.jp/~nakamura/ countcodon.html), while http://www.dna.affrc.gojp/nakamura/ CUTG.html was used as the source of codon usage data for E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Three clear examples of differential codon preference can be seen in the data presented in Table 2. In certain cases there is a quasilinear relationship between codon preference and the overall genomic mole percent of GC content. This is seen most clearly in the case of all codons for Asn, Asp, and Gln. In addition, it can be seen for specific codons for certain other amino acids. Good examples include AGC and UCC (Ser), AUU and AUC (Ile), and CCC (Pro). In other cases there is a clear bias in favour of E. coli or Pseudomonas aeruginosa codon usage. The former case includes two of the Ala codons (GCU, GCA), Arg (GCG), Gly (GGC), Pro (CCU, CCA), Ser (UCU), Val (GUU) and all the Thr codons. In the latter, the stop codons, Cys, Glu, His, Lys, and Phe, are all Pseudomonas-like. In addition, subsets of codons for Arg (CGU, CGG), Gly (GGU), Ser (UCG), and Val (GUC) also resemble Pseudomonas codon preference. Lastly, in certain cases there is no apparent correlation between D3 codon usage and either bacterium. This is particularly evident in the case of Ala (GCG), Arg (CGA, AGG), Gly (GGA, GGG), Leu (CUU, CUA), Val (GUG), and Pro (CCG). Rare codons, which we define as codons that contribute >10% of the total coding capacity and are present in D3 at a level ≥ twofold higher than that of host, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, include Ala (GCU, GCA), Arg (AGG), Gly (GGA), Leu (CUU), Pro (CCU, CCA), Ser (UCU), Thr (ACA), and Val (GUU). Transfer RNA genes exist for 2 out of the 10 operationally defined rare codons in D3. We con© 1999 NRC Canada 794 Can. J. Microbiol. Vol. 45, 1999 Table 1. Homology between phage D3 tRNA genes and sequences in GenBank. D3 tRNA gene BLASTN hit % identity Met-tRNA Mycoplasma capricolum fMet-tRNA (X16759) Mycoplasma mycoides fMet-tRNA (K00312) Mycobacteriophage D29 Asn-tRNA (AF022214) Mycobacteriophage L5 Asn-tRNA (Z18946.1) Aquifex aeolicus Gly-tRNA (AE000763) Acholeplasma laidlawii Thr-tRNA (X61068.1) Thermotoga maritima Thr-tRNA (Z11839.1) 80 78 77 74 71 77 75 Asn-tRNA Gly-tRNA Thr-tRNA Note: The GenBank accession numbers are in parentheses. Table 2. Codon usage in E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and bacteriophage D3. Table 2 (concluded). % % Amino acid Ala Ala Ala Ala Arg Arg Arg Arg Arg Arg Asn Asn Asp Asp Cys Cys Gln Gln Glu Glu STOP Gly Gly Gly Gly His His Ile Ile Ile Leu Leu Leu Codon GCU GCC GCA GCG CGU CGC CGA CGG AGA AGG AAU AAC GAU GAC UGU UGC CAA CAG GAA GAG UAA GGU GGC GGA GGG CAU CAC AUU AUC AUA CUU CUC CUA EC 17 27 22 34 38 38 6 10 5 3 45 55 61 39 44 56 33 67 68 32 61 34 40 11 15 55 45 50 42 8 11 10 4 λ 18 27 30 24 26 26 11 14 15 7 48 52 57 43 29 71 25 75 58 42 38 28 31 20 21 58 42 45 38 17 19 12 5 D3 20 35 19 26 12 40 11 18 7 12 30 70 41 59 21 79 27 73 40 60 14 17 45 19 20 34 66 27 65 9 17 18 7 PA 8 53 7 32 13 59 5 19 1 4 18 82 25 75 15 85 17 83 40 60 17 14 68 6 12 32 68 13 84 4 5 20 2 sider that the presence of these isoaccepting tRNA species in virus-infected cells should facilitate the expression of D3 genes. The presence of Met- and Asn-tRNA isoacccepting species in D3 cannot be accounted for by codon bias, but their presence may contribute to the overall rate of protein synthesis. The lack of tRNAs for the other underrepresented codons poses an interesting problem that cannot be fully un- Amino acid Leu Leu Leu Lys Lys Met Phe Phe STOP Pro Pro Pro Pro Ser Ser Ser Ser Ser Ser Thr Thr Thr Thr Trp Tyr Tyr Val Val Val Val STOP Codon CUG UUA UUG AAA AAG AUG UUU UUC UAG CCU CCC CCA CCG UCU UCC UCA UCG AGU AGC ACU ACC ACA ACG UGG UAU UAC GUU GUC GUA GUG UGA EC 50 13 12 74 26 100 55 45 9 16 12 19 53 16 15 13 14 15 26 18 43 14 25 100 56 44 27 21 16 36 30 λ 45 11 8 65 35 100 57 43 11 21 13 24 42 11 16 20 13 16 25 16 32 23 29 100 58 42 31 17 16 36 51 D3 45 2 11 24 76 100 22 78 11 20 19 18 44 13 19 9 21 8 31 18 45 13 25 100 33 67 26 32 13 29 75 PA 62 1 10 19 81 100 11 89 11 8 24 7 62 3 22 3 24 7 41 8 73 5 15 100 25 75 8 39 7 45 73 Notes: EC, Escherichia coli (51 mol%GC); λ, = phage (50 mol%GC); D3, = phage (58 mol%GC); PA, = Pseudomonas aeruginosa (67 mol%GC). derstood until we know more about the genes of this phage. In the case of coliphage lambda, which lacks tRNA genes, one sees a closer correlation between its codon usage and that of its host than one sees with D3 and P. aeruginosa (Table 2). Two codons, AGA (Arg) and AUA (Ile) are rarely used in E. coli and yet are employed more frequently in coliphage λ. It has been noted that the λ integrase has a © 1999 NRC Canada Notes higher proportion of the rare arginine codons, AGA and AGG, and that this influences expression of this gene (Zahn and Landy 1996). In the case of the two completely sequenced genomes of the Mycobacterium phages, the mole percent of AT is very close to that of the host bacterium (27 vs. 24), and indeed there is no specific codon bias in the phage genes relative to those of the host. Deletion of these tRNA genes had no affect on phage replication (Ford et al. 1998). 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