1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A. Aggregation of identical jobs In the available real life test instances, usually, there are identical jobs. We call two jobs a and b identical if pa = pb , la = lb , αa = αb , βa = βb , and n(a) = n(b). In order to decrease the size of the formulation (TIA) we will aggregate jobs into groups. We partition the set N of jobs into the set Q = {1, . . . , q} of groups {Gk }k∈Q of identical jobs. In the following theorem, we show that there exists an optimal schedule, in which the operations of jobs in the same group alternate. Theorem 1. There exists an optimal schedule, in which the j th operations of the jobs in the same group are processed in the same order for all j. Proof. Consider an optimal schedule S. If it satisfies the condition of the theorem, we are done. Otherwise, there should exist a triple hi, k; ji such that Si,j−1 < Sk,j−1 < Sk,j < Sij (we will call such triples non-alternating). Consider such a triple hi, k; ji with the maximum possible j. We now transform schedule S into S 0 by setting Sij0 0 = Skj 0 17 18 19 20 0 and Sjk 0 = Sij 0 ∀j 0 : j ≤ j 0 ≤ n(i) = n(k). Obviously, S 0 is a feasible schedule (as pi = pk ). First, we show that the cost F (S 0 ) of schedule S 0 is not bigger than the cost F (S) of schedule S. Taking into account that δi (x) = δk (x), and setting = Sij − Skj > 0, we have F (S) − F (S 0 ) = δ(Sij − Si,j−1 ) + δ(Skj − Sk,j−1 ) | {z } | {z } =∆i =∆k − δ(Skj − Si,j−1 ) − δ(Sij − Sk,j−1 ). | | {z } {z } =∆i− 21 22 23 24 25 26 =∆k+ As the function δi (x) is convex, ∆k < ∆i − , and ∆k + < ∆i, we have δi (∆k) + δi (∆i) ≥ δi (∆i − ) + δi (∆k + ), and F (S) ≥ F (S 0 ). Secondly, we show that number of alternating triples has been increased. Triple hi, k; ji which was non-alternating in S became alternating in S 0 . It is easy to see that, if an alternating triple hi, k 0 ; ji, k 0 6= k, (or hi0 , k; ji, i0 6= i) in S became non-alternating in S 0 , then triple hk, k 0 ; ji (respectively, 1 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 triple hi, i0 ; ji) was non-alternating in S and become alternating in S 0 . The alternating status of other triples in S 0 stayed the same as in S. So, the number of alternating triples has been strictly increased in S 0 . Therefore, repeating the same transformation a finite number of times, we can obtain a desired schedule without increasing the cost of schedule S. Using the fact just proved, in the next theorem, we show that the penalty functions γi for the jobs i in group Gk , k ∈ Q, can be “aggregated” into a single penalty function θk for the group. Let Gkt = {i ∈ Gk : t ∈ ∆i }. We renumber the jobs such that, for each k ∈ Q, Gk = {i0k , i0k + 1, . . . , i00k }, ¯ k = Hi0 , and Si0k 0 < Si0k +1,0 < . . . < Si00k . We set H k ( ! θk (t) = max αi X ni (t) − |Gkt | i∈Gk 37 38 39 !) , βi |Gkt | − X ni (t) . i∈Gk Theorem 2. Consider a group Gk , k ∈ Q, of jobs and a schedule {Si0 , Si1 , . . . , Si,n(i) }i∈Gk , in which the operations of jobs in Gk alternate. ¯k, Then, for all t ∈ H X γi (t) = θk (t). i∈Gkt 40 ¯k, Proof. To prove the proposition, we need to show that, given t ∈ H X ni (t) ≥ |Gkt | ⇔ ni (t) ≥ 1, ∀i ∈ Gkt , (1) i∈Gk X ni (t) ≤ |Gkt | ⇔ ni (t) ≤ 1, ∀i ∈ Gkt , (2) i∈Gk 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 The implication “⇐” of (1) is obvious. P We will now prove the implication “⇒” (1) by contradiction. Suppose that i∈Gk ni (t) ≥ |Gkt | and there exists a job i0 ∈ Gkt such that ni0 (t) = 0. Then, there is a job i00 ∈ Gkt such that ni00 (t) ≥ 2. This means that, in the schedule, between two operations of job i00 , there is no operation of job i0 and an operation of job i0 starts later than time t (as i0 ∈ Gkt and ni0 (t) = 0). This contradicts the condition of the proposition which states that the operations of jobs i0 and i00 alternate. The implications in (2) can be proved in the same way. Finally, to find an optimal solution of the problem, we can limit the search to the set of “alternating” schedules and use the penalty function 2 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 P P θk (t) instead of i∈N t∈Hi γi (t). We will now modify the formulation (TIA). Integer variables Xkt , k ∈ Q, t ∈ H, are now equal to the number of operations of jobs in Gk started before or at time t. Continuous ¯ k , now represents the value θk (t). Here we again variable Wkt , k ∈ Q, t ∈ H need to introduce additional variables E in order to compute |Gkt |, k ∈ Q, t ∈ H. Binary variable Ekst , k ∈ Q, s ∈ {1, . . . , |Qk |}, t ∈ Hk , takes value 1 if and only if |Gkt | ≥ s. Again, we do not need to impose the integrality on these variables. We now present the aggregated alternative time indexed ILP formulation. For each k ∈ Q, we set p¯k = pi0k , ¯lk = li0k , α ¯ k = αi0k , β¯k = βi0k , 0 n ¯ (k) = n(ik ). P k∈Q P ¯k t∈H min XX Wkt (3) ¯k k∈Q t∈H s.t. Xk,Si0 = i00k − i + 1, ∀k ∈ Q, i ∈ Gk , Xk,Si0 −1 = i00k − i, ∀k ∈ Q, i ∈ Gk , Xk,t−1 ≤ Xkt , ∀k ∈ Q, t ∈ H \ {0}, Xk,h−¯p = |Qk | · (¯ n(k) + 1), ∀k ∈ Q, X i X Xkt − Xk,t−¯pk ≤ 1, ∀t ∈ H, k∈Q (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) k∈Q, t−¯ pk ≥0 ¯ k , t ≥ Si00 ,0 + ¯lk , (9) Ek1t ≥ Xk,t−¯lk +¯pk − Xk,t−¯lk , ∀k ∈ Q, t ∈ H k Ekst ≥ Xk,t−¯lk +¯pk + Xk,t−¯lk + Ek,s−1,t+¯pk − 1, ¯ k , t ≥ Si00 ,0 + ¯lk , (10) ∀k ∈ Q, s ∈ {2, . . . , |Qk |}, t ∈ H k Ekst ≤ Ek,s,t−1 ≤ 1, ¯ k , t > Si00 ,0 , ∀k ∈ Q, s ∈ {1, . . . , |Qk |}, t ∈ H k |Qk | X ¯k, Wkt ≥ α ¯ k Xkt − Xk,t−¯lk − Ekst , ∀k ∈ Q, t ∈ H (11) (12) s=1 Wkt ≥ β¯k |Qk | X Ekst − Xkt + Xk,t−¯lk , ¯k, ∀k ∈ Q, t ∈ H (13) s=1 Xkt ∈ Z+ , ∀k ∈ Q, t ∈ H, (14) ¯ Ekst = 0, ∀k ∈ Q, s ∈ {2, . . . , |Qk |}, t ∈ Hk , t < Si0k +s−1,0 . (15) 3 Instance n (n(i); pi , di ; αi , βi ) h bib2 bib3 3 5 (4; 9,35; 10,10) (4; 9,50; 10,10) (4; 13,35; 10,10) (4; 9,50; 10,10) (12; 5,5; 1,1) (4; 13,50; 10,10) (4; 13,50; 10,10) (6; 5,5; 1,1) 150 208 (4; (4; (5; (4; (4; (5; bib5 6 6,50; 2,2) 6,50; 2,2) 6,40; 2,2) 9,50; 1,1) 9,50; 1,1) 9,40; 1,1) 200 Table 1: Data for small instances 71 The constraints (4)-(5) fix the position of the “zero” operations. The constraints (6) reflect the nature of the variables X. The constraints (7) state that all operations of jobs in Gk should be processed within the time horizon. The constraints (8) prevent overlapping. The constraints (9)-(11) relate the variables X and E. The constraints (12)-(13) are used to compute P k| ¯ the values of the variables W . Here |Q s=1 Ekst = |Gkt |, ∀k ∈ Q, t ∈ Hk . The formulation (3)-(15) has roughly (2q + n)h variables, qh which are integer, (3q + 2n + 1)h constraints and (10q + 9n)h non-zero coefficients in the matrix. So, the size of this formulation depends first and foremost on the length of the time horizon h, then on the number of groups of identical jobs q, and finally on the number of jobs n. 72 B. Testing small instances 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 75 We have tested the formulations of three small instances whose data is given in Table 1. These test instances are of the same type as real life instances but of a reduced size. Results are presented in Table 2. 76 C. Testing random instances 73 74 77 78 79 80 81 82 The random instances were generated using the following procedure. The time horizon length h, the density d (the relation between the total processing time of operations and the horizon length), the number n of jobs and the total Pn c. number of operations o = i=1 n(i) are fixed. Let a = b no c and b = b dh o Then, for each job i ≤ n, n(i) and pi are uniformly generated over [1, 2a] and P [1, 2b] accordingly in such a way that ni=1 pi n(i) = dh. Next, for each job i, 4 Test bib2(LP) bib2 GapLB 74.9% 59.0% bib3(LP) bib3 56.3% 47.5% bib5(LP) bib5 90.5% 85.7% (TI) GapU B 647% Tm 1.3s >10m GapLB 45.0% 0% — 3.4s >10m 37.6% 0% 25.7% 0.3s >30m 56.2% 0% (TIA) GapU B 0% Tm 0.3s 17s Branch-and-price GapLB GapU B T m 42.3% 9.1s 0% 0% 6m 0% 1.2s 32s 19.7% 0% 0% 1.4s 11m 56.2% 0% Table 2: Comparison of formulations 83 84 h c. At last, the “zero” operations are scheduled before time 0 we set li = b n(i) one just after another in the reverse order: S10 = −p1 , 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Si0 = Si−1,0 − pi , i ∈ [2, . . . , n]. The instances were generated for the next values of the parameters: h ∈ {250, 500}, d ∈ {0.5, 0.75, 1.0}, o ∈ {30, 60, 100, 150}, n ∈ {3, 6, 15, 30}. For each combination of values {h, d, o, n} satisfying the conditions 3o < dh and 3n < o, 2 instances were created. Therefore, in total, 234 instances were tested. The formulation (TI) was not tested. Firstly, because of its poor results for the three small instances. Secondly, because of the quality of the lower bound given by the LP relaxation of the formulation (TI). For the generated random instances, it was always less than the lower bound of the LP relaxation of the formulation (TIA), and on the average the relation between these two bounds was only 25.7%. In the following, we present results for the following statistics: • P — percentage of instances solved within 30 minutes. • T m — average solution time (if, for some instance, the time limit of 1800 seconds was reached, this time limit is included into statistics). • Gap — average difference between the best upper bound known and the best lower bound obtained, in percents from the best solution known (this statistics takes into account only instances for which an upper bound is known and the LP relaxation can be solved within the time limit). 5 0% 9.0s 37s 0% 1.4s 23m Selection All instances h = 250 h = 500 d = 0.5 d = 0.75 d = 1.0 n=3 n=6 n = 15 n = 30 PLP T mLP GapLP 94.9% 222s 60.0% 100.0% 13s 57.2% 92.6% 315s 61.5% 100.0% 13s 47.6% 100.0% 155s 59.3% 88.6% 363s 69.0% 100.0% 5s 68.2% 100.0% 36s 59.9% 100.0% 403s 50.4% 33.3% 1614s 28.0% P 26.1% 44.4% 17.9% 71.4% 24.1% 13.3% 45.2% 22.6% 8.3% 0.0% Tm 1458s 1187s 1578s 772s 1550s 1597s 1104s 1568s 1756s 1800s Gap 40.4% 26.4% 47.6% 11.9% 37.9% 55.3% 37.4% 41.4% 45.5% 27.6% Nd 2902 4660 1537 1430 4090 4577 4291 1618 309 1 Table 3: Results for random instances — the formulation (TIA) 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 • N d — average number of nodes in the branch-and-bound or branchand-price tree (only instances for which the LP relaxation can be solved within the time limit). The results for the random instances are presented in Tables 3 and 4. The statistics for the whole set of instances show that the efficiency of both approaches is roughly the same. The strength of the lower bound given by the solution of the LP relaxation of the formulation (TIA) is almost the same in comparison to the lower bound obtained by the column generation procedure (in average, the relation is 94.2%). This advantage of the column generation procedure results in slightly smaller gaps on average for the branch-and-price algorithm. Unfortunately, these gaps remain quite large even after 30 minutes of the solution time. So, the random instances happened to be harder to solve than the real life instances. It can be also seen that instances with longer time horizon or with bigger operations density d are harder to solve. The impact of the number of jobs is not so simple. The results show that instances with small number of jobs are simpler for the formulation (TIA) and harder for the branch-and-price algorithm. This can be better seen in Table 5 where detailed results for the statistics TLP , GapLP and Gap are presented. From Table 5 it is clear that such a dependence of the approach efficiency from the number of jobs comes from the LP relaxations. The solution of the LP relaxation of the formulation (TIA) takes much more time for instances with a larger number of jobs. The contrary takes place when the column generation procedure is concerned. 6 Selection All instances h = 250 h = 500 d = 0.5 d = 0.75 d = 1.0 n=3 n=6 n = 15 n = 30 PLP T mLP GapLP 93.2% 212s 57.2% 97.2% 72s 54.6% 91.4% 274s 58.4% 100.0% 1s 46.5% 100.0% 2s 57.0% 86.7% 422s 63.8% 86.9% 294s 67.5% 94.1% 231s 57.6% 100.0% 96s 47.8% 100.0% 50s 38.7% P 26.1% 37.5% 21.0% 73.8% 33.7% 12.4% 33.3% 30.6% 14.6% 0.0% Tm 1385s 1202s 1467s 512s 1321s 1611s 1272s 1313s 1554s 1800s Gap Nd 32.4% 802 20.8% 1443 37.9% 499 5.2% 1389 23.3% 1322 48.8% 713 35.7% 965 30.1% 849 31.9% 677 30.3% 268 Table 4: Results for random instances — the branch-and-price algorithm 128 129 130 131 132 The main conclusion of the computational tests on random instances is that the formulation (TIA) should be used when the number of jobs (or the number of groups of identical jobs) is small (6 or less). When the number of jobs is big and each job contains a moderate number of operations, the branch-and-price algorithm should be preferred. 7 T mLP 0.75 1.0 3s 682s 1s 539s 2s 191s 2s 74s d= n=3 n=6 n = 15 n = 30 0.5 .2s .3s .6s - d= n=3 n=6 n = 15 n = 30 T mLP 0.5 0.75 1.0 1s 3s 9s 8s 23s 61s 63s 256s 600s - 1243s 1800s Branch-and-price GapLP 0.5 0.75 1.0 56% 70% 77% 45% 58% 65% 21% 46% 56% - 26% 45% Formulation (TIA) GapLP 0.5 0.75 1.0 58% 72% 74% 46% 61% 69% 22% 48% 59% - 28% - 0.5 8% 5% 0% - 1.0 67% 51% 49% 40% Gap 0.5 0.75 1.0 8% 37% 56% 17% 40% 57% 8% 41% 58% - 28% - Table 5: Detailed results for random instances 8 Gap 0.75 29% 23% 21% 10%
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