And supplementary material

Neuron, Volume 80
Supplemental Information
Fezf2 Expression Identifies a Multipotent
Progenitor for Neocortical Projection Neurons,
Astrocytes, and Oligodendrocytes
Chao Guo, Matthew J. Eckler, William L. McKenna, Gabriel L. McKinsey, John L.
R. Rubenstein, and Bin Chen
Supplementary Figure 1. Related to Figure 1. Characterization of Fezf2-CreERT2 mice.
(A) In situ hybridization showing Fezf2 expression in the VZ of P0 wildtype brains
(black arrow). (B) GFP-expressing cells in the VZ of P0 Fezf2-GFP BAC transgenic
mouse (white arrow). (C-D) In situ hybridization for Fezf2 (C) and Cre (D) at P7
demonstrating that Cre recapitulates Fezf2 expression. (E-F’) No recombination was
observed in Fezf2-CreERT2; RCE-GFP (E-E’) or Fezf2-CreERT2; R26R-LacZ (F-F’)
animals after vehicle administration. (G) Recombination in Fezf2-CreERT2; R26R-LacZ
mice after tamoxifen administration. (H-I) Recombination was observed in deep-layer
postmitotic neurons of Fezf2-CreERT2; TauR-mGFP mice. (J,J’) GFP+ cells in the brains
of P21 Fezf2-CreERT2; RCE-GFP mice that received tamoxifen at E18.5. (J’) All GFP+
cells displayed astrocyte or oligodendrocyte morphology, however GFP+ projection
neurons in layer 5 were not present, demonstrating the lack of recombination in
postmitotic neurons. Ctx, cerebral cortex; Hip, hippocampus; Str, striatum; SVZ,
subventricular zone; Thal, thalamus; TM, tamoxifen; WM, white matter. Scale bars: (B,
D, E’, F’, J, J’) 250 µm, (E, F) 500 µm, (G) 100 µm, (H) 50 µm, (I) 25 µm.
Supplementary Figure 2. Related to Figure 2. Fezf2+ RGCs generate all major
projection neuron subtypes. (A-C) Enlarged inserts from Figure 2 F(A), K(B) and P(C).
(D-F) GFP labeled axons tracts demonstrating that E12.5 Fezf2+ RGCs generate callosal
projections (D), corticothalamic projections (E) and subcerebral projections (F). (G-O)
E14.5 Fezf2+ RGCs generate callosal projection neurons. (G) Whole mount brain
indicating injection site (red arrow) of Ctß into one cortical hemisphere. (H-O) Upperlayer GFP+ neurons (arrowheads) that were labeled by Ctß injection into the contralateral
cortical hemisphere (H, J-L) and expressed SATB2 (I, M-O). Ctx, cerebral cortex; OB,
olfactory bulb; TM tamoxifen. Scale bars: (C) 25 µm, (F) 500 µm, (G) 100 µm, (I, O)
200 µm.
Supplementary Figure 3. Related to Figure 3. Clonal analysis of Fezf2+ RGCs. (A)
GFP+ clone from a P21 Fezf2-CreERT2; RCE-GFP brain that received TM at E12.5,
indicating that early Fezf2+ RGCs generate deep- and upper-layer neurons, astrocytes and
oligodendrocytes. (B-E) Additional examples of clones identified using Fezf2-CreERT2;
Confetti mice that received tamoxifien at E12.5 (B-C) or E14.5 (D-E). TM, tamoxifen.
Scale Bars: (A, C, E) 100 µm, (A4) 25 µm, (C4, E4) 10 µm.
Supplementary Figure 4. Related to Figure 4. Characterization of CUX2 expression
during early to mid corticogenesis. (A-C) Immunohistochemistry at E10.5 demonstrating
robust CUX2 expression within the cortical hem. (D-F) Immunohistochemistry at E10.5
did not detect CUX2 expression in the neocortex. (G-I) At E13.5 CUX2
immunoreactivity was mainly detected in the marginal zone of the cortical plate. (J)
CUX2 protein expression at E14.5. The majority of CUX2+ cells were in the SVZ and
cortical plate and exhibited a nuclear morphology reminiscent of migrating interneurons.
(K-M) At E14.5 many CUX2+ cells in the VZ, SVZ and cortical plate expressed the
interneuron marker GAD67. Ctx, cerebral cortex; CH, cortical hem; CP; cortical plate;
LV, lateral ventricle; PP, preplate; SVZ, subventricular zone; TM, tamoxifen; VZ,
ventricular zone. Scale Bars: (A) 250 µm, (C, F, I) 25 µm, (J) 50 µm, (M) 25 µm.
Supplementary Figure 5. Related to Figure 4. Characterization of Cux2-Cre and Cux2CreERT2 mice. (A-D) In situ hybridization for Cux2 at E11.5 (A-B) and E15.5 (C-D). (EK) E15.5 Cux2-Cre brains. (E-F) GFP+ (E) or TdTomato+ (F) cells were present
throughout the brains. (E) RCE-GFP reporter. (F) Ai14 reporter. (G-K) Characterization
of cortical cell types labeled by GFP in Cux2-Cre; RCE-GFP mice. At E15.5 GFP+ cells
expressed the RGC marker PAX6 (G) as well as the basal progenitor marker TBR2 (H).
GFP+ cells also occupied the cortical plate and expressed the subcortical neuron marker
CTIP2 (I). (J-K) Many GFP+ cells in the cortical plate and IZ expressed CUX2 (J) and
CRE (K). However, most GFP+ cells in the VZ/SVZ were not labeled by CUX2 or CRE
antibodies. (L-N) Cux2-CreERT2 lineage traced cells occupied deep cortical layers and
expressed the deep-layer markers NFIB (L), SOX5 (M) and TBR1 (N). CH, cortical hem;
CP, cortical plate; Ctx, cerebral cortex; IZ, intermediate zone; LV, lateral ventricle; PP,
preplate; SVZ, sub-ventricular zone; TM, tamoxifen; VZ, ventricular zone. Scale bars:
(A, C) 200 µm, (B) 10 µm, (D) 25 µm, (F) 500 µm, (G-K) 25 µm, (L-M) 50 µm, (N) 25
Supplemental Experimental Procedures
Generation of RCE-GFP (Sousa et al., 2009), R26R-LacZ (Friedrich and Soriano,
1991), tauR-mGFP (Hippenmeyer et al., 2005), Ai9 (Madisen et al., 2010), Ai14
(Madisen et al., 2010), Confetti (Snippert et al., 2010), Dlx1/2-Cre (Potter et al., 2009),
Nkx2.1-Cre (Xu et al., 2008), Cux2-Cre (Franco et al., 2011) and Cux2-CreERT2 (Franco
et al., 2012) mice was previously described. Fezf2-CreERT2 mice were generated by
modifying the RP23-141E17 BAC which contains the mouse Fezf2 gene plus 36 kb of 5′
flanking sequence and 160 kb of 3′ flanking sequence. It was targeted with the pERFN
vector containing a CreERT2-frt-neo-frt cassette flanked by approximately 200-400 bp
homology A and B boxes. CreERT2 was inserted in front of the Fezf2 open reading frame
through homologous recombination by a defective prophage system (Lee et al., 2001).
The start codon of the Fezf2 ORF was mutated to prevent expression of FEZF2 from the
transgene. The A box was amplified from the RP23-141E17 BAC by PCR using primers
and injected into zygotes derived from FVB mice according to established protocols
(Gong and Yang, 2005).
Tamoxifen induction of Fezf2-CreERT2 or Cux2-CreERT2 was achieved by single
intraperitoneal injection (4-6mg/40g body weight) of tamoxifen (Sigma) dissolved in
corn oil into pregnant mothers at indicated gestation stages. Alternatively, for high
efficiency labeling 1mg/40g body weight of 4-hydroxytamoxifen (Sigma) dissolved in
100% EtOH was injected intraperitoneally.
The day on which a vaginal plug was detected was designated as embryonic day
0.5 (E0.5). The day of birth was designated as postnatal day 0 (P0).
Identification of single RGC clones
Clonal analysis was preformed on Fezf2-CreERT2; RCE-GFP or Fezf2-CreERT2;
Confetti brains using low-efficiency tamoxifien induction. XFP+ cell bodies in one
cortical hemisphere were present in 2 or 3 neighboring sections. Based on the low
number of cells labeled and the proximity of the cells, we identified these cells as the
progeny from a single RGC.
In situ hybridization
Generation of the Fezf2 probe was described previously (Eckler et al., 2011). The
Cre probe was generated by PCR using primers
5’ACCAGAGACGGAAATCCATCGCTC-3’. Generation of the Cux2 probe was
described previously (Zimmer et al., 2004).
The following additional primary antibodies were used: chicken anti-ß-gal
(Abcam ab9361), goat anti-SOX2 (Santa Cruz Biotech sc-17320), rabbit anti-TBR2
(Abcam ab23345), rat anti-CTIP2 (Abcam ab18465), rabbit anti-SATB2 (Abcam
ab34735), chicken anti-GFP (Aves GFP-1020), rabbit anti-GFAP (Dako Z0334), rabbit
anti-OLIG2 (Abcam ab33427), rabbit anti-SOX5 (Abcam ab26041), rabbit anti-NFIB
(Active Motif 39091), rabbit anti-CUX1 (Santa Cruz Biotech sc-13024), rabbit antiPAX6 (Covance PRB-278P), rabbit anti-TBR1 (abcam ab31940), rabbit anti-CRE
(Covance PRB-106P) and mouse anti-GAD67 (Millipore MAB5406). Fluorescent
secondary antibodies were from Jackson laboratories. Nuclei were visualized with DAPI
(Molecular Probes). For cell counting a minimum of 3 sections each were counted from 3
experimental replicates (minimum of nine sections total per group). To determine
statistical significance, GraphPad was used to preform an unpaired t-test between
experimental groups.
Retrograde Tracing
Retrograde tracing was performed using AlexaFluor 594-conjugated Cholera
Toxin β subunit (CT-β) (Invitrogen) injections into one cortical hemisphere of P1 mice.
The brains were collected at P21 for analysis.
Bright field and epiflourescence images were captured on an Olympus BX51
microscope using a Q Imaging Retiga EXj camera or a Keyence BZ-9000 microscope.
Confocal images were captured on a Leica TCS SP5 confocal microscope. Images were
processed using Adobe Photoshop CS5 to adjust brightness and contrast.
Gong, S., and Yang, X.W. (2005). Modification of bacterial artificial chromosomes
(BACs) and preparation of intact BAC DNA for generation of transgenic mice. Current
protocols in neuroscience / editorial board, Jacqueline N Crawley [et al] Chapter 5, Unit
5 21.