Registration 465 69 74 Degree:_________________________________ 40 70 Name:__________________________________ City:____________________________________ 65 70 465 Address:_________________________________ Keystone Ave. 135 67 70 465 Downtown 65 465 136 74 65 Li c e n s e d ps y c h ol o g i s t 40 70 865 Fees Lunch............................................................ $15 37 Hanna Ave. Indianapolis 31 Daytime phone:___________________________ 31 65 State:__________________ Zip:______________ Early registration........................................ $100 Softball Field V Cravens Hall K Physical Plant J Zerfas Wing (Lilly Hall) Rorschach-Performance Assessment System (R-PAS): Introduction & Case Illustrations fe a t u r in g Joni L. Mihura, Ph.D. Friday, January 23, 2015 School of Psychological Sciences 1400 East Hanna Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46227 Baseball Field EE # Parking lots are numbered (Visitors: 1–4, 9, 16, 17, 19) UIndy Health Pavilion (Fall 2015) DD T Stierwalt Alumni I Lilly Science Hall H Martin Hall S Good Hall G Schwitzer Student Center U President’s Home Roberts Hall Athletics & Recreation Center BB P Ruth Lilly Center F Ransburg Auditorium Q Nicoson Hall R Key Stadium AA CC The UIndy Tennis Center is located at 2727 East National Avenue, one mile east of campus. Continuing Education Workshop E Esch Hall (Admissions) O East Hall D Smith Mall A Krannert Memorial Library B Sease Wing (Library) Shelby St. 9 Z Z Police Department Y University Apartments N Crowe Hall OFF-CAMPUS LOCATIONS The Fountain Square Center is located at 901 Shelby Street, four miles north of campus. M Central Hall Otterbein Cir. Hanna Ave. 1 2 Campus Dr. Credit card (Please go to http://psych.uindy. edu/workshop) C Christel DeHaan Fine Arts Center Otterbein Ave. Wesley Cir. Wesley Dr. T 18 S E C 4 3 5 Y Method of payment Check (payable to University of Indianapolis) X Athletic Development U 20 V F B 6 A M L K 7 Nicole M. Taylor, PhD School of Psychological Sciences University of Indianapolis 1400 East Hanna Avenue / Indianapolis, IN 46227 W Warren Hall BB Q 14 16 G 11 J I H N 8 Send form and payment to: Windermire St. Mathews Ave. 21 W 17 P EE O Total fees enclosed: At-the-door registration: May be accepted at an additional fee of $25 and pending room. AA Standard registration....................................$25 DD S t u d e n t s a t t e n d in g o t h e r in s t i t u t i on s L Cory Bretz Hall 22 CC X State Ave. (Early Registration is prior to January 9, 2015) D No CE credit................................................$65 R G e n e r a l p u bl i c (n on - cl in i c i a n s) Campus Dr. Early registration..........................................$90 Standard registration.................................. $105 North Ma s t e r’ s l e v e l cl in i c i a n The Wheeler Arts Center is located at 1035 East Sanders Street, three miles north of campus. Standard registration...................................$115 Schwitzer Student Center, Hall A University of Indianapolis Sponsored by the University of Indianapolis/ School of Psychological Sciences Workshop description This workshop introduces the new, empirically grounded Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS). R-PAS uses the task as a verbal and perceptual behavior sample obtained under standardized conditions such that personality inferences are based on observed performance rather than self-description. Test scores are compared to new internationally based norms and graphically displayed using standard scores. After describing the meta-analytic research foundation for R-PAS we focus on distinctive features of administration, coding, normative reference data, and interpretation, and apply the system to a case. We assume participants have some previous Rorschach-based assessment experience. Who should attend This workshop is useful for practitioners, doctoral students, interns, and people who teach or conduct research on personality assessment. It appeals to practitioners and teachers interested in learning how to more fully and accurately understand clients through multimethod clinical assessments that incorporate making careful inferences from valid, performance-based R-PAS scales. Similarly, it appeals to researchers interested in more fully measuring personality and psychological functioning through multimethod assessments that have incremental validity over self-report methods. Workshop location The workshop will be held in UIndy Halls A and B, located in Schwitzer Student Center, at the University of Indianapolis. (See map on other side.) Agenda: Friday, January 23 8:30–9 a.m.���������� Registration 9–10:30 a.m ....����� Introduction R-PAS variables and their interpretation Administration & Clarification 10:30–10:45 a.m.�� Break 10:45 a.m.– ���������� Scoring flow & example coding 12:15 p.m. Establishing Normative Benchmark, Scoring program, Profile Pages, and Interpretive Framework 12:15–1:15 p.m.������Lunch 1:15–2:45 p.m.�������Online resources for administration and coding Applications to a Case— Part I, Principles and Procedures for Interpretation, Review of Domains and Variables 2:45–3 p.m.�����������Break 3–4:30 p.m.�����������Applications to a Case— Part II, Summary Inferences Briefly: Complexity Adjusted Scores Questions and Comments How to register You may register for this workshop by mail or online. If you are registering by mail, please use the form provided on this brochure. To register and pay by credit card, please go to Registration deadline: January 20, 2015. (Early registration is prior to January 9, 2015.) Mail to: Nicole M. Taylor, PhD School of Psychological Sciences University of Indianapolis 1400 East Hanna Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46227 Register at the door for an additional fee of $25 if space permits. Please call (317) 788-6134 with any questions regarding registration. CE credits The University of Indianapolis offers six credits for this workshop. Participants must attend the workshop in its entirety to receive credits. No partial credit will be given, and those arriving late or leaving early will not receive credit. The University of Indianapolis School of Psychological Sciences is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The School of Psychological Sciences maintains responsibility for this program and its contents. Learning objectives Participants will: —describe the basic empirical and conceptual foundation for variables in R-PAS; —summarize the value of “performance assessment” as a foundation for clinical interpretation; — explain why new normative reference standards improve clinical inferences; — describe the procedures that allow R-PAS norms to be expressed as Standard Scores despite the fact that many summary variables do not have normal distributions; — implement standardized administration procedures that optimize the length of Rorschach protocols; — list the R-PAS principles for accurate interpretation and contrast them with previous models; and — apply R-PAS interpretive procedures and guidelines to a case. Cancellation policy No refunds after January 16, 2015. Full refund less $20 handling charge prior to January 16, 2015, if cancellation is made in writing. Presenter Dr. Joni L. Mihura is currently an associate professor in psychology at the University of Toledo. She obtained her doctoral degree from Oklahoma State University and her internship at Massachusetts Mental Health Center/Harvard Medical School, with a focus on psychoanalytically oriented outpatient treatment and psychological assessment. Dr. Mihura stayed in Massachusetts to complete her postdoctoral training at Westwood Lodge Hospital, where she worked on the women’s trauma unit and specialized in psychological assessment. In 1996 she joined the faculty at the University of Toledo where she teaches personality assessment, psychodynamic therapy, and runs an assessment lab with Dr. Gregory J. Meyer. Dr. Mihura obtained early career awards in both of her areas of expertise—a fellowship from the American Psychoanalytic Association in 1999 and the early career research award from the Society for Personality Assessment in 2002. She was a member of the late John Exner’s Rorschach Research Council. She is one of the developers of a new Rorschach system—the Rorschach Performance Assessment System (R-PAS; Meyer, Viglione, Mihura, Erard, & Erdberg, 2011)—for which she and others have conducted trainings in the U.S. and internationally.
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