Saint Bernadette Church Antioch Life Teen Masses & Meetings start here at Saint Bernadette next week!! (Sunday, January 4th) Masses at 6:30 PM through May!! All are Welcome! @AntiochLifeTeen BIG NEWS!!!!!! BIG NEWS!!!!!! 5930 S. Abbott Rd. Orchard Park, NY 14127 716.649-3090 Ministerial & Support Staff Pastor:…...Fr. Paul D. Seil TWITTER: @BuffaloPadre Parochial Vicar Fr. Seán Paul Fleming Deacons: …Ed Howard, Steve Schumer Pastoral Minister: Sr. Rosemary Riggie Director of Faith Formation: Sharon Urbaniak Youth Minister.…... Patrick Murphy Parish Business Manager…Patrick Haefner Maintenance….Dave Clarkson Advocate for People w/Special needs: Heidi Mack Trustees: Robert J. McDonnell, and Jennifer DePalma Pastoral Council Leader: Tony LaMarca Mercy Sisters in Residence: 716- 202-1478 Religious Ed: 716-648-1720 PARISH OFFICE: 716 649-3090 A Happy Christmas Season & Most Blessed New Year Saint Bernadette, Pray for us! New Year’s Masses Eve: 4PM Day: 9 & 11 ST. BERNADETTE PARISH ORCHARD PARK, NY MASS INTENTIONS Joan Violanti, Theresa Gemza, Marianne Aldrich, Norbert Stang, Robert Conroy, Joan Fransisco, Henry Abramowski, Kevin Steffan, Louise Hanna, Sister Priscilla Faltisko, Jim Urbaniak, Liz Kane-Stevens, Baby Boy Tremblay, Diane McNamara, Diana Houseknecht, John Aldrich, Teena Anger, Andrea Bence, Ed Billman, Margaret Birt, Peter Brady, Mike DeBellis, Patrick & Nancy Egan, Diane Erickson, Kim Holmes, Cole Huson, Sallie & Kirk Janowiak, Alexis Kaz, Bob Lindenfeld, Audrey Livingston, Christopher LoJacano, Beverly Marcy, John Millen, Jacob Murphy, Tyler Rohauer, Geri Rosiek, Tammy Ross, Jim Schleuter, Tim Sliwinski, Mary Stanton, Candice Tortorice, Christian Tremblay, Joseph Warnes, Ella Wintringer. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 5:00 John & Lillian Setlock and Michael & Helen Hanitz by Family SUNDAY, DEC. 28 - THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH 7:30 9:00 11:00 6:30PM Walter A. Shannon by Robert & Carol Dwyer James & Michael McNamara by Family Steve Washburn by Dave & Kathy Fregelette & Family Life Teen Mass @ Nativity Please pray for all the recently deceased, especially Pam Zabawa, and Joseph Bocchiario. Please also pray for our active deployed military and their families. MONDAY, DECEMBER 29 - ST. THOMAS BECKET 7:00 Michaeline J. Drzal by James & Molly Murtha 11:30 Karen Gruppo by Mae Jeswald READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF DEC. 28, 2014 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30 7:00 11:30 Sunday: Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/ Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40 Monday: 1 Jn 2:3-11/Lk 2:22-35 Tuesday: 1 Jn 2:12-17/Lk 2:36-40 Wednesday: 1 Jn 2:18-21/Jn 1:1-18 Thursday: Nm 6:22-27/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21 Friday: 1 Jn 2:22-28/Jn 1:19-28 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:29—3:6/Jn 1:29-34 Next Sunday: Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12 Frank Ortolano, Jr. by Family Teresa Zeis (Ann) by The Zeis Family WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31 - ST. SYLVESTER I, POPE 7:00 11:30 4:00 Frances Cannon by Barb Haller Rita Heim by Joan Cook & Family Special Intention by Fr. Paul Seil THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 - SOLEMNITY OF MARY 9:00 11:00 Missa Pro Populo by Fr. Paul All Souls of St. Bernadette Parish GOSPEL REFLECTION FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 - STS. BASIL THE GREAT AND GREGORY NAZIANZEN 7:00 11:30 ...A Family Perspective The gospel today shows Mary and Joseph weren’t ‘perfect’ parents. If you have ever been ‘amazed’ and ‘astonished’ at what came out of your child’s mouth, then you are in good company. If there were times you ‘didn’t understand’ your children or felt ‘anxious’ about their behavior, so did Mary and Joseph. Parenting is tough but it is also the stuff of holiness. Jeanette Grasso by The 7 AM Mass Group Robert Ryan by Beverly Washburn SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 - THE MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS 9:00 5:00 Lewis Rossi by Jay & Mary McWatters Kevin Domin by Kathy & Larry SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 - THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 7:30 9:00 11:00 6:30 PM Our business offices will be closed on Thursday, January 1st. We wish you all a safe, happy & healthy 2015!! Dec. Mbrs. of Furgala Family by John & Gloria Troyan Timothy & Janet Coughlin by Rene & Bonnie Clesse Joseph & Bernice Krzywicki by Family Life Teen Mass @ St. Bernadette’s 2 HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH DECEMBER 28, 2014 HOLY DAY OUR CHURCH Fair-trade commerce supports just wages, safe conditions for workers Thursday, January 1st is the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God. Mass times are 9 & 11 AM. MARYKNOLL, N.Y. (CNS) -- Fair-trade chocolate tastes better than its commercially produced counterparts, "because you can't taste the blood of the worker," Cara Weidinger said. She was quoting a colleague in the Students for Global Justice organization at St. John's University in Jamaica, New York. Weidinger, a senior, is president of the group that encourages the campus community to recognize the humanity of small farmers and artisans by buying food and clothing produced by people who are paid a just wage for work performed under safe conditions. The students at the Vincentian-run school are part of a growing movement in the Catholic church to link social justice to consumer spending through so-called fairtrade initiatives. According to Equal Exchange, fair trade is a set of business practices voluntarily adopted by producers and buyers of agricultural commodities and handmade crafts that are designed to advance many economic, social and environmental goals. Equal Exchange is a worker cooperative based in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts, that sells food and beverages produced by small farmer cooperatives in 20 countries. It works with Catholic Relief Services, Maryknoll and other groups to distribute the products in the United States. HUMAN TRAFFICKING MEETING RE-SCHEDULED The PATH (People Against the Trafficking of Humans) Meeting had to be cancelled due to the snow storm in November. But, it has been rescheduled at St. Bernadette Church for Thursday, January 8th, at 7:00PM. PATH is an ecumenical group working together to learn more and do something about this modern day slavery which affects 27 million people in our world today, including people in Western New York. US Attorney William Hochul will be here on January 8th to discuss his work in relation to trafficking in our area. MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP A weekly mental health self-help support group will take place every Saturday at St. Bernadette’s. It will be held from 9:30-11:30 AM in the Msgr. Nugent Conference Room. If you or anyone you know is suffering from mental illness, you are encouraged to attend. If you have questions or would like more information about this support group, please call Jim at (716) 392-7026. Vatican takes notice of Iowa ecumenical efforts on human trafficking DAVENPORT, Iowa (CNS) -- An ecumenical effort in the Davenport area to raise awareness of human trafficking and to assist its victims has captured the attention of the Vatican. The Rev. Brian McVey, an Episcopal priest who has doggedly pursued the issue with help from the Diocese of Davenport, was invited to attend a Vatican conference on human trafficking in November. The conference preceded the signing of an interfaith agreement Dec. 2 by Pope Francis, Archbishop Justin Welby of Canterbury, England, and other global religious leaders calling for eradication of modern slavery by the year 2020. The agreement is the result of an initiative of the Global Freedom Network, launched in March after a joint agreement by the Vatican, Al-Azhar University and the Anglican Communion. Rev. McVey said the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion -- of which the U.S. Episcopal Church is a member -- were seeking opportunities to foster their relationship and human trafficking was among several issues they agreed to work on. Copyright Catholic News Service. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission. REMINDER: 2014 Tax Deductible Contributions must be made by December 31, 2014 Family Movie Night Save the date for Saturday, January 17th at 6 PM for our Family Movie Night! Find out in next week’s bulletin what movie will be showing. Grab your blankets, sleeping bags, pillows and come and have a great night with your family! 3 ST. BERNADETTE PARISH ORCHARD PARK, NY SCRIPT IS NOW AVAILABLE IN THE RECTORY OFFICE! LIFE TEEN & EDGE Merry Christmas everyone! The big event is just a week away! The 6:30 PM Life Teen Mass and 7:35 PM Life Night are moving to St. Bernadette’s starting January 4, 2015. We’re super excited about the change, and hope you will continue to join us. And if you haven’t been to a Life Teen Mass yet, make sure to stop in sometime and check it out! If you would like to donate to St. Bernadette without spending an extra penny, check out our WIN WIN deals from SCRIP gift cards. As always, a good variety of gift cards are available for cash and carry sales — and orders can be placed — after weekend Masses, The annual Lastertron All-Nighter is January 17-18. We’ll start the night in the gym at St. Bernadette at 9 PM, where we’ll be doing some gym games and such to get everybody loosened up for our night at Lasertron. We’ll be getting bussed to Lasertron at 1 AM and stay til 7:30. Pickup at St. Bernadette is at 8 AM. This is open to all 8th-12th graders. For more information, just let us know. AND NOW ... cards can also be purchased or ordered in the Rectory Office. Orders received by 10:00 AM Mondays will be ready for pick up at the office on Friday afternoon of the same week or can be left for you to pick up after a weekend Mass. Visit to search the extensive list of retailers that participate in SCRIP. Cards from any of those merchants can be ordered here at St. Bernadette. The cost to you for each card is exactly the same as if you bought it directly at the retail store or restaurant … but St. Bernadette gets a rebate from every card we sell. WIN WIN! The March for Life takes place in Washington, DC each January on the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing abortion on demand in our country. Since that time the March has grown to be an opportunity for people of good-will to gather and remind our nation that we value life in all forms and all ages. Annually 300,000-400,000 people participate in the peaceful walk from the National Mall to the steps of the Supreme Court Building. For the last 6 or 7 years we’ve travelled with a group of teenagers from the Diocese of Buffalo to see the sights in Washington, participate in the Vigil for Life, a Youth Rally and mass for Life and of course the March. This year we’ll depart around 9 PM on Tuesday, January 20 and return around 4 AM on Friday, January 23. If you would like more information on what we’ll do, and what you’ll need, contact Pat Murphy. FAITH MOMENT REFLECTION ...provided by Christ the King Seminary Today we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The gospel tells of the Holy Family’s trip to Jerusalem to present the child, Jesus, to the Lord in the temple. Their story is of a seemingly simple, everyday man and woman that God calls to a sacred role through the sanctity of the family. Mary was a poor peasant. Joseph, a hardworking carpenter. Yet they were asked to be the parents of Jesus. It is a reminder that God calls all of us to holiness amidst our everyday lives. As he did with mary and Joseph, God asks us to be the caretakers of what he has begun in Christ Jesus. Through the Holy Family we see vividly how God works through us in very human ways, continually calling us to greater holiness. Like Mary and Joseph, may we grow into holiness by saying yes to God’s plan. OPEN DOORS MINISTRY Another possible treatment for SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) could be professional help. A clinician who can coach you through this time and figure it out if it is indeed SAD or if you do worse at Christmastime, it might be a traumatic event such as a loved one passing away at this time. This treatment might provide some insights as to why you are feeling the way you are and how to change, even prescribing antidepressants, if necessary. ( FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS January 3rd is First Saturday. All are invited to come to the chapel after the 9AM Mass for the rosary and prayers of reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. God sent His own Mother to Fatima to show us the way out of sinfulness. May she continue to be our “Morning Star”, leading us safely to the Eucharistic Heart of Her Divine Son, Jesus. 4 ST. BERNADETTE PARISH ORCHARD PARK, NY MINISTRY SCHEDULES LOOK AT THIS WEEK’S ACTIVITIES SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 - 5:00 P.M. MONDAY, DECEMBER 29 Cenacle of Life, 7 p.m., Chapel Altar Servers: Euch. Min. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30 No Early Childhood 12/23-1/4 Baptism Class, 7 p.m., Fr. Carey Conf. Rm. St. Monica’s Moms, 7 p.m. Lectors: Music: As per Schedule D. & D. Garfoot, M. Bueme, T. Holtz, J. Smolinski G. Cranston, J. Swistowski Lisa SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 - 7:30 A.M. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31 - NEW YEAR’S EVE Altar Servers: Euch. Min. Vigil Mass, 4 p.m. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 2015 - NEW YEAR’S DAY Lectors: Music: Masses: 9 & 11 a.m. FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 As per Schedule M. Savage, R. Kersten, J. Benenati, D. Roliczek R. Choroser Gary SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 - 9:00 A.M. No Activities Scheduled Altar Servers: Euch. Min.: SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 First Saturday Devotions, 9:30 a.m., Chapel Children’s Choir, 10:30 a.m., Church Confessions: 4 p.m. Lectors: Music: As per Schedule J. Rykowski, N. Grasso, T. Cromwell, H. & F. Davis, M. Redmond D. Mitchell, J. Cleary Witness SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 - 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY, JAN. 4 - THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD Altar Servers: Euch. Min.: Mass Times: 7:30, 9, & 11 a.m. Babysitting, 11 a.m. Mass, Msgr. Nugent Conf. Rm. Baptisms, 12:30 p.m. Life Teen Mass, 6:30 p.m., St. Bernadette’s Lectors: Music: As per Schedule K. Tremblay, L. & B. Schooley, L. & P. Rozniak, C. Pechulis, J. Pinto L. Kuminecz, M. Esford Children’s Choir PLEASE GET A REPLACEMENT IF YOU CANNOT SERVE OPEN DOORS MINISTRY A Prayer For Family Heavenly Father, Please shine your light upon my family. Give us the strength to overcome all of the difficulties that we are dealing with now and protect us against any and all problems we may encounter in the future. O Lord, please bring us together as we are meant to be. May the love that binds us only grow stronger as we fulfill the destiny you have laid out for us. Grant my family forgiveness for any sins we have committed. May we also forgive one another Lord, as it is sometimes difficult to do. Bless us Lord, In your name I pray, Amen. Hamburg Hopekeepers, a Christian support group for those with chronic physical illness, will be meeting on January 3, 17 and 31 at 12:30-2PM. Meetings take place in the parish meeting room (enter through Pine St. parking lot) at St. Peter & Paul RC Church, 68 East Main St., Hamburg. To register or for more information, contact Laura Seil Ruszczyk at [email protected] or call 649-4902. WANT TO BECOME A EUCHARISTIC MINISTER? A one day training class will be held at Christ the King Seminary on Saturday, January 10th from 9AM-2PM. If you are interested in serving as a Eucharistic Minister at Mass or to homebound parishioners, or as a substitute, please contact the parish office for the form or 5 6 18 19 - Parishioners Serving Parishioners Early Childhood Open House, 6-8 pm Stewardship Mtg,6:30pm,NR Boy Scouts, 6-8pm, café, CR Rosary for Peace,7pm, chapel Girl Scouts, 6-8pm, art rm Jan. 28 Basketball, 6-9 pm, gym Children’s Choir,10:30 am, music room Faith Formation, 9am, school Mental Health Support Group, 9:30 am, NR Jan. 31 Faith Formation, 9am,school Mental Health Support Group, 9:30 am, NR Children’sChoir,10:30am,church Jan. 24 Life Teen & Edge Lasertron All-Nighter, 9pm - 1am, gym,CR,café,B&C rms. Mental Health Support Group, 9:30 am, NR Jan. 17 Children’s Choir,10:30 am, music room Our Daily Bread, NR Faith Formation, 9am, school Mental Health Support Group, 9:30 am, NR Jan. 10 Children’s Choir, 10:30 am, church Mental Health Support Group, 9:30 am, NR First Saturday Devotions, 9:30 am, chapel Jan. 3 Saturday 649-5050 207 Main Street, Hamburg Jan. 30 Music Lessons, 2:30-6pm, MR Faith Form Gr.7,8,9 & 10 Confirmation, 7pm,sch,gym,CR Witness, 7:15 pm, church Basketball, 6-9 pm, gym Jan. 29 Music Lessons,2:30-6 pm, MR Witness, 7:15 pm, church Jan. 23 Basketball, 6-9 pm, gym Jan. 22 Jan. 16 Music Lessons, 2:30-6pm, MR Girl Scouts, 6-8 pm, art rm. Faith Form Gr.7,8,9 & 10 Confirmation, 7pm,sch,gym,CR Witness, 7:15 pm, church Welcome Night, 7:30pm,NR Staff Meeting, 10am, NR Our Daily Bread, NR Basketball, 6-9 pm, gym Jan. 9 Jan. 15 Music Lesson,2:30-6pm, MR Holy Name, 7pm, café Justice & Peace Speaker, 7pm, gym Witness, 7:15 pm, church Jan. 8 Masses: 9 & 11 am Family Owned and Operated for 4 Generations “Meeting your family’s needs in all aspects of funeral service.” FUNERAL HOMES Friday Jan. 1 - Solemnity of Jan. 2 Mary Thursday Loomis, Offers & Loomis, Inc. Basketball, 6-9pm, gym St. Monica’s Moms, 7pm Baptism Prep, 7pm, FCCR Girl Scouts,7-8 pm, art rm James R. Loomis, Jr. Jan. 27 Faith Formation,3:45pm,school Cenacle of Life, 7pm, chapel E dge ,7p m, gym,c a fé ,C -r m, library, CR Boy Scouts,6-8pm,café,gym,CR Girl Scouts, 7-8 pm, art rm Rosary for Peace, 7pm, chapel Jan. 26 Jan. 21 Basketball, 6-9 pm, gym Women’s Choir, 7pm, church Girl Scouts, 7-8 pm, art rm GriefShare, 7 pm, NR Rosary for Peace, 7pm, chapel BoyScouts,6-8pm, café,CR,gym Girl Scouts, 7-8 pm, art rm Justice & Peace Speaker, 7pm, NR Men’s Basketball, 8-10pm,gym Jan. 14 Jan. 20 Teddy Bear Sunday, 11 am Mass Babysitting, 11 am Mass, NR Early Childhood Open House, 12 Noon Ann. Roe v. Wade, Pro-Life Prayer Service, 12 pm, chapel Confirmation Retreat,12-7:30pm,Christ the King Seminary Life Teen Mass, 6:30 pm, St. Bernadette’s Martin Jan. 25 Luther King, Jr. Jan. No Faith Formation No Early Childhood Offices Closed Cenacle of Life, 7pm, chapel - 2nd Sunday in Our Daily Bread Buildings & Grounds,6pm,NR Basketball, 6-9 pm, gym Little Flowers, 6:30 pm, CR Girl Scouts, 7-8 pm, art rm Jan. 13 Babysitting, 11am Mass, NR Parish Council Coffee, 12 Noon Baptisms, 12:30 pm Life Teen Mass, 6:30 pm, St. Bernadette’s No Life Teen Meeting Ordinary Time Jan. Holy Name Coffee, 10 am 1st Reconciliation Mass & Retreat, 11am Mass, followed by retreat, gym, café, CR Babysitting, 11 am, NR Life Teen Mass, 6:30 pm, St. Bernadette’s Our Daily Bread, NR Faith Formation,3:45pm,school Cenacle of Life, 7pm, chapel E dge ,7p m, gym,c a fé ,C -r m, library, CR Our Daily Bread Jan. 12 Jan. 11 - The Baptism of the Big Meeting Night, 7pm,church Girl Scouts, 7-8 pm, art rm Rosary for Peace, 7 pm, chapel Men’s Basketball, 8-10pm,gym Diocesan DRE Gathering, am Finance Mtg, 6pm, NR Basketball, 6-9 pm, gym GriefShare, 7pm, NR Girl Scouts, 7-8 pm, art rm Lord Jan. 7 Jan. 6 Wednesday Faith Formation,3:45pm,school Cenacle of Life, 7pm, chapel Edge,7pm,gym,café ,C rm,library, CR Tuesday Jan. 5 Monday - The Epiphany of the Lord Babysitting, 11 am, NR Baptisms, 12:30 pm Life Teen Mass, 6:30 pm, St. Bernadette’s Jan. 4 Sunday JANUARY 2015 HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY, AND JOSEPH DECEMBER 28, 2014
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