S T . G ERTRUDE THE G REAT R OMAN C ATHOLIC C HURCH 4900 Rialto Road, West Chester, Ohio 45069 • (513) 645-4212 www.sgg.org • www.SGGResources.org Traditional Latin Mass: Sundays 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM High, 11:30 AM, 5:45 PM . Most Reverend Daniel L. Dolan, Pastor • Rev. Anthony Cekada Rev. Charles McGuire • Rev. Vili Lehtoranta • Rev. Stephen McKenna . December 28, 2014 HOLY INNOCENTS DAY ¶ CHILDERMAS The Blessing of Children in honor of the Holy Innocents will take place after all Masses. Our Children’s Christmas Party with presents and poetry follows this morning’s High Mass. Vespers and Benediction are at 4:45 PM. Non-Communicant How I am starving! I who lately fed At tables rich with meats, ruddy with wine. Now while Thy guests are gathered, O Divine Host, how I hunger for Thy simple Bread! —Katherine Terry Dooley ¶ THURSDAY: NEW YEAR’S DAY Remember, January 1st is the Feast of the Circumcision; the Octave Day of our Lord’s Nativity, and a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass times are 7:30, 9:00 and 11:30 AM. All are bound to assist at Mass under pain of mortal sin. No evening Mass for New Year’s Day. ¶ FIRST FRIDAY 8:00 AM Low Mass 10:55 AM Confessions 11:20 AM Low Mass and Benediction 5:00 PM Exposition 5:15 PM Confessions and Rosary 5:45 PM Low Mass, First Friday devotions, Sacred Heart Novena All Night Adoration Intention for First Friday: In honor of the Sacred Heart for the sanctification of homes and families. Lumen Christi The Sanctuary Lamp will burn before the Blessed Sacrament during the next fortnight for the following intention: For the intentions of Kevin O’Donnell and his family. (A friend & parishioner) ¶ FIRST SATURDAY 7:10 AM Rosary and Confessions 7:30 AM Low Mass 8:05 AM First Saturday Devotions, Closing Benediction, Sermon 8:30 AM Low Mass First Saturday Intention: In reparation for blasphemies against Our Lady’s perpetual Virginity. ¶ NEXT SUNDAY: THE HOLY NAME The blessing of religious articles will be available after Mass; the second collection is for Most Holy Trinity Seminary. Sunday Classes resume at 10:40 AM. Set Your Missal: The Holy Name of Jesus, commemoration of the Octave of the Holy Innocents. Preface of the Nativity. St. Francis was first to show to mankind The Crib of Our Savior at Mass; His heart full of love a solace could find, No joy on earth can surpass. —Brother T. F. Kelly, S.J. ¶ OUR SICK Be sure to mark your calendar for Twelfth Night, Epiphany, Jan. 6. After the 5:30 Solemn Mass, you are invited to our parish Christmas party, which honors all of our Church workers and volunteers. So many hours presented this past year like precious myrrh or fragrant frankincense. God reward the gold of your devotion! Richard Smith, Lorraine Gates, and Connie Kamphaus seem to be holding their own. Please pray for all of our sick and shut-in. Best wishes to Tom & Karen Simpson today on their first anniversary. Collection Report Sunday, December 21st……….….……$3,749.00 Thank you for your generosity. Remember St. Gertrude the Great in your will. THE CALENDAR All Sunday Masses, school day Masses, Friday evening and Saturday morning Masses are webcast at SGGResources.org. MON 12/29/14 ST. THOMAS À BECKET, BPM 8:00 AM Low Mass Novena V 5:00 PM Low Mass Special Intention – Deceased (Judy Metz) TUE 12/30/14 RESUMED MASS OF SUNDAY WITHIN THE OCTAVE 8:00 AM Low Mass Novena VI 5:00 PM Low Mass Poor Souls WED 12/31/14 ST. SYLVESTER I, PC WITHIN THE OCTAVE 8:00 AM Low Mass Novena VII 4:00 PM Low Mass Special Intention (Denis Vander Putten) 5:00 PM First Vespers of the Circumcision THU 01/01/15 THE CIRCUMCISION OCTAVE DAY OF CHRISTMAS HOLY DAY FIRST THURSDAY 7:30 AM Low Mass Our Parents (Dan, Mary, & family) 9:00 AM High Mass Novena VIII 11:30 AM Low Mass For the people of St. Gertrude the Great .. FRI 01/02/15 OCTAVE DAY OF ST. STEPHEN INFANT OF PRAGUE 8:00 AM 10:55 AM 11:20 AM 5:00 PM 5:15 PM 5:45 PM SAT FIRST FRIDAY Low Mass Alter Christus Confessions Low Mass Purgatorian Society Benediction Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Confessions & Rosary Low Mass Novena IX All Night Adoration 01/03/15 OCTAVE DAY OF ST. JOHN, AP. EV ST. GENEVIEVE, V FIRST SATURDAY 7:10 AM Confessions & Rosary 7:30 AM Low Mass For my Godparents (Jacinta Simpson) 8:05 AM First Saturday Devotions, Benediction, Sermon 8:30 AM Low Mass Dennis & Jeanne Hille – Merry Christmas (Bobby & Aubrey Uhlenbrock) SUN 01/04/15 THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS OCTAVE DAY OF THE HOLY INNOCENTS, MM 7:30 AM Low Mass Paul & Till Wesselman (The Wilkers) 9:00 AM High Mass For the people of St. Gertrude the Great 10:40 AM Catechism Classes 11:30 AM Low Mass Bob & Becky Uhlenbrock – Merry Christmas (Bobby & Aubrey Uhlenbrock) 4:45 PM Vespers & Benediction 5:45 PM Low Mass Philip Brockman (Rob & Jane Brockman) All Night Adoration Guard of Honor 7:00 PM -8:00 PM: Richard Zbilicki, Volunteer 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Ken Gilliam, Matt Schneider 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM: Peter Gebel, Mike Briggs 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM: Joe & Andrew Prell, A.D. Kinnett 11:00 PM - 12:00 AM: James Kolenich, Paul Puglielli 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM: Joe Soli, Steven Shaver, Brett Kirkpatrick 1:00 AM - 2:00 AM: Dominic O’Donnell, Volunteer 2:00 AM - 3:00 AM: Daniel Hille, John Boyd 3:00 AM - 4:00 AM: Steve Weigand, Rob Brockman 4:00 AM - 5:00 AM: Bob Uhlenbrock, Bobby Uhlenbrock 5:00 AM - 6:00 AM: Patrick Omlor, Volunteer 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM: Jim Soli, Joe Andreotta THE QUEST Where lies the road to Bethlehem— The royal House of Bread? A narrow road, a rugged road, It leads to a cattle shed! Where do the shepherds through the night Their lonely vigil keep? The starlit plains beyond the town Are white with nodding sheep! Where speed the angels in their flight On wings with love aflame? The hills have caught their song of peace And whisper now His Name! Where lies the Son of God in state?— His Mother’s veil withdraw: Behold! His throne a manger bare, His couch some wisps of straw! I found the road to Bethlehem, The shepherds poor, the shed, Adoring angels, peace, and God— At dawn in His House of Bread! QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Servers THURS 01/01/15: 7:30 AM LOW: Brueggemann Bros. 9:00 AM HIGH: CHAPLAINS: T. & J. Simpson CROSS: B. Lotarski TH: L. Arlinghaus ACs: A. & C. Richesson TORCH: J. Lacy, T. Lawrence, A. Soli, C. Arlinghaus, B. Lotarski, S. Arlinghaus 11:30 AM LOW: N. & N. McClorey SUN 01/04/15: 7:30 AM LOW: Brueggemann Bros 9:00 AM HIGH: CHAPLAINS: B. Lotarski, N. McClorey CROSS: P. McClorey TH: L. Arlinghaus ACs: J. Lacy, N. McClorey TORCH: C. Arlinghaus, T. Lawrence, P. McClorey, C. Richesson 11:30 AM LOW: N. Puglielli, P. Omlor 4:45 PM VESPERS & BENEDICTION: G. Miller 5:45 PM LOW: G. Miller THE BISHOP’S CORNER Holy Innocents Day! May Innocence Himself, with His Immaculate Mother, bless you on this Christmas Sunday by restoring your innocence, and renewing your devotion to protecting innocence in our midst. Innocence, purity, modesty and good measure in dress, innocence most of all in good example shown to our children... These are gifts precious beyond price, to which our children have a strict right. Work on the innocence today, and you will preserve the Christmas spirit in your celebration. Banish pride and strife and the bane of self-seeking, of overdoing things, of commercialism and impurity. Call a child into your midst and bless him and let the children be a blessing unto you. This is God’s way. Happy Holy Innocents Day! I am writing this the Tuesday before Christmas but already I am touched and so grateful for all of the help from so many, which makes things come together so readily here, as we make our final preparations for the birth of the King. Oh, problems and mini-crises we do have. Monday was one of those days. But this always happens, and it does by God’s permissive will, meant to sanctify us as they try us, a little bit like poor St. Joseph, so tried in Advent, all the way through Christmas Eve, with its slammed doors and “no room in the inn” signs. But he helps, St. Joseph does. Ask him, and ask him often as you try to take good care of Mary and the Baby this Christmas. In addition to thanking all of our helpers and workers—what a wealth this is for our church!—I want to thank you for such thoughtful Christmas cards and gifts this year, for me and all of the clergy. Thank you for keeping us so well fed, for thinking of all of this. Thank you too for Christmas cookies and cakes! Someone even thought of donating gifts for the little ones at today’s party. Thank you for your regular giving, and for today’s generous Christmas envelope. God, the giver of all good gifts, reward you all. We must be very grateful this year for the mild weather which accompanies our Christmas, even as we remember in prayer those who face difficult to trying weather. Fr. McKenna was due to fly to Rochester, MN on Christmas Eve and drive on to North Dakota on St. Stephen’s day, his name day. (Bless his heart, he has never had a Christmas with us but is always going off somewhere, bringing Christmas to others.) Fr. Lehtoranta is in Milwaukee for the holidays, where he is known as “the Christmas priest” because he comes each year. He had to reschedule the children’s party, however, because he is offering Christmas Mass this Sunday for the Louisiana faithful, with the traveling Fr. McKenna due to drive in to take his place. It’s a complicated schedule this year, but Christmas often is, isn’t it? The main thing is to work that no one be forgotten. That is the ideal, anyway. “And even the birds,” St. Francis would add at this point. May the rest of your Christmas week be warm and bright, with time for a little needed rest, oh, and prayer too. We’ll be here every day, praying away. Come to the stable, and enjoy a little extra Christmas peace. Don’t forget the Holy Day with its three morning Masses, as we have each Sunday. Start the new year by offering its first hours to God. If you take Innocence home with you today (I pray you do, that’s the point) will He feel at home there, in your home? Try it out, and let me know, and God bless you! Bishop Dolan QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. P.S. As I wrote the above lines, I had a little early Christmas cheer: the dispatching of a possum and a raccoon, trapped on the roof, potential invaders. Thank you, Gino! CHRISTMAS POINSETTIA MEMORIALS LANDRY FAMILY JOAN LANDRY LEBRUN FAMILY JOAN LANDRY JON FITZERGERALD KENNEDY ANONYMOUS OUR FAMILY BRIAN GREGORY ERNEST QUINTANA PENNY ANN QUINTANA FR. WILLIAM POWERS PENNY ANN QUINTANA ANTONIO SANTISTEVAN PENNY ANN QUINTANA FT. LOUIS STOVIC PENNY ANN QUINTANA H.O. HINTON, PAT HARPEN, TOM PAYNE, & LOIS PETER SIMPSON FAMILY HOLY INNOCENTS’ THOUGHTS It is impossible for Herod’s henchmen to recognize with absolute certainty, among all the babies of Bethlehem and its vicinity, just which infant boy is Jesus Christ. Thus, seething with diabolical fury, Herod orders the massacre of all who resemble Jesus in gender and approximate age. This barbaric case of “mistaken identity” becomes the source of incomparable exaltation for the Holy Innocents. For there is no greater glory than for a person to be mistaken for Christ Himself. Perhaps the Lord had this in mind later in life when He declared that only those who change and become like little children can enter the kingdom of God. In our childlikeness, we are most like Jesus Christ. The blood of the Son Jesus that cleanses us from all sin begins to reach us and transform us today in a powerful way through the blood of the martyred Holy Innocents. OUR UNION WITH THE HOLY INNOCENTS Herod Archelaus, who had hunted the Child and would have killed him, may be compared to the world, which would kill the divine Infant in our souls. From the world we must flee if we would preserve the Child alive within us. Indeed, our own soul is the Child. And when one has fled from the world externally…presently Archelaus rises up and begins to rule interiorly in the soul. It may be that Archelaus can never conquer you; but that is because you shall by the strength of God fortify yourself with great and earnest industry in devout practices; for I assure you that you have many fierce enemies arrayed against you and ready to assail you… Be sure that if you will ever be blessed you must fly from all this and must, for God’s sake, yield yourself up to suffer all things kindly and meekly, whether men treat you justly or unjustly. Leave your vindication to God and the truth and do not defend yourself; and then will the peace of God be born within you, and be spread around you in all patience and love. But if you fail to do this with zeal and earnestness, then is your Archelaus present and he will surely slay the Child, namely, the precious grace of God, within your soul. We know how carefully the humble Joseph enquired, in order to discover if there was anyone near who sought the Child Jesus to kill Him. And even when all these vices are overcome there yet remain a thousand bands to be broken asunder, and these no one knows but a truly converted man; for Joseph’s example teaches us an earnest perseverance in a godly and blessed way of living, together with an ever-growing love of God’s will. By such virtues did he most faithfully guard the little Child and His Mother from those who would have killed Him. —Fr. John Tauler, O.P. Fr. Tauler ( 1361) was a German Dominican priest, a popular preacher, and a mystical theologian. THE POETRY CORNER REVELATION Hold your Boy in your heart awhile, Sweet young Mother; In His deep eyes there shines a smile For you, His Mother. The little head against your cheek, The seeking hands, the baby feet, The heart which you have caused to beat— Are yours, rich Mother! Black on the sunny space of floor, Adoring Mother, Swift shadows fall! Oh, stare no more, Heart-broken Mother; Rather let your anguished eyes, Become of a moment sad and wise, Rest on your Babe. Our Victim sighs For you, my Mother! NEW BEGINNINGS —Loras Mary Walsh Ring the bells of joy and gladness! Sound their anthems loud and free! Not because the old in ending, But because the new beginnings Come to you and me! Ring because each passing second Is the threshold of the new; And like manna sent from heaven Opportunities are given Afresh to me and you! Over old mistakes and failures Look not backward in askance; For starry-eyed with breathless wonder Comes the dawn of hope, and yonder Stands another chance! —Ruth L. Erickson BIRTH OF A YEAR Merrymaking fills the midnight air— Horns toot and whistles blow and voices shout— The sounds of revelry are everywhere Now that another year is going out. The faces of the celebrants are lit With bright expectancy, as if the stroke Of midnight had a magic power in it To wipe away the old year’s little joke. Yet underneath the brilliance and the fun, The heart holds deep communion with the mind, And fears for this new hour whose birth has won A heritage of days now left behind, And prays the infant will grow strong and bold Enough to bear its burdens and the old. —Helen Howland Prommel Cnrus TMAS P oTNs n TTIA M n iuTo nLeL S Drer\E RUTHERFoRI Et^sl.r-E S,qttros RAI'IIOND J. BEnaRn Et^t1f E S,qtvros RnununrurvcE You say that time is merciful, And I will forget at last.If time is kind she'll leave to me Our sweet, unreturning past. JoHs & CaTHERTNE BISCHAK KTTIE Btsculrc f?ilh.,qHt BTSCHAK AI\D HoE,LZLtr, FeMILIES KITIE BncnIx Hnne & WpxDy PEansoN TrnnI'PEAR.tot/ GEoRGE T. PoLK MtnGL-ERrrc BrwnnETTo MencuERrrE BExEDETTo M,qnG uE RITE B g tttgn ETTO To Oun LovED Owns AT MR. AND Mns. HuBERT Aroysrus Mcl,eucHr,rf{ Josnp H HUBERT McDnnuorr GnacE ParnrcrA SuruvAN McDERMoTT Josapn HunERr McDrkMoTT Rlre MenlE McLaucHLrN McDERMorr Josnp n HunERr McDs nuoTT CTrusTMAS We miss yott, now our hearts are sorg, As time goes on we miss you more. Your loving smile, yoltr gentle focr, No one can fi.ll your vacant place. LEoxARDWnLTAM McDERMoTT Josnp u Hunsnr McDnnuctrr MrcuELE MaruE HARVEy AL,qw T. H,qnvEy tMeRTHA Lrsm Rongnr PoRTER Though your smile is gone ICHARLEs PoRTER Rosnnr PoRTER Mn& Mns CEran TnucKERFrcm,s Lrvrxc & DECEASEI MEMBERS oF THE PESCHI FaurLY EnwARD C. Pascut Jasox Ross MTcHAEL PrnEs Mou & D,qn forever And your hand we can not touch, We shall never lose sweet memories Of you we loved so much. May you rest in peace dear ones, In that heavenly home above, With the Holy Child Jesus, In His own eternal love. tSrnvEN Lrsm Ronrnr PonrER IMaRTHA RosERTSoN Ronnnr PoRTER tEn RonERrsot{ Ronsnr PonrER tDoLoREs PoRTER f"dfln.'#t Ronnnr P:tRTER SnsesrrEr{ MowTETL Cutnn G,qyovr Srunnp Sruup EnNrn Rnnrcc,l, C.q.nrou Cnunr G,q,rox Mlnrn Jonlr Mnrz, Jncon WISE, Jon Wtsn, ANN RurrrNc, LnoNA WtsE, THnLvr,q. Mnrz, ARNorn Mn lnn & Rovr.q.N Wrsn SIvtoNn MoNrnrl Ct.unz G'qrow M.q.nv & JonN O'CoNNBlr, Fn'qwx O'Cotrwnu Juov Mnrz Yvns G.q.RNrN Cnune G.q,yoI,{ THOMAS H. K,q.UPHAUS LoN Dunqlrlrn tM.q.nxo/Tx,q.cH F.ltvrrr,rns t Zu cc tno/DEusr F.q.MLrB s LnN & RnNnn Wnrrvronn Mn. & Mns. Dl,wo M.qnro tDncE.q.spu MnvrBERs oF rnr VlNnn Rvr.qsn HrLLn MtnC.Ensr Pn.qnsow F^q.nnrlrns Cnl.nr.ns & VncnNr Dnults & Jz'tttNn Hnm MltrrnClv CHRrSrr.q.N MoNrnrr, Fnz't'tcEs M'qrrn'tctv Cnunr GevoN Mv THnnr P,q,UL & ROnnnu,q. MR. ,q,NO MnS. JOSnpn Unr,oNnnocK HnNnv McDnnuorr Sn. Josnpn Huaznr McDnnuorr Ronnnr Unmt'tnnocrc Ktnny BnOTHERS BTSCHEL f Alnnnr KrNNnrr M,qnc,qngr & Amnnr D.lutzt Ktttlr,rr t Slsrnn GnR.Lnn Dn. ,q.No Mns. Paur, VrNcnNr McLaUcHLIN P,q,rsv McCowtttLt F'qwLv f Vncn McConulcx Josrpn Hunnnr McDsnMorr Mn. JosN V.q.NnnR PurrrN M.4ncener & Amnnr D.qyrct Ktt'tvrrr Axtte Vlwozn Purrnw HowlRo & FlonnNcn P.qrsy McCoNNnr,l McCouuntt F.qutm P.lttotrl, ConuN, Snnln, DBNrs McM.lHoN Jlvt & Mv Fannlv MR. & Mns. DrsnoRoucH, BnaNonNBURG F^lnnrr,rns Jo.tluli,n Fntuxttw Attxn V.luorn PurrrN t K,tnL JosrpH Wnrssrnc Mv Dnan MoTHER Mn. & Mns Mtnr LoTARSKT & F'qMM Ml.RrHl BNUNCCEMANN P,IrrOW F.IMILY Rncwl GLu.qu tSR. Gnnann VtNCnNt, tH.O., MrCff.q.nI,, & Sn,q.N HrNroN Rznacc.e Hwrox RoNA.r,n E. KrrcnEN M,qncn Wflf,fAU R. F'ny Jo.ett Fzv Nnlrrn & Dl,yMoN C. SurroN Menc.annr Surrou tTnElvt,q. & RnNTScHLER' t ErlnBN Ba.ntnls, t BnnNru BnunccEMANN Euu1 O'DONwnu Arrnnt BENn^tsr B,qnn,ARA tJovcn O'COyyon JoHN M. & Er,rzl.gnrH H. RUS Ktrny Vnntry
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