ub| da srrn {116r BankofBaroda ffifordeterminingtheShareholdersoftheBank,whoareentitledtoreceivetheequity sharesuponsubdivisionlreductionintrrefaceva|ueandrelatedapprovals. BACKGROUND 1. to on27th september 2ol4,accordedinprincipleapproval to each fullv paid Boardof Directorsatthemeetingheld 5rlE oieank sub-division? / vatue face reduce the "quliy-;'iLprior approval of Reserve Bank of otl: "ri=ting o"o ,ilr, ot n=.2 up into rrvr "I"riiruv "r,ares "irjtj tndia (RBl) #";iii";'iiri"t"rvrn"gr;i"ry;6";;;t;ent to "rot""t oi'i"'Ja appro'ats' as mav be required' we have taken up 2'BankingCompanies(AcquisitionandTransferofUndertakings)Act19.?.9.lT.l"jct)providesforthe r"7 ,rO Aiui.ion''tn view of the same' i,1-tr"I'r"f ieOuction ioi iiEf prior approv"i# requirement of the tJ rnJi" (NSq/;sE Limiieo about the e*r'l""g; stock Nationat we recerveo with the matter lnE' sr',i"r'olders of the Bank'provided in the as approval of the proposatln ,n"n"|.?i';;;fiil; proposar ,"qrii"r RB's approvar crarification from both the Exchang"r'tnriitr" Act' of Directors at 3.TheBankhasreceivedthe_RBt,sapproval..videtheirletterNo'DBOD'co'BP'No'6083/ which *"t'pr"""J before the Board to the 21.o1oo2tzdti-zots 'lStedZ2ndottonl'lor4' nol,ig-accoroeo its formar approvar rreiJon 6rh Novemb.r'iolq, eo"io att"r its meeting aforesaid ProPosal' 4. dated 18th November to Government of lndia vide our letter The approval of RBI was also forwarded 2014. SUBMISSION granted authoritv to the chairman on 2gth November 2014 inter-alia Date" for Board of Directors at its meeting held i.e executiv" i:ii""too severa[y to fix "Record upon Bank the of and Managing Director and in hrs absence;.r';i shares equity BanK i,rio ,." entiiled to receive the sub division' the to determining tne snar-enlio"i" "r the ielated and t'" activitieJincioLntat ano to ao sub division/ reduction in the face vatue "il We proPose/recommend as under: a) "Record Date"be fixed as Fridav' 29'd J'anuarv2glsi::::i:T':':: L:::ffi::Lf:r"li[i* . ^^rr trl\/F equitv anrrifv shares shafeS ;"j:[""ffi,#,j;",ffioftheBankuponsubdivision/reductionintheface into F|VE paid ,,n up i^+a yfiJ:?;LH:ffi our Bank or Rs.10r each rurv equity share or of Rs.2/- each fullY Paid uP' Page 1 0f 2 Date..22ndDecember v 2014 frilmff'frtilzr qffic ,iF-q T fi dln T'@q t* o:t Ty ' Tot S'd{, fr-26, {df-6, 5ai Complex' Mumbai 400 051' lndia' fitfa ianaia G--Atocf C-ZO' Centre' Corporate lnvestors,services Department, 3'd Floor, Baroda E Mail :companysecretary'bcc@bankofbaroda'com sld/ ph:91 22 6698 5312 ft-+t/ Fax:91 2226520000$fi-al fiierfi ff. tq I weu : EeTrJT, drEfi www.bankofbaroda com ref{r UB il6 rrm d.dt6l BankorBaroda b) Stock Exchanges viz. BSE & NSE and Depositories viz. NSDL & CDSL be informed of the same. c) Share Certificates, post face value reduction/sub division be issued, under the common seal of the Bank, which shall be signed by two Directors and some other officers of the Bank not below the rank of Scale ll, provided that the signature of the Directors may be printed, engraved, lithrographed or impressed by other mechanical process. d) CGM (Compliance & Co-ordination)/ Company Secretary of the Bank be authorised severally to do /activities incidental and related to the sub division of shares including signing lSlN all the actions application and all the related Forms / Undertakings to be filed with the Stock Exchanges and Depositories. Submitted for approval. Dy. General Manager Company Secretary & Compliance w CGCO & Transparency Officer Page 2 of 2 No. BCC:lSD: 1 06/1 36/ 6 3Y Date: 22nd December 201 4' frilmfu'ftem ffi 6 .651" qd-{r6ffidd-.{, S-26, fr-il#6, ilaErgflt*fudE-€, d.sg+oo os1, slKfr. lnvestors'services Department, 3'd Floor, Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai 400 051 , lndia. EFifi/ Ph : 91 22 6698 satz t{'gl Fax: 91 222652 6660 S*il/ E Mail : [email protected] ft&rmtEniBara, ts I WeU : www.bankofbaroda.com ts fu $rn {ftdl Bankof Barada by shri Agenda ltem No. S-2 recommended and sponsored s' Kalyanaraman' chief GeneralManager(Compliance&Co-ordinationandChiefGroupCompliance of officer, regarding reduction in face value / sub-division officer) & Transparency paid up in to five equity shares of one existing equity shares of Rs.10/- each fully it was: Rs.2/- each fully paid up, was considered and RESoLVEDthattheChairmanandManagingDirectorandinhisabsenceanyof severally to: the Executive Directors be and are hereby authorized of the Bank' who are fix ,,Record Date" for determining the shareholders a) upon sub-division / reduction entitled to receive the equity shares of the Bank Bank of Rs'10/- each in the face value of one existing equity share of our paid up' fully paid up into five equity shares of Rs'2/- each fully b) c) "allocate / allof' the subdivided equity shares' sub-division' do allthe activities incidental and related to the K 6 GUPTA Place: Mumbai Dated: 22nd December, 2014 0l#, *st, €t-zo, fi-<tr6, qrqr-g't *ffiffi' e,=I (f,{) ' ffi +oo 051 ' q*n' ;;;ror"t" i"ntr" , e-26, G-Block, Bandra-Kurla complex, Bandra (E)' Mumbai ;;;;o;",*" qtc/ pnone '.g1 226698 5o0o ' +N / Fax:91 2226523543 : www bankofbaroda com {-ta / E'mail : board@bankofbaroda'com ' tE / Web 400 05'1' lndia B fu irn {.dl6l Bankof Baroda S' Kalyanaraman' Chief Agenda ltem No. S-4 recommended and sponsored by Shri Group Compliance General Manager (Compliance & Co-ordination and Chief face value and subofficer) & Transparency officer, in respect of reducing the into five equity share of dividing each existing share of face value Rs.10/- each Rs.2/- each, was considered and it was: to reduce the face value and RESOLVED that sanction be and is hereby accorded each fully paid up into sub-divide each existing equity share of face value Rs.10/five equity shares of Rs.2/- each fully paid up' K B GUPTA Secretary to Board Place: Mumbai Dated: 22nd December, 2014 N '.!to -rtL *sr, fi-zo, dr-dn, eT<T-S-di oT,rydffi, eFfl (X{), g+i +oo 05'1 , qr{f,. Bandra (E)' Mumbai 400 051' lndia' Coroorate centre , C-20, G-Block, Bandra-Kurla complex, "rroo, dr< / pnone . 91 22 6698 5000 +ffi / Fax : 91 22 2652 3543 {-ta / f-mail : board@bankofbaroda'com t{ / Web :www bankofbaroda'com ' ' DJ tu $rn {irGI BankorBaroda DATED 27TH SEPTEMBER. 2014 Agenda ltem No. S-3 recommended by Shri U.C. Singhvi, General Manager (corporate Accounts, Taxation) and chief Financial officer, and sponsored by shri s. Kalyanaraman, chief General Manager (compliance & co-ordination and chief / Group Compliance Officer) & Transparency Officer, in respect of sub-division and it was: reducing the face value of equity shares of our Bank, was considered Bank to reduce RESOLVED that ln-principle approval be and is hereby given to the the face value / sub-division of oNE existing equity share of the Bank of Rs'10/paid-up, subject to the each fully paid-up into FlvE equity shares of Rs.2/- each fully prior approval of Reserve Bank of lndia, and other Statutory / Regulatory I Government of lndia approvals, as may be required' B GUPTA Place: Mumbai Dated: 22nd December, 2A14 M"r*"*st, S-zo, fr-e.f:d, eTET-s-di sr<I ($), wp+oo 051' qrn. garoa" Corporate Gentre, C-26, G-Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex] Bandra (E), Mumbai 400 051, lndia pnone :91 226698 5000 ' frd{ / Fax:91 2226523543 Wen :www.bankofbaroda.com d-t'A/ E-mait : [email protected] . dfc/ t{/ tril _ -,* -./\ :i sl vl ^l tt ,i, E ,IE tr l9 F *l Fd rai E,lg (s 'l^ Eln *l ffi El r J 14 cl6l.i '? c0 $ lz >lu} Fl.^ :4f ir 'lir I - Eir. FIF :li ctr1 { CS E Y-. (u-J m|s o; r-:- l(r* (s ffi* r=i3 A Z ,11 a E vho ,* .O .f f'Ll ' ,t3 : t'tl a] cf CI o ru { o (f 6lrO rlO -^to xlo H i.f tt I ,lx l+lJ to CI E to- eiE rsl(} a ,F.l* tr ru & €ld ,dl E d. tr E ft1 ?E B *i tl.l ul () 'o t3 &! l! {r. UI l" m tasr o .!: E lt!, v E k U ts fuiw s*6r Bankof Baroda BCC:lSD:106:16:63$ The Vice-President, B S E Ltd., Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Dalal Street Mumbai - 400 001 BSE CODE-532134 E-mail: "corp. [email protected]" Date: 22nd December 2014 The Vice-President, of lndia Ltd. National Stock E Exchange omplex, Bandra (E) Bandra Ku Mu : "[email protected]" Re: Bank of Baroda- Reduction in face value of equity shares / Sub-division of shares - Undertaking from the Bank The Board of Director of the Bank has fixed a Record Date of Friday, 23'd January 2015 for the purpose of Sub-Division/Stock Split of Rs.10/- per share of the Bank into the share of Rs.2l each. We hereby Undertake that the Bank will set up Auto Corporate Action with both the Depositaries - CDSL & NSDL for execution before beginning of the day (BOD) on the first date of book closure period (in case of book closure) or before BOD on the trading day succeeding the record date ( in case of record date) Further, the Bank undertakes to resolve any complaint on account of the failure on the part of the Bank to complete all formalities for execution of Auto Corporate Action. DGM- Company Secretary & Compliance (Authorized Signatory) Date : 22nd December 2014 Place: Mumbai qrrfr {st{r6rqfi-c+€-r, fr-26, S-Ff6,ql=rlS-dt6nqAirq, erqr (9.), ffi - +oo 051' ;Ya- (E), Mumbai - 400 051' lndia Baroda Corporate Centre, C-26, G-Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra qtt / pnone g1 22 6698 5812/5846 ' fim I Fax .91 22 2652 6660 com {-ta / E-mait : [email protected] ' tq / Web :www.bankofbardda
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