December 23, 2014 u vol. 111 u no. 51 u 18091–18400 Cover image: Pictured is a false-color scanning electron microscope image of framboidal pyrite crystals (red) embedded in an organic-rich Cretaceous shale. The image is part of a nearly 70 gigapixel image mosaic covering around 1 cm2 that was acquired at a resolution of 40 nm per pixel. Framboidal, or raspberry-like, pyrite is thought to reflect the activity of sulfate-reducing microbes. Boswell A. Wing and Itay Halevy modeled how respiration by sulfate-reducing bacteria and archaea discriminates, or fractionates, among sulfur isotopes. The results suggest that fractionation may be influenced by each step of the microbial respiration pathway and by the levels of intracellular respiratory metabolites, leading to strain-specific sulfur isotope phenotypes. See the Feature Article by Wing and Halevy on pages 18116–18125. Image courtesy of Fibics Incorporated. From the Cover 18116 Microbial sulfur isotope biosignatures 18126 Surface signals and stem cell differentiation 18189 Gregariousness of chimpanzee mothers 18201 Structure of cytoprotective short RNAs 18279 3D dinosaur track ontogeny Contents E5490 Multifunctionality does not imply that all functions are positively correlated Jarrett Byrnes, Jonathan S. Lefcheck, Lars Gamfeldt, John N. Griffin, Forest Isbell, and Andy Hector E5491 Reply to Byrnes et al.: Aggregation can obscure understanding of ecosystem multifunctionality Mark A. Bradford, Stephen A. Wood, Richard D. Bardgett, Helaina I. J. Black, Michael Bonkowski, Till Eggers, Susan J. Grayston, Ellen Kandeler, Peter Manning, Heikki Setälä, and T. Hefin Jones THIS WEEK IN PNAS 18091 In This Issue PNAS 100TH ANNIVERSARY ARTICLE COMMENTARY 18093 OPINION—Leading scientists discuss current issues 18095 The split-brain: Rooting consciousness in biology Michael S. Gazzaniga See companion article on page 1765 in issue 10 of volume 48 See Inner Workings on page 18097 LETTERS (ONLINE ONLY) E5488 E5489 The smarter, the cleaner? Collaborative footprint: A further look at taxi sharing Luis Antonio López, Tiago Domingos, María Ángeles Cadarso, and Jorge Enrique Zafrilla Reply to Lopez et al.: Sustainable implementation of taxi sharing requires understanding systemic effects Paolo Santi, Giovanni Resta, Michael Szell, Stanislav Sobolevsky, Steven H. Strogatz, and Carlo Ratti INNER WORKINGS—An over-the-shoulder look at scientists at work 18097 Inner Workings: Discovering the split mind Helen H. Shen See Commentary on page 18093 RETROSPECTIVE 18098 Free online through the PNAS open access option. Opinion: Mathematical models: A key tool for outbreak response Eric T. Lofgren, M. Elizabeth Halloran, Caitlin M. Rivers, John M. Drake, Travis C. Porco, Bryan Lewis, Wan Yang, Alessandro Vespignani, Jeffrey Shaman, Joseph N. S. Eisenberg, Marisa C. Eisenberg, Madhav Marathe, Samuel V. Scarpino, Kathleen A. Alexander, Rafael Meza, Matthew J. Ferrari, James M. Hyman, Lauren A. Meyers, and Stephen Eubank Robert Letsinger: The father of synthetic DNA chemistry Marvin H. Caruthers PNAS u December 23, 2014 u vol. 111 u no. 51 u iii–vii COMMENTARIES 18100 Targeting osteosarcoma Darien E. Reed and Kevan M. Shokat See companion article on page E5564 18102 Predictive isotope model connects microbes in culture and nature Shuhei Ono, Min Sub Sim, and Tanja Bosak See companion article on page 18116 18104 Simple insoluble cues specify stem cell differentiation P. C. Dave P. Dingal, Rebecca G. Wells, and Dennis E. Discher See companion article on page 18126 18106 Mothers know best Joan B. Silk See companion article on page 18189 18108 tRNA-derived G-quadruplex protects motor neurons Xiang-Lei Yang See companion article on page 18201 18132 Site-specific vibrational spectral signatures of water molecules in the magic H3O+(H2O)20 and Cs+(H2O)20 clusters Joseph A. Fournier, Conrad T. Wolke, Christopher J. Johnson, Mark A. Johnson, Nadja Heine, Sandy Gewinner, Wieland Schöllkopf, Tim K. Esser, Matias R. Fagiani, Harald Knorke, and Knut R. Asmis 18138 Pictet–Spengler reaction-based biosynthetic machinery in fungi Wei Yan, Hui Ming Ge, Gang Wang, Nan Jiang, Ya Ning Mei, Rong Jiang, Sui Jun Li, Chao Jun Chen, Rui Hua Jiao, Qiang Xu, Seik Weng Ng, and Ren Xiang Tan 18255 Real-time monitoring of quorum sensing in 3D-printed bacterial aggregates using scanning electrochemical microscopy Jodi L. Connell, Jiyeon Kim, Jason B. Shear, Allen J. Bard, and Marvin Whiteley COMPUTER SCIENCES 18144 PNAS PLUS 18110 Significance Statements Brief statements written by the authors about the significance of their papers. INAUGURAL ARTICLE 18112 Scalable detection of statistically significant communities and hierarchies, using message passing for modularity Pan Zhang and Cristopher Moore EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC, AND PLANETARY SCIENCES 18116 Intracellular metabolite levels shape sulfur isotope fractionation during microbial sulfate respiration Boswell A. Wing and Itay Halevy See Commentary on page 18102 18150 A complete Holocene record of trematode–bivalve infection and implications for the response of parasitism to climate change John Warren Huntley, Franz T. Fürsich, Matthias Alberti, Manja Hethke, and Chunlian Liu 18156 Impact of Antarctic mixed-phase clouds on climate R. Paul Lawson and Andrew Gettelman The second demographic transition: A concise overview of its development Ron Lesthaeghe FEATURE ARTICLE ENGINEERING 18116 Intracellular metabolite levels shape sulfur isotope fractionation during microbial sulfate respiration Boswell A. Wing and Itay Halevy See Commentary on page 18102 18162 Wireless gas detection with a smartphone via rf communication Joseph M. Azzarelli, Katherine A. Mirica, Jens B. Ravnsbæk, and Timothy M. Swager 18167 Robust scaling of strength and elastic constants and universal cooperativity in disordered colloidal micropillars Daniel J. Strickland, Yun-Ru Huang, Daeyeon Lee, and Daniel S. Gianola PHYSICAL SCIENCES CHEMISTRY E5492 18126 In vivo selective cancer-tracking gadolinium eradicator as new-generation photodynamic therapy agent Tao Zhang, Rongfeng Lan, Chi-Fai Chan, Ga-Lai Law, Wai-Kwok Wong, and Ka-Leung Wong Signals from the surface modulate differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells through glycosaminoglycans and integrins Paul J. Wrighton, Joseph R. Klim, Brandon A. Hernandez, Chad H. Koonce, Timothy J. Kamp, and Laura L. Kiessling See Commentary on page 18104 iv u ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 18173 Direct measurements of methane emissions from abandoned oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania Mary Kang, Cynthia M. Kanno, Matthew C. Reid, Xin Zhang, Denise L. Mauzerall, Michael A. Celia, Yuheng Chen, and Tullis C. Onstott PHYSICS 18178 Emergence of superconductivity in heavy-electron materials Yi-feng Yang (杨义峰) and David Pines BIOCHEMISTRY SOCIAL SCIENCES E5498 Structural basis and dynamics of multidrug recognition in a minimal bacterial multidrug resistance system Judith Habazettl, Martin Allan, Pernille Rose Jensen, Hans-Jürgen Sass, Charles J. Thompson, and Stephan Grzesiek E5508 Analogs of natural aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase inhibitors clear malaria in vivo Eva Maria Novoa, Noelia Camacho, Anna Tor, Barrie Wilkinson, Steven Moss, Patricia Marín-García, Isabel G. Azcárate, José M. Bautista, Adam C. Mirando, Christopher S. Francklyn, Sònia Varon, Miriam Royo, Alfred Cortés, and Lluís Ribas de Pouplana E5518 Structural and functional studies of Bud23–Trm112 reveal 18S rRNA N7-G1575 methylation occurs on late 40S precursor ribosomes Juliette Létoquart, Emmeline Huvelle, Ludivine Wacheul, Gabrielle Bourgeois, Christiane Zorbas, Marc Graille, Valérie Heurgué-Hamard, and Denis L. J. Lafontaine E5527 The N- and C-terminal autolytic fragments of CAPN3/p94/calpain-3 restore proteolytic activity by intermolecular complementation Yasuko Ono, Mayumi Shindo, Naoko Doi, Fujiko Kitamura, Carol C. Gregorio, and Hiroyuki Sorimachi 18213 Preassociated apocalmodulin mediates Ca2+-dependent sensitization of activation and inactivation of TMEM16A/16B Ca2+-gated Cl− channels Tingting Yang, Wayne A. Hendrickson, and Henry M. Colecraft 18219 Overexpression of Q-rich prion-like proteins suppresses polyQ cytotoxicity and alters the polyQ interactome Leslie Ripaud, Victoria Chumakova, Matthias Antonin, Alex R. Hastie, Stefan Pinkert, Roman Körner, Kiersten M. Ruff, Rohit V. Pappu, Daniel Hornburg, Matthias Mann, F. Ulrich Hartl, and Mark S. Hipp 18225 Toward resolving the catalytic mechanism of dihydrofolate reductase using neutron and ultrahigh-resolution X-ray crystallography Qun Wan, Brad C. Bennett, Mark A. Wilson, Andrey Kovalevsky, Paul Langan, Elizabeth E. Howell, and Chris Dealwis 18231 Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase catalyzed proton and hydride transfers: Temporal order and the roles of Asp27 and Tyr100 C. Tony Liu, Kevin Francis, Joshua P. Layfield, Xinyi Huang, Sharon Hammes-Schiffer, Amnon Kohen, and Stephen J. Benkovic 18237 Microbial biosynthesis of medium-chain 1-alkenes by a nonheme iron oxidase Zhe Rui, Xin Li, Xuejun Zhu, Joyce Liu, Bonnie Domigan, Ian Barr, Jamie H. D. Cate, and Wenjun Zhang PSYCHOLOGICAL AND COGNITIVE SCIENCES 18183 Cerebral coherence between communicators marks the emergence of meaning Arjen Stolk, Matthijs L. Noordzij, Lennart Verhagen, Inge Volman, Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen, Robert Oostenveld, Peter Hagoort, and Ivan Toni SOCIAL SCIENCES 18112 18144 The second demographic transition: A concise overview of its development Ron Lesthaeghe Scalable detection of statistically significant communities and hierarchies, using message passing for modularity Pan Zhang and Cristopher Moore SUSTAINABILITY SCIENCE E5545 Fire responses to postglacial climate change and human impact in northern Patagonia (41–43°S) Virginia Iglesias and Cathy Whitlock BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES ANTHROPOLOGY 18189 18195 Early social exposure in wild chimpanzees: Mothers with sons are more gregarious than mothers with daughters Carson M. Murray, Elizabeth V. Lonsdorf, Margaret A. Stanton, Kaitlin R. Wellens, Jordan A. Miller, Jane Goodall, and Anne E. Pusey See Commentary on page 18106 Responses to social and environmental stress are attenuated by strong male bonds in wild macaques Christopher Young, Bonaventura Majolo, Michael Heistermann, Oliver Schülke, and Julia Ostner APPLIED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 18126 18201 18207 Signals from the surface modulate differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells through glycosaminoglycans and integrins Paul J. Wrighton, Joseph R. Klim, Brandon A. Hernandez, Chad H. Koonce, Timothy J. Kamp, and Laura L. Kiessling See Commentary on page 18104 G-quadruplex structures contribute to the neuroprotective effects of angiogenin-induced tRNA fragments Pavel Ivanov, Elizabeth O’Day, Mohamed M. Emara, Gerhard Wagner, Judy Lieberman, and Paul Anderson See Commentary on page 18108 Single-chain protein mimetics of the N-terminal heptad-repeat region of gp41 with potential as anti–HIV-1 drugs Sara Crespillo, Ana Cámara-Artigas, Salvador Casares, Bertrand Morel, Eva S. Cobos, Pedro L. Mateo, Nicolas Mouz, Christophe E. Martin, Marie G. Roger, Raphaelle El Habib, Bin Su, Christiane Moog, and Francisco Conejero-Lara BIOPHYSICS AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY 18243 Folding kinetics of WW domains with the united residue force field for bridging microscopic motions and experimental measurements Rui Zhou, Gia G. Maisuradze, David Suñol, Toni Todorovski, Maria J. Macias, Yi Xiao, Harold A. Scheraga, Cezary Czaplewski, and Adam Liwo 18249 Automated analysis of immunohistochemistry images identifies candidate location biomarkers for cancers Aparna Kumar, Arvind Rao, Santosh Bhavani, Justin Y. Newberg, and Robert F. Murphy PNAS u December 23, 2014 u vol. 111 u no. 51 u v CELL BIOLOGY E5537 Bnip3 mediates doxorubicin-induced cardiac myocyte necrosis and mortality through changes in mitochondrial signaling Rimpy Dhingra, Victoria Margulets, Subir Roy Chowdhury, James Thliveris, Davinder Jassal, Paul Fernyhough, Gerald W. Dorn II, and Lorrie A. Kirshenbaum 18255 Real-time monitoring of quorum sensing in 3D-printed bacterial aggregates using scanning electrochemical microscopy Jodi L. Connell, Jiyeon Kim, Jason B. Shear, Allen J. Bard, and Marvin Whiteley 18261 18267 GATA2 facilitates steroid receptor coactivator recruitment to the androgen receptor complex Bin He, Rainer B. Lanz, Warren Fiskus, Chuandong Geng, Ping Yi, Sean M. Hartig, Kimal Rajapakshe, John Shou, Liping Wei, Shrijal S. Shah, Christopher Foley, Sue Anne Chew, Vijay K. Eedunuri, Diego J. Bedoya, Qin Feng, Takashi Minami, Constantine S. Mitsiades, Anna Frolov, Nancy L. Weigel, Susan G. Hilsenbeck, Daniel G. Rosen, Timothy Palzkill, Michael M. Ittmann, Yongcheng Song, Cristian Coarfa, Bert W. O’Malley, and Nicholas Mitsiades IMMUNOLOGY AND INFLAMMATION E5555 Mechanisms of NDV-3 vaccine efficacy in MRSA skin versus invasive infection Michael R. Yeaman, Scott G. Filler, Siyang Chaili, Kevin Barr, Huiyuan Wang, Deborah Kupferwasser, John P. Hennessey Jr., Yue Fu, Clint S. Schmidt, John E. Edwards Jr., Yan Q. Xiong, and Ashraf S. Ibrahim 18291 Fibroblasts secrete Slit2 to inhibit fibrocyte differentiation and fibrosis Darrell Pilling, Zhichao Zheng, Varsha Vakil, and Richard H. Gomer MEDICAL SCIENCES E5564 Complementary genomic approaches highlight the PI3K/mTOR pathway as a common vulnerability in osteosarcoma Jennifer A. Perry, Adam Kiezun, Peter Tonzi, Eliezer M. Van Allen, Scott L. Carter, Sylvan C. Baca, Glenn S. Cowley, Ami S. Bhatt, Esther Rheinbay, Chandra Sekhar Pedamallu, Elena Helman, Amaro Taylor-Weiner, Aaron McKenna, David S. DeLuca, Michael S. Lawrence, Lauren Ambrogio, Carrie Sougnez, Andrey Sivachenko, Loren D. Walensky, Nikhil Wagle, Jaume Mora, Carmen de Torres, Cinzia Lavarino, Simone Dos Santos Aguiar, Jose Andres Yunes, Silvia Regina Brandalise, Gabriela Elisa Mercado-Celis, Jorge Melendez-Zajgla, Rocío Cárdenas-Cardós, Liliana Velasco-Hidalgo, Charles W. M. Roberts, Levi A. Garraway, Carlos Rodriguez-Galindo, Stacey B. Gabriel, Eric S. Lander, Todd R. Golub, Stuart H. Orkin, Gad Getz, and Katherine A. Janeway See Commentary on page 18100 18297 HSP90 empowers evolution of resistance to hormonal therapy in human breast cancer models Luke Whitesell, Sandro Santagata, Marc L. Mendillo, Nancy U. Lin, David A. Proia, and Susan Lindquist 18303 Antagonist of GH-releasing hormone receptors alleviates experimental ocular inflammation Yong Jie Qin, Sun On Chan, Kelvin Kam Lung Chong, Benjamin Fuk Loi Li, Tsz Kin Ng, Yolanda Wong Ying Yip, Haoyu Chen, Mingzhi Zhang, Norman L. Block, Herman S. Cheung, Andrew V. Schally, and Chi Pui Pang 18309 ELAVL1 regulates alternative splicing of eIF4E transporter to promote postnatal angiogenesis Sung-Hee Chang, Olivier Elemento, Jiasheng Zhang, Zhen W. Zhuang, Michael Simons, and Timothy Hla 18315 Impact of an immune modulator fingolimod on acute ischemic stroke Ying Fu, Ningnannan Zhang, Li Ren, Yaping Yan, Na Sun, Yu-Jing Li, Wei Han, Rong Xue, Qiang Liu, Junwei Hao, Chunshui Yu, and Fu-Dong Shi Dual-specificity phosphatase 5 regulates nuclear ERK activity and suppresses skin cancer by inhibiting mutant Harvey-Ras (HRasQ61L)-driven SerpinB2 expression Linda K. Rushworth, Andrew M. Kidger, Laurent Delavaine, Graeme Stewart, Susanne van Schelven, Jane Davidson, Christopher J. Bryant, Edward Caddye, Philip East, Christopher J. Caunt, and Stephen M. Keyse ECOLOGY 18150 18273 A complete Holocene record of trematode–bivalve infection and implications for the response of parasitism to climate change John Warren Huntley, Franz T. Fürsich, Matthias Alberti, Manja Hethke, and Chunlian Liu Anaerobic methane oxidation coupled to denitrification is the dominant methane sink in a deep lake Joerg S. Deutzmann, Peter Stief, Josephin Brandes, and Bernhard Schink ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES E5545 Fire responses to postglacial climate change and human impact in northern Patagonia (41–43°S) Virginia Iglesias and Cathy Whitlock EVOLUTION 18279 The birth of a dinosaur footprint: Subsurface 3D motion reconstruction and discrete element simulation reveal track ontogeny Peter L. Falkingham and Stephen M. Gatesy GENETICS 18285 Mitochondrial serine protease HTRA2 p.G399S in a kindred with essential tremor and Parkinson disease Hilal Unal Gulsuner, Suleyman Gulsuner, Fatma Nazli Mercan, Onur Emre Onat, Tom Walsh, Hashem Shahin, Ming K. Lee, Okan Dogu, Tulay Kansu, Haluk Topaloglu, Bulent Elibol, Cenk Akbostanci, Mary-Claire King, Tayfun Ozcelik, and Ayse B. Tekinay vi u MICROBIOLOGY 18116 Intracellular metabolite levels shape sulfur isotope fractionation during microbial sulfate respiration Boswell A. Wing and Itay Halevy See Commentary on page 18102 18321 18327 Microbiota organization is a distinct feature of proximal colorectal cancers Christine M. Dejea, Elizabeth C. Wick, Elizabeth M. Hechenbleikner, James R. White, Jessica L. Mark Welch, Blair J. Rossetti, Scott N. Peterson, Erik C. Snesrud, Gary G. Borisy, Mark Lazarev, Ellen Stein, Jamuna Vadivelu, April C. Roslani, Ausuma A. Malik, Jane W. Wanyiri, Khean L. Goh, Iyadorai Thevambiga, Kai Fu, Fengyi Wan, Nicolas Llosa, Franck Housseau, Katharine Romans, XinQun Wu, Florencia M. McAllister, Shaoguang Wu, Bert Vogelstein, Kenneth W. Kinzler, Drew M. Pardoll, and Cynthia L. Sears Host-specific induction of Escherichia coli fitness genes during human urinary tract infection Sargurunathan Subashchandrabose, Tracy H. Hazen, Ariel R. Brumbaugh, Stephanie D. Himpsl, Sara N. Smith, Robert D. Ernst, David A. Rasko, and Harry L. T. Mobley PHARMACOLOGY 18363 Inflammatory sensitization of nociceptors depends on activation of NMDA receptors in DRG satellite cells Luiz Fernando Ferrari, Celina Monteiro Lotufo, Dionéia Araldi, Marcos A. Rodrigues, Larissa P. Macedo, Sérgio H. Ferreira, and Carlos Amilcar Parada 18369 Disruption of the Na+ ion binding site as a mechanism for positive allosteric modulation of the mu-opioid receptor Kathryn E. Livingston and John R. Traynor PHYSIOLOGY 18375 Hummingbirds control hovering flight by stabilizing visual motion Benjamin Goller and Douglas L. Altshuler 18381 Functional heterogeneity of the four voltage sensors of a human L-type calcium channel Antonios Pantazis, Nicoletta Savalli, Daniel Sigg, Alan Neely, and Riccardo Olcese 18387 Optogenetic activation of GnRH neurons reveals minimal requirements for pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion Pauline Campos and Allan E. Herbison NEUROSCIENCE E5574 E5584 Restoration of visual function by expression of a light-gated mammalian ion channel in retinal ganglion cells or ON-bipolar cells Benjamin M. Gaub, Michael H. Berry, Amy E. Holt, Andreas Reiner, Michael A. Kienzler, Natalia Dolgova, Sergei Nikonov, Gustavo D. Aguirre, William A. Beltran, John G. Flannery, and Ehud Y. Isacoff PLANT BIOLOGY 18393 Hebbian and neuromodulatory mechanisms interact to trigger associative memory formation Joshua P. Johansen, Lorenzo Diaz-Mataix, Hiroki Hamanaka, Takaaki Ozawa, Edgar Ycu, Jenny Koivumaa, Ashwani Kumar, Mian Hou, Karl Deisseroth, Edward S. Boyden, and Joseph E. LeDoux 18183 Cerebral coherence between communicators marks the emergence of meaning Arjen Stolk, Matthijs L. Noordzij, Lennart Verhagen, Inge Volman, Jan-Mathijs Schoffelen, Robert Oostenveld, Peter Hagoort, and Ivan Toni 18333 Endogenous cannabinoid release within prefrontal-limbic pathways affects memory consolidation of emotional training Maria Morena, Benno Roozendaal, Viviana Trezza, Patrizia Ratano, Andrea Peloso, Daniela Hauer, Piray Atsak, Luigia Trabace, Vincenzo Cuomo, James L. McGaugh, Gustav Schelling, and Patrizia Campolongo 18339 Cortical plasticity induced by transplantation of embryonic somatostatin or parvalbumin interneurons Yunshuo Tang, Michael P. Stryker, Arturo Alvarez-Buylla, and Juan Sebastian Espinosa 18345 αCGRP is essential for algesic exocytotic mobilization of TRPV1 channels in peptidergic nociceptors Isabel Devesa, Clotilde Ferrándiz-Huertas, Sakthikumar Mathivanan, Christoph Wolf, Rafael Luján, Jean-Pierre Changeux, and Antonio Ferrer-Montiel 18351 Context-dependent incremental timing cells in the primate hippocampus John J. Sakon, Yuji Naya, Sylvia Wirth, and Wendy A. Suzuki 18357 Dopamine-associated cached values are not sufficient as the basis for action selection Nick G. Hollon, Monica M. Arnold, Jerylin O. Gan, Mark E. Walton, and Paul E. M. Phillips Nucleoporin MOS7/Nup88 is required for mitosis in gametogenesis and seed development in Arabidopsis Guen Tae Park, Jennifer M. Frost, Jin-Sup Park, Tae Ho Kim, Jong Seob Lee, Sung Aeong Oh, David Twell, Janie Sue Brooks, Robert L. Fischer, and Yeonhee Choi SYSTEMS BIOLOGY E5593 rMATS: Robust and flexible detection of differential alternative splicing from replicate RNA-Seq data Shihao Shen, Juw Won Park, Zhi-xiang Lu, Lan Lin, Michael D. Henry, Ying Nian Wu, Qing Zhou, and Yi Xing CORRECTIONS AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES 18399 Days to heading 7, a major quantitative locus determining photoperiod sensitivity and regional adaptation in rice He Gao, Mingna Jin, Xiao-Ming Zheng, Jun Chen, Dingyang Yuan, Yeyun Xin, Maoqing Wang, Dongyi Huang, Zhe Zhang, Kunneng Zhou, Peike Sheng, Jin Ma, Weiwei Ma, Huafeng Deng, Ling Jiang, Shijia Liu, Haiyang Wang, Chuanyin Wu, Longping Yuan, and Jianmin Wan ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 18400 Bioclimatic and physical characterization of the world’s islands Patrick Weigelt, Walter Jetz, and Holger Kreft NEUROSCIENCE 18400 ix Uridine adenosine tetraphosphate is a novel neurogenic P2Y1 receptor activator in the gut Leonie Durnin, Sung Jin Hwang, Masaaki Kurahashi, Bernard T. Drumm, Sean M. Ward, Kent C. Sasse, Kenton M. Sanders, and Violeta N. Mutafova-Yambolieva Subscription Form PNAS u December 23, 2014 u vol. 111 u no. 51 u vii
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