TRIPURA. GARMIN BANK Head Office : Abhoynagar Agartala, West Tripura Pin-799005 Phone - 0381-2300323 n3l-6987 e-mail - [email protected] Website - (TRIPURA GARMIN BANK) invites applicatiotrs from Indian citizens, for the post Office Assistant (Mullipurpose) from Indian citizens lvho have been declar€d qualified at the Online CWE for RRBS condnct€d by IBPS during September/ October 2014. Beginning date o{ Paym€nt of Application 23.12.2014 to 07,01.2015 Ooenins date for Online Resistratiotr Last Date for Online R€eistration 23.12.2014 07.01.2015 A. DETAILS OI'VACANCIES: Sr. Out of Which No. sc ST OB Gener TOTA c al L PWD {Out of which) VI I Offi ce Assistant (Multipurpose) 28 5 49 16 HI I EXS OC 1 NOTE : The number oi vacancies as also the number ofreseNed vacancies are provisional and may vary according to the actual requirement of the Bnnk. Abbrevi sc Scheduled Caste GNN ST scheduled Tribe PWD oRc B. Other Backward llasses VI SCALD OF PAY Office Assistant: 7200 c. 9Uq!IA4!,NfE:Rs. 1 - 8400 - 9900 CeneralCategor! HI Hearing lmpaired Persons with Disabilitv oc Orthopedically Challenged Visually Impaired EXS Ex-Selvicel11an - 12300 - 8500.oo(approx) Selected candidates D. PROBATION PERIOD: 17200 will - 18500 - 19300 be on probation for I year in case of Office Assistants(Multipulpose). Note: It is clarified that Persons with Disabilities identified by the Bank as suitable for thern. will have to work in Branches/Offices which have posts Candidates belonging to Rese ed Category, including Persons with Disabilities, for wbich no rcsewation has been announced, ar€ fiiee to apply for vacancies announced for Unreserved category provided they fulfill the eligibiliry criteria laid down lor Unrcserved category. The number ofvacarcies in UR category and also the nurnber ofreserved vacancies are provisional and may vary according to actual requirements ofthe Bank. E. ELIG.ISIUIY_IBIMIA: Eligibiliry Criteria is to be considered as per RRBS CWE-III Advertisementpublished in Emplotment Ne\rs/Rozgar Sanachar Issue Datel 28'r' Jun€-4'r' July, 2014released by IBPS and posted on the IBPS's website \\,w\i, 1 * Languase Proficiencv - The candidates applyjng for the posts ofOfficer ScaleT and Office AssisAnb -{Multipurpose) are requil€d to possess proficiency in the local language of the State / UT as Bengali or Kok Borok. For ensuring proficiency in local Janguage, the c^ndidate should have Local language as B€ngali or Kok Borok at lothStd level b. Native language at l0thstd level OR Local language as Bengali or Kok Borok at any level upto graduation level c. F. - a. OR PRN- REOUISITE OUAI,IFICATIONS dectared qualified in the RRBs-Online CWE conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2014 should have obtained the following scores as given below. C".did"tes *h" h"t" b*n Oualifri ns Score SC/ST/ SC-PWD/ STPWD/SC.EXS/ STEXS 13& above Reasoning Nrnnerical l8& above 22& above Abilit 10& above ll& above 17& abov€ Enslish Lansuaee Hindi Lanquaqe ComDuter Knowledee Cutoffs on Totsl Weighted Score C. OBC/ GEN/ OBC-PWD/ GEN-PWD/ OBC-EXS/ GEN-trXS 16& above 23 & above 20& above 80& above APPLICATION FED (INCLUDING POSTAGE/ INTIMATION CHARCES) (NON'REFUNDABLE) O{frcers Rs. 20/- for SC/ST/PrM) candidales. Rs.100/- for all others Offi ce Assistant (Multipurpose) - Rs. 20l- for SC/ST/PWD/EXSM candidales. - Rs.100/- for all olh€rs Requisite Application Fee may be paid through CBS at any of the Brarches of -Tripura Gramir nantly means of a Payment challan (as applicable to them for the post applied for) available in the Bankts website w*'w.triDuragraminbank.ore NOTE: (i) (iD (iit (iv) The payment towards application fee can be made through CBS from any of the Branches of ,Tripura Gramin Bank. The payment towards application fe€ through CBS can be made between 23,12,2014 and 07.01.2015. The CBS f€e payment challan contaiN two parts. The first part will be relained by the Branch The candidate's copy ofthe fee payment challan musi be rctained with the candidate after the necessary details such as Transaction ID, Bmnch Code etc are filled in by the bank official' Application once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and fee once paid will NOT be refunded under alry circumstances nor can it be held in reserve for any other future selection process. TENT AI]TIIORITY OF CERTIF'I sc/sT/oBC/PWD CANDIDATES IS AS UNDER: For SC/ST/OBC: District Magistrate/Additional Dist Magisbate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/ Addilional Dy. Commissioner/Dy.Collector/Firs1 Class Stipendary Magistrate/Sub-Division Magistrate/ Ta'uka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate,{Extra Assistant Commissioner/ Chjef presjdency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate/ Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahsildar/Sub-Divisional Officer ofthe area where the candidate and/or his,lher family normdly resides. b. For Persons with Disabilities: will be Medical Board at the District level. The Medical Board of Chief Medical Offic€r, Sub-Divisional Medical Officer in the District and a member Authorised Ceftifl,ing Authority consists who is a specialist ii Ofhopaedics, ENT or Ophihalmology, as the case may be, I. SELECTIONPROCEDURI: For Office Assistant (Multipurpose)t-Selection wili be made on the basis ofperformance in RRBS- CWE-III conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2014 and personal lnteNiew. Merit list of the candidates lor final selection based on Toral Weighted Scores (TWS) obrained by them in CWE ofIBPS and Personal tlterview u ill be prepared in descendinA order under each SC/ST/OBC/UR category. For Officer Scal€-I:-Selection will be made on the basis ofperformance in RRBS- CWI-lIl conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2014 and Personal Interview. Merit list of tho candidates for ol fi al selection based on Total Weighred Scores (TWS) obtained by them in CWE IBPS and Personal lnterview will be prepal€d in descending older under each SC/ST/OBC/UR category. . For Officer Scale-II (ceneral Bankins Officer)rselecrion will be nrade on the basis olperformance in RRBs- CWE-Ill conducted by IBPS in September/ Ocrober 2014 and Penonal Interview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighted Scores (TWS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and personal Inrervj€w will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/OBCruR category. . For Officer Scale-II (Specialist Officer *):-Seiection will be made on the basis ofp€rfomlance in RRBS- CWE-lll conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2014 and personal Interview. Merit list ofthe candidares for final selection based on Total Weighted Scores (TWS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/OBCruR category. * lT, C 1, Iih,, Tft,asurv, Mortutirc . ant 4ericuhurat Otlicet For O{ficer Scale-Ilhselection will be made on the basis ofperformance in RRBS- CWE_II conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2014 and personal Inrerview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighred Scores (TWS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Int€rview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/OBC/UR category. J. PERSONALINTER!'IEW: Depending on the number of vacancies, Bank will call from among who have applied to bank, the number, equivalent to three times the number ofvacancies shoftlisted based on their Total Weighted Scores (TWS). Remaining applicants, callfrom the Bank. The total narks for Interview will be 30 if any will not receive an interview I! INTERVIEW CENTRE: and the cornplete address of the venue will be The lnt€rview \tilL be held a1 lhe -Agal1ala-cerrhe advised in the call letters. Theadd;ess;fthe;enueswillalsobedispla)edi.theBank'swebsiteone week before the dates for commencemgnt oflnterviews depending upon Bank reserves the right fo caicel the centre and/or add some othel centres' itr" .".oonr". admi;isfnti\e ieasibiliry, etc Bank also reserves ihe righl to allot the crndidale lo arry olr he ce"llrec olher lhan lhe one he -\e has opled for' Notel L. GENERALINSTRUCTIONS lal "' tbat he/she fulfils the Before aDDlving for arl'v of the mentioned post, the candidate should ensure Ji"it,ili,i'"ia ith". o*m, menrioned in this adverlisomenr. Decision of rhe Bank in allismatters to be such eligibility tie""tiil "liglUilty of lhe canilidate, the stages at which scrutiny ofofint€rview' and selection conduct purpose ofthe ,r'i",tat<"en. tie aocuments to be Fodu;ed for the .nv orher matter relalms to recruitment .o'rr"rpona"n.. o, p.'.onai enquiries shall will be final and binding on the candidate No be entefained by the bank on this beh'lt MereadmissiontotheonlineRRBCwEllland/orpassingihetestandbeinginvitedbytheBarrk about the ior if," i.,"*i"rv shall not imply thal the Bank has been satisfied beyond doubt do not produce eligibility Candidates who do not satisry the eligibiliry criteria and wbo as advised if* pft"a""p;"i * *"fl as the originals ofall the doiuments requirecl to be submifted andshall not be whatsoever, reason, i. tiris notification as well as in the lnterview call letter, for any ol lovel the desired ,ernirted to parlicipate in the lntervie*', even though they may have obtained score irr rne O l line CU f a'J har e been called lor inlen ie\\ ' candidate's fulfill the eligibiliry nolms ln case it is detected at any stage ofrecruilment that a candidate does not or has infonnation/cedificate/documents tlt"t he/she has furnished any incorrecVfalse of these anv cancelled sland material fact(s), his/her candidature ;"pp.;r;;; to be terninated iil"* a"aected even after appointment, his'41er ser"ices are liable *iA. uill .fril"".-g.".y lf not enlitled to the rh) Candidates belonqins to OBCS but coming in the "CREAMY LAYER" are '" ;;;"il ;i ai;- ;;Jrvation Thev shoultindicate their catesory as "UR" or "lJR Persons with lndia and oi.uUt,i"y as applicable OBC Certificates in the lormat as prescribed by the Govt ofnot belong does candidate the [ruJ ty ,ft" C"itjp"*t Autbority inter alia, specifically stating thatresen'ations for OBCS in Civil of benefits the irom excluded i" ,f," S'""i"ffy Aivanced Sections po.i. o"a Soii""t unaer Govt. oflndia ie carrying'CREAMY LAY€R'.clause based on income i..u.d.""*fy 1i."., i..ued on or after 01'04 2014 should be submitted at the time oflnterview lcl '- relaxation should possess Medical Persons with Disabilities claiming the benefit ofreservations/age oftheir disability c"'iiit."," ut "p""ined in the Dis;bilities Act of 1995 in suppoft (including banks) should produce a jn sector undertakings GovernmentlPublic C.;,;n.u*" r.ot their employer at the time of Intefliew' in the absence of which 1d) cAn.lidares servins '" ;^;o;;;; their candidature may not be considered have to appear lor interview at thoir own expense However, unerrployed pu otri'rorion'Janaidares anending rhe |.nrenie\ will oe reimbur'ed to and fro The "i;;tb; r"t. by the 'honesr-rorte on produclion of e\ idFn'e tr"i" i.."""4 during their travel time be responsible for any injuryi losses' etc of any nature Bankwiil not"ral""o (e) The candidates will ''' ;+ i".i i,t or'r'r'l {flonlvcandidatewil]xrgtoseflean}nvhereintlreoperationalareaofthebankshouldapply' noL be enrena ned 1g1 Anir.querr lorchangi oladdre-wil advertisement shall be subioct to the sole iurisdjction ofthe ou! ofthis arising tif e"v ,"t'rfl*, a"p"te Coufts situated (i) at Agaftala. other than English' English version ln case any dispute aris.3s on account ofinterprctation ofveNion will prevail. The Bank may at its discretion hold a second stage/ conduct Supplementary process wherever necessary in respect ofa centre/venue/specific post ofa ca didate(s). 0) Appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/her being declared medic4lly fit as per the requirement ofthe Bank. Such appointment will also be subject to the Service & Conduct Rules of (k.) (m) All Candidates must submit the photo copies of the prescdbed cefificates in support of their educational qualification, experience, date of birth, caste, €tc. Tbe candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Persons with Disabitities Category are required to submit an attested copy of thejr caste cefificate/certificate of handicap issued by the competent authority, jn addition to other certificates as specified above. Candidates will also have to produce original caste certjficate/relevant certificates at th€ tjme of Interview, failing which his/her candidature wjll be cancelled (n) A recent, recognizable passpolt size photograph should be finnly pasted on the computer generated application fonn and should be signed across by the candidate. Thr€e copies oflbe same photograph should be retained for use at the time ofinterview. Candidates are advised not to change their appearance till the recrlritment process is complete. Failure to produce the same photograplr at the time ofthe inten,i€w may lead to disqualification. Action against candidates found guilty ofmiscopduct : Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any particula$ that false, tampered, fabricated or should not suppress any material information while filling up the application form. At the time of interview, ifa candidate is (or has been) found guilty of using unfair means during the selection processor impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or misbehaving in the interview venue or taking away any documents from the venue or resorting to any irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature by selection v. obtaining support for his/her candidature by any means. Such a candidate, in addition to rendering h imseltTlenelf liab le to crimi''al prosecution, shall be liable to be aly recnritment conducted by Bank. debaned, either pennanently or for a specified period, (h) (i) How To APPLY Candidates are requir€d lo anply online throuSh BanL's wrvrv.triDurasramitrbankors. No other mesns/ mode ac€ept€d. (ii) (iiD (iv) . . r . (v) of application website will be Candidates should e$ure tbat their personal enail ID (as specified in the online application form while applying for RRBs- CWE III conducted in September/October 2014) is kept active dudng the curency of a recruitment proj€ct. Bank may send call letters for Interview etc. to the registercd e-mail ID. Applicants are first required to go to the Bank,s website w.n.ry.tripuraEraminbank.orsand click on the link "Recruitment". Thereafler, open the Recruitment Notification. the candidate should take a printout ofthe fee payment phallan Fill in the Fee Payment Challan in a clear and legible haDdwritin8 in BLOCK LETTERS. Candidates can pay application fees including postal charges in any of the branches of Tripura GarminBank in the accouni number specified and printed on the payment Challan onl1. Go to ihe nearest Tripura Gramin Bank Brnrlch with the Fee payment Challan and pay, in Cash, the appropriaie Application Fee in gES Account Nos. 8004050900133. Obtain the Applicant's Cou tefoil Copy of the Application Fee payment Challan duly alrthenticated by the Bank with (a) Brnnch Name & code No, (b) Transaction Id/Scroll number (c) Dat€ ofDeposit & amount filled by the Bmich Official. ("D ' (viD (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) Candidates are now ready to Apply Online by re-visiting the Recruihnent Link on the Bank's website qr& j1ipg14g141q!4!g!qgg, All the fields iD the online Application format should be lilled up carefully, Carefully fiIl in the details such as fee payment det4ils from the CBS Challan in the Online Applicar ion Form. Candidates cannol editlheir application aller submission. Original fee payment receipt i.e CBS challan will have to be submitted with th€ Call Lett€r atthetime oflnterview. @ allowed to aDp€ar in the Interaiew.Candidates are also advised to keep a photocopy ofthe tee payment challad wjth them. CANDIDATES SIIOULD NOT SUBMIT A PRINTOUT OF THE APPLICATION / FEE PA\MENT RECEIPT (CBS challan) TO TIIE BANK AT THIS STAGE. Piease note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. No other mode ofapplication oI incomplete steps would be accepted and such applications would be rejected. The Aoolication orintou documents should be kept readv for submission ifshoftlisted for Llterview. The applicant shoLlld sig1r and affix his/her photograph on such printout ofapplication and keep the same ready for submission if selected lor Interview along with copies of r€quired documents mentioned belowl L Printout ofthe online appligation submitted. 2. 10th standard / 12'1' standard / Graduation exarninatiorl Mar-k sheet in suppot of local languagefor posts of Officer Scale I and Office Assistants (Multipurpose). 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Aftested copy of SchooJ leaving cefiificate or any other documeni as proof of age acceptable to the Bank. Attested copies of Mark sheets / cerlificates in suppoft of Educational Qualification; Atfested copy ofcertificate olComputer Course, as applicable; Caste / PWD any other related cetificate as applicable. Photo identity prool Any other relevant document If solected for interview, candidates serving in Covernment / Public Sector Undertakings (including Banks &Financial lnstitutions) will be required to submit their applicatiors accompanied by a "No Objection Cedificate" fiom their employer, in the absence of which their candidature will not be considered. It is for the candidate to ensure that he / she has met with the eligibility criteria and complied with the requirernents and adhered to the inshuctions contained in this adverlisement as well as in the application form. Candidates are, therefore, urged to carefully read the adveftisement and complete the application form and submit the same as per instructions given in this regard. (i) CALL LETTERS FOR TIIE INTERVIEW All eligible candidates will be issued call letters at the codespondence address given by the candidates in their application form, which will be sent by post/ courier. Candidate has to affix hisArer photograph on the call lelter. Candidate has to bring this cali letter, Odginal Fee Payment Challan and requisite enclosures while attending the Interview without which they will not be allowed to tlke up the Intervi€w. n D^te. 11,12.2014 Place : Agartala ,l /'' \,hx chaitrIi"an (Tripura Gannin Bank) \^
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